tl I EXTENDËD TO NOVEMBER ,? I ¡ 15, 2OT7 Return of Organization Exem pt Frorn lncome Tax ,"- gg0 Under sectio¡ åO1lc), 527, or 49{?(a{lt of the lnternat Flevenus Code (except privato Do not entôr gp€ial sGcurity numbGrs on lhis lorm as ¡t mây be made Þ O,lpúrfmt ot th6 îrôâsy A Ú c¡e¿r C Name of organrzatron +t appl¡c¿blo l-l,Addro33 I . Jcl$n9€ f'-lNm¡ L-Jchonga l-l l¡rl El LJrâlun (-IlFtnel Number and street {or P.0. box ll marl rs not delffered lo shsol addrÐss) Room/surl¿ L".Jtelu¡n/ lsfln. Crty or lown, slats ër ptovtneè, country, ând ôlgd I lÁñsdâd l-Jrôtu¡ñ T*lÀÞFlËlJld päán0 zlp or lorergn poslal code ls lhls a F Name and addrÉss of pflnçrpal offrcer.SCOTT WAITTER nyes fOr ArÈ åft rnstudod? OJ o lT-ì¡¡o nuo a hst (see rnstructtons) It Fat llllv*s I 1 Biletly descnÞe thê orgânËatron,s ntrstofl or moât srgnrflÕânt 2 3 4 5 6 Çhock th¡s É flt g (¡ o (5 hÐa cÐ c{ \6 { .J' o, '¡: l) box Þ f thB organnâtron dscontrnued Numbôr of vottng members ol the govontng body (pad Number of lndependent volrng members of the ?570 of (Part â (C), 7¡ lne 12 7b t6 []j r', ry. I 5 (J tr. ts 4 Tola¡ numbo¡ of lndûdy¿¡s omployed rn calendar year Total numbor of volunteefs (estrmate rf necessary) a Total unrolaled bi.¡srness Tsvonuå frön Fan 7 ol (Jl I 0, ä 10 Oontnbutrons and 0rânts (Part Vllt, hnê t h) Program sÞrvtco revenr¡ê (Part Vlll, ltne ?g) lnvestmenl mcorno (Part Vlfl. 11 Other revenue (Part Vlll, colvmn 13 14 Grants and slmtlar amounts patd Boneßts pard to or for members l5 Salailes, oiher l6a Prof€ssronâl 9 0 Þ d¡ E Øl lol g R '¿E 'ah\ t, o v tÐ xo. .501, rrne2s) (A), hnes (must 1 -178,2s 988 . 937 -2 0ßo - 2.56L.903. 2.990.1 0 0 {A), knes 5'10) 17 OlheroxpensÐs (Pârt 18 lotal expenses Add 6 (A), {Part lX, 1.t 1--568.S¿5. 1-3) o) b Tolal fundrasrng t¡J column (A), Priæ Yoar 1.051 .7L7. 0 >, 842,735. 97 1d,111-24e) IX, column (A), I .886 . 2_030 cq7531.306. lne 25) o 2.gL¿ 145.! Eeoinnino ol Cürrenl Yeer 20 21 Totâ1 X, Ïotal L,Á. 390 lne U¡der I dec,are .801. 13 736 .672 I& .254 .1.29 . X, llne 261 lhrs rolurñ, rncludtng ac{ompanyrilg Schedulrs and slatÊments, ând lo lhê bes¡ ol fily knowlêdos and belel, rl rs of ',vhrch has Sign Here Pnnt/fyp€ Cùi{f name rl Paid Prep arer Uss only name ¡- COCCHIÀRO Frrm'saddress>zLL NORTH Frm's 63200J 11.t1-1õ & ÄSSOCIÀTES . LLC UNION STREET, ALEXÀNDRTA. VA 223T4, SUIÍE Frrm's l-00 LHA For Paperwork Reductron Act lrlotice, seo the separate rnsùuctlons, F lN ¡- 21. - 2q ' tqm 990 {201 6) &{ 0 1 Snelly degcnbe the organlzätrcn's mrs8Én Drd the organrzaton undortake any srgnrfrÇant proÊram s€Ntcgs dunng lhe year whrch wero pnor Ëorm 990 or 99û.ÊZ? lf "Yes," de*cnÞe these ngw seryrcos on Schedul€ O 3 No 4 4a (co¿u 4b (cç¿" 4c (co¿* 4d ) (etP*"uu _ ¡nöludnq g¡Ðtsql ) )(sxpensoss rncfudrDg qanls ot $ ) (nevmue $ ) (Revoue $ CXher program sèrvrces (Descnbe tn Schedule O ) $ Total oroofam servrce exoenses {ËxOerses 4e t 09 1.33855 sdnls cf 1 _ ) s )_91 72't sEE 632002 1.t-11-!6 1-20311 thc¡udrño Þ ff,ovøu. $ - Form SCHEDUÍJS ) 4 CRC 990 (eoro) O FOR CONTINUÀTION(S) 2016.04013 CAPITAL RESEÀRCI{ CENTER cRc_1 't I I 1' 2 3 Y¿e ls ìhe organlzatlon descnbôd rn sectton 501(cI$ or a9a7{a)(1) (other than a pnvate loundatron)? ll'Yê9,' complste Echedule A ls the organrzatron requrred to compbte Scáedute B, Scl¡edu/e ol Contnbutorg Drd lhe orgañEãhön engage rn d¡¡€çt or rndrrocl polrllcal çåfnpätgn acttvn{es on behälf Of ör tn publrc o{Íce? 4 5 6 ll 'Yes,'complele Scl¡edub Ç, Seclion sol(cx3) organitatlons. Ðrd the organrralton cngage n lobbyng aütvrtö6, or nave a dunng thB tåx year? /l "yes,'coiltplë¡è Schêdutø C, pÊtt lt ls lho organEatton a sectþn 501(c)(4). S01(cXS), or SOI(CXS) OrganBåttÖn lhal recelves mûmbsrshtp srmlù afiounts as doflned rn Revenuê P¡ocedure g8-1g? l/ "yeg, complete scheúule 7 I lhe envrronmçnt, hrglonc la¡ld areas. or hrstonc struÇturqs? 'yes,. coñpløte scheduþ D, pad D¡d lhe organrzatron matnlatn collectton$ of works of art, htgtoncal 'l'l a à ll "Yes," D, PañI tl '1 acGounl a GustodÉn rcpalr,or fof sêrutcê$? o endowmsnts, pêfmânoßl lrt ln lf the organtzalron's answÊr to any of tho followrng as apphoable Schedule D, Parts Vl, Vll, Vlll, lX, or X orgiltzalton report ån amouñt tor land, buthtngs, and Part X, 1O't ll "Yeç," cornpllte Schedule D, Pât'tVl 1la b Drd the organt¿alton report an amount lor ass6ts rêpôñed tn Pan X. llne 167 lt oYes,, c Drd the o€ântzatton repod an amount assets Teporlôd tn Part X, hne 16? d ¿ { Paft lor Drd thal rs 50¡6 rlb X, hne"13 that ls 5% or more of ûs lotal ,t"tr Schþduþ tn Pert X, hne rs 59o or rnore of lts total âssels rèpofled tn 'l ld Þ, Od lhe organzatton ¡eport an amount Dtd lhe organt2atron's sgparate gr X, frnancnl under D¡d the o¡gan,¿atton obtarn fl 25', ll'Yes,n complete Schedule D, Part X for the tax yeär tnclude a lootnoio thât addrssses il "Yes,o complete Scheduþ D, Part X slalomênts for the lax year? lt "y9s,' complêle (ASC 74O)? Schedo/e D, Pafls Xl and ll "Yes,^ and ú the have or more? r/ Сd the 16 O¡d of lùa, than complehng Schedule D, Parls X and Xll ts optønal XAX'I)? /t'Yes," complele Scåedrlþ E "No" tn.s€ct,on ¡nvestment, !5 .,11t X audtted ftnancral $tatêmenls for the tax year? rn fs the organrzatron a $chool 14a ùd lhe b ùd the lle "ltã b Was the organEatron 'tg x or more of ûs total vil ln lf'yçù 'compleìe the orgän zaùon report ân amount Part X, hne 16't U'Yes,. camp¡eta '12 $ecunlr89 m tho organrzahon's habrllty for uncertaln 12a å f,. or âmourlts not ltsled rn Fart X, of provrdê öredû côunseltng, dsþt ll'Yes,n comphte Schddulâ Þ, pait lV Drd the oTgantralton, droctly or through ä rôlâtód ôrganH,ålton. endowments, or quäsfêndôwmênts? rf ,Yes,, comp/elB Þrd lhe Ã. lil D¡d the organtzatþn reporl an amount rn Part X, llne 21, for escrow 0 501 heve í SÇàedu/o D, Patt l0 candElates tof I OId lhe ofganizalþn rnerntern any donor advrsed fu¡ds o¡ any stmtlar lunds or provrdÞ adytçs on the dtsìÍbutÐn Or lnvoslfnenl ol âmounts tn such funds or Drd the organtzalþn r€ce,ve or hokl a conse^ralton easement rncludrng easementg I f paft on Pa¡t repod ôr ag€nts ôrJtsrd@ of the Untted Statos? expenses of mo¡e than $10,000 f¡om grãnlmaktng, lundrarsrng, busrness, outsrdê th6 Unrtöd Slatos, or äggrègêle loréqn rñvêslñônts valued at $1@,00O Pañs I and lV (A), Ìne 3, môrê thân $5,000 of grents or other assslanco to or lor afly Scjredule F, Parts ll and lV f, Pads lll and lV ôf more than $15,0O0 of erpens@s for pfolessrortâl fundratsrng servtces on Parl lX, "Yes,'complelê Scñedule G, Patl I column (A), hnes x 't3 {¿s 14b 15 coluruì (A), trne 3, ¡nore thân $5,00O of aggrsgata g¡.ants or othÞr assrstanoe lo Il "Yes,' complete Schedule 17 12b 18 Dd lhe organlzatlon 1 c and 8a? ,/ 'yes, " and contnbulrons on Part Vlll, lrnes 19 Od the organzatron on Part Vlll, lne 9a? 16 17 18 x ll "Yes,' lô rom 990 (eolo) 6:l?003 11-1r-tô 12031i_09 133855 3 CRC 2016.04013 CAPTTÀL RËSEARCH CENTER cRc--1 \ t Yes 20a b 21 2, 23 opeËlê one or more hospfial facthtÞs? ll ,Yes," comptetø Schecluþ H lf "Yes" to lno 2Oa, dtd th€ organlzatÐn attâch a copy ol ns ãud¡led ftnanoãl gtalerirÞntg to lh)s