CourtLink Classic Details for ** Case: 87-1-00011-7 H ** & Court System: Washington Superior Courts Date Printed: 6/28/2005 4:35:25 PM Court: State of Washington - Adams County Superior Court Case: State of Washington VS ED Courtney - Criminal Judge: Filed on: 01/23/1987 Note 1: Summary Search Name: Offense: Judgment#: Resolution: Completion: Restore Date: Courtney, ED Indecliberts 89-9-00033-3 Guilty Plea Judgment/Order/Decree Filed 03/22/05 Appealed: Date: Date: No 01/30/89 01/30/89 Names Connection / Litigant Name Plaintiff #1 State of Washington Defendant#! on 03/14/88 Courtney, ED Prose, Attorney #1 Miller, Richard W Attorney #1 for Defendant Ryals, Rembert Docket Sub# Date Description 1 01/23/87 06/24/87 Information Order For Issu Warrant MicroFilm 87-641 Warrant Issued Pros. Atty. Set on Calendar Arraignment Order on Personal Recognizance MicroFilm 88-365 2 06/24/87 03/11/88 3 03/14/88 4 03/14/88 03/14/88 05/02/88 06/06/88 5 06/06/88 6 06/06/88 Ord Set Trial Date.Omnlbus Hearng Omnibus Hearing MicroFilm 88-415 Set on Calendar Omnibus Hearing Set on Calendar Stipulation Waiver of Speedy Trial MicroFilm 88-901 Stipulation (Continuation of Trial Date - 09-13-88 MicroFilm 88-902 Secondary 03/14/88CA 05/02/880H 05/16/88OH 06/06/88CJ ECC000001 Page 2 CourtLink Classic Details for ** Case: 87-1-00011-7 " Sub # Pate Description 7 06/08/88 Order of Continuance MicroFilm 88-960 Prosecutor Office Set on Calendar Continuance Waiver of Speedy Trial MicroFilm 88-1468 09/08/88 8 09/12/88 9 09/12/88 11/15/88 10 11/30/88 11 12 11/30/88 11/30/88 13 11/30/88 14 15 12/01/88 12/02/88 12/02/88 12/07/88 16 17 12/12/88 18 12/12/88 12/12/88 12/12/88 01/18/89 19 01/30/89 01/30/89 20 01/30/89 01/30/89 01/30/89 05/08/89 05/19/89 05/19/89 09/24/90 01/28/91 03/20/91 21 22 23 24 25 *** Stipulation MicroFilm 88-1831 Motion For Issuance of Certificate To Secure Attendance of Out of State Witness Affidavit of Richard W Miller Certificate of Judge of State of Wash to Secure Attendance of Out Of-State Witness Order Directing Auditor to Issue Warrant For Out-Of-State Witness MicroFilm 88-1908 Subpoena Subpoena Witness List Pros. Atty. Set on Calendar Change of Plea, 1:30 P.M. Statement of Defendant,Plea Guilty MicroFilm 88-1986 Order Accepting Guilty Plea And For Pre-Sentence Investigation MicroFilm 88-1987 Set on Calendar Sentencing Pros. Atty Reset on Calendar Judgment And Sentence Report Presentence And Intake Judgment And Sentence MicroFilm 89-134 Penalty Assessed - Crime Victims Stand Cond & Sent Requirments Secondary 09/12/88SC 12/12/88SC 01/23/89 01/30/89CJ 70.00 Penalty Received - Crime Victims Penalty Received - Crime Victims Statement of Costs Paid in Full Violation Report Request For Discharge Certificate & Order 30.00 40,00 Secondary End of Docket **# Accounting SubJ Date Description 20 01/30/89 Judgment And Sentence MicroFilm 89-134 ECC000002 Page 3 CourtLink Classic Details for ** Case: 87-1-00011-7 ** Sub# Date Description Secondary 01/30/89 05/08/89 05/19/89 Penalty Assessed - Crime Victims Penalty Received - Crime Victims Penalty Received - Crime Victims 70.00 30.00 40.00 Judgments Number Title/Description 89-9-00033-3 State of Washington VS ED Courtney Type: Criminal - Filed On: 01/30/89 Status: Fully Satisfied - Date: 05/19/89 Charges RCW Code Description Charges for: COURTNEY, ED (Defendant #1) Resolution: 01-30-1989 Guilty Plea 9A.44.100 9A.44.100 ** Original Information ** Indecent Liberties Indecent Liberties Count Result 1 Dismissed Guilty Violation Date 01-23-1987 2 Sentence Sentence Description ** Sentence Description for (Defendant #1) ** Victim Assessment of 70.00. Community Supervidion Shall Serve 24 Months. Treatment at Discretion of Department of Corrections ** No Sentence Description for (Defendant #1) ** Victim Assessment of 70.00. Community Supervidion Shall Serve 24 Months. Treatment at Discretion of Department of Corrections Other Information Sentence for COURTNEY, ED Sentence Date: 01/30/1989 Court Costs: $90.00 Prob/Comm. Supervision: Yes Sentence for COURTNEY, ED Sentence Date: 01/30/1989 Court Costs: $90.00 Prob/Comm. Supervision: Yes (Defendant #1) Sentenced By: Date Due: 01/30/1991 (Defendant #1) Sentenced By: Date Due: 01/30/1991 This output contains results from the Washington State Courts. Please note: The Washington State Office of the Administrator for the Courts and the Washington courts do not warrant that the information is accurate or correct and deny liability for any damages resulting from the release or use of the data. In order to assure or verify the accuracy of the information or data received, the customer, client, or other third party should personally consult the 'official' and physical record reposing at the court of record. ***** End of Report ***** ECC000003 ADAMS COUNTY FILED 0 JAN 2 3 1987 ^OBSRr V. BLAIR, Clerk '££, SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR ADAMS COUNTY THE STATE OF WASHTUGTON, ) ) ) Plaintiff,. vs. Defendant. 1 ) ) INFORMATION FOR ) ) (two counts) ) ED COURTNEY, NO.8!? INDECENT LJBBKPIBS RCW 9A.'44.100(1) (b) ! COKES NOW RICHARD W. MILLER, Prosecuting Attorney o£ ' Aflams County, State of WasJilngton, and by this information ahargas ED COURTNEY with commission of th® crime o£ XtJDECEMT LIBERTIES, two counts, as follows! COUNT I That the ED COURTNEY during the week of May 15, 1985, in the County of Adams, State of Wash­ ington, then and there being, dia then ernfl thsre knowingly cause a human being, not his spouse, and lass than fourteen years of age, to have sexual contact with him. COUNT II That the said ED COURTNEY between June 15., 1"985 and July IS, 13 85, in the County of Adams, State of Washington, than and there being, did then and there knowingly cause a human being, not his spouse, and less than fourteen years of age, to hav® sexual contact with him, INDECENT LIBERTIES is a Class B felony, punishable by confine­ ment in a fitat:a institution for a term of ten (lo) years or by a .fine of 520,00 0.0 0 or by both such confinement and fine, for each count, contrary to statute in such case made and provided, and againet the peace and dignity of the state 9 DATED at Ritzville, Washi 19 87. >3. Tthisv gton/> ar Of s Mo&mtJVTm^kTio^&Y FdR ADAMS dduntfk 1. INFORMATION- Courtney ECC000004 STATE OT WASHINGTON County o£ Adams > ) ss. ) first duly sworn ] j > on oath.' iposes and says; That he is the duly slactad, acting and qualified Prose­ cuting Attorney in and for said County and State? that he has read the foregoing information., knows. contents thereof and believeg tha same to be trua^O-^ SUBSCRIBED MID SWOHN to before ma this J^3^xiay of &rAM.a-nsi^ 1967. CI»ERK DEPUTY' ' • ROaESTV.Si^tP. Cyi $• 2, INFORMATION - Courtney ECC000005 ADAMS COUNTY FILED DEC 12 1988 ROBERT V. 0LAIR, Clerk By SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR ADAMS COUNTY STATE OF WASHINGTON, ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ED COURTNEY, Defendant-. ll NO. P7 -'/-deal/- 7 ) ) STATEMENT OP DEFENDANT ON PLEA OF GUILTY ) ) ss-- > 1. My true name Is £<3 Courtney, 2, M y age is 3. I went through. tTiie grade of school- I "have been infoxrwed and fully understancl that. I have the right to representation by a lawyer and that if I cannot afford to pay for a lawyer, one will be provided at no expense to me, My lawyer'e nam© is Rembert Ryals. I have been informed and fully understand that 1 am charged with the arime of INDECENT LIBERTIES , that the elementD of the crime are: knowingly cause emother person who ie not hie spouse to have sexual contact with him when the other peraon is less than 14 years of age, that the maximum sentence for which is ten years In jail and a $20,000.00 £inc>ra.'te<3 by reference, X have been given a. copy of the inforjnat-ion. ( ) And T further understanQ that as a First. Time offender. the court may decide not to impose the standard eentenoe range, and that the court may sentence me to up to total confinement and ( ( ) day® of ) of community supervision. (If First offender provision is not applicable, this statement shall but stricken and initialed toy the defendant and the Judge). 