• ..u..-- , ' Ce/~ r-i,,,.:I l'J 90/f /Dov oci:• 1 15 1 1; )'1'11 OMB l'lo 1545-0047 Form990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Ta.>t Under section 50l(c), 527, or 4947(a)(l) or lhe Internal Revenue Code (except pnvate foundatio · .. Do not enter social securny numbers on this form as it may be made pubhc " Information about Form 990 and its 1nstruo11ons is at www 1rs.gov/form990 ~~:;i;:~:~~~"5T,::;,,~~ry A For the 2016 calendar year, or tax yea_r beginning B Check1tapp1..,b1e M~1e51 C , 2016, and ending Na1110oforg•mz•1ion Dono.r s Trust, Inc . D Numbet and 61le4t (OI p 0 bOx j f "'"" ,. ne>I dehvc1cd IO •Ucci addreu ) chao9e Nllm• chMg& 1800 Di.a onal Rd frnhnJrntum (703) 535-3563 Crty t'.11 lown, suito 0< pmv11)(:a, counlty and ZIP or foreign po:.1111 code Amended return Ai>fll•Cll"°" Alexandria po.,.,1ng F VA .2,2314 !llo.)' ~- !hill.• grovp roluro for .ubordm111,..? Nome and adup K No II No, "'"* a l10n 1p11on numt,er • 19 9'91 M Slale of legal domtole VA ·paft I 1 Bnefty deschbe lhe organrzallon's m1ss1on or most s1gmf1cant ectMhes , SUPPORT G:HAR ITIES & SPONSOR PROGRAMS wH'iC}i -Ai,I.E'vl:A.T'E-; - TH-RouG-H- E'oucA'Tl:oN',- R.E"s"E~c"H- & PR!vfl.'.fe r tifrr'A'frv"Es,-socrEiT'Y-; s-Mosi- -To- PERvAsrv8-AN-o -R"Ao!c"Ai, _N_EE:.Ds-; - !NcimfrNG 1-Hos~- R'EI.iir"NG so-c!P:L' wE'r.:-FARE'. -HE:Ar:,-ni; - - E:N'v! RONMENT-; -E'coNoM-rcs ,- aovE:"RN"J\Nci .- ~~ii;IGN-- REbATio"Ns -1\No -ARTs -AND CULTURE.- - - - - - check ih;; b'o; ; - ITirthe o,99,:;;z~1Kinc1'7°s~ntinue<1 i;;p;;,311~0~ dis'Po-;;i otmoreih.; 2so/.~f;t; n~ta;sei;- - - - - - - -- ·- -· - 2 3 4 Nu1T1ber or voting members or the governing body (Part VI. hne 1a) Number of independent voting members of the governing body (Part VI, hne 1b) 5 Total number of 1nd1v,duals employed m calendar year 2016 (Part'V, hne 2a) 6 Total number of volunteers (eshma:.@i.{\~1 ~ ~ 16a Professional fu11dra1sing fees (Part IX. coldmn (A).• liAe 11e) ~ a. ----~ b Total fundra1sing expenses (Part IX, column (0), hne 25) .. 17 Other expenses (Patl X1 column (A), lines 11a-11d, <11-24e) 18 Total expenses Add Imes 3-17 (must eq ual Part IX, column (A). line 25) 19 Revenue fe!fli 1/{pe11ses Sub1ta.1;1 hne 18.ir m hne 12 20 21 Total assets (Part X, line 16) Total ha.b1hl,1es (Part X, hne ~) :im i:§ 89,187 , 534. 330 . 3,395,391. 92,58 3,255 66 , 703,715 0. 1,086 ,.690 . o. 0 656,773. ~: il Current Year 83 121,978. 476,615. 1,928,309. 154. 85,527,056 68,316,393 0. 929,402. 927,952 . 68 , 618,357 23 , 964,898 633 , 269 69 779,064_ 15,747 , 992. End of Year Be 1nnin of Current Year z,.. 22 167,942,067. 125.000 . 167,817,067. Nel assel!l,.Of fund balances Subtract hne 21 from line 20 Part II 189,048,966 . 593,741. 197 ,4 65,2 25. Signature Blgck im, 1nciud111g i1ccompnming sehe..1. ______ _ IJ:!.C1'lJQ.IE"Q _TJ:IQ~E- EJ!Ll\'.I!.N..9_!_o_ §Q.CJt\.~ ..!'.!P;._r,:,_~._ ~.'.!!.!.._ .?11V_r·~-/f 'Yes,• comple[e Scluidule A . • • • • • , . • . • • • • • • . . . . • . • • • • . . • x . . • . . • • . 2 Is the orgaruza11on required lo complete Schedule B. Schedule or. Conlnbutors (S'e e 1nslruchons)? 3 Dtd lhe,q~Qan1z~hp~ en"g.~ge 111 ~1(e.c! or md1~ect · pohlical campaign act1v11111s on behalror or 1n opp6~1bon lo carididales lor public office If· Yes, ccimp/e/e S¢hedule C, Par/ I . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . , .2 • 4 Sei;tlon ti01(c)\3l organlzatlons. D!d lh& organ1zatton en~ai:ie 1n lobbying ac11v11!es, or have·a se¢11e,11,,(!01(b)•. elecbo11 11'1 elfect dunng hQ l'a.x year? If 'Yes.' comp/fife Schedule C. Perl'// . . • • . • . • · • • . • .· • . •• •. 5 Is the orgarnza11on a section 501(c)(4), 501(c)(5}, or 501(c)(6) or9an1zahon thal rece1V11s•m9.mbersh1p dues, assessments, or s1m1lar amounts as deflned in ~avenue Procedure 90-19'1 /f 'Yos. ' comg}131e Schedul& C, Pert Ill . . . • • . • . . . • • . . . • . • • . • • . • • . . . . •• . , , . • • • • . . x 3 X· 4 x 5 x G Did Iha organ1zal1on mamte1n any donor advised funds or any similar funds or accounts for which done!$'~ve lhe nglit to provide advice on lhe d1stnbu!lon or investment of amounls m such funds or acCQ4l1 ? If ·y~, 'complete Scheduls D, Pert/ . No 6 x 7 Did lhe orgarnzahon receive or hold a co_nserva~on easement, mcludmg easements tc preserve open spa~ lpe environment, historic lend areas. or h1slonc slructures? If 'Yes,· c;omplele Schedule D, Part II . . . . . .1 • . 7 x 8 Did t!Je 01:gan1zalion mamla.m collec11ons of works of art, h1stor1cal treasures. or other sm\11.a assets? I 1-exernpl bond$? . . . • - - . • 24c d Did the orgomzar1on eel as an 'on behalf or issuer for bonds outsrand1ng I any time du~YIQ:. t~e year? , 24d 25a Sec11on 501fcl(3), 501(cll4), and 501(c)(29) organ1z11t1ons . Dtd \he 01~,nllllt1on engage 1n 81'1 excess bel'lefil transactmn with a d1squef1tied person during the year? If 'Yes,' c.o mplete 'Scttpdule L, Parl I . . . , , . . 25a x that the tral'lSac~on has not been reported on any of the orgamzahon's pnor Sr;hedule L. Part I • . . . . . • . • • • . , . . · 25b x 26 01d lhe orgamzahon repo1t any an1ount on Part. X, line 5, ~. or 2'! ror re~IV§.Q)es from or payables lo any currt1nl or rormer otflcers, direciors; trustees. ~Y employees, h19heshl'ompensale.o/!adula L. Part II . . • . • • . . ' \ • • • • •. 26 x 27 Did the organ1zabon provide a grant or other assistance to an officer director, lruslee, key employee, substantial contnbutor or employee thereof. a grant selection committee member, or to a 35% controlled entity or family member of any of these persons? If 'Yes,' complete Schedule L, Part Ill . • . . . . • • . . . 27 x 28a X 2Bb x b Is lhe orgamzat1on aware 26 !tie~ 11 engaged m sn excess benefit transaction w ~'9tsqval1lled pe}sen m a pMr year, and oli'ns'990 or 990-!E~? If ·Yes, ' complete Was \he organization a party to a business trammcl1on with one of the ro11owmg;part1es (see Schedule l, Part IV 1nstruct1ons for applicable filing thresholds, cond11Jons, and exceptions} a A current or former officer, director. trustee, or·lmpl interest received or accrued during the y9ar 13 x 9a Section 501(c)(7) orgamz:at1ons. Enter 10 11 x x 7e 7f 9 If the organiwllon rec01ved a contnbullon of qualified 1ntellectual properly, did the organizallon file Form 8899 9 x ....,_7_d....,__ _ _ _ _ _ _; - -- i f Did the organ1zalmn , durmg the year, pa.y premiums, directly or'ihd1 ~ctl.y, on a perso11al bone1'1t contract?. as requrred? . . • x _ 12a 1041? . . .. .. . ~1_2_b~----------t j t--·i---i·_ _J SilcC1on 501fc)(29) qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers. a ls lhe organization licensed to issue qualified heallh plans 1n more than one slate'/ . 13a Note. See the mslructmns for add1\lonal mformat1on the organization mus! report on Schedule 0 b Enter the amount of reserves lhe organ1zauon 1s required to ma1nta1n by tho slates in which \he org11111zahon is licensed lo issue qualified heallh plans . . . . . . . . . · c Enier the amount of reserves on hand 14 a Did the organization receive any payments for indoor tanning services during lhe lax year? . 13b 13 c b If 'Yes,' has 1l filed a Form 720 to report these payments? If 'No,' provide an explanation m Schedule 0 . BAA TEEA0105 11/16116 14a X 14b Form 990 (2016) --- - -·- - - - Form 990 (2016) O~:>no rs , Trust , 5~ - 21.66327 Inc. Page 6 IPart VI I Governance, Management, an-d Dlsclosure For each 'Yes,. response ·to lines 2 through 7b below; and for a 'No' response ·to //he 8a, Bb, or 10b below, describe the circumstances, proc"/3ssjjs, or chanf/&s' lh Sct1ed/Jle O See instructions Che_c_k 11 Schedule Q contains a response or note to any hne in llw~ Part VI • . . • • . • Yes 1e 1 a Enter the number or voung members of the governing body at lhe end of lhe lax year. It there are material i:i1ffflr1m_ces 111 voling nghts among members of the governing liody, or tt the gpveming body dalegated broad aulhonly tiran ei,.at1d key employees required to disclose annually interests thal could give ro<:le to conn1c1s? . • . . , . . • • ... . . • . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . ' . . . . . c Did the orgamzalion regularly and cons1stent1y monitor ancl enforce compilahce with the policy·? If 'Yes.' descnbe in Schedule 0 how this was done . . . . . . . . . . . 10b x 11 a -12a- -x 12b x 12c x 13 14 x x a The orgamzal1on's CEO, Executive Director, or lop management official 15a x b Other ol1icers or key employees or the organization. 15b x 13 D1d the organ1zat1on have a wnllen whrs!leblower pohcy? 14 15 01d the orgamzat1on have a 1vr1llen document relenllon and destruction policy? . . . . . • • lllo x 10<1 Did the process for determining compensat1on of the following persons include a review and approval by independent persons, comparab1l1ly data, and contemporaneous substant1allon of lhe dehberat1on and dec1s1on? . ..... lf 'Yes' lo hne 15a or 15b; descn~the process in Schedule 0 (s ee onslruc11ons) 16 a Did the otgamzahon invest 1n, contnbute assets to, or part11;1pate 1n a J01nl venture or similar arrangement w1lh a taxable enbty during the year? . . . • • . . . . . . . . . b Ir 'Yes,' did the organiza11on follow a written pohcy or procedure requmng the orgamza hon lo evaluate 1ls parl1c1patoon in JOiill venture arra9gements under apphcabte federal tax law. and take steps lo safeguard the OT: an1z:alton:s eXQtn I stat\ls w1lh eel to such arrnn ements? . . . . . . . . • . . . • Section c. Disclosure res --16a 16b a copy of lh1s Form 990 1s r~qu1red to be filed .. 