relum? Ûd ths otgånËâtron r€port mo¡e than $5O00 ol grafis or olher assrstancs to any domestþ or domaslrc govemment on Parl lX, column (A), iln6 1? ll 'Yes,' comphtø Schedulø l, pa¡ts t and ll Dd lhe grgflntuåtton reporl fiore than $5,000 ol grânls or olh€r asslslance to or lor dorfiêslÐ on Párt lX, Çolumn (A), hne 2? ll'Yes,'complete Scñ€düre t, pads lañd ill D d the orgânrråtrön ânswer "Yes- lo Fart Vll, Secttoñ À lrno 3, r¡, or g äbout compensåhon of Ðrd the orgânt¿ålton and lormer otftcêrs, drreclors, trustees. koy employees, end hÐñe$t compensated employees? ?0b ''qfà Y 'n'%. ll B 24à Dd the organrzatron have a tax-exempt bçnd rssue w:lh an outstândtng pflnÕrpal lâst day of the ysar, that wês rssuôd âÊer Decomber 31, 2@2? ll 'yeç," answer ùnes Schødule K ll "No', go lhtþugh Ia hns 25a 9Ãq ùd th€ orgAntzatton tnvest âny procéeds of Þx,âxempl bonds bayond a fempoÞry pênod ùd the organr¿atton mantatñ ån escrow accouni other than a rofundrng )al1 durrng 2Ãc ùd the o€ântzåtþn âcl as ân 'on behall ol'' rssuer lor bonds ùme €01{cl(41, änd 5ot(cx2Ê) orgånirâtirn¡, prd thô trangactron wrth a dßquälltod person durrng fhe yeafl lf *Yes, o comptelø 25a Ssclfon sof(c)(ô), b ls the organr¿atton aware that û engaged ln ân exc€sg benett lhat lhe transactron has not been roported on âny of th€ 9¿r1 benefl eñgåqÉ rn L, Paftl ÐAq ln å pfo7 yÊâ7, änd wrth ll'Yes,'êompþtë Êorms Schedule L, Part I 2A 25ib Drd the organrzatton report eny amount on pan X, hne 5, 6, or lot pâyåbles l0 äny cunenl ôr dnqualrfted persons? // 'Yes, lormer offrcers, dtrectors, lruslees, key amptoyeas, hrghest 27 2A oornp,ete Schôdûlê L, Pâil ll Drd the organrzatron provrde a grant or other m 30 orf0 koy employee, substantral conlrgll€d enttly ar famtly memb€r a 27 parll8s (sie Sch€dvle I 0r L Part lV Scl¡€duJ€ L, Patt lV employe€, ll "Ves,r cofr¡plÊtâ Sê/iedule L, Pad lV *ey employee (or â lamrly mømbÊr therêoQ was an offrcer, L, Farl lV qf An entny of whrch a currenî or former dlrcctor, truStêo, or drecl ot tndtr€cl ûd the organtzatton " 2ß offEer, Öonlnbut0r or employee thereof, â grânt sôloelsn of any ol these persons? // -Yes,- compleÍe L, Was lhe or0arìrzetþn a party to â þu$tn€s$ trançachon wth ono rnstructrons for applcable tlmg and a A cunenl or lo¡mer otftcer, drroctor, b A famrly trlËmbét 0f a cuff€nt or c dlfector, l/'Yes,' completa Schedu/e M recetve Dtd the otganrzatron colllrbulrons? ll "Yes,' Dd lhê organrzatron ll' Ye s,' complefe Scàedule 32 0d the Drd lh€ or ând cëe3o opÊtättons? 31 1 301.7701 t0 ãny ltne ll "Yes,' completø g Sectlon 501(cXg) Ðtd lhe otganrzatron makô any transfers to an exempl non'chafltable relalod organrzalron? B, Pârt V, hne 2 Dd lhe orgânrzatton and thal rs *¡ _4 Schødula R, Paû il, \il, ot lV, ënd €ntÉy wrthrn thê n0âôln9 of sectpn 512(bX13)? dtd lhe orEanlzatlon rec€rve any payment from or engage rn any tlansaclþn wrlh a controlled entÍly 2{bX1 3)? l/ "Yos, ' çompleîe Schedu/e F, Pa¡t V, ltne 2 It 'Yes,' complete ö8 or laxaÞlÞ ontrv? have the 37 drsrogarded a$ separale frcm lhü öfgânuãtþn uodêr Regulâtrþñs 'Yes,' comptete Scñedcr/e R, Pan I I Drd blf 36 x g2 own Was the Paft 20 moro than 25% of lts net ass¿ts?// ôyês.' cornp/êtê sectrons 301 95ã tÊ4 ãt Scåedule Schedu/e N, U 2âa 2ù or other stfrÍlår assets, or quajfied cons€rval on 31 sÍl x. $100,000 and any tâx.gxeilpt þonds? d ¡, Éå?"..; J SÇhþdula þ c tlla lrgated as mo¡e lhan 5% of rts actìvtltos throuoh an €ntrty thal ts not a relaled organtzatron partnershrp for federal lncome tax purposes? ll 'Yes," completê Scñedu/e R, panVt Drd the organrzatrçn complele Schedule Q and prcvrde explanattons rn Schedulo O lor Part Vl, lnos 1 1 35a 35b 3â a7 b and 192 llfl x rorm 99O leoro¡ 632004 11.t1-10 A, 120311_09 133855 CRC 20T6.04013 CÀPITAL RESBARCH CENTER cRc_1 J ng Check 1a b c 2â 3a b 4a b gch€dulè O conlalns a response or note to any lrne b o 8a b Pan V Yes x lf at leasì ons rs reported on llne 2a, dld thé orgãn zatron fle all requrred lederal €mployment tâx Note. lf the sum of lr'.es 1a and 2a ls grêät€r lhan 290, you may bê rrgutrôd lo e-hie Ord lho organtzattpn have utrelaled busrness gross tncgmo of S1,000 or more dunng ll "Yes," h¿s ú írled ä Form gg0.T for thrs year? // ,ô/o,. lç /¡ne 3Þ, ptvvde an n At any trrne dunng the calendar year, drd the organaatron have an rnteÌest In, oÌ a x 3e åìr or â frnanclal account ln a torêtgn Ccuntry (ûuôh as a bank ãccounf, secunltês account. o¡ olher lf *Yas." €nte¡ tha name of lhe forergn country 4à ) .l lor FnÇEN Foûï 14, Feporl ot Was lhe orgaîl¿alton a party lo a proh:brìed têx shêller ilanoactton al Dd any taxable party nottþ tho organrzahqn Thåt il was or !B a pârty to ã lf 'Yes, '' lo hne 5a or 5b, drd the organrzalron lúe Ëorr¡ gê96.T? {F8AR) duilng the d e t g lfthe orgântzåtton recetv€d å h lf the orçantzatron r€ce¡vod â of quahl€d carg, boal9. ¡iå tâx 51r 5c Does lhe organtzatton have annual groâs rpcetpts lhal are âny contftbuttons thât werè not iâx deduoltblo æ ehåntabk lf "Yes," drd the orgânlzahon tnclude wlb every sohcrtâtþn w€fê not lax doductrblô? lo frle Fo¡m 8282? lf 'Yes," lndrcate the numbçr ol Foms 82t2 ftted dunng thç y€ar D¿d llle organtzaìton rsce¡ve any funds, tö pay Ord the organtzahon, dunng lha yoar, ot I '/M v gamrn9 oil Fom W€, Trensmûlal ol Wage and Tax tor the cålendar yeer erdrng wrh or wthÐ the year covered by rhr3 retum lh€ oigåntzãlloa $ohcÉ ê: such contÍbutrons or grfts 6b 7 Organlzations that nay receive deduotibte contrihutmas un&r 170{aI ð Drd lhe orgänt¿ältrn re0êtvo I pâymenl ln gxcess of S75 parlly tf a côntrÐutton ând b lf ''Yes." dtd the organøatþn notlty lhe donot of goods or c Drd the organkâtÞn sell, oxchañgd, or othen,r$ô p+rsonal I ,'Ç Énter tho number of employees reportod Seê tnstructrons lor ftltng requrro¡nêñt$ 5s rn lhrs Eflter the numbBr reporled rn Box 3 of Form 1096 Enter.$ rl not apprrcabto €ñtêr the number of Forms w-zc rn lrne 'ra Ent€r.û f flot äpphcåble 'ncruded Dtd rhe o.gan,zatlon comply wrlh backup wrthholdrng rules lor repodsbte payments to vendo¡s and (gârnbltdg) wnntngs lo pnte wtnñers? trlBd b rf goods and sslrcgs provtded t0 the pâyor? lor whrch f 7z 7b wås requtrrâd 7c on a personal benefrl contråct7 on a personal banefrt conlract? 7f drd lhe organrzat¡on lile Êorm 8899 as requtred? or other v6hlçl0s, dkl thg otganrzaùon frto a Ëorm l09B.C? Sprösôrlngorganhationsmalntainlng a donor advtsed sponsonng olgantzatton durrng the year? 7e 7a 7h fund marnlalned by the I $poneorlng a Dd lhe sponsorng b Drd lho sponsofing fO Seclion 501(cl(7) â lnrtratran fees b Gross 1f Soction 5O a Gross rncome b Gross lncome make any ã dr$tflbulroÊs under seclron 4966? l0 9e a donor, donor advrsor, or related person? Ah Vlll. hns 12 12, lor publrc use of club facrktles or $ource9 n€t amounts duo or pad to othor sources àOarflst due or lza r) üugts, ls the organtuãlton tltng Form €90 ln lþu of Foñ '1O41 amount ol lax.exempt tnterest receved or accrued dunng the year 13 heslth ineurance igsuers, a ls th€ qualfred health plans rn moro than ofle staiË? Note. See lile addilronal rnformatton lhe organtzatton must repoñ on Schedule O b Ënter lhè âmouît ot the organrzatÈn rs requtred to malntatn by the slates rn whrch tho organrzatron ¡s to Esue qualfred health plans c Eîter lhè amounl of rese os orl hånd 13c 14a Drd the organrzatron recerve any payments lor rndoor tannng serurces dunng the tax year? b 12â ¡f l3q 'l4s 1Ãll rorm 990 lzoto1 632005 11-'t1-lô L203L709 133855 5 CRC 20L6. 