6. I have been informeca and fully understand that; (a) I have the right to a. apeedy and public trial by an impartial jury in the county where the crime is alleged to have bean conunitted. (~b) I have the right to remain silent before and during trial and I need not testify againat inys:e a pre-sentence investigat.ion and report to the Court before the imposition of ^ on sentence fg , cktj 00 o'clock .•>! - iti - DATE: Ms)/¥J9?T JUDGE PRESENS^D CUTOR INT' [ARJX 'ILLER ATTOBNBY FOR DEFENDANT ;-fi r; ECC000013 SCHEDULED sewpice , 20. 01 / DEPAnYUENT OF COfMECTIONS 89 TYPE OF CASS: 15SL_NEW PRESENTENCE AND INTAKE HgFOBT Tft. DA. U6. S8MTENCE STATUS CHANGS Honoratole Elohard w. Miller REPORT TO: COURIMEX, Edward 9.48463 CTTY ADDRESS — LAST HBSIDSNCE — STRSET 161 South 187th ST.. ' DATE OP OFFENSE: "Ed" KNOWN ALIAS: Svumner of 1985 TERMINATION DATE; SENTENGINQ JUDGE: Indecent Liberties ROW 9A,44.100(1)(b) EENTHNOH: ADAMS COUNTY FILED il JAN 3 0 (gag " ROBE BY CAUSS NUMBER: 87-1-00011-7 DO!3:_fiL/-_5,?^5_ S FT. aev M(l) BAnK. as IN. WEIOHT: Bro (4;/cry (S) WR14237041 SSA NO: ETHNIC: N. Rmarican CITEgusMiP: Wftita.._.Cl) 155 RESTITUTIO^: LBS. Med <3), COMPLEXION: am NO: IR, Clark Adams (01) couNiy) HAIR: HP 98148 wa DATE OF oeNTCNCS! MAIDEN NAME: CRIME AND RCW: 01-25-89 STAtE Beaccle TRUE NAME: COOKTKEY, Edward Geoxge HEIGHT: •EST DOC NUMBER DPFSNOSO MAMS COURT COSTS: ATTORNEY FEES: eY£5; Bro (3) ?INES. FBI NO: Unknown COST OP SUPERVISION: BORN IN: Washington PENALTY ASSESSMENT: (.01) COMMUNITY BERVICEi Amarican (01) GANG AFPIUATIQN: Non« EMSRGSNCY CONTACT: Beatrice Courtney (Mother) 161 South 107tli, Seattle, WA 98148 TSLEPHONe NO: (206) 242-3087 FBI PINOERPRINT CODE; Ultnown SCABS, UAOKS, TATTOOS: None PA: Dennis Morgan DA: R. Ryale P. O. Box .1407 RieSlana, WA 99352 WVEST1BATINS OFPCSfi ANO NUMBER Lars U. CarIsen BQQ5 INVEaTISilTlNS omCEAND NUMSSH ewwwiiNo OFFICES A»ID NUWMB SijpaAVaiNQ OFFICE ANO NUMfiSA SUPBRVWOft'S SIGNATURE DOC A *t >Uijo T> Mr,) Or A roc ECC000014 PRHSEHTBHCB USWESirre&'EtOH COBSTHTIT, BdwaL-ctl page 2 opyrfrrftr. vjrnsiOH OF TBB OBTOHEBS Aaoording to reports provided by tile Mams County Proeecutot1 s OJTflQe, thes Othello Police Department receivofl « Chilfl 5rot«ctive Services Report on 04-22As a rGSUlt, the othollo Police Department 86 with regard# to this case. aonducfceej an inves-tigation o£ the allegations, and later filed their finflings, with the AISBIUB County FrosBCMting Attorney's OtEioe. The inveetigation of the othallo Poliae Deportment revealed numerous complainte involving Courtney's "touching' behavior' , among the young boys, espscially in 1 tfia school locker room, victims were all youtuffer than 14. in tvo oases, the Proseoutor'6 Offiica deterniinateii that inappropriate touching behavior smotuvtea to felonies. on 01-23-87, an information was filed charging Courtney with 2 Counts o£ Mcieeenfc Liberties. Both counts involvea Courtney inappropriate ways. i.e. vubbincj himself up against young boys in clcsrly pinning victims against a wall, or on the floor and rubbing crotch areas togQth«r, making gtatowonts each as, "Bo you £BB1 it?", "le it there yet?", It •was also •5>il«gec! by one oX the victims that Coutnoy, while riding tot/ether with the victim in a oair naid, "I'm going to get you", and then reached over with his hand and rubbed the victim's crotch area. Subsoguently, as a result of plea negotiations, Courtney pled guilty to 1 Count A presentence of inflecent Liberties in Adams County Superior Court, investigation was oraerea. PKTOBDMTO'S VEESJCB OP TITO OFFKHSBc Courtney denies that he actually ooirflnitted the offansoB to which he pled guilty. He indicates that in this Epecifiio instsnoo to t?hieh he plefl guilty he had been involved in wrestling with the individual in what he would aonsider "normal horseplay" foir a aoaqh Specifia and detailed, ana that, -fcha -treatment, agency should provide th« oourt with those specific detoiled ijietcuctions an*! time limits within 60 days from the date ot sentenceNot leaving tlxe Stato without the Court's permieaion is a standard conflitioji of the Dapjixtment. of COrtsctions and, as such, I don't see any need -to specifically epwll it out in the Judgment and Sentence. The defendant should have no contact whatsoever -with children under the age of IB, cxcajat in the company OS a reeponsible adul-t. The defendant should be required, at tha request of the trftatmem't aganoy to submit to a penile pXethysinogroph examination In order to determine accurately wtiEvt does and does not provoke phyaioal arousal in the defendant;. The defendant should be involved in a treatment program known to specialiao and work with sex offenders with a good reputation with the legal authorities, i.e. (pepartment of Corraeticns), in the area where he will ba suparvioed, Boattle, Washington. Finally) I agree with pr. Robinson's evaluation of Courtney with regards to tiwe in custody. X feel in thia particule-r individual's case, impxiKanwant vould be harmfvil to his mental health. I roaommend the Court consider not requiring Courtney spend any time in jail. X do, however, bolisve tha Court should maJcc it very elea.i" "to this defendant that failure to comply with tfte conditions of the Judgment and sentence may vexy well lead to an axtsndsd period of time in The state institution. I Esooraniend. the Court assess court costs, criro« victim's aesEsamentB in an amount to be detorroined by the court and to be paia within a specific ceriod of time, perhaps. 24 months. I reooinjuand the Court choose tho Spacinl offender Waiver in this case with the conditions outlined above, and that no jail fcircra be impoaod. 5\lbmittS5 by. tRCrrmg 01-25-89 01-25-89 948463-pi O r i g . +• I s pot Court PA per pC; FF pc I FXennin^ a Reejoarch Lars R. Carlser Coimnu7iit.y Corrections Ofjfic^r III P- O- BOW: 159 3 229 First Av©. KM EpTiratia, WA 98S23 (509) 754-4626? Scans 2382-2282 DOC/Olympia ECC000020 # JOHN F. ROBINSON, Ph.D. Licensed Psiycholngist TRAYWICK, GREEN & ASSOCIATES 6314 - 19th Street West Suite 18 Tacoiaa, Washington, 98466 (206) 564-6866 c'HIfe'H/' iAN WC. 3 1981^ tpuvm January 19,1989 Lars Carlson, CCO HI P.O.Box 159 Ephrata,WA 98823 RE: Edwart Courtney Dear Mr. Carlsen: Here is my reopn on Mr. Edward Courtney. I think the details of his sentencing are crucial to his success in treatment; see recommendations in report, Mr. Courtney will receive a copy of the reoprt. Please call if you have additional questions. Si^er/y, John F. Robinson, Ph, D. JFR/eah 1/19/89 •S it. ? ECC000021 JOHN R ROBINSON, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologisl TRAYWTCK, GREEN & ASSOCIATES 6314 - 19th Street "West Suite 18 'ftcoma, Washington 98466 (206) 564-6866 iAN nnn 3 19RQ PPUOAT/I PSTCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION NAME: Edward Cr. Courtney DATE OF EVALUATION: SEX: Male 12-26-88, 1-11-89,1-12-89 D.O.B: 7-23-35 REPORT DATE: 1-18-89 AGE: 53 years MARITAL STATUS: Never Married REFERJRAL INFORMATION: Mr, Courtney is a 53 year old never manied Caucasian male. He was rcfened by Lars Carlsen, Community Corrections Officer in Euphrata, Washington for psychological assessment prior to sentencing on an indecent liberties charge. Several early teenage boys had alleged inappropriate sexual behavior on Mr. Courtney's part in April, 1986. In October, 1986 Mr. Courtney took, and failed, a polygraph examination. He later pled guilty to one count of indecent liberties in a plea bargain agreement. The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the nature and degree of Mr. Courtney's problem with sexual acting out, the likelihood of his reoffending in the future and to make recommendations regardkig psycbological treatment and/or limits on Mr. Courtney's fatare employment and behav­ ior in order lo prevent reoffense. <• ASSESSMENT PROCESS: TWo clinical interviews were conducted on January 11 and January 12,1989. Mr. Courtney com•pleted the following psychological test instruments: I: ri 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Minnesota Multiphasic Pereonali Inventory (MMPI) Millon Clinical Multiaxial Invent/ Bender Gcstalt Figures Shipley Institute of Living Scale Projective Drawings i PAGE 1 OF 9 & ECC000022 « The following additional materials were reviewed: 1. Sexual functioning report, 10-12-88, D. L. Rukuard, M-A. 2. Psychiatric Evaluation, 4-13-S8, BX. 