Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 1 of 35 Red - Plaintiffs' Designations I IBlue - Defendant's Designations I IGreen - Objections U'ln-waH Page 1 KRIS KOBACH IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KANSAS STEVEN WAYNE FISH, RALPH ORTIZ, DONNA BUCCI, CHARLES STRICKER, THOMAS J. BOYNTON, DOUGLAS HUTCHINSON, AND THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF KANSAS, ON BEHALF OF THEMSELVES AND ALL OTHERS SIMILARLY SITUATED, Plaintiffs, VS. KRIS KOBACH, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE STATE OF AND NICK JORDAN, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS SECRETARY OF REVENUE FOR THE STATE OF KANSAS, Defendants. Case No. 2:16?cv?2105 Kansas City, KS DEPOSITION OF KRIS KOBACH TAKEN ON BEHALF OF THE PLAINTIFFS AUGUST 3, 2017 Reported By: Lauren N. Lawrence Job No. 127945 TSG Reporting Worldwide 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 2 of 35 memet-w ul? 1..) I) (II Page 3 KRIS KOBAC I WITNESS: KRIS KOBAC EXAIVIINATION BY IVTR. HO 9 PAGE EXHIBITS NO. DESCRHUION PAGE Exhibit 1 Amendments to the National 10 Voter Registration Act Exhibit 2 Consolidated Reply Memorandum 1- in Support of Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injturction Exhibit 3 Emergency Motion for a Stay 30 Pending Appeal Exhibit 4 E-rnail dated July 3. 2017. to 32 Desiree Taliaferro from Kris Kobach Exhibit 5 Department of Homeland 47 Secru?ity Kobach Strategic Plan for First 365 Days Exhibit 6 Defendant's Response to 64 Plaintiffs' Motion to Unseal Page 4 KRIS KOBACH A A A APPEARING FOR THE DISTRICT COURT: Chief Magistrate Judge James O'Hara DISTRICT COURT. DISTRICT OF KANSAS United States District Court 500 State Avenue Kansas City. Kansas 66101 APPEARING FOR PLAINTIFFS: Mr Dale Ho Mr Orion Danjuma Mr Doug Bonney AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTEES UNION 125 Broad Street New York New York 10004 APPEARING FOR DEFENDANT. SECRETARY OF OFFICE: Ms Susan Becker KANSAS SECRETARY OF OFFICE 120 Southwest 10th Avenue Topeka. Kansas 66612 ALSO PRESENT: Ms Amy Henson Attorney/Law Clerk to Magistrate Judge James O'Hara Desiree Taliaferro. Secretary of State's Of?ce Michael Dermis. Videographer Court Reporter: Lauren Lawrence. RPR KS CCR Missouri Notary Public .4. to (n Page 3 KRIS KOBACH IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF KANSAS STEVEN WAYNE FISH RALPH ORTIZ. DONNA BUC CI. CHARLES STRICKER THOMAS DOUGLAS SON. AND THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF KANSAS. on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated Plainti??s. Case No 2:16-cv-21-5 vi KRIS KOBACH. in his of?cial capacity as Secretary of State for the State of Kansas: and NICK JORDAN. in his of?cial capacity as Secretary of Revenue for the State of Kansas. Defendants) VIDEOTAPE) DEPOSITION OF KRIS KOBACH. produced sworn. and examined on August 3. 2017. at the o?ices of United States District Court of Kansas. 500 State Avenue. Kansas City. Kansas 66101. before LaurenN Lawrence. RPR KS CCR and Notary Public within and for the State of Missouri. in a certain cause now pending in the United States District Court for the District of Kansas between STEVEN WAYNE FISH. RALPH ORTIZ. DONNA BUCCI. CHARLES STRICKER THOMAS DOUGLAS HUT CHINSON. AND THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF KANSAS. on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated. Plainti??s. versus KRIS KOBACH. in his o?icial capacity as Secretary of State for the State ofKansas; and NICK JORDAN. in his of?cial capacity as Secretary of Revenue for the State ofKansas. Defendants; on behalf ofthe Plainti??s Page 5 TSG Reporting Worldwide 877?703?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 3 of 35 Page 6 age 977?702?9590 TSG Reporting Worldwide Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 4 of 35 Page 10 Page 11 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 Q. You've reviewed the substantive briefs and 2 A. Yes. 3 dispositive briefs in the case? 3 Q. And you said that you dra?ed it: correct? 4 A. This -- the dispositive briefs on the 4 A. Yes. 5 merits. absolutely. I have reviewed. 5 Q. You physically typed it out? ?5 Q. Okay. I'm going to hand you a document 6 A. Yes. I physically typed it into my 7 that's been marked as Kobach Exhibit 1. 7 computer. 8 This is a dra? amendment to Section 5 of 8 Q. When you say your computer. do you mean 9 the National Voter Registration Act or NVRA that your 9 your personal computer or a Kansas Secretary of State 10 o?'rce produced to the plaintiffs in this case: 10 of?ce computer? 11 correct? 11 A. I can't recall for cer- -- for certainwould refer to it 12 I'm -- I'm not sure. were to speculate. I would 13 as a dra? of a dra?. It's not actually anywhere 13 say more likely my personal one. but I'm not certain. 14 near ready to be proposed or shown to anyone. 14 Q. The language that you propose in this 15 Q. When was this "draft of a draft." as you 15 document. amendments to the National Voter 16 put it. drafted? 16 Registration Act. you proposed three changes to the 17 A. It would have been prepared by me sometime 17 National Voter Registration Act: correct? 18 in the late summer or early fall of 2016. It would 13 A. Well. th -- 19 have been before the 10th Circuit ruled. but after -- 19 MS. BECKER: Objection. Mischaracterizes 20 on the preliminary injunction. but a?er Judge 20 what it said about it being a draft of a draft. And 2 1 Robinson ruled. Sometime in there. 2 1 there's no f01mdation too. 22 Q. But just to clarify the record Judge 22 MR. HO: I'll re-ask the question. 23 Robinson issued a preliminary decision on 23 Q. (By Mr. Ho) There are ?ve items listed 24 May 17. 2016. and you're saying that this document. 24 here in this document. Amendments to the National 7-5 Exhibit 1. was dra?ed a?er that ruling: correct? 25 'oter Registration Act; correct? Page 12 Page 13 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 A. Yes. there are. 2 persuading federal judges to change the meaning of the 3 Q. The last two are redacted: correct? 3 NVRA. 4 A. That is correct. 4 Q. You're aware that the plainti?s in this 5 Q. Okay. The second item here reads "In 5 case previously argued. during preliminary injunction 6 52 U.S.C. Section 204 [sic]" -- 6 brie?ng. that in order for states to have the 7 colon. "delete." quote. "'May require only the minim 7 authority to require documentary proof of citizenship 8 amount of information necessary end quote. "and 8 for motor voter applicants. then the NVRA would have 9 replace with." quote. "'may require any information 9 to be rewritten: correct? 10 that the State deems necessary is that correct? 10 A. I do not recall you making that argument. 11 A. You have read it correctly. yes. 11 No. I do not. 12 Q. The language in this item is word for word 12 (Kobach Exhibit 2 was marked for 13 exactly the same as what the plainti??s in this case 13 identi?cation.) 14 argued previously would be precisely how the NVRA 14 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Okay. I'm going to hand you 15 would have to be rewritten in order for states to have 15 what's marked as Plaintiffs -- sorry -- Kobach 1 6 authority to require documentary proof of citizenship 16 Exhibit 2. It's a brief that was ?led in this case. 17 for motor voter applicants; is that correct? 17 This is Plainti?s' reply brief on their motion for 1 3 A. I have no idea what you argued. The -- 18 preliminary injunction dated April 21. 2016. 19 this is -- the -- the reason for this is a contingency 19 Document 94. 2 0 if Plaintiffs win this lawsuit after ?nal summary 20 Do you see that? 21 judgment or a ?nal bench trial. This see that. yes. 22 reason it is a draft of a draft and it is not anywhere 22 Q. Could you turn to page 17. please? 23 near ?nal form is it would only be necessary to ?le 7-3 The third and fourth sentences in this 24 this amendment or propose this amendment if the 24 brief on this page read. "In essence. Defendants' 25 defendant loses this case and Plaintiffs succeed in 7-5 interpretation of the statute would require rewriting TSG Reporting Worldwide 877-702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 5 of 35 l) Page 14 KRIS KOBAC the statute as follows." Quote. "'The voter Page 15 KRIS KOBACH read that correctly? 3 registration application portion of an application for 3 A. Yes. you did. 4 a state motor vehicle driver?s license" -- 4 Q. Okay. So the language in this brief that 5 A. I -- I'm sorry. Olmsel. which page are 5 the plaintiffs identi?ed as being necessary to change 6 you on? You said 14 01' 17? 6 the NVRA in order to provide states with the authority 7 MS. BECKER: Objection. This is already in 7 to require documentary proof of citizenship for motor 5 the record. as you've told me. I -- I object to 5 voter applicants is identical to Item 2 in your draft 9 reading this document into the record and then you of draft amendments to the National Voter Registration 1?3 asking for his comment on your argument. 1'3 Act: correct? 11 THE COURT: Overruled. 11 A. It is similar. but I did not consult your Q. (By Ho) Are you 011 page 17? 13 brief in drafting what might be necessary if the ACLU 13? A. I am now on page l7. l3 and plaintiffs in this case succeed in persuading a 14 Q. Okay. The third sentence starts 14 federal judge to change the meaning of the NVRA. The 15 essence. Defendants' interpretation of the statute 15 document is a contingency if the plaintiffs prevail in 16 would require rewriting the statute as follows." 16 the 10th Circuit and if the Supreme Court denies cert. 17 quote. "?The voter registration application portion of 17 Then. at that point. it would be necessary for 13 an application for a state motor vehicle driver's 13 Congress to restore the original meaning of the NVRA l9 license."' dot. dot. dot. and then in striketln?ough. 19 and to correct the misinterpretation that Plaintiffs 3'3 "'only the minimum amount end strikethrouglr and 3'3 have urged the courts to make. 31 in brackets. "?any information that the State deems 31 Q. Your draft amendment was written after the 33 necessary.? closed brackets. "?to enable state 33 Plaintiffs' brief in this case that we just quoted 33 election of?cials to assess the eligibility of the 33 from. Exhibit Number 2: correct? applicant."? 3?4 A. Yes. It was written after April 21. 2016. 35 Other than a few prurctuation issues. did I 35 Q. And yoru? testimony today is that it is a Page 16 Page 17 IGUSKOBACH 1 IGUSKOBACH 3 coincidence that the language in Item 2 in yoru? draft 3 Q. (By Mr. Ho) You reviewed the preliminary 3 amendments to the NVRA is essentially identical to 3 injunction brie?ng in this case: correct? what the plaintiffs had previously argued would be A. Of course. 5 necessary in order to provide states with authority to I 6 require docrunentary proof of citizenship for motor I 7 voter applicants: is that correct? I 3 MS. BECKER: Objection. Mischaracterizes I 9 the evidence. He didn't say "coincidence." I 1?3 MR. HO: You can answer the question. I 11 MS. BECKER: Mischaracterizing. I'd like I 13 an objection ruling. please. I 13 THE COURT: Certainly. The objection is I 1 4 overruled. I 1 5 You may answer. sir. I 16 A. The -- I'm actually surprised to see the I 17 similarity right now. So I don't recall ever looking I 3 at your brief of April 21. I don't normally look at I your briefs to take guidance in anything that I do and I 3?3 certainly wouldn't look at your briefs in drafting a I 3 1 contingent plan for months. if not years. in the I 33 future if you succeed in persuading the 10th Circuit I 33 to change the meaning of the NVRAdon't consult yoru legal writing in anything that I I 35 do. II TSG Reporting Worldwide 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 6 of 35 Page 18 Page 19 I 1 KRIS KOBACH I 2 it is obvious that that phrase would have did review the preliminary injunction 3 persuade the federal judiciary to somehow read into 4 brie?ng in this case. yes. 4 that a prohibition on proof of citizenship that th -- 5 Q. (By Mr. Ho) And your testimony is that you 5 the -- the clarification by Congress in the future 6 did not remember this argument in Plaintiffs' reply 6 would have to say that the State has discretion. and 7 brief in the preliminary injunction -- on -- on the 7 there really aren't that many ways to say that the 8 preliminary injunction motion about what would need 3 State has discretion. So I ?nd it interesting that 9 change about the language of the National Voter 9 your brief of April 21 has similar language. 