INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 STATE RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 OF SUPREME NEW YORK COUNTY COURT JOHAN G. Monroe County, BLICKMAN, New OF MONROE M.D., York Index No.: Plaintiff Plaintiff, designates as the County -vs- The for basis location KATIA KAPLAN-LIST, Broward County, is the tort and the of Plaintiff. SUMMONS M.D., WITH COMPLAINT VERIFIED Florida of trial. venue of the residence Monroe place Defendant. To the above-named YOU a copy of ARE your HEREBY Answer, on the Appearance, exclusive of Summons is not failure Defendant: the to appear or, SUMMONED if the Plaintiff's day of Complaint attorneys service (or delivered personally or answer, to judgment is not within within to will within be taken the served twenty thirty you answer with State against in this after the by service service New of you the of this is and York); default action to serve Summons, after days the this days (20) (30) Complaint for the and to serve a Notice Summons, complete in relief of case if of this your demanded herein. Dated: March Rochestdr, 5 FOX EVANS , 2018 New LLP York By: Jar P. Attorneys 100 for Meridian Rochester, (585) 1 of 15 irt, Esq. Plaintiff Centre New 787-7000 York Boulevard, 14618 Suite 300 INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 STATE RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 OF SUPREME NEW YORK COUNTY COURT JOHAN G. BLICKMAN, OF MONROE M.D., VERIFIED COMPLAINT Plaintiff, -vs- Index KATIA KAPLAN-LIST, No.: M.D., Defendant. The Plaintiff, Evans attorneys, Fox Johan G. LLP, as for and his "Plaintiff" (hereinafter M.D. Blickman, Complaint in the or "Blickman"), above-captioned by his alleges matter, as follows: At 1. of County Monroe 2. "Defendant" of all and Upon or times hereinafter State New of information is an individual who resides in the York. and "Kaplan-List" "Kaplan-List"), Blickman mentioned, the belief, is an individual Katia Defendant, who resides in the Kaplan-List of County (hereinafter Broward and State Florida. FACTS 3. Blickman is a medical doctor, 4. Blickman is employed, duly licensed by the of State New York to practice medicine. of Rochester University and as an Attending (hereinafter Physician "URMC"). Blickman also of Sciences, Director Imaging currently serves of the as the the has as a Professor "UR") at and of University Associate Pediatric Chairman Radiology 2 of 15 been in the employed School Rochester of Clinical Division. since of Medicine Medical Services with 2009, and Center in the Dentistry (hereinafter Department the INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 Upon 5. General in the Hospital month each at Golisano September a written Upon three last a Resident Physician rotations (3) of which of from was at Rochester one approximately August 24, (1) through 2014, UR 16, was within fifteen the romantic relationship Blickman UR the of having and (hereinafter that days of the issuance and/or had Upon information and belief, Kaplan-List knew, Upon information and belief, Kaplan-List failed Blickman that did not 106"). Kaplan-List 106, issued concluding "Policy Policy and Complaint, Decision" Decision"), "UR to (15) another. accusing consensual Policy pursuant belief, Kaplan- and Complaint" Complaint"). (hereinafter Blickman one after a letter investigated duly 2016 with 2016, "UR Discrimination and Decision received UR belief, and information June Blickman 2016, January relationship (hereinafter September and sexual UR ended, and through in or around belief, Kaplan-List the 2014 and Kaplan-List Harassment to appeal of reason said had the Decision. to know, of the Decision. 11. inter about on/or Upon 10. and information Sexual 9. UR with between relationship opportunity the romantic Kaplan-List interactions UR's was performed September a consensual and decision violate and Hospital, information Blickman 8. the in Upon inappropriate Kaplan-List belief, 2014 approximately involved 7. between Summer Children's From were and 2014. 19, 6. List information alia, found that the between relationship Kaplan-List to appeal and the Blickman UR was Decision, consensual which, and not inappropriate. 12. claims against 13. Thereafter, and for nearly the next 16 months, Kaplan-List did not pursue any Blickman. Joel Seligman, the prior of UR, President 2 3 of 15 announced his resignation as President of INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 UR on RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 11, January information and of a report Verified Complaint through the Complaint by the 16. No 17. 