UNITEDSTATESENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONAGENCY WASHINGTON , O.C. 20460 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL March 7, 2018 Sara Creighton Amer ican Oversight I 030 15th Street NW, B255 Washington, DC 20005 Re: Record Produc tion , Amer ican Oversight v. EPA (1: l 7-cv-02599-CKK) Dear Ms . Cre ighton: This letter acco mpani es the U.S. Environmental Protectio n Age ncy's (EPA) first production of records responsive to Freedom of Informati on Act (FOIA) request no . EPA-HQ- 20 18-001290. Included in this product ion are 15 responsive reco rds concerning renovations made to the office of the Ad min istrator (AO) and to the office of the Ass istant Administrator for the Office of Enforcement and Comp liance Assurance (OECA ) since Januar y 20, 2017. Please note that fou r of these records conta in personal privacy infonnati on that is withheld in part pursuant to Exemption 6 of the FOTA, 5 U.S.C. ?552(b)(6). In addition , one reco rd is withheld in part under Exemption S' s deliberative process privilege, 5 U.S.C. ?552( b)(5), and one record contains infonn ation that has been c laimed as con fidentia l business infonnation (CB I) by the submitt er and is protected from disclosure under Exemption 4 of the FO IA, 5 U.S.C. ?552(b)(4) . This produ ction may also be accessed via FO IAonline (foiaonl ine.regulations.gov) by searc hing for case number EPA-HQ- 20 18-00 1290. Please let me know you have any fu11her questions regarding this prod uction. Sincerely. ~ l\LlV:~ ~ ll Cv\ Cl()~ "00 Melissa Shapiro Attorney-Advisor Office of General Counsel U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Invoice .1=-,VC!,t:s:1~,1;1. ,~. ~., .\•1: .... -.::,· f.:,nitlf":"' s~.:..i, Sr,.n ;:LJi,l)f...;,~C::n Invoice Date: 05125/2017 Order Date :05125/2017 Ref No: 2599 •,~--; Billing Addres s: Shipping Address : Environmental Protection Agency Environmental 1200 Pennsylvania Ave.NW 1200 Pennsylvania WashinglOn DC. District of Columb ia WaShington 20460 District of Columbia 20460 Protection Agency Ave. NW De. OFFlCES; I :i< N. f.:t'o l,~"ll• 1•;i::i ., ,. ,. n 01 I .:1:~0 ITEM DESCRIPTION: CAPTAIN"S nl SK ~3· 1l!GH TERMS: ~ DUNS: 784284937 Item : . -•· -•• \ .>•V• , 1._""1..1 •.W-: , •n •• • Captain's Desk 43" Hi ~h 36" wide 30" Deep (;001 I StandarcJ Options . I I I Ut'Ci? I Qty, Item Description 'No. r.1,assIOCi\ s:'l C,1SIP.<'S Dr.i...e r i>l.rllS: -.v,,fo,g 8\,,1~: '."Jonct ~::ec,cs.: Srain Cl"to1cc:: I Price Each S:?9&150 S2.U-3•.~C Sele c tion : Wood ADWoo~ Brown M3plo Ctooc01a1eSpice (samples No (;OSI so.c::, St>.OU sent) 52,964 .50 Sub-Total 1 onn;- .Amount Go-.,emmcn1Osco1Jl'\I~:01,,c11 1010) 1 -SX16,l i\ S295.00 Shipping Total Tax rota I Amount Due -S:•!-.16--1~ E,cempt so.oo $2,963 .05 Th:>nk yOAJvery much lor you- order . Parnno,:-.Claim s; • ff a Cieskis damaged dl.u,g deliv1lry. 3 claim tr4USI~ reporled llllilhln.JJ).J111Ys br lie dillm to be ocknO-"'edgoo by ltlc ,nsur.>nco provieler. • I act3im 1s not submil1ea 111this lune lrame. 11nya:,rmge -:.ill be 11,e,esponslllllitl• of the receiving pan)' to repa,r. 