PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265 In re: Sunoco Pipeline L.P. a/k/a Energy Transfer Partners Petition of the Bureau of Investigation Docket No. P-2018-3000281 And Enforcement of the Public Utility Commission For the Issuance of an Ex Parte Emergency Order ENIERGENCY ORDER On March 7, 2018 the Bureau of Investigation and Enforcement of the Public Utility Commission (BIE) ?led the above captioned Petition for Issuance of an Ex Parte Emergency Order (BIE Petition) with the Public Utility Commission (Commission or PUC). BIE requests the Commission issue an emergency order against Sunoco Pipeline L.P. (Sunoco) pursuant to the Commission?s regulations at 52 Pa.Code Pursuant to the Commission?s regulations governing emergency relief, an ex parte Emergency Order will be issued only when there exists a clear and present danger to life or property or when the relief requested is uncontested and action is required prior to the next scheduled public meeting. 52 Pa. Code Additionally, Commission regulations at 52 Pa. Code ?3 .2 provide that in addition to the existence of an emergency, a petitioner must establish the following: (1) The petitioner?s right to relief is clear. (2) The need for relief is immediate. (3) The injury would be irreparable if relief is not granted. (4) The relief requested is not injurious to the public interest. Upon review of the BIE Petition, I ?nd that it meets these standards. In particular I agree with BIE that permitting the continued ?ow of hazardous liquids through the MEI pipeline without the proper steps to ensure the integrity of the pipeline could have catastr0phic results impacting the public. To the extent that the relief requested may be injurious to members of the public who are shippers on the Mariner East 1 Pipeline, the risks to the general public outweigh the risks to the shippers. The Law Bureau conducted two conference calls with counsel for BIE and counsel for Sunoco on March 8, 2018. The calls provided valuable technical information to the Commission to assist it in crafting the emergency relief being provided through this Emergency Order. The Commission appreciates the cooperation and professionalism of the parties. THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED: 1. The BIE Petition is granted as set forth in this Emergency Order with the following relief: a. Within 24 hours of the entry of this Order Sunoco shall run at least one in line inspection tool through the Mariner East 1 Pipeline, inspecting the pipeline from a point at least 1 mile upstream from the Lisa Drive location to a point at least 1 mile from Lisa Drive.1 b. Within 12 hours of completing the inspection tool run Sunoco will suspend hazardous liquids transportation service on its 1 Sunoco maintains, and BIB concurs, that a pipeline must be pressurized in order to run an in line inspection tool. Mariner East 1 pipeline for a period of time, presently estimated by BIE and Sunoco to be of 10-14 days duration (the ?Study Period?), in order for Sunoco to perform the following: i. ii. iv. Conduct geophysical testing and analyses (including at least the following: resistivityz, seismic and gravity) in the HDD area described in the BIE Petition; and Share all ?ndings of the inspection tool run and geophysical testing with BIB/Pipeline Safety staff; and Meet and discuss the ?ndings with BIB/Pipeline Safety staff, such discussions shall include, but not be limited to Sunoco?s addition of strain gauges to Mariner East 1 in the study area. During the Study Period, Sunoco shall maintain suf?cient minimum pressure in Mariner East 1 to avoid gasi?cation of NGLs. Such pressures are estimated to be in the range between 475 and 650 psig, however, the NGLs shall not be ?owing during such period . c. Sunoco will not reinstate hazardous liquids transportation service on Mariner East 1 until the earlier of the following: i. ii. Completion of and with any corrective actions taken, or planned to be taken, to the satisfaction of BIB/Pipeline Safety coupled with BIB/Pipeline Safety?s concurrence with reinstatement of transportation service on Mariner East 1, subject to Commission review and approval. If BIB/Pipeline Safety does not concur with Sunoco?s request to resume service on Sunoco may ?le an Answer to the BIE Petition within 3 business days following notice of nonconcurrence. 1. The Petition and Answer will be assigned for expedited hearing(s) before the Of?ce of Administrative Law Judge; 2. Sunoco may not resume hazardous liquids transportation service on Mariner East 1 without prior Commission approval. 2. As the party against whom an emergency order has been entered, Sunoco may petition for an expedited hearing pursuant to 52 Pa.Code 3. That this Emergency Order shall be placed on the Agenda of the March 15, 2018 Public Meeting. 4. That the Secretary shall serve a copy of this Emergency Order on BIE, Sunoco and the other persons and entities listed of the Certi?cate of Service attached to the BIE Petition. Dated: March 7, 2018 Entered: March 7, 2018 Gladys M. Brown, Chair 2 BIE and Sunoco shall meet and discuss whether resistivity testing is appropriate at the bore site. Following such discussions BIE, at its discretion, may waive this Order?s requirement for resistivity testing. If so, BIE shall provide written notice of the waiver to Sunoco and ?le same at this docket.