The University of Vermont March 12, 2018 The Honorable Phil Scott Governor of Vermont 109 State Street, Pavilion Montpelier, VT 05609 Dear Governor Scott: I am wriu'ng to submit my resignation from the Governor?s Healthcare Workforce Workgroup (GHWW) which was established by Executive Order #07-13 on August 2013. I have served as oo- chair of this group since its beginning and before that I was a member of the Vermont Healthcare Workforce Development Partnership from 2004- 2013 and chair from 2011-2013. I also served the state as a member of the Vermont Blue Ribbon Commission on Nursing from 2011-2013. I am a nurse educator, nurse workforce researcher, and a nurse practitioner caring for patients in The University of Vermont Medical Center Memory Program. In addition to monitoring health workforce trends and needs, another charge of the GHWW is to ?research and recommend to the Governor and the Secretary public and private opportunities for funding health workforce initiatives.? The group?s broad stakeholder membership includes state employees (a co-chair appointed by the Secretary of Administration), and non-state employees (a co- chair selected by the members). Historically, the state leaders appointed to this group did not restrict the non-state government members from any opportunity to provide input on policy, strategy, or budget issues directly related to developing, recruiting, and retaining Vermont?s healthcare workforce. As we plan for FY19 programs and budget needs, that opportunity was not provided. In fact, input to the Governor from this assembled group of clinicians and workforce experts was recently discouraged. I believe that we have data, insight, perspective, and experience to share that would be informative to you and the administration. Our feedback does not align with the current AHS stance and budget proposal, and we are being silenced. Speci?cally, the FY 19 Governor?s budget proposal eliminates the VT Educational Loan Repayment Program for Healthcare Professionals. Through this program, these professionals are requiredtog: deliver services in Vermont?s rural areas and/ or to disadvantaged populations, for a set period of; time 1n exchange for a repayment contribution toward their educational loan debt. The FY18 program funding of $667,000 consisted of $306,000 in state funds, the remainder was fedegl match. The VT Educational Loan Repayment Program for Healthcare Professionals' 18 mm recruitment and retention program and necessary for Vermont to compete with other highly sought workforce. Educational loan repayment awards include contractual - obligations; they are not ?rewards? or ?gifts.? Awards are targeted to ensure access?or 6* Vermonters. Recruiting and retaining needed health care providers 1s an issue o? not rewarding the individual provider LLEGE OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES EIPABTMENT OF NURSING 1639de BuIIdlng. 106 Cardgan DrIve. 0068 . 1656-5830 there is no purpose for taking busy clinicians, educators, and workforce experts from tb in organizations and responsibilities. The GHWW has been effective' in the past in grant . . i demand modeling associated with the Vermont Healthcare Innovation Project, and moni - supply and emerging trends in our healthcare workforce. However, at this time, the coll -. expertise ofthe group is not being appropriatelyused and I cannot see a way to alter this 3 a the current governmental control of discussions and actions. Therefore, I am choosing' dedicate myself to the emerging crisis in caring for the growing number of Vermonters with Alzheimer?s Disease and hopefully designing a hub and spoke model for delivering this care. I might . consider serving again in the future should this group?s structure be reorganized to encourage an authentic stakeholder voice, thereby increasing its strategic value and effectiveness. Thank you for f: the opportunity to serve Vermont. ?ll Oak ?6 PM Mary Val Palumbo DNP, APRN, GNP-BC Professor and Director of Interprofessional Education University of Vermont College of Nursing and Health Sciences co: 3 1. Secretary of Administration, Susanne R. Young - AHS Secretary, Al Gobeille VDH Commissioner, Mark Levine GHWW Co-chair, Mary Kate Mohlman Members of the GHWW