'Rfincobaum, M-D, _ 3. Polygraph Examination Report, 10-23.^&LarryEaylar (Seattle Police) Age 14), 4. Verbatim Statements of several victima: ^HMMlCAge 12), 5. (Age 14),•••[Age 13) 5. Statements by Mr. Courtney to police and a written stateimm submitted to his employer, tho junior high school in Othello. 6. Case summaiy by invastigating officer. BEHAVIOR: Mr. Courtney was prompt and cooperative. His dress and manner were appropriate and he was somewhat anxious as evidenced by his nervous patter, and by frequent requests for guidance, structure or reassurance. He was oriented to time, place and person and there was no sign of thought disorder. His speech was somewhat rapid and circumstantial at times failiag to get to the point of the question. Mr. Courtney had very high anxiety whan asked to draw a picture of a person. Both his behavior and the resultant drawings were clearly disturbed. Throughout the assessment the client raaintained a wall of denial that he had any problem or that any of the allegations had any substance. However, toward the end of the assessment when I confronted Mr. Counney on the discrepancy between his statements and those of several victims and described to Mr. Courtney what I thought his problem was, h® tearfully indicated (without admitting to any specific acts) that I was accurate and asked if I would also provide treatment. I explained that it was my policy not to provide treatment myself following psychological evaluation in order to avoid conflict of interest BACKGROUND INFORMATION; Mr. Courtney was the only chUd born to two alcoholic parents. In his early years, both parents were frequently at taverns, and preferred beer. His mother was a very heavy smoker and Mc. Courtney had early health problems with pneumonia and asthma. PL's father was a bus driver and was described as wanner and more easy going that his mother, who was more the disriplinarisn and task master, The client describes his mother as impossible to please and reports receiving little or no praise or warmth from her "although we're great friends now". Mr. Courtney got some praise and warmth from his maternal aunt and maternal grandfather. The client says there was a lot of tension aud arguing, but little or no violence. His father had affairs and failed to pay bills. They moved around frequently within the Seattle area. The client went through at least five changes of schools in his first eight years. Mr. Courtney's father died when the client was 10 years old. The client clearly has unresolved grief about this and could not hold back tears. Hfs mother went to work as a waitress and remar­ ried when Mr. Courtney was age 14 to a man who the client did not like. His stepfather was a heavy drinker but not abusive. They were divorced when Mr. Courtney was age 17 and his mother quit drinking at about this same time. Mr. Courtney reports no depression following his father's death, but did experience a depression with a drop in grades shortly after his mother remarried. PAGE 2 OF 9 v.fv ECC000023 & In tccn years Mr, Courtney was "not heavy into datina. I was not sure who I was or which way 1 wanted to go". He acknowledges he was "maybe avoiding some things I saw in my own family". His high school soda) life centered around sports, and he attended an all male Catholic high school. He was koown as "blow top" because of his intense competitiveness and his tendency to blow up if he lost * After high school graduation in May, 1953, Mr. Courtney left for New York in June to become a Christian Brother (the non-ordained Christian lay order that ran the high school he attended). He lived for many years in an all male dormitory-like setting from age 17 until age 47 when he left the order. Much of the early yeare were in an isolated upstate New York setting with much silence, strict rules, and relationships that were disrupted when friends lefi without notice and he never knew why. He acquired a B.A. in history, and an M.S. in educational guidance from Fordham Univctsity (the Christian Brothers College) and later an M.A. in Educational Administration from Seattle Univer­ sity. His work was primarily in an educational setting with young people. However, when I pressed for details regarding Mr. Courtney's work in the Christian Brothers in order to ascertain whether there were prior allegations I came away with very scant and vague information. Mr. Courtney says he signed out of the order on his own volition in 1982, after twenty five years. Mr. Courtney made an abonive anempt to change professions after leaving the order and again after resigning his teaching job in Othello following allegations of sexual misconduct, but heended up back in teaching because it is all he really knows and, I think, because of the connection between teaching youngsters and Mr. Oourtney s sexual acting out. Currently he has accepted a mandate from the Court to keep out of teaching positions. He is living with, his elderly mother and aunt in Seattle and working aa a driver for a Rent-a-Car company for 35 houis per week and earns $4 per hour. SEXUAL HISTORY: Mr. Courtney all but denies having, or every having had, any sexual life at all. He remembere mutual exposure games with a same-age girl at age 5. He reports being plagued with an extremely harsh, rigid morality surrounding sex which he is vaguely aware has something to do with training by his mother, later reinforced by Catholic ideology. He remembers being taught that kissing was a monal sin and recalls being hustled out of die room when his uncle exposed himself at a party. Mr, Courtney denies ever having masturbated. He states he would awaken during wet dreams in early teen years and so is aware of what an ejaculation is. He denies ever having intercourse. He reports no homosexual experience of any Idnd, is not aware of any pedophilic or homosexual behavior by any teachers or fellow students at any time during his high school or seminary ycais, or subsequently. He denies ever having fantasized much and states "my body was more mind controllca. Morality kept me from even fantasizing, so if I started, guilt feelings would stop me". Mr. Courtney says he "came close" to having intercourse while living in Reno, Nevada recently, when a waitress who was a sex abuse victim and a severe alcoholic asked him to have sex with her. He states "I want ihe relationship to be more special than that". PAGE 3 OF 9 ECC000024 # # ALCOHOL AND DRUGHISTORY: Mr. Courtney denies current or historical over us© of alcohol or drugs. Currently he acknowledges very occasional and limited intake of wine. CLIENTS VERSION OF THE OFFENSE: Mr. Courtney denied an^ubstance to the allegations against him, He Umited his response to the specific allegations of and did not account for the specific allegations made \>y a number of victims. •H He claims he was wmstUng withHHB in a way that was "normal horseplay" for a coach and teacher. He claims •BHTtook it the wrong way because of a hostile attitude and desire to get revenge for previous discipline by Mr. Courtney. The client acknowledges a few occasions where he has become aware of an erection while simi­ larly wrestling with yovmg male students or athletes and says this greatly troubled him because of its immorality. He denies ever having acted on this arousal, ever deliberately touching in a sexual way or ever inviting a child to be sexual with him. OFFICIAL VERSION OF THE OFFENSE: From the verbatim statements to police by five boys, ages 12 to 14 years, all witnesses to and victims of Mr. Courtney's sexual acting out, it is possible