10 Registration Act in order for you to have authority to 10 Q. (By Mr. Ho) And just so that the record is 11 require documentary proof of citizenship for motor 11 Clear. your use of the phrase in your dra? amendment 12 vehicle motor voter applicants at the time that you 12 "may require any information that the State deems 13 drafted your draft amendments to the NVRA: correct? 13 necessary." which is identical to the language in 14 A. You've asked a question that has lots of 14 Plaintiffs preliminary injunction reply brief. that 15 components. I'll try to give you a very direct answer 15 similarity in the language is a coincidence: correct? 16 to what I think you were asking. 16 A. I think that it is so unlikely as to be 17 I did not remember the portion of your 17 ahnost impossible that I would take one of the ACLUS 18 brief that you were referring to when I drafted a 18 briefs in hand and look at the brief if I were 19 contingency amendment for the future if the plaintiffs 19 trying to make sure that. in the future. if the ACLU 20 in this case succeed in persuading a federal judge or 20 won this case. that Congress were able to clarify the 21 judges to change the meaning of the NVRA. 21 original meaning of th -- of the NVRA as stated by 22 I would also add that your -- the 22 Senator Wendell Ford in the United States Senate when 23 plaintiffs' entire case hinges on the words "may 23 he said that nothing in this bill prohibits a state 24 require only the minimum amount of information 24 from requiring proof of citizenship. So I think it is 25 necessary." which I think you would agree with. And 25 inconceivable that I would have had your brief in my Page 20 Page 21 1 KRIS KOBAC 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 hand when drafting this. 2 MS. BECKER: Just -- 3 Q. Are you aware of any other draft amendments 3 THE COURT: -- speci?c about the form of 4 to the National Voter Registration Act that would 4 this question that troubles 5 require -- I'm sorry. Let me start that again. It -- 5 MS. BECKER: Well. he's asking for different question. 6 legal conclusion. and the witness is being deposed as 7 Is it your understanding that these 7 a fact witness as to the creation of the docmnent. 8 amendments would supersede the preliminary injunctio 3 THE COURT: Objection is overruled. given 9 ruling in this case and permit you to impose a 9 the fact that the witness serves as lead counsel. or 10 documentary proof of citizenship requirement on motor 10 at least has at many times and is a skilled lawyer. so 11 voter applicants? 11 presumably con?dent to give a legal opinion. 12 MS. BECKER: Objection. Calls for -- form. 12 MS. BECKER: Okay. Well. we'd also object 13 THE OURT: Counsel. I want to make sure 13 on -- as to work product. 14 you're not -- you're -- that you're understanding 14 THE COURT: That objection. being 15 correctly where I'm coming from. What I want you to 15 unspeci?ed. is overruled. 16 do is. if you have an objection to. say. for instance. 16 Secretary. you remember the question? 17 in this situation. object to the form." and then 17 THE WITNESS: Actually. I don?t remember 13 precisely state what's wrong with the foml as opposed 18 precisely. Could you state it again? 19 to then transcending into -- as coaching the witness 19 Q. (By Mr. Ho) It's -- 20 as to what you want him to do. 20 THE COURT: Have the reporter read it back. 21 MS. BECKER: I just -- 21 please. 22 THE COURT: So maybe more speci?city here 22 THE REPORTER: I'm going to need a second 23 would be helpful. 23 to clarify. 24 MS. BECKER: Okay. 24 (The requested portion of the record was 25 THE COURT: So if there's something -- 25 read by the reporter.) TSG Reporting Worldwide 877-702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 7 of 35 wouldn't even be this. This is just -- this document Page 22 Page 23 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 A. Evidently. Counsel. you haven't been 2 requirement for motor voter applicants to go into 3 listening carefully to my answers. I said that this 3 effect: correct? ?1 amendment would be a?er the litigation in this case 4 A. I have told you multiple times. this 5 is concluded. So this dra? amendment has no bearing 5 amendment is not intended for the present. This ?5 whatsoever on any preliminary injunction. on any 6 amendment is a contingency plan in the future. If 7 brie?ng in this case. or anything. until this case is 7 after ?nal judgments on the merits -- not preliminary 8 reviewed by the 10th Circuit. and cert is denied by 8 injunction -- on the merits. if you succeed in 9 the Supreme Court. I'm presuming if cert is granted 9 persuading the judges of the 10th Circuit to change 10 by the Supreme Court. Defendants will win. 10 the meaning of the NVRA contrary to Senator Wendell 11 Q. 03y Mr. Ho) You're aware that Judge 11 Ford's expressed meaning on the ?oor of the Senate. 12 Robinson. in her preliminary injunction ruling. held 12 then it would be incumbent upon Congress in the future 13 that Section 5 of the NVRA does not. on the record in 13 to restore the original meaning of the NVRA. And this 14 this case. permit Kansas to impose a documentary proo 14 was my ?rst exercise in preparing for that 15 of citizenship requirement on motor voter applicants: 15 eventuality. 16 correct? 16 (2. ()kay. 17 A. I'm aware that Judge Robinson ruled that 17 A. Because. frankly. after the -- the Plaintiffs were likely to prevail in that 18 was surprised that you persuaded Judge Robinson to 1 9 argument. but. of course. Judge Robinson has issued no 19 grant the preliminary injunction. I thought your 20 ?nal rule on that argument. as you are aware. 20 argument was so incredible that it had no merit at 7-1 Q. And it is your understanding that this 7-1 all. 22 amendment. if it were enacted after the Judge's -- 22 Q. Secretary Kobach. I didn?t ask you about 23 after Judge Robinson's preliminary injunction ruling. 7-3 contingency plans or -- 24 would supersede that preliminary ruling and 24 A. That's what this is. It is -- 7-5 permit Kansas's documentary proof of citizenship 25 Q. - Senator -- or Senator Ford. Page 24 Page 25 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 A. -- a contingency plan. 2 Q. I didn't ask you a question about the 3 Q. I asked you: 3 intent of this. I asked you a question about your 4 Is it your understanding that if this 4 understanding of the effect of it. 5 amendment were adopted. -- wellyour understanding that if this 6 start over again. 6 amendment were adopted today that the effect of it 7 Okay. At present Kansas's documentary 7 would be to supersede Judge Robinson's preliminary 9 proof of citizenship requirement is not in e??ect for 8 injunction ruling and permit Kansas to impose a 9 motor voter applicants pursuant to Judge Robinson's 9 documentary proof of citizenship requirement on motor 10 preliminary injunction order; is that correct? 10 voter applicants today? 11 A. That is correct. 11 A. I -- I don't know what the effect of it 12 Q. Okay. Is it your understanding that this 12 would be because you would have a pending case. and 13 amendment. if it were adopted today. would permit 13 you would have -- you know. I have no idea how Judge 14 Kansas to impose a documentary proof of citizenship 14 Robinson would look at it. Judge Robinson might say 15 requirement on motor voter applicants and supersede 15 that the -- that -- that this case was brought under 16 Judge Robinson's preliminary injunction orderwritten at the time. and. therefore. 17 A. It -- it's not even intended to have 17 the case would be adjudicated under that law and this 19 anything to do with her order. I guess. if the 18 would be a subject -- I have no idea how she would do 1 9 appli- -- if it were to magically become law. then at 19 that. and I -- this is not intended to be presented to 20 that point. the case would have -- Judge Robinson. if 20 Congress for consideration until after. if and only 2 1 it were -- the case were still in front of her. would 21 if. you. the Plaintiffs win on ?nal judgment in the 22 have to decide what effect it -- that's not the intent 22 case and the Supreme Corut denies cert. 23 of this. to be cha- -- to be drafted or to be 23 In that eventuality. this would be -- it 24 submitted in Congress or to be enacted while this 24 wouldn't even be this. This is just -- and and it 25 litigation is ongoing. So -- 25 TSG Reporting Worldwide 877-702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 8 of 35 .. J4 U) rY\ Page :6 KRIS KOBACH is just the -- an initial thought piece 011 what would need to be done to restore the original meaning of the NVRA ifPlaintiffs in this case succeed in persuading the judiciary to change the meaning of the Q. You're aware the 10th Circuit has unanimously affirmed Judge Robinson's preliminary injunction ruling: correct? A. I am aware that the 10th Circuit affirmed Judge Robinson's preliminary injunction. yes. Q. And you're aware that the 10th Circuit ruled that Kansas cannot impose a documentary proof of citizenship requirement on motor voter applicants absent a showing of. among other things. a substantial problem with noncitizen registration in this state: correct? A. I don't think that's a fair characterization of the 10th Circuit's ruling. no. And. also. the 10th Circuit ruled on the probability of success. It did not rule conclusively that states were prohibited from requiring proof of citizenship. Page :8 Is it your understanding that the effect of these amendments to the National Voter Registration Act. Exhibit 1. would make it such that whether or not a substantial number of noncitizens have registered to vote would be irrelevant to the issue of whether or not Kansas may impose a docrunentary proof of citizenship requirement on motor voter applicants?? r? Page :7 Page :9 A. No. That is not my impression. The -- the purpose. as I have said multiple times. of this is to -- if Plaintiffs prevail on ?nal judgment. then it might be necessary for Congress -- it would be necessary. Iwould hope. for Congress to clarify its original intent in drafting the NVRA. I suppose it's conceivable that a subsequent court with the changed language in the future hypothetical case could say. e11. there's still" -- you know. "There still has to be a substantial number of noncitizens registering for this" -- "for states to take this step." I mean. the -- I have no idea 110w a future court would rule in a future case. TSG Reporting - Worldwide 977-703-9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 9 of 35 0) Page 30 Q. Are there any other versions of this document Exhibit 1 that you're aware of'? A. No. Q. You drafted this document in preparation for a meeting with the President-elect: correct? A. No. Q. Okay. A. I drafted this document for a future time -- I didn't even know I was going to meet with the President-elect when I drafted this. As I said. it was late srunmer. earlier fall. So that would have been. at the earliest. July: at the latest. October. I didn't know I was going to meet with the President until November -- President-elect until November of 2016there was no anticipation of any meeting with the President when this was dra?ed. (Kobach Exhibit 3 was marked for identi?cation.) Page 32 KRIS KOBAC preparation for a meeting with the President-elect. Q. Okay. Did you draft this document. Exhibit 1. before the oral argrunent in the 10th Circuit on the preliminary injunction? A. You'll have to tell me the date of the oral argtunent. I can't re- -- recall off the top of my head. Q. I believe it was in mid-August. A. I -- I honestly don't know. (Kobach Exhibit 4 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Ho) Okay. I'm going to show you a document that's been marked as Kobach Exhibit 4. This is an e-mail chain. and it includes an e-mail from you to Gene Hamilton dated November 9. 