04013 CAPTÎAL RESEÀRCI{ CENÍIER cRc_1 to hnë For each 'Y€s' ¡espot ss Ìo lnes 2 thmugh 8ê,8b, or lOb below, descnöe the cruumslances, pfocesses, orchanges ln Scl¡eduje O See below, dnd lora'No' r€sporlsê les 1a Enter lile numÞer of volrng memþere of lhe govemtng body at lhe end of the tax year fl therê âre mäleflal drtf€roncÊs rn volrng flghts among nembers ol lhe governln0 body, or tl ths governtno i;i:.,::" / body delegated ùroad authoflly lo an oxecutile commrllcs 0r srmthr commltles, €xphtn tn $chedule 0, b 2 Enlet the nurnber oi voitng momberg lncludEd tn ltns lâ, abovg, r¡vho ârê rndepondent D¡d any oficer, dtrector, Îrustee, or key employea have å tamÌly relatþnshtp or â busrne&g offrcor, drreclor, trustoe, or key employee? 3 Dd tho organrzatron delagale control over managoment dutles customânly ol oflìcêfs, dlrectors, ot lrurtees, or koy employees t0 a mänagement company or or 4 5 6 Drd the organtzatron måkÊ âny srgnrftcant changes to tts govsmrng documents pnor Dtd the orgânt?alton become awar€ duñng tio yôâr of å 9¡gnfrcant dlvetston of lhe organrzáltofi'$ Ord the organrzatron have members or €tockholders? 7a Drd the organEalron have members, stoÇkholders. of any olher 2 drrBcl 3 gthÊrpêËong 4 Ê 6 or orla çr more members ol the govemtng body? b I I A^ Are any governance dèclsrons of lhe organlzaton reserved to {or porsons other than the governrng body' ord lhe organtualton 0ontsmporanoousþ documenl a b slockholdø16, or ?h tïe meetrngs held Year by ho foltowrng: Tho gouernrng body? Aå bodyl Each commntee wrth ãuthorûy to act on behalf ol the ls lhers any oficer, drrector, trustos, or koy employee ah Pârt ï x cannol b6 roached at the I Code 1QÊ Dd tho orgånÉatron havê loöâl Chäprçrs, b li -Yes,' drd the organratton lOã hâve wfitten 'lla b l2a b c 13 14 15 and branchgs to ensure therr operãtÐns are congtstgnt Has the organr?alron provrdêd å Descrbe rn Sohedule O the process, Drd the organtzalron have â wrûtên ot E Were olftcorsr dtreclors, 0r ltu$leBB, and Drd the organzalron regularly and cornplranço wilh lhe polrcy? monrtor 1(}b ,t.ta x 12a 12lt x x lf "Yes,' descnbë n Schedule O how thts 12¿ Dld the organEeitoî 'tâ x 1¿ X t5r X Dd the oroanRatron ior and destruchon poftçy? Drd the process mänâgement offiÙal Other 1&r taxable proce$ or 15b, Drd the brl X followrng pergons tnclude a revlew and approval by 'ndependonl subsùantratron of the delberalton and deolsron? The lt'Yâs'tô 16Ê to annually rnteresls lhal ûould gtve rlse to oonlltcls? persong, comparabthty ã b ffth Form 9S) the actNltres of such chapiers, atftkates, oxompt purposes? of tts govemtng body before fr¡ng the form? revlowlhrs Form 99O go ìe tnë 13 €ntty 'drd the rn SChedUlo O (sêê rn$truCltÐrls) assel8 to, or pâÈtctpate rn a ¡ornt venture or srmrlar arrangement wth a mv€st rn, l6â Yeatl polcy or procedure requtnng the organtzaìton to evaluate [s parttctpat$n applcablâ fôdÖral tax lâ!¡y, and takê st€ps to saleguard the orgânrzatton,s tn tßh 17 Lrst the slates l0 Sectron 6104 for pubhc []]l n Al e¡ ]l n ol thls Form 990 rs requrêd to be liled >DC , , 4K, AZ , . to make ils Forms 1023 (or 1024 I apphcable), 990. and 990.T (sectron 501 (c)(3)s only) avarlabte how you mad8 these avarlabte Check all that appfy. websrte ffi request 1s o*n websrte Anoìher's l Upon Other lexp larn Schedule e) Ðogcrtbe !n Schedule O whether (and rf so" how) the organtzatron made rts governrng dôcuments, conlÏct of rntoresl pohcy, and ûnançral statements avallable to the publtc dunng lho tax year. m Slate the nam€, addreÉs, ênd têlsphoné numbôr of lhe por$Öñ who po$sç$ssg the orgântzatton's books and records, 632000 11.11.1ô 1,20311.09 133855 SEE SCHEDULE O FOR FT'Í,L LISIÍI OF SFATES 6 CRC 2016.0401_3 CÀPITÀI, RESEÀRCI{ CENTER ) torm 990 leoto¡ cRc_1 7 t Employees, and lndependont Contractors O contårñg or Pad Ml rn lhrs 1å Completô thls tâblé for all persons requtred to bê hsted Bepo'l compenBatlon for lhe calondar year wrth or wfhtn the lâx year of årrôunt 0l who recâvêd reporlrelatod organEaltons moro S100.000 of organlzalþn, hrghesl compênsated employees, tA) (Bt Namå and Trtlè Averag€ hours per week (ftÞt åny hc't¡t¡ for rêlat€d þelow no) (1) TERnËfiCE (2) }IICHÀEL (3} HÀRION (4I I{TLLIÀE UEYERSO¡IN (5) HoNoRÀ8LË EDWTN MEESE (6) GILTERÎ COLLINS (?) !HOMÀg FIINTER (8) SONSTANCE IJÀRCHER (9) scoTT t'¡ALrËR (10) DÀN u. {c) Posllnn (Fl {f) Eshmaied a (w-2l1099.MtSC) € amount ol other compensatþn f/om the o¡gånrzåtþñ and ælated or0anr;âìþns SCÀ¡qIJoN FRÀNC G. wELLS l.rf 632007 11-t1.t6 12031109 1338s5 rorm 990120't o¡ 7 CRC 2015 .04013 C.ã.prri\r¡ RËsËARcH cEtflER cRc 1 I (^) (F) (c) Nâmo ând trìl€ Average hours per Posrtlon lhÐ gfiÞ bor, unhsr prsn l! ÞÞlh ú (dö nol ôhad{ ôtó.ô omseóa week flßÎ any hours for relaled g (DÌ Repoñablo compengêl on from th0 (Ël Estrmated of lrom cfganlzatfoñs (w.2ñof¡e.Mtsc) å below a t r rne) lhe w-2¡1 e Ë 5 qnd relåted ôfgânrzat¡on9 E 1b Sub-total c Total from contlnuåtion Èhêôts to Pärt Vll,9ê3tiori A 2 Total number of tndrvduals (ncludlng 3 Drd the orgânt¿âttön hst âny ilsted who recerved more than $100,0û0 of reporìable Yas former lne 1a? ll "Yes," complete 4 Fot any rndtvrdual ttsled on and related organtzaltons 5 No employoe, or hEhesl compensâted employee on 3 â, and olher compensatîon from thè organt¿åtton "Yes,' complete Schedule J lor suçh rndMdual tom äny unreläled Organnâtron OT rndtvdual for se¡v¡ces ts than $1 Dtd any persorì ltstèd on or x 4 5 Sêëtiofl B. 1 Complstê thrs rndependent contractors lhåt rccetv€d more than $100,000 of compenealron lrom INDTAÄT CREEK DRT\IE, MERËD1 }dÀRKËTÏNG 22780 INDIAN 2 ING i{EB, A¡ID COI,Í!.ÍUNICATIONS, $ÛÐ SOCTÀL MEÐTÀ 2 Compensatron NTTNG A¡{Ð CREEK 1O9O VERMONT ÀVENUE, BERI,fJ\N AND {c) tB) oescnptron of servrc€s rçss address EO Total numþer of tndopçndent Õonlractors ftncludtng bul ñot lrmit€d to those hslËd âbôve) who reöerved ¡nore lhan ¡orrn 990 (zolg) ô3e008 11-11-10 B 120311.09 133855 CRC 20T6. 04013 CAPITAÍ-, RESEARCTI CENTER cRc---1 I t , {a) Totäl revenuâ (B) Flefated or exempt funclron t€voñu6 rit I a Federaìed câmpatgns b Mèmbgrshrp dues c Furdralstng pveflts d Ëêlâtôd orgåntzatÞns e Governrnent grants (contrrbutrons) I All othsr contíbultons,0tfls, ürants, ând c 0 (þ 6 õ 1e ltr 1c 1d 1e 1l srmtlar amounls nol Included above g 2a {, (J rn hnâe ta,Í 22 68\ S luslness Godr gôt ñq q pllnf b b9 .¡t Nfic¡sh aonLrbultQnr ñctudðd c É, ¡ôJ E> ('rb d biÊE g À I All other píogram servtce tevênue lnveslment rncome (ncludrng dtvd6nds, tnterest, and 0 oÌhe¡ srmrlar âmÖunts) 4 Income from tnvestment ol lax.exempt bond proceeds Royaltres 5 fù a Gross rents b Less rental expenses o Rental rncome or (loss) d Net r€ntäl rncomo or (loss) 7 a Gross amount from sales of 6 fleal ,1 fl oô 6 12s. assels othef than lnventory b Less costorolherbastg and sales expenses tu a c c d I ã ) 0) Garn or (loss) Net garn or (loss) 91t q?R ? 