Return of Organization Hxempt Ërom lncome ,"*ggfi Under section æ1lar, 527, ot 1U(aX1) of rhô lnlern¿l Bsvenue eode (êxcept prlvête Do not enter soclal securiþ numbers on this lorm as it may be made Þ OôÞ&trhÐl of thp frâsðry A For the B or c¡¡¿. Ìax and Namr 0f organt¿âttol 'l spplrcåble o ldentlfcâtiorì t----lAdúÞ$ 1.,.... lCläloô Number ând $trsgt {0r P.0. box tf rhaû E not dôltversd to stroet åddress) Cily l-lÀfièndðd l-l¡ôlun üffi#* pendn0 Or BoofiVsutlo town, stätê 0f prÖvrncs, aountry, And Zlp or foró€n postål ccde offrcorMFg F Name and âddrêËs of pnnorpal H(a) Is sa B. Nelson , retum for H Yos No Yes No a lnt. (sea rnshuctons) E Arê Êfl Assocraton I o {) Bnefly descrtbe lhe organraatlgn'g mlssÐn or most sEntftçant aÇtuttgs ß û L 2 â o 4 t o 5 rD Þ Checklhsbox rf the orgånlzatron dtsçontrnurd rte or drsposed of ?Ú Nurnber of votrng memberr af lho govemrng bÇdy (pan U, Number of lndependênt vóting mombers of lhê govêrntng '9 ô Totâl number cf rndrü employod rn calondar year 4010 (part V, lne Totäl nombêr of volunteers {sstlmàt€ il nêcÖssary) at 7 o a Totâl unrelated bu9tnê$s fgvenus from pãrt Vllt, 25% of rts 4 (Part 6 6 hne 12 7a tb í, I a ü Þ o Ê, Pr[Õr Yoâr Ooñtributrons ånd grÉin$ {Pärt Vlil, lÉte Program aervrce revenue {Parl Vlll, 10 lnvestnenl ,nûomo (PanVlll, column I Other revenue (Pad Vlll, column (A), I 13 1 t¡ .110 .806. 47 6 .1sL -s84.1.24 5, o tll g o 16 â x t¡l 990 .60t 476.7', . - Grânts and srmrlar amounts pald 1 '14 Bðoêfrtspâdtoortor ar, L 873.9r th} 8. EOt 0. Salanei, other Profossnnal fu ndtarotng .393.944. (A), lnes 5.10) (Part lX, Total fundrarsrng hne 1 1e) 25) > lX, column Other expenges (Pan lX, Totål hnos 1 fa'1 Ë1 4,L40. 111"24e\ ¿ 8 column (A), hñe 25) ,882 .904. .376 -368. 60?.780. '12 ö 0¿¡lnnln¡ af ê¡rrênl YÀAr Total assets 5.107 .279. lme 16) Totâl llabìliltsg 2 -23q .877 281 6.8?8.6: - 2 .867 . ô,ö2. rhal I ¿1"1! examlned thß relurn, rncludrng acoompanyrng schedules and stålements, and lo ths b€st ol my knowlsdgE and beÌel, rt rs has Sign q L Þlero t? 0r Pfl nl/[ype preparrr's name Jr Paid Prolalet Ute 0nly Frrm'saddress¡ 1899 I¡ Street. NI,{,\gúíte Washínqton. DC 20036 o3?00.r 1 1.r 1-1r ll Frrm's EIN 0 r. ,2-1 050 LHA For Pâpêrwork Boducüoil Aol Nolle€, âèg thÉ sépårÞte ¡nstructions. Form 'K"n{o I Bnêtly dgscnbê thB organüâtton3 ñts3t0ñ: Z Þrd lhe organtzatþn undeñeke any srgnrtcaflì program servrcos duíng fhe ygâr whrch wer€ nol ftsted pror Form 990 o196&ã? lllïyur ffl¡¡o lf 'Yes,' dsscnbe these new sorvtcss on Schedule O D¡d thþ organrealton coast c{nductrng, or maks s¡gnÍlcant chânges ln how lf *Yes,' deËcnþe thes@ changes on Schedule O, l-fv"r [f]¡lo 3 4 rt by expotlsog. the tolal oxpens€t, and Deænbe tho organtzaiton's program $€rvtco eccompltshmenls lor eacñ Ðf tls threo Sac.troo 501(r)(3) and 501(cX4) organøaltons are requtrôd to rôport thê âmoùnt ¡ta (codÊ ) (expansÉs I rhcludHg gra¡ta es $rhieh $¡êrvê ås Ër ol$ 3 t:ubl-ic öo1icv 'ftiä6aurce'il;': 1[he 1la.s ô$ñêr,ìt-i nn¿Ðrl.rrr. Enwi:roü.mên and"i' ri-cul.ture: Healttr a r Federal-iËtm ä"nd. InternationaL 'R.ê&aÞíons: and ïa: .cås 4b (øso 4o (cooo 4d Olher pfogram servrces {Oaçcnbe (npwns¡ ) (Exp*r¡¿*s nglqdrng orant9 ol rn I ) S (åovonvot $chodule Q,} ro-Öffi 09â002 tl''ll.lô I Ye-c ls the organEalton dèscrbsd rn sôölon ö01(ô)(3) or 4947(aX1) (othÊrthän â pnvate fo¡ndarron)? lf 'Yes,' eomplele Schodule A 2 3 4 5 sl Co túnbulo./g the organnâlton engage ln dlrect or lndlrect polûtc€l carnpatgß aclvlftea on behalf of or publrc ofñco? lÍ'Yes,'complötÛ Söl,edul€ C, Fatt t ls the organr¿a¡ron a sectron 501 lcx4), õ01 (c){5), or 501(c)(6) organr¿âtlon that rocorvss srmilär âmountg ag dsftned rn Aâvanuo Proçoduro gg.l9? ,f .yos, . aþmplâte Sciedr,rle Dtd thê organtzåtþn mârntatn any donoÍ 7 prov$e advrce en ths drstnþutgn or rnv€strnent of âmounts tn 6uch funds or Dtd the organrzatron recerve or hold a a,onssrvallon easomenl, lncludrng I the envrronment, hstÇrc lând areas. or htslonc struôtures? /f "Yes,' Dtd tho orgâr'rÊäìlon mântatn cÆll€ctþne of works of arl, hrstoncal Schedule D, Paft 6 b çoñplêta to I 6 7 Ð, æmpteta âs a custÖdlan for gervcgs? QI 0 lhg organËåtþn, dtrectly or thrÞugh a rolat€d orgenualton, rn lemporanly endowm€nts, p€rman8nt endowfiFnl$, ôf quaËt,€ndowmónts? ,, 'yês," cornp¡etÞ lf the organrzalron'ô answÞr lo any ol lhe followlng guâstrons rs D, Psrts Vt, Vll, vm, tX, ôr x as applrable Drd lho organtzatron ßpod ân amounì for land, ll 'Yes,' eompletg Schedulê Ð, ånd squtpmerrt rn Psrt Pa¡tVl Þd the organrustÐn råpoÌt an amount for 12 thât ls 5% or morö ol¡ts lotäl m Pan X, Drd Otd thÞ organEatron D, Pa¡-t the orsanzaùon obletn Schedulë D, PâttâXlând lne 13 that rs 5Ölô or rnor€ ¡( of ¡ts total lle Ð, Paù ts 5% or more of rls lotâl asset$ reportÞd rn 'l lf 'yçs.' cornprofâ Sclrpdu¡å D, Pâtt X for th6 lax year rncluds a foolnot€ that âddressôs (ASC 740)? ll'Yes," êañplÐfe S'cDoduþ A Part X 6tatements {or the tax yêaÉ /f 'Yes,' compþte hnè 25? audrl€d frnåncral slâtements for th6 tax year? 12a, then comp/Þtrng Schedulo D, Parts Xl and Xl ß ophonaÌ "No'fo lÍ "Yes,' ëomptetè Sciedu/e Ë' or ag€nts outsrd€ ol ths Unrted States? or expensos of rfiorê lhan $10,000 from gtântmâkng, fundrat$rng, busrnosg, ft 'Yçs.' and ú thø ls lh€ havo rnveslment, änd 1Ta ld tlö x ,1fl x 1r^ b Was 1ño organ¡zâton outs¡dg ìhe UnÉ€d Stateg, or aggregâtÐ lorsrgn rnvostments valued at $100,000 I and lV (A), lme 3, more than $5,000 of grants or other assrstance lo or for äny s9rvrco or moro? Iî "Yas,^ lo 11b X, lX Itabll¡trss ¡n Drd Schedule 15 Þtd 16 Drd 17 Dtd the 1& column {A), l l€s ßand Drd the organtzation l9 Dtd the orgaruzahorÌ röport môrå lhEn lc and 8a? /f 'Yeg' progfam X, ilne lf 'Yeg' ëþñplete Þd the orgønrzålron roporî ân smoünl D d thê organrzeìþn's sÊparete or ttrs org¿nü¿ätron's lþblrty for 14s þd the b 06th6 vil " report an âmount Part X, lrne 1ô? 13 D, Fatt spâce, lf 'Yøs,' eomfløtë $ëhêdulë D, Pârt lV d 2á s I âss€ts r€poÊed rn Part X" hnÊ 1 ô? ,l 'yês, ' Dtd the organtzal¡ofl T€port Érfì amounì fof rnvestm€nts aseêts reported rn Part X, l¡ne 16? lf t x the rqht to whrch lil o e f ilt advsed iunds or any srrnllar funds or the orgðnËätþfl Êport än amount tn Part X, lrnç 21, fðË åscfow or amoutts nol hsted rn Part X; or provtdo credü Çounsehng, d€þt managernent, 'l 4 or Ord 10 I n $ection 501{c[3) orqønlzatlono, Rd the organrzatþn engago 1n tobbytng áctruttr€s, or hav€ a sectron dùrrng tile tax yeaP ,f 'yêg' comþlstø SÒhadu,Ë A, part il 6 I fx ls lhe orgailrålHön roqurêd t0 cornpt€to gctr êd.ttë B, Scl¡edute Otd Schedule F, Pafts ll and N report on Pôrt lX, column {A), hne 3, moro lhan $5,000 ol aggregate grånls or other assrstancs to 'corrpiate ScÞedola F, Patts lll and lV of moro thän $15,000 ol expenses for professonallundratsrng servrces on Parl lX, 'Yes,'completd Schþdulê O, Paù , morè lhan $1ö,000 total of fundrarsrng ovont gross rñcolflË and contnbu,ttons on Part Vlll, ltnåÊ Schedule G, Paí ll 12b X l3 ltle r4h ,5 1B 17 ,x 18 $t5,000 ol gross Income lrom garfing âctrvrlies on Part Vlll, lrno ga? ,/'y€s,' to rorm 9901eora¡ æ2m3,1o Yes ãa b 21 n, Ðrd lhe orgeflrzåùon oÊårål€ ono or more hospûal facrl¡l¡ee? l/ ofgs, ' ôô mpløls Schadule H lf nYes* to Íne 20a dtd lhe organrzatron attach a copy of rts audÊed financral stafsmênìs to thrs return? Þrd lhe organtzalron rgporl flore than Û5,00O Þl granls or other asflslarlco to any domeslrc domes{c govemmsnt on Parl lX, column (A), ltne 1? // "lzes,' complete Scñedu,s ,, Pa,'ts I and ll Ðrd the organzatron rôpoit moto thän $õ,00O ol granls or Òthor assrstaÐc€ to orfor domÞstÉ rËd¡vtduals Part lX, column (A), lna æ +*a 22 ll'Yee,. complete Scåedule l, Pans I and ill "Yeg' to Pilt Vll, SectlDn Ar hne 3, 4, or 5 about Drd the org ãrlftâllon anÊwêr !+ rlt Ð. coftÞÕnsatron ùl the and tormêr ofÉcers, drrsctoÍs, truste€s, key employees, and htghost compënsatêd Schedule 24a æ K tl'No", go to more than d Сd the organËatron 24d and hne acl as ân 'oï behalt ot' rs*uør tof brndô outÊtandrflg penod 2Ah anyÛmg 24rt âl thê 24d 25a Sectlon tn âß 50f (c)(3), SOltcXa), and õ01(cX29) organlzatÌons, Þtd tho organrzatnn lrânsåcfton $¡ith å dtsqualtfiÊd p6fÉ0n dunno ths yàan oYøs,' Scâedø/o L, Paft I benellt I b tha organrzalron awa.6 ìhat rt €ngag€d n an exc€s$ boneÍt ìhat the transaolÞrì hâg nol be€n reporled qß any 0f thp Schedule 26 ùd thg organEåton Å lne 5, 6. or 22 for reçelables 26 , lo Was lhe organrzatþn â party to â oonlrolled entrty ortåmtly member N one of lhe partrBs (sÈo Schedule n Scheclule L, Pañ lV l- PaÊ lV filng kêy A Yes.* key employo€? 1rugteo, drrsctor, tru9tee, or dröct or g2 key empioyee, substantnl drfêctor, lf 'Yøs,' coñþletê Schêdulâ L, Paft ill cuíent or former offrcer, drreclor, A famrly membet af a curenl or lormpl o 'An entrty of wñrçh a cun€nt or former 31 porsôns? // uYsq' 1l lhB organzaíofl provdo a gänt Ðr othgl oontnbutor or omployee thereof , a grant seleotron lnEtruçlroûs f0r åpplcable 29 30 "Yes," compleìe to any Çurenl or compensålËd Drd of âny of thðso p6rÈ0ns? a b ll o: and 25b rÞFort any âmqunt on Pårt complete Sahâdille L, Paft 28 99O 25e rn a pnor year, L,Pètlt former otlrcers, dtreclors, trustees, key employees, 27 wrìh a drsqualrfl€d fa /l 'Yos,' tAa comple¿e Sô¿,edule L, Pañ lV L, ab PadlV ll "Yes,'complets 0d thð orgänrzâtron recerv€ Schedulo M 30 ceasê ôp6råttons? Ðrd tho organlratron lrqurdata, l/'ìzeg' complete lrr Ðd the more than ?5% of úe nol assetp?