'Tl1 1s Cl3ITImust be Subr'lll1et1 IOAmi&ll eo.w ..,)'F111n~ureSales er PackStup USA i!. 1:17-cv-02599 MULTI-17-0474-A-000001 Ul'fl I cu;::,·~· c;::, Cl'fVIMVl'fl Vl C" I ~L r-nv I Cv I IV l 'I ~UC l'I \., I WASHING TON, D.C. 20460 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR MEMORA OUM FROM: Donna Jenkin s TO: file S BJECT: Desk Purchase The Capta in' s Stand up desk for Administra tor Pruitt that was orde red on May 25 was purchased consistent with the Buy America Act (BAA) and the:!FAR. The BAA restricts purchases of foreign goods for use by Go, ·emment offices in the U.S. Lower cost desks were a\'ailablc . but were made overseas. so we cou ld not procure them and be in compliance with the BAA. Recyc:led/Recyclablo 1:17-cv-02599 lntemot Addie::::(URL) • htt.p://www .epa.gov • Pnnted 'Mlh Vegetable Oll Based Inks on 100% Po:;rconsumor, Proces~ Chlorine Free Aocyc lod Paper MULTI-17-0474-A-0000022 Per the Attached Memorandum. Captain's Desk was requested for the Admin istrator (Donna Jenkins). Researched by Facilities. Approved/Fundedand Purchasedby OAESon May 25, 2017. Vendor located in Akron, OH. We had to stay within the $3,500 threshold and within the Administrator's $SK to refurbish his office . Which we did. 1:17-cv-02599 MULTI-17-0474-A-0000033 Schlicnbaucr Furniture Scn ·ice. Inc. Invoice P.O. Box 833 Charlotte Hall, l\·10 20622 Office : (8110) 1)55-7603 Fax: (30 I) 884-3672 SFS Account i\lan.1gcr: Kati<.' Sehocnb.1ucr Morgan , xHI') F:mail: katie 1a>schocnhaul!r.com Commercial, Fun1iturc OatcBilled Order '.'iumbcr 06,05117 5:!7CJ6 CO:\ lf>I.ETE 811.1. 1,';G Federal Tux ID Number : 52-2183688 Hilled To : (" US IOlll l'r : l lS LP:\ I kadquartl.'rs \\ JC \\ .:st. Ro(llll H.!00~ I L~OI C@slitutiun A,c N\\ Wa~hington DC ::!0004 ( on1ac1: Sc\C 1·a \\ 'ilson Ph,,11~: US EP:\ I lcadquan.:rs \\'JC\\ 1.'St . Room U:!00~1 UOI C-unsti1u1io11 ,\vc N\\ Washington DC :?11004 Allcrn:uc C onl:ll'.I : Porn1hida PrnphnnJJOj C.:11:.202-56-4-3787 Cdl ( hit.' of Or.l,•r Wurl. Or.ll!r (1,,e 05 :!:! 17 Repair l'cr l:slim:\lc <'ltiim ,: ( 1aim 'l)'f'I! I >at,•of l.tt. lpf•oi11t1111mtl11S/1'!L'tio11 1-i:.· Swms Furniture CmllOw II ".tight {t.,nu \ :,.uu,,.' .-lm1111m S::?.Oi:5.00 EXf:.Ct:TIVE Ol;SK l·.s111na1e10 rc:linish ell.ecuth ~·d<.--sl... changing color to match cus1omcr'spro\'ided sample ;is dusd~ :1$ poss ihk . •Will need ph~ si.:al color s.implc 10 m~1tch . .\l)t>l:O : Rcmo\'c from center panel b.:I\\Cen double pcdc:s1als.SI 75 5 .:!.:!, 17 - Desk was dcli\'Crcd to our shop. (1 2 · 11 • Oesl; and .:olor s:m1plc were picked up from our slmJl. -\II esrim:ucs :1rc eoocJ for b mouth s from the d:.Ht of this re1,orr. l>C rcsid cnl s ma)· he subj eel to s:1lcs f:l '17, Hill Schocnb:rncr - 4th Gcncrnlion Cra(tsm:mshiJ> St•,· a /At 11/ 1111r.\fl(•dt1li:;l!'"~ l·r- !-21'>ri:l S EPA llc.-nq SS00.00 Media Cable 1 s1s.oq SIB.00 --seeQUOTE FIELD BELOW FOR ADDITIONAL LINE ITEMS .. SIi/PP/ NG & IU N DLI/VG (IF .