fi Mammals: mfim- erdfitflm 75mm teem first wee Last Wm EEONI SANDERS law enloreement officers vour athant' Joseph Llppert, has been a pdlloe emoer the Commonwealth dl slnoe August 2012 and a Pellee olhoer the Clty ol slnoe that tlme Vour amen: Is currently a Detectwe to the Mayor Cnmes Unltl speoltieally the Sex Assault! Famlly Untt uunng the course ol the lnvesllgailanl your lament located and eyewnnesees to the ulme, whose lrue has been ascanamefl by prod! and has been mempnallzed reports malntarnad by your altlants The true or these On January tel 2013. Pluaeurgh Polloe be an an lnyestlgauon Into the report olyerbal threata and at a vlc1lm roanuned as Eoonr Sanders DOB'uhdev 318-9217 Sanders reponsd that a known female, as Patrese Thompson was her vla phone sanders then hled separate threat reports under con 15--17984 and lemon: also lrsung Patrese Thompson as the actor As a result ol these repons Palrese Thompson was arrested under oTN's Greeosea on January 2o, zeta and 67955034 on January 29, am on several telony and mlsdemeanor charges Thompson has bean ln lell shoe ner January 29, zots arrest Due to the threats against Sanders one ol the undlsalosed Women's shelter at locaudns was toraed to enacl therr safety plan and subsequently caused a look down at the statt members vutnase 1t Vtritness 2 and thes 3, reported there Wltness 2 mported that at data hours on the moman or January 20' zota Thompson called the shelter and stated "Elton Ebonl better not come to court", Thompson then repeated the same threat at 0625 hours Thompson lhen called agatn al 0924 hours and stated "ll she (Sanders) don't drop charges is gonna happen to her and her lamlly" on January 20,2018 Thompson was by myselt and other SAFE deteotrves at her tesldenoe she was later released from the ACJ and the threats oenttnued on January 282018 at 1345 hours Detectlve Erust was contacted by Women's Center and shelter Advucake' lMlnesa 2 who reported that she oeserved Faeepook pests (whluh are regards to a ellent at the sheller, Eponl Sanders On January 27, 2015 at 1539 hours Palrese Thompson allegedly posted the on Faaeboek The Elton Eeonl Sanders ls out at the women's center and shelter in Pmsburgh I'm head that oltch she out me and my man Thomas aka Hunter in rail There a was on that oltches head 5000 dollars to any one that that Dutch and me her head you know where llve and work get rt done Another post on January 28' mm around two hours states the toltewrng, let her know that round out lrom that charges are helng riled egalnst tha shenar and shoot the man are down the pnoe has new warll tram 5000 to moon tor the or women and her lamlly ani Raymond Moms Page a o! . a - manner. mama: Mum: Wm mzem 139217 W3: Maia Lam mm"? SANDERS contacl l' lntereslsd The photo was at1aehed1o ooth posls Subsequently Thompson 1urned herselt rn on lhe warrant and was arrested a seeond me on January 29' 2018 Detective Brusl then requested Fauebook provlde the name' length at servlce' aedlt card lMormatIun' emall address, and reoenl logrn and log out Afler lhe rniorrnalron, I attempted to retrreve and locallon tnlormalron from the Mublle "2 addresses out was told oy T>>Mobl'la stew that the type of lP addresses used (not stallc) odes nol show suoacrlber or locallon lntormatlon even obtatned a court order or search warrant The Faoebook reoords mom that 1mm January 271 2015 between 1435 04 UTC and January 28' 2010 0239 57 UTC, username Patrese Thompson and ueername Eoonl Sanders were using the same 11: address 172 55.201 74 Al January 27' 2010 al 2232 34 UTC and January 27, 2018 a12259 20 UTC, usernama Raymond Moms was also using the same 1F address 172 as 201 74 The Faoebaak reoords also that from January 28' 2015 at 17 49 20 UTC and 1/25/15 a1 1304 41 on1y username Palrese Thompson usea lP address 172 so 200 230 The Facebook reoords1hen show 1ha1 lrom January 25. 2018 at 2302 54 UTC and January 29' 2018 at 1356 51 username Patrese Thompson and username Ebonl Sanders agaln use the same 1P address 178 58 201.123 The Facebook reoords a swap 01 IP addresses from January 251 2018 at 1504.41 me thru January 26' 2018 2112334 22 met would the time Detecllve ott and Detecllve Hoebel transported sanders to a secondary locauon Sanders was dropped on around 1700 EST Thompson 15 actwa Agiln' on January 27. 2015 at 1640 41 username Thompson was actlve and on January 27, 2010 at 1540 41 username Sanders was actrve occurs several ltmas horn 1/27/15 lnrough January 291 2015 On Januray 30. 