//'Yes,'complete Dd lhe Ã2 100% ofan drsregardod as $eparate lrom the ÐrganBatron under RaOulattong ' .7?O1g'.t Was completg$chedule h, þs¡t I or taxablo ent¡ty? /f 'Yes, " complele Schedule B, Pad ll, lll, or lV, and Pàft g53 Dd blf n trgasures, or Ðthqr grmrler aggç!e, or qualtfrgd oonseryâtton Dd tho organzahonrecetve contilbuhons? r/ rYes,' secltonÉ 301.770i 34 2Ah employee (or a famrly rnembef thereof) was an offlcer, Söhedule N, Paú 33 have a controlled €ntrty \¡rlhn lhe meanrng sf ltno wrllìrn the mêânñS secto¡ 512(bX13)? rqcsNo any peymsnl from ot ôngãgo tn any transaclron wrlh € oorttrollgd èntrty 3l? ll 'Yes,' complete Schedu/e R, Pa¡l V, lne 2 36 Sçctlon 501(c)(3) lf 'Yes,' complole 97 ord ths organEshon A8 and lhät rs tr€atgd â3 a Þ¿nnershtp lor federsl rnÇomo täx puÌpo$ês? ll 'Yês,' ëþmplst€ Srlredutd R, Fail l4 Dtd lho organtzetton oompletg Schedule O and provrde explanalrons rn Schedula O lor Part Vl, ùnes 11b and 1g? 3â a x !14¡ x 3$b J- Ðrd the organrzalron make any transf6rs tg an exempt non.chantable relatad organlzatron? È, Pad V, hne 2 morÊ then 5ol of rts âcltvtttos through an enìny lhat 3A ts not a felated organrzallon g? 3a Form 092004 rr^t't.!8 ¡{ âs of thê 24* 2ôa Ðrd ttte organt?atron rnvssl any prgceads 9f tax.ex€mpt bonds beyond a Ðrd tho organt1alron mantarn ân oscro\4, account olhêr lhän ä ¡6funding any tax'exempt bonds? Scfiâduþ b c J lhs organrzälron have a lax.exempl bond ¡ssue wúh an outstandng pnncrpal þÊt day of th€ yÉar, that was rssued ôn6r December 31, ?002ì l{ "Yes,' answør hnes D¡d x (2016) Check ¡lÊchedulê O contarns a respons€ or nôte to åny ltne tn thts pâfl V 1a Ënler the numbêr r€portod n 8ox 3 ol Fçrm 1096. Ënter S tf not âppltcable b Erìtor the number of Forms W.zG rr¡óludêd tn hnê iå Ënter .0. tf not applcablê o Þrd the organnatron comply wth backup wlhholdrng rufôs tor r€portablê paym€nts 2a b 3a lo v€ndors and {gamblmg) wnnngËto pnze wlnners? Ent€r tho nümber ol Êmploy€êÐ r€porìed on Form W€, Trânsmûtal of Wagê ând Tåx Stätêments, frlod for the Õålåndåryêâr srìdtilg wth or Wthtn lhË yêar covârêd by thtE roturn h ¡l åt lâast one rs reported on lne 2a, d¡d the orgânEatton tle alf r€qutred lêdoral Note" ll tho zum Of lrnês 1a ånd 2â ìs grceler thân 250, you may bo requlfod to o-lila Drd the organzatrofl have unrelated buslness gross tncome of 91,000 or moro dunng 3â þ lf 'Yes,. ha+ rt ftl6d a Form 99GT for thrs year? /f "No,' to lms 3b, provño 4a b 6ä o an axplanatþn At any fimê duÍng thâ cålendâr yeaf, drd lhe organszahon have an Interêst tn. Çr frnancral account rn a fotergR country (such as a bank eccount, s6cunlt66 lf "Yes,' onter tho namê ol thÞ foroqn country: Sso rnstructrons for frlng requrrements for FTnOEN Form 1 ! 4, R€port of Wâs lhg organtratron â pâny to a prohrbÈed lâx shâltèr transactton at any eb åuthonty l* > b Drd any taxabfe party notúythe organrzalron that ú was or ts a party to a c lf 'Yâ8,' to lrno 5a or 5b, drd tho ôrgånEâtron l¡le Form 888STt ôa Doês tho organrzatron have annual gross recerpts that are {FBAR). äa tax 5b 5c shelter than $100,@0, otgaulzåtron solclt âå âny çontnbutrom thal u¿êrê not tex dsducttblç as chantable b fl oYas,n drd the organrzatron or gffts rnclude wrth euer-y sohctlâlron än 6lr were nol tãx doducttble? 7 Organizatfons t'hat rnay reÕelve deduatiblê undsr sBctlon 170(01. E 0lr, lhe or0anEaton rec0Ne a paymsnt m oxcÆs$ 0l b c lf 'Yês,'drd the oçanrzatron notùty thq dönör of thô Ðd th9 organnatron sell, êxchangs, or otherwrse to ñle Ëorm 82M? lf 'Yes," Indßata the number of Forms ûd lhe orgånBal6n {esârvô åily fund$, t75 a contnbutron and of Te 7h 7c ysår pay ôñ e pefgonal b6nêtt contrâct? dld the organratrpn frl6 Form 8809 as r€gutrod? or olhsr veh,cles, drd the organ¡ì¿atþn 7ø 1t on a persoflel b¿nefft contracl? il6 a Form 1098"G? to 7h a donor adv¡spd fund marntän€d by the 9 Sponoorlngorgariadone a Drdlhesponsonng b Dd thÊsponsonng J0 Saction 5'Of(o[7) a lnrlratron lees 1l payof for whrch rt was requlred durrng lhe year? â undêr soctþn 4966? a donor, donor advlsor, or related person? AA sponsonrq organlzalron Gro$$ fëcêrpß, g00ds aßd Esruces provrded lo lhe ol servtces d e t Drd the organlzâtron, dunng the ysar, g lf lho orgån¿åtroñ receved a h ll lhe organrzatnn received a conlnbutþn 6 $ponsorlngorgánlät¡ong b {_ fuñds. 9tr Part Vlll, lrne 1? 0n Form Vlll, lns 12, for publc uss of club facrlrtros Soetlon a Gross tncoms from from b Gross ol amounts due or pârd to olhsr sources agarnst rgcåtv€d þ tf 13 gntsf Section 5t1(c)(29) ã ls thã organr¿atron Nole. See lhe b Enl€r th€ âmount ot c t4a tho organrzatton fllrng Form 990 rn ll€u of lntorösl râc€rvgd or aooruod dunng the yoar cheritnble ùust$, 12ã of 13 1041 t2^ health l¡surance issuers. 'l3a r9$uo quâhtigd health plans tn more lhân oûo slato? addilronal rnlornalron tho organrzahon must roport on Schedulê O. lhe organHatton rs requrred to marntarn by thø states ln whlch lhe orgäntzålon ts lÊèns€d to tsöuå quâlúôd hoâlth plâÊs Enter lhe amounl ot rêsêrv€s on hand Dtd th€ orgsnËåtlon rècðrvð any ÞayrË6nls for rndaor tannrng s€Nrcôs dunng rht tâx yèår? '13¿ 'l¡þ l4tr rorm 6$2005 lt"fi'!ð 990 lZoro¡ slative American iL e ta hnê 8â, 8b, or lûb þe!ow, døscnþo llle c[cumttancês, processeq u 52-0X.40 9?9 rosponse to hnæ 2 through changes n Sciedu/e O See and lors rPspo/ts9 and Yes 1a Enter the nunÈer of votng menbérs of the goveming body at thå end of the lax year lf there aru m¡lerral drfleronces votng rights among memþêrs 0f ths rn goyernrng bory, or f tt :iî tho governíng 'r: ] b0dy d€lsg¿Ted broäd ãuth0nty lo an exerulrye commrttee or srmllar cornmiltee, explarn ln Schedufe 0. b 2 3 4 S I Þrd theorganßahon hsve mombers or stoökhôlders? Drd the organrzåtþn have members, stockholders, or other persons I $0 organÞäton contomp0ransoutly documBnt tlre meetngs 'tTe governng body? b I ls there any 3 14 15 f l8a le x yoar Þy the followrng: ô -,t x o lOe copy Descnbe m Sohedulo Olhe procoÐsr exêmpl purposes? of rts govemrng body bèlorê fÍmg th€ form? revrew thls Ëorm 990. 990 to used by wtttsh rnterest re{ured lo truîlÊe$, and kgy 'No," goto lßr 13 10b 11â J iàr. - 12â í 'Yos,'descflbe x 12c Þrd the øganrzatnn havE l3 X tht organEatþn docurnËnt have Dld the processfor The äncf dèstruction polrcy? followtng persons tnclude a revlew and apptoval by tndepgndent substantrBtroñ of thè delrberãlron end deqsron? manapement otfrclal 9th€r þtfçsr$ lf "Yes. to lne organlzåìon procesg rn Schedule O (see tnstruclons). Assêts to, ðf þafthrpat€ iil å lornt veûlure or Simltår anangeüênt wrth a Oid the entfiy dunng brf i¿l 1â x annually Ìnlsr8sts lhat could grvo ns€ lo conlltrls? cofïplrânce wtth thê pottCy? v n Scfìeduls O r?ow lfiË Þrd x thê aclivitre6 of such chapters, üfftltates, wrth lhe Has the orgânrzation provrded a pÊrÊons, a b x lhe lnternal Revenue and branches to ensure lherr b Were ollËors, irreclors,0r c Dtd lhe organizatnn 6 be roached at the 1Oa Ord lhe organøatlon have focal chapters, b lf 'Y€s,' dtd thÐ orgântrâtron hâvß wntten polrcte8 and e x 1 6b ofþer, drrectof, truÊl€e. or key emphyeo llsted in Part Ml, 12a Dtd lhe organrzatton have 3 4 5 stockholders, or body? t x 7b It b s90 bv) Secfrori €l 11a 'lI ' li" 2 6a Ëach cornmûtëê wth åuthonty to âcl on bêhålf of th¿ ì .,7 or under lhe actons uÊderlaken hÊld t,l '*¡3" ^ .-tk âppornt one or rnors momberÞ ol ths gÖvsrnrng hody? Arc âny govemänc€ dêcreÞns of the organlzation reserved to (or sub¡ect to pêrsons otherthan thB govonung body? Drrl o ^ oftcer, duector, trust€â, or key employee? Drd the organr¿atþn delegale conlrol over managernent dutres ôustomanty of offrcers, dtrBctors, or trusteês, or key employeer 10 â managôment company or Dd the Çrganrzâtron mâkå anysrgnifþänt changês to rts governrng Drd the organizahon become aware dunng the yeår ot a sqntfFant 7a b ft ?¿- Eñtêi the Êumbôr ot votlng mërnbêf$ tnëludêd ln lne 'l¿, above, who ârê tndâp8ndônt Drd any offrcet, director, lrust€e, ot k€y €mployee have a famly reiattonshtp or a j[1 . 