Tock, Jennifer From: Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 6:43 AM To: Took, Jennifer Subject: Fwd: Re: PJM Letter using Mnitinorward aerome ?stensionm From: Frank LaRose Date: Tue Jun 13 2017 02:43:03 (AEST) Subject: Re: PJM Letter To: "Pine,Ty" Cc: ?Seitz, William? "John Eklund - Calfee, Halter Griswold LLP Anthony DeVitis "Zucal, Ethan? Chris Oliveti I?m ok with this version of it. Let's get it out. Thanks. Frank LaRose 330.461.0HIO (6446) grank??irankta?osecem On Jun 12, 2017, at 11:30, Pine, Ty wrote: Good morning, gentlemen. The attached letter to PJM incorporates the suggestions I received last week. With your permission, I want to work with your staff to get your signature on the letter today. Please confirm that your support sending the letter and that I may work with your staff to get signatures. Thanks. Ty Pine 614-257?8926 The information contained in this message is intended only for the personal and con?dential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately, and delete the original message. Took, Jennifer From: adevitisi@gmail.oom Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 6:44 AM To: Took, Jennifer Subject: Fwd: ZEN and PJM Attachments: 5-31?2017 PJM Letterpdf using Mt?itimiiorwatci {Streams Extension-n From: "Pine, Ty" Date: Tue Jun 06 2017 00:41:07 (AEST) Subject: ZEN and PJM To: "John Eklund - Calfee, Halter 8; Griswold LLP "itsnk?frani?" Anthony DeVitis Gentlemen, I thought you should be familiar with the attached letterfrom PJM. Their comments recognize that PJM only considers reliability at the least cost without consideration of any other important factors such as resiliency, environmental, economic development, and fuel security. They also comment that they are at the "sta rting point? for considering ways to properly value other factors and invite state policy?makers to participate. We want to work with you as sponsors of the Zero Emitting Nuclear Resource Program to further understand what PJM is considering in terms of policy objectives, timing and other procedural items. I will be in contact with your soon on this issue. As always, thanks for your consideration and please let me know if i can assist you in any way. Ty Pine The information contained in this message is intended only for the personal and con?dential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent reSponsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby noti?ed that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or c0pying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately, and delete the original message. fit?? idea's-toe titted; tits: '2 sees; titers}; hittooe httottesget? itegotetoee tooggisietieezeitoirs May 31, 2017 Hen. Bill Beagle The Ohio Senate Public Committee Senate Building 1 Capitol square, 2nd Fioor Coldmhus 0H 4321.5- Hoo. William Seitz The Ohio House of Representatives Public Committee 77 8. High St 13th Floor Coiumbus, OH 43215- RE: H'armoo'izing State Public PolicytObjectiVes with Wholesale Eiecirioity Markets Dear' Chairmen Boogie and Seitz, Your Committees are engaged in discussion focusing on electric grid reliability and Ohio?s energy potioy. .PJM would like to offer a few thoughts relevant to the discussion for your consideration The attached comments focus on: the rote of the whoiesale electricity?market-Operated by PM in Ohio and neighboring states; and (2), opportunities for cooperation to achieve our respective objectives; to i999, the state adopted a policy embracing competitive electricity markets to bene?t Ohio consumers and businesses. As the administrator of the-wholeseiemerket's that support the retail market-to Ohio, PJM commits to working with Ohio policymakers on accommodating the