SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT AND RELEASE ("Settlement Agreement 035) is made and entered into by and between MELVIN LOUIS ROBERTSON, formerly known as MELVIN LOUIS MCLANE ("Robertson") and THE CITY OF SEATTLE / BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION SEATTLE CITY EMPLOYEES 031 RETIREMENT SYSTEM ("City" or 034SCERS") (collectively "Parties"). 1 RECITALS 030 . A. Robertson was employed by the City from January 7, 1987 to February 3, 2009. From September 1992 onwards, he was employed by the Seattle City Emp1oyees Retirement 031 System as a manager. When his employment ended on February 3, 2009, he was in the title Manager 2, Budget, Finance and Accounting. B. Effective February 3, 2009, Mr. Robertson was separated from employment with the City. The separation was a layoff due to a reorganization that eliminated his position. However, the separation was not processed as a layoff and the City 031s records erroneously reflect that his employment was terminated for cause. C. Mr. Robertson has filed four appeals with the Civil Service Commission regarding his separation: (1) Case No. 09-04-008, filed July 13, 2009, (2) Case No. 09-07-014, filed October 27, 2009, (3) Case No. 09-01-016, filed December 8, 2009 and (4) Case No. 10-03-001, filed on January 29, 2010. Mr. Robertson 031s first two appeals were dismissed by the Civil Service Commission, but the second two appeals are currently pending. Hereafter, the term 034Appeal" shall refer to Robertson 031s two appeals to the Civil Service Commission that are still pending, case numbers 09-01-016 and 10-03-001. D. The Parties now desire to enter into this Settlement Agreement in order to bring peace to their relationship, and provide payment in full settlement and discharge of all claims which Robertson has, or might have, as a result of his employment by the City, upon the terms and conditions set forth below. E. As a consequence ofthis Settlement Agreement, Robertson agrees that he will request withdrawal ofhis Civil Service Commission Appeal, with prejudice. . A G RE E ME NT The Parties agree as follows: 1.0 Release and Discharge 1.1. In consideration of the payment and other terms set forth in Section 2, Robertson hereby completely releases and forever discharges the City and SCERS Hom any demands, Robertson & SCERS Settlement Agreement -Page 1 obligations, actions, causes of action, rights, damages, costs (including payment of att0mcy 031s fccs), losses of services, expenses and compensation of any nature whatsoever, whcthcr based on a tort, contract or statutory theory of recovery, which Robertson now has, and/or which are thc subject of thc Appeal, including, but not limited t0, rights pursuant to thc Seattle City Chaxtcr, thc City 031s civil service rules and regulations, express or implied contractual, statutory or tort claims; claims of wrongful and/or constructive discharge, and claims of discrimination, specifically including violations of thc Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), thc Older Workers Benefits Protection Act, thc Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, thc Washington Laws Against Discrimination, and any other federal, state or local civil or human rights law. 1.2 This rclcasc and discharge shall also apply to ROb 254l'tS01'1 past, 031S present and future officers, attomcys, agents, servants, employees and assigns. This release is binding upon R0bcrts0n 031s marital community. · 1.3 This rclcasc, on the part of Robertson, shall bc a fully binding and complete scttlcmcnt among Robertson and the City / SCERS. As a consequence of this Settlement Agreement, Robertson agrees to withdraw his Appeal, with prejudice. _ 3 ` . 1.4 With the exception of charges before thc U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Robertson expressly agrccs that hc will not institute, or cause to bc instituted, any action, lawsuit, or proceeding against the City of Seattle, SCERS and/or past, present and future officers, attorneys, agents, servants, cmployccs and assigns, which relates to, or arises out oi any claim, right, or cause of action of any kind, known 01* unknown, arising out of or rclatcd to his employment with and his February 3, 2009 separation from thc City of Seattle, SCERS, and will pay thc City 031s costs and attomcy 031s fccs in thc cvcnt that such an action is brought, with thc exception of any action brought under the ADEA. Nothing in this provision shall prohibit cithcr party fiom taking such steps as necessary to cuforcc the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement, including bringing a lawsuit in King County Superior Court. 