131 Gross rncome from fundrarslng rnciudtng $ conlíbultons reported on itne 1c) See 0¡ Ê, Pal lV, hne 18 s b Less drrect expenses b o c Net rôcofi€. or (loss) lrom fundrasrng ovents 9 a Gross tncorne from gamrng actrunres. See Part ¡V, hñê Jg â b Less drrect expenses b c N¿t rncorne or (loss) from gârnrng acttvrtteE 1O a Gross sales of lnve¡tory, less reiurns and allowänçeç a b Less costofgôodssold b o -Ë 11 a ì!Isc. INçolfE (r,oss) lusinêss Côdr ..,,. 900099 b c d All olher revenuo e Total. Add lrnes 11 ? 111 2 gq0 s89 a.1 1d 1 779 632009 11.11.10 l_2031_109 13385s CRC o rorm 99O 120t6¡ 9 2016.04013 CAPITÀI, RESËÀRCH CENTER CRC-1 1 rl mt Inalude amount* æ,poñad on 7þ,8b,9Þ, pN lob al PanVlll, Do 1 ßnøs -n': 6b, rota Jfrnru, R,ogoÍfl.r,., uanasåå€nt "no oeneräl èxoen30s èx0êflses {O "r, rl ' '. Fundl¡ - å3i:'*r¡éi Granls and olher asstslance l0 domestic snd d0mÉslrc oor¡errments. S€0 Parl lV, ltn6 21 2 Grânlg and othe¡ ass+slance todomgshc 3 Grants and othet assrstancê to tor€tgn rndrvrduals Seô Pan lV, lmå 22 organrzalrons, loreqn govemments, ând lorergn 4 5 i:lu rndrvrduals Seo Pañ lV, llnes 15 and 16 BenefltS pard 1o or fot mombors Compensalron of 'tllà curent ofrcers, drrectors, [^o -51r - tn¡slees, ând kêy employees I 189 .061. '/!:a ;¿.. zt*;:!ass,. 1 7 CompensaUon not tncluded above, lo drsquahfled pefs0ns (as dêlnêd under sêolt0n 4950(lX 1 )) ånd persons descnbed rn s€ctton 4958(oX3XB) 7 I l,r::a:.:ra::a; 77 Other salan¡s ârrd wages .516 â, ; - Pensron ptân accruals and conlrrbuhons (rnelude I Olher omployee benefrts l0 Payroll laxes tl Fee$ for serv¡ces (non.employees) 0 Management b Legal c Accountrng d Lobbfng e Professronal fundrarsrng servrc€s. See Parl lV, ltne '17 f lnve$ìmont manãgement fses g Cfther {lflme 1'lg amounl èxceeds 10% ot column (A) amount, l$t Íne 1 12 Advertrsrng and promotÌon 13 Offrce expensos 14 lnTormatron technoìogy 15 Royalhss 't6 Occupancy 17 Travel 18 Pâymènls of hâvel or r! 98,0+9:6¡^ sectron 401(lr) and 403(b) employer c0ntrtbult0ns) I 20 .2r8. 28 .204, . : 8ô,,7'.19& 84, t2.L28. ;,:ffi*44-'.t6, i:-" B 351 , ,77I . .528. 1"6.351. :s:ffr" 133."84iÐ* È&.,"""',:;:t:;:,.:*,,:,;4F'7 10 expsn$es 33.316. tw ? 53¿- .., 218 - 35¿. ")Íi .2 I33.823. ,r 25L.r83. {"!&i:¿ 3 -9r2. 2ã91.050. ":'qi¡ii ':,r:r::ì$#ill¿+:;:::'g - /tgg " 135. s. ¿155 - ? 107 .91â ^ 9?.160. 33 -656 - 1? .331. - 66.447. 33.f êxpenses for any federal, state, or f9 Conlerences, m lnleresl 21 Payments to 2. Deprecralron, 23 lnsurance 24 0lher 7 - 000. 1-t 00. 54.296. 16.50s. 77- s4.296. 16 .428 . llemrze ll mtscallaneous '10% bne of expenses 0n â 462,299. b a,\ . ô27 c 0 4t,027 - . *289 .769. d e 2 ffi .844. 995 . L.29L,327 , ?to .934. 42 7 Jolnl costr. Complele thrs hne only rf lhe 0rganRation rêÞorted rn column (3) lornl cosls kom a comb¡ned educalDnal and f undrarsrng solc¡lâlron Ched( hçto &t?010 r1-t1-1õ 12031109 L33855 rorm 9901aoto¡ 10 CRC 2016. 04013 CAPTTAL RËSËARCI{ CHNTER cRc-**1 Ënd i 2 3 4 5 Câsh - non.rnlerBst beaíng 204.801 - I Savrngs and temporary cash rnveslrn€nts pl€dgèe ånd grãflts rec€tvable, ngt 74iA . â,71.. ) Part ll ol Schodulo 6 â Accounts recetvable, net Loan$ ånd other rocervablês from cunenl ¿nd lormer olfrcers, duÊclors, trusteçs, key smployees, and h€hest compensated employees, Compl€tô L Loans and other fecotvablas trom othsr d gqualrfied persons (as delrned seclron 4958{f)(1 [, persons dôscrbed ln seotlon ¿195g(cJþ)(B), and çont voluntary alt ø 7 I I 1à g, employêrs and sponsonng organtzattons ol seclron 5t1(c)(9) smployees' beneflctâry orgânzåtrons {soe instr) Complote part ll ol Sch L Notes ând loåns receruable, net lnventones foÌ $äfq or uge Prepad expenses and defened charges ,r1. à '+Qi,.796 - J0a [and, butHrngs, e and equtpm€nt ËOst OrOlhor basls Completo part Vl o1 Schedule D b Less accumulated deprecralren I lflveslmônls . pubhcly traded sêcuntres 12 lnveslments - olher secuntles See pa¡i lV, lne 11 13 lnvôslments . progråft,rêlated. See pârl lV, llnô 11 14 lntangtble assets 16 Other assets Seê parl lV, lne .l1 :16 Total assets. Ad-d!tn-e,,$,1 ttìrouçh 15 lmust ùne 34ì 570.375 .334.337 - J lflc .tl 12. 1g td 15 14.390 .801 136 . .672, IA 1U 13.9s2.9, l1 23 1A 19 m 21 û Ø E ¡t n jrü tâ )ô tÊ 176 ,8'72 958), check here v, änd l¡nês (¡¡ o Ê. -s 28 ! J æ línes E ø ô n (1, 31 { 32 zo gt 34 Pard.ln or Ïotal SFAS 'l17 (ÀSC e68), chécr here through 34, or curÊnt fund3 Þ l] or tånd, butldrng, or equtpment fund Retarned Totål net 3O L4,200 .977 53 .152. 27 2 âñd 34. Permanenlly lr 2A and 27 G o gl Þ - accumulated tncome, o¡ olhe¡ funds lund balancès haÞrhhes and net âssets/fund balances Þe 29 30 31 32 t4 .2\4 .129 . 33 14.390 .801. u form 9g) (2016) ô3?O1r 1r"rt-r0 L2031109 1338ss cRc 11 20T6.04013 CAPITÀTJ RESEÀRCH CENTËR cRc_1 oÍ I fotal revenue (must equal Pàil Vlll, colurîn 2 Tolal expenses {must ègual Pan lX, column þ), no 25) Revenue less €xpens€s, Subt/act Ine 2 lrom lne 1 Net assels or tund balances al begrnnrng of year (must equal Pârt X, Ine 33, column Net unreaft;ed garns (losses) on rnveÐlmentg Þonâted servrc€s ånd use of facrÍtres 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 (A), lrna'12) 2 2 3 .l (A)) lDvestment Êxpenses Pnor perrod adpstments 7 Other changes In nel assels or fund balances (explarn ¡n Schedule O) ll.,: 14" I Nêt åssets or fund balances âi end of year Combrne lnos 3 through I (must eqvâl X, lrne 33, Financial Statôments snd Rêport¡ng Yes No 990 llT Casn m I Accountrng method used to prepare the Form 2a lf the orgañEalron chanEed rt$ mêlhod Of accouot¡ng from a pnor year Or Were lhe organìzaìron's frnancral siatements somprl€d or revrewed by an lf "Yes," check a box below to tndtcatê whethor th¿ frnånrtal rn Schedule O 2e or revrewed on â rhe separäle basts, consoldâted basrs, or both' [-"] b Separate basrs lI] Consoldated basrs separate basrs Wore tho orgânrzatþn's frnancral stalemênts audnôd by ân lf "Yes,' check a box beìow to rnd¡cate whether the Ílnanclal cOnsolrdaled bas¡s, or both- c 3a l l Separate basrs lXl lhe .x 2c li Gonsohdated lf 'Yêg' to lrne 2å or 2b, does the ôrgânÊahon of the audlt, levrew, or comprlatron of rts fnancral statemenls lf the organluatron changed eilher rl$ oversrght prÇcess or As a resuh ol a lederal award, was tha accountanl? lo lhe tâx yçar. explarn rn Sohedule O audü or audrts as sel fodh rn the Srngla Audrt Act and OMB CrroularA'1332 b n) audfied on a separate basls, lf "Yes," drd the organrzal¡on undergo 3â requrred organrzatrcn drd not undergo the requtrcd audrt âh rorm 9H) ¡zot6¡ 632012 r'l-r1-r€ 12031109 133855 T2 CRC 20T6,04013 CAPTTAL RESEARCH CENT8R cRc_1 and Public Su The f 2 seotlon 170(b)(t¡lA)li¡). þttach Schedute Ë (Form 990 or 990.Ft).) A hosp(al or a cooperalrve hosprtal scru$e orgsnlzatton desêíbed tñ ãectlon A medrcal ¡esoarch otgånrzâtmn operâted tn co¡runcttqn wlh â hospñâl c,ty, ând slata. 