state?s puhiio poiicy goats related to etectrio generation. The competitive whoiesale electricity markets provide. an effective platform to address such goats in the most ef?cient and least cost manner for consumers in addition, approach woold ensure-protection for Ohio from the impacts of public policy initiatives. undertaken by neighboring states that have not been endorsed and adopted by Ohio poticymekers. i thank the Committees. for their consideration of these. comments, welcome the-opportunity for continued engagement, and look toward to meeting with members whowishsto discuss the approaches outlined in our comments. Sincereiy. (at Kerry Shag 25? co: Ohio Senate PresideotLarry Obhof Ohio House of Representatives Speaker Cliff Rosenberger Ohio Senate and House Pubiio Committee members page intentionally left blank- Roi?e of the whoksaie market" operated by PJM As a regional power grid operator, PJM manages the reliability of the electric-transmission system for. 13 states, including all of Ohio, and the District ofColumbia. PJM ensures electric reliability across the region we serve through coordinated real-time operations, regional transmission planning, and competitive electricity markets The central operation of the electric grid and wholesale electricity market provides; significant value to Ohio and the region. services produce annual savings of $2.8 billion to $3.1 billion, largely realized through economies of scale and supply and demand diversity. ln restructuring Ohio's retail electricity market in 1999, state. policymakers em braced-a competitive market system that assures ef?cient decisionson entry and exit; at power supply resources. Doing so transferred from captive ratepayers to generation owners those risks associated with decisions to retain or invest in resources. Ohio directed the state?s investor-owned'eiectric utilities tojoin Regional Transmission Organizations-such which, among other things, facilitate entry and exit. PM is. responsible for-enacting in real time, the operational reliability of'the high voltage, interstate transmission system and the interconnected generation and load across-the region. Also, over a longer planninghorizon, PM is responsible for ensuring that infrastructure - both transmission and generation -- is suf?cient to meet, reliably and costreifectively, the needs of consumers in our region. The PM regional transmission planning process identi?es transmission infrastructure. given. ever-evolving system conditions, necessary-to ensure reliable delivery of generation today and'inito the future. Spanning state boundaries allows regional solutions to come together in: a single, cohesive} optimized plan- Since 1999, the PJM Board has approved transmission system enhancements totaling $29.3 billion to ensure compliance with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, regional or local transmission owner planning criteria, thereby maintaining PJM transmission system periorrnanCe' at or above established reliability standards. PJ M's markets work together to ensure real time operational reliability and long'term resource adequacy at the most ef?cient cost. A forward capacity auction, combined with energy and ancillary service markets? provide price signals generation owners and developers rely on to determine-entry and exit decisions necessary to ensure reliability. markets are agnostic on resource and fuel types, so do not discriminateor favor one technology. or one specific resource, over another. A recent PJM analysis has con?rmed that the markets are proyidi'ng resource entry and exit decisions and encouraging technology innovationi. To ensure enough power supply resources exist to meet future demand, each May