.I. E. STOVER ASSOCIATES, INC. 2352 NORTH 7TH STREET, UNIT GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501 PHONE: (970} 245-4101, FAX: (970) 242-7903 MINE ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING MINE RECLAMATION CONST. MANAGEMENT ?rh October 24, 2016 Jason Musick REGENED Division of Reclamation, Mining Safety mg 1313 Sherman St., Room 215 Denver, CO 80203 Bowman?. 53?3?] Re: Bowie Resources. LLC. Bowie NO. 2 Mine ON SNOW Permit Revision-05, Land Use Change Permit Dear Mr. Musick: On behalf of Bowie Resources, LLC, (BRL), enclosed is an application for a permit revision to revise the land use for the Loadout. The goal of this revision is to change the post mining land use from rangeland/undeveloped cropland to industrial. The land use change will affect the majority of the property at the Loadout. Bowie is the primary owner of the lands that are proposed to be changed with this revision, with the exception of a small area south of the river owned by Mark A. Roberts. Mr. Roberts has requested that the 'wye? portion of the track, south of the river, remain in its current con?guration. BRL currently has letter of intent with a company, Mining and Environmental Services, LLC (MES) that will use the loadout site. MES intends to use the site to consolidate equipment storage and maintenance activities that currently take place at various locations state wide. There will not be signi?cant grading or re-con?guring of the site. The shop, scale house and truck scale will remain in place. The multi-plate culvert that is under the Black Bridge Road will remain in place. The majority of the Highway 133 corridor in the vicinity of the Loadout is agricultural and residential, consisting of peach and apple orchards, and farming. However, directly across highway 133 an industrial parcel owned by Charles Chesnick and is used as an equipment storage area. Concurrent to this Permit Application submittal, Bowie will submit a Speci?c Development Permit application to Delta County. Delta County will be the municipality Jason Musick -2- October 24, 2016 that has regulatory authority over the property after a land use change and bond release are approved by DRMS. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Volume 7 Page 2.05-31 31, Map-6 6a Sincerely. Jr Tamme Bishop, P.E. Project Engineer Cc: Bureau of Land Management - Electronic USDA-F8 - Electronic Paonia Library Bill Bear COLORADO DIVISION OF RECLAMATION, MINING AND SAFETY 1313 Sherman Street. Room 215. Denver, Colorado 80203, (303) 866-3567 APPLICATION FORM FOR A REVISION ?3 19% TO A COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION PERMIT ?53. foragd?t?iibe completed and submitted with all requests for minor revisions. as de?ned in Rule 1.0403). techr?ca y?i?ions. as de?ned in Rule 1.04036). and permit revisions. as de?ned in Rule All revisions the requirements of Rule 2.08.4. Three (3) copies of the revision. including maps. must be submitted in order for it to be complete. All revisions are to be formatted so they can be inserted into the permit to replace the revised sections, maps. tables and/or ?gures. with a revised table of contents, if necessary. The revision submittal date should be printed in the lower right comer of each revision page. A cover letter to the revision should explain the nature of the revision and reference the speci?c permit sections being revised. For federal mines. a copy of the revision application must be submitted to all agencies on the federal mailing list (except OSM) at the same time the application is submitted to the Division, and proof of distribution must be submitted to the Division along with the application. Copies of revision pages modi?ed during the review process must be distributed in the same manner, along with proof of distribution. Proof of distribution must be submitted prior to implementation of the revision. PermitNo.: 0-1981 - 033 Date: 10 I 24 12016 Permittee: Bowie Resources. LLC Bowie No. 1 Mine City: Paonia State: CO Zip Code; 81428 Brief Description of Revision: Change land use for a portion of the Loadout from cropland and rangelandlundeveloped to Industrial. Public Notice Attached: Yes i No__ (Required for PR3 and TRs) Bond Increase: Yes_ No 31 Federal Non-Federal Mine Proposed Change in: Permit Area - Surface Ownership - Disturbed _0 . 1 Acres Private Land 1 . 0_ Acres Permit _0 . 3 Acres Federal Land . 0_ Acres Affected _0 . Acres State Land . 1 Acres Mineral Ownership - Mineral Private 1 . 1 Acres Mineral State 3 . 