to get a reasonably clear picture of the client's pattern. H In the case Mr. Courtney used his position as baseball coach to get alone for a "make up" practice on a weekend day. He began to question Habout his weight and his lost tooth. Mr. Lourtney escalated to grappling with the 13 year old, rubbing his penis against the boy and attempting to pin him to a dressing room bench. StatetBents from other victims show a pattern of Mr. Courtney using his position a? trusted coach or teacher to gain access to boys in the 12 to 14 year age range, tussling with them while rubbing his genital area against them. He would often cause pain by squeezing a boy's shoulder muscle or jamming his knuckles into the back while preventing escape with the other arm. The victim's attempts to get away are apparently arousing to Mr. Courtney and he then presses his penis against his victim's genitals or buttocks. He made comments at these times like "do you feel it? Is it there yet?". Mr. Courtney has gone farther than this on other occasions. Several boys reported being invited to come alone to Mr. Courtney's home "to play Atari". One hoy who went there described being given cookies and being molested in a similar manner as described above. Another describes how Mr. Courtney grabbed the boy's neck and forced tu's head down by Mr. Courtney's crotch. Sev. eral boys alluded to a classmate having gone on a trip to Canada with Mr. Courtney and having reported later that the client swam nude with him. Statements from two boys who may have suf­ fered more extreme molestation were not available because one had moved away and one was being protected from further trauma by his parents. • SI PAGE 4 OF 9 .:i-l ECC000025 # w LEVEL OF INSIGI-rr AM) EMPATHY: Mr. Courtney has very limited insight into lite own behavior, motivation, compulsions, or the connection between any of these things and his childhood. He seemed 10 have no awareness that his behavior has cost him not only his job, but his career. When asleed atom the effect of his behavior on his victims he was unable to answer until pressed as to why it would be against the law. He said "because it would be homosexual, and that's wrong". When pressed to describe any harm to the victim he said it was "a violation of a trust". Mr. Courtney was worried that his mutual exposure play at age 5 might be seen as abnormal, but seemed surprised that his description of absence of any sex life was abnormal. "V When asked how long lie had been snuggling with his sexual problem he said "quite a few yeais". I think he is consciously aware of his sexual molesting behavior and his own obsession about it. 1 think he is consciously concerned and mortified by the thought that he may have homosexual desires but it does not seem to have occurred to him to think of himself as a pedophile or as vic­ timizing children. That is, what is "wrong" in his mind is the immorality of homosexual desire, not the pedophilic victimisation. Additionally, Mr, Courtney's powers of denial, rationalization and minimisation are highly devel­ oped starting with very early training in his alcoholic family and continuing through his attempt to suppress and deny his sexuality in puberty and up to the present time. Because of these defense mechanisms it is difficult to ascertain how much of all this Mr- Courtney is consciously aware of but is choosing to deny because of shame and fear of imprisonment, and how much has actually been repressed, denied and rationalized out of conscious awareness. PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST RESULTS: Mr. Courmey is above average in I.Q., as indicated by the Shipley Institute of Living Scale (estimated LQ, about 126 plus or minus 10 %). His reproductions of the Bender Gestalt fi/zutes are above average in accuracy, showing good LQ., aud some pride in skillful execution. His numerous requests for guidance ("Can I use more than one sheet? Can I put this figure over here?" etc) are unusual in a 53 year old and show a timid, submissive approach to authority and a fear of making mistakes. Numerous erasures and reworkings further amplify the impression of an anxious perfectionist, fearful of showing any error or leaving any room for criticism. Mr. Courtney's MMPI profile is that of a person who is endorsing a lot of symptoms of distress, who is self-critical and lacking in self esteem, a social introvert who docs, not trust others (and therefore will have few or no close relationships) and who is situationally depressed with a likeli­ hood of routing depression and psychological discomfort into the form of physical health cotnplHints. It is likely that childhood attacks on Mr. Courtney's skills, value as a persoD, and resultant humiliation and domination have contributed to his mistmat and bis expectation of being similarly humiliated or dominated in the future. There is, in addition, a fair amount of anger, alienation, and a tendency to act this out, though probably in indirect ways, displaced onto other symbolic targets and probably disguised from Mr. Courinoy's awareness. The Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory results reflect primarily Mr. Courtney's underlying (hidden) feelings of inadequacy, lack of worth, shame, vulnerability and difficulty making it in the world. PAGE 5 OF 9 ECC000026 •-rti \j '•'•I 1 When asked to "Draw me a picture of a person. Draw the best person you can." Mr. Courtney clearly had an anxiety reaction as strong as any I have seen In an adult client. He delayed the task for probably five minutes with protests of bis inability. He said bis ability to draw people had stopped, developing at about age ten (the time of his father's death.). Whea asked to tnakc a secona drawing of a femate, Mr. Courtney used his first drawing as a template and almost traced the second drawing. Each figure took over fifteen minutes to complete with numerous erasures, roany commenis such as "No, that's not right... no legs to support it." etc. The resultant drawings arc crude, somewhat bizarre empty forms, in profile, with shriveled arras and hands, peg-like legs with no feet, and empty IOISO and head with no face, no ears, no hair, no features or life whatsoever. These drawings indicate a profound disturbance in Mr. Courtney's interpersonal world. There is an infantile, undeveloped factor, a paranoid avoidance of relationship, tremendous personal inade­ quacy and feelings of tocffcctuality, B deep emptiness and depression, and a lack of age appropriate sexual dovelopment and differentiation. The drawings, in my opinion, are an eloquent statement from Mr. Courtney's unconscious of the essential underlyinc psychological problem. His anxiety about producmg tjae drawings, I think, stems largely from nis intuitive awareaass of the power of these arawiugs to express a truth about himself that his command of words is able to conceal. DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSIONS: AXIS It 302.20 Pedophilia, same sex type 309.00 Adjustment disorder with depression AXIS II: 301.90 Mixed personality disorder with dependent, schizoid, and depressive traits AXIS m-. No known medical contributor AXISrV: Severity of psychosocial stressors 4, severe (loss of job, arrest, pending sentencing, three moves in two years) AXIS V: Current adaptive fuoctioaing; impairs reality testing) 40 (depressed, few friends, underemployed, DSM-m K defines "Frotteurism" (302.S9) as a sexual disorder in which there are intense urges and fantasies-at times acted upon--to rub up against other nonconsenting person. However, this is typically committed in a crowd, against unknown others (usually involving victims of a prefenred age and sex), and followed by a quick getaway. Mr. Courtney's sexual disorder has many features similar to frottage. However, his acting out involves exploitation of a personal relationship of trust, and a power differential between adult and child, teacher and student. There is evidence that he plans for access to victims, that he grooms potential