STATE OF WEST VIRGI EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT AT CHARLESTON EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 2-18 By the [Warner WHEREAS. over several decade: inc prulil?eruliun ru =s and regulations a all lavcls has increased llie complexlly and expense lire; WHEREAS, outmoded, and rule: comainui Umth Slants Code of chul?ll?n? and Virginia Cod: ul'Smc have crenlerl a heavy regululury burden 0n Wesl Virginians; WHEREAS, mun: Khan 160 CSR rules have hem r=pcaled a: a result of recent regulalury e?hrls: ieduce [he hemy legulmoly on West Vllginians crenrerl by the CSR will pramcre cltizans' I0 engage ur family and business pulslli?s, WHEREAS. \hcse busincss pursuils Hr: critical u: economic growth creation in a dynamic anumy: WHEREAS. burdensome CSR rules: (I) sline economic grumh and lob creeu?un, r2) creule barriers in entry in many induslries and (n discourage palemml euuepieucurs from inlruducing beneliciul products and processes; WHEREAS, when plumulgahng and modifying CSR rules. ii is imporlunr llulr agencies unpucl un eccnornic and job crearinn for Wes! Virginia and cuizeusr WHEREAS, Amclc VII, Scolion 5 ofthc Constitution Ihc cxccuuwc power uflhe Slam: of West Vlrginia the qucmuf; Gnvemor's executive may he :xcrcised [hmugh ercuuve Orde?; and WHEREAS, an administrative rule-making mommrium known as a ~~Regulmmy Mumlmium" by nus Exceuxivc Order will be 2m impunam part uflhc rcgulatmy lchm?l cfforts by [ms Now, THEREFORE, 1, m1 JUSTICE. by me vcs cd in me as me Guvcmur ul'lhe Slab: ol'Wesl Vugmia. do hereby ORDER lhal: l. action shall be known as lhe ?chulalnry 2, All ngencle: shall su