3 4 5 ö 7 I I 10 1'l Î2 å b a tl n An organtzatton thal ñormally rBçetv€s (1) more than äctlviltes related lo tts ðxempl funêlþns - sublocl lo An organrzatron organrzed and operaled I or aPPolnl tt. A supporbng conlrol or mänagemênl ol üìe rn organrzatron(s) you conneçtlon wilh ús supported crganrzalron(s), by havtng rn the sãmÐ persons lhål control or månage the supported end C, (see tÍ â ma oïty Of the dtrgclors o¡ truslees ol tho supporttîg and rvp* rnlegrãted aect¡on 6û{ailal, thê functrôns of, or to cârry out ths pulposôs of onê or 5O{a)(ä1. See aectÍon 5Og{aXA). Chsck the box rn and completo [nê3 12€, 12t" a]id 129 by ts supported organrzatron(s), typrcäily by gtvng of to tn ïype l. A supporttng orgãnÊatton eontnbutrons, membershp fee$, and gross recerpts lrom more lhâñ 33 1/3% ol rts supporl from gro$s Ìnveslfiêflt âcquued by tñe organteatlon aftef June 30, 1 gZ5 trorn ot lh$ supponed organ¿alton{$) organrzâltoî You muel Check l bånôfti hne+ 1?a lhrcxlgh 1?d that doscnbes tho type Type lll rts supported {s test for pubhG An organÊâtrôn orgånEed âôd opsrâtêd more pubücly suppo¡têd organlzattons Typo lll lhat rs not luncttonalfy n ot tncome and unrelated buslness taxable rnçome (less sectlon 5i Soe Eectio¡r 5@{a)(2). (Gomplete pärt lil ) l--l E wrÌh a land'grant college and gtato sf the collågo or unryerstty fl tl desçnbed tn lhe general p{¡bln de$cfibed n secüon 170(bXiNAXvi), (Comptete Part lt) A communrty trust doscnbod rn *êct¡on 1zotb){rIA)(vÐ. {Complera An agncullural resea¡ch orgenlzâtÐn descnbed m secttoil or untverstty or a,grant collego ol agrrculture (leo E n tf bya A federal, stalê, or local governmenl or govommenlal unrt descnbed An orgãnËätton thât normally recôlvos â sub$lånt¡äl pârt of ilg m m d e An organrzaton operated for the benon of a college qr unrversrly ownod ot $ectlon t?O(bil1xAx¡vl" (ÇomÞtote pail l ) the hosprlal's namÊ, intëgråtêd, The opèrated rn conneÇtton wrth, änd functronally tntôgratôd wúh, You must oomplete Part lV, Sectiona À, D, and E, orgåñEåhon opefsled n connectþn wlih [s support6d organt¿ðtrón($) generatfy musl $attsfy a drslnbulnn requtrem€nt and an attenttvenesg Part lV, Sections  and D, afld PåÄ V. a \¡rntten determnaÙon lrom the IRS thäl rt rs a Type lll non't!nCttonally tniegrâted supporttn g organl¿slton l, Type ll. Type lll Énterthê (ilD Typ€ of orgånEålþn (dêscfibêd ôn Inôs åtJôv6 LHA For Paperwork tleduct¡on r.20311_09 133855 1'l0 lg# tñ*lnr.-lñnrìì Acl Notlce, see the lnsbucltons lor Form Yes or t¡o fl¡rdmrtl? No (V) Añount ôf mon6la/y other supporl (see nslruclþns) suppon (sêe nstruclþns) 99O or g9O-Ë2, æ202r o0-21-iô 13 CRC lvtÐ fr! Schedule A (Form 900 or 9ÐGE2) 201ô 2016.040]-3 CÀPITAL RESEARCII CENTER CRC ]. {Complele only f you checkod the box on ltno 5, 7, or I of Part I or rf the organr¿allon farled io qualúy farls to gualÍy undor ìho têsts frsted bélÖW plêâsê completé Påfi Ul ) in)Þ Calendrryear(orllacrl yorrtoglnnlng I lel2ô'12 tô'tl In\9fl1t fcl2O16 'E ldt 2ô15 Grfls, granls, oonlnbuüons, and mombershrp fees recerved. (Þo nol Æ+r' 1 qq1 rnclude âny 'unugual grânls ") 2 tht lll. lf the organeatron q62 1t:t'r lôt 1 lai ri#ål6s qis wl.1t*aâ.4 t?1 trR Tqx revenues lovrèd lor thê orgärr rzatnn'ç benefrt and 6ther perd 10 ".:a:.:1,4 '::!:'9 # ::.:1:!i or oxpended on rts behall 3 The valuê ol âervrces or faol.ttgs lumrshed by a governmental unrt to lhe organtzaùon wrthout chargs ::::.:';r' ¡t Tolal. Add ln€$ 1 through 3 5 Thô poltron of total conlnbulrons 1 qs1 9Ë2 'l 1i1 t 1 'rai ?fñ 101 ¡ 6i¡l s¿s., { l elq ttt þy each porson {olhor tñån â govemmental unlt or pubÌcly supportod organrzaùon) mcludod on lno 1 thal èxëéêds 296 of the amount shown on lrne 11 , column (l) .rÊ.rri lil:l B. Total Calondoryoar (or fioo¡l year beeinning Arnounts lrom hnê 4 7 I ln)Þ Ial 2412 1 s61 S62 I 'll'l 1 19tqãt8 îfi1 Gross rncome from rnler€st, - t 46A SáC 1 A)1 'ti1 376 . 486 242.IO3 -.Åí,11:;.t drvrdonds, paymenis fecêtvôd Þn secuítres loanË, rents, royaltres ând rnçome from s¡mtlar sourcos Nel rflcome from unrelated busrnesg I 382.4,34 e?ffá,e ",:::¡:È ; actrvìlles, whethêr or flot tho "sae f :a# busrnêss rs regularly carred on 10 Olher rncome Do not lnclude galn or loss lrom the $alo of caprtal assets (Explan rn Part Vl,) 1f Total support. Add hnesT 12 13 Gross recerpts from related !4 Publo support Puþlrc suppórt 16â ?3 1/3% lor . 7 111^ -1¿.195 1t 4oP here, The support tÊsl b33 trst, sëcond, thtrd, fcùrth, or frflh tax year âs ä seqttoñ 50j th@ A from - 2016. lf the and 2.489 ..:t:'. 531 etc FifÉt flvê yêârs. lf lhe Forn 15 :,:,,,,. ' 4.]1 d 10 qualrftes (f) drvrded by hne Part ll, lrne l4 11 , eofumn f)) (c)(O) 14 ( 16 ( drd not check lhe box on ltne '13, and ltn8 14 rs 331f3o/o or more, cheok lhrs box and pubhcly supporled organrzälron drd not check a box on lne 13 or 16a, and ltne 15 ts 33 1ßo/o ot more, check thrs box as a pubhcly suppoded organ¿âtton The t7a test - 2018. lf the organuatton drd not check a boxon lne 13, 16a, or 16b, and ne 14 ls 10% or more, "facts"ånd'ctrcumstanceo" test, chôck thls box and $top hero. Explarn tn Pârl Vl " tesl The orgãnrzãlron quahfres as a pubhcly supportèd organr¿ållon meels the b lVlo more, and hovt, the organEâtton test - 2015. lf the organEêlton dtd not cheÇk a box on hne 13, 16a, 16b, or 17a, and ttne 15 rs \fflo or rf o/o >K] >[:] >fl fiìeels lhe "faÇts.and'crrcumslåncÊs'tösl, check thts box and the ofganrzâtlon mÊ915 th€ lgst $op hers. Explatn tn Part Vl how lhe The organtuåtton quaùlies as a pubhcly Êupported organEatrcn Schedule A lForm 9€O or gflGEZ) 2O16 ô¡2022 0S2t-10 12031109 133855 I4 CRC 20T6.04013 CÀPITAT, RESEàRCH CENTSR eRc_1 (QomÞlete ady rf you checked thð box on lmô } Calondar year {or flsral yerr bogtnntn¡ tnf 1 lzl 2Ít19 I0 of Pârt I or ú thê orgánÈåfuon larled lo quallly unde¡ lal9t\'lA tbt 2013 fdt 2015 orgâÍuzåtron lalls tô lcì 2lll ä ''i Gtfts, granls, conlnbuttons¡ and menbsrshtp tëês rËcÉtvëd {Ðo not nelude any *unusuål grants ,') 2 Gross recerpts lrom admßstona, merchandrse sold or servrces por" formêd, or fäcllltlos furnlshed ln any acltvrty that rs rolated to the orgânEatton's lax€xempt purpogo 3 Gross roçetpls from acirvttres that âre not an unrelated tlade or bus, 4 Tax revenueslevled forlhe organ. Eälßn'S benofit and Otther pard to or expended on rts behalf 5 The value of sËN'ces or fao¡l¡tles fumrshed by a governmerìtal untt to the organnåtton wrthout chargo trêgg (¡¡{e¡ ss6ten 513 6 ïotal. Add llnes 1 lhrough 5 7å Amounls lncluded on hnês l, 2. and 3 recerved from d:squahñed persông b Amounls hclud€d m ,mes 2 úd 3 aecc¡vod fiom olhd the dÉqual,fied eræod lhs çtælôr ol ffidnl pøsns th.l $5,OO0 aq 19{ of the o^ lDc 13lø lhe yes c Add lrnos 7â ând 7b Total Calendar year (ol liscal year ùeginning lnl g ¡¡¡çu¡{s from Þ ltne 6 '10¡ Gross rnÇome lrom rnlefosl, dtvrdËnds, paym€nts rêcetved on secuflttês lpâns, rentg, toyâllles and ¡ncome from slnrlar sources b Unrslated busrness laxâbl0 tncOm (less sethon 51 1 taxÊs) from . 