'ti 14 x l5a t5b X l8a the wrßtçn pÇtiôy or procsdilre requtrrng thê orgän¿åtrÞn tQ tvälu6te tts pâñrotpatton under apptcable lederal tax läw, and laks steps to safeguârd the organtzatron's tn 16b 17 18 Lßt the stales wth d oopy of thrs Form 990 re rêqurred to bê flled organzatron to mako rts Ëorms 1023 (or '1V24 ú appltcable), 990, ând gg0:T (Sectlon 501(cx3ls only) avartabte for puÞhc rnspectÐn, how you made these avarlable. Check all that applVown websto [*"] otner lotp lqn ñ Scheduta O) Another'B Upon Oescribe rn Schedule O whether (and ff so, how) the ôrganrzatron made its governlng documenìs, eonllrct of rnterest policy, snd frnancnl Sectron ð104 flll 19 n 0:12006 webËrtê fÏl requesr stataqrentÞ avallable to the publ$ durng the tår( yâar. Ståt€th€ namo, âddress, and telephon€ number of the person wtto possesses ths orgänzalionþ books and ¡ecords. Iri ea Bowen cFo lr'r1-10 ee 703-373-0933 ê or s s EB Þ Form lz016I c9n¡, Ëmployees, and Independent Gontractors If t0 llns rn thß vlt 1Ë ComÞbte thig table for allporaons tequrred io bå lÉted. Report compensatron for the cälefldår yoar a Ust all '$ , trustees (whether rndMeluals or organrzatrcns), oJ f;nler 9 !n çoly o t¡et all of c {R 's c ltle rsc€iled rÐpott orgänzatrons. than $1 00,0@ of the organrzalon, conpensatod employ€Ës, (B) {F' EBtrmat6d hours por week (lsl any hours for arnount of rg frOfii oth€r corilp€nsalton flom lhe tho lt € rêlaÎôd below lme) (1) gênåEÖr Ì,êåh (21 SêÞècor ,t¡eeÐ Eück, (3) 6ênåtor tlane ìflederhauaer, üp ({) fiepreåenEàulv€ ÇExy Bå¡rr, ON (5) neÞrêsènÈ¿irfve Êhll Klnq, Tx (6) Sènator ,tóêl Àndèrðon l7') Senûuor \ruk6È¡ $: (8 ) (9 ) genaÈor 1_. O0 t.Ìffi Ilf ,x Ttlzzel 0 *at 0 0 x 0. 0 x 0. 0 X 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 x 0 0 X 0 o. x o 0. x 0 0. x 0 0. x f) 0 x ¡" 1.00 1.00 1- tì0 PhtltD 1.00 (13) speaker VA ReþËeÐertêClve KaÊperlk, (15) Spaalcar Rày Mörrlqk, (16, Reptssentå!lvG Rg Þânn .Pett6rrgll1, (17) nepresenÈBrl.ue üohn pl€çopo, Cf û3æ07 r1.1r.lû x à. lve Àlan lL2) (l{i Ë -B câdtmr¡. (101 Repregen¡aùl (1r) organBåtton ând rëlâtåd orgânrzatlons È X BlIl of Avorage tA) Nama and tax yeâr. çf þ"u. any. See nstruotþns for deindnn of "key . . L¡91 lhê organeatlon'g flve rutrônl htghost rçmpôñsatod employees (Olhor lhån an officer, dÍ€ctor. able compensutÐû (8ox 5 of Forrn W-A and/or Böx 7 of Forûl 1o99,MtSC) ol mors thân $10ô,ê0ö lrom thê r Lsl all ol tho organrâìton's lormer offlcers, key omployees, and hrghesl componsatsd rÐpodablo compénsaton from lhg orgenÊåtlon and any related organrzatr-ons, o l-Lsl a! cf thÞ organtzalton's tonn€r diregtors o¡ ffusteer that lâceryêd, rn lhe a former inoro than $10,000 of reportable compensaùon from the orgaqEalrron and any related lst peæons rn lhe fotlowtng order: rndrydual trustees or dttectors. tnslttuttonal truslees, ernployeest ând fomg; such persons. t or l9llhrB tho 1.00 1^ O0 1.00 1.00 1.00 rorm 990 lroro¡ I PANMI (Bt {c) (D) Avorage hours por week (lrst any hours lor Posrtron Roportäbfe compenÊatlon from (A) Name and illo (dô nol cúrêE* (19) Senabor Ú{llltao selt,?, ü þ. ns) t {?0} RepresentaÈlve Þlafr Thoreson, 1- 00 (21) RepreeerlEållve gurry Todd, 1-ßrr {32) Speaker Lln¿la lrpney€r, fÀ 1.00 (231 senauÖr susån vlågle, 1. 00 E and rôlalàd 0rgañlzatlons Ei EÊ b ËÉ € t- Nelaon 40. û0 (25) l'ùe+ Bowen ¡to - Go x ..:..:;:3 t::;T:zi,:.V x 0 l,l ^ç..1 x 0 0 :.. x 0 . ,*. 2.208. x c Total lrom 0 0 4A.0;91 8ó!ûnên L70.93"t .X Sub-tÕtal 0 È.. i+¿l¡ X 1b ir X ffS (2{) Lfsa (26) ü1cl¡asl the organrzatron w'-2l109e,Mrsc) x 1. 00 T¡f from related E Eg Þ 1. 00 Otl compensålþn orgânfzatr0n * g bslow NC (Fl lhø ,,vs,',guvr,e I m bor, unlË pøw r bolì an ôfäsq ud ô dr*l,orllruûlË) r€läted (181 ßepresentålly€ ifasoil gtlûe, mgô lhsì . 20.354. 838 .418. conlínuafon ghoels to Pârt 7.t 58 .772.. 2 Total number of rndrvlduals (rncludrng but 3 0rd tho organt?altþn ltst any lmned lo 0 0. û. 0 who recsved more than $100,000 of rÊporlable Yas ltne 1å? No €mployåô, or hrghüst comÞ0nsatod employåg oit J // 'Yes,'comploto 4 For any rndtvrdual lßted on 5 Drd any p€rson hslod on l¡ne 1a ¡l ¡s the and releled ofganEatrons $1 sum 50,000? compÞnsaton and other oompensatron from lhe organrzallon 'cornprels Schedule J for such ndudual acçrue from any unrelated organEatþn or lndrvrdual for s€ryrc€s x 4 5 Secllon 8. 'l Gomplete lhts rndopondonl çonlraÇtors that recerved mote thån 81@,000 ol compensatron fiöm your frvo '::,::.,- tlrl ;ijí: y,Ðê1ågç buånÞþE add CMI s 00 rerâ le {B} (ot Descrrplton of s0rvrceg Compensatron )fËíce renovation Cross Audio Visual 7 2 Total ¡umberof rndependenl conlraçlors lncludrng but not l,mÍed 10 thoso $ee Part VII, SecÈ on A Cont q¡2000 l1'J1^10 e lsted above) who recerv€d mor€ thân on sheets rorm 9$) 12oro¡ tÀ) (B) {c) Narn6 ånd tnls ,{vorage hours p€r wèek (lßt any hours for Pôsttþn (chèck all that app'y) hom the ù rehted E q llne) 40. 00 28),lonachan wllllå¡Trg 40.00 ( ol ù )ruan¿ätrons ã beÌow 5 (27) lilLheln uelerllng (F) E o. x o. X ( 29 ) .7ef f lranbêru 40. û0 (30) Ba"tlecr Clëlsnd 40.00 (311 hoh ÍrllÁlans /10.00 (3?) llarts l4rlaj ¡t0.00 o X o* x o. o. tr05.003. 838 .418. 032201 04"or- !0 sl"aEive (A) It 52-tt409',t9 t¡r, Itil(;l$g*SrUnrelateTl$##S Related or Total revenue exempt tunc¡nn busmÊs$ T a Federaled campargns b Membershrp duos ô Ëundrarsrng events d 8êlâted órgâñizât¡ong e Govemment granþ (eontflbutrons) f 1a 1b 1c Td Te - All othsr con'lbuûons, gtiß, grantsr ûnd Nø!ôaih oo{ìùùulmh' nclqdad n Inps t ,tt stmrhr arnounts not flclüded âbove g 873 9t7 , l -1l t 2¿ conferâac€B/t ê[llñârâ 90 b Ue¡nber¡Ì¡lp duea o PübllcÈÈioüB ,hå Eg Gtô :. I 00t$ 90 0099 ll ,]; t Suginess Code r! {J ,5 \ feveflue reven¡te:i,;,, --- - ì ¡,1?3,95?. *'"ix¡*;**- ;" ,.iì1,9:.3,6s2, 74,ö9.3 :,ïä .'¡.r,iÍ:-*l i.¡.817. 90 009 9 ii ttt::;'i,,,.it,.:.,., r t *:tì::.4;,.;4*t r1:., i,i,. t :ry '9$9r ,8 ". :... t4.609. g-I-aL.----. 900 ':i¡::'; 3,31?' d ¡s a Ë e t .:rf All other progrâm seryice revenue ;' lnvÊ$tr¡ent IncofilE (rncluding drvrdends, nterêst, ând 3 ' a b c d 7a 6 ;'*ffl" .i " i:iÈ.1,!:itil .r.,,,, i,' ,3,r-8.*Ti Êoyaltres Reâl ,' t other srmrlar amounts) lnconre from tnvsstrrìent of tax.exempt þond 4 5 I I \:.... 990.600, w {irÌ;Þ.6.rlBônâ¡ 6ross rents Less, r$nlâlexþen$es îry .!._ .Æþ oir! Henlal rncome or (loss) ,,] 3, É97, r;jr$- ,-rfa,ï; ..fu;. ':fl \ r** W' N6t rontsl rncaile or (lo¡sl tl ,"irql '* t*- ,: '$þ,- 4.. {ir * *. å. "li^ -¡ , .- ---',. -^, '{i¡}.ôther Gross smount from sales of asset$ other than rnvontory b c Less' costo¡Ëther bâs1s and sales Þxpense$ .:.::a= t1::;.. ä o t o €v6ntb ncludrng $ fr of Parl lV L ot b o c Iâ a b expensos Leqg, ð ¿:/.':a..:;.::;:/f Gatnor(loss) d Net garn or (loss) I ä Grosstflcomelront o t:a;:;:: ":':i lrom Net events gamrng Gros$ SeÊ ne 19 dtrêtt iV, þ .I or (loss) Ìrom gamrng activrt¡es Gross 10 less returng and a b Less: cost ol I b _! ¡us¡nèss God( 11 s SublçaÉe lncome 9000 99 416 ,7t7 , ¿? 6 ,7t1 . b c d Al¡ other rtvenu€ e Total.Add l¡nes l1a.f ld Â16 ,1L7 , 10.3{5.179 ô3200ô r1-1r.16 it Subleo¡e lncome - from ron.lnv¡)stnrent property; nr¡n-debt flnonced 1. {55, a25. 900, 3 Form 997 . 120 16) ðf Ðo nol lncludo âmoufits røpottêd otr llnos 8b, Tb,8b,9b, and 10b ol Pulvlil. rot.t Jf;jrn"r* serytc0 and olher asststance lo domesltc 2 Gfânts ¡nd other âsststance to domesltc I Grânts and other âsststance to forergn 18-500^ 18.500. ånd domesüc 0ovornm0nß, Seö Påd lV, lrne 21 ndrvduals $Ee Part lV, lnê ?2 organrzðtronÞ, foreton govemments, end forêtgn rndrv¡duais See Part lV, lnes'15 and 16 pad t0 orlo¡ mgmbore 4 Bênefrtô 6 Compôrcätorì of cuû€nt olftcêrs, dtrectols, trustees, and key employees 6 COmpensätron n0l ncfuded above, l0 dßquahlted 95?.889. personr (ss deftn€d under ssct on 4968(J)(1)) and persons desôrrbod tn s€Ct¡on 49S8(cX8XB) 2.298.914. T Other salanes and wageê I Ponst0n plan âgcruäl$ ånd contnbultons (rnclude 7 -126 1s .37?. seclron 401(kl and 403(b) employer c0nlflbulonsl I Other employoo bpnefûs 26.6t: IO Payroll taxes 11 Fees lor sorvßes {non+mployoesl. Mânågem€nt 1I - 12t ¿.0û{ L€gâl 6 .714 . Äacounttng 'ii Lobb¡ng Profêssronal lurdratsrn0 serurc0s. Sge Pâft lV, hnð 17 dl 41 .00f . 0fr! lnvestment mañâgsment fe6s Othár. (lllrßB 1tgämountexceods 10% of (f c0lumn (A) amount, hst hne 1 1ç oxpenses on ,4rãf,695. 516 ?':?04. Advertrsrng and promotron 12 13 Office expenses ",4 Infoffiation t€chnÖbgy Royaltee 15 i-..1.039.75A. 16 Occupânçy l7 f¡svel 1s Paymçnls 0f travel ot 19 C,onferences, 20 lnterest 313 .054 for âny fódþrå , " 3.908. 21 L44.82E. 31.16¡1. 34e.281 r27 .877. L9 84¿1.696. 226 . i.6l 130.593. 248.505. 6& .449 . 72 . 7 " 494 .r't' 3.t71 2]-6.784, I76,17. ¡t 359 .914. 35s .89r b 28A ô 1-29 n ß 39, S13. 24 0rher .r20. 33.348. ^91 27 ,22 135. q2t 64, .46t 2&" L3 . ALt 4.395. ItêmEe m hne kst hne .048. 12.049 . 1? . s59. g 056 .582. d e All other€xpêfisðs 2B .22t. t22,94.. L2.O49. 13.?66. 7 .373.681 6,7 280.22r, 3.548. 