PJM holds an auction to. procure resources for a one-year term. three years into the future. These forward auctions serve as one of several electric market signals generation owners useto determine entryand exit decisions. The forwardauction has procured-enough capacity to meet future demand, plus a reserve margin, through May 31,. .2021. And to address questions regarding fuel diversity given-the growing dependency on gas resources, evaluated the reliability of potential future resource mix portfolios? The analysis concluded signi?cantly more natural gas- rred generation could be added to the system before impacting reliability; however, the study also highlighted how risks (?resilience risks?) growing with the pole?htialindrda'sed dependency on natural gas delivery infrastructure. marketsproduoe high levels of reliability and investment. In Ohio alone: wholesale market-signals. have spurred the active development clover 111000 megawatts of new, highly efficient natural gas~?red generation. Powered by Utica 1 Resource investment in iCompetr'tltre' trainers; are interconnectiomlulay-S, acre; 2 Evolving Reso rce Mix and System Reliant-tn March 30; 291?; hi? diner og?mgodenodcestsgecial- deraillildfi?d sissy loin wresource our nd sternvreliaoriit .asirx ialil s?haie gas,-accordingto project developers; these plants represent over $9.5 billion of investment, in Butler. C-ajrroli! Colombians, Guernsey; Harrison, Lucas, Pickaway. and ?frontbuti counties. ii. Opportunities for cooperation to achieve respective objectives Wholesale electricity markets strive. to deliver ?reliability-at least cost?. The performance of the: market has met this objective. delivering. high levels of power supply resources at competitive prices Admittedly, however. the marketdoes not consider other'interests, such as-advancing zero emission generator characteristics. Establishing a zero emission policy for Ohio, HB lid and SB 128 would provide payments to certain emission free generation resources, enabling them toroifer bids into the wholesale market atjpn?ces that do. not re?ecttheir actual costs. mandate is not-to spine-on the merits of the State?s zero. emi's'siongoals-or other State goals that by supporting legacy generation PM is concerned, however. about how such policies - impiemented through payments to select generators will_ impact the wholesale electricity markets-and thelr'des'ign objectives. Generation resources that no: longer nee?d'to rely on the wholesale market to recover all of'their'cost'sare .ena?bled'and incented to submit lower than cost offers. Offering bids at lower than cost decreases. wholesale market prices for other competitive generation owners in Ohio, potentially crowding out merchant competition that relies on the market revenues alone-to support investment, and providing other incumbent generation lower than competitive returns. These consequences would oblige PM to take steps? to address this harm to market price 'signal'sirt order theft-he Wholesale. markets can continue tic-assure reliability in Ohio and the rector? the WM region, The most ef?cient. way to accomplish state policy objectives While retaining-the .reiiabllity and market bene?ts PJM provides to Ohio is to incorporate such policies directly'into the wholesale market. It is desire to ?nd pragmatic. workable solutions with policymakers-and market stakeholders. For this reason PJM has developed an approach to harmonize market rules with public policy objectives for Ohio. To begin a dialogue with PM states exploring public policy objectives that recognize the value of zero emission resources such as nuciear? generation, PJM a white paper for consideration? concept allows states within PJM to yoluntan?iy