1.4.1. Although Robertson may bring charges bcforc thc EEOC and/or cooperate with an EEOC investigation, he expressly waives thc right to rccovcr any monetary damages, costs 01* other rclicf personal to Robertson arising out of any EEOC charges. ` · 1.4.2. Although Robertson specifically releases the City from any claims, damages, costs or rclicf under thc ADEA, Robertson may bring an action to challenge whether this release and/or thc agreement not to suc is valid and enforceable under the ADEA. In the event Robertson brings such an action to challenge this rclcasc of any ADEA claim(s) and/or the agreement not to suc-: under the ADEA, Robertson will not be liable for the City 031s costs or att0mcy 031s fees in defending against any ADEA claim(s). 1.5 Robertson acknowledges and agrees that thc rclcasc and discharge sct forth above is a general rclcasc. Robertson expressly waives and assumes the risk of any and all claims for damages which exist as of this date, but of which Robertson does not know or suspect to exist, and which, if known, would matcdally affect R0bcrts0n 031s decision to cuter into this Settlement Robertson & SCERS Settlement Agreement Page 2 n Agreement. Robertson further agrees that Robertson has accepted payment of the sums spcciiicd herein as a complete compromise of matters involving disputed issues of law and fact. Robertson assumes the risk that thc facts or law may bc other than Robertson bclicvcs. It is understood and agreed to by thc Parties that this scttlcmcnt is a compromise of a doubtful and disputed claim, and the payments are not to bc construed as an admission of liability OI1 thc part ofthe City and/or SCERS, by whom liability is expressly denied. ` _ 1.6 Robertson agrees that as consideration for acceptance of the payment and other terms set forth in Section 2 below, Robertson will Hlc with thc Civil Service Commission a rcqucst to withdraw, with prejudice, his Appeal against SCERS, Case N0. 09-01-016 and Case N0. 10-03-001. Robertson will iilc the request to withdraw within ten (10) days of execution of this Agreement. 2.0 In consideration of thc release set forth above and other agreements by Robertson sct forth clscwhcrc in this Agreement, thc City of Scatt1c/ SCERS agrccs to thc following: 024 030 A N 030 · -. t Payments and Other Agreements by The City 0f Seattle / SCERS. 2.1 SCERS agrees to pay to Robertson the total sum of One-Hundred-a11d-Twclvc Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty-One dollars and Sixty cents ($112,821.60) for lost wages for the period Hom February 4, 2009, until March 16, 2010. This payment shall be reported to thc Internal Rcvcnuc Service using a W-2 tax form and shall be subject to thc following deductions: (1) all regular payroll withholding, (2) R0bcrts0n 031s retirement contributions for the period fiom February 4, 2009 to March 16, 2010, (3) an amount of Seven Thousand, Eight Hundred and Eleven dollars and Seventy-Five cents ($7,811.75), which is thc amount of ROb 2541TSOI1income 031S from other employment for thc period from February 4, 2009 to March 16, 2010, and (4) an amount of Twcnty 024Six Thousand, Eight Hundred and Seventy-Eight dollars and Zero cents ($26,878.00), which is the amonmt of unemployment bcnciits claimed by Robertson during thc period fiom February 4, 2009 to March 16, 2010. Robertson hereby agrees and represents that the above deductions for income fiom other employment and for unemployment bcnciits claimed arc accurate and represent thc full amount of income camcd and unemployment bcnciits claimed during thc period from February 4, 2009 through March 16, 2010. If thc actual income camcd or unemployment benefits claimed during that period is greater than the deductions sct forth above, then Robertson shall immediately notify the City and agrees to repay SCERS thc difference. 2.2 SCERS agrees to pay to Robertson a lump sum representing general damages in the following amount: If Robertson rcccivcs any offer of employment from the City within ten (10) wccks ofhis name being placed on the reinstatement list for thc Manager 2, Finance, Budget and Accounting title, as provided for in Section 2.6 below, than thc lump sum payment for general damages shall be Twenty Thousand dollars and Zero cents ($20,000.00). Otherwise, thc lump sum payment for general damages shall bc Fifty Thousand dollars and Zero cents ($50,000.00). In 110 event shall the payment to Mr. Robertson for general damages cxcccd Fifty Thousand dollars and Zero cents ($50,000.00). The lump sum payment representing general damages shall bc reported to thc Intcmal Rcvcnuc Service using a 1099 tax form. V· Robertson & SCERS Settlement Agreement . Page 3 s · -· _ i . 