3-5¿ 51-4.14t Joißt cosl{, C0mpl6lè thñ lnB only ú lhe orûanmtron reoorted rn columl (0) plnl cosls lrom a comÞrned educattonal and lundrarung soltcttattqn, rorm 990 laors¡ (A) BôgrDnrng of year 'l 2 3 4 5 Çash - non{ntoresl.beaßng Savrngs and temporary cash rnveslments Pledges and grânts recçrvable. net Accounls rocervablB, n€t Lpans and olher reoo¡vables from cunçnl and fonnsr offrcçrs, drreclors, trust€ês, key employees, and hrghest compçnseted employees, Complels Part ll of Schsdufe L 6 Loäns and olher receryables lrom other drsgualfred pereons {as deíned under sâclron 495€(0(1)), persons descûþâd rn s€cìrofl 4958(cX3)(B¡, ånd contnbulrng êmployers ånd 6ponsonng orgântzâtrons of sêctrôn S01 (cX9) voluntary amployees' benef Çrâry orgallBelrons (seo rnstr). Çompleto Part ll of Sch etl .1' aû û 7 I I loa Notos and loân9 rocêrvâbìe, flel Invenlonas lor saleor use 640 PrêPad expenses ând d€fsrred charges Land, burldrngs, aod equrpment: çost or oiher ba$e. Çomplete Pañ Vl of SshödulÖ D b Less: accumulât€d deprecratrcn 1'l lnveslmsnls.puþlFlylrâdad eeeußtrgg 12 lnvêÊlmênts.othêrËëcuntres SË6pärt lV, lne 11 '13 lnvgÊtûÌgnls. progrârn.rslâted See Parl lV" ûno 11 14 lnlangrblÉ äE3ets 15 Olherassels.8€ePart lV,tno 11 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 18 Grânls pâyâblo 19 ÞeTened rêvênuê N TaÌ€xçmpt bond håbtl ßtö$ Ëscrow or cuslodnl account 21 ùt ô n Loans and oth6r payables Ð to former koyemployees, hrgñest âo trvst€G$, peÍsgns and CompletÐ Pad ll of t3 Secured mortgagés 24 2ö Unsecured note$ and pårtres Otber lrabfûßs payable to lncomo partres, and othor th;rd parÙes on to relatÞd lhtrd 17'24), Çomplote Part X qf Sch0dul6 D o o o completo Ë 27 (¡ 28 o t0 ç J thåt lôllôw through 2С N lhâl do nol follow SfAS 117 (ASC 958), check lrere Þ 30 o o (, 30 Capdal stock t^ 31 Pard.rn or câprtal (l 32 Êletarned 33 Tolal net asssts 2 Þ ånd Urirê5tnct6d l& o (ASC 958), check t¡ere lines Sg and 34. l-l 34, or curÖnt funds or land, burldrng¡ or equrpmgnt fund accumulalod rne,omq, or olhor funds balãnçes Form 0$¿0r1 1! (2016) rl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 Reoonciliation of Net Assots Tolat reverue (must equal Part Vlll, column (A), hne 12! Total exÞôn$es (must 6qual Pâ¡t tX,Öolumn (A), lmå 25) Flevenue less expenses Súbtrâct ltn6 2 lrom Ùne 1 , Nel aËsets or tund balaficss ât begrnnrng ol yoar (must equal part X, lrne 83. column Nêt unrealned garns (losses) on tnvsslmenls 9.f t.2 (A)) Donål€d $erv¡s€â and us€ of factltltês ìnvestmênt€xpênsss Pñor pêfiod adliJslmenls Olher changss ìn nåt âsssts orfund balances (explaln rn Schedule O) Net asssts of tund balances at €nd of year. Combrne hnes 3 through g (must equal part al and tepoding riÖtê t0 Yes 1 Accountng method u$6d ìo prepârÊthê Form 99O f--l Cash lf lhe organEahon changed ¡ts melhod of accountrng lrom a pnor year or No m O. 2a 2a ona 2b b x bast9, c lt "Yos" to lme 2a or 2b, does lhr organEatron have for overstghl of the audrt, r€vrew, or compfãhon of tts triâncrâl Btateûerìls ånd sðlêctron ot lf 3a b lhe organr¿atron chang€d €ÊhBr tts As a rÞ$utt of â f€dsrql âward, wa$ lhÞ Açt and OMB Clrcular A-133? lf 'Y€9," drd thÊ ofûânzâtron undergo lhe eeleclrofl acc0untant? tiìe tax year, explarn rn Schedul€ O, audrt or aud($ as set forth rn the $rnglo Audtl 2c 3a audrt of lf thê ôrgaÕlzalron drd flôt undorgo tho requrrçd audrt Form ô320tt t1-r1-rô (?016) SCHËÞULE A OMANo 1549¡047 Public Charity Status and Public Support (Form 990 orû9ùEZ) Corüp¡eto if lhs ôrgäûiuation le a sêcl¡on 501(c{3) organization or a eectìon 4947{aXf } nonexempt charilâblc lrugt. > Attäch to Fonn 99) ot form gsO"EZ. end lls msfuctons ls äl Schedub ôéÞûlmsl of ûl4 fiôäË¡ry lnlänät ñ0venuo Ssvfcð to oumber Name ol the organizatlon must lh¡s See ThQ I 2 ¡t ü ü S [--l 3 A hospúal or á cöopelatrye hosp[al $9rvç9 organlzalon descnbBd m seÇtion A medßâl research organtzâhon op9rated tn con Unctton wßh e hospltal Entèr th6 hosptal'$ namt, çúy, ând stål€l l l z l ll O t: tl g € deecribed An o¡ganËålro!1 opêrätðd lor thá bonêfll ol â cdlêgê or unlorsÉy ownôd or geotion f?O{b)llXAXiv}" (Complete Part ll ) RteOeral,state, orlocäl governmsntorgovernmenlalunúdescnbôd ¡n orgailzatron lhat írotmally reoerves a substanïal part ol rls or from tha rôçtíon 170{bf{1)(ÀXvi}' {Complote Part llJ A cornmumly trusl doscilbod ln *eçtion l?qbxlxAxvil, (Complêts Part ll.l Öpêratþd An agncuRural res€arch argànr*atron do$çdþèd ln *Entiort Ënler the or unryersily or a non.landgrant college of agnculture (see rn wrth a ¡n general publû dÐåcrÈed land.grant tn ooll€go âfld släte of thê college or unryglsltyi 10 -l non-nally ilr) $ea sectiEr. 1t 19. $ss E*ctisn $oqaX3¡" 1?9, â or trustÊós of â bn of rn ¿ fl]l Typc lll rls ouppoded e f*J rs nol cnsck Part lV, Sections A and D, and Þart V, reöâNed â wrttån determrnalÞ¡ from thÖ ¡HS that tt ts a Type I' f thä tfll€grated wth, lypo ll, Type I rntegfatod suppoilrng orgånlzallon of f In connectlqR wúh, and funÇttonally You must completê Fårt lV, $ectlons 4 D, and Ë, organEabon operated rn connectton wth rls suÞported organeatrcn(s) gên€râtly musl satr$ñ/ a dßtflbutron rÐqulr€ment and an âfi6ntivgñêss rype lll thal rtô $upportéd qrgåntzåtron(s), by haung the sarn€ Borsons lhêt conliol or manage lhe suppoded A and C. olgåflrzåIton operated organøaton(s) You o suÞportrng conneclon wlth Type control thè Entor thè numbêr .;+/(¡i) ËtN lùl) Typê ot orgåhualrort (descnbed on llnes'1.10 .tr^-- r.-- rmtn¡¡tr¿sotì LHA For Paperwork Roduolfon Àct Not¡çe, aos l'ì yl)ûf (vl Amürnl olfioflelâ/y supporl (sô€ ÐstErclroñs) suppofl (see nstruclþnsl 0orïflr Yos lhe lnstructlona lor Form 9€û or 990-EZ, ô3zo2t 00"¡t-ra Schodulo A (Form 9gO or 990.82) 2010 (Complete only rf you chocked th@ box on lmo S, 7 , or B of Pad I or rt the orgaìtzaton falëd to quatúy tesis h¡ted below, ptease complstê Part ill) the organl?alþn lads to quatfy under the )' Çalendar year lor lisul year boglnninE in) Grfrs, grants, oontflbutþns, ånd I rot membslshrp fgês receN€d {Do nclude any uunusual grånts.') ? faì 2012 tbt 2013 fcl 2014 12t62t8 58258ß? 6211 0t6 lol2O16 13q3 1 Tax rçvonuoç levlsd for the organ. zatron I þÊnoft ãnd Ënhër patd lo or expended on ¡ts bshalf 3 ThÞ value of servrces or facllûres furnrshed by a govemmental unrl lhs orgânr?ttron wrlhoul 4 5 lo ChArgÞ "t216208 Total. Add hnes 1 through 3 -thâ pôrtron ot totål contrrbut€ng by each person (othÊrthan a ^ 5825882. govBrnm€nlal unrt or pubfrcly 0upporled organruâtlon) rncluded on lrne 1 thât €xceed8 *Á sl lhe amounl sho\¡/n 0n hnè 1 1, column (f) > Câlefldâryo*f {0f r¡ôml yùrr broinnln{ ¡ft) Amounts from hne 4 7 S tbt 2013 7t 1,62 6231-ûfl6 - 73936',00 - Grosc rncarno from tntergsì, dilrdênds, paynþnls roc€tv€d on sscunt$â loan$, rents, royaltes dnd rncome flóm srmrlâr sourÞos I - 528 2 .97L. 3.89? ',ì" Net rncorne from unrelated busness âctrvttr6s, whëthår or n0t ths 10 busrness rs rogularly camod on Other rncome Do not rncludô gatn or lose Trom the sale of caprtal assets (Explan m Part Ã7 6 Vl) 1'l Total supForl Àdd 12 Gross fêcårpt$ 13 Flrät f¡v€ years. lf lhe Form 14 Pubkç eupport toç 15 Pubhc suÞport lrom ltnes 7 $upport sîoP The bfir and - &16 -117 12 730å( s ,562 .1 lirst, second, lh¡rd, fourth, or tlfth tâx y€âr âr â sectron 501 (cX3) 6, cofumn (D drvided by lrne 1 1, oolumn (f[ 14 92. t5 A, Part ll, lne 14 dd not choók the box on llne 13. and lno 14 rs 33 1Ì3o/o or morÐ, check thrs box ånd supported orgârlrzâtron test drd not check a box on lnâ 13 or 16a, and lme 15 rs 33 1l3o/o ot more, check thrs box orgânrzatron qualrfres as a Þublrcly suppot't€d Ðrgarìrzâilon lf the >E >E - 2016, lf the organrzalrcn d¡d not chock a box on lrns 13, 16a. or 16b. and lrne 14 rs 1096 or mqro. 17a 1ú/a ând à'76 .141 T qtc. (see froil relâtód 1ßa 93 1lffilo .1q'l JO f mÞels lho b lü/o moro, and ¡1the organreatlofr rnâets lhe 'lost, chsck thrg box ånd stop here, Gxplarn rn Part Vl how lhe qualÍier as a publcly suppqrtsd organËahon Schedulo A (Form 99O or 990-EZl2s16 f'32W2 01-2',t-1ã {Complsto only il you checked the box on hne 10 ot Part I or Calend¡ryoar {or llscal year bsglnnlng lnl Gtfts, graflls, cónlnbuttons, âfìd 1 Þ la't2012 f the organrzâlron târled to qualrfy under l.ft lal2O14 rbt 20'13 ;ri;ti:lrij ìr,1 Gross reoøtpts frot¡Ì admrss¡ons, mefchandrgå $gld or sowce* por" foífled, or fecrltcs lumrshed lrt âñy âclrvrty that E related lo the organrzatron's tax.oxompl purÞosê 3 Gross reo€rpls from åôttvttles lhât are not an unrslated trädo or bus. ,a;.t:::,'. , {): , ;:::::t;h "t t::.: lnese under Secfon 513 4 to lel 20'16 Z{t1.€it:;!i:;. membgrghrp fåes rocorved (Do not rnclude any "unugual grants.'1 2 farfs ,'t! ..,1.:,ìl:.:! Tâx rovenueslevtgd forthsorgan- zatron's benefrt and eùher pard to or exponded on ¡ts behalf 5 Tho value ol serulces or factlltles fumrshed by a govemmental unil to a:.::lalt- thê orgânEåtron u¡thout chargs ai:.t:::::.4.4: 6 Totã . Add ltn€s 1 through 5 7ê Amounts rnôluded or1 lno8 1, 2, and 3 recerued from drsqualrfied pèrsons b ita:a tt::t.. ::.:.:::=:t:1' :::.1::::.,. ., i. Àmounts nff tl TI Schsdule A (Form 990 or99O-EZ) 201ô Supporting Organizations (Complête only í you checked a box tn hne 12 on Parl L lf you ch€cled 12a of Part l, complete dndB lf ycuchëàkedI2bof FaÊl,complotosecttonôAandÕ lfyoucheckedl2coiPartl, Yet f Arè âll of th€ organtzåtlon'3 supportêd orgånpðtron3 isted by flämð rn tho organrzatÐn's gôvgrnrng documents? /f 'No,' déscñba n Part W how the suppofted organvâtlons aß dosç,naîed ff destgnaled ll lilsténc arrd conttl.ung ralattonshp, ëxplan Dld the organËâtron hav€ any support€d organsalron lhãt daês not have an ¡ÊS c¡âss orpurposo, d6scrrbe tñå då$gnåf,on 2 undÒr sôclron 509(åX1) or (2)? lf 'Yes,' explatn h Patavl lìôw thâ ôîganEâtûn f¿,e organrzâlßn wäs descnbed E sectøn 509(a)(t) or (2), gä Drd thÞ organuâtror h¿vo a wpportod organrzatron descnbed n ôectþn 501 ll'Yøs,' (c)14), (5), 'Så þ) and (c) below. b ûd the organr¡atron conírm lhat each $upported organtz^alron setrsf'sd thå publrr ruppoft tgsls undor sectron 509(aX2)? qualil€d l/ -yeq' 501 Vl when and 3b çrgantzauon madè the detêm¡natroî, o &d lhÉ ôrgänt?,àlrôn onsurê thal all suÞport to such orgañtuätlon6 wåg 'Yes,' explatn n PanW what controls lhe organtratþn put purposês? ll sucfi n plaçe ¿lâ Wâs åny supponed organtzalrçil nat oroanËëd rn the Uîilêd supported 'Yes,' and í yw checked 12a or 1 2b n Pail l, answer (bj and to make grants tho fororgn h Drd thé organres$0n hâvå ulhmatê contrôländ dßcrêtron In supported organzatron2 /l oyeq' descnbe n Pqt Vl how tha snd d¡screlþn despfo ÔeÐg oontrolled or supervtsed by or n connøctnn wûh tts supported lhat doås not dêtormrnatron c Drd tho organrzatron support äny foreçn supportod n PartW what under seotraîs 501 (cXg) and 509(4{1) or (Ð? /f the organtzahon uæd lorsecilon 170(cN2)(B) usod t0 Þdôurê tlråtãfl supporì tç the lotEtgn guppàttêë I pu¡poses. 