17 L1sI lh'a slates with which 18 SeclionB104 requires an organizal1on lo make its Fonns 1023 (or 102411 applicable), 990, and 990-T (Secl1on 501(c)(3)s only) available for public 1nspect1on lpd1cale how you made lhese available Check all that apply 0 Own website 0 Another's website ~ Upon request 0 Other (explain m Schedule OJ 19 Oescnbe 111 Schedule 0 wl1cU1er (and •J so, how) lhc 01ganizaLlon lllilde tis governing documcnls, conll1c1 ol rn1eres1 pol1cy, and fin anci.11slalemcnlS available 10 lhe publtc dunng the laY. year 20 Slate lhe nanie, address, and telephone number of the person who possesses the organ1zallon's books and records Oono't'S Tr ust BAA x 1806 Diagon al Rd Ste 280 TEEA0106 Alexandria, 1111~/16 VA 22314 ('703) 535-3563 Form 990 (2016) Fonn990(2016) Donors Trust, Inc. 52-216.63.27 Page7 llB.m~llll Compens~tlon of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest ComRensated Employees, and ll')dependent Contractors Che-c k 11 Schedute O contains a .response or nole lo any.hne m t111s Part Vil • • • • • . . • . . • • , • . . • . • . ._ Se<;tioh A. Officers, Plrectors,, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Emp~Q1.e'es 0 1 a Complete lh1s teble for all porsons reqvrred 10 be listed Report cqmpeti_sahon ror the calendar year erid~w1lh or W1\h1n the orgenl:za\Jon's tax yea.r • llsl all oft11e·-orgamzalfon·s current officers, directors. Lruslees (wtiether ind1v1dualii or organiuih !'Is), regardless of amount or compensatoon · Enter -0- 1n eoluryms _(D). (E); and (f,) 1( no ,.ompensat1on paid wa·s • List all of lhe or9an1:z-et1on's current key employees, if any See 1ns1ructions for deflmhon-ol ·~ey emplQyee • • List the orgaM:allon's five current highest compensated employees (other than en officer, <;hrector. ltustee·Jor key employee) wtio received reportable compensation (Box 5 of Form W-2 and/or Box 7 of Form 1099-MfSC) of mom lhan $100,000 from the organ1ZUllon and any related orga1112a~ons • List ell o f the 011:1an1.:alton's for"'lor officers. key employees. and highest compensated employees who received more t~an $100,000 or reportable co~pensa~on from the organizabon and any related orgarnzat1ons • List all of the or9anrzal1on's former directors or trustees Iha\ rece1Ved, m ll:le COQl'iCllY as a ro~ d1~r or trustee of the organ1zat1on, more than $10,000 of reportable compensallon from the organ1za1ton and an~ r~ta1ed of.ije'iil:z:at1ons Lisi persons 1n the following order md1v1dual trustees or d1roclors. inst1tuh0nal trustees, officers, key.employees, ~1ghest compensated employees, end former such persons · 0 Check this box 11 neither the orgaml:mlhe 0tgan1z.at1011 Md ret.ated orgarnzahons _ ~l-~~.§9.Il. B_B_a§~r_____ ________ jQ.,_(l_Q ~ !?resident & CEO 5. 00 x _(~)- !S~~~ly _q_p~:rrni§ _ - - - - - - __ ::]~~ ...?-.9 ~ :1. ••00 _ (~)- ~~~:?. _Pi§O~e.§~J:!_- ______ _ _ : ___ Q. :'.'..S.Q Vice Chairman O. oo _ {1)_ 1'.4_o_!!\§.S_ JLB_e.§.g_.l}_ ________ - . __ Q ._5.iJ Director _,.. -....._ o. oo (5) William J Hume . Q_.50 - - Director - -- - - -- - - ~ o.oo _(~)- ~e_f_!:;:ey_ £ _Zy§.~k- __ __ ....-____ __ _1Q. '-t_~ Chairman - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - .- - - CFO. __! Sec-Treas' x x I• -x,1. I• x x 5 ,tOO [Y" x x 326,446. 0. 32,645. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. a. 0. 0. 0- 0 . 0. o. 2 34 250 .. 0. 23 425. 151,380. o. 15 139. (8) ------ - ------:--------~, --- --- i1~- - - - -_lr-----;-----____.: _- _!_1_!.)_ - -- _\._ ~ - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - ~~-- ---- -----'"'- ------- ------ - ---".::._ .. ~~---- - -------~ ~ ~~ -----------~14f ------------yz--------------- BAA ' TEEAIJ107 1111G/1G Form 990 (2016) Fonn 990 {2016}_ o~ T~-sj;__ ~2166327·' .tn,£_. Page 8 Em_m(?yees (contiflliii(JJ ( Part VII lfSection A. 0fflceH Directors Trustees K~ Em.e.fo_y_ees ·and H!gtlest Com_&e:osatec! ,. -_,,., (Bl "'ii:::r (A) N11J10:\nd ~lie por l'le•~ o~U2ii. (CJ l'M1116li t\IO ijo\ thoc:J< rn.lfjo \hill\ OM ~ unm)S_pt>r'$o- - - - - - -- - ----- - - - - - ----.-,~--- .. ' I_ ~ -_,, :r : ..J _ _ _ ----------- ---- -~ ~ I -~-- ~---~ -"' 1 ...0. 1 b Sub-total. •• '" ......,,.,. _l__t_ (22) J2~)_ - - - - - - - - - - - ' • (21) -------- - ---- ------------ --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --'~ (20) J2~)- - 1I~1..!_ 1~ ,~1 · .!. ;· --·---- --- :.:Jl'.!. "' "~+~' ~ ,/" \; (18) ---- ----- -------- -- -- ----- fll9/ltt1lliop _']', Ir ~Jo ,}I' ------- ----------- -- ------ --- ---------- ---------------- ---..- qi o(pli1'pr ~en~a11on 'tnihe ·~anr-.aliorl, J12'.)_ ___ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' ---- ----- ----- ---- --- -- --- - -- a ~rolatod ~I - ---- {F.) ~~rn.ttltd ·.,, (rom ~~fol!.=&gi;• ~- ~~q i i'a t dcilled j1.!i)_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - '(E) ~·po~bj• . ~wrnsa 0 - 5 - ~~6' .,~@b~;~r -~ rJ:liid {D) n•~ble <,o<))~~~ilo\gn ·.~":i..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·::::-_-+_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~ ;;,;;.;1Ze g Total, Add fines 2a-2f • • • •.....!... • .... . • • • 3 Investment mcome (including d1v1dends, interest and 4 5 Income from investment of tax-exempt bond proceeds Royalties. . • . . • • • . • other s1m1tar amounts) . . . ••• .. J 3-0 • 1 ~l-'-2.."-'-"~i ' ~6·""""" ~~"tl..~ - ~ ·i--~~~~o~ . 1--~~~..Q"'-'.-·~2~.J~l.4u 16~04~11..._ • It' ~ J.-."--'-------....+ ," ' -------1------- -+-------- (b)Pomi>lll (•Jkeal , 6 a Gross rents b Less rental expanses c Renial income or Ooss) • I -,,; ~ d Net rental rncome or (los;:.s!._)_. ...:·_ · ..:.·-·- - - . - - · _._._.-·--''..t--_/_ .:...~ ..:....---+-------+---·----+--------. (1) ScCVl!bOS (ll)OU>ot ·; 7 a Gross amount lrom sales of assets othor lhan rnwinloiy 9:- ts 136. ao'l . 136 12·9-6 457. b less cost or olher basis and sales expenses • c; Gam or (Joss) . . . -~ 64.9_hls_o. . .\ d Net gain or (loss). Ba Gross income from f1.1ndrmsmg events (not mcludmg. $ of contributions rifp¢ned on hne 1c) See Part IV, hne 1'a, . b Less d1recl e.xpens~S;. . ... 6~ 350 0 0 649 350 1at--------1 c Net income or (toss) from fundra1s1n9 evenJi-IS_._ _ _ __...-1--------t-------+------+--- ----, 9 a Gross income" from gaming ~11vlh11.sSee Part IV, Jme 19. • . . • . b Less direct expenses at---- - - - - 1 b..__ _ _ _ 4-- -- - - - 1- ---- -- - - 1 - - - - - -f- - - - --' c Ne! income or (loss) from g~ming act1v1!1es...._ · _.__• _._._ ...+ - - -- --+- -- -- -+ - - - - - - + - - - - - - - , 1Oa Gross i;aJ.es of inventory. ler,s returns and allowanc S, • a 1---------1 b Less cost of gooi:ls-sold c; ·Net income or (loss) lrom sales or mventory . • • • . 11 a ___ - ·- __________ _ _ -~-------t-------1--------f-------+------b - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - d All other rev~rwa . . . . . . • e Total. Add lines 11a-11d . . . . 12 Total revenue. See instruc11ons BAA - l--- - -- -f - - -- ---1-- - - ---- + - - - - --ir - - - - - -1------ --+-------t.-- - - - --+---- ---+- - - -- - . . 1----- -- - -1--- - - -- -1---. .. 9~ 583 255. 330. TEEA0109 11/16/16 0. 3 395 391. Form 990 (2016) Forro 990 (2016) Don6,t:s Trust, S'2·-2l. 6632( Inc:. IP a rt IX, 1 ,1St . a t emenf o f F unct'1.o na I Expenses . . . .. _ section :so®Jij_ and o0~,01YQntzat1ons must com.Pl_ete.all cplumns All pt~er ..~amzat1ons must cof11E!.ete rxi_rJmri_f!.J Check 1f Schedule O c"' [PartX lBalance Shee~ Check 1[;S,chedule 0 contains a response or nofe to.any flhe 10 lh1s Part X . . .• . . . . • . • 1 2 $1 ~ Ill n'1 l_1nes 17-24) Complete Part X of Schedule D 26 Total1J.eblllt1os. Addhoe;s __171hro1!a!'2fi, . .a ::! Intangible assets . . . . • . . . . OtherasselS See Part IV, line 11 . . . . . . . • ( · . •. . . . ·' • . . . · 14 ~1 .-:--.,.. . . Tot-al a s$ets-,Addlmes11hroitli_hH:i.J!m,ts~allme34) . • • Aa:iounts p_ayable and accrued Grants payable. . . • . Deferred revenue . • . • Tax-exempt bond l1ab1hhes . . expenses . . . . • . • . • • . • • . • .., • • • • 1 . • . . • 1 • . • . . . • . .1 'i.., . . . . . . f. . .., . · · • ~- . • , , • . • . ~ . , . . . . . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . . . . . . 22 23 • • . • . . . . . . . • 24 unreia.ted lh1rd parti6$f. • . • . o. .~ . . . . . Escrow or custodial account hab1hty Complete Part IV~oi S~~ule Dy I t · · f .· - • 14 319 . 167 9 42 067 . 3 a o7 6. .,,. " .. . • . • . . . • • • .122 _2_73 . 188 048 9 6...2._. 5_63 _7_U. J _a6 924. 2s ...Q_ . 1 25 ooo . 26 503 741.. 817 OJi___? . 27 1_j!._7 465 , 22-5 . J Organlzal1ons that'k>ilow --s FAS 117 '(ASC"95B), check here"' !filand complete lines 27 through 29; and llnes·3~ and 34. B ~ 27 ~ 28 Unrestnctednetassets . - . Temporarily reslncted net assets '1j 29 PennanenUy restncted net assets ~ l5 . . . ·. .. \. : , . . • Organizations that do not follow SFAS and complete lines 30 through 34. . . . . . •. · · • • • • · . . . . • . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . Y, 7fASC 95B), check here " · · . . . . . 29 30 Cap1tahslock or lrust pnncrpal , or current funds. . . . • . . . . . • . 5! 31 Pa1d-1n or capital surplus, or land, bu11d1ng, orequ1pmenl fund . . . . . . . . 32 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds . . . . • . . 33 Totatnetasselsorfundbalances • . . - . . . • • · . , Total hab1h11es ,and net assets/fund balances . . • .. . · · · · .. .. ~ 1 J.4 28 0 ~ ~ _167 • · • · BAA J 30 31 ... -...,. -= _.. 32 167 817 061. 16 7 942 0 67. 33 34 l B-7 46 5 225 . 