eds Mm 195" 2-3 17242576 Mus la: CHARLES MDWERAY Sunday. neoemoer um. 20". al 1525 hrs. omner Pisciiella. om Wilson. and owner Genevieve Vinlson, were aspalohad id heaolue. as: msradaock he was enroule lo Resolve lo "shoal IM Kill" lhal waa slaying lhere. numerous services including providing lemporary housing lo people in need. lor uaryl Whaa anroule. us lhal lhe male was id be al Wood Si Subway do sending uhils lrorn xone 2 lo lhe address lo chem lo see ll lhe male was lhera. Disp cheeirad in see male was at lhal localioll. wiih negahlve resulls Upon our arrival to Resolve. omeers G.lMlson. Wilson. and We: were on scene who slaled lhal ihelr chlel mend-led lhem lo slay ai lhe laolmy due in lhe urnehl omoers iold us lhal lhe male susped was ldenoihed as Thomas Mowhray. They said wilnessed him code around Resolve. Shorily ailerward. lhey slated lhal he called he Baroer olhoerFyles. amour Craig vs. ior a male ihar ealled in and araled lhal DIV: is a UPMC Facility which aNers reasons. lown wilh 2 leaded guns. Disoaldr was lheh inlorrhed us lhal mm 2 Olfilzrs Them were 3 UFMC Offiws on Scene plarni lhal was an "ongoing" siiuallon me or he was 'n a red. Tuyula Camry and lhey dive and said see you have Polioe lhere.' They lhen aisled lhal ihey wilnaased hlni drive around again a couple animal. Thay slaied lhal he has ouisianoing Felony warranls loren'mes againslihe Vielirn. We wenl inside and spoke lo who is a esli rakeral nesolre. -said i help. Sle liked hin il he were suicidal or homicidal. and he said "Ves. homicidal. lhai said lhal he had I loaded handguns in lhe vehicle. She said lhal ah asked him line had oeen eau'ng and he said lhal he was hungry. She asked him il he "No oul ihere Is a Subwa She loid him In go In lhe Subway and gel someihing lo said lhal he would he paok al 2100 lo Resoive. she alaled lhal she had lhe call analher all laker slaled lhal he sailed in and spoke lo her and MOWSRAV said lhal llslen lo herlepe. lsald 'Ok. can we lislen'r She said 'our supervisor can orsy gain lasked her llwe could please llslen lo lhe iaaes. She said 'Nvl wllhool a warranl," I 'Whalever'. lean'i lei you llslen wilhoui a piece oi paper saying lhall can lei you here Vlellrn. SAUNDERS. She said I dim'l know an lel her law in you." i said "c wanls lo speak lo us, ll she does nor wani lo. lhal is this our ai leasl esk her il she lhal." Minules laler. she walked back in and said "She would like lo ialk in you." oilioer Harder and lwahed imo lhe arid made oonlad wlih SANDERS. SANDS lhere were rnuliple she nailed police regarding She slaled and was waking all E.carson Si when he came lrorn behind and pul his hand over he are you in do misnr' As she ahempied in mm him all. She was able in call lMeworay called in in dive aslsino lor nl lo kill Epony Saunde - said lalied him irrio iaklng oin lhe cl es, She saw any pizza shops around and he said lso he did. She said lhal MOWBRAV ed and warned us in llslen. Arid lhen raved SAUNDERS. She loo asked us lo ruse re ii.' ihe lupervlsor walked in and id warranl of a Subpullu?' She said I asked Vivi" MUM Speak In you PLEASE live in." She said 1 guess our do R5 was dishaughL She explained lhal lhal lass Sunday she was in lhe Spoil-side moulh. He pul a knile lo her back and Police ai one polnl and MOWBRAY ran lowed his way Ihio her home. She said lhal he kepi liking he! shin up and hay 'Boohs.' She said lhal she yelled 'Why all. Zone 3. OllifirGilach, seized lhe krille. and pui oul a warrani lor Mal/< mm m" MW . mu 1-: 17242576 - La mm THOMAS CHARLES -- We: :1 Si in me Mann sau- SAUNDERS mm she In all Mr .uvucau mm In: Woman's shellernml Illa circumslaruzu um um la ml lawn: whal wu doing so n. could uu| luck I plan so he could no! gel [u heri id: by sl-ylng Inside awund penal; hul spam]: lot Mflme al In: Wand sl Column-Is why! P311159 Thoma Illemmnd lo ask nlsuuldx il may could run mm: um "nod-l: with Luncinski ran nlme mmugll and may snub ml locate a T01 on, walks, Sh: Suki mal warm 2 Im men, I [old at la lwly In! PFA again an: In me oln lul- wn Impound lo develup a nlely an! may could m. Omar - Camry ln I um I crammed s" Amun and woke Dllediva selers al 1534 m: lo man In. mum complainl and I wil In over "any cl my leper! when completed. A warrant was and filed based on mum ol run-nod coming inlomlallon recalvell from my wiln-sl Ind ma mummy me come Yemrislic anaals, sulkmg, (201709 um Disomafly Conuua. Mlcm'rriss'mea'ls <