0_ Acres Mineral Federal 3.1Acres Public Notice Bowie Resources, LLC, PO. Box 1488, Paonia, CO 81428, has submitted a complete application for a permit revision to the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety for its approved Bowie No. 1 Mine, mining permit No. C-1981-038. The permit revision will change the land use at the Loadout from cropland 8. rangelandlundeveloped to an industrial land use. The land use change will affect the majority of the property at the Loadout The reclaimed Bowie No. 1 Mine is located in Delta county, approximately four (4) miles north of Paonia, CO. The Bowie No. 1 Mine loadout is located in Delta county approximately one mile east of Paonia, CO south of State Highway 133. The surface facilities, located north of the North Fork of the Gunnison River, are located in portions of Sections 23 and 24, Township 13 South Range 92 West; and Section 29, Township 13 South, Range 91 West of the 6th PM. The mine permit area is located on the US. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Bowie and Gray Reservoir, Colorado Quadrangle maps within the following sections. Township 13 South. Range 92 West. 6th P.M. Sec . 2: Sec. 10: Lots 1-3, 6-11, 14-16 Sec. 11: All Sec. 12: Lots 13-15, Sec. 13: All Sec. 14: All Sec. 15: Lots 1-3, 6-11,14-Sec. 22: Lots 1-3, 6-8 Sec. 23: Lots 1-9, eastern portion of Lot 10 Sec. 24: Lots 1-6, 8, 9, 11, 12, eastern portion of Lot 10, western portion of Lots 7 8. 13, Sec. 25: Portion of 1/2 Township 13 South. Range 91 West. 6th P.M. Sec. 17: Sec. 18: Lots 3?4, Sec. 19: Portions of Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 Containing 5,035 acres more or less. The Bowie No. 1 permit encompasses 5,035 acres, 1,466 acres of federal surface, and 3,569 private surface. There are 200 acres of privately owned coal and the remaining coal is Federally owned. A copy of the proposed revision is available for public inspection at the Paonia Public Library, 2 Third Street, Paonia, CO, and at the of?ces of the Division of Reclamation, Mining 8 Safety, 1313 Sherman St., Room 215, Denver, CO, 80203, (303) 866-3567. Written comments, objections or a request for an informal conference on the proposed permit revision may be submitted to and additional information obtained from the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, 1313 Sherman St., Room 215, Denver, CO 80203, phone (303) 866-3567. Written comments, objections or a request for an informal conference must be received by the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety within 30 days after the ?nal date of this publication in order to be considered. SURFACE CONSENT Bill Bear, Acting General Manager of Bowie Resources, I C, (BRL) certify that BRL holds surface rights on certain land on which BRL has made application for 3 Permit Revision for Land Use Change for Mining and Reclamation Permit No. 0-1981-038 with the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety. BRL's surface rights within the permit boundary includes those areas known as the unit train loadout, scale house and coal stockpile area located in the 812 of Section 29 and the of Section 32. Township 13 South, Range 91 West. P.M., Delta County, Colorado. I have examined the proposed Permit Revision for Land Use Change prepared for BRL by J. E. Stover and Associates, Inc. and in compliance with the Rule do hereby approve of the provisions of the plan relative to the above described land. (I: - Dated this (>90 day of .2016 Bowie Resources, LLC By: MA Bill Bear Acting General Manager an? my?! .. . '8 (355$; so. Em; i 2' ?13" .f II ?2.05 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR SURFACE OR UNDERGROUND MINING ACTIVITIES - MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES. 2.05.5 Post Mining Land Uses. (1) Surface Coal Mining Not applicable (2) Underground Mining Activities Reclamation Plan: Post-mining Land Uses The implementation of the detailed Reclamation Plan will restore disturbed land to a pre?disturbance use as irrigated hay crop. This will be physically accomplished by the regarding of the area to create approximate original contour, restoration of all drainage patterns to their original function, reapplication of available topsoil and seeding of the area with the appropriate seed mixture. Erosion will be controlled on newly seeded areas through the use of small contour furrows until the revegetation has been suf?ciently established. The land will also be protected from noxious weeds and other biological processes such as animal grazing. This is consistent with prior and present land uses. The areas in the bottom of the North Fork Valley and in the high country of the surround region have high recreation values and capacities to support recreational activities. The proposed post?mining land use is consistent with the historical land use of the disturbed area and responsive to stability and drainage considerations. Agricultural planting mixes, as outlined in Section are to be used in valley bottom areas best suited for cropland. (ii) The pre-mining land use of the loadout is rangeland undeveloped. cropland and industrial. The pre-mining rangeland undeveloped land use is located towards the end of the tail track southwest of the old coal stockpile area. The pre-mining cropland land use covers most of the loadout area. The pre-mining industrial land use is located southeast of the river where the lead track parallels the mainline track. Most of the loadout property will be converted to an Industrial post mining land use. The Operator has a letter of intent with Mining and Environmental Services. LLC (MES). MES plans to use the site as an equipment storage and equipment maintenance area. The area to be converted to an industrial post mining land use currently has a post mining land use of cropland. The site will be left mostly in its current con?guration. No signi?cant grading will occur. The shop will remain a shop/of?ce area. The old coal storage area will become an equipment storage area and will be accessed by way of a light use road in the footprint of the old rail spur which has been removed. The multi?plate. under the County Road, locally known as "Black Bridge Road" will not be removed. It will continue to be used as an overpass on Black Bridge Road, and will serve as a tunnel for the new landowner to PR-05 2.05-30 10/2016 ?2.05 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR SURFACE OR UNDERGROUND MINING ACTIVITIES - MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES. access the equipment storage area. The bridge over the river and the wye located south of the river will be used as a secondary access to the property. Following are some of the uses proposed for the industrial land use area: General Repair Shop Equipment maintenance and repair services Equipment rental and sales Parts sales Equipment manufacturing Fabrication services Engineering and consulting services Storage of equipment and contractor's supplies The proposed industrial use will commence once the land use change is approved by DRMS. MES will begin occupying the site with equipment and maintenance personnel. The proposed land use of industrial is compatible with adjacent land use. Map 6 shows that directly across State Highway 133, a large parcel of land has an industrial land classi?cation. Land usage along Highway 133 is sporadic, consisting mostly of agricultural with adjoining commercial and industrial land uses. The operator will have to secure a Speci?c Development approval from Delta County prior to commencement to the new land usage. The site will be regulated by Delta County, and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (Stormwater Discharge). As such, the activities are regulated to assure there is no actual or probable hazard to public health or safety nor will it pose actual or probably threat of water ?ow diminution or pollution contrary to State or Federal laws, Rules or Regulations. The Operator owns all the lands north of the river which will be changed from a cropland pre-mining land use to an industrial post-mining land use. The Operator will obtain a Speci?c Development Permit from Delta County if required by the County. Delta County will be the municipality that has regulatory authority over the property after the land use change and bond release are approved by DRMS. The landowner south of the river has indicated an interest in leaving the wye in place because it provides privacy and access to the property. With the exception of the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety and Delta County, no other state or local agencies' authorizations are required to achieve the post- mining land uses described above. Not applicable (0) See Map 6 for Pre-mining land use and Map 6a for post-mining land use. Not applicable PR-05 2.05-31 1OI2016 . I . L9. OPLAND Y\\r I ESIDEDEN INDUS TRIL 9/ 0 a. I T. 7.3 31:11? grin :Ir' EL PBMII AREA BOUNDARY x- DST RBANCE BOUNDARY 1 I DESIGNED DRAWN: D.A.J. 03/12/01 CHECKED: BOWIE NO. 1 MINE PRE-MINING LAND USE as Maps urn-claw SSH 30Nvaamism-?s AavaNnoa BNIW SIMOB 10/31/90 r'V'a :NMvaa GBNSISBG u. Era .39) 031 ??3317 091??25 *7 a 7' WM snaN/ 07770 73A . 7w1N5/0305Lsaa/0Nv7doao y? aNWc/oaa . ?a a a \xa. Full In. main: .. .. . . .I. E. STOVER 8: ASSOCIATES, INC. 2352 NORTH STREET, UNIT GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81501 PHONE: (970) 245-4101l FAX: (970] 242-7908 MINE ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING MINE CONST. MANAGEMENT I . n- u? n-u- u-u?nuh. -r . I -r - March 13. 