2016; is that correct? A. Yes. that is correct. Q. \Vho is Gene Hamilton? A. At the time. Gene Hamilton was one of the people on the presidential transition team -- President Trump's transition team. Q. \Vhat was his role on President Trump's transition team? A. $0 I should be more speci?c. There were a Page 31 KRIS KOBAC Q. (By Mr. Ho) I'm going to show you a document that's been marked as Kobach Exhibit 3. This is an emergency motion for a stay that you ?led in the 10th Circuit yesterday. Could you turn to page 6 of this document? The last full paragraph on this page. the last sentence reads "In sum. the information surrounding the mental thought processes of the Secretary when he drafted two pages in preparation for meeting the President-elect. is not relevant to the case at hand and should not be the subject of a special deposition." Did I read that correctly? A. Yes. you read that correctly. Q. Is that not a reference to Exhibit 1. your draft amendments to the National Voter Registration Act? A. I don't know what it's a reference to. I didn't draft this. but I'm telling you ?atly that I did not know I would ever be meeting with the President-elect when I drafted this because he was not elected as of -- I know I drafted this before October when the -- the date in October when the 10th Circuit ruled. So I could not have possibly drafted this in Page 33 KRIS several transition teams. This was the transition team having to do with the Department of Homeland Security and the issue of immigration. He was on that team. I was 011 that team. and he was kind of one of the people who was organizing it. coordinating phone calls. things like that. TSG Reporting Worldwide KO 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 10 of 35 Ill-ll'om 01.1. or Page 34 Page 36 Page 35 Q. (By Mr. Ho) 111 your e-mail to Mr. Hamilton. you write "Thanks. Cindy mentioned it that we will also be putting together infonnation 011 legislation drafts for submission to Congress early in already started regarding amendments to the NVRA to make clear that proof of citizenship requirements are pennitted." in parentheses. "based 011 my ongoing litigation with the ACLU over this." Did I read that right?? A. Yes. TSG Reporting Worldwide 0 977?702?9590 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 11 of 35 Page 3 8 Page Mr. Kobach. my question was a lot simpler I 45 than that. It was: I 47? hen you wrote to Mr. Hamilton in reference I 4?5 to amendments to the NVRA that. in your words. you had I 49 "ah?eady started." was that a reference to Exhibit 1. I '3 the document we discussed earlier titled Amendments to I :4 the National Voter Registration Act? I :3 MS. BECKER: Objection. Asked and I 33 answered. I :4 THE COURT: Overruled. He did not answer I :5 that question. Page 40 Page 4; KRIS KOBACH 4 KRIS KOBACH 3 A. Okay. I -- yes. In -- in the sense that I 3 So I think there -- there was a discussion was simply telling him had started work 011 one of the conference calls. But. to my knowledge. ?1 that. If the" -- again. I made reference to the the transition team -- at least the transition team I 5 litigation with the ACLU. If the ACLU won ill this was involved in never produced any legislative drafts. litigation. then it might be necessary for the Trump Q. No. My question wasn't what the transition 7 Administration to -- if the Tlump Administration team did or didn't do. My question was: 5 agreed that the -- it changed the meaning of the When you referenced "legislation drafts for 9 NVRA -- such a victOIy by the ACLU. that is -- then submission to Congress early in the administration." 1'3 this might be something that they -- they Wish to included among that idea of drafts of legislation for 14 con?der 13 the transition team ever put together any legislative XVRA: correct? 13 drafts. 13 A. You'll see that the e-mail discusses Q. (By H0) But in your e-mail you 14 two amendments. The other one was an amendment to 15 reference "legislation drafts for submission to 15 8 1623 regarding in-state tuition to illegal 15 Congress early in the administration"? 15 aliens. That issue is not in litigation. and that 17 A. Right. 17 would be something that. if the li- -- administration 13 Q. Right? 15? wanted to do early in its first year. they could do i 9? A. Yes. 19? right away. Drafts -- amendments to the NVRA were -- 3'3? Q. So the draft amendments to the NYRA are 3 are not necessary yet because the NVRA fully supports included in the category of "legislation drafts for 31 states that want to provide -- that want to require 33 submission to Congress early in the administration": 33 proof ofcitizenship. So the "early in :3 33 administration" would be more of a reference to 1623. 34 A. I would note that the transition team never 3 Q. So just so I understand your testimony. 35 did produce any legislative drafts that I'm aware of. :5 Mr. Kobach. your ?rst sentence after "Thanks" 11 T86 Reporting Worldwide 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 12 of 35 Page 43 KRIS KOBACH references "legislation drafts for submission to Congress early in the administration": correct? A. Yes. Q. Your second sentence immediately thereafter is have some ah?eady" -- have some already started regarding amendments to the And what you are testifying today is that the amendments to the NVRA are not among what you intended to reference when you described "legislation drafts for submission to Congress early in the administration: correct? A. I find it interesting that you didn't read the full second sentence because the rest of the second sentence refers to the amendment regarding in-state tuition to illegal aliens in violation of 8 U.S.C. 1623. And so that is what I was referring to in that -- the "early in the administration" part. As I've told you multiple times. there's no need to amend the NVRA to restore the original understanding of Congress that states may require proof of citizenship unless and until the 10th Circuit rules on ?nal jud- -- judgment in this case and the Supreme Court denies cert that -- that -- that your attempt to change the NV- -- NVRA is correct. So. no. there it is not necessary early in the administration. Page 44 Q. \Vas Exhibit 1 ever shared with anyone other than Garrett Roe or Bryan Caskey? A. It was not shared with anyone other than those two individuals. Q. Did you ever have -- other than this e-mail that we've talked about with Gene Hamilton -- any other with anyone regarding the existence of Exhibit 1. the draft amendments? A. Yes. I -- I did. Q. And who were those cormnunications with? A. I can recall specifically telling a friend of mine who is a congressman from Ohio -- Iowa. Steven King. that in the future. if we lose this case. an amendment might be necessary to restore the meaning of the NVRA. and that I -- would he be willing to introduce that amendment at that future date if -- if it were necessary. Q. Any other communications with anyone else regarding draft amendments to the MS. BECKER: Objection. Are -- are you referring to the document? I (A) Page 43 Page 45 KRIS KOBACH MR. HO: Yes. MS. BECKER: Correct? Okay. A. Not -- no. not specifically regar- -- regarding this -- this Document Number 1. Obviously. I -- you're going to -- another document. which talks in more general terms about amending the NVRA. but as far as this one. no. The only other person I can recall is -- is Congressman King. And. again. it was never sent to him. and it was just "If' -- "If ever the time comes. would you be willing to carry this amendment?? Q. (By lVIr. Ho) Any communications with anyone else regarding what you described as the "idea" of amending the MS. BECKER: Objection. Scope. A. Yeah. The -- THE COURT: Overruled. A. Yes. The idea of amending the NVRA is -- yeah -- is -- I've had multiple cornmuuications with people. Q. (By Mr. Ho) And with whom have you had those A. \Vell. obviously. the idea of amending the NV RA is in the final line of the document you have in TSG Reporting Worldwide 12 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 13 of 35 Page 46 Page 47 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 your hand. and since that doc- -- gosh. 2 3 Soto the extent that the idea is written. 3 A. It -- I don't recall any speci?c con- -- ?1 that is certainly out there. and -- because it's been ?1 conversations is -- is the answer to your question. 5 publicized but I can't recall communications about 5 Is it possible? Yes. but I -- I don't recall any. 6 it. no. 6 (Kobach Exhibit 5 was marked for 7 MR. ROE: Hey. Dale. can I -- one more 7 identi?cation.) 8 thing. For clari?cation. you asked about whether 8 Q. (By Mr. Ho) I?m going to show you what's 9 there were -- Whether the document was shared. 9 been marked as Kobach Exhibit 5. 10 Exhibit 1. I assume you're not referring to -- I 10 This is a document titled Department of 11 mean. obviously. it was shared with the Judge and 11 Homeland Security Kobach Strategic Plan for First 12 opposing counsel. You were asking beyond the people 12 365 Days: correct? 13 in this case: correct? You asked earlier. Exhibit 1. 13 A. Yes. 14 whether it's been shared with anyone else. and his 14 Q. What is this document? 15 response was only with myself and Bryan Caskey. 15 A. This -- 16 Obviously -- 16 MS. BECKER: Objection. The document 17 MR. HO: And the Court. 17 speaks for itself -- or form. Could you ask a 18 MR. ROE: Right. obviously. So it's the 13 speci?c question about it? 19 Court and opposing counsel. Okay. I just wanted to 19 THE COURT: Overruled. 20 clarify that for the record. 20 A. This document is a document that I prepared 7-1 A. Okay. Your question was about the idea of 21 before having a meeting with President-elect Trump in 22 amending the NVRA. 22 November of 2016. 23 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Yes. Have you had 23 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Did anyone else assist in the 24 communications with anyone else other than the peopl 24 preparation of this document? 7-5 we've already discussed about the idea of amending th 25 A. No. Page 48 Page 49 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 Q. How many page- - full - total pages is 2 Q. The last header on this document. Roman 3 this document? 3 numeral ?ve. reads "Stop aliens from voting": 4 A. It is one page. 4 correct? 5 Q. Okay. When did you say it was created? 5 A. Correct. 6 A. In November of 2016. 6 Q. And that header has three items under it. 7 Q. There are 23 items on this document: 7 the ?rst two of which are redacted: correct? 8 comer? 8 9 A. Yes. 9 Q. The third item. Item Number 23. reads 10 Q. And you took this document with you to a 10 "Draft Amendments to National Voter Registration Act 1 1 meeting with then President-elect Trump on 11 to." underlined. "promote proof of citizenship 12 November 20. 2016. in New Jersey: correct? 12 requirements": right? 13 A. I don't recall the exact date. but it was 13 A. Correct. 14 in New Jersey. yes. that sounds about right. 14 Q. And that is a reference to Exhibit 1. your 15 Q. Did you also bring your Exhibit 1. your 15 dra? amendments to the NVRA: correct? 1 6 dra? NVRA amendment to that meetingMS. BECKER: Objection. Form. 13 Q. What was the purpose of that meeting? 18 Mischaracterized the evidence. 19 A. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss 19 THE COURT: It?s moot. He's already 2 0 the ?Jture of the Department of Homeland Security an 20 answered question. 21 also to discuss the possibility that I might become 21 A. No. it's not. 22 Secretary of Homeland Security. 22 MS. BECKER: Slow down. 23 Q. You were photographed holding this 7-3 A. It -- it refers document. Exhibit 5. outside of that meeting: correct? 2?1 uncreated amendment. 25 A. Yes. 7-5 Q. (By Mr. Ho) And What exactly does this TSG Reporting Worldwide 13 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 14 of 35 Page 50 KRIS KOBACH refer to. if not your Exhibit 1? A. \Vell. the -- MS. BECKER: Object- -- I'm sorry. Objection. It assumes facts not in evidence. THE COURT: Overruled. A. The -- the draft of a draft amendment. Exhibit 1. would be a contingency if -- if ever Plaintiffs prevail in this case. It doesn't encourage 1) (?pI-xw Page Si KRIS A. Well. it -- I don't have the text of the original in ??ont of me. but I think the -- and. again. this is just a thought or -- you know. more of a thought. So there's no speci?c text I'm refening to. but the said that a state that had same-day registration by a certain date would not be subject to certain constraints in the And. you know. in theory. one could try to -- and -- and that was states to do anything. The concept on line number 23 1'3 encoruagernent for same-day registration. and so one of Exhibit 5 is if -- I mean. again. it's more just a 11 could -- if the NVRA were ever assessed in the future conceptual statement. If it could be -- you know. if 13 and reassessed and -- and amended. you could you guys prevail in this case. then that future 13 conceivably try to encoru?age states in the same way by amendment might need to in- -- incorporate some of saying that states that are protecting their voter Exhibit 1. But. really. it's -- it's more of a -- as 15? rolls with proof of citizenship. you know. may not be you may recall. the when it was drafted in 1993. 