victims, and offers special treatment, and that his ftottage ("dentable" rubbing up against) is intended to progress beyond quick and futive contact For this reason I have made the diagnosis of pedophilia rather than froneurism. Mir, Courtney's behavior is more traumatizing and causes greater interpersonal damage to his vic­ tims than would frottage by a stranger in a crowd. In my opinion the essential dynamics in Mr. Courtney's case are those of the adult homosexual pedophile. The reasons for the resemblance to ;--1 PAGE 6 OF 9 ' *• •V? ECC000027 frottage arc, I think, Mr. Courtney's extreme shame and perhaps the fact that the full extent of Mr. Couxtney' pcdopbilic behavior has not beea revealed by me current limited investigation. Il is extremely likely that these are not Mr. Courtney's first pedopbtfic acts. He has been a teacher much of his life. Further investigBtion into Mr. Courtnejj's past (prior teaching positions, reasons for leaving the order, etc) is warranted if an accurate estimate of the level of oanger is important There may have been other allegations and documentation of pedophilia behavior during prior teaching positions. Apparently, no one has looked into this. * I SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS; -- Mr. Courtney is socially, emotionally and sexually a very stunted, underdeveloped person, appar­ ently due to emotional abuse as a child. Apparently it has not occurred to Mr. Courtney to label his childhood as abusive or to consider the effects of this abuse on bis development. On the one hand, he has the LQ. to see into the matter more deeply; on the other hand, he had a lifetime of training and practice in denial and in avoidance of his own humanity. The effects of the abuse on Mr. Courtney include a severe stunting of his ability to relate. He has no truly intimate friends, has apparently never had an adult homosexual ox heterosexual relation­ ship Of any intimacy. His ability to feel, to be aware of his feelings, to describe his feeling are all underdeveloped, infantile. He carries deep feelings of shame and unworthiness (which he xnisperccivcs as "guilt") and usually feels ineffectual, inadequate, and lost. Naturally this isolated state produces a constant low grade depression which periodically exacerbates into more intense depressions. Mr. Courtney's conscience, his ethical reasoning, his ability to empathize are all severely underdeveloped alsoProbably Mr. Courtney's sexual orientation took a turn toward homosexuality at a very early age but was blocked from overt expression or conscious examination by rigid and punitive ideological programming under the guise of moral training. He sustained a traumatic loss at age ten which may have fixated certain aspects of his development at that age- Again ar age 13, whether it was the onset of puberty or his mother's remarrying, or both, there was a trauma with depression, and developmental arrest. The details of how this developmental arrest evolved into pedophilie acting out will not come forth until Mr. Courtney has gained Insight, reduced his shame, and can talk more candidly about the development of his pedophilie fantasies and obsessions. Y;! It is clear, though, that a definite addictive, compulsive pedophilie pattern has developed. The tar­ get children are apparently limited to males between puberty onset and age 14 or 15. Mr. Courtney may deny it, may even suppress his awareness of it, but he clearly plans, sets up circumstances, selects and grooms targets etc. Even after discovery, legal action, and loss of livelihood due to this behavior, Mr. Courtney moved to Keno and soon was back into teaching. At this point, despite having his life devastated by the legal consequences of his Own behavior, Mr. Courtney is not able to consciously acknowledge the problem. He is consenting to txeatment (on the surface anyway) only to avoid incarceration, (nonvcxbally Mr. Courtney shows signs of deep shame and distress about his pedophilia and, I think, would dearly love to be rid of the problem, the thoughts, the obsession, if Only getting rid of the problem did not mean first having to admit to it). UndemGath the pedophilia is a terrifying empty void where there should be rich human relatedness. This depressing abandoned, unrelated void is the fulcrum around which all of this revolves. The pedophilia is a substitute, a grab-tmd-rtw, pale fill in for the true warmth and intimacy thai is PAGE 7 OF 9 ECC000028 •>'•[: J and always has been missing in Mr. Courtney's Ufc. The terrifying prospect of facing this emptiness is what really motivates Mr. Courtney's many avoidant defenses of denial, etc. Without treatment, the likelihood of reoffense is very high. This is a strong, irrational obsession which Mr. Courtney cannot conlrol. Successful treatment, in my opinion, requires the following: 1) Extend court monitoring for as long a period as the law will allow to provide extended, legal leverage to ensure that Mr. Courtney engages in meaningful change. He is not sociopatln'q and can benefit from treatment, but will almost certainly avoid it, out of fear and shame, unless actively monitored. Expect testing of limits and be willing to invoke consequences. i - j 2) Make the ireatenant requirements detailed, specific, and with time limits, Mr. Courtney is skillod in passively aggressively dragging the thing out until everyone's attention span is exhausted. Rather than my specifying those details here, the particular agency who will provide treatment needs to do so, 3) Include a provision that he not leave the state, because moving a lot, especially across state lines is a strategy (conscious or unconscious) for diluting legal monitoring and meaningful treatment- s; 4) At age 53, Mr. Courtney should be permanently barred from teaching, coaching, or officiating (referee or umpire) in the vicinity of minors. The athletic locker room plays a major role in his offending. He should not be in athletic iocker rooms or showers where minors are allowed. He should have no minors on his premises. He should be prevented, if possible, from later moving to a new location and securing employment in teaching, coaching, officiating, guidance, or any occupation which involves regular contact with minors. The prohibitions should extend, of course, to volunteer positions or to simple loitering near where young people hang out 5) Ureatroent may be enhanced, later, by penile plethysmograpb examination to determine more accurately what does and does not provoke physiological arousal in Mr. Courtney, and to provide him with difficult-to-deny feedback about his own responses. 6) Heatment should be centered in a program known to specialize in work with sex offenders, a program with a good reputation with legal and other authorities in (he field for honest therapeutic work and careful follow through. •i M 7) TVeatment should include at least two elements: a) group treatment to help break down denial, to educate, to resocialize and build trust, and to build basic self-confidence and, b) extensive indi­ vidual psychotberapy to explore personal issues of abuse, alienation, lack of relatcdness, and fear of adult intimacy. Sexual orientation and preference issues may become prominent lata: in treat­ ment First in Catholic high school, and later in the Christian Brothers, Mr. Courtney has used extreme Catholic "morality" and a posture of asexuality to avoid dealing with issues. 1 recommend challenging both of these postures for the avoidant defenses that they are. 8) Monitor depression level (sleep, vegetative symptoms) and be prepared to initiate antidepressant medication if required to maintain therapeutic progress. Depression and suicidal feelings are likely to be part of the middle phase of treatment if Mr. Courtney opens up to these issues, surrenders some of his denial, and experiences more consciously the interpersonal emptiness of his life. There may besome suicide risk during this phase, Relapsing into sexual offending might be a way to try to ward off a developing depression. : „.;S '-•4 9) Exposure to a 12-step, ACOA model of treatment might help Mr. Courtney to integrate the therapeutic work with his genuine spiritual beliefs, and might help him to take over bis own recov- PAGE 8 OF 9 ' :'v;i ECC000029 j # (J* w ery and continue it past the point of professional involvement. However, he does need a relation­ ship with a skilled professional in the beginning. 