15, February commenced 15, by Defendant of negligent State as by Seligman's Kaplan-List that resignation attempted Complaint" Complaint") with the to file Monroe A System. Filing the belief, upon was, and the a lawsuit by of the a filing Clerk's County copy public Office Kaplan-List initial filing of 2018, the the Kaplan-List Complaint was Office. about with Filing the required the 15, February Electronic filed specifically Blickman UR at A. Court was misconduct of filing CPLR the was re- 2018, or Complaint System. Kaplan-List by Kaplan-List Complaint § Kaplan-List 304. on 12, January no Accordingly, Complaint on action 12, January was or 2018, 2018. the a "Notice Frank Complaint of Claim" for: (a) was the sexual Complaint by even foregoing, assault, (b) attaches the is dated (hereinafter Esq. Housh, also signed Complaint Notwithstanding Blickman Kaplan-List counsel, Kaplan-List Kaplan-List 19. against York Kaplan-List's the the on/or Additionally, however, before Clerk's 2018, 18. verified County Summons against February and sexual after day Electronic as Exhibit and on Kaplan-List. (1) at UR, Clerk's information New the and "Kaplan-List hereto Monroe a report one being misconduct County Thereafter, through 2018, (hereinafter Upon of release to Blickman 12, sexual is annexed rejected filed on Monroe 15. the unrelated belief, On January 14. release after 2018, what Defendant to December 2018, on January "Housh"), purports on 12, January be and 12, a verification 21, 2017, being was 2018; by 22 the days finalized. the sexual Kaplan-List harassment, hiring/supervision/retention. 3 4 of 15 Complaint (c) alleges respondeat causes superior of action and (d) INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 20. The allegations Blickman 32 of 22. are the Kaplan-List The allegations in plead Defendant the to the criminal hire with replete actions sexual into to that include, encounters, and Complaint but are not requested also Kaplan-List's malicious false, sets boyfriend limited of acts forth and to, kill and drugging bestiality. impertinent to defamatory allegations Blickman's that ex-wife. See Complaint. impertinent Kaplan-List the in contained and infuriate is Kaplan-List attempted immaterial obviously action her Additionally, that and of coercing 21. imply Complaint Blickman accusing Kaplan-List, raping ¶¶31 Kaplan-List to the and and 32 of the remainder further and Complaint, community 31 Paragraphs defame the of Kaplan-List allegations evidence Plaintiff the the and the malicious and by Complaint causes of of the intent through the Kaplan-List Complaint. 23. been aware at the State is not commenced 2018, statement to does Blickman not public lives 25. that the and Kaplan-List the of filing and an when thus was aware that filed, a legal and/or should have New action in 2018, and York a Summons. as filed Complaint, commence was attorney, practicing Complaint Kaplan-List which, record As the legally and admitted without Kaplan-List, by become time Although 24. 15, as a duly Housh, action it was published under with filed to a third on CPLR the the § 304, Monroe to party, 12, January same County wit, the does constitute was Clerk, February community intended in which works. a result of the foregoing, no privilege attaches to the statements set forth in the Complaint. Kaplan-List DEFENDANT'S BY THE 26. Upon information and CLAIMS BARRED OF LIMITATIONS STATUTES belief, ARE a Summons 4 5 of 15 was issued by Housh, on March 2, 2018, a INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 and the RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 thereafter New Exhibit filed York a duplicate State Court Each and of copy Electronic the Kaplan-List A System. Filing Complaint of the copy on that same through date Summons is annexed Kaplan-List Complaint hereto as B. 27. Blickman are barred 28. August 3, 2014. to have was in in in/or around State of alleged the the on/or alleged set forth within in Blickman that Kaplan-List the 2 of the Article drugged and against CPLR. raped Kaplan-List on/or about the action Complaint. is an allegation foregoing before August of CPLR assault, 3, 2015, within being requires § 215(3) one of year (1) the date said occurred. no other Kaplan-List specific at which 2016; date the Complaint, of other any alleged between relationship upon point, year have Kaplan-List Accordingly, for information assault or intentional Kaplan-List and and Blickman Kaplan-List belief, tort is set ended moved to the assault, from battery, the last or point any in time was other required to tort to legally intentional the accusations action for prior contained commence end of an action of January within the Kaplan-List tort alleged in against 2017, being Complaint accrued. 32. Complaint Thus, any is untimely 33. Resident limitations the to have January action Connecticut. Blickman could of Although 31. (1) ¶21 See commenced 30. forth time of it is alleged Because been assault the by cause every Specifically, 29. one with 34. pursuant at Therefore, URMC the CPLR to and Additionally, Physician of cause as on/or statutes of intentional the Kaplan-List § 215(3). set previously ended an about forth herein, September limitations for 5 6 of 15 the 19, Kaplan-List's last rotation as 2014. commencement of any cause of action a INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 for RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 harassment sexual three from years (3) with the Monroe a Summons the on Office rotation September as a Resident was and 12, 2018, 19, Physician Complaint Kaplan-List on January and information familiar fully the about on/or URMC at filed without being