975 acqurred afler June 30, ë Add line6 10a and 10b Nêt rncome from unrelated 'l actrvrtres not whether or not regularly carned 12 Other rncomo Include or losg from the of ass€ts {Explârn VI 13 Ï01ål st¡gpoft (Add 11, ud 11 14 First years, lf lho '12 ) ts organrzatron's ftrst, second, thrd, fourth, or fifth lax yeâr as a seotlon 501(c)(3) organlzatton, of Public for?O16 (lrne 8, column {l) drvtdêd by lrne '13, column 16 (l)) '17 lnvêslment rncomo lor 2016 (kne 10c, column {l) drvrded by ùne 13, column (fl) lnvestment rncome p€rcentage lrom 2015 Schedule A Pårt tll, frne 17 19¿33 l/370 support têsts - 2l)16, lllhe organrzatrondrd not checkthebox on hns'!4, and hne l5 ts more than33 1/3a/o,and hne 17 more lhan 33 1/3%, check thrs box and stop hêre. The otgantzåtþn qualfres as a publrcly supported 1B rs not ofgantzatÐn b33't/3P/osupporltesls.2015. lf theorganrzâttondtdnotcheckåboxonhne14orhnol9ä,andlrno16lsmorofhan33 lrn€ 18 rs not mor¿ lhan33 1/3%, check thrs box and stop here. The organrzatron gualrlies as a publcly supported 6{rao?3 o0-z r-16 12031109 133855 > fl 1ð%,and organrzatron > []] Schedule A (Form 9€O or 990-EZ) ã).16 CRC 15 20L6.04013 CAprrAL RESHAACH CÊNTER CRC_1 Suppoding Organizations {CornplFr€ only rl yoe chÊckðd a box tn lnF 12 on Pan l. ú you cheÖkod 12a 0f Pårr l, cÞmptBtê and8. IlyoucheckêdlzbolPartl,corrìplÊleSocùonsAandC 'l lfyoucheckedl2cofPanl, Yen the organreal¡on's supported orgánEatrons irsled by nämÐ tn lhê orgêntzatþn's dGcumenls? ,f 'No,' descnüe m Pafi Vl how lhe suppoieil organ¡¿Atþns aÊ das¡gnated, Arê all oT ll þy I class orpu4oose, descnbê lhe dêstgnâAon, 1l htstonc and conbnuthg lelâttlonsttrp, explan, 2 Drd lho orgånnatlon have âny supported organrzåtron 3a under sèctrcn 509(åX1) or (2)? ll *Yøs,' exphrn ,n Fon W how lhe organuatrcn organ,zalþn wes dåscnóÐd m seçt an 509(8)(1 ) or (2), Drd the orgânrzålþn have a supportèd orgañtzåtion dËscnbed n sectÞn 501(cl(4), lhat do€s flot luve an IRS dêlsrmmalon ol t 16l'¿ il At (b) and (c) betow b D¡d tho organr¿âtron confrrm lhäl eåch suppôded organrzatron qualfred undsr $ectton 501(cX4), (5), salsfed the publrc support lesìs under sBctþn 509(aX2)? lf 'Yes,' aod otgahrzalton made (àe dÞtemnahon c 4a b ,th thal all support to such organrzâltons was purposes? l¡ 'Yës,' øxplàui n PaÅ Vl what cont¡ols tha oß,anzailon pul Was any supported orgânrzâtþD nol orgânrzed tn the Unded States 'Yes," and f you checls Þoes each censervatron reported 2(d) above sâlrsfy the requrrêmônls ol soctron 170t')PXBX ) ln Part Xlll, llî v*= No eâsëmënts rn rts rôvönu6 and oxpônse slatomont, afld balancg sheet, and rnclude, rf organzatton's Írnancral stâtementr that descnþes the otganEatton's accountrng for of Art, "Yes'on Form Completa 1a No vrolalrons. and enforclng conseruat¡on eåsements dutng the year and sectron 17o(h){4XBXr0? 9 v*u conserualon easeûents dunng the yeâr It or Part OT hne I under SFAS 1 1 6 ßSO 95t), not to report rn ûs rêvenue stätemenl and balance sheet works of arÎ, held for pubhc exhrbilron, edutatton, or r6seâroh ln fuilheranço of puþlrc s€rvrce, provrde, ¡n Parl Xlll, to rts financral statornents that descnbes lhese tt€ms b wOrks of ert, hrsloncal th6 follow¡ng amounts (ir) Assets rncluded rn Form 990, Parl 2 a X > $ lf the organrzat@n recerved or held works of ar1, hrstoncal troasures, or othèr srmrlû ¿ssels fôt frñancÊl garn, provde the followtng amounts requtred 1o be reported under SFAS 1 16 (ASG 958) relatrng to these rt€ms. Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part Vlll, ltnê ¡n tr¡rm QOIì Þar] Y t t t bß h Aeêâte ¡ñ^[ rdâ.i LHA For pâperwork Fleduotion Act Notlce, ses thê lnstruct¡Þns for Form 99O. Schedule D {Form SSO} 2016 63205r 08-20,16 12031109 133855 25 CRC 20]-6 .04013 CÀPIII'AÍJ RESEA.nCä CENTER cRc I of 3 acqusilron, Bcceesron, and othgr records, check any of the lollowrnq thät are â Llnrng the arganrzâtron's a þ c 4 5 (check all{hät âpply). Pu¡1,. exhrþrtþn [--l n t: Scholarly rêsêarch c d e f 2a Other Preseryatron tor luture genèraìtons an b Loån or exchang8 programs è oxempl puryose Þrovrde a descnprron ol lhe orgdnËallon's colleclrons and explârn how thoy lurlhor lho hrñng lhe year, drd the organrzatlon sol,crl or receve donâttons of arl, hrslonc€l troaå¡Jros, or Ëscrow and Custodial Arrangemgnts. la d of ¡t9 colleclron rtems åfilovnl 0n Form comptÞte rf th€ rî slmrlar gg0, organtzãtÐn ansì{vered lV, lne 9, or ftno 21. Part ls the organl¿atron en agent, trusìea, çustodlan or olher rnlefmedrary for not [*l ye¡ l-] en Fom 990, Part X? lf "Yes," explarn the aíangement rn Part Xlll and complele the lollowtng table Begrnnrng balance ,tc Addruonsdunñgtheysâr 1d Drstnbulons durrng the year ln No 1l Endrng balanÇe for Drd lhe organrzahon ¡nclude an ârTrouñl on Ëorm 990, P¿d X, hne 21, f Begtnnrng ol yearbalance f g 2 å b a Adm,nrstralveexpensos habrlrty? the IV lal Crlrcnl váâf 1a b c d € custodrâl lht i9,án¡"vsar' No Yes lns 1 0. lol Two vears back {dl Three veârs bãck .,,) .:l:ar:ì: .':;.:ï Cont¡rbulrons Nol rnvestmônl earnrngb, gatns, and losses :::i Grants or scholarshrps i' Other expendturÊs tor fåcrlûres and programs End ofyea balance Prouds lhe est¡mated percentage of Ëqârd desrgnated or Permanont ondowment Temporanly 19, column (aD held as Þ reslrrted endowmenl ) The percentages on hnes 3a Are thêro èndôwment thAt âre held and admtntstorôd for tho organlzatron by (i) lr Yes unrelälod Safil related organøatrons ll "Yes" on lrne 3ålln l¡i) hsted ås rcgurred on Schedulo B? "Yes" on Þroperly (a) Cost or Part olher lne Part 11 þ) Çosl or other basrs (other) basrs (rnveslmenl) 1a 3b 1 48 .621 . ç d 721_Oâ,7 Equ pment (d) Eook value deprecratron t.423.587- b hne 10. {ç) Ancurnulated - 529.055. 4 608.473. Schedule D (Form 990) 2016 632052 0S.2e.10 12031109 133855 26 CRC 201.6. 0401.3 CAPTTAIJ RESEÀRCH CENTER cRc_1 the ol s€cuilly 0¡ (f ) IV Parl 1 (b) Book vaiue nffi!olsffirly, (c) Môthod 0l valuâùon. markêt valuo C Frnanctat deñvattves {2) Closely.held (3) Other equtty rnterests vur lnvestments - Program Related. 13 (å) Oê3cnplr0n rnVeStñenl Cost or lhe Form Dês0ilptton 1 ld, See Form markel value Parl Book vâluo Part X 1 1f See Fofm (b) Sook value rhË habdrty 2. Pad lrne 25 Fam Parl Lubrltly for uncertarn tax posrtrons ln Part Xlll, provrde the text of the footnole ìo the organtzãtron's ûnanc¡al sìätemenls lhat reports the Schedule D (Form S€O) 2016 032053 08-20.10 12031L09 1_33855 CRC 27 20T6 .04013 CAPTTA! RESHARCH CENTÊR cRc_1 Retum. nYeg" on Form rl thÊ I Tolål rêvsnuo, gãns, ånd othersupport pgraudrted Ínåncralstalement$ 2 Arnounts rncluded on l¡no 1 bul nol on Form 990, Part Vlll, lrne 12' ä Net unrêaltr€d garns (losgss) on ¡nvestmenls b Donated *oryrce$ and usB ol lacrlnres ê Recovenes of prþryeargrant8 d e Qther (De*onbe rn Pafi XlÍl 2lt 2c 9tt ) .u.+1,11 6.12Æ Add hnes 2a through 2d Sublraôt ilne 2é from lmg 3 1 4 Amounts rncluded on Ëorm 990, PafiVlll, ftne 12, bul not on Ine 1' a lnvestment erpenses not rncluded on Fo¡m 990, Pait V1ll, bne 7b b Other(Descrrbe m Pan Xlll A ) c Add irnes 4a and 4b i :':¿,4. a psr I 2 Financial Return, rf the angwered on Form Total gxponses and losses per audtted financlal statem€nls I Amounts rncludod oñ lrn6 1 but not on Foirft 990, Pârt lX, trnê 25 Donated servrces and uae of faclnres a b Pnor year ad.pslmBnts c ôthor losses d Other (Þescnbe rn Part Xlll ) s Add lnss 2a Ìhrough 2d 3 Subtraot lne 2e from lne f ¿ funounts ncluded on Form 9!10, Parl lX Ìns 25, but a lnvestmenl expênses not rncluded on Form 990. b Other (Þescnþð rn Pân Xu! ) c Add tunes4aand4b ,Ltlt# à,4b 6 124- 9.1 2ø 1ì i:¿t, :<.ai on lne '1, 7b 4a áh 133 - 823. 