2.3 Separate checks will be issued for thc lost wage payment under Section 2.1 above, and general damages payment under Section 2.2 above. Thcsc checks will bc made payable to Robertson and will be delivered to R0bcrts0n 031s attorney, Andrew Kinstlcr, Hclscll Fcttcrman LLP, 1001 Fourth Avcnuc, Suite 4200, Seattle, WA 98154-1154. The check for lost wages, payable in accordance with Section 2.1 above, will be delivered within fourtccn (14) days of the execution of this Agreement PROVIDED THAT this Agreement has not been revoked, AND PROVIDED THAT thc chcck will not bc delivered until after thc Civil Service Commission has issued an order dismissing R0bc1·ts0n 031s Appeal (both Case N0. 09-01-016 and Case N0. 10-03001) with prejudice, AND PROVIDED THAT the check will not bc dclivcrcd until after Robertson has provided thc City with a completed W 0249 tax form. The check for general damages, payable in accordance with Section 2.2 above, will bc delivered within twclvc (12) wccks of name bcing placed 011 thc reinstatement list for thc Manager 2, Finance, Budget and ACCOUHtiI1g title, as provided for in Section 2.6 below, PROVIDED THAT this Agreement has not been revoked, AND PROVIDED THAT thc check will not bc dclivcrcd until after thc Civil Service Commission has issued an order dismissing R0bcrts0n 031s Appeal (both Case N0. 09-01-016 and Case N0. 10-03-001) with prejudice, AND PROVIDED THAT the check will not bc dclivcrcd until after Robertson has provided the City with a completed W-9 tax form, AND PROVIDED THAT thc check will not bc delivered until one (1) wcck after Robertson notifies SCERS whether or not hc has rcccivcd an offer of employment Hom thc City _ as provided for in Section 2.6 below. ` Q I Z ~ _ 030 2.4 Following the payment of ROb 2541 030tSO11 retirement 031S COI1t1 030ib11tiOI1S, as provided for in Section 2.2 above, Robertson will receive retirement service credit for thc period Hom February 4, 2009 through March 16, 2010. 2.5 The City agrees to change its records regarding ROb 2541'tSOI1separation 031S fiom employment to rcflcct that R0bc11s0n was laid off effective March 16, 2010. Q » __ i 2 030 A 2.6 The City agrees to put R0bcrts0n 031s name on thc reinstatement list for the Manager 2, Budget, Finance and Accounting title, subject to thc limitations set out below. name shall bc placed 011 thc reinstatement list within f0urtcc11(14) days of execution of this agreement, PROVIDED THAT this Agreement has not been rcvokcd, AND PROVIDED THAT R0bcrts0n 031s name will not be placed on the reinstatement list until after the Civil Service Commission has issucd an order dismissing R0bc1 034rs0n Appeal 031s (both Case N0. 09-01-16 and Case N0. 10-03-001) with prejudice. Once R0bcrts0n 031s name has been placed on the reinstatement list, it will remain there for a period of twenty-four (24) months or until hc obtains employment with thc City, whichever occurs sooner. Robertson will not bc cligiblc for reinstatement to positions in SCERS or thc Personnel Dcpaxtmcnt, and Robertson agrees that hc will not accept reinstatement to positions with those departments. Robcrtsorfs participation in thc reinstatement program is subject to thc operation ofthc Pcrsormcl Rules (including Personnel Rule 6.2.9) and thc City 031s usual practices regarding reinstatement. Robertson agrees that the placement of his name on thc reinstatement list docs not provide him with any guarantee to future employment with the City. Robertson further agrees that aiicr his name has been OI1 thc reinstatement list for thc Manager 2, Finance Budget and Accounting titlc for ten (10) weeks, hc will inform SCERS whether or not hc has rcccived an offer of employment from the City, and R0berts0n & SCERS Settlement Agreement Page 4 ` J _ V . that he will do so kat1·ina.kc11y@scattlc.g0v. by contacting Assistant City Attorney Katrina Kelly at 2.7 During thc time that R0bcrts011 031s name is on thc reinstatement list, as provided for in Section 2.6 above, thc City will place email address (kingsbish0pq3@yah00.c0m) OH thc email distribution list for thc weekly Opportunity For Advancement bulletin (known as thc "OFA"). If he chooses to do so, Robertson may compete for vacancies advertised in thc OFA. Robertson agrees that thc placement of his email address on thc OFA distribution list docs not provide him with any guarantee to future employment with the City, and further docs not provide him with any preference or advantage if hc chooses to compete for any advertised vacancies. 2.8 Inquiries from R0bcrts0n 031s future employers will bc-: handled in thc way that SCERS typically handles such requests, namely the inquiry will bc rcfcrrcd to thc P 2541'SOI11'1C] Department for V 2541 030ifiC&tiOI1 of cmploymcnt. 