10) I don't think prison time will serve as a deterrent or be of any real use in this case, and I think imprisonment could be harmful to Mr. Courtney's mental health. However, failure to promptly comply with treatment recommendations should provoke a brief jail stay. If these recommendations are followed, I think Mr. Courtney really can substantially benefit from outpatient treatment, not just in reducing the likelihood of ftiture pedophtlic behavior, but in recfaiming disowned aspects of hknsolf, rediscovering his humanity and reconnecting with people. If additional information or clarification is needed reprding this report, please feel free to contact roe. •< Since^Iy, fl-e. John F. Robinson, Ph.D. JFR/eah v 1/18/89 -I PAGE 9 OF 9 •.V-fe v.'f ECC000030 '•-vj v/pp ox.ltpiCtl (3/(r,) QX A^29' SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ADaHS. STATE OF WASHINOTON. NO. Plaintiff, Vi>. jED COURTMEV, 87 1 OODll JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE (FELONY) Defendant. SID No.; "V I I. I.I 1.2 HEARING A semencing licnring in this case was held: DENNIS W, . ADAMS COUNTY FIUED JAN 3 U 1389 (Dale) Prosenc were: Defendant! COURTNEY Defendant's Lawyer: XEMBERT RY^LS ProsMutine Atlorrrcy; 1.3 1.4 7 89 © 0G033 S mr ROB BY, .V.u IR, Clerk MOSGAM Other: Thp atatc Jms moved for dismissal Of Counts) Defendanl wis asksd if there was' any legal cause why judgment should not be pronounccl and none wu shown, •: • ssms-L 11. nNXifNCS Based on the testimony heard, staleracnls by dofendant and/or victims, argument of counsel, thii presentonoe report and rase record to date, the court finds; 2.1 CURRENT OFFENSE(S); The defendant was found guilty on II Couni No.c Crime: RCW 3A..4.4.>J.OO U) (hj Date of Crimo Count No,: -~- JLrJL2.zM by (plea) of: IHPECENJ LIBERTIES Crime Code Incident No. Crime; RCW Crime Cods Date of Crime Inddoni No. I •! ^ • • ,t--. Count No.: _ RCW _ Date of Crim® Crlmt: Critnc Coflc Inddoni No. • Additional current ofPpnjc® are atmehftd in Appcndijt A. With a special vcrdict/firdlng for una of deadly weapon on Count(B): Othei" current convictions listed under different cauws numbers used in calculaijoj the flOTcnricr score arc (list ofTensc and cause number): B Vi j • Current oiTcnscs encompassing the sinie criminnl conduct snd wunting as one crime in dctorminirg the offender aoore arc (RCW 9.94A.-J00(I)): , >• 2.2 CRJM^N'AL HISTORY? Prior conviclions cOMu'tWing orimiftftl history for purposca QC calculaiing the oflender scoro flrc (RCW 9,94A.36Q): SuKmeUfl ArfuH or Dale of CMn»e Crinw Dfttc JUT. Crfloc Type Crfrrtf J^ON® 8 Addilional crimmat history is Pn'of conviction^ ftcnrd atlaohed m Appcndiy B. concurrently and counted JUOOMENT AND SENTENCE (FELONY) (RCW 9.94A.nO, .120) AB one oflense in dorormbinfi th«= ofTcndcr ncoro are (RCW 9.94A3fiO(J})): JS Page I of 4 ECC000031 WPF CR-««.£KOO (5/IW) 2.3 qx. V23!J SENTHNCINO DATA: Coum No. Offendw Scare (I -55 MjgcJjnnm Striooaiats l««l Tarre 12+ to 14 mas. , . l,p.,yH6>ars JfiL Count No. Count No. Addhional current offense sentencing djw Is attached in Appendix C. LJ 2.4 eXCEPTIONAL SENTENCE: •O Substantia! and oompellmg ressonj exlsl which justify a tenleitce (above) (hc.loiv) the alandard range for CountCs) Findinas of fact and conclusion] of law me otlsohetl In Appendix D. Ul. JUDGMENT XTJ. IV. ORDER IT IS ORDERED that defendant jerve Uic dctcrminale sentence and ahide by (ha conditions set forth below. 4.1 Defendant shall pay io the Clerk of thifi Court: (a) (b) $? ? ' £ > ' ? s,j2s2.=..pre> , , Court eosts; Victim assessment; (c) $ , Total amount restitution (with credit for tmoratu paid by co-dcfondam(s)) to: AIMMM Amount, s $ • The court luts not ordared restitution. (Sco olerk's minutes.) CD (d) (e) •• Schedule of Rcatitutton i $ (0 $ (B) S si* as Appendix E. Reeoupmant for attorney's feet to _ Fine; , Drug ) (f & i j onforcewmnt (Uiid; Other coatj: for: , TOTAL monetary obligations. (H S (i) APAMS Payments shall be made to to the rules of the clerk and the following terms: County Superior Court according within •'fZjo ( .2- ) Ai • HoKless than $ per month; l^TOn D sohodule established by the defendant's coijimunity corrections oflicor. The clerk of the court alrall credit monetary payments to the obo/o oblisations in tho sbove-listed order snd shall forward restitution payments lo the persons listed in pftraaraph 4,l(o). (j) 4.2 tS Tisc defendont Bhall remiin under the court's jurisdieiion and the supervision of the Department of Corrociions pursuant to RCW 9.94A.120(11) for a period up to tan years to ajauns payment of the above rettitution. The court DISMISSES Count(j) 1 JUDOMENT AND SENTENCE (FELONY) J5 (RCW 9.94A. 110, ,120) Page 1 at 4 ECC000032 BH WPF CR-e4,0'M0 (S/86) QX A-2X9 SPECIAL SEXUAL OFFENDER SENTENCINO ALTERNATIVE; The ticfcndanl is sentenc«l as rollowa pursuant 10 RCW 4.3 9"94A^!]k Mi. month(s) on Count No, month(E) on Count No. i;iant!i(.0: on Count No. The execution of (his scnionoc is SUSPENDED and the following conditions are imposed; (a) •M [Zj CONFINEMENT; DGfcniJaill Shall serve a term of conrmemcnt in the County Jail as follows: • 0 D (b) . .. (day(s)) (monlb(a)) total . confmcmeril commencing lDUt«) (^ay(s)) (rnonth(s)) partial confincmont commfinctng The jftnience hcrcm shall run (cdncwrrcntly) (eonsecutMy) with tho semenca In days) servtd. Credit ifi given for (ilme) ( ©-^COMMUNITY SUPERVISION; Defendant ahsl! serve Comiminity supervision Jhall commonoa (Jt" ^) Department of Correotlons at Ad. months " tDnle) ' Jt'oUnKs) Of "niimbwJ'" of community Suporvbion. (upon relrasc from c^lfinemmO, Defend ant shall report to the within 72 hours zZ-hA,?- ./r Cc.—Ci*&i lAddfaw} of the commonosment of communiiy supervision and Sliail comply wlih all rules, regulstions and tcquiremenw of the Dcpartmiuit of Corrections and any other conditions of community supervision stated in this Judgment and Sentence. The defendant's monthly probationer assessment to the Department of Corrections in us follows (RCW 9.94-A.270): _ FulLpayment _K'"Total exemption Partial exemption as follows; (c) 0"TREATMENT; (momh(&)) Defendant shall undergo (hrprtiait) (outpflilent) sexual offender treajment for c^jT follows: (d) • COMMUNITY SERVICE: Defendant shall serve Deparlmfcol of Corrections to be completed a& follows: (e) • OTHER CONDITIONS: .i ISl (dayfs)') r~^ houra of cormnunky service under the suporvisiDn of the Additional conditions arc Biuched in Appendix F, VjolaiionR of Mic condiUons or requirements of ihia sentence ara punishable by up to sixty (60) days of confinement for each violation (RCW 4 9.94AI?.00(2)). Tho following Appcndtc« & f & attached w thiK Judgmcnx and Sentence and arc Incorporated by roforericc' Appendix A% Additional Current Offenses per paragraph 2.1 Appendix Bv AddflionaJ Criminal Hiatoiy per paragraph 2.2 Appendix C, Additional Current Offense(i) Sentencing Data per paragraph Appdndl* D, Findinga of Tftct And Condusioms of Law pgr an Exceptional* lenience peryparngraphySfi Appendix £, Schedule of Rcsiikutton per paragraph 4.1(c) / ^ppendix F, Additional Condlifons per paragraph 4.3 / B d?^ Date: f f if? Judge by; •Approved ss to form: r {\v^ rBepoxy ^^UDCMeNT \ND SENTENCE (FELONY) ProColiiinB AKornoy \ SPECIAL SEXUAL OFFENDER SENTENCING ALTCRNATIVB (RCW 9,P<)A.II0, .I20(7)(s)) LAwynf Tor Dcfcfldftni JS Page 3 of 4 ECC000033 WPP CkJi.WW <.5/8d) QX A.229 FINGERPRINTS ,v^ I m ' /hi Righi Hand 4tt«te SD COURTNEY Dated: By- / OFFENDER IUENT1KICA.TION CERTIFICATE of (his Court, certify that the abova is and Seiuwicfl in (hie action on record n , Clork true copy of (he Judp/neru S.I.D. No. in my ofllct. Date of Birth Sex Dated; Cltrt By: % y.