188 04 S 9--2_6 . Form 990 (2016) TE1EAlll11 1 1/151 16 For(ll 990 (;?016) 'JPart.XI Dc;mcn; s Trust, Inc. I Reconclliatlon of NefAssets Chec"k ii S_chedule b c0n!a1ns a response or no\e to any hl)e in 1h1s Part Xi. ' t- ;vt 0. I•' o o Tolal revenue (must equal Part Viii, ootumn (A), tine 1°2) 1 ~qual Part IX, column (A), 2 Total expenses (must 3 Revenue less expenses Subtract Ima 2 from hoe 1 • • • • . • • • . 4 Net assets or lund balances al beginning of year (must equal Part X, line 33, column (Al). hne 25) • • • • • • 5 Net unrealized gains (losses) on investments •. 6 7 a Donated services and use of fac1lllles . Investment expenses. . • • • . • • Prior period ad1ustments • • • • 9 Other changes m net assets or rund balances (explain m Schedule 0) 1 o Net assets or fund balances al end of year Combine Imes 3 through 9 (must equal I'! oolumn (B)) . . . . . . • . • • . . • . · · • • · • 25. Part XII . Financial Statements and Reporting Cheek 1f Schedule 0 conla1ns a response or note to any hne 10 this Part XII Yes Accounlmg method used lo prepare Iha Form 990 Qcash If the organization changed its method of accounting from a prior year ~i ·. h\li::!<.ed 'Othe 1n Schedule 0 No []01her Y 2 a Were the organization's finanetal statem£mts compiled or reviewed by e , 1 ~~Jain ependent accountant? 2a X If 'Yes,' check a box below to 1nd1cate whether !he financtal statements for I.Ho.year weracomp•~ ti or reviewed on a s~arate LJ basis, consohdaled.-Jias1s, or both Separate basis LJConsolrdated basis D!~tt·eons~lidated and·separals basfs ~ntant? . . . . . • . . - . b Were the organ1zahon's financial statements audited by ;,;;'i fdepende 2b x J If 'Yes." check a box below lo 1nd1cale whether lhe limmc1abslalemenls o,;,fie year.were audited on a separate basis, conso!1daled basis, or both Separale basis !2Sjeonsolldaled basis QBoth consolidated and separaie basis 0 c If 'Yes' to Ima :?.a or 2b, does the orgarnzatmn have a commioee that assumes respons1b1hly for oversight or the audit. review, or compdallon of 1ls flnanoml statemenls"lllld selec~on of an mdependenl accounlanl? ff the organization changed either its oversmh~process or- selec11on process dunng the.tax year, explain m Schedule O 3 a As a result of a federal award, was the organizal 1on required to 1Jndergo ~Q, eudil or audits as set forth m the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133? . • • . • • • . . . • • , • , . • . . . . • . . • . . . . b If 'Yes,' did the orgamzatiol'I undergo thli! r~q_ulJ.!i'd audit or aud11s?1f.fh oigan1z~11on did not undergo the required audit or audits. ex la in why in Schedule 0 and desor~be an sle s taken o under o such audilll BAA 2c 3a X X ab Form 990 (2016) TEEAD112 11110/16 Public Charity Status and Public Support SCHEDULE A (Form 990 or ·9DD-1$Z) oopar1J11on1.ortho Tn••~ur;y ' ... Information a bout·Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) and its Instructions is at www.irs.gov/form990. 1~1cino1 F!a~~e:SeMco ~a.mt 2016 Complete if tho organization ls a section 501(c}(3) organization or a section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust. .. Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. or th• org~rr:otlron J .; lernployor rdtnlln<•lron number . Donor_.§_ Trust, O~~~~~.~~ic Inc. 52-2;:!..6632.7 . LPart I l Recison for Public Chanty Status (All orgarn:z<1tlons must complete ffiis The orgamzalton IS not a pnvale foundahon beeau.s e It IS (for hnes 1 throug)l 12, check on(y one box p~rt1See1nstruct1ons. · r- ~A church, co1111en~on of churches. or as11oc1a~on or churches descnbed m section 170(b)(1 )(A)(l). 1 2 A school descnbed 111 section 170(b)(1 )(A)(1I). (Attach Schedule E (Form 990 or 9JO·EZ)) ~ A hosp1lat or a cooperative ~osp1lal service orgam:zauon descnbed 11'1 section 170(b)(1 )(A)(HI) 4 A medical research orgaruzat1on oparaled name, c1ly,andstale 111 con1unchon w1tt1 a hosp1lal descn.bed'1n section 17Q(b)(1)(A}(11i) Enler the hospital's - - - - - __ _______ - - - - - __ __ ___ - - - - - - - _____________ - - - - - 0 An orgaruzal1on opera led for !he benefil or a college or un1vers1ty owned or operated·by-a govemmenlal ~ml described in section 110(b)(1)(A)(1v). (Complete Part II ) 0 A federal, stale, or local government or governrnenlal un11 descnbed tn &ecitlol') 170(b)(1 )(A)(v) 5 6 ~ M or~anr:zahon that normally receives a substanUal part ot 11s supf.lq 7 m section 170(b)(1 )(A)(v1) (Complete Part II ) from a govlffnmenlal urnt o..qrom !he general public described 0 A comrnumly lrusl deS{;nbed rn secllcm 170{b)(1 )(A)(vi). (Complete P~rl II ) 8 O An agncullural research organ1<:al1on descnbed m section 170(b)(1 )(A).(lx) operated in co~1unct1on with a lonq-grant Cllolll!, ah\l (2) no more than 33-1/3% of its support from gross 10 runchons~sub1eot uwestmenl mcome and unrelated busmess taxable income (less,seobon 511 ax) from businesses acquired by the organozahon after June 30, 1975 See section 509(a)(2). (Complete Part Ill) An orgamzahon organized a nd operated exclusively to test for pu he safely Sae section 509{a)(4). - - B 11 12 An organ1za11on organized and operated ex0lus1vely for the benelil ol to perform the fum::hons of, or lo carry out the purposo& of one or more publrcly supported orgar11;zat1ons desc ; 8:1t(l 1n secl!on 509(a}!-U or $..e ctlon 509{;i){2). See section 509(a)(3J. Check lha box m Imes 12a through 12d that descnbes the lyRe or~r;w.11mg orgaruzaUor\ and complele Imes 12e, 12f, and 12g Typo I. A supporung orgamz.at1on operell(d, i;upeiVl\'i!i;l: or controlled by •ts supported oryamza11on(s), lyp1cafly by 91V1n13 the supported organ1zahon(s) the power to regularly appoint or elect am~ nty of th11>d1raclor& or truslees of lhe supporting organization You must complete Part JV, Sections A and B. a 0 b 0 c 0 Type Ill functionally integra_teil, A supporting olgaR•zal1on opera led connecllon with, and funchonally •nlegraled with. orgamzat1on(s) (see 1ns1ruc110 si You must complete Part IV, Sections A, O, and E. d e Type 11. A supportmg organ1zahoJ;i-11uptY,VISed or coritrotted m ~nr.lj!Clion w1lh its surported orgamzallon(s), by having control or management the supportmg ~!lll~l!QJ:lw ste.d in the sam1;r1'>ersons lhe.t conlro or manage lhe supported or9amzat1on(s) You must comploto Part IV, Sectrons A and of e. m 0 0 1(s supported Type Ill non-functlonally mte fijled. A supporting 'O(gamzabon operated m connec~on with 11s supported orgarnzal1on(s) thal 1s nol l11r1ct1onelly mtegrated The organ·~l'l\1on generally mu!it saflsly a d1slnbut1on requirement and an attenbveness requ1remel'\t (see instructions) You must cpmplote PalTIV Sections A and 0, and Pilrt V. 0 Check lh1s box if lhe orgaf11zal1on rec01vl!d a wntten dotennmal1on from the IRS U1at 1t os a Type I, Type II, Type lit funcl101'\ally mlegraled, or Type Iii ·non- fu notwn~ll~ 1ntegralejf'.Support1ng organ1zaloo11 Enter the number of supporled orgamzatrons • • • . . • • . . • . • . . . . . • • • . . . . • . • . g Provide the followmg 1nfonnallon about the supported orgomza11on(s) -----~ j (ii Nam~ or supPUvtbon$)J 't.. . (Iv) '-111'> Ql}]i\m'(nl'OC' h~ed (v) Amounl of mo.net.1ty (vij An1oun1 ol al,h&r :tuppor1 {soe ms~rucuoos) S!Jpport (soo 1nstruc\.lons) tn ','9t..1r govem1ng documen\? ~ Yes No - ..,- -~ .,- 1.G. !"'I Tr.t': ofon:f.•nrt•l1on 1no1 1.10 ~ I~ (A) (u)'Eil>! Ol~MllHbOo .. ·~ _. .. -~ !;;__ ~ :.::.. I ! l Total BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notoco, see tho Instructions for Form 990 or 990-EZ. TEEA0401 09126116 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Sclied_vleA(Form990or . 990~ E:z)2016 !Part U Donors ,T17ust, Inc. 52-2J.G632 7 Pa9e 2 lsup'por't Schedule for Org,anlzatio11s Described in Sections tfO(b)(1)(A)(lv) and 110(b)(1)(A (vi) (Cornp_l,e le ,only.il you cti~cked Uie': bo,x on lltl!l·'S:• 7,or 8 of-Part I or 1f !he organizallon fai!!Af to quahly under Part Ill If. !tiff org11nlzat1on tails to qu!ihly·1.mder the tests l\sted below: please complete Part Ill.) _ . Section A, P.ublic Support Calendar year (or fiscal y&ar beginning in) ~ 1 Gifts. ~Is, conrnbu\10~ and 2 Tax revenues levied for the or~arnzalmn's benefit and e1t er paid to or expended on its behalf • . . 3 The value of services or IP. fee~ iec~rv ~o nor 1ncl\Klri any'unus~aHyanls . . . me-mb AS .908 ~ (c) 2014 (b) 2013 (a)2012 5 . 6.5 59'2 O· (e) 2016 {d) 2011; (11) Total , a.3 (:i.n fac1hhes furmshect by a governmental urnt lo the orgamzat1on w1lhou! charge 4 Tatar. Md Imes 1 through 3 5 Tho portion ol lotal contnbuhons by each person (other than a governmental uni! or pubh~y supporti?d o rgnmzetion included on line 1 that exceeds 2% of the arno 026 7 31. 8 735. 03 380 831 7 181 114 . 54 383. Section B. Total Sup ort Calendar year (or fiscal year boginnmg in) .. 7 Amounts from line 4 8 Gross income from mterest. d1v1dends, payments received on secunt1es loans, rents, royalties and income from s1m1lar sources . 9 Nel income from unrelated business activ1lles, whelher or not the business 1s regularly earned on . . • . . 10 Other income Do not include gam or loss from the sale or capital assets (Explain 1n Part VI) . . (e) 2016 (d) 2015 (a} 20!2 45 908 735. (f} Tola! 83 , 121,9'78. 89,187 534. 387' 181, 114. 23.3. 459 577 055 284 2 746 4 7 041 . 436 11 91 915, 552. 12 13 12 \umn (I) d1v1ded by line 14 . First five years. If the Form 9go 1s for the" qrgani~al1on's nrst. second, third, fourth, or fifth lax year as a section 501 (C)(3) o_rgarnz.atJon, check ~1s box and stop her~. . • . . . • . . . • • . • • • . • . . . ...•.. • 11, column (f)) 15 14 64. 56 % 67. 