2.9 Robertson shall submit to the City an invoice reflecting his actual att0mcy 031s fccs. SCERS agrees to pay ROb 254I'tSOI1actual 031S att0mcy 031s fccs incurred up to a maximum of $3,000. SCERS will deliver a check payable to Hclscll Fcttcrman LLP for thc rclcvant amount of att0mcy 031s fccs to ROb 254I'tSO1'1attorney, 031S Andrew Kinstlcr, Hclscll Fcttcrman LLP, 1001 Fourth Avcnuc, Suite 4200, Seattle, WA 981544154, PROVIDED THAT this Agreement has not been revoked, AND PROVIDED THAT the check will not bc dclivcrcd until after the Civil Service Commission has issued an order dismissing ROb 2541'tSOIlAppeal 031S (both Case N0. 09-01-016 and Case N0. 10-03-001) with prejudice, AND PROVIDED THAT thc check will not bc delivered until after Hclsell Fcttcrman LLP has provided thc City with a completed W-9 tax form. This payment shall be reported to the Intcmal Revenue Scrvicc using a 1099 tax form. 2.10 The payments provided for in Sections 2.1, 2.2 and 2.9 rcprcscnt payment in full and fmal settlement of all R0bcrts0n 031s claims, inclusive of all expenses, costs and att0mcy 031s fees. In no event shall thc total payment under this settlement agreement cxcccd One Hundred and Sixty-Five Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty-One dollars and Sixty cents ($165,821.60). A _ , ` 3.0 Limits On R0bcrts0n 031s Future Employment By The City And Eligibility For The SCERS Board 3.1 Robertson hereby agrees ncvcr to apply for or to accept employment with SCERS at any time in the future. If Robcnson sccks and obtains employment with SCERS in breach of this Agreement, Robertson explicitly agrees that his breach of this Agreement is sufficient cause in itself to tem1inatc his employment, and that SCERS may terminate his employment without further showing ofjustifiable cause. 3.2 Robertson hereby agrccs ncvcr to run for, seek or accept a position on thc SCERS Board of Administration and/or any SCERS Committee ("SCERS B0a.rd"). If Robertson runs for or sccks appointment to thc SCERS Board in breach of this Agreement, then hc agrees that he is ineligible and hc will bc removed from consideration. If Robertson obtains a position on the Robertson & SCERS Settlement Agreement Page 5 » SCERS Board in breach of this Agreement, Robertson explicitly agrees that his Board membership will bc immediately terminated. 4.0 Att0rncy 031s Fees 4.1 Except as cxplicitly provided in Section 2.9 above, each party hereto shall bear their own att0mcy 031s fccs, expenses and costs arising Hom ROb 254I 031tSO1'1 Appeal 031Sand this Agreement. 031 ; 4.2 In thc cvcnt a suit is brought to enforce any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall bc awarded all costs incurred in prosecuting or defending the action, including attorney and paralegal fccs. In thc cvcnt thc City is thc prevailing party, the hourly rate to bc paid to thc City for thc work of attorneys and paralcgals in the City Att0mcy 031s Office shall bc thc hourly rate charged by persons in downtown Seattle law firms having similar cxpcricncc. 5.0 Representation of Comprehension of Document In entering into this Settlement Agreement, Robertson represents that hc has relied upon the advice of his attorney, who is the attorney of his choice, concerning the legal consequences of this Settlement Agreement; he has completely read the terms of this Settlement Agreement; and that the terms ofthis Settlement Agreement are fully understood and voluntarily accepted by him. 6.0 Warranty of Capacity to Execute Agreement Robertson rcprcscnts and warrants that 110 other person or entity has, or has had, any interest in thc claims, demands, obligations, or causes of action rcfcrrcd t0 in this Settlement Agreement, except as otherwise sct forth herein; has the sole right and cxclusivc authority to cxccutc this Settlement Agreement and receive the sums spcciiicd in it; and has not sold, assigned, transferred, conveyed or otherwise disposed of any of the claims, demands, obligations or causes of action referred to in this Settlement Agreement. _ ; 7.0 Governing Law This Settlement Agreement shall bc construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 8.0 031 Additional Documents _ All Parties agree to coopcratc fully and execute any and all supplementary documents and to take all additional actions which may be necessary or appropriate to give full force and effect to thc basic terms and intent ofthis Settlement Agreement. Robertson & SCERS Settlement Agreement Page 6 . 