MW healer: cruise-sensuous moon-e taoosm Hf! We 12': PATRESE THOMPSON During rne noun: or tn. lhvesligafion your arnanr located and identihep eyewirneeus to the crime. whose true ldetnny nas been ssee1eined by prool positive end been melmrialized ln reports maintained by youralnante. The rrue idemiliea eluris known. out unnamed eyewitness are bong withheld rer rhe purpose or inls amoevlt. both up ensure nlarner salary and to preserve the inlegrity onuoihg investigation These known. out unnerved eyewllnesses be notable in reniry a ll coun proceedings, and will be rerened to lorlne purposes or this atndant as "lMthess 1','Wimaea and "WIUlesx The victim, whose um lderdily has been ascertained by prool positive means. which Is known through lhe collective Rummy: or lhe Pittsburgh Bureau or Poll . rue been viewed and been meaneriallzed ln reports by yourAmant and other moors. The true identifies orrhese kmMn, but remarried persons a oalng withheld lor purposes or this autdayir. tooth to ensure their sarery and to preserve or- Integrity orlni molng lnvesrlgatlon These known but unnamed victims and witnesses will he avallaoe to eerily at ell eoun The yiotirn he relerred to. lor the purposes or this ameavlt as 'Jane Doe". On Saturday January 2018 Patreae Thompson was arrested vrolelione or PA cc 4952, 2709.1, soar and 2106 under OTN 01679805945. Thompson was charged lorrnarring lhreals against new or a airne identified Is Jane Doe. Thornpaon'a boyfriend (Kremlin Banner, Thomas Mwbiay was previously amsmd lo! smlal Vldallnm ol the PA crimes code Mill! Jane Doe was listed aa lha victim slnee Mowbray's arrest. Thompson has rnade numerous lhreats low-rd Jane Doe. on January 24. 2015 rroceiusd a call horn the wonren's 2 and Jane Doe. erneae 2 told me that sinee Thompsorre release horn me nor. that the women's shelter has again bun reoelulng uuealenlng phone mils. Thompson was released on Sunday January 21. more. We: 2 reported rhal lhe shelter received hang up phone earn on January 22 and Jenuary 21 Witness 2 reponed Ihal on January zero at approxlr-narely rm hours the shelter agaln received truearenlng phone calls rm 3 lamale they believe to on name Thompson. 1724 hours a remale oanor told starr'thal bilch put me in tar. Ar 1729 hours they reoelved another phone call etallng "I'm gonna kill that oitoh she put me in lail". 1739 hours another phone call was renewed slaung "mil hitch Jane Doe pul me in hell. she's gonna pay'. Lang then told me that lhey reoelued another phone call lhis January 24,2018 al on: hours stating "thal bllm' I'm gonna luck her up". It should be noted that Pattese Thompson was ineslsd lor mmals [ward Saunders on January 20.2013 moor OTN 67980556 and then released on January 21. upon har release hunt the ACJ. the women's shelter began recelving more phone calls speclhually lemellnp Jane Doe, Pauese Thompson was lhe only Dyson arrested iorthreelenlng Jane Doe showing epaln that Thompson ihe lemale The lhreals. On many at 2009 hours olhoer Gavin and Dinner Dinornenleo responded Io undisclosed [nation FA ror additional Well rename Once on spend we spoke wilh employee Whness 3. She wanted lo speak to Porroe about all or the additional threau that had been received via shellar Whlle speaking Witness 3 another employee unnamed her and told her bl Ma new threats that had [rm cums [he hmlinao Th! firs! may Ia hi 1mm Patrice Thompson slzlad 3M WIS culsida or Jane Doe's address al-s 16m Street #1 and was Ilghlihg the house on fire. I requested Zone 3 respond in lfiat location Uhil 3311(WebeHamn) haspunded and old non arvyrane at the apanrnern The apamm was not on fire while they were on scene. Whlle speaking with Wines: 3 another call came In slaurrg know where the shelter is' and In person hung up. Stall apaln bags 2 or a mum-a: male: mm 15-5094 15009217 firm Mche lat mm FATRESE beliwud in. call-l u: be Tiwmvaon. mdmnaun previously leil voice messages er lire sneller Jana Doe and prawded her call bark number Iran a lacare plus seam and received mulls lar a Corneal land line numbel reglalered al_l=lrraleurgn PA 15212 In palreae Tlrompaarr. \Mtnesa' 1. 2. and 3 have heen deallng Inie sluallm several days and each have answered numerous phone can: hem lhe calier believed be Fallen Thompsan. Each anne lhree w'nrlosus confirmed lhei it Is me same lemale value mat has been calling more men lhiny limes makrng Meals. warm; 1 reported In "re pmviws cast lrut aha racognlzed lrre hm-les voice and maimed It in Me all where mmpsen len rm plume nunber. Your amarrl believes lefiniem pmbable cause [or me arresr or Palreae Thompson on me ablwe charges passes a Subflann'al lisk in [he lill and Slinky 0' JIM Doe Ii Eh! Ms demonsllaled Mal will Ml slav she remains on ma sneer The women: anerler rrae enacted rlreir seven plan pluiamls and loaned me Iaelliiy dawn Thompson has repeatedly llrrearened Jarre Doe, shown up an lire elreirer and spedficaliy reiererreed Jan. 009': address as a larger dl vblerloi. You! alum lesoecflulry requails that Thompson's bond be revoked on nleImfl case OTN "67550595 and ma! SM he wimm hand hr ibuv! Ilslefl reasons I, JOSEPH LIPPERT mu Nuns>>! regs"! Dale M/earnisimerpira: wheeler/army}; V39: :4 o! :l