97 % 15 1l'ia 33·113% su"pport tast-2016. If the organ1zat1on did not check \he box on line 13, and line 14 1s 33-1/3% or more, check this box and stop here The orgamzat;on qualines as a publicly supported orgarnzat1on ..•...... b 33·113% s11pport test-2015. If the organ1zat1on d1ct not check a box on line 13or16a, and line 15 is 33·1/3% or more. check this box and slop here. The organization qualifies as a publicly supported organrzatron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17a 10%-facts-and-circumstances test-2016. If the organ1zat1on did not check a box on hne 13, 16a, or 16b, and line 14 is 10% or more, and 1f the orgarnzat1on meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' test, check this box and stop here. Explain 1n Part VI how the organization meefs the 'facts-and-circumstances' test The orgamz.at1on qualifies as a pubilcly supported orgamzallon . . b 10%-facts-and·circumstances test-2015. rr the orgarnz.a\1on did not check a box on line 13, 16a, 16b, or 17a, ancJ line 15 is 10% or more, and 11 tl1e organization meets the 'facts-and-circumstances' lest, check lh1s box and stop here. Explain 1n Part VI how the orgarnzal1on meets \lie 'facts-and-c1rcumslances' test The organizallon quahfies <>s a publicly supported organ1zat1on . . . • . 18 Private foundation If the orgarnz.atmn did no\ check a bo)( on line 13, 15a, 16b, 17a, or 17b, chock this box and see instructions BAA . Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 1EEA0402 D912Bi16 Don.o rs True t , Inc • '] Support Schedule for Organizations Described In Section 509(a)(2) Sched ule A (fo. ~m 990 qr990·EZ} 2016 IPart Ill 5,2·-'21;6 6 3 2 7 Pag~ 3 (Complete· only wyou 'ctieckeO lhe tiox on line 1O ol Part I or 1f the org'a mzauon failed to qualify under ~a11 u If the organ~ IJon fal!e to guahly under lhe tests lisle<;! below, please complete Part II ) 5.e ctlon A. Public Support Calendilf 'Jell {Of .flsilal year beginning in) .. 1 Gills, grants, contnbutions, and membership lees receNed (Do not include any 'unusual grants" ) • • • . • 2 Gross receipts from edm1ss1ons, merchalld1se sold or services Kerlorriled. or facihlles urn1shed in any acttvrty lhal 1s related lo the organ11.a11on's tpx-exempt purpose 3 Gross receipts from actMhes that are not an unrelated trade or bu~iness under sei;\mn 513 4 Tax revenue s leV1ed for the organization's benefit and e1lh!lr paid to or expended on . . 1ls behalf 5 The value of services or faciht1es furnished by a governmental unit to the organization without charge . 6 Total. Add lines 1 through 5 7a Amounls included on lmes 1, 2, and 3 received fmm d1squahOed persons (a) 2012 (c) 2014 (b) 2013 (e)'2016 L ~ .. L {_'t- ~ ~/ . . ... 11' ,... ~ tQTo1a1 )' 7 ~ .r 11 ~ ..... 'L ..L2':.. b Amounts included on lines 2 and 3 received from other lhan d1squahfied persons that exceed lho greater of $5,000 or 1% of the amount on line 13 for the year c Add lines 7a and 7b - j .... .... 8 (!I) 2015 ... . .... ,. ~ Public support. (Subtract line . . 7c from hne 6 ) . 1. J.!__ Section B. Total Support ~ I~ fl ..7-!_ , . ~~ (a} 2012' ' (c) 2014 (d) 2015 {e) 2016 (b).~013 Calendar year (or fiscal year beginning in) "' 9 Amounts from line 6 10a G1oss income from mlercst, d1V1denlls. payments recewed on secu1111es loans, 1 ~ 11 renlS. royalues and income from ·I' s1m11ilr sources ' b Unrelated busmess tol:t_2c ofP..a{\. l, · co.~p.lete Sed1ons A, D, arid -E, lf YO!J checked 12d·of Part 1, complete Sections A and D, <1n,d 'comdiete Part V,) Section A. All Suppordng Organi:tatlons Yes No Are all of the orgarnzal!on's supported organizations listed by name in the orgamza~on's governing documents? If 'No,' descnbe m Part VI how the supported organrzat1ons are designated If designated by class -or purp0se. describe /he designalion If historic and conlmumg relat1onsh1p, exp/am Did the organization have any supported organization that does not have an IRS delerm1nat1on of status u.r ider sBC~on 509(a)(1) or (2)? If 'Yes,' exp/am m Part VI how lhe organizal1on determined that the SUpf)Qrled orgamzaflon was described m Sflctron 509(a)(1) or (2) / 2 3a Did the orgamzaLJon have a supported organization descnbed 1n section 501 (c)(4).,{5}; or (6)? If 'Yes,' answer (b) and (c) below --2 -~ - - __J 3a b Did the organization confirm that each supported orgamz:allon qualified under section 501(c)(4); (5), or (6) andj salisfied the pubhc support tests under section 509(a)(2)? If 'Yes,' descnbe m Part VI when and how /he orgamzal1on made the determma/1on 3b c Did the organ1zatmn ensure that all support to such organizations was use.d exclusively for section 170(c}(:2)(B) purposes? If 'Yes,' exp/am m Part VI whal controls the orgamzal1on put m place to ensure such use 3c 4a Was any supported organ1zation not orgamzcd m the United States ('ford1gm supported orgamzallon')? If 'Yes' tJnd 1! you ch1Jclced 12a or 12b m Part I, answer (b) and (c) below j b Dtd the orgamzatron have ulllmate oontrol and discretion in deciding whether to make grants lo the foreign supported organ1zallon? If 'Yes,· descnbe m Part VI /low the orgamwt1en hai:l such control andd1scretmp -desplle bemg controlled or supervised by or m connect1on with its supported orgamza!Jons 4a __ _J 4b c Did the organization support any foreign supported organization that does not have an IRS delerm1nat1on under sections 501 (c)(3) and 509(a)(1) or (2)? If 'Yes,· exp/am m Part VI what controls Ille (1rganizat1on used to ensure that all support to /he foreign supported organization was used exclusively for seclron t70(c)(2)(13) purposes Sa Did the orgarnzal1on add. subsl1tute. or remove ~Ry iiupported organ1ZB!ions ,duri119-itie tax year? If 'Yes,· answer (1:1) and (c) below (1! applicable) Also, prowde detail m Part VI, mcludmg (1) the n1Jm"'1ihnd EJN numbers of the supported orgamza/1ons add,ed, subsl1luled, or removed, (/1} 111e;f11.~sons for each suclflf,6611, (111) /he authonty under the orgamza11on's organizing document authorizing s i'Jcn a'cllOrt, d (1v} how the action was accompl1shed (such as by atnandmenl 10 the orr;amzmg dooument) b Type I or Type II only. Was any added or substituted supporle\l'ti organ1zat1on's organizing document? c Substitutions only. Was the substitul1on the 6 Q'ar rEiSJ!lt Cit an eve/11 b¢ Ion part of a class already designated m the 4c 1---1--IJ _ 5a _ _J 5b d lhe organ1zat1on's C-Ontrof? Did the orgen1zJ:lhon provide support (whether in the form of grants or the prov1s10n of services or fac1ht1es) to anyone other than (1) rts supported organizations, (u} 1nd1v1duals that are part of the chantable class benefited by one or more of 1ts supported orgamzahons, or (111) oth!ilr supporting orgamzat1ons that also support or benefit one or more of the filing organiza~on's supported organ1zat1ons? If 'Yes,' pm111de dela1/ m Part Vt. 7 Did the organ1z:allon proVJde a grant. loan. compensation, or other sirmlar payment to a substantial contnbutor (defined 1n section 4958(o)(3)(C)). a family member ofa substantial contnbulor, or a 35% controlled enllly with regard to a substanl1al_conlnbutor? If 'Yes.' complftlft Part I of Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 8 Did the organi:zallon make a loan lo a d1squahlled person (as defined m section 4958} not described in line 7? If 'Yes,' complete Part I of Schedule L- (Form 990 or 99q-Ez) 9a Was the organization controlled d1reclfy or 1nd1rectJy at any time dunng the tax year by one or more d1squahlled persons as defined m section 4946 (other than foundation managers and orgarnzat1ons described 1n section 509(a)( 1) or (2))? If "res,' provide dela1/ rn Part VI b Did one or more disqualified persons (as defined 1n hne 9a) hold a controlling 1ntere$l 1n any entity 1n which the supporting organ1zat1on had an interest? If 'Yes.• provide delarl m Part VI c Did a disqualified person (as denned 111 hne 9a) have an ownership interest m, or denve any personal benefil from. assets 1n which the supporting organization also had an mteresl? If 'Yes,· provide detail rn Part VI __ J 6 __ _J 7 _ __ _ _ __J 8 9a 9b _ _ _J 9c 1 Oa Wa'S.lhe organi~t1on subject to the excess business holdings rules of section 4943 because of section 4943(1) (regarding certain TYl?B II supporting orgarnzat1ons, and all Type Ill non-funct1onally mtegraled supporhng orgarnzat1ons)? I/ 'Yes,• answerVfCb'p~low 10a b Did the organization have any excess business holdings in the lax year? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720. to determine whether the 01gan1wt1on had excess business holdings) BAA TEEAG404 09128116 Schedule A (Fann 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Schedule A (Form990 o_r99Q..EZ) 2016 Donors •rrust , Inc. Page5 Has the orgamz.allon accepted a o•ft or contnbut1on from any of !he ro11owing persons? '1 a A. person who directly or 1nd1rei::i1y controls, either alone or logelhet w1lh persons described In (bl and (c) below. Iha 9011em1ng body of a supPQrted orgam:zation? 1ta b A family member or a person descnbed m (a) above? 