-IPPL/C ,tB L EJ *GRr4/\'D TO TAL Quote, olher re late d docume ntatio n or inrormation (atrac h file) I 1 $670.C>q S670.00 so.co $2495.25 ma )-. E228 EPA BioAdmil lock with readervl.pdf TOTAL: S670.00 El'4 foan I/WI:/ (Bey. 8-911 JUSTIFICATION 1:17-cv-02599 (Requiredfor IT and all Non CorporateExpressVendors) MULTI-17-0474-A-0000066 Requested for the Administrators Office per PSD (Nino Perrotta). E-Mail documentation wi11 be on file. -- ·- Funding/Order Information ---- __ ____ _______ , ., Order Total $2495.25 FY D.C.N A71046 Fund B 1718 Program Org. 11A ZZZME8 Ordered Date: 04/10/2017 Site/Project Obj Class 2615 Amount $2,495.25 3rd-party Verifier: Mardiko Ellison/DC/USEPA/US Comments: Notify Funds Approver FSD Reconciliation Information Transaction # Receipt Date � I Cost Allocation Amount I' ! Closed Com01ittmcnt Flag TOTAL AMOUNT I ----•·--- Approvals --- -- ! Approvers Routing Instructions & information Glen Cuscino (Approved) 04/10/2017 Office/Mana2er Approve Request' Add Comment Comment () Comment *Purchase Card Approver: Glen Cuscino (Approved) 04/10/2017 Comment *FundingOfficial: Mardiko Ellison (Approved) 04110/2017 SIRMO Refreshment Aproval Comment I. Reviewers check (optional) Reviewers - Click the "I reviewed it!" button below to add your name to the reviewed by lisl Reviewed By: I Reviewed it! ----- Order Receipt Information ----------·-- --- ------·-- -•-- -------- ___! 0 Complete O Partial 1:17-cv-02599 MULTI-17-0474-A-0000077 Invoice LockTech lock and key 26A Brookfield Rd. Pasadena MD 21122 www.UnlockPasadena.com 443-286-2079 1390 Number Date 312712017 Bill To Bill Belarose EPA PO Number Project Admin Locks Biometric Description Quantity/Hours Price/Rate Bio Metric lever lock available in satin chrome only 1.00 S1, 190.00 $1,190.00 door prep 1.00 $45.00 $45.00 flat plates 2.00 $27.50 $55.00 filler plate (edge of door) 1.00 $17 .25 S17.25 Labor 5 $105.00 $525.00 Service I Trip carge II 1.00 $145.00 $145.00 1.00 $500.00 $500.00 $18.00 $18.00 Bio Lock Enroller reader Longer screws and other hardware Tax1 Sub Total Sales Tax 0.00% on $0.00 Total Amount $2,495.25 $0.00 $2,495.25 Thank You... for choosing LockTech 1:17-cv-02599 MULTI-17-0474-A-0000088 Jenkins, Donna Allen. Reginald Friday, April 7, 2017 12:30 PM Jenkins, Donna Bellerose, William; Jefferson, Gayle; Stewart, Neil RE: Lacie: quotes for Administrator's Office From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Approved Reginald E. Allen Director, Administrative and Executive Services Office of the Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office 202-564 0444 Direct 202-564 1029 Cell 202-306 2879 From: Jenkins, Donna Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 12:15 PM To: Allen, Reginald Cc: Bellerose, William ; Jefferson, Gayle ; Stewart, Neil Subject: FW: Lock quotes for Administrator's Office I apologize. r forgot to add you. From: Jenlc:ins, Donna Sent: Friday, April 7, 201712:14 PM To: Bellerose, William Cc: Stewart, Neil ; Jefferson, Gayle Subject: RE: Lock quotes for Administrator's Office GA Bill, J just spoke to Gayle and she said that we can proceed because it's not part of the $SK. Reginald, reaching out to you for APPROVAL. Total cost: $2,385.25. Thank you and have a safe weekend. From: Bellerose, William Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 11:55 AM To: Jenkins, Donna Cc: Stewart, Neil ; Jefferson, Gayle Subject: FW: Lock quotes for Administrator's Office Donna, 1 1:17-cv-02599 MULTI-17-0474-A-0000099 Do you have any updates on if the Adminislrator 's Office wants to move forward with lhc loc\ quolc. Thanks. William .. Bill" Bellerose Security Specialist I lcad4 uarters Service 13ram.:h Facilities Management and Services Division Desk : (202) 566-2 IQ I Cell: (202> 5 10 5831 From: Bellerose, William Sent Tuesday , March 28, 2017 4:09 PM To: Jenkins, Donna Cc: Allen, Reginald ; Jefferson, Gayle : Stewart, Neil ; Perrotta, Pasquale ; Caldwell, James ; Michelle Hale {hale.michelle@epa.gov) Subject: RE: Lock q uotes for Adm inistrator 's Office Donna. l-lcre·s the revise!d biometric Jud with the enroller and media cable added into the quote . Please let m~ knov.how you would like to proceed. V/r. William .. Bill.. Bellerose Security Specialist Headquarters Service Branch Facilities Management and Services Division Desk : (:!02) 566-2191 Cell: (202) 510-583 t From: Bellerose, W illiam Sent: T uesday, March 28, 2017 3:22 PM To: Jenkins, Donna Cc: Alien, Reginald ; Jeffe rson, Gayle : Stewart, Ne ii ; Perrotta , Pasquale : Caldwell, James ; Michelle Hale (hale mjchelle.@gQa..&Q.l! ) subject: Lock quotes for Administrator's Office Hi Donna , 2 1:17-cv-02599 10 MULTI-17-0474-A-000010 Please let me know if you haYeany questions or need more information. V/r, William .. Bilr ' Bellerose Security Specialist Headquarters Service Branch Facilities Managcmentand Services Division Desk: (202) 566-2191 Cell: (202) 510-5831 J 1:17-cv-02599 11 MULTI-17-0474-A-000011 Partnersin Proj ect De6very July 17 , 2017 SeVera Wilson EPA Washington DC RE: EPA 3"' Floor Room - Patch /Painting Dear Ms . Wilson : IMEC Group, LLC (IMEC) is pleased to present our pricing to perform general construction services for the EPA 3rd Floor Storage Room in the EPA Clinton South Building. IMEC recognizes the complexities and logistical challenges inherent in managing project of this magnitude and importance. Our team has a long and success ful history of managing the construction process for Federal Facilities on behalf of the several Federal agencies . We propose to furnish labor, ·tools, equipment , taxes , insurance. fees and related items to the scope of work outtined below in the estimated amount of: Three Thousand Three Hund red Fifty Dollars and 00/100 .................. .... ... .............. ......... .. .... . $3 ,350 All walk will have 1-year labor and material warranty , any product warranties exceeding 1-year will be identified and provided to the owner. Base Scope of W ork : General Requirements - The job site will be properly supervised at all times construction is in progress. The site will be secured at all other times with construction materials stored in a neat and safe manner. • • • Prep all walls for painting Parge all stucco walls with similar materials Paint all walls 2 coats, color as per owner's instruction s. IMEC is a Certified 8(a) Contractor under the Small Business Administration 8(a) Business Development Program . As a small business, we can provide a high level of commitment, lower overhead rates , and experienced professionals . We look forward to serving the needs of EPA. If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to contact me at 202.446 .4515 or via email at gward@imecgrouQUc,com Respectfully, IMEC Gro up, LLC Gudell L. Ward, PE, CCM Managing Principal 61170Dobbin Road, Suire 8 IColumbi~, M.1ryland 21045 I Tel: 1.4 • 3.583. 