ended. a Summons then and 15, 2018; February 2017, with 2, 2018. Upon be, last foregoing, Clerk's March terminated Kaplan-List's date County 36. should the Despite 35. discrimination and/or with belief, all applicable and upon as a licensed Housh, statute of limitation and attorney, practicing periods set forth or is, 2 of the in Article CPLR. 37. Additionally, Kaplan-List Law 296 § is discrimination years of the of cause 2 of the Article requirements medical of the intent profession, against plead such a cause to CPLR of an of action the that employer time New for must be of York sexual the of filing Executive State harassment commenced within and three Blickman were salacious and true factually within the contained allegations (3) and Kaplan-List correct in (which Complaint the are they is prohibited (a) 2 of and the maliciously and (b) CPLR and defame monetarily Kaplan-List belief, proceeded Blickman capitalize by and willfully with and his the false filing the reputation and ignored intentionally Kaplan-List within salacious Complaint the community accusations Additionally, upon information and belief, 6 7 of 15 in fulfilling her intent to the with and contained therein. 40. the § 214(2). false, Blickman aware been, malicious, against information Article to: the have at belief, CPLR. Upon of if and liability pursuant even action for claim plead should creates action any Complaint any clear that or was, which Therefore, 39. the statute accrual Kaplan-List by a and 38. not), Housh Complaint, information maliciously INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 defame RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 it Blickman, with Complaint Monroe would and County, 41. media Complaint was the then Blickman AS AND in forth the of filing discovered the Kaplan-List media by the or about in Monroe this in endeavor, York that published publicized and false the on and reported March that salacious the 1, 2018, Kaplan-List allegations contained Complaint. AGAINST plead and be would New County, that media. in successful in Monroe against that by hopeful was Office Clerk's was Kaplan-List 42. Kaplan-List be published outlets filed that County Kaplan-List numerous within clear is Blickman Paragraphs FOR THE FIRST repeats 1-41 and above as if CAUSE FOR KAPLAN-LIST realleges each each and OF ACTION AND DEFAMATION and allegation every every allegation through the LIBEL set heretofore forth therein previously is more set fully herein. Upon 43. made false and Clerk's and belief, statements defamatory Upon 44. County information information on Office and Kaplan-List and 2018, Kaplan-List Complaint, Blickman. regarding the belief, 12, January fact of Kaplan-List Complaint 15, February was and 2018, filed thus with was the Monroe published to third-party. As 45. and and 46. Ten at the his within the and of trial; attorneys' fees, that, Monroe of publication inter alia, County Dollars Blickman costs and the his Kaplan-List for damages or ($10,000,000.00), is further expenses entitled with employer, with such 7 8 of 15 his and suffered to an award associated his is permanently community Blickman Complaint, reputation is liable Kaplan-List 00/100 and the in Accordingly, Million time of to be injured, continues profession, of a result other by amount of punitive defense of the within irreparably Blickman as may damages, Kaplan-List was injured, the medical harmed. in the amount be determined together with Complaint a INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 as well RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 prosecution as the of AS AND this FOR matter. A SECOND FOR KAPLAN-LIST 47. in plead forth Blickman Paragraphs knowledge Upon of the 49. each within AND each and and AGAINST LIBEL PER allegation every allegation every set forth SE heretofore therein previously is more fully set suffered As punitive Kaplan-List 53. in of false and Kaplan-List Kaplan-List by contempt, claims means of Blickman Complaint by and ridicule, filed with the and/or aversion, Kaplan-List by with the dealt Monroe disgrace. and specifically a living. earning in medical the with profession, criminal fraud, imputing together at the with Blickman his 1-52 above libelous and of 00/100 and trial; fees, Blickman prosecution as the FACIE and each realleges each of his action, employer, dishonesty, and every 8 9 of 15 Blickman Kaplan-List, or such ($10,000,000.00), is further expenses this OF ACTION CAUSE FOR PRIMA as if and costs, of conduct Dollars attorneys' THIRD repeats Million time as well THE and defamatory of Ten determined FOR Paragraphs the community the amount Complaint AND made to public affected County a result be damages, AS business allegations in the as may of the unfitness. damages amount Blickman filed therein. allegations matter Monroe and/or 52. exposed Defendant belief, contained written subject Said the misconduct, and Blickman's 51. plead ACTION DEFAMATION realleges as if accusations false The with exclusively false Office 50. the above information The Clerk's County of 1-46 and OF herein. 