111>· c A 35% controlled ent11y or a person des.cnbed m (a) or (b) above? JI 'Yes' to a; b, or c. provide ct11.t!!Jl mPart VI. 11c Yes .No Yes No Yes No 01d lhe directors, trustees, or membership of one or more supported organtzailons have Ille power to ragullJrly appomt or elect at least a maJonty of the orgamz.allon's directors or trustees at ell bmes dunng \he t'ax year? If 'No;• descnbe in Part VI how the supporlect orgamiat1on{s) elfac11ve/y operated, supervised, or controll~t;f,the orgamzat1on•s act1v1t1es II the orgamzat1on hsd more th.an one supported orgamzat1on, descnbe how the powers ro appomi and/or remove direotars or trosteos wern o//aca/ed among tho supported orgamzat10ms and what cond1lmm; or rastnot1ons, d any, applied lo such powars durmg the tax year Did lhe 01gari1za11on operate for lhe benefit of any supported organization other tlian the suDi:)j:l'rteciorgaruzahon(s) that operated. supervised, or controlle1 year d1recUy lurther the exempt p1,1rpooos or the suppor1ed orgamzal,on(s) lo which the orgamzallon was responsive? If 'Yes, ' than m Pan VUdentify lhose supported organizations and explain how t(lasa acl1vd1es d1TecUy furthered thelf exempt purposes, haw the argamzaVon was responsive loJflose supported or{femzaboms, and how the orgomzatson delenmned that these acl1111t1es const1tured substantm//y all of ifs acl1V1/1es No 1 2a b 01d the achv111es ·de;;cnb!!.d .10 .(a) oonslitute acl1 v1t1es that, but for the 01gamzat1on's involvement, one 01 more of tl'\e orgamzauon's st1pp.o rted 0Jlian1ZBl1on(s) would have been engaged m? If 'Yes, ' explarn m Part VI th11 reasons for the 01gantzat10n's pos1/1on /hat 1/s supported orgamzation(s) would hiiv& engaged m lh11se actlv11tes but for lhe orgal')lzEjl!ort's mvo/vement Parent of SIJJ:!porfod 0Jgc:in1zat10ns Answer (a) and (b) below. J a Did the orgamzat19r;i have the poY11er lo rngularly appoint or elect a ma1only ol the officers, directors, or each of the supported organ1zallons? ProwrJe details in Part VI. l~stees of b Did the orgamzahon exercise a substantial degree or d1racllon ovo:tr the policies , programs, and act1v1t1es of each of 11s supported orgarnzat1ons? II 'Yes,' descnba m Part YI the role played by the organrzart0n m this regard BAA TEEA0405 Qil12S11e - - - - 3b Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 .r.l..llr1. in . .. . .- .I.. Ii. ~chedule A (Form 990 or990-E.Z) 2016 IPart V Donors Tru.s t, '52-2166327 Inc. !Type Ill N<>n-Functlonally Integrate~ 509(a)(3) Supporting Organizations Pag116 0 1nstruollons. C~epk_ here 1f the or.gan1za11on sat1sfieo Iha tntegr!'ll Part Te,st as a qualifying trust. on Nov 20, 1970 (exJlla:u:i. 111 P~~ VI) &,li'.a All olher Type Ill non-func11onally integrated suppor11ng·orgamza11ons mus\ comptele Sections·;,. through s·-- Section A -Adjusted Net Income 1 1 2. Recovei1(!a·of pn,o t-Y.ear d1slnbuhons 2 3 Olher gross income (see .mslruchi:ins) 3 4 Add lines 1 lhrouJL_li 3 5 Deprec1011on and deplellon 6 Poroon of operallng expenses paid or 111curred for production or collechon of gross incorne or for management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for producllon of income (see 1nslruct1ons) 7 Other e~pe11ses {see 1ns.l ructiona) 8 ~ '~ 4 '5 6 "' ~ 7' -"- ~ Section B - Minimum Asset Amount - Aggregate fair market value of all non-exampl·use assets (see mslrucl10J for short tax year or assets held for part of year) _1_ ~ a Average monthly value of secunlles b Average monthly cash balances e Discount cla1rned for blockage or other factors (e~platn 1n detail in Part VI} 2 3 4 5 .. " Mulbply hne 5 by 035 Recovenes of prior-year d1slnbubon7 8 Minimum Asset Amount (lldd lln!I 7 line~ -""'= to l111e 6) Section C - Distributable Am~unt (A)~!rYear (B) Current Year (op\Jonal) .... 'I J 1d J 3 _ Ne\ value of non-exempt-use assets (subtract hrie 4 from 7 'I 2 Cash deemed held for exempt use Enter 1-1121% of li'I~~ greater amm1nl, see mslruc11ons) ..:!..£ 6 ~ ,\ .... from hne 1d -·z 11)' [F ~ Acqu1s111an indebtedness apphcable to non-exempt-use assets Subtract hne 2 ~ 1ic .i..L ll d Total (add Imes 1a, 1b, and 1c) " ~ '~- h ,[1 ' ~ c Fair market value of other non-oxempt-use as:;ets (op~Olllll) ''f" a/ A Amounts · · --::; Amounts paid to perform ac11v1ty that directly furthers exempt purposes of supported organ1zal.lons, lrl excess Ofln~rne fr(im"ac!lv1ty 3 4 Adm1n111.lral.lve..e2erises p_eid to·acoompl1.s)) exempt purppses of supported organ1za\1ons .6 ~ ~ c D1strrbutable amount for 2016 from Section C, hne 6 9 10 1" 17 77 Drslribul10ns to atlentrve supported organ12auons to which the orgarnwlron is respon~~Ye 1(prov1de details m Part VJ) See 1n ~truc11ons 8 ~ . -; Ali'lounls p\11d· lO acq1.11re exempt-use asse;ts Qua11ned set-aside amounts (pnor IRS approvai requ1Te<;l) Olher d!slnBut1ons (descnbe m Part VI) See 1hstrl'.lollpM Total annual distributions. Add .hnes 1 through 6 7 Curf,fi!nl Year ...... ~ paJd 10 &_Upponed orgari1%,atio.ni; .lo a_C<::ornpr1~t;i- ex.empl·purposes 2 5 Page 7 l.Tu.l:!_e ·m No~--Fun~tional!Y inte_g_rat~d so_fila)(~ Sll pp_orti11g Organizations7oont/i'11:1edJ ~--"° "',,_ ......... Line 8 amount d1v1ded by Line 9 amount ~ . r (I) r< . 1 D1stnbutable amount for 2016 from Secllon C. lrne 6 2 Underd1stnbul1ons, 1r any, for years pnor to 2016 (reasonable cause required - explain 1n Part VI) See mstruct1ons Excess d1stnbutrons carryover. 11 any , to 2016 3 a ~ bl e From 2015 . -· 1~1 I c From 2013 . d From 2014 . Undordit311;n1Uons Pie-2016 \%. ~ 17 IY - ' ... h Apphed to 2016 d1slnbutable amount j_ I Ca!:!Yover from 2011 not l!E£!1edJ_see 1nstruchoni --.:-.._ ... j_ Remainder Subtract hnes :lg_, 3h, and 31 from 31 D1stnbut1ons for 2016 from Section D, line? a Applied to underd1stnbutrons of p~ T --~- g Applied lo underd1stnbutrons of pnor years ... ...,L ... ~ -;: .. ' ~-~., -- J .~ J - -. -- -...5 I - _; ' $ + .. -:;-, _-..:- b AJ~Qhed to 2016 d1stnbutable emo · c Remainder subtract lines 4a and .- from 4 , l. ~ .. - 01.strlbulltble Amount for 2016 -:- ~ '"S" s_ f Total of lines 3a through e 4 (il•) Pl!!~~SS ·utions Section E - Distribution Allocations (see instructions) ' Rernarning underd1s!nbu!Jons for yea~l)or lo 2016, 1i ari;; Subtract lines 3g and 4a from hne 2 For tesuH greater than zero, e~_elam 1n Pan VI Sea;mstr~cl1ons 5 Remmnmg underd1slnbu\l~s for Sub~ct hnesih -and 4b from line 1 For result greater than :i:ei'o,.exp,i a1n in Part VI See -1nsiructlons 26'.it s 6 7 Excess dfstribut1ons COC:·l"lOYOT Breakdown ofjLQa 7 8 ------- lo 2017 Add) 1nas ~l and 4c ~ aj b Excess frghi'2013 c Excess rr~m:i 2014 d Ed for pub he use (e g , recreation or ed~ -:lion) § ) ll!SeNa!10:n of a historically rmportanl land area Prolect1on of natural hab1lat Preservation of open space Preservahon of a certified h1slonc slruclure Complete lines 2a through 2d 1f the organ1zatron held a quef1ned conser,vat1on co~ uuon m the form of a conservation easement on the last day of \he lax year 2 I a Total number or conservation easemonts. ~ ' • ' . • • • • . 2b c Number of cor1serve t1on easernenJ,S on a cenin11d h1stone. Siru.~tura included rn (a) 2c b Total acreage res tricted by conservation easements • • Held al the End of the Tax Year 2a I '" d NI.Imber of oonserv1i1t1on easement$ 11)clud.ed m (c) acquired e b-t 8/17/0.6, end not on a h1slorrc slructure listed 1n the National Register . . . . . • . . 3 2d Number of conservation easemen1s moit1Qed\ transferred, released, e.xllngurshed, or lerm1nated by lhe organtzat1on dunng the l:;1Xyear .. 4 Nu~ber of stales where property sul:\iect to conse~n easemer:il 1s localed • 6 Does the organrzatron have a wntlen policy regarding !he perrodrc monrtonng, 1nspecllon. handling of v10Jatmns, and enforcement of the conservation easements ii holds? • • oves No Staff and volunteer hours devoted to morntonng, 1nspecbng, handling of v1otal1ons, and enforcing conservation easements dunng the year 7 Amount of expenses incurred 1n mon1tonng, 1nspeclu1g, handling of V10lat1ons, and enforcing conservation easements dunng the year 8 Does each conservation' easement raported on line 2(d) above satisfy the requirements of section 170(h)(4)(B)(1) and section 170(h](4)(B)(n)? • . . . . • • . 1• • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • •• 9 ln Part Xlll, descnbe how the organization reimrts conservation easements 1n its revenue and expense statement, and balance sheet, and include, 1r applicable, the lext of the footnote to the orgarnzahon's nnanc1al statements lhat describes the organization's accounting for conserval!on easements 5 D . .. $ _ _ _ _ _ _..,.....,,,.._ [Part Ill · IOrganizations' Maintaining Collections of Art, Hlstorloal Treasures, or Other Similar Assets. Cofl'!plete if the org~n1zatmn answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 8 1 a If the orgarnzat1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116· (ASC 958), not to report in its revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, historical treasures, or other s1m1lar assets held for publro exh1b1t1on , education, or research in furtherance of public service, provide, 1n Part XII I. the text of lhe footnote to rts nnanc1al slalemenls Iha! descnbes lhese 1lems b tr the organizal1on elected, as permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), to report in 1ls revenue statement and balance sheet works of art, hlsloncal treasures, or other s1rndar assets held for public exh1b1t1on. educatrnn, or research m furtherance of public service, provide the following amounts relalmg to these items .. . .. $ _________ (i) Revenue included on Form 990. Part VIII, line 1 . . . . . . . ..$ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (ii) Assets included m Form 990, Part X . . . 