16 subject to some other provision in time -- intended to encouraged an implicit incentive to encourage states 17 secure the accuracy of the voter rolls. to do same-day registration. or it gave -- in essence. I it gave states that did same-day registration a sort I of benefrt. if you will. under the Act. And the idea I would be. at some point in the future. the I administration might want to give an incentive to do I proof of citizenship. I Q. (By Mr. Ho) And what do you mean by I incentive for proof of citizenship? I Page 53 Page 5 3 4 KRIS 3 Q. -- to keep the -- voter rolls clean that you would exempt 5 states from if they adopted -- proofof citizenship requirement? 5 A. It -- it's not -- there -- there are none 9 in the -- in the existing NV RA. as I'm sure you know. 13' other than the general admonition at the beginning of ii the "Purposes" section of the NV RA. which talks about 13 maintaining accurate voter rolls. So -- well. there 13 are. There -- you could -- you could argue that the provisions regarding 110w obsolete registrations 15 when -- when a person moves are designed to keep voter 15 rolls clean. 17 The point is that. it -- it doesn't refer 13 to anything speci?c. It?s -- if there were a future 19 bill to bring the NVRA up to date with the Internet 3 3' age. this is something that the administration can :1 consider. The purpose of this document. Exhibit question is. 33 it's just a -- it's a discussion piece. It's intended specifically: 33 to provide elements for possible discussion in a What are those other requirements -- 34 meeting. A. I -- 35 Q. And it's a discussion piece for the first TSG Reporting Worldwide 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 15 of 35 Page 54 Page 55 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 2 365 days of the Trump Administration: correct? 2 majority of what's redacted does. Absolutely. 3 A. Mostly -- actually. Item Number 23 doesn't 3 Q. How long was your meeting with 4 really fall within the ?rst 365 days. I don't think 4 President-elect Trump? 5 it's -- A. we wouldn't have had any ?nality in this 5 MS. BECKER: Objection. Scope. 6 litigation. So you wouldn?t know whether you guys in 5 THE COURT: Sustained. 7 the ACLU had succeeded in changing the meaning of th 7 MS. BECKER: Wait. Don't answer. 8 NVRA. I think it wouldn't be prudent to -- to draft 8 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Did anyone else attend your 9 any amendment to the NVRA until after this case is 9 meeting with President-elect Trump when you carried 10 concluded because you wouldn't want to kind of open up 10 this document into it? 11 the hood and start tinkering with the engine of the 11 MS. BECKER: Objection. Scope. 12 NVRA until you know whether you had succeeded in 12 THE COURT: As to that objection -- 13 changing the meaning of the NVRA. 13 MS. BECKER: And privileged. 14 So. really -- and so that -- so you don't 14 THE COURT: -- the objection is overruled. 15 know yet whether any of the language in Exhibit 1 15 A. Yes. The other attendees were. to the best 15 would have to be -- you know. would be -- would be 16 of my recollection. Reince Priebus. who subsequently 17 wise to be included in it. So I would say that Item 17 became Chief of Sta?; Steve Bannon. who became the 19 Number 23 doesn't really fall within the ?rst 13 President's strategic advisor: Stephen Miller. who is 19 365 days. It would be more accident. you know. 19 the President's -- now the President's domestic -- 20 Q. So the title of this document is something 20 sort of a domestic policy advisor. I'm not sure what 21 of a misnomer? When you say for ?rst 365 days -- 21 his title is exactly -- Jared Kushner. the President's 22 A. No. 22 son-in-law. I think that's it. 23 Q. -- not everything in the document relates 23 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Did you give -- 24 to the ?rst 365 days of 24 A. And -- and the President-elect. of course. 25 A. Correct. Not everything. but the vast 25 Q. Did you give a copy of this document to Page 56 Page 57 1 KRIS KOBACH 1 KRIS KOBACH 7- anyone at that meeting? 2 that is created by a judgment in this case that goes 3 A. Yes. I did give a copy of the document to 3 against the original meaning of the NVRA. You might 4 probably all of those individuals I just named. I 4 want to modernize the NVRA and bring it into the 5 I -- I think I brought in -- I don't know -- ?ve or 5 Internet age. and you might want to. you know. 6 six copies. 6 consider incentives. like in the original NVRA 7 Q. Did you give a copy of this document to 7 language to -- which incentivized same-day 8 anyone outside of that meeting? 8 registration. 9 A. No. 9 Q. Were any of those ideas discussed during 10 NR. ROE: And. again. obviously. the Com?t 10 your meeting with President-elect Trump? 11 and opposing cormsel? 11 A. I don't think so. In -- in other words. I 12 Q. (By Mr. Ho) With the -- 12 don't think we got to Item 23. 13 A. Yeah. I mean -- 13 Q. Did you discuss the National Voter 14 Q. -- exception of the Court and opposing 14 Registration Act during that meeting with President 15 counsel? 15 Tnunpright. At -- at the time. 16 A. I don't think so. 1 7 yeah. 17 Q. Did you discuss documentary proof of 18 Q. So I understand Item 23 on this document 18 citizenship requirements Mg the November 20 1 9 refers to an idea to amend the NVRA. That's your 19 meeting with President-elect Trump? 20 testimony: right? 20 MS. BECKER: Objection. Scope. 21 A. It's -- it's an idea in the future. as I 21 THE Overruled. 7-2 said. that if the NVRA were modernized at some point 22 A, I don't recall speci?cally. I don't think 23 a?er this case is done. then you -- you might want to 23 we -- I don't think so. I think I may have discussed 24 do a number of things. 24 the general issue of aliens voting. but I don't recall 2 5 You might want to correct any misimpression 25 documentary proof of citizenship requirements being TSG Reporting Worldwide 15 877?702?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 16 of 35 (.0 (fl Page 58 KRIS discussed. Q. (By Mr. Ho) When you say you may have discussed "the general issue of aliens voting. what do you mean by that? A. That we may have discussed the problem of noncitizens voting illegally in US. elections. Q. Did you discuss the extent of the problem of noncitizens voting illegally in US. elections?? MS. BECKER: Objection. Scope. THE COURT: Ovemlled. A. Q. (By Mr. Ho) What -- when you say that you discussed the problem of noncitizens voting in -- illegally in U.S. elections. what do you mean by that? A. I mean that noncitizens have regis- -- have successfully registered and have successfully voted in Kansas to the other states as well. and that it has the potential to -- well. it over- -- it effectively th??ach?aM\omevaynnwanmmnuai votes. and it potentially can swing the result of an election if the election is close. Page 60 Page 59 TSG Reporting Worldwide 977?703?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 17 of 35 ll) Page 62 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Have you had any other meetings with President Trump or members of the Trump Administration where documentary proofof citizenship for voter registration was discussed? MS. BECKER: Objection. Scope. THE COURT: Ovenuled. A. Yes. Because I am -- President Trump named me to be the vice of his Commission 011 Election Integrity. and that issue has been discussed in the context of the Commission on Election Integiity. and that Commission includes. as staff. members of his administration. Q. (By Mr. Ho) This document was drafted before the formation of that commission: con?ect'? THE COURT: \Vhich -- which are you refening to. Mr. Ho? MR. H0: 011. I'm sony. Q. (By Mr. Ho) Document -- Exhibit Number 5. your strategic plan for Homeland Security was drafted Page 64 I, Page 63 KRIS KOBACH before the fonnation of the Commission: correct? A. That is correct. Page 65 TSG Reporting Worldwide 977?703?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 18 of 35 Page 66 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Have you -- you testi?ed earlier that you've had discussions about documentary proof of citizenship requirements for voter registration with members or staff of the Commission: correct? A. I think I testi?ed that it -- it's possible I could -- that we have -- could have discussed that. We -- we have discussed the issue of noncitizen voting. I -- I don't know if -- I don't recall a speci?c discussion of documentary proof of citizenship requirements: although. I think in the open -- this would be public record. In the ?rst meeting of the Commission in the month of July. in my opening statement. I might have said something about Kansas having a documentary proof ofcitizenship requirement. So there might be a reference to it in that -- in that public statement. Page 68 15 Page 67 KRIS KOBACH Q. Other than that reference. can you recall any other conversations or communications with members of the Commission regarding documentary proof of citizenship requirements for voter registration? A. I think it's -- MS. BECKER: Objection. Asked and answered. THE COURT: That objection is overruled. A. I can't -- let's see. I am -- I am certain that I have discussed this lawsuit with staffof the Commission. So since this lawsuit principally concerns documentary proof of citizenship. I would say that the answer is probably. yes. that we -- that in -- in some sense. I have discussed the issue with them. Q. (By Mr. Ho) Who have you discussed the issue with specifically"? A. Most likely. it would be the designated federal of?cer of the Conunission. who is Andrew Kossack. And. possibly. also -- but I'm not certain -- the general counsel to the Vice President. Mark Paoletta. But. again. those are the two members of the Commission staff that I most frequently talk to. and I'm sure -- I just don't recall speci?cally. Page 69 Q. (By Mr. Ho) Mr. Kobach. you testi?ed earlier about conversations you had with Congressman Steve King -- A. Yes. Q. -- about docrunentary proof of citizenship requirements and am? -- amending the Do you remember that? MS. BECKER: Objection. lVIischaracterizes the evidence. A. I had a conversation with Steve -- THE COURT: Excuse me. The -- the TSG Reporting Worldwide 18 877?703?9580 Case Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page Page 70 KRIS KOBAC objection is ovemlled. THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. A. I had a conversation well. maybe more than one conversation with Steve King about in the if in the futm'e. if we lost this lawsuit. if we -- if it were necessary to amend the NVRA to restore the original meaning of the NVRA because you had succeeded in changing it through litigation. would he be willing to carry an amendment if I ever gave one to him. and he said yes. Q. (By Mr. Ho) You said you may have had more than one conversation? A. \Vell. I -- I talk with Steve King -- we're friends. So I -- I -- it?s -- yeah. I think I probably have said it to him on more than one telephone -- usually telephone conversations. Q. Do you know roughly when these communications happened where you asked him to potentially carry one of these amendments to the A. One would have been roughly about the time that I drafted this in the -- in the late slunmer earlier fall -- "this" being Exhibit 1 -- just thinking to myself -- again. planning ahead -- if ever this is necessaiy. you know. who would I consider if Page 72 MS. BECKER: Secretary Kobach has one clarification. He recalled an additional fact that he would like to -- to let Counsel know about in response to one of their early questions. A. Counsel. you asked if there were any other members of the administration that I had spoken to about -- I don't remember your exact phrasing. but about the issue of noncitizens -- the scope of I) r? Page 71 KRIS we lost this case to -- to -- to restore the original meaning by -- by carrying the amendment. the original meaning of the And then probably -- I think I've -- I think I've discussed it with him subsequently. maybe. late fall. early winter. Just. you know. checking to be stu?e. you know. "If ever this happens. can -- "would you be willing to carry it?" Q. Any time -- have you had any follow-up conversations since that time? A. Not about this subject. I -- I think I just had a conversation with him last week. but it had nothing to do with this. Page 73 KRIS KOBACH noncitizens registering. And you're already aware of this one. but I just wanted to -- because it's in some of our but I did speak with -- his last name is Ragsdale. He was at the time -- I think he was acting -- he might have been acting director of ICE at the time. maybe in anuaiy. And when we produced -- I can't remember the context. but when we -- we produced the number of