2017 Clayton Wein Division of Reclamation, Mining 8 Safety 1313 Sherman St., Room 215 Denver, CO 80203 Re: Bowie Resources. LLC, Bowie No. 2 Mine Permit Revision-05. Land Use Change Supplemental Information Permit 0?1981-038 Dear Mr- Wein: On behalf of Bowie Resources, LLC, (BRL), enclosed is the information required by Rule 2.08.4(5) in order to deem the PR-05 application complete. Revised Public Notice Cover letter of Delta County Speci?c Development Application Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely. i Tamme Bishop, QE. Project Engineer Cc: Bureau of Land Management - Electronic - Electronic Paonia Library Bill Bear Public Notice Bowie Resources, LLC, P.O. Box 1488, Paonia, CO 81428, has submitted a complete application for a permit revision to the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety for its approved Bowie No. 1 Mine, mining permit No. 01981-038. The permit revision will change the post-mining land use at the Loadout from cropland 8: rangeland/undeveloped to an industrial land use. The land use change will affect the majority of the property at the Loadout. The reclaimed Bowie No. 1 Mine is located in Delta county, approximately four (4) miles north of Paonia, CO. The Bowie No. 1 Mine Ioadout is located in Delta county approximately one mile east of Paonia, C0 south of State Highway 133. The surface facilities, located north of the North Fork of the Gunnison River, are located in portions of Sections 23 and 24, Township 13 South Range 92 West; and Section 29, Township 13 South, Range 91 West of the 6th PM. The mine permit area is located on the US. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Bowie and Gray Reservoir, Colorado Quadrangle maps within the following sections. Township 13 South, Range 92 West, 6?1 PM. Sec . Sec. 10: Lots 1-3, 6-11, 14-16 Sec. 11: All Sec. 12: Lots 13-15, Sec. 13: All Sec. 14: All Sec. 15: Lots 1-3, 6-11,14-Sec. 22: Lots 1-3, 6-8 Sec. 23: Lots 1-9, eastern portion of Lot 10 Sec. 24: Lots 1-6, 8, 9, 11, 12, eastern portion of Lot 10, western portion of Lots 7 13, Sec. 25: Portion of Township 13 South, Range 91 West, 6th P.M. Sec. 17: Sec. 18: Lots 3-4, Sec. 19: Portions of Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 Containing 5,035 acres more or less. The Bowie No. 1 permit encompasses 5,035 acres, 1,466 acres of federal surface, and 3,569 private surface. There are 200 acres of privately owned coal and the remaining coal is Federally owned. A copy of the proposed revision is available for public inspection at the Paonia Public Library, 2 Third Street, Paonia, CO, and at the offices of the Division of Reclamation, Mining Safety, 1313 Sherman St., Room 215, Denver, CO, 80203, (303) 866-3567. Written comments or objections regarding this application may be submitted to and additional information may be obtained from the Division of Reclamation Mining 8: Safety at the above address. The affected area of this revision application is within 100' feet, measured horizontally, of State Highway 133 near mile point 9.5. A request for public hearing may be made in writing, for the purpose of determining whether the interests of the public and affected landowners will be protected, by contacting the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, and must be received by the Division within 30 days after final publication of this notice. Such hearing would be held in the locality of the Bowie No. 1 mining operation. Gene DiClaudio 225 North 5" Street, Suite 901} Grand Junction, CO 31501 Telephone: (970) 263-5 I30 Fax: (970) 263-5l61 March 10, 2017 Delta County Flaming and Community Development Department 50! Palmer Street, Suite 22? Delta, CO 81416 Re: Application for Speci?c Development, Paonia Holdings, LLC To whom it may concern, Bowie Resources, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, hereby authorizes Mark Levin, Manager of Paonia Holdings, LLC to apply for Speci?c Development approval on property currently owned by Bowie Resources. Pending approval of the enclosed application along with other needed approvals from the State of Colorado Department of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, Bowie anticipates it will sell the property identi?ed in the application to Paonia Holdings, LLC or an af?liate thereof. Please allow Mr. Levin to submit this application for the property currently owned by Bowie. If you have any further questions feel free to contact Ryan Wilson at (970) 263-5144 or rwiIson@bowieresourees.eom. Sincerely, c2. Gene DiClaudio Chief Operating Of?cer Bowie Resource Partners, LLC