2 If the organ1z.at1on received or held works of art, h1stoncal treasures. or other s1m1lar assets for financial gain, provide the following amounts reqlllred to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) relating to these items a Revenue included on Form 990, Part VIII, line 1 . •$ _ ________ b Assets included m Form 990, Part X .... $ BAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. TEEA3J01 08115116 Schedule D·(FatT'll 990) 2016 Donors Trust, Inc. S-2-2166327 Page2 Or anlzations Malntalnin Collections of Art Historica l Treasures, or Other Sfmllar Assets contmued ScheduleD(Form990 2016 I § Using the organ1zat1on's acqu1s1l1on, accession. and other records, check any of the following that are a s19n11ic~nt use 9 ' llS'..c:911eclie items (check all that apply) 3 a Pubhc b c exh1b1~on d B Loan or exchange programs e Scholarly research Preservation for future generations Olhor ---------~-----------'------ 4 Provide a descnplion of \he orgamzabon's cotlecbons and exp\am how they further the orgamzal1on's exempt purpose m Part XIII 5 During the year, did \ho organizallon sohClt or receive donauons of art, h1sloncal treasures, or other s1m1 ar. as:sets to be sold to raise funds rather than to be maintained as part of the orgamzat1on's YQllechon? • • . . . • . Escrow and Custodial Arra ngements. Complete 1f the organization answere line 9, or reported an amount on Form 990, Part X, line 21 . Yes No Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, 1 a Is the organization an agent, trustee, custodian or other 1nterrned1ary for contnbubons or other assets not included on Form 990, Par1 X?. . . . . • • . . . . • • . . • . • . • • • . • . ' . • • • • • . . . QYes b If 'Yes,' explain the arrangement 1n Part XIII and complete the following table Amount 1e 1d c Begmmng balance . d Add1t1ons during the year • . e D1stnbubons durmg the year 1---i_e+-------------- f Ending balance. 2 a Did the organ1zat1on include ,___1_f_.__ _ _ _~~---~~-- b II "Yes,' explain the an amount on Form 990, Part X, lme 2 1. for eserow or cust.o<11al acco\mt hability? arrangement m Part XIII Check here 1f the &1{Pl;mallon has been pro111ded on ~art XIII .• No ... ·1:, 1!1~1-\ Endowment Funds. Com_Qjete 1f the orgamzatlon answered 'Yes.-:On Form 990 Part IV, ltne 10 (a) Curren!Elar i t (b)Pnor..Y.ila~ J&Two~ars back l!!}_Three_y_ears b~'k 1 a Begmnmg ol year balance 163 691 827. Ll6,724.. ~60. 99,288 970. 28,159 J.10. b Conlnbut1ons ..' 87 c Net 1nveslmenl earnings, gains, ..... . . . . and losses . d Grants or scholarships • • . . • e Olher expenditures for rac1hltes and programs f Admm1strat1ve expenses 154,921,886. 82' 2 f97. 895. 1 .~ -921, 3:49. 66, 6 1 0JL.s°76. '· 13,856,622. .e. 1 071,963. lr8 ;!,. 3 4'~ *8 5 . ~a.J.l';; 715 7 • 163 _, 6911 827. 136,724,460. Provide the est1maled percentage of the currentyeat-e d balance (line 1g , column (a)) held as g End of year balance 2 l l 2_,_21:3. 68,316 859,767. 39j. ~ a Board d!lS1gnaled orquas1-endowmeJ\t ,. 10Q, 00 % b Permanent endowment .. •Q • OO % c Temporarily restncted endowme·n t • O. 00 '\ - 103,1'13.426 . (!}_FDUQ'Yars (lat!( 24,001,854 . 45,586,772. r.10,326,12 4 . 7,035,457. l,026,829. 936,611 . 38,475 416 . 40,276,542. 0. 7,766 . 1,657,333. 875,909. 565,841. 522,470. 99,288,970. 28,159,110 . 56 The percentages on Imes 2a, 21>. and 2c 1lho11ld equal 100~ 3 a Are there endowment funds not in lhe possession of the ofgan1zat1on that are held and adm1111slered for the organ1zat1on by (i) unrelated organizations Yes x x Ja(1i) (ii) related organizations b If 'Yes' on Ima 3a(11), are the related organ1zat1ons hsled as required on Schedule R? 4 No • Ja(i) . • , . 3b Descnbe 1n Part XIII the intended us.f t-of .the orgamzabon's endowment funds iit•I Land, Bulldings, and Equipment. Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 11 a. See Form 990, Part X, line 10. besc']pllon of property 1 a Land . '. '. b Buildings. c Leasehold improvements • d Equipment e Other . . . .. (b) Cosi;r ot~r basis other a) Cosl or other basis (investment\ (d) Book value (c) Accumulated depreciation 0 , 0 .. ..Q. . 0. 0 . 0. 94 0. 4,00 204. 0. 12 804. 26_._636. o. 16 676. 9 96J!.. ~E- 765. 41 782. 107 0 • !2f.l.:247. . . -T ota l. Add Imes 1a through 1e J_Coll1mnlepenses and losses per audited flnanaal statements. • 2 Amounts included on hne 1 but not on Form 990, Part IX, bne 25 a Donated services and u$e Qf laClltbes • b Pnor year adjustments , • • • c Other losses . • • • d Olher (Oeacntm in Part XIII ) • l .' ' e Add Imes 2a through 2d • , 3 4 Sub\nlct Ima 2e from line 1 • Amounts tncludecJ on Form 990, Part IX, line 25, but not on line 1 a Investment expens&s nol mctuded on Form 990, part VIII, bne 7b. b Other (Descnbe 1n Part XIII ) • • • . c Add Imes 4a and 4b • . · : ·1 ' . 2e 3 ::I 4c 5 Provide the descriptions required for Part II line$ 3. 5, and 9, Part Ill, Imes fa.and 4, Part IV, Imes 1b and 2b1 Part V, lme 4, Part X, line 2, Part XI, Imes 2d and 4b. al'ld Pa'Fl XII, lines 2d and 4b Also complete this part to provide any additional mformabon BAA Sched11le o:(Form 990) 2016 OMS No 15<5-0Q.o 7 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments, and Individuals in the United States SCHEDULE I (Form 99D) Oepartrn.et1f or tile Tra.a~ry lnte,mal Revenue Sel"\·1cfi:o .~ -- ..:::o.. ~" Complete lf the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part lV, line 21 or 22. .. Attach to Form 99D. ~ Information about Schedule I (Form 990) and its instructions 1s at www.irs.gov/form990. 2-016 Open to Public Inspection TEmpJoyff 1aentll'fauon nun'l-be:r 152-2166327 Donors ,Trust Inc . [ Part·I }General lnformati6h on Grants and Assistance Does the or,gai;IZ'l!IOh maintain records lo subs1anba\e th~ Bl'f'IQUnt of the grants or asststance, the grantees' ehg1b1l1ty for !he grants or assistance, and !he selection (ll'l.tena us,ed-to award the grants or as~1stance'> • • • . • • . . . . . . • . • • . • • • • • . •• • •.. . • . •• . 2 Oescnbe 10 Part IV the organizauon's procedures for mon1toru:ig the use of grant funds 1n !he Ur.ited Stales IPart II IGrants and Other -Assistance t~ Domestic Or-Qanizations and Domestic Governments. ~Yes Complete if the organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 21, for any recipient that received mo're than $5,000. Part II can be duplicated 1f additional space is needed. 1 {•) Name and add""' of oryan.zallon mMe:tooc1"' ..1ua1io11 {b) E'.IN (tiook. FMV. appt>J$al, rJfgovemm~.riJ oilier) l~----------- ---- - -- J~ - - ---------------J~---- -------- -----l~--- ----- ---------J6l _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .i7l _____ - - -- - ----- - - -- J~---- --- - ---------2 Enter total number of section 501 (c)(3} and government organ1zat1ons hster NIA lo suppoera~DJl.5 ralaperabons / 901 North Glebe Road SwteSOO 5'M(e)!3l An!llgliln. VA 22203-1854 S10JlCO NIA Woun!atn S1alea ~egal Foundabon 2596 Swfh L.,....s Wa:f ~000 84-0736725 501(cJ(3jt 52-1600481 5D1(C) 52-1902264 501(c)(3) $50000 NIA NIA tor the Mit~on~ PetConnecl Res<:Ue PO Box60714 PO!Omac, MO 20859 55-0857806 501(c)(3) $8,00000 NIA 52-2296291 50'!(c)(31 $10.00000 NIA Lakewood. CD 00227 C..nter for lndMdual Rights 1233 20111 SU'eet. MN SU!te300 Woshlnglon. DC 20()36.1609 Employrneru Pohcies lns1Ib;1e Foundall\lll 1090 Vermont Avenui>. NW surteeoo Wash1n on, DC 20005 v.yomng Liberty Group torgenml Cash Sfudents for Sensible Drug Policy Foundallon 1011 0 Slreet NW S Nih' .....__. lnlemallonal Sooely tor lndMduat lJbeity San Frllr}=. CA 64108-e!'.02. (h) Purpose of GranlOf Assistance $15.DOO_()Qj $20.000~ 501(eJ(3) Founda&on Olscovery !Tlsbtll!e 208 Columlna Slreet Seattle, WA 981D4 ) J;~/ Allema!lves Research & Development 801 Old Yori< Road &rte 315 JeniinlOv.TI. PA 10046 Non-Cash Ass!stanr.e (g) Oescript1on of F 2261 Mafllet $1Jeet San Fraoc.cs<:c. CA !14114 (e) Amount of / k 21}-1425438 Erotic SeMce P!o'Jlders legal E4ucaton and Researdl ProJec! - (dJ Amount of Applicable ] /~ (c} IRC NIA , lo Sllpport LI S:llOoland's worl< len~bertv in Ct;11a ·~ · ~ Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ~Do~n~o~~~T~ru~s~l~ . J~nc:......:5~2~~2~l~65~3~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Sch I. Grants to Orgamzat1ons and lndvlduals Ill the US Grants to Organl;mtfons, and Governments In the U.S. Part II, (a) {b) (CJ (d) Name and Address of BN IRC Amount of Cash Grant Orgacnzation or Section If GovernrTilliit Appl!cabJe (e) Amount of Non-Cash Assistance (f} Melhod of Valuation (book, FMV, apprcusal, (hi {g) Oescttp!Jon of Non-Casi) Assistance Purpose of Gran! ar Assistance other) JlldlCIBI Educabon P!Of'..el 3011 Oumbal1on S!reel ~ INasll IO!l. DC 20007 Voung Amencan~ !of l.!betty Foundalion PO Box2751 Arlmglon. VA 22202 .20-2~1 501(c 3) ~S-3S03G72 501(c)(3) 94-2681880 so1 cc)(3) 23-2740843 S01{c){3) 47-1979289 501(.:)(S) 2&4029303 SG1f 46-2805977 501(c)(.I} 51-0235174 501(c){3} $20,00000 NIA IOr.generol NIA NIA for genela Avenue NW Sulle650 Woslnng100. DC 20006 $500.000 NIA LeaderslllP Institute 1101 North Hoghlaral Slreet Arfr.g!on, VA 22201 $1,500 !iO NIA Schedule_I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 =Donors;o::::::.::..T~rus~l~.l=nc.::.....:5=2~-2~1~6632::::=~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 Sch Part t, Gfanls to Organ1zallons and lnd111duals.1n the U S I~ Grants to Organb:atjons and Govemmen!S in the U.S. (a) (b) (C} {d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Name and Mqress·of brgan1za11on or ElN IRC Section If Appkcable Amount of Cash Grant Amount of Method of Purpose of Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Assistance appraisal, Descnptlon nf Non-cash Assistance Govern~nt / 1 KallS3S Polley lnslltute 250 Notth ·wa1erSll'ee1 1...