noncitizens we had discovered. we -- and you may recall. we ran some of those noncitizens on 0111' voter rolls. We -- we gave those names to ICE to confmn that they were indeed noncitizens. And I spoke to Mr. Ragsdale about it. so he is -- and he's a member of the administration. He was also a member of the Obama Administration. but lms--I?wtwanmdtocku?y that -- that I discussed the issue with. MR. HO: Is that your only clari?cation? MS. BECKER: It is. Q. (By Mr. Ho) What exactly did you communicate to Mr. Ragsdale about noncitizens registering? A. It was a request. Could you -- I explained that we were in litigation. and that we were tiying to dial in on the number of -- we were trying to TSG Reporting Worldwide 877?703?9580 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 20 of 35 Page 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 KRIS KOBACH determine the number of noncitizens on our voter rolls, and that we had some names that we would like ICE to confirm their alien status of. Q. And when you sought to have ICE confirm the alien status of these individuals, what information about these individuals did you send to ICE? A. I think we sent -- I didn't send it personally. I think we sent their names, maybe their dates of birth. That's probably it. I don't know if we sent any other data fields, but just "Here are some names. Can you clarify whether these are noncitizens or -- or not? What their -- you know, have they naturalized? Things like that. Q. Roughly, how many names did you send to Mr. Ragsdale to confirm the alien status of such individuals? A. I think that's des- -- des- -- I don't know the exact number, but I think it's described in the expert report that Mr. Rickman did. Q. And, roughly, when did these communications with Mr. Ragsdale occur? A. I think it was January or February, but I -- it would be sometime early in the year. Q. And you said that you -- Page 75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 KRIS KOBACH A. Of 2017. Q. And you said that you didn't have these communications with Mr. Ragsdale. Who did? A. No. I had the communication with Mr. Ragsdale. I -- I spoke to him on the telephone. Q. I see. But you did not send the actual names to Mr. Ragsdale; correct? A. I can't recall. Either -MS. BECKER: Personally. A. -- either I -- either I forwarded -- either the names would have been given to me by Bryan Caskey, who you know is our director of elections, and then I would have forwarded them to Mr. Ragsdale or Mr. Caskey would have given them directly to Mr. Ragsdale. Q. (By Mr. Ho) And was this information communicated -- these names, I mean, communicated to Mr. Ragsdale, verbally or in writing? A. What do you mean "this information"? Q. The names of the individuals -A. Oh, no. I wouldn't have communicated them verbally. I wouldn't -- I would not have read through names. No. It would have been -- it would have been a data file. Page 76 Page 77 . TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 20 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 21 of 35 1 2 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 KRIS KOBACH CERTIFICATE OF REPORTER 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 ___________________________________________ Lauren N. Lawrence, RPR, KS CCR #1690 Notary Public, State of Missouri JURAT 2 3 I, Lauren N. Lawrence, Registered Professional Reporter, Kansas Certified Court Reporter #1690, and Notary Public within and for the State of Missouri, do hereby certify that the witness whose testimony appears in the foregoing deposition was duly sworn by me; that the testimony of said witness was taken by me to the best of my ability and thereafter reduced to typewriting under my direction; that I am neither counsel for, related to, nor employed by any of the parties to the action in which this deposition was taken, and further, that I am not a relative or employee of any attorney or counsel employed by the parties thereto, nor financially or otherwise interested in the outcome of the action. Dated: August 15, 2017 19 20 1 4 5 6 7 8 I, , do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I have read the foregoing transcript of my deposition taken on ; that I have made such corrections as appear noted herein in ink, initialed by me; that my testimony as contained herein, as corrected, is true and correct. 9 10 11 DATED this ____ day of _____________, 20 , at _____________________________, . 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 __________________________________ SIGNATURE OF WITNESS 19 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 21 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 22 of 35 Page 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ERRATA SHEET Case Name: Deposition Date: Deponent: Pg. No. Now Reads Should Read ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ ___ ___ __________ __________ Reason ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 20 _____________________ 21 Signature of Deponent 22 23 24 25 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN BEFORE ME THIS ____ DAY OF __________, 2017. ____________________ (Notary Public) MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:__________ TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580 22 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 23 of 35 Page 1 A a m (1) 5:12 ability (2) 65:4 80:10 able (4) 6:13 19:20 59:8 64:24 absent (1) 26:14 absolutely (2) 10:5 55:2 accident (1) 54:19 account (7) 33:9,15,23,25 34:7 36:2,10 accounts (1) 33:22 accuracy (2) 51:17,18 accurate (4) 7:10 52:11,12 53:12 accurately (1) 65:5 ACLU (7) 15:12 19:19 37:17 40:5,5,9 54:7 ACLU's (2) 19:17,18 Act (15) 2:10 10:9 11:16,17,25 15:10 18:10 20:4 28:21 31:18 39:21 43:22 49:10 50:20 57:14 acting (2) 73:6,6 action (2) 80:13,17 actual (1) 75:7 add (2) 18:22 39:12 additional (1) 72:19 addressing (1) 7:17 adjourned (1) 79:11 adjudicated (1) 25:17 administration (25) 37:13 39:6 40:7,7,16 40:22 41:9,11,17,23 42:3,11,17,25 44:2 44:4 50:22 53:20 54:2 61:25 62:9,18 72:23 73:14,15 admonition (1) 53:10 adopt (1) 51:20 adopted (4) 24:5,13 25:6 53:5 advise (2) 64:24 65:4 advisor (2) 55:18,20 affirmed (2) 26:7,9 age (2) 53:20 57:5 ago (2) 7:17 34:5 agree (1) 18:25 agreed (3) 5:2 7:5 40:8 ahead (3) 34:20 60:18 70:24 al (1) 8:9 alien (5) 74:4,6,16 76:9,21 aliens (5) 41:16 42:15 49:3 57:24 58:4 allow (2) 5:17 59:6 amend (4) 42:18 56:19 68:23 70:7 amended (1) 51:12 amending (7) 45:8,15,19,24 46:22 46:25 69:20 amendment (29) 6:23 10:8 12:24,24 15:21 18:19 19:11 22:4,5,22 23:5,6 24:5,13 25:6 30:4 35:18 41:14 42:14 44:18,20 45:12 48:16 49:24 50:7,14 54:9 70:10 71:3 amendments (38) 2:9 11:15,24 15:9 16:3 17:11 18:13 20:3,8 28:20 29:23 30:5 31:17 36:12,14 36:17,22 37:14,20 37:22 39:18,20 40:20 41:11,14,19 42:7,8 43:21 44:12 44:23 49:10,15 62:2 64:4 68:13 70:20 71:17 AMERICAN (1) 4:10 amount (3) 12:8 14:20 18:24 Amy (1) 4:19 and/or (1) 59:23 Andrew (1) 67:20 answer (10) 9:12 16:10,15 18:15 39:24 47:4 55:7 60:18 62:6 67:14 answered (7) 17:6 39:23 49:20 59:20 65:20 67:8 68:5 answers (2) 22:3 59:6 anticipate (1) 7:14 anticipation (1) 30:22 anticipatory (1) 6:9 Anyway (1) 38:13 Appeal (1) 2:16 appear (1) 81:6 appearance (1) 8:12 APPEARING (3) 4:3,8,14 appears (1) 80:8 appli (1) 24:19 applicant (1) 14:24 applicants (15) 12:17 13:8 15:8 16:7 18:12 20:11 22:15 23:2 24:9,15 25:10 26:13 27:18 28:25 29:24 application (4) 14:3,3,17,18 TSG Reporting - Worldwide appointed (1) 64:22 appropriate (1) 6:15 April (5) 7:12 13:18 15:24 16:18 19:9 argue (1) 53:13 argued (4) 12:14,18 13:5 16:4 argument (9) 13:10 14:10 17:9 18:6 22:19,20 23:20 32:4 32:7 arguments (1) 65:12 asked (18) 17:5 18:14 24:3 25:3 27:15 35:12 37:4 39:10,22 46:8,13 59:19 65:19 67:7 68:5 70:19 72:22 78:22 asking (8) 5:19 6:2 14:10 18:16 21:5 27:5 46:12 79:8 assess (2) 14:23 28:3 assessed (1) 51:11 assessment (1) 38:17 assist (1) 47:23 assume (4) 6:10 46:10 76:23 77:11 assumes (1) 50:5 attempt (1) 42:23 attend (1) 55:8 attendees (1) 55:15 attorney (7) 27:6 29:3 34:10 63:15 63:23 68:6 80:15 attorney-client (1) 33:19 attorney-work (1) 65:12 Attorney/Law (1) 4:19 877-702-9580 August (4) 1:22 3:17 8:7 80:18 authority (5) 12:16 13:7 15:6 16:5 18:10 Avenue (4) 3:18 4:5,16 6:25 aware (16) 9:13 13:4 20:3 22:11 22:17,20 26:6,9,11 29:22 30:8 40:25 73:2 78:11,14,21 B B (1) 2:7 back (5) 17:24 21:20 52:6 69:13 72:16 Bannon (1) 55:17 based (2) 37:16 79:4 bases (2) 27:7 29:7 basically (1) 39:10 basis (1) 59:12 bearing (1) 22:5 Becker (84) 4:15 5:14,14 6:7,8,16 8:20,20 11:19 14:7 16:8,11 17:5,12,18 17:20 20:12,21,24 21:2,5,12 27:5,23 29:2 33:18 34:10,20 36:23 39:22 44:24 45:3,16 47:16 49:17 49:22 50:4 51:22 55:5,7,11,13 57:20 58:10,24 59:9,19 60:5,12,15,20 61:3 61:9,17,22 62:3,11 63:7,15,23 65:11,19 66:3 67:7 68:5,8,25 69:22 71:18 72:2,4 72:7,12,18 73:19 75:10 76:2,11 77:7 78:9 79:3,6,9,12 beginning (1) 53:10 behalf (11) 1:8,21 3:7,22,24 8:14 8:16,18,20,23 9:4 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 24 of 35 Page 2 belief (1) 59:12 believe (8) 32:9 35:19 38:15 52:3 52:6 58:18 59:18 77:15 bench (1) 12:21 benefit (1) 50:20 best (3) 55:15 72:9 80:10 beyond (5) 46:12 58:18 59:12,13 59:18 bill (2) 19:23 53:19 birth (1) 74:10 bit (2) 7:21 59:4 Bonney (3) 4:10 8:18,18 BOYNTON (3) 1:6 3:5,21 brackets (2) 14:21,22 Branch (1) 39:7 brief (17) 13:16,17,24 15:4,12 15:22 16:18 17:10 18:7,18 19:9,14,18 19:25 64:14 65:5,13 briefing (7) 13:6 17:3 18:4 22:7 27:13 33:13 66:5 briefs (8) 9:20,22 10:2,3,4 16:19,20 19:18 bring (3) 48:15 53:19 57:4 broad (2) 4:11 35:9 broadcast (1) 65:2 brought (2) 25:15 56:5 Bryan (3) 44:6 46:15 75:12 BUCCI (3) 1:5 3:4,21 C C (1) 4:2 call (2) 38:16 43:10 calls (5) 20:12 29:2 33:7 38:9 41:3 capacity (8) 1:13,15 3:12,14,23,24 5:15 8:21 Capitol (2) 38:19,20 carefully (1) 22:3 carried (1) 55:9 carry (4) 45:12 70:10,20 71:8 carrying (1) 71:3 case (50) 1:10 3:9 8:8,9 9:21 10:3,10 12:13,25 13:5,16 15:13,22 17:3 18:4,20,23 19:20 20:9 22:4,7,7 22:14 24:20,21 25:12,15,17,22 26:4 26:23 28:3 29:16,21 31:12 33:17 42:22 44:17 46:13 50:9,13 54:9 56:23 57:2 64:16 66:5 71:2 77:6,13 82:2 Caskey (4) 44:6 46:15 75:12,15 category (1) 40:21 cause (1) 3:20 CCR (3) 3:19 4:22 80:21 cer (1) 11:11 cert (5) 15:16 22:8,9 25:22 42:23 certain (8) 3:19 11:11,13 51:7,8 64:15 67:10,22 certainly (4) 16:13,20 17:18 46:4 CERTIFICATE (1) 80:2 Certified (1) 80:5 certify (2) 80:7 81:3 cha (1) 24:23 chain (2) 32:15 65:24 chairman (1) 62:14 change (10) 13:2 15:5,14 16:23 18:9,21 23:9 26:5 42:24 68:15 changed (3) 29:15 40:8 43:17 changes (1) 11:16 changing (3) 54:7,13 70:9 characterization (1) 26:18 characterize (1) 27:9 CHARLES (3) 1:6 3:5,21 checking (1) 71:7 Chief (2) 4:4 55:17 chiming (1) 38:9 Cindy (6) 37:10 43:9,10,13,15 43:16 Circuit (20) 10:19 15:16 16:22 22:8 23:9 26:6,9,11 26:19 27:10,12,14 28:2,6,7,16 31:5,24 32:5 42:21 Circuit's (8) 26:18 27:3,8,16,19 28:12 68:16,18 citizen's (1) 58:21 citizenship (43) 12:16 13:7 15:7 16:6 18:11 19:4,24 20:10 22:15,25 24:8,14 25:9 26:13,21 27:3 27:18 28:25 29:25 37:15 41:22 42:20 49:11 50:23,25 51:15,21 52:13,18 53:7 57:18,25 62:9 63:21 66:11,19,24 67:5,13 68:20,24 69:19 77:4 City (4) TSG Reporting - Worldwide 1:19 3:18 4:6 7:2 CIVIL (1) 4:10 clarification (7) 5:16 19:5 46:8 72:19 73:18 76:15 79:5 clarify (9) 10:22 19:20 21:23 29:12 46:20 73:16 74:12 77:8,19 clean (3) 52:21 53:4,16 clear (5) 17:19 19:11 36:9 37:3 37:15 Clerk (1) 4:19 close (1) 58:23 closed (1) 14:22 co-counsel (1) 9:24 coaching (2) 17:17 20:19 coincidence (3) 16:2,9 19:15 colon (1) 12:7 comes (1) 45:11 coming (1) 20:15 commence (1) 8:3 commenced (1) 5:12 comment (1) 14:10 commission (20) 62:14,16,17,20 63:2,4 63:22 64:6,23,25 65:10,18 66:5,12,21 67:4,12,20,24 82:25 communicate (1) 73:21 communicated (3) 75:18,18,22 communication (2) 73:4 75:5 communications (17) 43:3 44:11,14,22 45:13,20,23 46:5,24 63:20 67:3 70:19 74:21 75:4 76:7,20 78:20 877-702-9580 compel (2) 33:12,13 components (1) 18:15 computer (4) 11:7,8,9,10 con (1) 47:3 conceivable (3) 29:14 37:7 43:12 conceivably (1) 51:13 concept (1) 50:10 conceptual (2) 50:12 52:15 concerning (3) 36:12,14,17 concerns (1) 67:13 concisely (1) 17:15 concluded (3) 22:5 54:10 79:16 conclusion (1) 21:6 conclusively (1) 26:20 conducted (1) 34:6 conference (4) 38:9,16 41:3 43:10 confident (1) 21:11 confidentiality (1) 7:7 confidentially (1) 65:4 confirm (5) 73:12 74:4,5,16 77:4 Congress (15) 15:18 19:5,20 23:12 24:24 25:20 29:11 29:12 37:12 40:16 40:22 41:9 42:3,11 42:20 Congress's (1) 39:8 congressman (4) 44:16 45:9 69:16 71:15 consider (4) 40:11 53:21 57:6 70:25 consideration (1) 25:20 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 25 of 35 Page 3 Consolidated (1) 2:11 constraints (1) 51:8 consult (2) 15:11 16:24 contain (1) 34:25 contained (1) 81:8 containing (1) 78:15 contemporaneously... 