come together to implement their policy objectives through the wholesaleelectricity market. in doing so. states gain ef?ciencies by pooling together resources and demand to meet mutual objectives. Likewise. the wholesale market continues to incent aliiciententry and exit. of generation supply resources, and-sustains economic real time dispatch oithegeneration resources 'toprovlde reii'able system operations Such efforts would not necessarily require thirteen states oil to agree. PM is proposing soiotions. that do not force consumers to subsidize: resources that bene?t neighboring states or, in the converse, {bros Ohio consumers to bear the consequences of subsidiztng generating units in other states that negatively affect the need for. infrastructure inVestment in Ohio. White the white paper is a starting point to work toward a cooperative. approach, much work would be required to bring something of this nature to fruition. Ehgagementand:cthideraiion by the states within PM, or a subset of such states, would serve as the initial starting point. We invite Ohio policymakers, other interested partiesto-en'gage with us in. sucha discussion. With respect to policies supporting iegacy generation'which may not be economic injtbe wholesale markets, PM is Working with stakeholders to consideriohanges to its capacity market ruies that would accept state actions to promote individual generators, but limit the impact that-such actibns would have on'the competitiveness of wholesale markets and the integrity of the. investment signais thatissue from these markets. P-JM initiated discussion with 3 Advancing Zero Emissions appetites through Energy-Markets; 9.3M interconnection: May 2, 201?; y-raarkelsaahx. This document will be updated as PJM receives feedback on the prop'csal.. stakeholderslest Auguat on now to. harmonize the market rules with such policy objectives. We also invite discussion on this proposal} Additionally, while. notbeing- considered in response to state policy developments, PM is undertaking another initiative- ttnat-rney have bearing? on the resources in question under the proposed bills pending before the Hoose?emd Senate: committees, We are seeking to examinethe rules that-govern. how marginal prices are farmed in our wholesale energy market to con?rm whether this market is appropriately reflecting a resources-lull oontributioe to operational reliability in light oiitho dramatically changed resource'mix since 2010.. As stated _obove,_ the markets are providing appropriate resotirce entry and exit signals overall; this effort is fojcusled on ensuring that: all resource types are compensated fairly- for the services they provide for grid reliability. Finally, PJM is reviewing recently introduced bills HB 239 and SB 7155 addressing OVEC generation Our initial impression is that these bills raise similar wholesale. market impact cancems as HB 178 and SB 128? In' the neart?ermi ?we will seek to gain a more detailed understanding of them through engagement with the. bill sponsors", 4 Riki?s Capacity'Ma'rket Reprioing proposal may be. found at This document will. be updated as receives feedbaokon the proposal. Tock, Jennifer From: ANTHONY DEVITIS Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 6:56 AM To: Took, Jennifer Subject: Fw: Legislative response to PJM letter 06072017 v1 LaRose editspages Attachments: Legislative response to PJM letter 06072017 v1 LaRose editspagespdf On Thursday, June 8, 2017 5:31 PM, Anthony DeVitis 253? im- tigki?g amalgam-m ngsa?wg ?at: g'ta?asqa mmimg" in; haw: mmgtei?mm?p??mg Wlaa?i?m marm?y ma?a? in wag rkizsi?imd; cm? qws?iam: in Mimi?de twig: {Miami 313m: wart: ims-agg' ?mmi?m ymag?. ggm?g?a??w- i?3 1W: "E??giisr 33333:: 3i ?wt??h?y gawk/3:: ?13,1 ?amma?m?w?mt?: i?ix??im mm Li?i?i 'Wimima?? E'Emtyi?l??ty E??kr?m? Ham WM agrm am: gm 3m- g'm; agrw?mi ?rst a mg??m?i again-mm?? Ii?