5a the tax yoar? ff "YQs," Þrd the organrzatron add, sub$trtutÊ, or removê any supported answer {b) and (c) below nurnöôr$ 0f lñê n PeñW, (f appllcablQ, suppotlíd 6b dêsrgnâted rn the Drd the grganluatþn fffm ânyone othar than (f rts or provdo a a rn ff toa í Pañl ol rn sectnn 509(a)(1) 7 ssclìon 4958) nol descnbed tn lrne 7? â ¡Form 990 ot 990"Ë2). 0¡ 'prowde detail n Pa¡tVt, Ðrd one or more lhè suppolt¡ng (as dafined rn Ìns 9al hold a controlÙng rntereÊt rn any €nttty ln whrch hàd ân rnt6r€st? l['Yes," prcvrde dëtaû n PâûW, rn hno 9a) havg an Ðwnorshtp tntcrest ln, or dêilv€ any porsonal benÐltt from, ås$ôtû rn lyhrch thð suppor{rng organÊallon al8o had an lnlôrôst? ll 'Yøs,' provÊe dêtai ¡n P€fI vl, Was ìho orgânrzâtron subJ€ct to tño oxcsgs busrnoss holdrngs rules of seçtron 4943 bocauso ot sectton 4943{0 (rêgâtdrng coftarn Type ll supporlrng organl¿61rons, and allType lll non"tuncttonally rnloqrâtôd Drd a drequaftfied åb pêfton (as defined sr.rpportn g organ rzatrcn s)? b rn controllad drreotly or rndueclly at any trme dunng tho tax year by on€ or morè sg0tron 4946 (otilår thân fourìdatroTì manager$ ¡iñd or0anr¿ahono doscrrbod 9a loa compênsâtþn, or other stmfar pâyrßênl tô a €ubEtanttal contnbutor membçr of a $ubslantral contnbutor, or a 35% controllBd enf rty wilh " c0rnp/at6 pårt , of Schsdula L (Fom 990 or 990"82) porson (as dethad Drd c 5¿ Ê PattW. Dld lhê (doltnod b boyond lhs organrzållon's control? of grânts or tho provnton oi s€rvtc€s or faodtltes) to lhal aro pârl ol the chãrrtable class (üt) othQt supportlng of0anlzatrons thal alâo supported organuatrono? ,l "Vos,' provdè dêtal rn beneÍted by one ar more of rts support or I ^c orgãfllzatron pert of â class akgady Subçlltuüons only, Was rogard átr Eã b Type I or Type ll only, Was any added or 7 de Q the names and ËlN tie reasots /0r ââ6lt suôll åctrÕn, such acùon, and (N) how the âctton (il) the authonty underthe organ%atþn wa,s accgnplßtted (such as by c B 3ô II]â /l'Yes,' angwer 1 0b below Ord the órganrzâhon have any excess busrñêss holdtngg rn the tax year? (Usð Scttêdgre Ç, Fç¡m 4724, âc þ rnh ðt20¿{ 0€.?1-l! schedu'ê A (Fofm 890 or 89O"EZ) ?016 *r- 11 Has lhø orgânBålron åc6eptsd a grft olÕontfiþutron from âny of a A person b Ycs th* followng porsons? wth persons descnbÊd who drectly or rndrrecily controls, efther alone or together bolow, lhe govemrng hady ol a supportsd orgFnÈatron? A lamrly member of å person deecnbed m (a) above? m {b) and þ) tlä1 +,:1 1ìb A 1 Dd the drrecturs, truslêés, or memberchrp ol one or more supportBd orgânEatrons havs regularly appornt or elect åt loast â maloflty of lhe organaatron's drreclors or trustoes at ¡n PañVl how the suppo¡ted orgataailon(s) ellectwety eanaolled the þrgan/ø,atßn's acfv,tres. Il ths organßatton had ¡nore lhan ona supported descnbe ùow the pþwors to appont afldlorrcmovë d,,rcctors or arustees h€rg lax year? /f 'IVo, " desçnbe 2 oryânzal,ans and wfiat condùons dr rastncãons, È any, appltad to such Drd tho organr¿atron oÞêrâtÞ lor lhe bonefit of any supported organBatron organr?atron(s) lhat opârated, eupewrsed, or controlled the supportng how ptovdng sueh bëhe(ñ câmëd out tha puryosàs al lh6 Fart superuse4 supwrlêd the tÐ( tho 1 ff ]n ll 1 t î Wore a mâronty of lhe organrzåtron'$ drreçtors or tflJÊtsoB ff'Na, ortrusls€s of Þåch of tlìs orgänËälþn's supportad malorily ln or .nanageûent of tho sugpa¡ilng organRatnn u¡as vesfed rn lûo same pers'ons drrectors how control or managed f Section Ð. Àll 1 Drd the o¡ganEalron provrde to eäÊh of ils Þrganfi¿âtron's tâx yoûr, (ù â 2 ths year, (r) a copy of the Ëorm 9Ë0 lhåt wäs organüalron's gevêmtrrg doêumênis rn as of th€ or nolrficalþn, and erganlzâlron? srgnürcant vorco.rn lhs " descnbe n Paí Vl the 1 lf 'No,'axplân ¡n Pa¡fVl how drrectrng tho use ol lhe thç tax copres of the wth the suppoied organtzaùon(s), rupportod organlzalrons have a worktng By reäsoÉ ofth6 rôlättonshlp rnoomo or assels at åll tmeg (ut) thç extçnl nol prevrously provrded? or elocted by the supporled (r) ofå lhe lha organLzalþn rnamtamed a close and ffth monlh of the provded dunng thê Þnor tex on Wero any of lhe organnatron's oflicers, organr?atron(e) or 0Ù servrng on 3 of the wÍttån nolpe dåsûnbrng the type ånd 2 organraton's mle tho organzatrcn's 3 I cñO¿k ¡l¡ê u ntte o Elne òor usêd Ìo sê¿sry llne ts " iln" how b Intsgral Pùil Têst dunng t¡e ,'ËäÉeo ,nst/uüt/o/rs,l, of rts 3upportod organrzatþng Complets ilnê bëlow, entrty, Descnôe n Part VI how you suppodad a gavemment entily (see (b) all lhs lträt il¡ è helow I thó a 2 ActNûros Test. a 0¡d 2 of Yes duflng thö tax year drr€clly furiher tho exgmpl purposes of orgânrzaìron wâs rosponsivo? lÍ 'Yos,' then 1n Pafi Vl ldonil¡y how thsso actvrltøs drectly ludharod thetr øxempl purpos€s, and øxplaln lo låose suppo,Tad organãatþns, and hÒw tha ôrgaßBatþo dâtannn€d ¿hesè scf,l4les Drd thø actrvrtres of lho orgaflr¿â1,on's ,easons lor the all ol tts dctl'Vrtßs. 2a conslrlut€ actryrlles that, but for the organrzalron's rnvolvemenl¡ one or rnorê orüänrzäîron(s) would hävo bê€rì 6ngâgêd nt? lf 'Yes,' explâ/,n n Pëtt W lhe posttþn tâat,1$ suppoled organzaaton(s) would have engaged rn fiêse acl ¡/ûtes but for the organnauoå's nyolvement, 3 a b Parenl of Supported Organøatrons Anewer (a) and 2b þ) below, Drd the organr¿âtron have lhe powor ìo regulêrly åppornt or €lecl a ûrqortty of th6 oflicors, drrôÇtors, or trustees of each of the supported organizatrons? Pronde detals n ParlVl, lla Þd tho orgånEalron ororcrsê â $ubstanlrâl degrðg of du8clron over lhe polrcroe, programg, ånd actMtes ôf ôach 3b ð3202s 00'2 t.1ô Sohedulo A (Forrn 990 or 990.82) ?016 A izations Check here lf the organlzallon salrsfred the lntegral Part Test as a quahfyrng trust on Nov. 20,1g7O in*tructfons, All ln (8) Seclion A - Âdjusted Net lncome 1 3  5 6 Portlon of oporalrng expeils€s pard or rncurred fof ptoducton or collectron of gross rncoms or for managemsnt, cons€rvaìlon, or 6 , I Sectíon B 1 ' Minimum AgsÉt Amount ,Àggrêgato fätr mafiel value oF tåx (A) Pngr Year (B) Ourrent Year (oPtlonal) all non,Þxempt^uss assets (see or 1a fb Far lc valuo of 1d e Þ¡sÇounl clarmed for blockagø or oth€r iattors 4 Cãsh deemed held for êxempt u$e Snter 1.1/æ/6 3 (for Seclion G . Dlsùibutabl¿ Amount Ourrent Year net 5 6 7 D¡stibutable Amouht. Sublrâct Chock hors r{ c{]íent year from lme 4. unless subleqt to organrzatron's frrst ag a non-Tunctronally rntograted Type lll supporlrng organtzalton (sso Schedule A {Form 9cO or 990-Ë2¡ 201ö ô12026 00.21'10 ¡Ìt 2 Arnounts pa¡d to pefform achvriy that drrectly furlhers exempt pufposes ol supported rn of Dtstlrbulrong ìö atleûlrvè suÞponod orgânnâtrons to whrctì the ofganËâ!lon ls rosponslve tn amo.rnt for 201ô from t¡t Ërcêss Þ¡þlribul¡ôn$ Eection E - Dísbibution Allooat¡ons (seå insttuctionã) hno 2 {ii} (¡¡i) Pra-?01Õ Distnbulablo Amount for 2016 Underdisfibutions 6 Undordrstnbutrons, tf any, tor y€ars prtor to 20'16 (reason. drstñbutrons I I.,..- ., a: ', I to underdrstnbutrons of h 4 l. '' Drstrrbutrons for 2016 lrom Sectron D, I 5 6 pror lo any Subtract hnes 39 and 4a front hne 2. For vt. Bemarnrng underdrslnbuJrons for 2o16, guhrract Rêmarnlngunderdrslr¡bulrons tÍ and 4b lrom lrne J. Foi re$ult greater lhan Pârt 7 tn Vl S6ê Excess dl$fibutlons eãrlyov€r to hnes 3¡ 7 â c Echedule A (Form 63?027 0€.21'16 9SO or 9SO"ËZ) 2O1€ Schedolo A For'm 991] or 990- 5' 1 Supplemontaf Information. Promde the enolanahons requued by Part II. line Par! Ilne 1m or 1?b; Part lane 1 Part IV. Section A. lines 1. 2. 3b. Sc. 41b. do. 53. 6. 93* 9b. QC. 113. and 11c: Part W. Section E. Innesij-and'z: Pad IV, C. Iih? 1: Pan IV. Booker: D, tunes 2 and 3. Part Sechon E, lines 1cline 1: Part V. Sectiona. Inna 13: Fan V. Sactmn D. 5. 6. and B. and Part V. Shanon E. lines 2. 5, and 6. Also complete pan for any Informatlogy {See Instructions) Schedule A, II. Line 10. Exolanation for Other Income: Miscellaneous 2012 Amount: 4,098. 2013 Amount: 252. Sublease income 2013 Amount: 3 317.834. 