7890 I Fax 1.443.458.7743 www.imecgroupllc .com 1:17-cv-02599 12 MULTI-17-0474-A-000012 Created bf0nna..Jenkins on 07121.at 03:33 PM _-# __ ,.....,.. •• *OFFIC E: OA ,.. .......... *B~(i:A'RD *PHONE : 564-6959 ., HOLD ]i:R: . Phone:443-583- 7890 6470 Dobbin Road, Suite B, Columbia MD 21045 ,· .. hl ' ~:':1---- ----------------------~-- ----.- ----.---,-.,...--,--$3 ,350.0 _.·.... $3,360 .97 . --~~":'- ..,,-y.----1' ... •~,_it ~ $.Q!00. ., r .,, t• -w~u.S0!~.0". ca • ,. ""...t~ .p__. ' .r, ·!io.oq : _r-,~""\-..;, -~ ::-so.oo ~ ' f ~ ' -··'"'' ... y ., ... I\">' ' •,I' ,n.J\. I • a. ~~ SHl:11PJ!.I.G ~~kAN D'LING(IF APPLICABLE) •---~:L......:..:;,.~•--:,.·, ...•....... - . .. . '!:GRAND TOTAL .,i~f.i,;j' 7; · $0;00.,. '-:~ - · :$0.00 $0.00 . 3 60:97. .. . ,_ . '$3, .. _.,,..,~ Q uote, ot her r elated docum entat ion or inform at ion (attach file) • Trademasters .docx £PAFormI 1950-1 /Rev,8-971 JUSTIFIC ATIO N (Reguiredf~ r IT and all ·Non Corporate Express Ven dors) 1:17-cv-02599 16 MULTI-17-0474-A-000016 !Notify Refres hments Approve r! B Ord ere d Date: 3rd- part y Verifier: Co mmen ts: Notify Funds Approve r/ ,~, .=!===~:..:.;:a.;!. Approve Re_qu_es~I ___________ '"'"" __________ ______________ _ ____ _ _ ."''"; w• •: ApP,rove ·rs- . :·~ ··.:•·'.·:~~~:.·t;::.·. ·.!:.~, ... it •• .. Receipt Date - ·J ·- ----~Roiitiiiij lnstr~ctio'ni &"Informa tion. Lance McCluney (Approved) 09/26/2017 ~,.; •.u..r-~... _,~~...., . -.&. ~,,i;;.;::;,..7,b ·,•.~·,,::.:: ,~." ~ dd Commen t! , Comment · ··· ___ : •· ····· ·· •···· () Commen t Michael Benton (Appro ved) 09/26/2017 Comment • Refreshmerit•Aproval ; ...:·._Dllt:SSOR (LAST, l'IRST) Sw,ct Oaw,ei l4l!'t, HERE.TOSJGNliZ Mda ,l: nn 1Cer .~ r·· . .. . . •. 612212011 -, OAtt: 6/21/2017 .., .., APPROIIEO@ DIWl'tl0VE00 t."ff£R EMAIL ADDRESS OR(LAST. PUtST) OAT£: Nl7.-.JJ cue«HEil£ ,0 SIGN(?, AkGlldcr. Anlla ......__~.....,...._--»11~1 JUSTIPJCATION Qualll) l'ffft hr U.fa TCIDI~ lilll rrin Otdcnd IAbor • 11dmallriallo palcllaed pal• C17111 sq.re..., 11hnlk . l!i% °""11l'lld f.s,msn SJ6t.llll Sl .00 $2,024.011 J QJOCtBf TO AOOA UHE1TDI FINANCIAL AN> ACCOlNTINC DATA 0CN UDGfT'/FY't APIIIIOl'IUAT10N IUDGET 0aG (ODE NOCi¥M EUMlNT 08110 ~ CODI https://usepa .sharepoint .com/sites/OECA/OAP/_layouts/tS/FormServer.aspx?XmlLocatio ... 1:17-cv-02599 7/1012017 22 MULTI-17-0474-A-000022 DEZCO Construction Services, LLC David E. Zeigler 30365 Pine Street Charlotte Hall. MD 20622 Date 611212011 Estimate # 891 Name / Address Cheryl Murray 3204 A EPAWJC South Description 1.00 1,760 Labor and material to patch and paint 1760 square feet of waifs 1 5% Overhead Expenses 15.00% Total DEZCO Construction Services, LLC ctc�o,roi1�trurt,or1•�ugma,1.com 1:17-cv-02599 Total Rate Qty l'h l·.I\ 1.760.00 264.00 S2.024 00 )01·290·H29 30l ·560·/l522 23 MULTI-17-0474-A-000023 DEZCO Construction Services, LLC David E. Zeigler 30365 Pine Street Charlotte Hall. MD 20622 Date Invoice# 7/ 1712017 562 Bill To Cheryl Murray 3204 A South EPAWJC Ship Date Est# Item Labor 15 % Overhead Description l'h11n.:: l':1:1.: 1:17-cv-02599 Price Qty Labor and material to patch and paint 1760 square feet of walls 15% Overhead Expenses DEZCO Construct ion Serv i ces, LLC dezcoconstruct io n@g mail. com 7117/2017 301·290·1428 301·560-8S22 1.00 1.760 15.00% Amount 1.760 .00 264.00 Total S2.024.00 Payments/Credits -S2.024.00 Balance Due S0.00 24 MULTI-17-0474-A-000024