-mm FEM Izlmr?m ?awghg?e? nmn?mr ?533.? gg?izisma that :aiiazuzmls?i. ?gzm fins mg?mai .Wymma?zf? ?kf? 1L5. $13: right aaumi?wf? {2qu an: mam mgiezmat ma. ?w ?aw-m a rgzeg?mmi wgmamm?? 3% $in my gs: a; sm-gi?mzimag- mm:- mm .ggm?? 3:25 Wme: m1; wkgligrm? i WM ibis: wars-233$ g?i?i?g 2m a. ngmai haw 'Ezimi: glam 58m: ES: 19kg: me a mlmi?z?im} impl?mmt??f? 3.. ?lm; Ni? my mm: Eimzi. Emit wmll? insam??mmg?? mamw?m? a iraggmm? :33? if? m1: and ?ame 1,1133% ?33m: ?3a ?E?hwx 'Imng dint-?3- WM. ??fiil?i??l?t? 'E?km- '?szgs Watt: 13%" m?md ?mm- gm?g 1 ?rm: mum:- Emmi}de 13$. aza?timr g?am? Wm?? mgi?mil; Kim WM ijmy?m gu?wm?? mg: my '3?7?g?i?n?i mi??m. wm?? a 1m: {magi 13a- WM gift-{Mk gumalmm ?lm: a. Err-gamma? amwt?m wmg??i 2mm Emmi ?gy??awxw?? ?ame; WM {11ml gait: ?m?gg?g ?2 mg??mgg 33:; gq?ig??g? may? as? awn-gym wm?lj?j ?3:th with a 'gwgm ?fm?tmr mam @5595? 'Wu?ul? ?hi? 15m: :l'ti?iiamrz?? 1&3. :fm' mif?mr magi: ?3131. ?aw, Eras, 'ngl?i ??ww fag imam: a Fig-? mpilsai?. hm? gmr?g?f $114-$sz wate?k?? :Ei?wm an 133:5.3; ?33335. ibis: mm; EM 33%; 3mm my ?i?sm?im 2m ?gs. wm?? km?rkf?? ?ll-v. Eg- a pragiimi ?ii?E??mm ?ummww- Eg?ta??- 'u?knm??a mgtm? {if mama: El??mama ?wt? $131wa w. aw WE mm ma?a. that mama; WEE?mmgm- @353; ?lm mw?r ?mfl?gimm 3&3 tgmi Win?fkmi gilmui? WI: mpm? :mw g?m-my 3% ii?wigjw 535%.? :gm;tmtiiw ?131? mm: REE: iimgm?t?i m4? pitagzsii?sj gm??y magma-m. m?iggh?mg Em Mam-1am? .. i??lg?il ?i M?mi? 3733? {33.35% WM: wild? mwgw?; m2?? gamma; ?aw 'iih?iat: mm? gzmr?mim rivm. 321713;? 3311 :?iwat?m: am gm"; ma?a: by paar?iimgg gm ?lm? t?mm?: w?g? 1313:5311: a. 'agrirsim 5% E?wiih?z? WM smilugiim azimseg in REESE ping-Emth its; Ezmt??nmm? ix: ?air: rw?um: {3:3 za?mgf?? Km: with? :maikz? ?m?gn 1:13.353: Mi; limit: mmiiv-aitf? W??m mm i?azgmm Emit 'Wm'gg 12m- 23w. I?g?mg ggii?mg $323 the; wh?i?amig? Rang-<32: 5% {that fmm? may 11mg: am? 'mrgzimn gm?" imm haw gm}; ?aw: mag grim: mm?iggizf Tim-1m any $1?ng if} a maili?s?im $11 $32 mgyw?ty mm??g? ?aw LEWEQE h?i?f? any gjgam Ems ?ail} a-wm??gg in 'iih? mgwi?g mi?s?ki?t?? SEE-max I "Elma-:3 g??m I fmm?t?m 5&2 iEEhzz: ?mng?wfg?i?iy FEM haw-:2 may pfimm If} raisigp?mity- :mfim?mtgju?iaria-mania: :izrzz. mpmiigy- magma? 533%.. agapms?wi? mm? 353:: {3mm Wkafmmigg?mmi a?-E?gt?imm i312: ?t?k?h?k?mm quwmm WM. Emma :fe??ml 3. Eh]? agaym?m?. mqu?iwd? :th $23. 259% MW 21 gm?mm?. 31.32% ?gti?m?mi agaiza?w?i? a. I?imge 'li?m? Ex .mma?i?lsg E?tazj- 34 mgi?m? ggz-Qii?uizijgm?? {limaz?a WM ham ?13313;- im?gi?a mg 1.331%: 'mw ?izs?mk; amm a :mgjiizmai ?aw Ii?a?l 3mm: aplm 321a? wax-33m ?1 'mgi??mt wha?a?iszzm. i3; in. WM mm ?at mmaggs: ?m {mif??izliw- Mmm?ggam ?gg??x?m ?12? 31511 {if $3133.23- Isg? imi??i guz?'i?i?iu??i?m sigma; :rmt mm? Whig-2%? {ham 21m 5% a? .33 m? 93:33? a?h?r ?gm- ?aw E?gii?i??t? ?1,91ng 13452; z?m??mm? 231"?? mam. gm Ili?ighliig?xtw WW risiks: ?gm??s?ma {Im- 22m ??ttlg?g gm: {?it?v-Ezrrf In ii?saikg wtim?g?mg Elgaw mg what mas-villa gm?im-m mil-:55 Em Ms aging?mm: r?i?a?a?i?i?g 13:; magm?i ii?z'g mm; gem-?ay gamm?mg {3333513 Will ?mm?i ?aam {3f mlmw? m-g?m? a?lil?iw; tai?k'mwma. rm??m?y maxim? 3mm gm: mmumm ?ziigi: I-Q?gw mam?mi $33.35 WIN-maim- Emma. g-?i-?m?wr MI imamm? ti}: ii?w-?r 333m mtg-?; w?r?m g3. 35%" Ex 3.. WM mamm? ww?? mguiai?r?. gmfeti??tmmra??i? mnwm? magma?! wig-immasz maimim gm: gm?isi?? g?im?ar aii??l?f? ?iawwmw '?mt Iam?iw m?i??i?f ??imiim? ?a mm:an wwi?. gag g?ym? Emaibgr'i: pmpg?a??ty rim. mif -m?ti}m2* ?wailng?mmg: E'mwmt?img. mm mamgmi?? Zia-Em wraii?ii?m? Wf??az?. rum-g mamamm wail mm? gamma mgamw 3mm; E55. ?15? 