Filed in Fourth Judicial District Court 11/17/2017 6:53 PM Hennepin County, MN To D3l26l2003 03:49 AM cc Subject Re: Entrix Consulting Bill: I will forward the opportunities to you. Then you decide how you would like to proceed. I am attaching two papers that have been assigned to me to review. If you want to take them over, I will write to the journals and tell them that I can no loner review them and suggest that they be referred to whomever in am who is appropriate. Some journals will allow this, but others, for conflict of interest issues, will not allow an industry to review a paper about one of their products. That is where I came in for Dale. Since we had been set up as academic experts, about half of the papers published in the area in any given year came to me (continue to come to me) for review. In time sheets, always listed these reviews as literature searches so that there was no paper trail to 3M. I have attached the two papers that came this week. One from Environmental Pollution and one from Let me know if you want to take over the reviews of these papers and I will decline. Sincerely, John P. Giesy ii Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home. a a res-200343054Fk-supplimenlal 31 -ln32?2Ei?-l wf-Sl33l324535 WI 831