4c 5 Provrde tha descnpttons requrred for Part ll, lrnes 2d and 4b, and Part Xll, lrnes 2d and lll, hnes 5 complêt6 4, Part lV, hnes to 31 THE YEARS EIIDED DECEMBER 31 . 21116 TÀX PÔSITTONË ÔUAT,TF'Y EIC}R FITTI{ER ÀÌVD 'l b and 2b, Pafi V, lrne 4, Part X, lne 2, part Xl, any äddft 0nål rnlormatron 2 20L5. THE CEN I'ER I{Ag ÕR DTSCT )fÛRE TN RN ô320á4 08-?0-16 1203L109 133855 TTS Schedule D (Form 9{lO) 20'16 2B CRC 20L6.04013 CÀprrÀL RÐSËitRc¡f CENTER CRC_-I Schêdulê 0 (Form 99O) 2016 032055 08-2s-16 12031109 133855 29 CRC 2016..0401.3 CAPTTAL RESEARC}T EENTER cRc L Compensation I nformation -" .SCHEDUL.E J (Ëorm 990) ) ÞúpúÍ¡Bnt ol ¡h€ OMB No l548-Oo4;r For cerla¡n Oflicers, Þírectors, ïrusteee, Xey ErìployeeB, and Hlgheet comprore ìr ü'u org"n¡¡af lf ffiX'i.?X ÏH3[TËo* ÞAttach to frmi¡rry Form goo. *, pârr rv, Namo ol lhe organzstton fä 2 rine 2e. 1 Open to Publlc Employer Ch€Ök the appropnate box(esl rl the organrzätron provrdad any of lhe lollowrng lo or for a pêrson Pârt Vll, Secüon A, kne 1a Gomplete Part lll to provrde any relevant rnformet¡on regardrng lhesa ilems. E tf Ë t: t: m Ë¡rst.cläss or Öhârtêr trâvel Travel for compannns n Tax rndemnlfrçaton and grogs'up paymenls Dscrelnnary spendrng accounl b 2 Housrng âllowånro Paymenls for Health orsocral a b c checkgd ön hdröalë whtch, il any, of thÞ lollowrng the hlrng organràhön u$êd thÞ 3 x 6â x organËâtt0n's organlzatton to tn PErl E corprnrutron comm{te6 fJ hdependent compensatron consultant E fo* 990 of other organrzalrons Approval by Dunng the year, drd any per$on lsled on Form ¡\ contrâct hne 1a, organzatton or a related organzalton Rççeve a severâncé pâymÖnt or ohänge'of,control paymênt, Pafircrpate tn¡ or recerue payrnenl from, a nonqualúred or Þtudy ol compensâtlon coilrntttee re$poct to thg ftlng plen? ¿b Parlrq¡pote rn, or recervg payment trom, lf "Yes" lo any of lrnes 4a'c, tlc, lst lhe and provrde lor each rlem rn P¿rì lll Only seclion 501(c{81, SOl(c)(4), and 5 fgðs ãS' lf any of the boxes on lne 1a are checked, drd the organrzatpn fotlow a rermburs€menl or provrsron of all of lhe expeösés descnbed above? lf Drd the organrzaìtofl requtro suÞstanttatþn pnor to rermburslng or allowlng ÇËO/txocuùvo Drrector Gheck all that apply Do nol rheck establlsh compen$atton of tho CËO1Fx€cutrve Drrector, but 4 dues or Personal trustqà$, and oflrÇ€rB, rncludtng ths CEOÆxêc(rttve ÞrrêÖtor, rêgard¡ng thê 3 for personal use uso complele lines &9. For persons ltstad on Form organBahon pay or ãccrue any campensatton contrngenl on the ¡evenues a The organrzaton? b Any relâted organrzatron? I a b 1a, dtd the organËâtþn pây or accrue arly comÞensålton conlrngent on The 6á Any related 6b for rn lßled on not Í A, hne 1a, drd the organtzatlon provtde any nonfrxed paymeflts on hnes 5 I 9 5b lf "Yes' on hne 5e or 5b, FÖr peÉons lf "Y6s" on lnê 6â 7 .5a '' descrtb€ rn Part lll 7 reported on Form 990, Part Vll, pad o¡ accrued pursuant to a conlract that was sub¡ecì to the rn Bagulatrons soclþn 53 49584(äXg)? ll "Yes,' desonÞo rn Pârt lll lf'Yes" on lne also follow the rebuttable presumptton proc€durê descnbed 8, x a tñ q LHA Íor PËperwork 0921 I I Àct Notice, sÞe lhÊ lnstructíons tor Form 990, Scheclule J {Form 9gO} 2010 09'09-10 12031109 133855 30 CRC 2016. O4OT3 CAPTTÀL RËSEÀRCH CÐNTER cRc_1" Part ll and For each tndrvrdual whos€ Do not trst any rndvrduäls that arêût Note: The sum of columns (8){r)-(nt) f Use ksted rnd¡vrdual must equa, the totat affìount of Form gg0, Part vll, S€ctrGn of W-2 and/or 1099MfSC carnpensatron rñc6nÙve ': {2\ TERRE¡TCE SCOTT U- WÀTJTER SCÀNLON {i} (Ê) f¡il {3) tÀN THorrPso¡I (.Ì Irtl rrr ,,,,';117.188. ^ 2ù5.4d'¡ (iiii Other rrportabÍe {ii}Ao$rs & {¡},Faee cêmp,.$t!sãtfon (A) (1) add¡t¡onal be r€ported on Schsdule J, rêpoñ compensatrcn from the organe.atrcn on row Form 990, Pärt vll " .lû 1{0 . ûe6 0. iÇfifÞensato¡ (r) 1a, applçable colunm Jq, Irn€ {C} Ret*em€nt and otherdaf*rrad rornpensaton 0 0 0. G ô 0 a ii'"" Û' ," ,3ft.tüû. .:::iì Ð. @ ånd (q amouûts for thal rnd¡vldua , {Þ} NontaxaÞle tEl Total of cofu¡mns beneftts {8){HD) compeñsation {l rìli lii: 2."¡ð,0& .1,.,. ¡s and from re¡at€d organrzatþfls, descßbed rn the mstluctrons, on row ft) t ' 11.302. 13.518^ 188.490. 252 "AA2- 0. 0 .664, 3.647 . 0. .,,iiiî:l*'û n cofumn þ) repor!€d asdsfsn€d o{¡ pnor Ëorlrl 990 G 31"117û. 22 {F} Compensatnn 0 G (Ð nit (i) fi;t (ù fiit (i! ltll 'Riìr iiììì. .dÉfì{IÞ+. -\iffi¡r, .* ÉP- {¡¡ tiiì G} l¡rÌ :dR$r' til fi¡t (¡) fi¡l *\liiiiÌì¡i,-. (¡l ¡¡¡1 (iì ûit "t1 ':ii (i} thì ,ti i (') llr liìl {i} fíiì schedulê J (Füm 99oÌ 2ot6 6321t? 09-æ'19 3t Part lll Provde the rñformatron, requrrud for Part l, llnês 1â, 1b, 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 6a,6b, 7, and 8, afld for Paft ll Aleo compþle lhs pärt for aily addrtro^al nfonfiaÙon PÀRT 1_B 7 Schedule J (Form ë3¿1 13 ù0-û0-16 3? 9SO) æ46 Prowde ttle ¡nforflatÞn, req$red for Peú l. bnes 1 a, f h 3, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5a. 5b, åa 6b, V , ætd E, and för Pârt Íl AßÐ cûrËpþtè trß pârt for åfiy âddrlþl}al nfornral¡dr Scheduùe J lForm 9E0}2O1S 432113 õ9-@.10 33 scHEÞu!Ë Noncash Contributions M {Form 990} Þ Þ Dopst¡Mt of th.lroHrt hlsßtlfiæom6 Silm OMB No Complete il thÞ orgänl:âtlons ånswêrod "Yês" on Fôrm gO0, part lV, lines 29 or Attach to ÊoYm g{X). S, Opan To Publlc Name of thå orgànEâltoft number lal {c} {b) Number of Nonçash contflbulrcn Check rf amounls feporlüd or* . applrcable centnbultons et tcms contflhr rtêfl forrn 9gO. Pâri lfllf hñã tô; 2 ,qí.Wofks of an Art. Hrstoncal treasures 3 Art - Fracùonal rnt€rests 1 4 Books ånd pubùcatrons 5 Çlothrng and household goods ô 7 Cars and other vehþles Boât$ and planes I I SecùnlrÊs ' Publcly lraded ol delermrnrng âmounls lntellectual property 10 SecunÌres .Closely held slock 1l Secunlres . Partnershrp, LLC, or x trust rnlolosìs 12 Secuntres . Mrscellaneous 't3 Ouahf red conservallon '14 Htstonc struclures Qual¡fred conservalon contrrbutron - Other conlnbuton t5 Real eetate . tiesrdenlral 16 Seal estale'Çommercnl 1T Real eslale .Other 18 Collectrbles 19 Food rnvenlory 20 Drugs and medrcal supphÊs 21 Taxrdermy 2 Hrstoncal arttfacts SêrentrfË gpecrmens 23 . 24 25 Archeolo geal artrlacts ß 27 Other Other æ Numbêr ol Forms 8283 rôcerved by thô other Þ Þ Þ ( ) ( i ( ) duflng Ìhå tåx yoär for contflbutrons for whrch tho,organr¿alron compfeted Form 8283, Part lV Donee Acknowledge menl ,a Yes 3oa Dunng ìha yeâr, drd thÊ organÉalroí recervo by contnbutron any property reporled rn Part l, lrnes 1 through ?8, that rl must hold for at loesl thrêe yêars lrom the dâte ol the rnnral contnbutron, and whtch tsÍì't rgqutred to bê usÊd for exempt purposes lor lhe anlrre holdrng penod? b lf 'Yês," dsscrrbe th€ arrangemenl rn Parl ll 31 Ooes the organtzatron have a grlt acceptance pÞhÇy ìhat requrres lhe revlew of any nonslândard conlrrbulrons? 