2014 Amount: 2015 Amount: 476,751. 2016 Amount: 476,717. 632023 09-21-15 Schedule A (Form 99:: or 990-52} 2mg Political Campaign and Lobbying Aotivities SCHËÞULË C (Form 90O or 1545'0047 For Oroanl:atlons Erempt From lncomç Tar Undqr sect¡ün 6O1{c) 3ild seclion Ðèpsttrnênl ol :¡rð lreåerô/ lñldn6l RâegnuÞ gcFrt* Þ tomplote ) il tha organization ¡s dåscribêd below. Þ Augch to Form 99O or C (Forn 990 or 990'FZ) and lh lnctrucüoDg is at t0 tnformalion rbott Schedllo lf the organirz,atíon ânswêrêd nfes,ñ . . oMBNo rn f oñn 990, Pärt lV, line I, or Fdm 99o-EZ, PâTt v, lA and B Do not complele Part l'C l¡né 48 Aðtivltiêsl, Sect¡on S01(o)(3) organtzatrons Compfet€ Pans Sêclron 501{0) (otherthan sectþn 50'l(cl(3)) ôrganlzatrons Cornplotå Pårts l-A ând C bolow Ðo not r Sectron 527 organzalrons Complete P¡rt t.A only ll ltre organl:atlon ârìgwerêd "YÊs,o on fôtrt 990, Part M lin€ ô or ForrË eÐo-EZ, Part Vl, linê 47 . Sectpn 501(c[3) organrzalons thal have frled Form 5768 leloctlon under sectton 501þ))' . $ë0lt0n õ01{cX3) organ'zâltons that havo NOT fled Foffi 5768 (elscfiÇn undâr sêcllon ll thÊ organizaüon ¿nswered nYeÐ" on Form â90, Parl lV, Iine 5 (Proxy Tax) {see Tax) (see separat€ instructlonE), theE a Namê of organtzatrcfl 'l 2 3 Polllrcal campà€n actryfty êxpenddures Voluntegr hours for polrhcal câmpargn acttvúteg I Entêr the a.mount Provlde a descnptron of lho organxalpn'e drrççt and ndrrect polrtrcal campatgn lt.A complete Part If.Ê, Dó nÖt completÐ Pårt ll.A 09O'EZ, Pal1 V, line 35c (Proxy ídentification number rn Part >0 >s Þ$ 2 3 4â WaB a corfoct on made? :â fl Þs ÊntêrthB €x€mpl functlon actrvrlra+ Toial exempt luilôlron Irne .l ö No >s 12ç"POf, >$ l7b ord tho nhng ÐrganEatþn ilo {c) EIN {a} .ffii'rrìilnJ¡*4'P"* Hno lhs lnsbucllons lor Form {e} Arnount of pohtlÇâl con{nbutrons rêceled and promptly and drreclly delvered to a $aparale polrlrcal organlzatron lf none, entei .0. ï.Íf For PaÞerwork Bsduclion Aqt Not¡cþt se€ (d) funount pard fiorn lhng 0rganrzaÌron's funds ll none, enter -O. Wlt, ô3201r rr.J0-10 lveg thg âmount pad lrom the trlng organsalron's tunds Also entèr tho amount of poklrcet delvered to å ËepäÊtê polìlcâl org¿inrzâlton, Êush äs ä sêparale segrêgalBd fund or a nead€d, provrde rnformat@n rn Part lV, pohtrcal âclron cornmrtt€o LHA I (ËlN) of all sâctron 527 polrtrcal organrzâtnns to r'iôrch th€ ÍhnÉ organtzåton ËJìterlha names, addrotses rnade payftonts" For Bach contnbutrors rscervsd lhat S9O 0r 9ç&€2. Sch¿dule C (Form 090 or 990-eZ) 201t A Check > Ú thð fi[ng ôrganËatron bolongs to an aflìfiatod group (ând [st tn Pârt lV each affrÍated group expenses, and sharo af excess lobþyrng expendttures), A gf0up (b) Limits on Lobbying Erpendttures ffha term "expenditures" means amounls pald or incurred,) totals 1a Ïolal lobbyrng êxpend{ures lo rnfluence pubhc oprnron (grass roots lobbyrng) b c Total lobbyrng expendrtures to rnlluenca a legrslatrvo body (dreot lobbyrng) Total lobbyrog expendrlures (add lnes 1a and 1b) d e Other exempl purpose expendrtures Total exernpt purposo oxpêndûurós (add ltnes 1c and 1d) Not ov6r but not ovor 7 g Gråssloots nontåxablo amount (snÎÞr?5Zo of Íne 1f) h Subìräct fine 1g frorn hne 1a ll zeroor less, enler.0' i i Subtract lno 1f iromlrna 1ô lf zero orlþss, eôter.0' If thÞrê rs afl amount other than zero on erther hns t h 1 tax for thÌs (Some organizations that made a Sêe the separate 1r, drd the 4720 Under section 501(h) d0 lo complete all of the live cslumns below. 2a thraugh 2f.) Pêrlod Calandar yeat (or flscâl yeãr b€grnrrng rn) 2014 56¿ _ 630 b Lobbyrng cering amount of ftne 2a, e Grâssroots 132 .973 (d) 2016 (c) 2015 . ^ 1d1 .158. {e) Totâl 600.779. 150.195. ol hns Schedule G {Form 90O or 99O.Ë2) 2016 schedutec{Formgeoorgsq-Ëä"q o &neríqan lreqiele}i¡¿e-E;ççbq4gq Council. (election under sectìon 501(hD. - For eaeh 'Yes,'response on hnes a through lt below, prowde n Patt lV oI thø loböytng acilvtty 1 I 52 -0,1.40979 f*qes a {h} (a) dêtailød descnpÛon . No Dunng tho yoar, drd the frlng organzatron attempt to rnflusnce forergn, rìatrcnal, stale or locâl legrêlâtron, rncludrng åny atlernpl lo rnflu€ncê pubhc oprnþn on â lâgtslattve mat{er or referendum, through the use å VoluntÊêrs, of b Pârd c Medra advðdrsefients? d Marhngs to members, legrslators, ø Pub catrons, or publrshed or broadcast stâlêmÐnts? f Grants to other organzatrons for lobbyrng purposes? or managemenl (rncluds sprnpgnsalron rn expênses reported on hnes 1c through staf 1 Ù? orthe publtc? g Drrêot contact wrth logrglators. the¡r staffs, govornmont Öftcralå, or a legiglalrvo b0dy? h Bållrès, demonstralÐns, semrnars, convenlrons, speeches, lectures, or âny $tmtlar mêâng? i j 2a b c Oìher acl¡vrttas? Totål. Add lrnes '!c thrÖugh Drd 'l r lhe aÇttv¡ltes rn hne I cause tho organlzahon ìo bs ¡ot deççnbed tn sêcllon 501{cX3)? lf "Yes,'' ent¿r tho emount of Ëny tax rncuned undfi seclÐt} 4912 lf *Yes,' €ntor lha âmount of äny tâx rncurred by organrzatron rnarìagers undgr sêctton 4912 êxempt Ê {)r sect¡on s01 Yes 1 Were suþelantrally all (9P26 or more) dues rscerved 2 Ord thê organrzatÉn mako only tn'hou8e lobbyng No I by members? or 2 I or 501(cX6) ând if e¡ther lll-4, lines 1 2, are answêrËd "No,r' OR {b) pârt lll-4, line 3, is answered "Yes." I 1 not ¡nclude åitlounls ol political 2 2a ä b Carryover c Total 3 4 from last yeår AgEregate àrnount raported rfl secìlon 6033(e)(1)(À) notrces ôf nondeduotrþio so:ctrôn 162(8) duôs lf notrces wers sent and tho amount on line 2c exceods lhe amount on hne 3, wlat portron of the excess doos the organrzâtron agres ¡o cäfiyovol tô the'rdasonabie oâtrmâte of nondeduct¡b1s lobbyrng and pohtrcal expendrturê nsxt yeår? 2h 2c 3 4 5 .l lA, hnê i Pårl l-8, lrno 4, Part I'C, ùnê 5i Pârt ll-A (affrhated group lst); Part ll,A, l¡nos I and 2 (çeo rnstruclrons), ánd Part ll.Ê, fine 1 A.lSg,.complÊte thrs pärl ,orany add¡tronal nJormaløn Provrd$ the dêscßpltôns r€qurred fÒr Pårl Schedule C (Form 8€O or 9S-E7l 2016 032043 11-10-16 Supplemental Financial Statements $CHHDUUË D {Førii 80O) öêpÐlmg1t Ò, úË 'fro¡cr¡ry ComÞlete ll the Pârt lV, line 6, 7,4 ' 1 fê, 16 tYesd on Form 900, "t{e, 11Í, 12a,or 12ù,. T ñame ol the organizatfon Otçn lo Publlo fmployer or "Yes'on Form Parl Itna E. ûonor t 2 0 4 other aÇcou¡t$ Tolål number st ônt of yoôf Aggregalo value of coiltnbuttons to idunng yêar) Aggregato valua af grante from (duñng year) Agg¡egato vålue at end ofyear 5 6 Dtd thg orgânrzâtton tnfom alf donors and donor advBors tt wnùng lhat thê assets â¡e ìho Öfganrzâlron's propeny, sub¡ecl to lhe organrzaton,s exclustv€ lsgål advtsed Drd the organrzahon nform alt grsntoo;, donorâ, and dono¡ advBo¡g rn 0rant for chånlâblô purposee and not lor the beneftt of thê donof or doflof any olhêr n yee l]l to f th¿ I (cheçk allthât Pfès@Nåtþn 2 f._l lmportànt hnd area certú€d hrstonc slructurg eiesewatron afop€n spaçe Gomplete hÊ6s 2a through 2d rf the organrzatron held a day of thê tsx year a Ïolal numþer ol çongervalron eâgements b Ïotal €ctgage rostncted by conservatton gâsements c Number of consgñratþn oasôrnsRts on å c6rlffiÐd d Number of conseruatrcn eãsements rncluded rn (c) rncludod rn on a hlstonc structure hs.têd tn thd NâtþnålFloglstet ê Number ofconsêrvalton åaåÞmênts or termrnated by the organnaùon dunng thê relea¡ed, tâx yearÞ 4 Þ Number ol slatos urhere proporty Þoos the grganrzahon havp a Wfltlon 5 monilonng, rnspectron, handlng of E v"" l-l vrotatrons, and enforcement of lhe 6 Staffandvolunteerhqure 7 Amor¡nt of expen$ås 0 handhng of vrolãtÞn8, änd enforong Õons€ryâtron €âsÊments dunng the year monrlonng, >$ Does €ech conservåtton on above satrefy tha regurremente of sectlon 17O(h)l4XBXr) l**l and rsctron I l¡ Part Xlll, ¡nclude. f 1a ,l rho of the ll lhê orgânzatlon treå.sutes, or other 'Yes'on fonn 990, Pârt m Asssts, lV, hnå å ðtáft6d, under SFAS 116 êSC 958), nôt lo roport n ,16 râvenuê stâtéJr'Ênt ând bâláilcó shÈél works of Árl, ol other stmrlar áss6ls hôld for publrc oxhrbrtrcn, educatron, or rgeoârch rn fuñherance of publrc servrco. provrdo, rn Part Xfll, lo rt$ ståtåmonts thåt dgscrbos thoEð dårîs, und€r SËAS 116 (A6C 958), lo :êport rrì rts rôvenuo stâlömönl and balanco sñsot wott(s ol âr1, hrstÐncal hald lor publc exhrbrtron, educãtron, or r€seârch ln furlherance of publrc servrce, provrde lhe lollow¡g ¡mqu¡¡g fðlatrng lo thoso >$ (i) Revonue rneluded Form 990, Part Vlll, tne 1 Assetr ncluded ln Form gg0, Part $ lf tht organ¿aìon recerved or hold worke of art, hrsloncal lreasuros, or olher srmrlar assols fol frnanclal garn. provide thè lollowng amouñts rsqutrod to bs reported undsrSFAS 116 (ASç 9SB) r€tatlng to thesÉ ilsrns' Rovenuo rncluded on Form 990, Parl Vlll, hna $ (li) a l*_l t¡o to the orgânEatro¡'¿ lnancral gtát€menfs that dÉ3cßbos thÐ olgan¡¿âtron's âccounltng fol tho tsxl of or 2 v"" eåsßmanls rn ds rêvgnu9 and expsns€ slatement, and balance sheet, and lt b ruo çf vrolatþns, and enforcrng consèrvatþn saBements dunng tho yêâr @rtx X > 1 LHA For Paperworl Hoducllon Act Notlce. sêè thô lnÊtructlonsrtor form ô320ó1 0å.20,1ô > 99), Schedule Þ (Éorm 0€O) 2016 3 Usrng [*-] collecùon rtems ths çrganlzfltrrn's acqulsrtlon, âccessron, and oth6r records, check any ol the fcllowtng lhat are a (check alllhàt apply)' tf d Pubhc exñrb¡tlon "b ]I ScholedyresðEÌçh f--l preservatlon lor fulure generalrons " 4 Provde a deacnpt{arì af the orgânlzalìón's ool¡óc'lDng ü é Loan or exchangg progråms Other xt. and explarn how they furthFr the org¿¡nEatton'e Dunng the year, drd the organzairon sollclt or r€cervâ donåtnns of arl, htsloncal treatures, or ôth€r 5 IV Escrow Complete f Part lV, [ne g, or th€ organtzatton an amouñt on Fonn 990, Part X, ftn€ 21 la b ls thê orgarìEälron an ag€nt, trustee, custodrân or other tnlerrnedrary for contnbutons assgts f* ] on Form 990. Part X? lf 'Yog,- êxplän thÞ åffårìgement rn Patt Xlll ând complêts thê followrng tåbl€' c Segtnnrng balance d AddrtronÐ dunng the year ê Drstnbutrong dulng the year f Endtng balanco 2a Yes l**l to "'7ë 1d 1¡r 1f Drd the orgêneatron tnclude an amount on Form 990, Pârt Xr [n6 for esôrow or t V ,hl PnôÍ-.