7:3 content (1) 37:5 context (3) 38:6 62:16 73:8 contingency (7) 12:19 15:15 18:19 23:6,23 24:2 50:8 contingent (1) 16:21 contrary (1) 23:10 conversation (8) 43:10,11 69:24 70:4,5 70:13 71:12 76:12 conversations (9) 38:8 43:6 47:4 67:3 68:4 69:16 70:17 71:10,14 coordinating (1) 33:6 copies (3) 56:6 76:6,19 copy (3) 55:25 56:3,7 correct (66) 9:15,16,18 10:11,25 11:3,17,25 12:3,4 12:10,17 13:9 15:10 15:19,23 16:7 17:3 17:11 18:13 19:15 22:16 23:3 24:10,11 26:8,16 27:4,22 30:11 32:17,18 33:9 33:10,13,14 40:23 41:12 42:3,11,24 43:23,24 45:3 46:13 47:12 48:8,12,24 49:4,5,7,8,13,15 54:2,25 56:25 62:20 63:2,3 64:6,16 66:13 75:8 81:8 corrected (1) 81:8 corrections (1) 81:6 correctly (6) 12:11 15:2 20:15 27:9 31:14,15 counsel (23) 5:3,3,13 7:24 8:12 9:17 14:5 17:15 20:13 21:9 22:2 34:11 46:12,19 56:11,15 58:24 63:16 67:22 72:20 72:22 80:12,15 country (1) 38:10 course (3) 17:4 22:19 55:24 court (92) 1:2 3:2,18,20 4:3,4,5 4:22 5:13,21 6:7,9 7:10,17 8:11,25 14:11 15:16 16:13 17:7,14,19,21 20:13 20:22,25 21:3,8,14 21:20 22:9,10 25:22 27:7,25 29:7,15,20 33:21 34:12 36:25 39:24 42:22 45:18 46:17,19 47:19 49:19 50:6 51:23 55:6,12,14 56:10,14 57:21 58:11 59:3,21 60:8,10,13,16,18 61:5,11,18,23 62:4 62:12,21 63:8,17,25 65:14,21 67:9 68:7 68:10 69:2,5,9,25 71:19,24 72:9 76:14 77:10 79:4,7,10 80:5 Court's (3) 5:16 68:11,13 Courthouse (1) 6:25 courts (1) 15:20 created (3) 7:18 48:5 57:2 creation (2) 7:19 21:7 criteria (4) 34:13,15,18 36:7 cross (1) 79:4 cross-exam (1) 71:24 cross-examine (1) 59:8 current (2) 26:22 68:21 D D (1) 2:2 Dale (3) 4:9 8:14 46:7 Danjuma (4) 4:9 8:16,16 71:20 data (2) 74:11 75:25 date (8) 8:7 31:24 32:6 44:20 48:13 51:7 53:19 82:3 dated (6) 2:17 6:20 13:18 32:16 80:18 81:10 dates (1) 74:10 day (4) 34:23 40:11 81:10 82:23 days (7) 2:21 47:12 54:2,4,19 54:21,24 DC (1) 38:10 decide (1) 24:22 decision (1) 10:23 deemed (1) 69:3 deems (4) 6:15 12:10 14:21 19:12 defendant (5) 4:14 5:15 8:21,24 12:25 Defendant's (1) 2:22 Defendants (8) 1:17 3:16,24 5:4 6:18 13:24 14:15 22:10 defined (1) 7:11 delete (6) 12:7 35:23 36:2,5,6,7 deleted (3) 36:11,14 37:6 deleting (1) TSG Reporting - Worldwide 36:8 deliberate (1) 28:15 denied (1) 22:8 denies (3) 15:16 25:22 42:23 Dennis (1) 4:21 Department (5) 2:19 33:3 43:19 47:10 48:20 Deponent (2) 82:4,21 deposed (1) 21:6 deposition (22) 1:20 3:17 5:4,12 6:6 6:19,21,24 7:3,4,6,8 7:11,15 8:8 31:13 36:24 79:16 80:8,14 81:5 82:3 des (2) 74:18,18 describe (1) 63:19 described (3) 42:10 45:14 74:19 DESCRIPTION (1) 2:8 designated (1) 67:19 designed (1) 53:15 Desiree (2) 2:18 4:20 determine (2) 68:22 74:2 dial (1) 73:25 different (3) 20:6 34:15 61:14 direct (5) 7:5,25 18:15 28:2 39:8 direction (2) 39:5 80:11 directly (2) 7:22 75:15 director (2) 73:6 75:13 disagree (2) 27:11,13 disclosure (1) 65:7 discovered (1) 877-702-9580 73:10 discovery (3) 9:23 33:17 77:13 discretion (2) 19:6,8 discuss (13) 28:11 48:19,21 57:13 57:17 58:8 59:12,16 60:2,22,24 61:6 71:15 discussed (26) 37:22 39:20 46:25 57:9,23 58:2,4,6,14 59:11,22 61:21 62:2 62:10,15 63:5,13 65:17 66:16,16 67:11,15,17 68:2 71:5 73:17 discusses (1) 41:13 discussion (7) 41:2 53:22,23,25 59:14 66:18 69:4 discussions (1) 66:10 disincentivize (1) 6:12 dispositive (2) 10:3,4 disputes (1) 7:3 District (13) 1:2,3 3:2,3,18,20,20 4:3,4,4,5 8:10,11 doc (1) 46:2 document (50) 6:15,24 10:6,24 11:15 11:24 13:19 14:9 15:15 21:7 25:25 26:24 29:5 30:8,10 30:14 31:3,6 32:3 32:14 33:11 34:8 39:20 44:25 45:5,7 45:25 46:9 47:10,14 47:16,20,20,24 48:3 48:7,10,24 49:2 53:21 54:20,23 55:10,25 56:3,7,18 62:19,24 64:10 documentary (29) 12:16 13:7 15:7 16:6 18:11 20:10 22:14 22:25 24:7,14 25:9 26:12 27:2,17 28:24 29:24 51:20 57:17 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 26 of 35 Page 4 57:25 62:9 63:21 66:10,18,23 67:4,13 68:20,24 69:19 documents (21) 5:17,18,25 6:2,4,13 7:13,16,18,23 33:16 33:25 34:3,7 36:16 36:16 61:10 64:15 65:2,8,17 doing (2) 6:5 66:6 domestic (2) 55:19,20 Donald (4) 61:16,20,25 63:5 DONNA (3) 1:5 3:4,21 dot (3) 14:19,19,19 Doug (1) 4:10 DOUGLAS (3) 1:6 3:5,21 draft (40) 6:23 10:8,13,13,15,15 11:20,20 12:22,22 15:8,9,21 16:2 17:11 18:13 19:11 20:3 22:5 29:22 30:2,4,4 31:17,20 32:3 37:22 38:23 40:20 43:21 44:12 44:23 48:16 49:10 49:15 50:7,7 52:19 54:8 64:3 drafted (21) 10:16,25 11:3 17:10 18:13,18 24:23 30:10,14,16,23 31:10,22,23,25 50:16 52:2,3 62:19 62:25 70:22 drafting (4) 15:12 16:20 20:2 29:13 drafts (13) 37:12 39:6,9 40:13,15 40:21,25 41:5,8,10 41:19 42:2,10 driver's (2) 14:4,18 duly (2) 9:4 80:9 duties (2) 64:4 65:9 duty (1) 64:22 E e (5) 2:2,7 4:2,2 78:14 e-mail (26) 2:17 32:15,15 33:8 35:4,10 36:18,19 37:9,23 38:7,13 39:14 40:14 41:13 43:2,5 44:9 65:24 76:24,25 77:2,18,21 77:25 78:15 e-mails (9) 34:24 35:23 36:2,3,12 36:14 37:6 77:3,11 earlier (11) 29:4 30:17 37:4,22 39:20 46:13 59:24 63:20 66:10 69:16 70:23 earliest (1) 30:18 early (15) 10:18 37:12 40:16,22 41:9,11,18,22 42:3 42:11,17,25 71:6 72:21 74:24 ECF (2) 6:21 7:12 effect (7) 23:3 24:8,22 25:4,6 25:11 28:19 effectively (1) 58:20 efforts (1) 68:22 either (6) 39:14 65:22 75:9,11 75:11,11 elected (1) 31:23 election (13) 14:23 38:14 58:23,23 59:25 60:4 61:2,6 62:15,16 64:5,23 65:10 elections (5) 58:7,9,15 63:22 75:13 elements (1) 53:23 eligibility (1) 14:23 emergency (2) 2:15 31:4 employed (2) 80:13,16 employee (1) 80:15 enable (1) 14:22 enacted (2) 22:22 24:24 encourage (4) 50:9,17 51:13 52:16 encouraged (1) 50:17 encouragement (1) 51:10 engaged (1) 68:23 engine (1) 54:11 entire (2) 18:23 35:4 ERRATA (1) 82:1 essence (3) 13:24 14:15 50:18 essentially (1) 16:3 et (1) 8:9 eventuality (2) 23:15 25:23 evidence (7) 6:22 16:9 49:18 50:5 60:6 69:23 71:15 evidently (2) 22:2 34:15 exact (3) 48:13 72:24 74:19 exactly (5) 12:13 49:25 55:21 73:20 77:23 exam (1) 7:25 examination (3) 2:5 7:5 9:6 examined (2) 3:17 9:4 exception (1) 56:14 Excuse (1) 69:25 executive (3) 38:24 39:5,7 exempt (2) 51:19 53:4 exemptions (1) 52:20 exercise (1) TSG Reporting - Worldwide 23:14 Exhibit (48) 2:9,11,15,17,19,22 5:10 10:7,25 13:12 13:16 15:23 28:21 30:8,24 31:3,16 32:4,11,14 37:21 38:5 39:19 43:20,25 44:5,12 46:10,13 47:6,9 48:15,24 49:14 50:2,8,11,15 53:21 54:15 62:24 64:3,11,14 65:22,23 65:24 70:23 exhibits (2) 65:17,25 existed (1) 52:4 existence (2) 36:18 44:12 existing (1) 53:9 exists (1) 77:2 expect (1) 17:15 expert (1) 74:20 EXPIRES (1) 82:25 explained (1) 73:23 expressed (1) 23:11 expressly (1) 5:8 extends (1) 58:18 extensively (1) 38:20 extent (3) 46:3 58:8 71:16 F fact (4) 21:7,9 72:19 76:14 facts (1) 50:5 fair (1) 26:17 fall (6) 10:18 30:17 54:4,18 70:23 71:6 far (1) 45:8 February (1) 877-702-9580 74:23 federal (5) 13:2 15:14 18:20 19:3 67:20 fields (1) 74:11 file (2) 12:23 75:25 filed (2) 13:16 31:4 filings (1) 9:20 final (9) 12:20,21,23 22:20 23:7 25:21 29:10 42:21 45:25 finality (1) 54:5 Finally (1) 64:20 financially (1) 80:16 find (2) 19:8 42:12 finished (1) 38:6 first (19) 2:21 9:4 23:14 34:14 34:22 37:25 41:18 41:25 47:11 49:7 53:25 54:4,18,21,24 61:15 64:20,20 66:21 Fish (4) 1:5 3:4,20 8:9 five (5) 11:23 49:3 56:5 58:25 59:7 flatly (1) 31:20 floor (1) 23:11 focusing (1) 77:14 follow-up (1) 71:9 followed (2) 38:7,13 follows (3) 9:5 14:2,16 Ford (2) 19:22 23:25 Ford's (1) 23:11 foregoing (2) 80:8 81:4 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 27 of 35 Page 5 form (12) 12:23 20:12,17,18 21:3 27:5 29:2 38:6 47:17 49:17 60:12 63:23 formation (3) 62:20 63:2,4 former (1) 63:17 forwarded (2) 75:11,14 foundation (2) 6:14 11:21 four (1) 69:5 fourth (1) 13:23 frankly (2) 23:17 27:10 frequently (1) 67:24 friend (1) 44:15 friends (1) 70:15 front (5) 5:19 24:21 27:9 28:12 51:3 fulfilling (2) 64:22 65:9 full (4) 31:7 42:13 48:2 64:20 fully (1) 41:20 further (2) 7:11 80:14 future (22) 16:22 17:14 18:19 19:5,19 23:6,12 29:16,20,21 30:14 44:17,20 48:20 50:13,21 51:11 52:16,19 53:18 56:21 70:6 G Garrett (3) 8:23 44:6 72:5 Gene (5) 32:16,19,20 44:10 65:24 general (5) 45:7 53:10 57:24 58:4 67:22 give (9) 18:15 21:11 38:6 50:22 52:20 55:23 55:25 56:3,7 given (6) 21:8 34:23 35:15 75:12,15 76:14 Gmail (7) 33:8,15,22,24 34:6 36:2,10 go (6) 23:2 34:20 59:7 60:18 69:7 79:11 goes (1) 57:2 going (21) 5:23 6:10,11 8:6 10:6 13:14 21:22 30:15 30:19 31:2 32:13 35:9 45:6 47:8 59:6 64:8 69:10,13 72:11 72:16 79:14 gosh (1) 46:2 grant (1) 23:19 granted (1) 22:9 guess (2) 7:13 24:18 guidance (1) 16:19 guys (2) 50:13 54:6 H H (1) 2:7 Hamilton (9) 32:16,19,20 37:10 38:3 39:17 43:3 44:10 65:25 hand (6) 10:6 13:14 19:18 20:2 31:12 46:2 happened (2) 39:13 70:19 happens (1) 71:8 Hayden (1) 43:16 head (1) 32:8 header (2) 49:2,6 Hearing (1) 8:2 held (3) 6:24 22:12 69:4 helpful (1) 20:23 helps (1) 34:11 Henson (1) 4:19 Hey (1) 46:7 Hill (2) 38:19,20 hinder (1) 65:3 hinges (1) 18:23 hits (1) 36:4 Ho (83) 2:5 4:9 5:21,22 6:12 8:14,14 9:7 11:22 11:23 13:14 14:12 16:10 17:2,8,24 18:5 19:10 21:19 22:11 27:10,15 28:17 29:22 31:2 32:13 33:24 34:17 35:17 37:2,9 40:14 45:2,13,22 46:17,23 47:8,23 49:25 50:24 52:22 55:8,23 56:12 58:3,13 59:7,10,24 60:23 61:6,12,19,24 62:7,19,22,23,24 63:9,19 64:3,9,13 65:16 66:9 67:17 68:10,12 69:5,6,15 70:12 71:22 73:18 73:20 75:17 76:6,19 77:19 78:10,25 holding (1) 48:23 Homeland (7) 2:19 33:3 43:19 47:11 48:20,22 62:25 honestly (1) 32:10 Honor (8) 5:14,22 6:16 59:9 69:6 71:21,23 72:7 hood (1) 54:11 hope (1) 29:12 hour (1) 59:7 HUTCHINSON (3) TSG Reporting - Worldwide 1:7 3:6,21 hypothetical (2) 29:16 52:19 hypothetically (1) 38:3 I i.e (1) 7:8 ICE (11) 73:7,12 74:4,5,7 76:7 76:21 77:2,4 78:10 78:22 idea (17) 12:18 25:13,18 29:20 41:10 45:14,19,24 46:3,21,25 50:20 51:20,25 52:11 56:19,21 ideas (1) 57:9 identical (3) 15:8 16:3 19:13 identification (6) 5:11 13:13 30:25 32:12 47:7 64:12 identified (2) 15:5 34:9 identifying (1) 63:11 illegal (2) 41:15 42:15 illegally (3) 58:7,9,15 immediately (1) 42:5 immigration (3) 33:4 38:21 43:18 implicit (2) 34:25 50:17 impose (9) 20:9 22:14 24:14 25:8 26:12 27:2,17 28:24 68:19 impossible (1) 19:17 impression (1) 29:8 impressions (3) 27:6 28:15 29:3 in-state (2) 41:15 42:15 incentive (3) 50:17,22,25 incentives (1) 57:6 877-702-9580 incentivized (1) 57:7 include (1) 64:23 included (3) 40:21 41:10 54:17 includes (2) 32:15 62:17 inconceivable (1) 19:25 incorporate (1) 50:14 incorrectly (1) 28:5 incredible (1) 23:20 incumbent (1) 23:12 individuals (9) 44:8 56:4 74:6,7,17 75:21 76:5,8 77:5 information (12) 6:22 7:20 12:8,9 14:21 18:24 19:12 31:8 37:11 74:6 75:17,20 informing (1) 76:12 initial (3) 26:2 34:2 39:5 initialed (1) 81:7 injunction (24) 2:14 10:20,23 13:5,18 17:3,10 18:3,7,8 19:14 20:8 22:6,12 22:23,24 23:8,19 24:10,16 25:8 26:8 26:10 32:5 ink (1) 81:7 instance (1) 20:16 Integrity (2) 62:15,17 intended (7) 23:5 24:17 25:19 42:9 51:16 53:22 68:22 intent (3) 24:22 25:3 29:13 interest (2) 64:21 65:8 interested (1) 80:17 interesting (2) 19:8 42:12 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 28 of 35 Page 6 interfere (1) 6:6 Internet (3) 52:4 53:19 57:5 interpret (1) 27:12 interpretation (2) 13:25 14:15 interrogation (1) 6:11 introduce (1) 44:20 inventory (1) 38:22 inviting (1) 79:7 involved (1) 41:5 involvement (1) 39:8 Iowa (1) 44:16 irregularities (1) 61:7 irrelevant (1) 28:23 issue (13) 6:8 28:23 33:4 41:16 57:24 58:4 60:22 62:15 66:16 67:15 67:18 72:25 73:17 issued (3) 10:23 22:19 36:15 issues (5) 7:22 14:25 38:21 39:3 39:14 item (10) 12:5,12 15:8 16:2 49:9,9 54:3,17 56:18 57:12 items (4) 11:23 48:7 49:6 77:14 J J (4) 1:6 3:5,21 81:1 James (2) 4:4,20 January (2) 73:7 74:23 Jared (1) 55:21 Jersey (2) 48:12,14 Job (1) 1:25 JORDAN (3) 1:14 3:13,23 jud (1) 42:22 judge (22) 4:4,20 6:19 10:20,22 15:14 18:20 22:11 22:17,19,23 23:18 24:9,16,20 25:7,13 25:14 26:7,10 46:11 79:13 Judge's (1) 22:22 judges (3) 13:2 18:21 23:9 judgment (5) 12:21 25:21 29:10 42:22 57:2 judgments (1) 23:7 judiciary (2) 19:3 26:5 July (4) 2:17 6:20 30:18 66:22 June (1) 7:12 K Kansas (41) 1:3,8,14,16,19 3:3,7 3:13,15,18,18,18,20 3:22,23,24 4:4,6,6 4:15,16 6:25 7:2 8:11 9:14 11:9 22:14 24:14 25:8 26:12,23 27:22 28:24 52:13 58:18 58:19 59:11,13,18 66:23 80:5 Kansas's (2) 22:25 24:7 keep (4) 52:10,21 53:2,15 keeps (1) 52:12 kind (3) 33:5 52:5 54:10 kinds (1) 52:9 King (6) 44:17 45:10 69:17 70:5,14 71:15 know (52) 25:11,13 29:17 30:15 30:19 31:19,21,23 32:10 35:4,25,25 37:8 38:23 39:11 43:13 50:12 51:4,8 51:15 52:2,5,15,19 53:9 54:6,12,15,16 54:19 56:5 57:5 66:7,17 70:18,25 71:7,7 72:20 74:10 74:13,18 75:13 76:2 76:3,23,24 77:3 78:5,9,11,24 knowledge (3) 36:11,13 41:3 Kobach (114) 1:1,12,20 2:1,4,18,20 3:1,11,17,23 4:1 5:1 5:10,15 6:1 7:1 8:1 8:8,9,21 9:1,3,8 10:1,7 11:1 12:1 13:1,12,15 14:1 15:1 16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 23:1,22 24:1 25:1 26:1 27:1 28:1 29:1 30:1,24 31:1,3 