PIC Rfluest From: A Pulliam Sent: Monday, January 03, 2018 416 AM To: sMcomplaints, askdol@usdoy gov, us Comission Civil Rights Subject: sMcomplaint My Name is Ralph Pulliam. My Family/s--78213 have been targeted by an Organized Crime Ring of Human Trafficker/Smugglers in our Neighborhood whom operate Used Car Sales Lots connected to Auto Paint Body Frame Shops that are Fronts for Money Laundering but also Harbor the very Army of illegal Aliens that are the point of this Report. We have alerted your Office of this before to NO AVAIL. But this Report Will Fall into Your Realm of Authority's Jurisdiction this time. This is an SB4 Complaint We are stalked by these Ve Thu who the Main Players here and are the King Pins known here as the-- Family*and Garcia dob -- -that have placed huge numbers of illegal Aliens into he Apartments up and down the 5000 block of Blanco Rd mainly the Santa Fe De Square Manor Apts 5231 Blanco Rd which will only be filled back up with more illegals upon any Evictions since this is a well and Highly organized Crime Ring that is connected to the Texas Syndicate Gang and has also led to the appearance Biker Thugs. The other Apts is the Aribba Apts about 30 Yards down the main road from this one. Both Complexes are Havens for Gang Members and illegals mixed in with low income Section 8 Family's and Half Way House Released convicts. We have been in this Neighborhood 50 Years and it was Safe Well to Do and No Where near what it is Now and that is a Dangerous Killing Field and a Used Car Sales Lot one of them that sits on the Sante Fe De Square Manor Apts that is a Major Crime Magnet 5223 Blanco Rd 78216 that is a major player in Terrorizing Us along with the other U.C. Lots located at 5718 and across the street at 5717 Blanco Rd Dresden Intersection 78216-4718 Blanco Rd 78212 Gaskin St. We stumbled onto them by sheer mishap as they invaded our Residential Street opening up the 5223 Blanco Rd location U.C. Lot on the Same Property as the Sante Fe De Square Manor Apts in Violation of the Zoning Laws that the San Antonio Zoning Dept issued permits in Violation of their Own Zoning Laws. Once We called the City's Mistake on this they refused to Shut this Business down that would kill 2 birds with one stone as it is a Criminal Enterprise, since these Thugs have Stalked and Terrorize Us now going on 2 Decades and the SAPD and the City of San Antonio whom we have hounded for that long have ignored us leaving us to fend for ourselves. Once these Thugs found out we have filed complaints on their take over of the streets in front of our homes is when they launched every illegal Alien in their Army's that are all living in the nearby perimeter homes all around us including the army's in the apts mentioned. We are Private Investigators and uncovered Collusion, Collaboration and Corruption in the Zoning Dept that has all flags up of City Officials on the Take as they have done all in their power to shield this Thug Empire Up and Sloppily at that. Instead of the SAPD and the City doing their Jobs in Protecting its Citizens--US !! they Blackballed us and began a Campaign of Slander and Defamation making us out to be of Certain Falsified Issues. It wasn't until I revealed I was a Private Investigator Team Member and was able to Produce 100's of hours of Electronic Video and Recordings is when they began to slack off but not without last ditch efforts by them that exposed who the corrupt ones in the Force and City were. By the Way All sent to them ( evidence ) is Intercepted and claim they know nothing of our Plight. Our Home and Vehicle has taken Gunfire, our Dog was poisoned, our Home was Smashed with Huge Rocks, illegals on foot and in Vehicles come to our Alley and Front Curb as it now had escalated to them pulling up to our Homes in the Pouring Rain with their Windows Down as We Fear they will Execute a Driveby. We now under our Constitutional + Civil Rights will implement Imminent Danger Measures and in Protection of our Family's if we Analyze and Assess it We are Placed in Fear For Our Lives WE WILL OPEN FIRE ON THESE THUGS WHO WILL NOT LEAVE US ALONE AND CONTINUE TO COME TO OUR HOME OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. DO YOU GET THE POINT!!!!???? We have amassed Archives of Police Reports and calls for Help to 911 and all SAPD does when they get here is Humor US and NOT ONCE EVER HAVE GONE DOWN TO CONFRONT THE AGGRESSORS WHICH ARE THE U.C. LOT THUGS WHO IN BROAD DAYLIGHT SEND THEIR THUGS TO OUR FAMILY'S HOMES WIL OUR ELDERLY PARENTS AND CHILDREN TO PLACE US ALL IN FEAR FOR OUR LIVES WHICH IS WHY WE ARE NOT HEAVILY ARMED AND OPEN CARRY UNDER OUR RIGHTS. WE KNOW YOU WON'T DO A THING ABOUT THIS BUT WE ARE SENDING YOU SOLDI EVIDENCE BELOW THAT PROVES WHAT WE STATE IS FACT BY WAY OF EXPOSING THE BLATANT AND BRAZEN FLAUNTING OF THE SB4 LAWS THAT THE SAPD CHIEF ON CAMERA BOAST OF BREAKING FEDERAL LAW. THIS EXPLAINS WHY ILLEGAL ALIENS HAVE TAKEN OVER OUR NEIGHBORHOOD TERRORIZING ALL THE REST OF THE FAMILY'S HERE BY WAY OF NCNA ( NORTH CENTRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC ) MEETINGS AND THE LIFE LINE WE ALL STAY IN IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH WHICH IS WWW.NEXTDOOR.COM AND NEIGHBORHOOD COMMUNICATION PORTAL OF WHICH THE IMMEDIATE RECENT ALERT IS MR LONGORIA HAS SOMEONE SHOOT AT HIS DAUGHTER AND HER FRIEND AS THEY WERE ARRIVING HOME IN THEIR DRIVE WAY AND A HUGE NUMBER OF OTHER FAMILY'S DISGUSTED WITH THE MAYOR AND OUR DIST ONE COUNCILMAN ROBT.TREVINO NOT TO MENTION THE CHIEF WHO ONLY CARE ABOUT THE TOURISM AND NOT ONCE HAVE ADDRESSED THE NIGHTLY SHOOTINGS AND KILLINGS OR EVERY OTHER NIGHT. AT PRESENT THE HORROR AT HAND AND I SAY THIS TO YOU ATTY GEN PAXTON WITH ALL SERIOUSNESS WE ARE BEING PUSHED INTO A CORNER THAT THE SAPD AND CITY HAVE KNOWN ABOUT FOR EVER SO WE HAVE CALLED IN OUR OWN HELP AND IT WILL BE A BLOODBATH. AS A P.I. I HAVE RESEARCHED THIS OVER AND OVER LEGALLY AND EVEN WITH THE UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SERVICE IN AN INDIRECT GUIDANCE STATED WE UNDER THE LAW ARE AFFORDED THE RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE UP TO AND INCLUDING THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE. THE VIDEOS ARE DAMNING SIRS AND MADAMS. THIS AND THERE ARE MANY MORE VIDEOS ANSWER WHY POLICE OFFICERS LEAVE US EACH TIME TO DEAL WITH KILLERS WHO COME AT US ONCE THEY LEAVE THEN LATER THEY SEND MORE WAVES OF GANGSTERS WHEN THE COAST IS CLEAR ( AS THEY HAVE LOOKOUTS AND SCOUT EVERYWHERE ) AND 2 Ocm >20 _2 >20 >20 m20 _m >20 mm >_w>2002_m0 Cw. .. Aim w>2 033m .. 0>2 .. >mm> .. mm? 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