-. Deputy Clerk Ra^ MAX-B ™jmZEL ORJ —a.Da.MS c.oinm' .gHKRipg. OCA • >: OIN DOA JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE (FELONY) — FINGERPRINTS (CrR 7.3; RCW <),, .120(7), (0.64.110) JS Pnge 4 of 4 ECC000034 9 ADAMS COUNTY FILED WPF CR-84.0496 (9/84) JAM 3 0 1989 ROBEniV .BLAtR, Clerk I SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ADAMS STATE OF WASHINGTON, NO. Plaintiff, JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE (FELONY) - APPENDIX F ADDITIOML CONDITIONS OF SENTENCE vs. ED COURTNEY 4.3 Continued: Defendant. Additional conditions of sentence are: That the defanfiant shall violate no federal or state laws nor county or eity ordinances. That the defenflant becom© aatively engaged in treatment, within, thirty (30) days of senteneing in a treatment pro­ gram known to specialise and work with sexual offenders. This treatment prog-ram to be one with a good, reputation with tha legal authorities, i.e., the Department of Corrections, in the area where the defendant will be supervised, namely, Seattle, Washington. That said treating agency is to provide the court with specific details of the treatment plan within sixty (60) days of sentencing. That the defendant is not to leave the State at Washington without the Court's permigsion.' m That the defendant shall have no contact whatsoever with any child under the age of eighteen (18) years except, in the company of a responsible adult. That the defandant shall be required, at the request of the treating agency, to submit to a penile plethysinograph examina­ tion in order to detemine aaeurately what d.Oes and what does not provoke physical arousal in the defendant. That the defendant shall be required, to submit to a polygraph eicamination at the discretion of the Community Supervision Officer, if said officer has reason to.ibeli'eve: that the defenaant has reoffended or violated any terms or conditions of this judgment and eentene<=— Said polyg-yaph examination to be conducted at the nseNof theyfefendant. Date: TTo, / i yf —jLa!3^Jk$£.Judge JUDGMENT AND SENTENCE (FELONY) - APPENDIX F ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF SENTENCE 1501 trtru o 04A nn A JS JS ECC000035 MECENT iramiES (IIIWWT FORCIIW caipiwn (RCX SA.M.lOO (l)(b,c)) NSW!CI!iWr J, OFFBtDEK scom; (fiC* 3.SHA.860 (7)) AHUT aiSTCTlf: (If the prior off MHO «aB cooalttKl offcntoj tlose served eonseeutlvej? BBBE 7/1/Be, cnunt prior s d u j t oHenseS S6r««l aracurrmitly M Bffi m conntcd Espsrstelj. j; froih currcnl und prior offensts trerc rooait- teJ OTHt 7/1/88, COURT all coinictiofij separstely, MMpt («) priors found to enwspsss ttie s»ire crialiwl MiMUCt mrter ROI 9.9{/k.4(l0(l)(j), and (b) priors seiuaneed tcnairrentlj tbtt the gnrrent court detertiiilts to couat is ona offfinBa.) •rvhl Enter JUVSNILI? HiyTOKY: Eflier (imlier (All sdjudicatloM entered suae dflte emmt AS ONE offeftsc) OQ O ' w- o of felony adjudications OTOtfi niKHEHT OflTOSEfli 1 '-Q - of felony CMvlCtiOflS (Otlisr current offoisos »tich do tint. eitMOIxsj tha sue orlalml tonillKt ownt In offtndtf i8oro Q Snter ruilbsr (if dher felony cnnvictlOM « i Total the Ii3i tolunii to del the TOTAL OITOfflSl SOME (round dowi to tho nearM! whole mmbsr) O D n. SEWINCE sues £ 0 12+ - 14 5 1 9 or acre 15 -29 2) - 21 21 - 34 31 • II 36 • 48 1« • 61 57 - 75 67 - 89 (Serlousnesa Lenl VI) v montliS^ isonths mntlia Bombs iron Iks mnitlS aonth; months Mfitbe 77 • 1D2 ttoruhs A. OFFENDER SCCR6: STANDARD UNIII-:: 1 1 4 S, Tie ranje for ittenpt. solicititliin, end cnnsplrscy is 75% of the standi rd jsnwoca rsnic for the coupltttd or ins (BCft 9.MA.410) •vl : m. sEmwcw; omoss FOR INDKENT UBECTIES (irmiMn' HHICIBLE Hwuisim) A, 8. 1/ sentence It less ta C. •/r If no prior s«x ofrense conviction »nd sentence is less ttian six years: special G U i w i off«Mler aentencliif iJtornailve fXCH 9.94A.^(j (?)(c)) sli -.^i years: semi offsttder treitneot projrM (RCK 9.5biif«ie« lhai h a Naieolic Imm Schaaulo ID. IV. or V or Nonnarcotic Imm Seneeult l-V; Poaavmlon ot SMan Properly 1; Possdoslon ol Sioten Properly ?; Vromoling Pmsllwiho I; Promollnu ProsllWllon & Hape 9; ftoohlaaa Burning 1; Raekleaaly nelUcklno In Slolan Property; PendarMB CMminat Aaelalancg I; Sendmg, ttrlnplnn tnlo inn Slalv Depletions ol Minor Enoanad In sexually ExpUcH Conduct: Sexual ExpioHtlhn. Under 16: Sexual ExolallaUot. Vndar 19: Slalutory Rape 1: 3Watory flupa 3; Taking Motor Vehlcla Wthout PtMntonivni Tenipeiinp Willi a Wlneeei Tltell I; Tltefl 3; Theft of Itvestooh 1; Thatl ot Ltvastoek *>: Unlowlul mprtooimtnh UniewM lattuanaa ol Chaekn or bt&na: Unlattful Poaaetston ot a Shan FlreBrm or P/atak Uw 01 Pmceaaa ol ohntnal P/otlteerltta: Vehicle Prowl I. OfFENOER'S NAME srAtnaV OFFSflDSH'E DOS ED COORTNEY 7-23-35 TWTD' «" CAUSg O JUDGE KXCHARD W. MILLER 8? 1 00011 7 ADULT HISTORY: (If (his prior offanas wee pommiHed before 7 1 U 85. ceunt prior odult cHenaca aetvod concurrently *5 ONE oHonoa; moss served consnculivoly are eeunl«d eepRn(l«ly. If boiH currsni and prior oHensas were cammMmd after 7/1 /SO, count ail convictions eaparaiely, except (a) priors found 10 encompass Ihe same criminal COrofuol under RCW 9.S« brough! be'lnra His oeurl lor tha imposltlo at eddilionai punishrncnl ' '» ; INITIAL CONDITIONS; Onarvdor on ftoeurai# wrlnen manlhly ttpetri to lh» cemmunlly aantsaUono offloor antf rnpeni )ri pirion ot td ettarrriofi 1. UJ dlracted. f~y O&IAlrt wrlitso poffnlcIcolcm /rom iha oammunlly Dorrcmlonc c^lcnr bnf » u*vflino puiBiaR inn uauoiy u) wnicn you 2, ud realo*, unleus j-ou ha vo b»ot) 6dv(»ed In wrlllna bv your communltv eo •tflonn oKic»i ihtf it is AOJ nscltlirv w ^ cpo -Tw^ihihmli (K_ iM? rJdS/ AO. 3, 4. Ef secure wtlllan pwrmlaalon Irom Ih© carnmi'nlly eoTrecUoAB ortiosr bn fiybtifi QO«roh Q* 6. w3 coifacllans ollloor. Y. &f poraon. looidcncf, v»hlci« ind other bftlons^fis wha^,ordo by th» oommunliy Qbay nil low». /jS{ 'Wtf* .-"J A0^ LC£0DNTY ^ JAM 3 "1989 \J RO^VJUIR, Clerk BY RasiUutlon S c3 Gourl Coj)£ $ Fine $ P..« I S\ I agree lo pay not less lhan (flddrass) _££>—SiflJS L£3 j oi) iiM)'o7 _ couri . will my (inanolal obligalion ia paid (n full. Supervision feea ® will ba mailed to^DBpartmem a) Corrections, P.O. Box 8700, Olympla {See Form DOC S-41), I will report Jo />& , ' (OSkiero nimq) ^^'a^Zl---^Za^C—££111 WA 9 B S 0 4 ZZ.9 R;Pi •r^r- ir*- (Tubohttia) /lsrc,'f9vU./ C(?OJt As direCJAd: FIREARMS NOTICE! I HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF AND AGREE TO ABIDE. BY THE FIREARMS PROHIBrTION. QRIEVANCH PROCEDURE: I hflv# rvcelveif a copy of and undersland I hovo r6e<3 Of have hod read lo mc lha fcreBdng condiijons end $ e r t U n c e requIrom^nlA wftich are c p p l l c a b l e t in my caco, Efich o l I h o o e c o n d i t i o n s / T s q u l r e m e n t a h e v e b « e n e x p l a i n e d t o m e e n d I agr&fc t o coniply with t h e m , I f u r t h e r underaifind lhat I am reoponoiblc for notifying my community cojxectlono officer. ImmedlatftlyJnjwrlllftfl if / «ie on fippeal on cause number "7 v, ^ / .•A;,-.! DeporimonlB grievano© proeedufa. .J si •vi:! w—^ <0(fontfaf* Hlanfllyfo) Olflcer M. Place - Ayjifr PJ3TRI8UT10N; /- &?'#f_ Dfitft ORlCilNAU; cc; Kx*. * MO 0> A i'kAl FlLB OFFJENDBR COUflT CtERK PROSECUTOR CENTRAL REGORDS > IF NO counr ORDERED PAYMENT PLAN ECC000038 I'4::; COU&TY STATE OP WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS CHASE RIVELAND, SECRETARY DIVISION OJ? coMMuKrry SERVICES DATE: REPORT TO: The Honorable PMHp Borst, Adanw County Superior Court. NUMBER: Adams County: NAME: COURTNEY, Edward SENTENCE: CRIME: Indecent Liberties DATE OF SENrjCBNCE: 1-30-85 PRESENT LOCATION: 161 So. 187th Street, Seattte, Washington 98148 TERMINATION DATE: STATUS: CLASSIFICATION: TYPE OF REPORT: eeaT^ay5^cui.