íââê. tustodÞl tebrltty? Yss No d thê lal (}rrrent vear 1a lcl Two !eårs bâôk ldl Tilråè vÊrrs back Begrnnrng ofyeâr balanqg b Contnbulroils c Net rnvestmsnl eamrngs, garns, d Grântsorscholarshrpg e Other expendnures for facrlrtres and losses 'f aßd progreûrs I Admtnrslrahvsexponses g Eddofy€ârbälanco 2 Provrde lhê €$trrnated percontage ofthe a Board do$rgnatod orquasr.çndownnsnt b Permanênì endowmenl Þ o 3a yeat (ltne g, column (a)) held as: Tomporaflly roitncted ïhe percentages on lrnee the organrzalron thât arÊ hold and admnrslorßd for lhe organrzalron Aro tharo sndowmsnt fundc Yor by; {i} b ãâln uhrolatod organEatons {¡i) rélated lf "Yes'an Írne are the í Descnpìron 3b aô requrred on Schedule R? nt. "Yes" on Forfi Paft {a) Cost or other basrs Íne 11a Soâ Foril (b) Cosl o¡ olher lno 1O. (clAccumufated Part (d) Book value ba$g 1a Þ c L€âsêhold d Equtpment ?01 Schedule D (rorm 99Ol 00?052 06-29'13 2ût6 rf (al (I) sscunty the $ on an$wered calgg0ry (mduens nÐe 01ÞaÊÍ¡ty) Pârt {b) Book value hno 11b See Form Part Ine (c) Mothod of valuâtron, Cost or end.of.y FroanÇial denvatrvee (2) Closoly.hÐld €quûy rnterèsts (3) Olher lnvestmonts - Program Rolâtèd. Pårt (b) Book valuo ef tnvestmont f Part c hne 13, Cost or ençf.of.yoar mar et l1d See Form Part lne 15 Ëlook valuo 'Yes' on Form Part lne 11e o¡ 11.f See Form Part hne 25, {b) Book value ital lease obl"iqatl-ons T rbenanL securitv de¡osit, B .O21. r.27I.927 1.324.1 2. . 4 Labrlltyforunc€ñäntáxposrtrons. lnFartXlli,provrd€thotoxtolthðfootnotototheorgânrzälton'sfinan¿talslatem€ntsthatr€porlslh8 Schodule D fForm ð32053 0å-29.10 eSO) 2010 ScheduleD(FormseoÌ2016 Àmerican LecrislatÍve Ëxchanse CouncÍl 5 2 - 01" 4097 I Pan K I Reconciliation oi Revenue per Audíted Financial Statements With Revenue per Flsturn, rf the answered "Yes" on Form 9 Paqe 4 Part lV hne 12a, t Tolal rovenue, garês, ånd othêr support p€r audrtêd finanoal stäl6rîents 2 ArTìounts rncluded on hne 1 but not on Form gg0, Part Vlll,Ine 12. ê Nel unrêalr?od gans {losses} on tnvsstments b Donatgd s€rvrceg ând usê of facrlrtles ç Flecovenes otpnot year grants d Olher (Descnb€ in Pârt Xlll.) e Add lrneg 2ä thfÖugh 2d 3 Subtracl hne 2e frorn Ine 1 4 Amount$ Inoluded on Forrn gg0, Part Vlll, Ùne 12, but nÇt Oô hnô 1, a lnveslmoni expènses not rncluded on Form 990, Part Vlll, ltne 7b b Othor (Ðescnbo rn Part Xlll ) c Add ltnes 4ä and 4b per xlt answered ''Yes" on Form Tolal e¡ponsoê and losgeg pêr audrted fnancral stâternônts Amounts rncluded on fine 1 but noi on Form gg0, Part lX, hno 2p' Donaìod aeryrcoa and ug6 ol facrlÌtÞs rf 1 2 a ìhe 1V 1 b Pnoryâäradlustmonts 2h c Other losses ther (Oescnbe rn Pårt Xlll ) Add ltnes 2a through 2d 2c d e 3 4 ).1 2È Sublrâct ltne 2e lrom hne I Amounls rncluded on Form 990, Part lX, hne ?5, but:1ot on lme 1, lnvêstrnêñt sxpenses not rncludsd on Fom 990, Parl Vlll, lrn6 7b ä b Ôther (Desc¡rbe rn Part Xlll ) c Add lnos 4ä and 4b 3 ¿h 4c ß PaÉ 9,075,: s.056 0. lemental Provtde the descrrptrons requuod for Part l[, hngs 3, 5, afid 9, hnes ?d and 4bì and Part Xll, Íne8 2d änd 4b, Alco compl€ls thrs lnes 'l a ând 4, Pârl lV, ftnes 1b and 2b, Part V, Ine 4; Parl X, hne 2: Part Xl, provrdo åny addrttçnal rnformatron, t,reatment thereof to ídentifv arrv uncert.aint¡/ ín income tax. For the vear b 03¿054 08.29"1ô Schedule D iForm 800) 2O16 O¡rå l.¡ô 1545-0047 Supplementa I I nformation Begardin g Fundraising or Gaming Activitiss Çompl€tê ¡f lhe orgân¡zalion an$wersd "Yos, on Form gg0, part lV, líne 17,18, or 1g, or orgånízâtion enlerod mora than $15,000 on Form gg}-EZ,llne 6a. Þ ana* lo Form 990 or F'orm 990-tZ. Name of the organxatton il 1 to fmployer Fundraising Activities. Complete rf the organrzâhon answerqd "Yes" on Form 990, Fårt fV, hno 17. Fonn.99o.EZ fpp-¡ll fequrred to çornploto lhtS part. I lndtcat organrzatþo ratsed funds through any of tha foflowrng actlvltles Chock all that apply u lTl ns ; E sohc¡tarrln ôr non.govérnmenl grants bm marl $olcrtatrons f H Sohcrtatron ol govemment çrants fTl tonr g l- l specral fundralrng evenrs "d ffi ln.person sohcrlatrons 2 frlgrs are not å otd the organzatFn havo a wnttÐn or oraì agreemont wrth any rndtvrdual (lncludrng ofrcors, drrociors, truslees, ot. key employees ltsted ¡n Form 990, Part Vll) or €ntrty rn connectton wrth professonal fundrarsrng V." lf 'Yps," hst tho 10 htghest pard rndrv¡dual$ çr sntttte$ (fundratssrs) pursuant to agreemonto under whrch tha fundrarser rs to bs compensated at leâst $5,000 by tho organtzatton servrces? b [iii) {l) Name and address of ¡ndlvrdual MA Palterson, LLC - A,xlon - 8460 c fyco 4?40 Road, o,¿ hBvÞ iollclt¡ fu¡de on behalf )f ÀLËc's ånnuål ëÖrf;oliclEs funds on bèhelf :f ÀLEC'E annml conf No I 1At 1ôn . 1 305 3 lJsl all states ¡n whrch ths.organr¿ahon Ë*luo (viÌ An'torn, O"tO t0 (or relarn€d by) olganrzalþn lundrårs 4sìêdv q conrol of MtrÞullons? (li) Aclrvrty çr entriy (fundrarser) l-fl 100 or consed to sol¡crt conlnbutrons or has been nottftgd it rs 33 000 I O00 dl 0û0 exempl from Í€grgtratÐn or hcensrng, ÀKLèL'4'R'AZ'CA'.C0'ÇT,.FIr'GA'IIi,'_KS.Ky,rJA'Må"ìm'ME'ur'b{N'¡,fS'NC.ltD'NH'N,J'N-Àr'"-tly-_ oH,oK,oR,FÀ,Rf,sc,TN,UT,VÀ,WA,FI I^lV ** .. LHA ForPapenryort Reductiçrr Act Notlce, see ìhe lnstuclions for Formggo or ggo-EZ. See o320Br o0-r2.1ô Part IV for cont,inuatione Schedula G (Form 990 or @Q-ËZItu'16 o 5 o ô (l more CÐmplete d the ôrgarì¡zaΡôn ångworêd "Yê9' on Form 9s0, Psrt lV, hnÊ 18, or rncome on form 990'8, Itnos 1 and 6b. Lst events wth I Gross rôc6rpts 2 Less; Cöfltfibutrons (a) Event #1 (b) Event #2 (event type) (ðvênl type) than $15,000 than $5,OO0. evenl conlnbuttons ênd of (cl Olher (tÕlãlnumben 1 ø (Ð t, à ô x 4 Cash pn¿es 5 NôncâgÞ prrzês 6 nênífacrl,ty costs ? Food ûnd bevêrâges S I Other drrsci oxpÈnsês 10 Orrêcl expsnso summary. Add hnos 4 through 9 ln column (d) / UJ (J g ô Ëntertarnment ç0mplele $15,000 on Form rf *Yes* the organrzatton 19, or reporled fioro than 990, on hne 6a o PulÌ tâbMnslant (al brn0o (d) {c} Other oamrng o ü Total gamng (add (ä) through cól (sD ct ô 2 Câsh pru€s 3 Noncash pßzes 4 Renyläcrlrty costs o o or,u o o ð drrect Yes 6 Volunteer 7 Drroct No Add through 5 rn o/o Yes Ye$ % oÁ Nn Nô column (d) Ð I statês? lYes I lNo b ll "No.'oxplan. 10a Were aôy of lhe orgãnlzatron's gâmrñg liconsås revokod, Éu$pended, or tgríïaatod dunng the las< yeaû Yes No b ll "Yes," explarn 63A08? ot-l?-16 Schedule G (Form g9O orS9û-ÊZ) 2û16 1l 12 Lìoås thê organEåtÉn coÊduct gåmrng åÖtvrt€Ê wÉh nonm€mbe/s? Yes ls the organEatlon â glântor, benefrdary or trustsg of a trust. or a member of a partfiershrp or other €ntrty t0 admrntstor chantâble garnrng? Yes 13 No lndrcale ìhe percentâgð of gamlng acttvrty conducted tn' a The organaatron's facthty b An outsrdÞ Íacúty 14 ç/o Cnter the namo flnd addrgsg of the person who prepares the organ¡zãtton's gamrng/spocnl events ll-J 15a Ðo€s the oroånr2Âtron have a contract wth â thrrd party from whom the organaaton -Ye$," enlor lhe amount of gâmtng h lf r.evenuÞ recetvod by ths orgåntzgtton ) c ËT to > ol gamrng révanuo relätfled by th6 lhrrd party $ lf.Yes," snter nêm€ and äddress ofthe lhrrd party, Name 16 y"* Þ Gamrng manáger tnfürüattÖri, Nams Þ Gamrng rnanager componsatron þ Deocnptrön of $ervrces providod Þ $ [l Drrector/offrcer l*T tmptoyea 17 Mandalorydtstnbuttons' a ls lho organuallon requtÞd stâte Trom the gamrng proceeds to l*ll v"* l-J r€tarn the stats gamrng b Ënlêr the åmôunt öf under No to be drstnbulêd to othêr 6x6mpl orgânEatrons or spent tn th€ requrred byPafll, hn6 2b, colurnns (rr) and (v), ând paft lll, lrnes 9,9b. 10b, 15b, Schadule G (Form 9S) or 9Ð0-ÊZ) â016 1-. ScheduleG erican Le islative Exchan a Council 52?0140979 Pa 94 PartW Supplemental Information (consumed) - 632034 411-10 Schedule (Form 990 or 99044323 Compensâtion I nformation SCHËDULË.J {Form-990) Dlre þ Complelo tç ttre orga¡i¿åÎ: Fof cêrtãln Olflcers, osrr tv, ilne 23. ÞAffach to form Depetngll ol th6 Ttsery OME No 1545-0047 , and Hlghost to 99O. Name of lhq organøâlþn Employer Yes la Chock