Maine’s Multidisciplinary Task Force on Children’s Justice Maine Child Welfare Advisory Panel June 2, 2017 Location: DHHS Conference Conference Room A 35 Anthony Avenue Augusta, Maine Attendees: Bobbi Johnson, Susan Clardy, Tracy Leigh, Lyn Carter, Tracy Cooley, Bette Hoxie, Meg Hatch, Lanelle Freeman, Jamie Brooks, Jean Youde By phone: Destie Hohman Sprague, Christine Hufnagel, Debbie Dembski Guest: Kate Imbruno Discussion: The panel members were provided a flowchart that depicted the relationship between the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), Children’s Justice Act (CJA), Citizens Review Panel (CRP), Maine Child Welfare Advisory Panel (MCWAP), Child Death and Serious Injury Review Panel (CDSIRP), and Maine Justice for Children’s Task Force (CTF). Panel members discussed connecting on the flowchart the CRP and MCWAP given that in Maine the CRP and MCWAP are represented by one panel. The panel discussed developing a list of tasks associated with the responsibilities of each panel and having that list of tasks on the back of the agenda for the meetings. The panel discussed not meeting in July and August. The panel discussed Meg Hatch giving a presentation regarding the CACs at the MCWAP September meeting. The panel also discussed Lyn Carter giving a presentation regarding DV/CPS at the MCWAP September meeting. Each presentation would be approximately 30 minutes and there will be approximately 15 minutes after each presentation for questions and discussion. 1 The panel discussed inviting Susan Riley to the October MCWAP meeting. Susan would inform the discussion regarding what is the structure of MCWAP. Is MCWAP an advisory board or an action board? Susan Riley would be able to help the panel with that discussion. Kate Imbruno, Intake Program Manager at OCFS, gave a presentation regarding Structured Decision Making (SDM). Kate indicated SDM is a research and evidence based tool developed by different organizations. The Department is working with a subdivision of the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD). Kate gave a brief overview of the intake department and the intake process when a report is received. Kate described the process of developing SDM. The Department had focus groups, NCCD staff came and spoke to intake staff, district staff, some central office staff, some mandated reporters and stakeholders. The Department then developed a work group. The work group went through each abuse type and had discussions about what reports would be appropriate for screening in and screening out. The Department scheduled training in April, 2017. SDM was rolled out in May, 2017. SDM will unify how OCFS responds to reports both at the intake level and District level. Bobbi indicated that the Department had an organization assessment done through Hornby Zeller. Part of the results of the organization assessment were that the Department’s door is wide open and families are being served inconsistently. HZ opined the Department was serving families who don’t meet the threshold for the law for child welfare intervention. Bobbi discussed how reports to intake and the Districts were handled prior to SDM being implemented. Bobbi and Kate reiterated that SDM will be tweaked as questions arise from SDMs use. The Department doesn’t want to miss families that are in need of intervention but the Department doesn’t want to be serving families that don’t need intervention. Bobbi presented the different components of the SDM tool. One of the big changes in using the SDM tool is the report will under 2 the name of the person that is associated with the concerns regarding child abuse and neglect. Typically the report was under the name of the person who was the primary caregiver of the children. Previously the Department has had a system that is maternalistic ~ reports have always been written in the mother’s name. With SDM, the Department is potentially identifying the household of concern. The panel discussed the scenario of two caseworkers being assigned to a case, i.e., if the family lives in two different districts. Bobbi discussed companion reports. SDM looks at the household of concern. Kate indicated that there is an electronic data collection tool through a portal at NCCD. Kate discussed that there is no definition that fits every situation so NCCD said the Department should see 5-8% of overrides. Bobbi indicated the override is the opportunity to make sure children are not falling through the cracks. Bobbi discussed the Department working on an RFP to change the alternative response program to a community intervention service. The Community Intervention Service piece is not currently in place with the State of Maine. SDM has removed the option of low moderates being referred to ARP. SDM looks at how reports are screened out and what are the different factors that affect the family. The panel discussed the collateral calls that are being made by intake staff and how that has changed under SDM. An example of a collateral call would be the intake staff calling law enforcement or school to get further detail regarding a report. The panel discussed DAB reports as is related to SDM. OCFS started in May, 2017 started making referrals through CradleME. Bobbi discussed the Department responding to child deaths even if there are no other children in the home and maybe not responding if a family that has had CPS involvement in the past has another child. Bobbi discussed not assuming the worst for a family. Bobbi discussed balancing State intervention and parents’ rights and responsibilities. 3 The panel discussed the value of community organizations learning about the SDM model. Bobbi indicated she and Kate are willing to go out and speak to community organizations. The panel discussed how the success of SDM will be measured. Kate indicated the Department is doing interrelated reliability testing. The Department had two sets of staff look at sample cases. One set used the tool and one set did not. Kate indicated that NCCD will continue to provide some level of support and that is a huge advantage by working with NCCD. The panel discussed the different ways success could be defined for the SDM project i.e., not overriding too may reports, making sure the Department is screening cases in or out appropriately. The panel discussed the Children’s Justice Act Grant (CJA) as the NF FTM pilot project related to the CJA grant. The NF FTM pilot project subcommittee met and decided the Department’s teaming reboot took into consideration the concerns of the NF FTM pilot project subcommittee as it relates to parental inclusion in FTMs so the subcommittee decided not to move forward with the NF FTM pilot project. Jan indicated to the panel that as part of the CJA grant application, the Commissioner’s office needed to approve the projects the CJA grant would fund. Jan and Grace Brace met with two people from the Commissioner’s office regarding the projects the CJA grant would fund. The Commissioner’s office had some questions regarding the NF FTM pilot project. Grace and Jan indicated to the Commissioner’s office that the MCWAP subcommittee decided not to move forward with the NF FTM pilot project. Jan indicated to the panel that in consultation with Heather Tyler, Associate Director, Grace and Kirsten the CJA grant funds would be used to fund projects related to the work of the Children’s Advocacy Centers. The panel discussed having discussions with the Commissioner’s office early on planning process in order to determine the Commissioner’s office approval of an initiative. Bobbi indicated she would discuss the approval process through the Commissioner’s office with Kirsten Capeless, Director of OCFS to determine what steps are necessary for MCWAP in the approval process with the Commissioner’s office. 4 Bobbi shared that she had a goal that the Department would safely and responsibly have under 1800 children in care at the end of May. As of June 1st, there were 1799 children in care. Bobbi is excited the Department is focusing on permanency and the Department is helping children to get out of the system. Bobbi will check to see if the SDM information can be disseminated. Lanelle discussed how a person that hasn’t heard the presentation may interrupt the SDM information. The next meeting is scheduled for September 8, 2017 from 9-11, OCFS, Pine Tree Room, 2 Anthony Avenue, Augusta. The conference call information is: 1-877-455-0244, conference code 6817834166. 5