- }1 Grant or Assistance other) 7,7 SUl1e216 · $5,000·00 NlA Cl!3h NIA ~~ llj)em11ons 5111(•!(3) SS5();C0000 NIA Cash NIA for general ope1at.an1 23-2473&45 SOl (c)(:IL s1~.ooo oo NTA Clish NIA !OC 11ie area ol highest need 23-7432162 S0f{c)(3) S'!.000~ NJ,e. ea,;~ NIA For Palrom L~21 Sponsorship ~ forllflnoos NIA lte: lhe_:l.-s p~ NIA Rhode t.di!il!f. CaUlom1a. Vennoiil and Texas ProieIMlonweallh f01l!ldaliort for Public ?ollC)I Attema~ 225 Slate S1reel Slll!e 3tl2 Ha..,,,;1>"rg· PA 17101 Cato lasllule 1000 M8ssachuselts Avenue, t>lW Wilsh~oo, OC 20001 .5403 ,... Amencan& for Prospemy FcundatlOn 13t0 N Courthouse Rd Surte700 Mng1oa. VA 22201 52-1~7~ 501(c)(3) $25;000~ I NIA Sll!!e 12 ~na CC 20009 52-1975211 501(c:)(3) $8.00000 NIA 52-1975211 501(c)(3} $84,00000 NIA '-I ...... ' Policy Project fOUndalion 2370 C/\amplaln Sln!el ~ Su~e 12 wastllnp!on. OC 20009 , IY )~ cash ... IAafUWlna PollCy ProJect Foundation 2370 CIU!mplaln street NW Was11;ng100, IT .... , - 1 101 lhe Ml!.llle 0 C~~. Cesb ~ Tile FBlmess Cen!er P 0 Bax 1482 1675 Cemp Hill Bypass Camp HIU, PA 17001 1'\ 464462738 501(c){3) $50.000_QQi NIA Casb NIA lGI: 01~ area Ot~hest need '" ,. Schedule I (Form 990or990-EZ) 2016 Donors Trust, Inc 52-2166327 5 Sch I, Grants to Orgarnzallons and lndviduals 1n the U S Part 11, Grants to Organfzations and Governments in the U.S. (a) (bl (c) (d) (e) (f) (SJ (h) Name and Address of Orgamza~ on or ElN IRC $ec1lon If Amount of Amount of Nori-Cash Assistance Method of Oesatption of Non-Cash Assistance Purpose of Grant or Assistance Cash Grant Applicable Goverrim~nl Valuation (book, FMV. appraisal. other) Ccmpe1"'ve Enlow.ise·lnsb!lJI• 1899 L Street, NW Allot 12 Washm~1on, DC 2003~G4 ' 52-1351785 501(c (SJ $375,00000 NIA Cash NIA ror ge<-.etal o ~.00000 NIA. Casi\ NIA. far eneral operations $750.-000 00 .N/J\ NIA for general operahons NIA for general opo1ations NJA fru ~cneslllll~ton. DC 20006 (b) BN (d) (c) !RC Section rf (e) Amount of Amount of Cash Grant Non-Cash Assistance Applicable 22-1500498 501(Cl{3) 12:!9 Klllg Street 3rd Floor Ale>eaMna. VA 22314 2~ soi'rr.)~l Freedom Foundation POBt»<552 O))>m?'ll . WA 98507 94-3136961 501 (c)~) Fund for Amencan St001es 1706 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Vo/ashingion. OC 20009 13-a223604 501(c $415.00000 (f) Method of ValualLOn (book, FMV, appra1S31, other) (h) (g} DeSCl'lptton of Non-Cash Ptuposeof Grant or Ass1Stance Assistance for gl! · Texas ) ssoooo tollS 95-3298239 501(c)(~ Federalisl Soctely 1778 ! Slreei. WI Sulle300 Wasl\1ngton, DC 200C6 for general opetailons Mounlam Stales Legal Fcundal1on 2596Sot.llh l&llilS 'WlYf u•ttwnoo. ca 80227 Nalronal Reefnbons $250.00000 NIA Cash NIA tor general operabons NIP. Qdh NIA Thl'lkll~ Ce$h NIA for 11eneral <>Pen111Dns NIA !or general opembons 1'7 E Pklnbus Unum Films 224715thA11enueWes1 Seat11e, WA 981 19 ') $25,00000 SQ1f ut3J 1~ i lo suppat lhe EecnOllllC $25:00000 f' Maniuana Polley f>rOJect F'ounc1811011 2370 Champlain Slnlel f'M Sulle t2 War.h1ng1on, DC 20009 52-1975211 501(c)(3) $7-5,000 00 -· -~ NIA L 1 -~~ M1>VlnlJ Picture !Mhtule 375 Greem..ch Streel N'!W Yoit, NY 10013 20-3237801 501(cl(3} 1150.00000 G.asri NIA ,4. Cenler lor lndepelJdent Though! 1420 Wllout Street Stille 1011 PMa:!olplUa, PA )91D2 Famd~ Against 52.()945376 S01(c)(3l S15.00000 NIA. ' • ~ DC ~ I"'~ I' "V NIA. forgenernl operabons N/A ror gooei;ll O!>erabons Mand"al<>!y M1111mums FoUtldabon 1100HS1ree1.NW suite 1000 WDsh!nglon, _j_ ~0005 ' - -. 52-17502M! 501(e)(3l S75.!JOµOO NIA Cash , ~;~ ... Com;>a...,,., and Choices PO B<>x 101810 Denver. CO 8025!}.1810 •I 64-1328829 5011cl(3) $15.00000 WA Cash NIA "' ...lo~ne4643068 to supp~n the Indiana Pro1eet ver.ra. 1214 Boston Pos! Road, #148 Matnaronec~. NY 10543 for general aperal!On• + l.aw Journal Casll NIA fbr general cperahons NIA tor general ooetatlOAs PelCcnned ResG1Je POBox6071~ Polomao. MD 20859 Wf\ Casli Cell MolJon l.aboratooes, Inc Cell Mobon Laboralooes. Inc PO Bcx20374 New Yofk, NV 10000.esso NlA far ~eneral operellon• 501!c)(3) NIA lcr Ute as ea or highest .need 501 (e)(3) NIA Caslt 501(c)(3) NIA Ca.n 57,00000 OMF CommUn!IY Oulreach 155 3e27S1 MngtQfl, VA 22202 Thomas M«e Soaely 19 S00tn L&Satle Slteel Su1te603 Cb!ca o. IL 00603 3&-4270023 N/A Sctiedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ·--- . - ----. - .... Donors Trust, Inc 52·2166327 9 Sch I, Grants to OrgantZa!1ons and lndvlduals m the U.S. Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S. (a) (b) Name and Address or Organizauo_n ar Governrri'em ElN (c) !RC Section If Applicable (d) {&) Amount of Amount of Non-Cash Cash Grant Assistance (f) Melhod of Valuation (book, Fr-IN, appraisal, othel) Sllldents !or Sensible On>ll Pcliey F°"ndallnn 1011 0 Slreet WI>/ Su1le \ Waslun'1111n. DC 20001 (h) (g) Descnptron of Non-Cash Assrstance Purpose of Grant or Assistance ror the Callfom1a, Oregon, Washmgton amt Nevada Cash SZ-2296291 NIA Pr NIA r~1 WA for general oPerallons NIA ror 111.. Wlham and Eleai1or cave Award NewHeivesl 154 Grand Street 6111 Floor New YO!l<, NY 10013 gcneml opera~ons Certel, Inc 6520 Allrson Poonl Bllld Sulle220 lndtanapol!S, IN 46250 46-1888002 Amencan AntJ..Viwedlon Soceiy 801 Old Yml< Road Sulle2C>4 Jenklnl"""1 , PA 19045 23-0341900 501( Erobe SeMce Pmviders Legel Educa1Jon 8lld RMeBtdl Project 22&1 Marice! Slreet #S48 San Fmn"sco, CA 9' 114 27-2049ll!!I! 501!e (3) $5.00000 NIA f0t gene.al oP"fiibons KU Endowment Kansas Unl\lefSlt}' EndOWrnenl AsslmJy, CR 97385 BCM)711747 501(c)<3) SW,00000 NIA Federalist Scaety 1ns t Slreel tN>I Sulfe300 'Nuhallon Sttee!lllW Wasll!Flg!on, DC 20007 ~, 501 c}(3) $250.000 00 NIA 10( Was1>ino1on. De 20006 22-1500498 501(c)(3) $110,000 NIA 10< gailGral opera~ FoundaltOll for Accounlabdoly and CIVIC Trust 3220 N Street NW 5u1le 302 Washmglon. DC 20007 46-4754874 501tcl(S~ $800.000 NIA 04-2105775 501(e)(3> 510,000 Nl'A Govemmenl Heritage Foundallon 214 Mas5llclulselt$ Avenue, NE Wa!htnglbn, DC 20002-4999 NIA for eneml operallt>r.s Cash NIA wonc or NilCO$e of Secbond Appficable Method of Valuation (book, FMV. appraisal, AsSISlance Assistance Jr Grant or other) ' ( J o.... lady ot Moun1 carme1 cainotic Cllul'Ch S620 South HICkory Corde lJtll~!O(l. co 80120 W,.Oming l.Jberty Group 1902Tbomes Avenue Sut!e 201 Ch~""- W'f 820.01-3549 ". iL/ z 20-2828115 !:,,.,.---..,._ so1{cxJJ $6,000~ 88-0Z7&3H 50~)0) I $2SO.OOOJlO. 501 (c)(3} -"" ,$2S;OOo 00: ""'" NIA_ 501(c){3) 55.0CO_QOj WA .~ OR 97123 Cash NJA ~ iJ"""'3I ce>erabons Cash NIA ""genenil ope:.::::;ra~Tru.:..:.:::s=t~.l~nc:::......:5~2~-2~1=66327==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 Sch I. Grants lo Organizations and lndvaduals 1n the U S Part II, Grants to Organiza,tioils and Governments In the U.S. {b) EIN (a} Name and Addre5s of Orgamzahon or Govemmeirt .. ' / Banner Healitl Foundation 2901 Nol1h Central Avenue StJde 160 Phoenix, AZ 85012 _:=i (CJ IRC Section If Applicable Un!vetsl1y of San D1cgo 5998 Alcala PBll< Sen Diego, CA 92110 Non-Cash Assistance (f) Method of Valuation (book, FMV, appraJSal, other) (g) (h) DescnpfJon of Non-Cash Assistance Purpose of Grant or Assistance ~7 94-2545355 S01(c>t:!J Banner Heallh Fo•m~a~on 2901 Nortll Cenltal A11enue Sul1e 160 ?hoel\IX. AZ 65012 (e) Amomtof (d) Amount of Gash Grant ~2545355' 501(C)(3) NIA $5,00000 ) ) fer lhe On:clOQy SU;>port Fund of Banner Thulldoll>ml Mtdicai Center NIA Cash IOr11'.e l'alllalMI C3te fund of Banoer Thundefblfd Medal S10,QOOOO NIA Cash NIA ~ter Nt~.. Cash NIA ror lhe Centetlt>r Ell">IC!I, EQOnom1cs a'>d Publ:c Potu:y ~- - NIA for general operallllns 'NIA fa<.J!..eneral o?l'(illio"5 NIA ""iforgener81 oper.1ltoB> I 115-2544535 S01(cJ@. -S,90(000 00 '"' Cause of AclJon 1919 Pennsylvatua Aven!JI> NW Su1la6SO WMherallOn• Cash NIA ""'general QperallOOS ··-Gath NIA for general oPe<, CA ~16 !-: NIA . 95-32$11239 SO~) $1.00000 14!A Cash NIA locgeoe 510.0po 00 NIA Cash NIA ... ICM" general c~s " Schedule I (Fonn 990 or~ 2()16 ~Do~no~~ra~T_rus..:;.;;.;t~.l~n~c_5~2~-2~1~66~3~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-15 Sch I, Grants 1o Orgar11zahons and lndviduals m the U S Part l!, Grants to Organlzatlprn; and Governments in the U.S. (b) EIN Non-Cash (h) Pwposeof Grant or Assistance Assrstance (e} AmoUJlt of (f) Method of Non-Casn Assistance Valuallon (book, FMV, apprarsal, olher} NIA Cash 27·2B3il~ NIA Cash NIA I« ~en~ ooerallons OkW.oma Crty, OK 73116 47-2593565 NIA Cash NIA fc; eneral opemllona Calo lnstrrute tOOO Massachusetts Avenue. NW Wash1ng!On , DC 20001-5403 23-7432162 501(0)(3) ',513.(JO!HIO 'NIA £4sll NIA for Ille Erpenmcniat Po!UJ~ Sc!!llCC Pr.,,.,a 3&.3235.560 501(C)(3) $2,50000 NIA NIA fOI ueneral eperabons 84-0738725 501(c)(3) 550000 NIA 52-17501.88 501(¢1(3} $2.50000 NIA Cash 5&085180S 501(c)(3) $8.00000 NfA Cash (a) Name and Address of Organllllt1or'or (c) (d) IRC Amount of Cash Grant Sedlonlf Applicable Government (g) Descnptton of Atchdlocese of Cincmnall roo Easi 8lh Street CU1<:111na.t1. OH for !he Mau1a9e and Family ~ 5202 NalJo;ial A>SOClabon for 501 fclt3! $60.00000 Protee1 Re!a ~S/>1 p & Mamage Educabon PO Box 14946 Talla!>assoe. FL 32317 ~for Faw Treatment 1200 NW 63ulh l.eW1s Wsr; l.Al. VA 22046 PetCOlll'leCI Rescue l'Ol!OX60714 PolOf{G}f3) Erohc SeMs. CA 95616-31139 ' NIA ----- 1 Federalts! Soaet)' 177Sl Street.NW llltMhm.J!!on ,~DC 20006 ! NIA ~~ ~eral~• ..,,,,,,.,... ..r Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ~Do~n~o~ra~T~ru~s~t~,l~nc'"-'5~2~-2~1~6~63~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1. 