9.0 Taxability 0f Settlement The City of Seattle / SCERS takes no position as to any taxes which may bc due and has advised Robertson that hc may bc responsible for making estimated tax payments on this scttlcmcnt. The City has advised Robertson that it will report the settlement in its entirety to thc Internal Revenue Service by issuance of a W-2 tax form and 1099 tax forms, as detailed above in Section 2 of this Agreement. Robcxtson and Helscll Fcttcrman LLP must submit completed W-9 tax forms to the City prior to receiving any payment. Robertson agrees that hc is solely responsible for any tax payments which may bc owed by him as the result of the Settlement Agreement. Robertson shall be solely responsible for thc tax consequences to him of the Scttlcmcnt Agreement should it bc characterized as wages, including, but not limited t0, indemnifying the City for any tax liabilities or penalties assessed or incurred as a result of not paying any taxes owed by him. Robertson is not indemnifying the City for its obligations regarding withholding or payment of any tax. · I . _ 10.0 Entire Agreement and Succcssors In Interest This Settlement Agreement contains the cntirc agreement between Robertson and the City / SCERS with regard to thc matters set forth in it and shall be binding upon and inurc to thc benefit of thc executors, administrators, personal representatives, heirs, and successors and assigns of each. A 11.0. Consideration, Revocation and Effective Date Robertson acknowledges that hc has carefully read and fully understands all thc provisions of this Scttlcmcnt Agreement and is entering into thc Settlement Agreement iiccly and voluntarily. Robertson acknowledges that hc has a period of 21 days within which to consider thc Scttlcmcnt Agreement, but may sign it in less than 21 days at his option and that the City / SCERS has not offered any additional inducement for taking less than the full 21 days. By signing this Settlement Agreement, Robertson acknowledges that (a) the City has advised him to consult with an attorney of his choosing for review and explanation of thc terms of this Agreement, and (b) he has cithcr consulted an attorney or has voluntarily clcctcd not to do so. Robertson has a period of seven (7) days following thc signing of this Settlement Agreement in which to rcvokc it ("Rcv0cati0n Pcri0d"). The Parties agree that any revocation shall be in writing and transmitted to the City through its counsel prior to thc expiration of thc Revocation Period. This Agreement shall not bccomc effective or enforceable and no payments under this Scttlcmcnt Agreement shall bc due until thc Revocation Period has cxpircd. j } Q 12.0 030 Confidentiality The Parties agree that neither they nor their attorneys shall reveal to anyone, other than as may be lawfully required, any of the financial terms of this settlement. Robertson may disclose the fmancial terms of the settlement to his attorney, tax advisers, counselors, physicians, or other professional advisors, his spouse, and any govcmmcnt agency with a legitimate need to know. The City / SCERS may disclose thc fmancial tcrms of the scttlcmcnt for business purposes. Robertson & SCERS Settlement Agreement Page 7 ' When Robertson requests withdrawal of his Civil Scwicc Commission Appeal pursuant to the terms ofthis Agreement, hc agrees that hc shall g provide a copy of this Agrccmcnt to thc Civil Service Commission. In response to questions about thc disposition of the case, thc parties may state that "thc Parties have resolved the matter and have agreed to kccp thc fmzmcial terms of the settlement c0niidcntial" without any additional commentary or signal indicating thc value of the settlement. · 13.0 Severability . It is further understood and agreed that if any of thc provisions of this Scttlcmcnt Agrccmcnt are held to be invalid or unenforceable, thc remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue to be valid and enforceable. Notwithstanding thc foregoing, if the rclcasc contained in paragraph 1.0 above is declared unenforceable or invalid, thc City of Seattle! SCERS shall have the option of rcscinding this Settlement Agreement. If such a recession occurs, Robertson shall rc-pay to SCERS all sums paid to him under this Settlement Agreement i THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A RELEASE_ OF ALL KNOWN AND UNKNOWN EMPLOYMENT CLAIMS. ROBERTSON ACKNOWLEDGES THAT HE HAS _ j CAREFULLY READ AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS ALL ASPECTS OF THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT, AND THAT HE HAS NOT RELIED UPON ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR STATEMENT NOT SET FORTH HEREIN OR MADE BY THE CITY OF SEATTLE, SCERS OR THEIR REPRESENTATIVES. V DATED this day of Lx , 2010. ` DATED this /8 ' day of ?¢2Zc 030»H , 2010. CITY OF SEATTLE / SCERS BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION . / By: Mc1v}u·"L0 S R bcrtso ¤¤ 024-·=~ . Ccccha M. Carter, xccutivc ircctor Seattle City Employees Rctircmcnt System Robertson & SCERS Sedlement Agreement Page 8