thÖ appropnäls box(os) ú tho orgafizåtßn provtdod any ol thÞ tollowrno tO 0r for â person lrstod on Part Vll, Sectþn fJ n tf ü b 2 3 A hne 1a tomplete Pert lll to provtde any rÉlevânt rnformatron regardrng rrrst.class or Çhartêï trâvel H$Jotñg ältowancs Travel lor companrons Paymenls for Tax ndemnfrcatron and gross.up payrnFntÊ Health or socral olub Dtscrotronary spendrng accor¡nt Personal lf any of the boxôs on lrrê 1 â are checked, drd lhe otganizalron iol[ow a retmbursßmênt or prouston of all ol lhe expenses desçnÞed abova? lf "No, lh Od ìhe organËåùon regulro substanttälron pftof to rermbursrng or âllowüg truslees. and ofltcers, rncludrng lhe ÇH0/Ëxacul.rve Þrr€ctor, regardrng the rtems lnd¡cate whtch, ú any, of ihe followrng the fthng organrzalron used CEO/Executve Drreçtor Çheck all that apply Do not choçk any èstablÊh compensatrôn of thê CËOÆx€cutrve Drrector, but by on ltng ....?,, the E ["Kl organEgtron'8 Pårt Wntten Compensatron or study ¡pprovalby or çompefi salron commtttse Þunng th€ year, drd aoy pereon isted on Form 990, respÊct to ths frf rng oßsnr¿ãtron or â rêlâlgd orgatÊatr0n' Recg¡vo û $gvêrance paymênt or o b Fartrçtpãte c Parltctpato n, or roöetvê pâymotìt trom, â rn, or fecgrve payment from, an lf "Yqe" to any of ¡rnes 4å'c, lrst the 5 4a ób plän? 4ê åmountE fÖr êäçh rtÊm rn Part lll comÞl9tê l¡nçs Qnly section 501(oX3), For persons lsted on Form X organrzatron to used by a m l*I Gompengatron oômmûtÊe E lndependenl compËnsâtrofl Ëon$ultant ffi fott 990 ol olher organratrons 4 of or rnltraùon &9, organrzatron pay or accrue âny compensetton oarìilngont on lhe rçvenues of a b 6 Tho organrzahon? 5å Any relâtêd organrzalrcn? lf ''Yes" on lno 6a or 5b x "la, drd tha organEatlon pay of âocru9 any compênsatÞn For psrson8 ll$ted contrngenl on lhg a Th€ organrzatron? b Any rolatod lf "Yeso 7 g Far on Form Wera rnrtral 6b 6a or 6b, not I 6â conlråcl A, lno 1a, dd lhô organzairon provrde any nonfrxed paymÉnts 5 and 6? lf 'Yes," doscnb€ rn Parl lll ggO, part Vll, pard or aoóruêd ûn Þurrúûnl lo a oontråct thãt was suh,ecl to thË ln Rsgula'ttons seclton 53.4958a({(3)? ll oYrs,u descnbe tn pårt lll lf 'Yes" on lne 8, drd tho also lollaw lhe rebuttable presumpt$n procedure descrrÞsd 7 x s rn s LHA For Papen rod( €32lll 00.0€"1ô Act Notice, sèe lhe lnsEuctlons lor Form 990. Schedule J (Form 9€O) 2016 Part ll on Foilñ990. The sum ol columns PstVll sach hsled lnd¡vdual nrust equâl thè total T*le Bor+en i3) Ulchael BovtÞêü {i} Base {ii} Bonus& (¡¡i) Other ECtflpênïffi._. rl,:i'ir .iiliiii;iìij'"- Ï ¡ilcåntffê reportêble corñpenseton .' 3i[0 . 208. , r: fì- (1) Llsa Nelson f.) {¡} iì,¡,**n**n 0. r,' 4? .209; i' ',iiii,s8 Cìg? " '' i: tr:u lll.: ' ì': ^ ..t [ìfl, 'ili 'i l {j} 7S't,1n9 (5) õor:aihan ullligns $, L44 "4,û9. ¡r¡i*S$,1¡,,,^ 12,Õ ìF::= .0 0 0 {6} ,}eff La&bert {¡} {¡t 1 36 .93¿. t Bsltrg¡nent aad oth€r d€iengd 0. 10 - 0tlfì lor thãt r*d¡v¡dual. {D} ñontêxable (El Tötät cf colilmfts benefns El Compensatron {Êxù-(D) rn côlumn {E) rêported as defsned - 402 . 840 CI. 0 6 . 28CI. I 181 .71 fl - a .2?.q - 19s.99s. - L77 .336 - 12.135- l.75.3L2. 0. 0. 6 .780 t. #x,,, 6 .268. **qrrüäihlLil, 0 gÈ? - fì û- ft * l'5"930- û t ft 0 173 .093. 0. û N.. S0 - 18 -229. 6 -829 - g. 0. 12 . flûJ thê tñ$ructons, on row {rr) oh prTor Form fì - t t. (E) arnounts tn compensatton û 0 .íliìiiìi'12 . B0{ û - ({) tlilheh Mêlerliûg ¡s needed. and trom rsleted organËations, dêearbed (c) 0 o ]..û: u (r) of Form 990. Parl Vll. SefiOn A, hîe 1a, aÞpltçablo cotumn {D) and ar¡'!.ourTt ôt W-2 ând/or 1O99-M[SC comp€¡sãtron (2) LlBå addrt¡onel must be rsported on Schedule J, report oôrnperlsatron lrom the organlzãlþn on row Ðo not t¡st afly rndMduáls thäl Nctq f Use Forsach rndvdualwhose 0 0 .t, ID {i} ,ìrì {¡¡ I {¡) (¡) til l (i) (i) {i) Schetlule J {Form 99û} 2016 À32'f1¿ 00¿O-16 " froirdeele InformatÐn. reqúredaorPart¡,Ìnesla, 1\3,444È.,4c"6a,5Þ,õa,6b,7,gv¡dOandforParlll AlsocornpÌBtsthrspartforanydd¡tpîalrnforfiâfþn Scâedute J {Form 990} ã}16 t¡¿fi¡i 0s4e-rå Supplemental lnformation to Form 990 or gg0Þop*ùnml of tho Compl€tå to provide inlormstion lor responses to sp6c¡l¡c guestions on Form 000 or 990"82 or to provido àny addÍtion'al inforriration, > Attâch t0 Foffn 900 or sþ-Ë2. ïrsas!ry Name ol the organrzatron Ëxpenses S 4 1 Open to Publíc Ëmployer 5,190. lçfm 99Q. ParÇ VJ, includino crant Se.p..típn.,¡,, I*íne of g 18,500. 6':...", Revenue .,.,.".,. . 110. s46. .....,. VI from a list of fotrr nomineeg suonlied bv the lask Force chairs, all four of k Förffl 990. Part Vl " Secl-ion À I ìn¡l Àf,ÊC rlr:es not maì-nt¿rin rni nrrl'os for ñb a1 LHA Êor Paperwork Fleduclfon Acl Notice, see the lnstuclions for Form ð3221r 00.?g,tô commiÈÈees, but decisíons are baksn 99O or 990.Ê2, Schedule 0 (Form gg) or 9æ-ÊZ) t2018) Nâm€ oIth€ otgânlzat¡on Fçf5n 9-.90*, ident¡licalion numbar P."êr.H"".....VL conducbs the Sect,iqn..".Ð, ..line lLb: .,,, ..._.._. .., -..._..* ..,*-. _... . financíal statement audit of ÀLEC, îhe review involves ' comþarison of financial dat,a in the For¡n 99û í?íth the audited fínancial qþeternenls__êEd reVievr ^^**1 ^t-ôñôðd Form 990, ParL fîl}la ñFrl of all narrativ ¡€ Iì.T.Far l-1^6ñ -^"i ^'.'- a*^ t^-- OOô D-i ^- l'.¡ .Fi'l i -- VI, Sectí various Federal Form 990'e to engure the rates are comDatitive. The boar¡l ig obtained. Form 990, Part Vf, Line 17, List of States receiwino coov of Form 990: ÀK.Al,.ÀR.ÀZ,CÀ.CO,Cf,FL.GA.ïfr,Kg,KY.LÀ.MÀ.ì{D.l'lE.MI.MN-Mg.Nc.Nn-ñH.NJ.NM.rùv ë32212 þA-23"16 Schedulo O (Form 99O or 99O-EZ) (2016) Nåffê 6t2212 O8'29-tl 0rgailzåtþn ldentlficatlon nsmbër Schedula O {Form gff) or 890-EZ) (20!3) SCHEÐUTË R {Form 99O) ) Related Organizatiçns aild Unrelated Pa*tnershþs Complete lf tlrç øsèni2åtåo" "*Ëff;ff;g}g .,Êo, t{t lV, tne 33, e+, 35b, 3Ê, or 9. 20',16 to Neíåê of the orgerTüeton Em$oyer identilicatlon number f ths ûgeil2åårori tnswórsd Yes" on Form 9S, Pärt I tbl Narno, Parl lV, ll{}e 33. {c) LegaÌdomøle {s-!ate or for€Ðn cc'rlt}try) actMty of {d} (e) Total mcome fnd{f"yeaâs6ets tf) *r€Ëìcor¡t*r&ng êÊttty r ffi4 Á Part ß ldenflîcat¡on of RèlâtÊd Tax-*êrilpt{trgBn¡zâ$oBs. Corçlete rf the organlzatrc{ìs dunng th6 tåx yeâr slo, a{gaftE¿fton tfiad ln€ one pr¡rpre rsäed til"€r€rFÞt (a) {bt (Ð i.larne, address, and FIN Pïrûa{y actuuty hstrÖntrollr€ of rebled orgânü¿âtron **($Lp¡ruÌ æ.üollod Ðnùry Yeß the p¡¡blfc É gov'È aakers þr ¡rrovlålag ld.ucaèe nllcy þûbârt'lsarr reeaanch }lst-rlct of óolrmb{a i6lfc!l¡tl x E € { Y 7 &. F* Paperrrrodr Faduction Ão.t Noù'ce, see lhe lnstrlÉt¡ons l€r Férm ggt'. Ëi3216f os-o&fô ¡,.ll Sohõ*t¡a R {Foftr eOO} 2ofe faxable ae a Pôrtn€r€*tÌg. ÕompÞte lhe tax Year. ldeatiliea*on of orgæøáÐflg. Partll* (â) and of rf Þ) tc) tdl Prrnaryactruty låûal Dr€ct çontrollng ó$ffi¡t enüÈy túûloor fusgn fie órgäFu4ÊÊ answeæd *Yês! on Foftn gg0. Pa¡t (çl flrsdffilflailt rncorûe {related unfelated. . rrcÌ¡&d from þx unler M l¡ne 34 because Ê had {i? {et (h) Share of tota¡ of endof-yoa lkfrÞFe¡dr fÞome Share ååôcNns2 æsôts ælrrl Yes ñla q$ o( more related (t fi) todaV-UBI {h}- en¡û¡ntfi box et0f Schédr.*e l(-f {Fônn 1065} r { pârl Taxable asa Cqporätíon äust dunÞgthe tåx Ysâr. lV taì Name, addreos, aîd EIN oî re{ât€d orgelrrzatþa & 6Ïrüst. ú Þ) tcÌ Pffr¡aryactwrty Lêgd d.d¡¡als Fl*8ù Èr€(€!t q'tM 990. Fart ansil{erÞd fV, ffi r &ne34 beceße $had ocÞormore rÊ¡åtêd (¡ ot þ, Shara {t} {lr) of endof-year essets $acuô.r Percentag€ ownersh:p Yes þ T ry r M 0¡t21æ 00"0&1ô Scheduie R forn$l[201$ PartV Transactions Note: Complête {ñe 1 Organizations. Complete I any enlrty ta Parts H f the organEatþn answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part lV, lme 34, 35b, or 36. or IV o1 thrs schedu YsÈ e J re ated orgaflzatÐns ltstsd r Parts l-fw b la tb c tË d ld e 1e a I 1t s 'ld h i th li j 1í k rk I 1t m 1m il 'ln 'lô o r x x /: p q x 1o Retmbuæement pâtd by.elet€d organlzatlon{s} for expenses ' lö x x .,,1 Other tansfer of cash or prop€rty to related organrzalron{s} 1t x ls tf th¡s (a) Name of related organ[atÐn lype eff o32163 tg{rú-1â (dl {b, Transêctron ¡¡ Arnount r¡volved ¡nvolved {a"s) 300-û00. Schedule fl {Form 9€Ol 2016 iL Partlrl Uffelêted Pfûvttlê t!Þ {OuËìr,srg thât uas ñot e r€lated (È) Na:¡e, as a Parlnershþ GorrÐþtê Éthe orgât¡f¿dåoflêno$¡BlÊd enttty tÐ(ed âs a Yês'ofi Fam 990, Psrt *V. lne 37 partn6Ftp d¡rcxgn sñ¡cf. üre orgânEaffin cor¡ft¡fiåd rfiorè th¿rr úve percent ût rts actü¿rfss (me€$¡r€d by tstal asË€ts or gr6s Ts\rer¡ú5) e¡duaon for oe¡tarn nvestment {c} Legddomrefe {state ortorsgn bqeuñtry) (q (f' PrEdor¡Nilânt mcofNË Shareof frelâlrd" urueht¿ü toÉal cxchded from ux unileÈ tncofnâ Älo (t!! {*} 0Ëø¡loÞ CodeV-ttsl ffiounl m àF¡ 20 tsl Sùsre of ü0n¡È endof-year assets ID (k) omershp fæ No ,¡ Y d L- \ &\ j r eþ b 7 F# r â 'I F r !¿ Sêhed¡þ Glxlltó 0Ð&16 I €oÍä Sg0) 2016 Schedule {Font 99012015 American Legislative Exchanqe Council 52-01409?9 Page 5 I Part VII [Supplemental Information. Prowde additional mforrnaimn 10f respenses to questions on Schedule Sea Inaimctlans. . 632105 uoaowa Schadqu (Form 99(1) 2016