2010 at 1345 hours Brual spoke to Hal Computer Scientls1, Paul who rev-awed the Facebuak records and prowded the lollowlng rnlormatron To use the same lP address the person(s) would have 11: been 111 such close to each o1her tha1 the Network Provlder the same IP address or one to the same person(s) was bo1h acouunl(s) 3002551119 lhelr own accounts On January 30, 2013' Detect ye Hawthorne and I spoke Sanders who eonsanted to a Ioranslc download or her phone ldenlified as an LG Smanphone The phone was then turned over to Dewdlve San/er trom the Computer cnmes Unll 1or Page 4 of 5 DooaMm-s mam mum. 799252.; 159217 Fe: woe Lee mm" SANDERS Oh February 2' 20l8 Derechve Server oonrecled me and rnlenned rne char Sanders phone was used lo aurhenlrcele lwo separare kl ulD 100009005562505 Full name Eoonr Sanders Emalls User prclure URL hhos llsconfeht--onz-I xx lbodn ner/vm lpg'r' Gender Female #12 um 100022497420327 Full name Thompson Emal's -- user prclure URL Uswnlent-oni4 xx moon new/(1 reg? _hcjd>> me,nc_a Gender Female Dereerwe Server also lound numerous deleled can log enures and '57 -- These deleled call log enlrres appear lo the lrmes and dares mad the lhrealenlhg phone calls were reoerved hy the wameh's sheller Al (hrs Deleclrve Hawrhorne end I broughl Sanders rnro rhe serc elhoe lor a lollow up Inlervlew lenrered lhe room and explalned to Sandals "la! (he was {79ng amino and vlsually recorded Sanders acknowledge the recordan 0' [he lnleNlew and rarsed ho oorecnerrs llnen exprarned Io Sanders rhal when we were searching her phone aner she gave us consenr lha| ecu deemrues round polenhal evrdenoe agernsr her rnerr read Sanders rhe PEP erahda lorm word for word whlle nereclrve Hawrhorne was presem Sanders answered "yes" or "yes slr' lo alr lour el rhe queslrons. each response, and rhen srgned rhe Mrranda lorrn Durth the course oi lhe rnlervrew Sanders cnhfessed placrng numerous phone calls lo lha women's sheller numbers from her phone and maklng rhreals toward her own solely lrom her personal phone as well as a phone provrded by lhe sheller Senders rold Deleclrve Hawthorne and that she lalsely Thompson and had her arresled because Thompson "pumped her' and mat she put hersell rnlo lhe srtueuon when she began seelng Maworay, Thompson's current panner Maworay is also charged for cnmes agalns1 Sanders rn two omer cases lor mreals' and an rndeoenr assaull Sanders also confessed lo crealmg lhe lake aocounl under Perresa Thompson's name and lhe or a murder lor hire on an open source soclel meora plarlorm lor lhe world to sees Thre wee posled numerous plclures olSarrders and her name Raymond Moms who rs also lrsued as a "larger or (he Also dunno me course or lhe lhlervlew Sanders lo usmg her fiance Raymond Moms Deon card lo lake our 3on from accounr on two separate accasrons wrrhour knowledge Moms eravrously rold Dereouve Hewrhorne mar he belleved lhal Thompson had "hacked his account" and slolen lhe money sandera reponed lhal lhese access devroe lreuds rook plaoe Vage 5 e1 5 mum--e Dar-men 0mm mam-a 159217 first Mtfle la Wm" EBONI SANDERS between November 1' 2017 and Dacemberlt 2017 At 2005 hours today at 2008 hours spake 1 who reported that on Monday January 29' acre she received a phone earl from a ternaie who rdentrhed hersert as \hntness 1 stated that thra temale asked to speak Sanders about the racetrack posts and went on to tark about the money that was altered up The remale then asked how she would gem aoaess to the shelter. \Mlness 1 stated that she had to be the want" at a crime The remale stated that she was being beaten by her boytnem-at the Wood Street Cnmmons and that she needed the money td leave \Mmess 1 then stated that they alsu recelved a second shoner call that referenced the fawbooh post and how (0 Into the shelter Based on the calls received by Vtmness 1' I heireve that at least two separate vrewed the lauetwok posts and tuck substantral steps In try to collect on the "bounty" uttered by Sanders under the take Patrese Thompson'accourtl Throughout the course lnvesltgaficn that last ever 20 days Sanders made at least 20 or more calls threats towards her own satety causing publrc alarm and the operational dwergenoe at the women's shelters darly This was an ongelng ceurse otoonduet directed twain the harassment readrng to the arrest at Patresa Thompsran twice on raise by Sanders Sanders admitted using her personal phene as well as WIFI and internet to make the calls and sacral medra threats thus use at a carnmunlcatran I, JOSEPH LIPPERT Immunoame OWL Jud? Date wmeemeors Page 5 or 6