3à ooes the oiganeatron hrre or uso lhrrd partros or relatod orûantzatlons to sohcLt, procoss, or soll noncash 31 contrrbutrons? b 3(t 32a x lf "Yes,' descnbe rn Part ll lf the orgânt¿atton LHA 63?14 30a r drdnl reporl an âmóunl rn column (c) for a type of property for whrch column (a) ts checkêd, For Paperwork Beduction Acl Nolice, see lho lnsùuctions lor Ëorm ggo. Schedule M (Form 990) (2016) 08-23,1ð l.2031109 133855 34 CRC 2016. 04013 CAPITAI RESEARCH CENTER cRc_1 Information. prov,de tho rnformâtton roquned by Part l, lrn€s 30b,32b, and 33, ol rlems receled, or a rs repoñtng tn Pad l, column (b), the number of conlnbuttons, the number thrs part for any addltronal rnfo¡matlon 0321r? 08-23-16 12031109 1"33855 whether lhe organr¿atron ot both AJso complete Schedule M {Form 99O) (2016) 35 CRC 2OL6, O40]-3 CAPITAL RESBARCH CENTER cRc_1 SCHËþUTE O (Form $O(t or Ê90.ËZ) Open to Pubhc ocpann'srir ol ttto Træ$ty Nama of the organrzâtroñ GRÀNT-MÀKTNG ôNS. Wrrt{ À ORGANTZÄjrTON. SOI]RCAS OF' Ë'TNÀNCTÀT, 3 iT,ABOR WATCH. ¡il{ICH II{IVESTTGÄTF:S LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Not¡ce, see the lnsùuctlons lor Form TO THE GROI'PS' MI.qST T & GRÀNTEES I ÏTNÏONS, TTIËTR MTSSTÔN 9€O or g0O-EZ Schedule 0 (Form 98o or 99û-ËZ) {2016) 632211 08-25-',t6 1_20313.09 133855 CRC 36 20L6. 04013 CAPITAJ, RESEÀRCH CENTËR cRc_1 Namâ of the orgaôizâtþn Employer ldentillcatlon nurnber CONEIJICTS..ÇF,ÏNÍEREST TO MÀNAGEMENTpS' THE ORüANIZATION OR THE EOÀRD, ÀS ÀPPROPRTÀII E:. THE coNrl,lcrs cr¡' 1ÑTERFST I'ÕT,TCV OF DIRECTORS OF ERC ST ARE NOT PERMTTTF:TJ TINDER TT.q ü¡RT BÍTTNG TT{F: TRANSÃ.Ö ¡T'I]{Ì 632212 08-?s.10 12031109 133855 cRc CONST.qT.q ÔF' ô¡' 5 INÐIVTDUALS ÀND CONFT,ICT OF TlTSTl\IN.q.q WTTI.I À BOARD Schedule O (Ëorm9SO or ÐgCÞÊZ) (?016) 37 2016.040r.3 CAPITAL RESEÀRCH CEI{TER CRC_I l- Nârño ot the orâantzâtton Êmployer identilication number 6322i2 og-?g-ro 12031109 133855 cRc Schedule O (Form 9O0 or 9OO-g¿¡ 12¿16¡ 38 20L6,0401"3 cAPrråIJ RESHåRCH CHNTER cRc-l SCHEöULE R {Fûrm 990) DrFÐhmt ) Retated Organizations and Unrelated Pa*nerships comptete rf the orqani:ati." 2016 Part lv, tioe 88, 34, 35b, s6, or 37 """îïil:;ì""#tråf" lo Puàftc 9l thc Trcê3.dy Name of the organrzalþn Part I Employer ldentificaticn of Disregarded rf {á} Name, address, and EiN {rf apphcable} of dlsregarded êntúy the organzatlon answersd "Yes" on Form gW, Part {b} Pnmary actrvrty Narns, address, ãnd EIN of related organlzatton For Paperwork Feducìion Âct Notice, see the ð3z1ot o9-oô-16 LHA 33. (c) (dl {e} (fl ïotai lncome Endof-year assets Drrect control¡rng enl,ty forergn country) ldentilicadon of Related Têx-Exempt Organ¡zõtloils. Complete organrzaìons dur¡ng the tax yêar (ãl hne f COLTJI{BIÀ tho organrzatron answered "Yes" oñ {b) Pnmary act¡vtty {c} ' Leg*l domrcrle {state or fêreçÐóôuntry) Instuctions for Form 990- cati on nurnber Legal domrcrle (state or )ISTRICT OF Paft ll lV iêntìfi ¿1 Pa¡1 l¡ne 34 {d} ËxemptCodê sectþlô . .: ¡l ¿¿1 il had one or more relat€d tax.exempt {ê} "'. . Fub¡lc chåfity statuâ {rf ecl}Þn {f} ûrr6st controlhng s¡tûY r**(Íì* r3) wtolled 6trqn 501{cX3} Schedule H (Form 99O) æ16 39 I Part tll ldentificabon of tlelated orgarìvatrons treated as Taxable as a Pa.tnership, Complète duflng the täx year (a) {b} {c) Nam€, address, âöd EIN Prrmary actrvrty L€çËI of relåt€d organzatron dofiË¡ìe {Ëla¡o ü {d} Driecl cofltrolhfìg efltÌty !0rËqfi mMlel Pert lV Íf the orgañÈatþn answered (a) {b} Pnmary aclrv¡ìy of related organzatron on Form 990, PaÊ TV, tne 34 becåusE (e) (f¡ {s} {h) Predorntßanl tn¿ome (related, unrelaled, excludsd frcm tax under ssct¡ons 512-5U) Shär€ of tötal tncoffte Shar€ of ûljrroçslÉ¡¡¿ fdêntif¡cation ot Related Organizations Taxeble ês a Corporõtion or Trust. organrzalÐns treated as a corporatrcn or trusl duflng ihe tax yeaf Name, address, and ËlN YeS endof.year assêts På.t IV, orgâfltzatron : (c) Leç41 doru¡lö (slaìo d lûqqn ñuntry) (d) Dr€ct côntrôårq ent.ty bad onÊ or rnoro rÊlelêd (Ð dbc¿!ûnt, Y¡s t Na trn€ 34 becaüs€ . {s'} Typq ûf €ntrty {C dSrp, S õorp, sr trusü {¡) rt had on€ or more relâted (s) (hl Shãte of Pørcentage êûd-Öf"yèêr ownêrshlp ê$sêts . (k) Code V.UBI arnount rn box 20 of Schedufe K-1 {Form 1065} l¡es No Yes ,l 'i,ii' :l 632142 tS-03-16 4t Sched¡ile R (Form 99O) 2016 Parì V Transactio¡s With Complete d the organrzatron aÊswêfâd "Yes" on Fo¡m gg0, pârt lV, ftne 94, 3gb. or 36 Nole: Complete hne 1 f any entrty ts Part3 l¡, ¡tl, or lV of thls schedul€ 1 DL¡nng the tax year, dtd ths organ¡¡atron eflgage fi äny ol thë follawmg transactùons lvtth one or rnorê related organzaiÐns hst€d ¡n parts ll-tV? a Recerpt of (¡Ì tnterest, (¡i) annúttres, {¡¡¡) roya}ìres_ oti {iv} renl from a controll€d entriy b Grft, granl, ol- caprtal contrúutton to rêlaled ôtganÈêtton(s) c Gft, graot, or capftal contnbutron from ¡elated organEafion(s] d Loans or loan guaiãntees to or for related organrzatron(s) e Loans or loaa guarantees by refaied'Organ¡zattonts) f I Yes 'le th 'l¿ 1.1 'te Dv¡dends from related organ¿atron(s) tl Sale of assets to related organ zalron{s} 'lo h Purchase of assals trom related organrzatron(si rh I Exchange of as.sets wrtÞ related organtzatron{si tí t Lease of faûlrtres, equrpmeni, or other assets to r€htBd orgarNt?ratton(s) !¡ k Lease oi facrlrh€s, equrpmenl, or other assets from related ÐrgântzaìÞfi(s) Performance of s€rytcés or membershrp or fundrarsrng sohcttatroôs for rekted m P€rfoñlåncê of s€rvrces or meñbershrp of fundrats¡flg solErtat¡ons by lñ n o Sharrng ol facrlrttes, equlpment, ma¡¡ng ltsts, or other ass€ts wlth relaled organzatron{s) Sharrng of pard employees wth related organzaton{s} 'fo p q Rermbr.lrsement patd lo related orgaazatron(s) for expenses Rermbursemênt pa¡d by related organeatþn{s) for expe¡ìses 1a 'ln f Ûlher transfer ot cash or property to related organEatÐn(s) 1k lt ln l¡ ts to o{ the above tnfcrmat¡on on who (al Narne of related organtzattoî ö3?163 O0-ôô-ró tbt Transacircn type {a-si 4L (Ë) ", A¡nou¡lt ¡nvotved {d) ¡nvolvad Sch€dulé H {For:ll 98O} 2Of6 PaÉ Vl Unrelated Organrzations T.sxable âs a Padnership. Complele Prov¡de the foflowlng rnlomâtron for that was not a rÊlatêd the organEatron answered ''Yes" on Form 990. Pari lV, kne 37. enlrty taxed as a partnershrp through whrch the ofganlzatron conducted more than five gercent of rts actrvrt€s (rneasured by total assqts or gross revenue) Bxc¡uspn for ceñarn tnvestrïènt rnslructþns (a) Name, address, and ËlN of entÉy ú {c) Lega¡ drmclle {d} Predomrianl {sl ArÉ ¡ß {statê or foreJgî tquntry) sectt0ns Yes No {f} þ) Share of Share of end-of-year totâ¡ tncolÎl8 ass€ts thl {¡) (¡) (k) Smsal q Cod¿ V-UBl s0¡rlI mount rn box 2[ ûrr¡$û!s? ÛMM? ownershrp 0Ërügfl. N¡ tJñ :i:. Schedule R (For¡n a3216¡ ô0,ôA.1è 42 9fÐl20f,i tl, lnlormation. SgÍedule H (Fúm ô32'tôS O9-O0.',to 32031_109 133855 43 CRC 2016.04013 cÀpTTÀr, REgE^âRcrI SOO) cËN1tËR CRC 20f0 1