51mm: mam ?am?ng ?ag: wwxr?i?g: $323 3.. W?lmm $132351: 333% 51:11}- ?mw: "Ii-hf: ?a??m?iw maggim? ga??m? n??jg??m?g am?. Kid-mgr: Shaw an. gram-raga ?js?r ?wt 'ilj?zizii?i:i?1?w? Em g?uk??bi?? yak: EEK: "$133 primi?g 'g?i?z?-art?wt Mill in?ng WEE. wi?? ?laig?a ahjmgiwg 3131253. 'm?m?t it?? m??wy?w .mgi?m? mm?m?? pail-m: ?31" "gm .m?l?igiim; Emma, my" men: gym: may mam staf-?imm? 3% gm? fawn"? ?t 2% gang? 3m}; mam-mg. gigm?kmt Wigwam with ?rst mm :13mgj?s? g??ng writ 'm-z?iigi. 3:1. LEM E??i??tz 15km;- amt: E3. Many lmgii $ng ?13131 ?mgiy?m?m?. 52m ?f?fmg?w fea- m?me maxi altimm 'W??'wiimmilg gwmi ?aws-1:. Engiimwr?mg garim?g?l?a ?gs-magi WM maxi-dim ?mwilmgxiimg mlugiim?? 33 mfg-mm; we mil, m?mrg?m?cu?mawm ?am?w?y awgmg?ia?t? mgr-mama?? Took, Jennifer From: Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 6:44 AM To: Took, Jennifer Subject: Fwd: Re: PJM Letter Attachments: Legislative response to PJM letter 06072017 V1 LaRose editspages using Multi-Forward Chrome From: Frank LaRose Date: Thu Jun 08 2017 23:54:42 (AEST) Subject: Re: PJM Letter To: Ty Pine Cc: "William J. Seitz" Anthony DeVitis John Eklund Chris Oliveti Attached is the document with a few minor edits which I am proposing to the letter and questions. Thanks, - Frank 312m FEM 15553;. Zl?fe?i?l?? ?ag? Mr, gm. Wm? mga?iug: Elim- Erg?m ?mimiim? Eig??euma F?mQt-?m. . 1:13;: GEE: Wt wigs: $13131? Enggui $.13 war: war}: in: magi. ?31m; ww? ?higg?5 am 33w:in 'Www 93mm. im? that xx??t? ?zm?m ?nwnmi mma?ngymi?. $139.3: 311$ g?r? mt}: afhm hmrz?ts. ?a?img" 12:} gm magi-?g: ?233?? cm? 3.253%? Wt? wark his mas ?-fi?hig mi-?ig mf?fizia?thm Hugz?i?m $3 an; maggy 335$ .?Ei?rrjg Emmi-?ai- m?mgiq ?w ma?a}? a? msig?m?? Md hmnd?d?: ?fmiligigtim Firs tax mvmw? mam manamie 3m: @3913 man??mm?. 331%? {$333 in?im?iag imw?s {if Maia-m gim? ?123 {111: mm- md: ig?a ma?a I 12mm a?am. an! if}? Emum?esg ?a?f?g Mii?ai?hi? maxi a??r?a?t ngmi??gz mfv??m and? ?T?m ?aiimgv: 33; a ??mg?m mm; sailing 1m: ?ag: 3mm ?ggm?m?gan imva?m? iaiyzm??gis??g mgm?img. ??ta't mag" R?g?un?g w?uai?? kw?g?m? W??a E'Egima haw-a: mam mu. g??m?g 1:33:23- Ii?gig?atim cm??a?ng; E5. tibia-s a? ?gs-1w mum-Eng, Aa Ema. 3m mar-ram? m1}: E?gfi?z?a?im garma?aa i3 u??imgagg 31% gaging 3mg is; imam: gm? Emma: Ea; mew?' xii-mm ?ack-3%? mam 321:1 swim ?1r?3 333w 'm?gi?i; emg?mwn? p?i??y whammy mm wm?gi?m?m in. ?wa? au?flia?mii saw qwg?i?mg in; ??a?h?ii ?msumami Wise 193.33% yams? magma 312m my: war mag?? 3mm? mea?gm WE: ?mtim?- 'E?xig- wm?- Sim:mez?l?g_ a- Siam- with 'W?aiiam?a E?Egzizt?ititg ?i?tkgaiig ?aw; ?g Maggi @131: Eng agrmm?t :?fgsr a rwg?igm?i awm?? a, ?aw; haw-a 221 garmhaigg nm?fmr ?ag-Ema ?lm giatzmki agm: a :mg?ggma?. .a?pgxma?g? ilk? ?st: ?th Jiffazml?i 'szgs 526E mares: making-sail; ?n??tim?r aim-mm? "$293333: mm {2333mm "Ear ga?l?iag a mg??ma?. 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I ?3ng W?mm?? gm 333* WEE 3% arim?mgi?gq EVQEE MW: may i?m?mtiw? mamg??g m. ?g?kis wm?? mmgf?? ?39: a, pma?mi T?haw nmamug ?atmila 'u?k?aww whi?: rag-magma: a. s?m? ?f umMaingr WE: mas-mm ?mt iih?i?; 5&1; 'v?ah?l? mi?tfim?? 'Wg WSW: $13543: '?lhai {faggm??fy Faxi??mimw Wm: ?at: WESWW yr?gg?y @3311: imma?i? wmkt??i 'W?gg aha-133$ wt: gag-{mi gm}: ?li? 1mm? wilg? ii, H?w WEEK. ?is-mm- ?gzrgarr ?hiizc ?at: imgagtg {kggufh?u gyg?u}? mam-m by migth 3mm mg: hm mtgm??i? 33;? {3333* pegl?mymakmf?? a, 33m: Wm aims-a:- gm?m??w: m?amwg 35$ mg." . ii pram-$323113; :5va mm this games: Ezmtim?m magg all. ?mz?t: {gee}? wii?. kWh: a??mpvmi s2. gins-3r: 31mg}, :wm ?n??m?mams. 3323' awx: makmay git} ?aai haw-'1': a vaiimf 3% gating m?w?wr-wy in f?i? i55- W?hm? 5:2; a?m 5:2? 33mg aggm? a?:th $.5ng ?aw; WMZ Eggs. H5313. watm ?mm i?wu? E?imft ?Ii-131%? 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