48. and repeats CAUSE entitled associated to with an his other award of defense matter. AGAINST KAPLAN-LIST TORT and every allegation allegation set forth heretofore therein is more previously fully set INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 herein. forth 54. against List information Upon were Blickman Complaint false the with and and belief, barred Monroe the by relevant Clerk's County with Kaplan-List, of statutes on Office that knowledge 12, allegations filed limitations, January her and 2018, Kaplan- the 15, February 2018. 55. an act that The is otherwise 56. Complaint List reputation and him cause determined together information was to maliciously his of Ten at the with his Kaplan-List and and job, of time medical the of List's Kaplan and forth in fees, as the Blickman costs, to be Office is of this repeats 1-57 above as if each each and an economic with has suffered such amount of his defense his damaging in the award Kaplan- the loss, future. in damages as punitive of may be damages, the Kaplan- matter. OF ACTION every AGAINST OF PROCESS ABUSE realleges and or associated and medicine Blickman to by financial ($10,000,000.00), CAUSE FOR Blickman practicing entitled of filing and allegation every allegation set forth heretofore therein previously is more fully her allegations set herein. 59. against Clerk's County upon him behavior, expenses FOURTH THE from is further and prosecution FOR Blickman Paragraphs Monroe Defendant's cause him Dollars the harm profession, malicious 00/100 and trial; inflict prevent KAPLAN-LIST plead the of purpose intentionally attorneys' as well the to otherwise Million AS AND 58. with Complaint belief, and within a result As Complaint List Upon to lose amount the legal. relationship 57. the of filing Blickman issued, Upon were process information false by the and and barred filing the belief, by with Kaplan-List, the relevant Kaplan-List statutes Complaint 9 10 of 15 knowledge of limitations, with the that issued, Monroe and/or caused Clerk' County s INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 Office on RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 12, January Upon 60. Kaplan-List Upon Complaint in a perverted Blickman to harm and belief, Kaplan-List to obtain the manner of Defendant the belief, an intent information reputation the harming with and 2018. 15, February information Complaint 61. and 2018, Blickman and to without used collateral excuse the caused to be the filed, or justification. of filing process objective a financial receive and/or filed, of the defaming, windfall that Kaplan-List and slandering she is not otherwise entitled. 62. Million As and 00/100 Dollars Blickman trial; and fees, costs, and prosecution of expenses this in forth entitled has or such ($10,000,000.00), to an award with associated FOR THE FIFTH his suffered amount of the amount be determined together damages, the in damages as may of punitive defense Kaplan-List of at the with Ten of time attorneys' his Complaint and above realleges as if each each and AGAINST as well as the KAPLAN-LIST OF EMOTIONAL INFLICTION repeats 1-62 Paragraphs OF ACTION CAUSE INTENTIONAL Blickman and allegation every allegation every DISTRESS set forth as it heretofore therein previously is more set fully herein. 64. Kaplan-List's Kaplan-List Kaplan-List of disregard 66. emotional malicious constitutes Complaint 65. physical Blickman foregoing, matter. FOR 63. the is further AS AND plead of a result injury and said harm of extreme severe that and but conduct outrageous extreme causing, emotional includes, salacious and said likelihood Kaplan-List's and extreme undertook a substantial distress and and Blickman distress is not has limited 10 11 of 15 to the filing of with the intent, the conduct. outrageous severe conduct outrageous relates conduct emotional has manifested to, loss of distress. caused itself or the into appetite, Blickman Blickman loss of severe suffering weight and INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 loss RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 sleep. of As 67. Million and 00/100 Dollars and fees, costs, and prosecution of this FOR Blickman foregoing, entitled has or such ($10,000,000.00), with his amount defense of damages suffered of punitive to an award associated expenses AND AS the is further Blickman trial; of a result as may the together Kaplan-List of amount be determined damages, the in at the with time of attorneys' his as well Complaint Ten as the matter. FOR THE SIXTH TORTIOUS OF ACTION CAUSE WITH INTERFERENCE AGAINST KAPLAN-LIST PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS Blickman 68. plead forth in Paragraphs 1-67 and above realleges as if each and belief, each and and allegation every allegation every set heretofore forth therein previously is more set fully herein. Upon 69. Kaplan-List for repeats was information third-parties those that Blickman based upon aware was at the time routinely Blickman's that hired the Kaplan-List stature experience, to perform third-parties by and was Complaint reputation filed, certain in the tasks medical profession. 