32:1 32:11,14 33:1 34:1 35:1 36:1 37:1 38:1 39:1,15 40:1 41:1 41:25 42:1 43:1 44:1 45:1 46:1 47:1 47:6,9,11 48:1 49:1 50:1 51:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 55:1 56:1 57:1 58:1 59:1 60:1 61:1 62:1 63:1 64:1,11 64:13 65:1 66:1 67:1 68:1,14,23 69:1,15 70:1 71:1 72:1,18 73:1 74:1 75:1 76:1 77:1 78:1 79:1 80:1 Kobach's (1) 64:21 Kossack (1) 67:21 Kris (90) 1:1,12,20 2:1,4,18 3:1 3:11,17,22 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 8:1,8,9 9:1,3 10:1 11:1 12:1 13:1 14:1 15:1 16:1 17:1 18:1 19:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 23:1 24:1 25:1 26:1 27:1 28:1 29:1 30:1 31:1 32:1 33:1 34:1 35:1 36:1 37:1 38:1 39:1 40:1 41:1 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 42:1 43:1 44:1 45:1 46:1 47:1 48:1 49:1 50:1 51:1 52:1 53:1 54:1 55:1 56:1 57:1 58:1 59:1 60:1 61:1 62:1 63:1 64:1 65:1 66:1 67:1 68:1 69:1 70:1 71:1 72:1 73:1 74:1 75:1 76:1 77:1 78:1 79:1 80:1 KS (4) 1:19 3:19 4:22 80:21 Kushner (1) 55:21 L label (1) 64:9 language (12) 11:14 12:12 15:4 16:2 18:9 19:9,13,15 29:15 54:15 57:7 68:21 late (4) 10:18 30:17 70:22 71:6 latest (1) 30:18 Lauren (6) 1:24 3:19 4:22 5:5 80:4,21 law (3) 24:19 25:16,17 Lawrence (6) 1:24 3:19 4:22 5:5 80:4,21 lawsuit (5) 12:20 67:11,12 68:2 70:6 lawyer (1) 21:10 lay (1) 6:14 lead (3) 9:17 21:9 63:16 LEAGUE (3) 1:7 3:6,21 led (1) 7:18 legal (3) 16:24 21:6,11 legislation (7) 37:12 40:15,21 41:8 41:10 42:2,10 legislative (4) 39:9 40:12,25 41:5 877-702-9580 let's (2) 67:10 72:6 li (1) 41:17 LIBERTIES (1) 4:10 license (2) 14:4,19 light (1) 34:22 limitation (1) 6:11 limitations (1) 6:5 limited (4) 6:22 7:4,15 61:10 line (2) 45:25 50:10 list (1) 34:17 listed (1) 11:23 listening (1) 22:3 litigation (10) 22:4 24:25 37:17 40:5 40:6 41:16 54:6 68:6 70:9 73:24 little (1) 59:4 locations (1) 38:12 long (1) 55:3 longer (2) 36:6 59:4 look (6) 16:18,20 19:18 25:14 35:10,13 looking (3) 16:17 35:11,12 looks (1) 38:14 lose (1) 44:17 loses (1) 12:25 lost (2) 70:6 71:2 lot (2) 5:24 39:15 lots (1) 18:14 M magically (1) Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 29 of 35 Page 7 24:19 Magistrate (2) 4:4,20 magnitude (1) 59:16 maintaining (1) 53:12 majority (1) 55:2 making (1) 13:10 Mark (1) 67:23 marked (12) 5:10 10:7 13:12,15 30:24 31:3 32:11,14 47:6,9 64:11,13 marriage (1) 43:17 matter (1) 9:18 matters (1) 64:25 max (1) 36:4 mean (13) 11:8 29:19 34:21 46:11 50:11,24 56:13 58:5,15,16 60:15 75:18,20 meaning (19) 13:2 15:14,18 16:23 18:21 19:21 23:10 23:11,13 26:3,5 40:8 44:18 54:7,13 57:3 70:8 71:3,4 means (1) 28:12 meet (4) 30:15,19 72:6,6 meeting (28) 30:11,22 31:11,21 32:2 47:21 48:11,16 48:18,19,24 53:24 55:3,9 56:2,8 57:10 57:14,19 60:9,21,23 61:7,15,16 63:5,13 66:21 meetings (5) 61:13,20,25 62:8 65:3 member (4) 43:18 44:3 73:14,15 members (12) 38:18 39:10 43:25 62:8,18 63:21 65:18 66:5,12 67:3,23 72:23 memorandum (3) 2:11 6:20 66:2 memory (1) 28:7 mental (2) 27:6 31:9 mentioned (4) 7:16 37:10 39:14 43:13 merit (1) 23:20 merits (3) 10:5 23:7,8 messages (7) 35:5 36:5,5,6,7,8,21 methods (2) 63:9,11 Michael (1) 4:21 mid-August (1) 32:9 Miller (1) 55:18 mine (1) 44:16 minimum (3) 12:7 14:20 18:24 minutes (6) 7:4,17 58:25 59:7 69:5 72:8 Mischaracterized (1) 49:18 mischaracterizes (6) 11:19 16:8 17:12 29:4 60:5 69:22 Mischaracterizing (... 16:11 misimpression (1) 56:25 misinterpretation (1) 15:19 misnomer (1) 54:21 Missouri (5) 3:19 4:23 5:6 80:7,21 modern (1) 52:5 modernize (1) 57:4 modernized (2) 52:8 56:22 moment (2) 8:4 71:20 month (2) 34:5 66:22 months (2) 16:21 34:9 moot (5) 49:19 63:17,25 65:14 69:3 motion (9) 2:13,15,23 13:17 18:8 31:4 33:12,13 64:15 motions (1) 9:23 motor (17) 12:17 13:8 14:4,18 15:7 16:6 18:11,12 20:10 22:15 23:2 24:9,15 25:9 26:13 27:18 28:25 move (1) 39:11 moves (1) 53:15 multiple (6) 23:4 29:9 35:12,13 42:18 45:20 N N (8) 1:24 2:2 3:19 4:2,22 5:5 80:4,21 name (4) 43:16,17 73:5 82:2 named (2) 56:4 62:13 names (20) 73:12 74:3,9,12,15 75:8,12,18,21,24 76:5,8,18,20 77:25 78:4,6,12,15,23 National (14) 2:9 10:9 11:15,17,24 15:9 18:9 20:4 28:20 31:17 39:21 43:21 49:10 57:13 naturalized (1) 74:14 near (2) 10:14 12:23 necessary (20) 12:8,10,23 14:22 15:5 15:12,17 16:5 18:25 19:13 29:11,12 40:6 41:20 42:25 44:18 44:21 52:17 70:7,25 need (6) 18:8 21:22 26:3 39:12 42:18 50:14 needed (1) TSG Reporting - Worldwide 38:17 needing (1) 71:17 needs (1) 26:23 neither (1) 80:12 never (6) 30:2 40:24 41:5 43:22 44:3 45:10 new (5) 4:11,11 39:6 48:12,14 NICK (3) 1:14 3:13,23 non-privileged (1) 6:22 noncitizen (10) 26:15,25 27:21 58:21 59:25 60:2,25 61:20 66:17 71:16 noncitizens (20) 28:9,22 29:18 58:7,9 58:14,16 59:11,13 59:17,23 63:12 72:25 73:2,9,11,13 73:21 74:2,13 nonresponsive (1) 59:6 normally (1) 16:18 Notary (6) 3:19 4:23 5:6 80:6,21 82:25 note (2) 40:24 58:25 noted (1) 81:6 Nov (1) 38:15 November (13) 30:20,21 32:16 38:15 47:22 48:6,12 57:18 60:21 61:7,15 63:5 63:13 nullifies (1) 58:21 number (20) 6:21 8:10 15:23 28:8 28:22 29:18 38:7 45:5 49:9 50:10 54:3,18 56:24 59:17 59:22 62:24 73:9,25 74:2,19 numeral (1) 49:3 numerous (3) 877-702-9580 5:17,18 6:12 NV (1) 42:24 NVRA (87) 10:9 12:14 13:3,8 15:6,14,18 16:3,23 17:11 18:13,21 19:21 22:13 23:10 23:13 26:4,5 29:13 29:23 30:5 34:23,25 35:9,18 36:12,14,17 36:22 37:14,21,22 39:18 40:9,20 41:12 41:19,20 42:7,9,19 42:24 43:3,7 44:19 44:23 45:8,15,19,25 46:22 47:2 48:16 49:15 50:16 51:3,6 51:8,11 52:2,4,8,10 52:19 53:9,11,19 54:8,9,12,13 56:19 56:22 57:3,4,6 62:2 64:4 68:14,15,21,23 69:20 70:7,8,20 71:4 O O'Hara (2) 4:4,20 oath (2) 9:9 60:6 ob (1) 27:23 Obama (1) 73:15 object (4) 14:8 20:17 21:12 50:4 objection (62) 5:18 6:10 11:19 14:7 16:8,12,13 17:5,12 17:16 20:12,16 21:8 21:14 27:5,23,24 29:2 33:18 34:10 36:23 39:22 44:24 45:16 47:16 49:17 50:5 51:22 55:5,11 55:12,14 57:20 58:10 59:19 60:5,7 60:8 61:3,9,17,22 62:3,11 63:7,15,23 65:11,15,19 67:7,9 68:5,8,25 69:2,22 70:2 71:18 76:11,15 77:7 objections (4) 33:21 64:2 68:7 69:3 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 30 of 35 Page 8 obligations (1) 68:16 obsolete (1) 53:14 obvious (1) 19:2 obviously (7) 43:8 45:6,24 46:11,16 46:18 56:10 occur (1) 74:22 October (3) 30:18 31:23,24 office (9) 4:14,15,20 10:10 11:10 76:7 77:2,4 78:10 officer (1) 67:20 offices (1) 3:18 official (6) 1:13,15 3:12,14,23,24 officials (1) 14:23 oh (7) 35:19 39:2 62:23 75:22 78:2,7,17 Ohio (1) 44:16 Okay (25) 6:9 10:6 12:5 13:14 14:14 15:4 20:24 21:12 23:16 24:7,12 28:17 30:13 32:3,13 33:15 37:20 40:2 45:3 46:19,21 48:5 65:7 72:12 79:3 one-on-one (1) 43:11 ones (2) 36:6 65:23 ongoing (2) 24:25 37:16 online (1) 52:7 open (4) 7:9,16 54:10 66:20 open-ended (1) 7:21 opening (1) 66:22 opinion (3) 21:11 27:9 52:17 opposed (1) 20:18 opposing (4) 46:12,19 56:11,14 oral (2) 32:4,6 order (18) 5:24 6:20 7:8 12:15 13:6 15:6 16:5 18:10 24:10,16,18 27:2,17 33:13 38:24 68:11,13,19 orders (2) 7:12 39:5 organizing (1) 33:6 original (12) 15:18 19:21 23:13 26:3 29:13 42:19 51:3 57:3,6 70:8 71:2,3 Orion (2) 4:9 8:16 ORTIZ (3) 1:5 3:4,21 ought (1) 6:13 outcome (1) 80:17 outside (5) 36:23 48:24 51:22 56:8 77:7 overruled (30) 6:10 14:11 16:14 17:7 17:14 21:8,15 27:7 29:7 33:21 34:12 39:24 45:18 47:19 50:6 51:23 55:14 57:21 58:11 59:21 60:8,16 62:4,12 65:21 67:9 68:7 70:2 76:16 77:10 P P (3) 4:2,2,4 page (13) 2:3,8 6:21 13:22,24 14:5,12,13 31:5,7 48:2,4 64:19 pages (2) 31:10 48:2 Paoletta (1) 67:23 paragraph (2) 31:7 64:20 parentheses (1) 37:16 part (1) 42:17 particular (2) 51:25 77:5 parties (3) 28:2 80:13,16 passed (2) 52:2,3 penalty (1) 81:4 pending (3) 2:16 3:20 25:12 people (9) 32:21 33:6 38:9,12,19 45:21 46:12,24 52:7 period (1) 7:9 periods (1) 35:11 perjury (1) 81:4 permit (6) 20:9 22:14,25 24:13 25:8 68:24 permitted (1) 37:16 person (2) 45:9 53:15 personal (2) 11:9,13 personally (3) 74:9 75:10 77:15 persuade (1) 19:3 persuaded (1) 23:18 persuading (6) 13:2 15:13 16:22 18:20 23:9 26:4 pertaining (1) 6:23 Pg (1) 82:5 phone (2) 33:6 38:7 photographed (2) 6:23 48:23 phrase (3) 19:2,11 28:10 phrasing (2) 28:4 72:24 physically (2) 11:5,6 pick (1) 34:14 piece (3) TSG Reporting - Worldwide 26:2 53:22,25 plaintiffs (43) 1:10,21 2:12,23 3:9 3:22,25 4:8 5:3 7:6 8:15,17,19 9:5 10:10 12:13,20,25 13:4,15,17 15:5,13 15:15,19,22 16:4 17:9 18:6,19,23 19:14 22:18 25:21 26:4 29:10 33:12,16 36:15 50:9 64:15 77:6 78:21 plan (7) 2:21 5:24 16:21 23:6 24:2 47:11 62:25 planning (1) 70:24 plans (1) 23:23 please (8) 8:5,12 9:2 13:22 16:12 21:21 64:10 64:19 plus (1) 7:16 point (9) 8:3 15:17 24:20 50:21 52:9,15 53:17 56:22 68:2 policy (2) 39:5 55:20 popular (2) 60:3 61:2 portion (5) 14:3,17 17:25 18:17 21:24 possession (1) 30:5 possibility (2) 48:21 60:24 possible (4) 47:5 53:23 66:7,15 possibly (2) 31:25 67:21 posture (1) 26:23 potential (1) 58:20 potentially (6) 39:6 58:22 59:25 60:2 60:25 70:20 precaution (1) 52:17 precisely (4) 12:14 17:15 20:18 877-702-9580 21:18 preliminary (24) 2:13 10:20,23 13:5,18 17:2,10 18:3,7,8 19:14 20:8 22:6,12 22:23,24 23:7,19 24:10,16 25:7 26:7 26:10 32:5 preparation (4) 30:10 31:10 32:2 47:24 prepare (3) 39:4,5,6 prepared (3) 9:24 10:17 47:20 preparing (1) 23:14 present (3) 4:18 23:5 24:7 presented (1) 25:19 preside (1) 7:2 president (12) 30:20,22 32:22,23 57:14 60:3 62:8,13 64:24 65:3,4 67:22 President's (4) 55:18,19,19,21 President-elect (18) 30:11,16,20 31:11,22 32:2 47:21 48:11 55:4,9,24 57:10,19 59:15 60:22,24 61:8 63:14 presidential (6) 32:21 63:22 64:5,23 65:10,18 presumably (1) 21:11 presume (1) 77:2 presuming (1) 22:9 pretty (2) 62:5 77:16 prevail (5) 15:15 22:18 29:10 50:9,13 previous (1) 43:6 previously (3) 12:14 13:5 16:4 Priebus (1) 55:16 principal (1) Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 31 of 35 Page 9 65:23 principally (1) 67:12 Prior (2) 43:2,5 privately (1) 64:24 privileged (2) 33:19 55:13 probability (1) 26:19 probably (10) 27:11 34:13,24 38:4 51:25 56:4 67:14 70:16 71:4 74:10 problem (10) 26:15,24,25 27:21 28:4,10 58:6,8,14 58:18 proceed (2) 5:13 17:21 process (2) 7:18 27:13 processes (1) 31:9 produce (2) 33:11 40:25 produced (10) 3:17 10:10 34:4,9 41:5 73:8,9 77:5,12 77:18 producing (1) 77:13 product (7) 21:13 33:19 34:11 63:16,24 65:12 68:6 production (4) 34:3,8,11 36:16 Professional (2) 5:6 80:5 prohibit (1) 6:5 prohibited (1) 26:21 prohibition (1) 19:4 prohibits (1) 19:23 promote (1) 49:11 proof (42) 12:16 13:7 15:7 16:6 18:11 19:4,24 20:10 22:14,25 24:8,14 25:9 26:12,21 27:2 27:17 28:24 29:24 37:15 41:22 42:20 49:11 50:23,25 51:15,20 52:13,18 53:7 57:17,25 62:9 63:21 66:11,18,24 67:4,13 68:20,24 69:19 propose (2) 11:14 12:24 proposed (2) 10:14 11:16 protecting (1) 51:14 protective (2) 5:24 7:8 provide (5) 15:6 16:5 29:24 41:21 53:23 provision (2) 51:16,18 provisions (2) 7:7 53:14 prudent (1) 54:8 public (10) 3:19 4:23 5:6 7:9 65:2 66:20,25 80:6,21 82:25 publicized (1) 46:5 pull (1) 35:9 pulled (1) 35:4 punctuation (1) 14:25 purpose (6) 29:9 39:4 48:18,19 53:21 76:21 Purposes (1) 53:11 pursuant (1) 24:9 purview (1) 64:25 put (5) 5:19 10:16 28:12 40:12 68:8 putting (1) 37:11 Q question (24) 6:14 11:22 16:10 17:22 18:14 20:6 21:4,16 25:2,3 28:17 39:15,25 41:6 41:7 46:21 47:4,18 49:20 52:22 60:20 61:14 68:21 76:17 questions (5) 6:4 9:12 71:22 72:21 79:2 quickly (2) 38:17 39:11 quiet (1) 17:16 quote (8) 6:3,14,21 12:7,8,9 14:2,17 quoted (1) 15:22 R R (3) 4:2,9 81:1 Ragsdale (11) 73:5,13,21 74:16,22 75:4,6,8,14,16,19 RALPH (3) 1:5 3:4,21 ran (1) 73:10 re-ask (1) 11:22 read (21) 5:17,20 12:11 13:24 15:2 17:24 18:2 19:3 21:20,25 28:13 31:14,15 37:18 42:12 64:17 65:5 75:23 76:4 81:4 82:5 reading (3) 6:12,19 14:9 reads (6) 12:5 31:8 49:3,9 64:20 82:5 ready (1) 10:14 really (5) 19:7 50:15 54:4,14,18 reason (7) 9:11 12:19,22 34:13 68:13 71:17 82:5 reassessed (1) 51:12 reca (1) 37:4 recall (32) 11:11 13:10 16:17 28:7 32:7 35:20,22 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 36:17,20 37:5,5 43:4,9 44:15 45:9 46:5 47:3,5 48:13 50:16 57:22,24 62:5 66:6,7,18 67:2,25 73:10 75:9 76:24 77:25 recalled (1) 72:19 receive (1) 36:5 Recess (2) 69:12 72:15 recollection (3) 38:16 55:16 77:17 record (24) 5:17,20,25 6:18 8:6 8:13 10:22 14:8,9 17:25 19:10 21:24 22:13 46:20 66:20 69:7,11,14 72:12,13 72:17 77:20 79:12 79:15 recording (1) 5:23 redacted (3) 12:3 49:7 55:2 reduced (1) 80:11 refer (4) 10:12 37:20 50:2 53:17 reference (12) 31:16,19 37:21 39:17 39:19 40:4,15 41:23 42:9 49:14 66:25 67:2 referenced (1) 41:8 references (1) 42:2 referred (1) 63:20 referring (7) 18:18 42:16 43:9 44:25 46:10 51:5 62:22 refers (3) 42:14 49:23 56:19 reflect (1) 52:5 regar (1) 45:4 regard (1) 6:8 regarding (14) 877-702-9580 9:23 37:14 41:15 42:7 42:14 43:3,7 44:11 44:23 45:5,14 51:18 53:14 67:4 regis (1) 58:16 registered (9) 5:5 28:9,22 58:17 59:13,18,23 63:12 80:4 registering (5) 29:18 52:7 59:11 73:2 73:22 registration (30) 2:10 10:9 11:16,17,25 14:3,17 15:9 18:10 20:4 