Mystery tin: was 3 mm, pruhahljf in hi! 3m. Bliglu nf huiltL hlnl-il. with dark hair and prIJ-hahly. 1hnugh p-I'Mi- tia'ely. ul Hispanic dmenl. Hr- did nut ?nd piece {If widnnce that Mich-:1- um had huped l'ur the way [hr man had died. Thar: wart rm nub wnundn. nu bullel holea. m: aeri- skull injury. Tm: Iitllr rrmaintd tn rult nul a heating. alabhmg. shouting at I fumed drug mm- llus?'. A careful lnnpectinn ahuwr-d nu lelltak' that wuuld indicate x'lnlm?. lawman simply had little In ?nth- ?ller In sit in Willi-Ell. the altin upnM-rl tu 1hr sun was mummi?r-d; :hr akin nip.ter Lu the. dull". earth was Mumpul?l. "Hr wun'l killed when he was fuund. in ah- nu e'lu'idill'lrn." Nit hulmn said. The [ac-t that an hIm-d was la:qu beneath the brad}; the heal indicumr the killing tau]: place hahrre lady was dumped. And the man's indi- cated ht was relaxing at hum: ur with l'rlends 511nm}; lac-furr- I'w died. aid the victim ?as mulla- taken hy aurprimr. was killed and was driven tr: rural lda. A. ?l?H'tl hnlhing suit hinted lhat hr wan malted nul ul bed and dragged [rum his huml'. He- wure Ll hue-math a nl mannm Ewen! pants. Ht' mm- nu ahwa. but had un a red. uver shirt. "Hr may haw been at hum: and guin? nice and hmnuth. and then ll all went tn ht-ll." Nirhulwn Hid. The prevailing than)? amnnp: driven-titan 15 that drugs. are min-d up in Ihr killinu. I'E'lfrl?l?tii'l! Lt: The rut-w special ?3-er ulmnal. all cle Sharia: after he WILMMI wnman (liar: leurlt by a wall-Led alum ("Hunt'y sheri? 'I'hi' Helu Dawn Richard Ht. IIHHII Ht 1hr- Whll?l'l llu'urr Ht lli?l?l'. hr uu 'l'hr :lepulj lit-d ur gm.-