70. These and lecturing moderating Complaint are Complaint 73. opportunities objectively Kaplan-List's to provide third-parties and malicious was undertaken Kaplan-List's 72. from but include, are in no limited way to, at seminars. Kaplan-List's 71. Kaplan-List opportunities for allegations false and services the has to sole purpose as third-parties and continues including, 11 12 of 15 it relates to the filing of the Blickman. forth set in the Kaplan-List wrongful. independently caused as of harming Blickman against otherwise conduct conduct salacious but to cause not limited Blickman to, lecturing to lose and INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 at seminars. moderating 74. Million and As a result 00/100 Dollars Blickman trial; and fees, costs, prosecution and of of the is further expenses the As for and against the Dollars time of fees, costs As First of damages as may of punitive G. the in the amount be determined together damages, Kaplan-List Blickman, of at the with Ten of time attorneys' his as well Complaint judgment demands M.D., and as well the Second as the to awarding and at the attorneys' and for the 00/100 the fees, costs and for the 00/100 the of fees, costs and a Money Cause the of Katina as an Fifth Judgment as the prosecution Cause of Action against the with prosecution of Prima Facie for the this sum damages, with Plaintiff's defense the this matter; for Abuse of M.D., for other sum amount as sum of of the of and Kaplan-List Judgment Ten damages, with Plaintiff's defense of 13 of 15 Million be determined at the attorneys' with all with 12 defense Judgment Ten together Defendant, be matter; as may for Ten may Plaintiff's amount this of together a Money Process, the a Money Se, the punitive of Kaplan-List a Money Tort, the together the and at the attorneys' damages, as may or such associated punitive associated other Kaplan-List, of of award other amount Action all the Per for punitive of award such M.D., or such of award prosecution expenses as well for Kaplan-List, ($10,000,000.00), and for Libel M.D., or as an Action of and Kaplan-List, as the Million be determined matter; Defamation for expenses associated as the Fourth as well trial; Complaint as an Defendant, Dollars time and Katina expenses as well of as well ($10,000,000.00), and with defense as well Cause as well trial; Complaint Third together this Judgment Ten damages, the ($10,000,000.00), costs of Plaintiff's Action trial; sum punitive Katina Complaint Defendant, Dollars of against of fees, time As Dollars time Kaplan-List against As 00/100 the with of Defendant, for M.D., other a Money Libel, as may prosecution of and amount of award Cause the Defamation or such associated as the against determined As as an expenses for Kaplan-List, ($10,000,000.00), Million all Action Katina as well trial; of Cause Defendant, for and of the (e) amount defense his Johan Plaintiff, the 00/100 with (d) with suffered relief: Judgment (c) or such to an award associated Complaint (b) entitled has matter. this following (a) Blickman foregoing, ($10,000,000.00), WHEREFORE, him the Million be determined all the and at the attorneys' Kaplan-List matter; Intentional Katina Infliction Kaplan-List, of Emotional M.D., Distress, for the sum INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 of Ten Million and Dollars 00/100 of trial; be determined at the time as well as an award attorneys' costs and with all expenses associated fees, of (f) Kaplan-List the As for and Business M.D., for such other amount of March Rochester, Sixth List, with Dated: the For 5_, the this Cause sum as may damages, together Plaintiff's defense matter; such the other as well of of as the Action a Money Relationships, punitive (g) Complaint Ten with the 00/100 Dollars of trial; of the and Kaplan-List costs with defense Prospective Kaplan- Katina or ($10,000,000.00), as well and as an award expenses as well Complaint together matter; Defendant, be determined at the time attorneys' with all fees, as may Plaintiff's Interference against amount damages, the of this Tortious for Million of punitive prosecution Judgment other or such ($10,000,000.00), as the associated prosecution and and further relief that this Court to be just deems and proper. 2018 New York FOX EVANS LLP By: Jar P. Attorneys 100 Meridian Rochester, Telephone: 13 14 of 15 irt, for Esq. Plaintiff Centre New (585) York Boulevard, 14618 787-7000 Suite 300 of INDEX NO. E2018001329 FILED: MONROE COUNTY CLERK 03/06/2018 03:20 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/06/2018 VERIFICATION STATE NEW OF YORK) OF MONROE) COUNTY JOHAN I, Plaintiff contents stated in the G. ss.: BLICKMAN, above-entitled that thereof; to be alleged being duly that I have read action; the upon M.D., same information is true to and my belief, own and to before 5 + day o ary Pubhc of 2018. JARED P. HIRT Notary Public, State of New York Monroe County, REG #02Hl6125021 My Commission Expires April 4, 20~ 15 of 15 depose foregoing aspthos me this March, the knowledge, OHAN Sworn 5' sworn, G.fLICKMAN, except matte and say Complaint as to the I believe M.D. that and matters them I am know the the therein to be true.