->. S'r" 9-18-90 ' DOC 948463; 87-1-00011-7 12 mos. T.C Susp. 24 mos. Com.Sup., with Sex Offender Waiver 2-6-91 Oom.Svip. ' * Active 3-B2 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Thit above named offender has viokted conditions of supsrvislon by: 1. Traveling to Canada twice and Portlaoid, Oregon twice during the summer of 1990, without the knowledge or permission of Community Corrections Officer. SUPPORTJCNG EVIDENCE AND ADJUSTMENT: Supporting Evidence: 1, The Judgment and Sentence signed on Janvaiy 30, 1989, indicates under item 4.3(>)i Comrnunity Supervision: Defendant shall serve 24 months of community supervision. Cominunity supervision shall commence 2-7-89- Defendant shall report to the Department of Corrections at Seattte, Washington, within 72 hours of the cojnmenccmcant of community supervision and shall comply with all rules, regulations, and requirements of Dopartmcnt of Corrections and any other conditions of eornnwnity supervision stated in this Judgment and Sentence. On January 30, 1989, Courtney signed Standard Conditions and Sentence Requirements with the Department of Corrections. That document instructed him to abide by the following conditions, "Obtain written permission from the Community Corrections OQicer before traveling Outside the county in which you reside, unless you have been advised in writing by your Community Cotiections Officer that it is not nocessaiy to do so." and "Secure written pemussion from the Coimimnity Corrections Officer before leaving the state of Washington." Courtney took a polygraph test on September 13, 1990, to ascertain his compliance with sexual dovjancy counseling and all other conditions of supervision with the Department of Corrections. That polygraph test was conducted at the Burjcn Field Office of the Department of Corrections by licensed Wasliington State Polygraphist "Bud" Kiliian. Mr. Killian ascertained during the polygraph pre-test. interview that Courtney had gone to British Columbia, Canada, on approxittiately two different occasions and also to Portland, Oregon, on about two different ocaaslons for hockey games this suimncr, without the permission of the Community Corrections Officer. > On September 13, 1990, I discussed these violations \nth Courtney. He told me that he had gone to Vancouver, Cans,da, approximarely a year ago, in November of 198P. He said he went to British Columbia about two dfffcircnt times. He said one time he -went to visit an ddcrjy priest who has subsequently died, and another time he went to a hockey game. He told me that his visits to Portland, Oregon were also in 1989 for hockey games. He said that at that tinae, he did not realize that he was not to leave the State or the covmuy tvithout the permission of the Community Corrections Officer. ECC000039 s COURTNEY, Edward COURT/NOTICE OF VIOLATION September 18, 1990 Page Two Adjustment: Courwey lias Doafniained goad coiopliance with sexual dcviancy treatment through Con-ectional Specialties in Bellevue, Washington. His therapistj Sherry L. Biodish, MA., indicates that he will be successfully terminated from the program in October of 1990. On August 10, 1990, I was contacted by Dr. Von Cleve, the administrator and clinical director of this treatmant program. He stated that Courtney was doing very well in therapy, but it was his intention to continue him there at the agency under an individoal counseling session plan, which will be scheduled on a monthly basis. Courtney has another polygrapit test in the file, dated September 23, 1989, and apparently there was an initial polygraph test taken on July 7, 1989, through Correctional Specialties which was not provided for the file. That previous polygraph and the status report submitted for the initial polygraph test both indicate that Courtney has maintained compliance with the sexual deviancy therapy. I have received status reports from ConectionaJ Specialties on a consistent basis indicating his compliance with therapy. This latest polygraph test, taken on September 13, 1990, indicate no forms of deviancy from the requirements as specified through the sexual deviancy counseling agency. Mr. Kiffian indicated to me that Courtney has no currant forms of sexual deviancy that he is participating in, nor has he had any forms of this type of deviancy since his sentencing for the instant offense. It is my opinion that the above stated violation does not constitute a significant violation of his community supervision status, nor does it provide a -violation of his sweual deviancy treatment. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that the Court take no action. _ issue Summona _ Issue B/W _ Schedule Hearing _X. No Action _ Reinstate Parole __ Other APPROVED BY: suBMrrxeo BY: Gerald F. Broderhausen, CCO HI Anita L. WiJeox, CCO 11 Department of Corrections 15111-8th Avenue S.W,, Suite 202, P.O. Box 66768 Seattle, Washington 98166 Telephone; 246-2039 ALW:d.lm September 18, 1990 September 20, 1990 September 21, 1990 •A Original: Court (Adams) ccs: PA; File; Attorney ECC000040 la STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT O? CORRECt.TONp CHASE R3VBXAND, SECRETARY DIVISION OP COMMDNITY SERVICES REPORT TO: The Honorable Phillip Eorst, COURTNEY r SENTENCE: PRESENT LOCATION: 161 South 187th, St., Seattle, WA S8148 STATUS: CLASSIFICATIONS REPORT: 1-22-91 DOC 948463; 24 10 mo3. Com.Sup., yrs - Fm-Mon. Active 3-B2 REQUEST FOR DIGCHARGE/TERMINATION aen I. FINANCtAl, Amfc. ordered Court Costs 90.00 $ 70.00 Crime Victim Fea 3 Attorney Fees $ Restitution ? Fine $ Suparvision Feas $ Other $ TOTAL E TEKMINATION DATE: 2-8-91 C.S2-8-99 F-M. DATE OP SBNCPENCJDs 1-30-89 OV HLt;0 aoof'-? NUMBER: Edward CHIMBS indecent Liberties, ct. ix TYPE COUNTY ; e*4t»it iggf DATE: Adams County Superior Court NAMBs C#*} y $ 160.00 amt. pala 90- 00 $ 7.00 5 $ Date of Last Payment B-19-89 5-19-89 $ $ $ -0- $ -0- $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ 5 Amt. owed 160.00 5-19-89 $ —0— Coimnants 1-'< II. COMMUNITY SERVICE HOOHH 1. Number of Hours Ordered! Satisfactory Completion Date: Date of Last Contritoutlon Number of Hours completed: None I III. TREATMEMCP STATOS Type of Treatment Ordered: a. Satisfactory Completion Date; Sexual deviance treatment. 2-8-91 (scheduled tarminatian d be concurrent with termination supervision.) LCC000041 )' I] COURTNEY, Bdlwarta COURT/DISCHARGE January 22, 1991 Page Two b. Still Participating! Yes Date of Last Session: 1991 Comments: Mr. Courtney will continue treatment with Dr. Von Clevis through the end of the supervision period. He is participating in weekly counseling sessions. The last raport received from Dr. Von Cleve on December 27, 2.99 0, indicates that Courtney has had a successful experience with ssjcuai deviancy treatment. Mr. Courtney has indicated to ma iJliat be plans to continue individual oovinssling' with his personal therapist, Sherry Bodash, M.A. Mr. Courtney will be successfully terminated from Dr. von Cleve's program of seooial deviancy counseling with Correctional specialties at thes end of supervision, Mr. Courtney's last polygraph test was on September 17, 1990. That test indicated no s&xually deviant behavior during this period of supervision. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Courtney has experienced only two violations as speaified with th« Violation Report dated September 18, 1990. That was the travel to Canada and Portland, Oregon, during the summer of 1990. with this report, x racoramendad no action by the court. IV. REPORTING OBMGATIOM „3C Satisfactory; Unsatisfactory: Date Last Reported: 1-10-91 V. OTHER INFORMATION; To the best of my knowledge, Courtney has obeyed all laws, and has had no arrests during the period of supervision. VI. RECOMMENDATION! i recommend that the Court sign the attached certificate and Order of Discharge. It appears to me that Mr. Courtney has complied, to the best of his ability, with the conditions of the Judgment and Sentence signed on January 30, 1989. SUBMITTED BYi vi. AIA?: dim January 24, 1991 I Anita L. wiloox, ceo XX Department of corrections 15111-8th Avenua s.W., Suite 202 P.O. BOX 66768 Seattle, Washington 98166 Telephone: 246-2039 Original: Court (AOams) ccs: PA; File .;• I ECC000042