..... .._., UNCLASSIFIED Fm~t:'.l!!f~t~:f.Jh.r.... BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION l?receden.c e .~ From: Date: :L.ou .i-~:v 09/09/200B U.J ,,: S>:1i,t.:d ::; b6 -1 b7C -1 C'.)f!l:;'i.c :': : L.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,tr•l I bl J L...-_ _ _ _ _ _..... Case ID #: 'tit1€~; CYGBP. "/IC.F'.I\ING GROUP; LQU::SVTtLE DIVISION Synopi:ds: (': 9 / (')..c,-"'i/ ')••. f){' -~· , .. .J .<.J .• W".' )f1d.'\- L3 -C71675-u'"!>{Pt::mcling) ./: 0 <' <::~' .·- .:'·~ -· ~~ ~.' ,,;::. ..... ·:... (_.. r ~'716~7r~ . ·. ·. : ..:> ·:~... LI""" . ' .t·'t." l <:'ON ~.) ' . ,,,,.. 6 - ~·q Ju :wm.mt Cyber Worki.n9 Group meeting held on 0 ' 1:.;:; / ;-:9 /2008, the ljcitdsville Di.visir.>n 1 s Cybe1~ WQrking Group h~ 1.d -'i tin9 at the Ge€:k Squad's repair facility, 345 Intet"naU.on,Li. ':'d . .- S uite 300, brook!3, Ker1tuc?ky '10109. Cyb'"fr Wd:cking G2·--:Ytp '-W·'"·11b~~rB we-re provided a tour of the f:'ac:l.l i ly by Geek ;:;qu.~d ,,·cp1:-e i::ontati.ves, The facility is the princip,:>.l repair loC<-1t :ion fq:: <'d l Best Buy computers east of the Roc~ky Mont1t.ains . Comp\;ters t-',< kn:-( ;:::> Jocal Best Huy ret ail outJet::s .West o f the Details! Rocky Mcur ~ L.,i.Lr: ::; < ..ce sent t.o a repair facility in Chino , Cali forn:i. ,:2 . T::~rk t h.''n the Chino facility. 'L·t ~~ ::'::;·::>nk ~; :EaciJ.ity t'epairs and c::ori.clucts data recovery en thous.:nda of cqrnputers every day. 'l'he Louisvi1Je Division h a s ma:-i.nt.<).inE~ct clr.•:c:e '.liaison wi.t h the Geek Squad •.1: 1 management in <:n1 r:.ith::rrt~ t.o sr:L ~" ''' , :.: ar:;c iu it:i.ati..ons and to support: the d:l.v.i.s j.onj s Ccm1p;.:ter Jr~ · .: i:-:._ ;.:·.:i. :.•f• . and Cyhi:.~r Crime prog:t·arrts. UNCLASSIFIED EFF-2.7 Page 1 of l -~· Cyber Crime$ \Mtirhilng Group Meeting Sept. 9, 2008 b6 1 f 5, 6 f 7 b7C 1, 5, 6, 7 I SE!nt: Tuesday, Sqitun:i,;r.o;~ 2!: JS J:J1 PM lo: ====;------.----- ' r = = I ,,.: I..._______. Good afternoon, Yo~i.are invited lo a Cvber c: rnes \Marking Group meeting to be held on Sept 9, 2008, at the Best Buy'sGeek Squad facility in Bmof;s, The meeting wll! beg.in at 9