F~LED(Yl~~ ~ State of California Secretary of State In \:19 Ol'llca of \hG SecriMry of \he Stale of CaIi!orme GEe 02 20\1 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CERTIFICA TE OF CANCELLATION 3. A final franchise tax return, as described by Section 23332 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, or a Ilnal annual tax return, as described by Section 17947 01 the Revenue and Taxation Code, has been or will be filed with the Franchise Tax Board, as required under Part 10.2 (commencing with Section 18401) 01 Division 2 olthe Revenue and Taxation Code. DISSOLUTION (Domosllc Umlled liability companies ONLY: Check the "YES· or "NO· box, as applicable. Note: If the "NO· box Is checked, a Cert!flcate of DlssoluUon (Form lLC·3) pursuant to Corporations Code section 17356(a) must be filed prior to or together with this Certificate of Cancellallon.) 4. The dissolution was made by a vote of all of the members. OYES ONO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Enter any other Informatron the managers or members filing the Certificate of Cancellation determine 10 Include. Attach additional pages, If necessary. Additional information set forth on attached pages, If any, Is Incorporaled herein by this reference and made part of (his certificate. If no other Information Is 10 be Included, leave Item 5 blank and proceed 10 Item 6.) 5. 6. I eXElclted this instrument, which execution is my act and deed. Donald J. Trump, President Type or Print Name and Title of Authorized Person Date Signature of Authorized Person Type or Print Name and Tille of Authorized Person 7. NAME FIRM 806 Acquisition LLC ADDRESS 725 Fifth CITYlSTATElZIPlNew Avenue York, NY 10022 J