26:15 27:2,22 28:20 29:24 31:17 39:21 43:21 49:10 50:18,19 51:7,10 57:8,14 61:21 62:10 66:12 67:5 71:16 registrations (1) 53:14 regulations (1) 39:7 Reince (1) 55:16 reinvent (1) 38:23 related (3) 7:22 65:2 80:12 relates (1) 54:23 relative (1) 80:15 relevant (2) 31:11 68:14 relied (1) 7:21 relieve (1) 68:15 remember (12) 17:9,13 18:6,17 21:16 21:17 43:14 58:12 59:22 69:21 72:24 73:8 remembered (1) 76:13 replace (1) 12:9 reply (6) 2:11 13:17 17:10 18:6 19:14 66:2 report (1) 74:20 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 32 of 35 Page 10 Reported (1) 1:24 reporter (10) 4:22 5:6 8:25 18:2 21:20,22,25 80:2,5 80:6 request (5) 34:3,8 35:16 36:15 73:23 requested (2) 17:25 21:24 requests (1) 33:17 require (16) 12:7,9,16 13:7,25 14:16 15:7 16:6 18:11,24 19:12 20:5 29:23 41:21 42:20 52:10 requirement (13) 20:10 22:15 23:2 24:8 24:15 25:9 26:13 27:3,18 28:25 51:21 53:7 66:24 requirements (11) 37:15 49:12 52:21,24 57:18,25 66:11,19 67:5 68:20 69:20 requiring (4) 19:24 26:21 52:13,18 rereading (1) 5:25 reserved (1) 5:8 resolve (1) 7:3 respect (1) 68:18 respectively (1) 7:13 responding (1) 64:14 response (3) 2:22 46:15 72:20 responsibilities (3) 64:5,22 65:9 responsive (5) 7:23 33:16,25 34:7 35:16 rest (1) 42:13 restore (7) 15:18 23:13 26:3 42:19 44:18 70:7 71:2 result (1) 58:22 Revenue (3) 1:15 3:14,24 review (1) 18:3 reviewed (6) 9:20,25 10:2,5 17:2 22:8 rewriting (2) 13:25 14:16 rewritten (2) 12:15 13:9 Rickman (1) 74:20 right (15) 8:4 16:17 34:2,7 37:2 37:18 38:14 40:17 40:18 41:19 46:18 48:14 49:12 56:16 56:20 Robinson (9) 10:21,23 22:12,17,19 23:18 24:20 25:14 25:14 Robinson's (7) 6:20 22:23 24:9,16 25:7 26:7,10 Roe (9) 8:23,23 44:6 46:7,18 56:10 71:25 72:6,8 role (1) 32:23 rolls (11) 51:15,17,19 52:11,12 52:21 53:4,12,16 73:11 74:3 Roman (1) 49:2 Room (1) 6:24 roughly (5) 70:18,21 74:15,21 78:5 routinely (1) 36:2 RPR (3) 3:19 4:22 80:21 rule (3) 22:20 26:20 29:20 ruled (6) 10:19,21 22:17 26:12 26:19 31:25 rules (1) 42:21 ruling (16) 10:25 16:12 20:9 22:12,23,24 25:8 26:8,18 27:4,16,20 27:25 28:12 68:17 68:18 S S (2) 2:7 4:2 same-day (5) 50:18,19 51:6,10 57:7 satisfy (1) 68:18 saying (3) 10:24 39:2 51:14 says (3) 36:4 37:24,24 scope (30) 6:19 7:11,14 36:24 45:16 51:22 55:5,11 57:20 58:10 61:3,9 61:17,22 62:3,11 63:7,15,24,25 65:11 65:14 68:9,11 69:2 71:18 72:25 76:11 76:15 77:7 seal (1) 5:23 search (9) 33:24 34:6,13,15,18 35:17,18,20,21 searched (6) 33:15,22 34:2,4 35:19 35:20 searches (2) 34:18 35:21 second (8) 12:5 21:22 34:15 35:7 35:14 42:5,13,14 seconds (1) 69:8 Secretary (22) 1:13,15 3:12,14,23,24 4:14,15,20 8:21 9:8 9:14 11:9 21:16 23:22 31:10 35:2 48:22 64:21 68:14 68:23 72:18 Secretary's (1) 65:2 section (4) 10:8 12:6 22:13 53:11 secure (1) 51:17 Security (7) 2:20 33:4 43:19 47:11 48:20,22 62:25 TSG Reporting - Worldwide see (6) 13:20,21 16:16 41:13 67:10 75:7 seeking (2) 36:16 77:4 seen (3) 30:2 77:20,23 Senate (2) 19:22 23:11 Senator (4) 19:22 23:10,25,25 send (5) 34:24 74:7,8,15 75:7 sense (2) 40:2 67:15 sent (13) 33:8 36:21 38:2,4 39:13 45:10 74:8,9 74:11 76:24,25 78:8 78:12 sentence (7) 14:14 31:8 41:25 42:5 42:13,14 64:20 sentences (1) 13:23 separate (1) 35:21 serves (1) 21:9 shared (12) 7:19 43:22,25 44:3,5 44:7 46:9,11,14 65:16,22 66:4 shed (1) 34:21 SHEET (1) 82:1 shorthand (1) 5:5 show (8) 26:23 27:20 31:2 32:13 47:8 64:8 68:17,19 showing (1) 26:14 shown (1) 10:14 shows (1) 58:25 sic (1) 12:6 signature (3) 5:8 81:18 82:21 similar (2) 15:11 19:9 similarity (2) 877-702-9580 16:17 19:15 similarly (3) 1:9 3:8,22 simpler (1) 39:15 simply (2) 39:2 40:3 Singular (1) 33:23 sir (1) 16:15 sitting (1) 78:11 situated (3) 1:9 3:8,22 situation (1) 20:17 six (1) 56:6 size (2) 36:9 37:7 skilled (1) 21:10 Slow (1) 49:22 somebody (1) 38:24 son-in-law (1) 55:22 sorry (7) 13:15 14:5 17:23 20:5 50:4 62:23 70:3 sort (4) 38:21 50:19 55:20 59:17 sotto (1) 69:4 sought (4) 68:15 74:5 76:8,9 sounds (1) 48:14 Southwest (1) 4:16 space (1) 36:10 speak (1) 73:4 speaks (1) 47:17 special (1) 31:13 specific (10) 21:3 32:25 35:10,13 47:3,18 51:5 53:18 66:18 77:17 specifically (7) Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 33 of 35 Page 11 7:14 44:15 45:4 52:23 57:22 67:18 67:25 specificity (1) 20:22 speculate (1) 11:12 speculation (1) 29:3 spending (1) 5:24 spoke (3) 73:13 75:6 77:9 spoken (1) 72:23 staff (7) 55:17 62:17 65:18 66:6,12 67:11,24 staffs (1) 38:19 start (5) 7:24 20:5 24:6 54:11 63:10 started (7) 37:14,24 39:3,19 40:3 42:7 59:4 starts (1) 14:14 state (36) 1:13,14,16 3:12,13,15 3:18,19,23,23,24 4:5 6:18,25 8:12,22 9:14 11:9 12:10 14:4,18,21,22 17:15 19:6,8,12,23 20:18 21:18 26:15 35:2 51:6 52:6 80:7,21 State's (3) 4:14,15,20 stated (2) 19:21 28:5 statement (3) 50:12 66:22,25 states (29) 1:2 3:2,18,20 4:5 6:25 8:10 12:15 13:6 15:6 16:5 19:22 26:20 29:19 41:21 42:20 50:10,17,19 51:13,14,19,20 52:10,14,16,20 53:5 58:19 status (6) 74:4,6,16 76:10,22 77:5 statute (4) 13:25 14:2,15,16 stay (2) 2:15 31:4 step (1) 29:19 Stephen (2) 8:18 55:18 Steve (5) 55:17 69:17,24 70:5 70:14 Steven (5) 1:5 3:4,20 8:9 44:16 STIPULATED (1) 5:2 Stop (1) 49:3 stopwatch (1) 58:25 strategic (4) 2:20 47:11 55:18 62:25 Street (1) 4:11 STRICKER (3) 1:6 3:5,21 strikethrough (2) 14:19,20 stuff (1) 77:14 subject (7) 5:23 7:7 25:18 31:12 51:7,16 71:11 submission (6) 37:12 40:15,22 41:9 42:2,10 submitted (1) 24:24 SUBSCRIBED (1) 82:22 subsequent (2) 29:15 61:12 subsequently (2) 55:16 71:6 substance (2) 63:19 68:3 substantial (9) 26:14,24,25 27:21 28:4,8,10,22 29:18 substantive (1) 10:2 succeed (6) 12:25 15:13 16:22 18:20 23:8 26:4 succeeded (3) 54:7,12 70:8 success (1) 26:20 successfully (2) 58:17,17 Sue (2) 5:14 8:20 sum (1) 31:8 summary (1) 12:20 summer (3) 10:18 30:17 70:22 supersede (4) 20:8 22:24 24:15 25:7 Support (1) 2:12 supports (1) 41:20 suppose (1) 29:14 Supreme (5) 15:16 22:9,10 25:22 42:22 sure (11) 11:12 19:19 20:13 35:14 53:9 55:20 62:5 67:25 68:2 71:7 77:16 surprised (2) 16:16 23:18 surrounding (1) 31:9 Susan (1) 4:15 sustained (12) 36:25 55:6 61:5,11,18 61:23 63:8,17,25 65:14 69:3 71:19 swear (1) 9:2 swing (1) 58:22 swinging (2) 59:25 60:3 sworn (5) 3:17 9:4 59:5 80:9 82:22 swung (1) 60:25 T T (2) 2:7 81:1 take (6) 16:19 19:17 29:19 38:17 39:12 52:17 taken (5) TSG Reporting - Worldwide 1:21 5:4 80:10,14 81:5 Taliaferro (2) 2:18 4:20 talk (2) 67:24 70:14 talked (1) 44:10 talking (2) 60:9 77:23 talks (2) 45:7 53:11 team (21) 32:21,22,24 33:3,5,5 35:24 38:2,8,19 39:4,9,10 40:12,24 41:4,4,7 43:7,19,23 teams (1) 33:2 telephone (3) 70:17,17 75:6 tell (1) 32:6 telling (3) 31:20 40:3 44:15 ten (1) 34:24 tend (1) 68:17 term (2) 34:23 35:9 terms (4) 35:3,6,17 45:7 testified (5) 9:5 59:24 66:9,14 69:15 testifying (1) 42:8 testimony (13) 7:5,6 15:25 17:8 18:5 29:4 41:24 43:20 56:20 60:6 80:8,9 81:7 text (4) 36:21 37:23 51:2,5 Thank (4) 6:16 69:6 79:9,13 Thanks (2) 37:10 41:25 theory (1) 51:9 thereto (1) 80:16 thing (1) 46:8 things (7) 877-702-9580 26:14 27:20 33:7 52:9 52:12 56:24 74:14 think (63) 6:4,13 7:10 18:16,25 19:16,24 26:17 27:10 28:4,5,5,7,9 28:11 33:14 34:21 35:7,11 38:11,13 40:11 41:2 43:8 51:3 54:4,8 55:22 56:5 57:11,12,16,22 57:23,23 59:3,5,14 62:6 64:7 65:25 66:4,14,19 67:6 70:15 71:4,5,11 73:5 74:8,9,18,19 74:23 76:15 77:16 77:20,22,22 78:22 78:25 79:9 thinking (2) 51:24 70:24 third (3) 13:23 14:14 49:9 THOMAS (3) 1:6 3:5,21 thought (7) 23:19 26:2 31:9 35:8 51:4,5 78:24 three (9) 11:16 29:7 49:6 52:14 77:25 78:12,13,15 78:23 time (29) 5:25 6:17 8:7 18:12 25:16 30:15 32:20 34:14,15,22 35:7,10 35:14 36:18 45:11 51:16 56:16 58:21 69:11,14 70:21 71:9 71:10,23 72:13,17 73:5,7 79:15 times (5) 6:3 21:10 23:4 29:9 42:18 tinkering (1) 54:11 title (2) 54:20 55:21 titled (3) 39:20 47:10 64:17 titles (1) 29:4 today (9) 9:9,12 15:25 24:13 25:6,10 42:8 65:17 78:11 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 34 of 35 Page 12 8:6 told (3) 14:8 23:4 42:18 top (1) 32:7 Topeka (1) 4:16 total (1) 48:2 touch (1) 64:4 track (1) 78:16 transcending (1) 20:19 transcribed (1) 5:7 transcript (2) 5:22 81:5 transition (19) 32:21,22,24 33:2,2 35:24 38:2,8,19 39:4,9 40:12,24 41:4,4,6 43:7,19,23 transmitted (1) 76:21 trial (1) 12:21 tried (3) 35:3,5,14 troubles (1) 21:4 true (1) 81:8 Trump (26) 35:24 40:6,7 43:6,22 44:2,4 47:21 48:11 54:2 55:4,9 57:10 57:15,19 59:15 61:8 61:16,20,25,25 62:8 62:8,13 63:6,14 Trump's (2) 32:22,23 truthfully (1) 9:12 try (5) 18:15 51:9,13 61:13 68:22 trying (9) 19:19 28:6,6 73:24,25 77:8,19 78:5,16 tuition (2) 41:15 42:15 turn (3) 13:22 31:5 64:19 two (12) 7:15 12:3 31:10 34:5 35:21 39:3 41:14 44:8 49:7 65:23 67:23 72:8 typed (2) 11:5,6 typewriting (2) 5:7 80:11 U U (1) 81:1 U.S (6) 4:3,4,20 58:7,9,15 U.S.C (3) 12:6 41:15 42:16 un (1) 49:23 unanimously (1) 26:7 unclear (1) 39:8 uncreated (1) 49:24 underlined (1) 49:11 undermine (2) 64:21 65:8 undersigned (1) 7:2 understand (3) 9:8 41:24 56:18 understanding (14) 6:18 20:7,14 22:21 24:4,12 25:4,5 26:22 27:16,19 28:19 42:19 68:12 UNION (1) 4:10 United (8) 1:2 3:2,18,20 4:5 6:25 8:10 19:22 unpersuasive (1) 76:16 unseal (2) 2:23 64:15 unspecified (1) 21:15 urged (1) 15:20 use (4) 19:11 34:23 35:8 36:8 usually (3) 36:9 38:8 70:17 V vast (1) 54:25 vehicle (3) 14:4,18 18:12 verbally (2) 75:19,23 verify (3) 76:8,9 78:22 verifying (1) 76:21 versions (1) 30:7 versus (2) 3:22 8:9 vice (2) 62:14 67:22 victory (1) 40:9 videographer (11) 4:21 8:2,4,25 59:4 69:10,13 72:11,13 72:16 79:14 videotaped (2) 3:17 8:8 view (2) 59:6 68:11 violation (1) 42:15 voce (1) 69:4 voluntary (1) 76:15 vote (5) 28:23 58:21 60:3 61:2 63:12 voted (2) 58:17 59:23 voter (45) 2:10 10:9 11:15,17,25 12:17 13:8 14:2,17 15:8,9 16:7 18:9,12 20:4,11 22:15 23:2 24:9,15 25:10 26:13 27:18 28:20,25 29:23 31:17 39:21 43:21 49:10 51:14 51:17,19 52:10,12 52:21 53:4,12,15 57:13 62:10 66:11 67:5 73:11 74:2 VOTERS (3) 1:7 3:6,22 votes (1) 58:22 voting (11) 49:3 57:24 58:4,7,9 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 58:14 59:25 60:2,25 61:20 66:17 vs (2) 1:11 3:10 W Wait (1) 55:7 want (17) 17:16 20:13,15,20 28:11,14 37:3 41:21 41:21 50:22 54:10 56:23,25 57:4,5 60:11 72:3 wanted (7) 5:15 41:18 46:19 52:16 58:24 73:3,16 wants (1) 6:14 wasn't (1) 41:6 way (3) 39:3 51:13 68:15 Wayne (4) 1:5 3:4,20 8:9 ways (1) 19:7 we're (11) 60:9 61:10 69:10,13 70:14 72:11,16 77:23,23 79:10,14 we've (3) 44:10 46:25 65:17 Wednesday (1) 38:15 week (1) 71:12 weeks (1) 35:13 Wendell (2) 19:22 23:10 whatsoever (1) 22:6 wheel (1) 38:23 willing (4) 44:19 45:12 70:9 71:8 win (3) 12:20 22:10 25:21 winter (1) 71:6 wise (1) 54:17 wish (2) 40:10 59:8 witness (18) 877-702-9580 2:3 5:8,19 6:2 9:2 17:17 20:19 21:6,7 21:9,17 70:3 72:3,5 76:3 80:7,10 81:18 WOMEN (3) 1:7 3:6,21 won (2) 19:20 40:5 word (3) 12:12,12 34:25 words (3) 18:23 39:18 57:11 work (7) 21:13 33:19 34:11 40:3 63:16,24 68:6 worked (5) 38:18,21,22 39:11,12 working (1) 39:3 wouldn't (11) 16:20 25:24,25 38:4 54:5,6,8,10 75:22 75:23 76:4 write (1) 37:10 writing (2) 16:24 75:19 written (5) 15:21,24 25:16 46:3 76:20 wrong (2) 20:18 78:23 wrote (1) 39:17 X X (2) 2:2,7 Y yeah (11) 33:20 45:17,20 56:13 56:17 64:18 66:4 70:15 77:16,22,23 year (3) 36:16 41:18 74:24 years (3) 16:21 35:12,13 yesterday (1) 31:5 York (2) 4:11,11 Z 0 Case 2:16-cv-02105-JAR Document 491 Filed 03/16/18 Page 35 of 35 Page 13 1 1 (27) 2:9 5:10 10:7,25 28:21 30:8 31:16 32:4 37:21 38:5 39:19 43:20,25 44:5 44:12 45:5 46:10,13 48:15 49:14 50:2,8 50:15 54:15 64:3 65:22 70:23 10 (1) 2:9 10:40 (1) 5:12 10:44 (1) 8:7 10004 (1) 4:11 10th (29) 4:16 10:19 15:16 16:22 22:8 23:9 26:6,9,11,18,19 27:3,8,10,12,14,16 27:19 28:2,6,7,12 28:16 31:5,24 32:5 42:21 68:16,18 11 (1) 64:19 11:52 (1) 69:11 11:54 (1) 69:14 11:57 (1) 72:14 12:03 (1) 72:17 12:09 (2) 79:15,16 120 (1) 4:16 125 (1) 4:11 127945 (1) 1:25 13 (1) 2:11 14 (1) 14:6 15 (1) 80:18 1623 (3) 41:15,23 42:16 1690 (2) 80:6,21 17 (6) 7:12 10:24 13:22 14:6 14:12,13 1992 (1) 52:4 1993 (3) 50:16 52:2,3 374 (1) 6:21 2 2 (6) 2:11 13:12,16 15:8,23 16:2 2:16-cv-21-5 (2) 3:9 8:10 2:16-cv-2105 (1) 1:10 20 (4) 48:12 57:18 61:15 81:10 2016 (12) 10:18,24 13:18 15:24 30:21 32:16 47:22 48:6,12 60:3,21 61:2 2017 (10) 1:22 2:17 3:17 6:20 7:12,12 8:7 75:2 80:18 82:23 204 (1) 12:6 20504(c)(2)(B) (1) 12:6 21 (4) 13:18 15:24 16:18 19:9 211 (1) 6:24 23 (8) 7:12 48:7 49:9 50:10 54:3,18 56:18 57:12 25 (1) 6:20 3 3 (7) 1:22 2:15,17 3:17 8:7 30:24 31:3 30 (1) 2:15 32 (1) 2:17 320 (1) 7:13 355 (1) 7:13 365 (7) 2:21 47:12 54:2,4,19 54:21,24 4 4 (5) 2:17 6:21 32:11,14 65:24 47 (1) 2:19 5 5 (10) 2:19 10:8 22:13 47:6 47:9 48:24 50:11 53:21 62:24 65:23 500 (3) 3:18 4:5 6:25 52 (1) 12:6 6 6 (4) 2:22 31:5 64:11,14 60 (1) 7:4 60-minute (1) 6:11 64 (1) 2:22 66101 (2) 3:18 4:6 66612 (1) 4:16 7 8 8 (2) 41:15 42:16 9 9 (3) 2:5 32:16 38:15 90 (1) 69:8 92 (1) 52:6 93 (1) 52:6 94 (1) 13:19 TSG Reporting - Worldwide 877-702-9580