7 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lndvlduals in the U S Part II, Grants to Organizations and Gove.mments tn the U.S. fa) , Name and Address of Orgamzallon 9r Government (b) (c) (d) (e} EIN IRC Seeton If Applicable Amount of Cash Grant Amount of (f) Method of Non-Cash Valuabon (book. FMV, Assistance appnusal, ....... / : Cgl (h) Oescnpbon of Noll-Cash Assistance Purpose of Grant or Assistance Other) ~ " lnsldule ror Justice 901 North Glab& Road Sude900 Mrigton. VA 222G3-1854 ( --,- 1~ 52-1U4337 ~Cits) ....,,. ~· lnslihde for Juslloe 901 Nort11 Glebe Road SutleOOO At1111g1<>n . VA si-11~~t 222o;;..1e~ soj{c}(3) ··· ......-- Leadership lnslll\lte 1101 NDl!h 1-ilghlend Stteet MngtOfl, VA 22201 51-0235174 I )"7 S01(Q)(3}- 54.00000 NIA Cash NIA far general cperanons $2.50000 NIA Cash NIA for general cpeIU Avenue New Yori<, NY 10017 13-2912529 501(c)(3) NIA ..... i-...__..... Manhallan lnsblute for Policy Researcil 5l Vandeibdl Avenue New Yo,1<. NY 10017 $1,500 00 13-2912529 S01(c)(3) $10.00000 NIA I~ ~ -y Fnedmm H>unda~on for Educallonal '-.1I'\ ChOKJO 111 Moniunenl Corde St:ile2650 lndl3l>apcl•s. IN 48204 35-1978$59 501Cc)(3l $4.00!J DO NIA 4ash NI,\ .!..._ ..... to: general opegrb()OS V' Nabcnal Relnew ln$1J1Ule 215 l.elongtoll Avenue 11111Floof !ole\vYc:I<. NY \00'15 13'3649537 501{c:){3) $1.00000 NIA Cash NIA fC<~IOpcm!lOOS --~ National Right to Werk Leoal Defense Ji Found:a1ron, Ille 8001 Brac!doclc Road Spnngfoelcf. VA 22 160-0002 5~\588825 501~ $25,00000 NIA cash NIA _!! r«_!l_enetal O!>t'J'I~ Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 =D=on~o~ra~T~ru=s~t~,l~nc::.....:5=2~-2~1=663:::::::"l:l::_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1B Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lndVJduals 1n the US I· Part II, Grants to Orgariizatlons and Governments In the U.S. (b) EIN {a} Name and Address.pl Orgarnzatiofl or Govemwent ~- J~· _.._ State Policy Netwollc 1655 Nortll Fon ~er DI Su11&360 Artd\g\on , VA. 22.209-3108 (C) IRC (d) Amountot (e) Amounlof Secbon 1f Applicable Cash Grant Non-Cash Assistance Non-Cash Grant or Assistance Ass1Stance 7 i - 57-0952531 50~{C)(3) $2.50000 NIA Cash NIA IOI' general opmalJOllS $2,00000 NIA caSh NIA for g~enil Qlle!8tiOllS Casi! NIA tor .l!!_~ral opera!ICns cw. NIA to suppoll Iha 2016 Edmund Burke AwaRI Duma NIA !oi gcnl!ral oi>eraliens L~ 43-0891418 Arl".!2!"'" VA 2_ 2203 21_ 501{cll3l " If R•allls"' EdUt1lllOll FoundallOll for Cul!unif Review 900 Bfoadway Suite 602 New YO<~ . NY 10003 appraisal, (h) Purpose of oltlet) 8'11 of Rlghls lnstrtule 200 North Gfeb& Road Sutte200 Foundat o+.3467264 13-3100424 501(C)fal ~ 501{e)(3) I $1 .50()00 7 $'10,00000 NIA . 'NII\ ~ ~ Amencans ror Ptospenty FOOlldallon 1310 N Coorthouse Rd Suite 700 Mmglcin, VA 22201 ' I 52-1527294 501(c)(3) 5562.SOOOO I"-. NIA ~ ~ Flonda 5henlf5 You111 Randles, Inc POBax21lOO Boy., Ranch, FL 32004 23-730l\17 50lldl{3) $6J.100~ NIA. €ll!;h - Asii ~- Citizens"'~ Foundallon 13168 Centerpomte W'1'{ Su11e202 11\foodbndge, VA. 22193 13-4070270 50f(c)(3) S10.00000 NIA JI ~I ~ ;, ....,_ I• NIA fOt''il:l:iiertll aper.>1,,,ns NIA ltorJl~el'e! opemnom [7 Cash fl" ·-~ ~ Freedom Partners losttlute 2300 IMlson Soolevartl Swte500 Ai!Jtlgton. VA n21!1 47-3436079 5llt(c)(3) $750.00000 NIA Cash NIA (_ (l)r,generaJ " ~ons Schedule I (Form 990 or Sro-EZ) 2016 Sch I, Granls to Organizations and lndviduals m the U S Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name and Address (b) ElN or Organizavnn or Government· ~ / I l ~ -~ Amencan Entelpn5e lnsti!ute 1789 Massad\Use«s Aw NW Y.ll>stungtor, DC 20036 )J 17 53-11218495 50l[<)(3_J_ 23-24T.IS4S 501(¢){3) Memah"" Independent ln$11ltne 100 Swan Wtti Oelad Slll1&900 MulglOI\. VA 22203-18~ r lnteroollf!11191e Sit/dies !nsutut& 3901 CenleMlle Road \Mllnipolon. DE 19Bc7-!938 ~131 S01(cll3) $10,00000 NIA ~ l,/lal\llall!ln tnstJtute fer P(lhcy Resltartll ~ S2~Avenue New Yo:f<, NY 10017' Manllallan lnslrtltfe for Polu:y Research 52VanderbiftAwnue New Yori< , NY 10017 fJ.2912529 Sf>l(c)(3) $10,00000 NIA ctui. WA fo<-al ooerabons '----',' ,. 13-2912529 501(c)(S) $10,00000 NfA Cash NIA ror11enerafop~ns 54-1436224 60~)(3) SS.00000 NIA cash NJA for,9eneral opmticns -.- ) Mercatus Center, GMU 3434 Wllsh1nglon Boulevard 411>Flocr Mmgtoo, VA 2220\ Scheo'tlle I (Form 900or900-EZ) 2016 20 Donors Trust. Inc 52:2166327 Sch I, Grants to Organrzatrons and Jndvlduafs m the U S. Part II, Grants to Organ~tion,s and Governments in the U.S. - - -- -, (a) (b) (c) Name alld Addressi>f Orgamza ttonor EIN IRC Section rf ./ Govemme.flt __..,- ---....... 2596 Soulh Lewis Wilt l.ak ......ood. 80?27 co \ Na~onal Rl!lht lo \/\Im Legal Defense FOl:ndal!on, me 9001 Bladdock Road ~ ·VA 211~000? I I Amount of Non-Cash Ass1Slanc:e (h) Pwposeof ft} Method of Valuation (book, FMV, (g) Descnpbon of Non-Cash Grant or appraisal. AsslStanee AsSIStance other} I // MounWi States Legal Fo.:ndauon (e) Applicable '\._ I I (d) Amount of Cash Grant 84-ono"'tas SS.15S86.25 I- ~ I I 50t(c5(3) I I glj{c~\_ 1 I $300001 NIA !.1,Q0900\ NIA $1.77500 ('NfA I I ~ I J I Cll$h Cash I NIA ror lllo 81e8 of lllgllesl need I NIA Ifor general ol"'r.a..,n. NIA for general op,eroboo$, NIA fror g enetal operallOns - ~A lfor ~al lnslllute of Hawal\ 335 MeJ! Program on EdtJcalJOn GSh1ng1en, DC 20C>J7 t.G,«82736 so1!9r.i> $30,00000 NfA Casi\ NIA rot general apemlloru $125;COO 00 !WA Cash NIA tor ge!M!ral operaoon$ NIA Cash NIA for ~al 009rah00$ N!A Casi) NIA to S, ~ NIA Center fbr lndMdual Rights t233 20th Slleel, NW Dinnethoncmg Ed t~ - tor uie Love Gov Pl'ojocl •I Sut!e300 IAWro~on, DC 20036-1009 52-1600481 501(cl@) !100.00000 NIA Cash NIA fl>.' general o:pefllliiins ~ Sehedule I (Fonn 990 or990-EZ) 2016 =O~on~or~s~T~rust~·~'~nc~.~5~2~-2~16~63"-"-=2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-22 Sch I, Granls to Orgamzallons and lndVlduals m the U S Part 11, Grants to Organizations and Governments in the U.S. (a) (b) (C) Name and Address of BN IRC Section If Drganizall~br Government ' -'-- ./ I~ (&) Amolsltof Non-Cash (fl Method of Valuallon 1book, FMV. Assistance appraisal. -other) Assistance S57s.ooo_QQ] NIA Cash NIA t.crg;eneralooen 4153 Cham Bmlge Rcacl (; II '2~1~1 Fallfa:t. VA 22030 "'----..... 50Jfcll:IJ. ' l.JJe for Kieh~e NIA .!.. NIA 13-3649537 501{c}(3} $10,00000 NIA cash ~~ far ~~emllollo . ~ "' Nat1oncJ Re\lll!W lns', Me 215 Lexington A\ll!flue 11111 FloO< NewVorli, NV 1001& ~ rot file Urn\'ei'Slfy t( "11dugan ~II ' Dtscovery lnsblute 208 Cdumbla Seattle. W I\ 98 104 ~ Clish "-.:i,_....... A1Jas Economoe Research FOer>d Annual ~. ..... i w.iite- Coat waslb PrOjeGI. lne PO Sox26029 Wash1n(lli>n. DC 20001 , ... ~ S01(C)(3) 525,00000 NIA "4sti 23-2473845 501(C)(3) 54:50.000~ NIA Casi! Commonwealth Foul\da!IOO for Publll: Polley Altemabve 225 Stale Street Su11e30Z ~PA17101 .. IT NIA ~ for ~l Ci;J{llhir.gson, and Nevada. PrtoJetlS Now York, NY 10013 20-1425438 501le)(3} $1~.000 NIA lo« oneral opemuons Miebigan Stale Univer.11ly Colleue of law 648 North Sllaw Lane Room40DD EaSI Lansing, Ml 48824-1300 3&-1358000 501(e){3) $150.000 NIA Sama Clara Umwrsrty 500 El cammo Real Sal\la Cl;,ra, CA 95053 94-115e617 501(c)(3) Mountsin States legal Fcundatlon 2596 Soulfl t.e-Ms V'JaoJ La~~ . CO 80227 Flonda SIBie UraveBlly Foundation 000 West College A\/'ellue la~hassee, Fl 32.306 ?e!CoMed Rescue PO Sox 61>714 Polomllc, MD 201159 $8.00000 Students tor SenSlble Drug Policy Founda!JOll 1011 0 Stteet mv Suite 1 w.,,;unglon. DC 20001 for Ille Calrlorrua. O~on. New Harvest 154 Gram! Slreet 6ihRcor .mal \Nel(!lre NIA Cash NIA for !he \'.!omen's. 'ninfUS Teaf)'1 Schedule I (Foml 990 or990-EZ) 2016 _Dono-'-'~~~T~rus~t~.l~n~c_S2~-2~1~663..-..2~7--------------~------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------25 Sch I, Grants 1<> Organizabons and lndvlduals m lhe U S Part II, Grants to Or ganizatlQOs.and Governments In the U.S. (b) EtN (a) Name and Addressllf Orgamzahoo-Or Governm.ent -2 / ..::... '"~ cato lnslllule 1000 Massactwsell9 Avenu~. NW W2'1htnQ!Oll. oc 4'000i -S400 ~ I' } 11 I \..._ .n.7432162 (d) Amounte>f (') IRC Secbonif Appllcable Cash Grant r appraisal, As~nce WA Casll NIA ~gefleral oper1111ons SS.00000 NIA cash NIA for general ooerallons $5.000~ NIA Cash NIA fer~netal ooerabons ..'!c. SUXlOOO WA Casi> NIA for lho i!tea ofhlBl'lW nood NIA for ganeral ~ons 1~ )1 50f(c}(3j ... 7 " 11 )1 !nsl11Ule 1or Humane Stud~s 3434 washlnglcn Boulevard MS1C5 94-!6238S2 {h) flwoposeof Grant or Assistance $5.000~ S0i{c){3) Hentage Foundation MmG!OO. VA 22201 (g} Oescnptron of Nm-Cash .1.......-··' 214 MaWlcl\Usetts Avenue. NE 23-mn:iO (f) Method of Valuabon (book. FMV, olher) """-..;... W"5hm_aton, DC 20002-4999 (e) Amount of Nm-Cash Assmance 501Cc)l3J '"F Reasoo Fouodabon 57'Sl Mesmer Avenue Los Angeles. CA 90230-1(c){3l $125 ,00000 SS.ODO_QC) / NIA NIA -""- Ca•n ~ .6th NIA tor-.g~ operabcns f Grassroot lnstitulft ti Hawau 33S Men:ha!lt Slreel ~ mn HonokJ!u, HI !l580.1 99-0364937 50~l(3} s1 .na~ NIA Casn ~ ~ l. -= ~ft > J! Howard Center 004 Nof111 Mari Slre~l R"'*1""1. lL 61107 fOr general Gj)efallOllS 54-17118267 501(c)(3) ss.00000 NIA CllS.h WA ,, let~I Cpetllbon> Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ} 2016 ~D~on~ors::..::..T~ru=::&~.l~nc::.-52=..;-2~1~6632 -==~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~26 Sch I, Grants to Orgarnzat!OOS and lndviduals m the U S. Part II, Grants to Organlmtlons and Governments in the U.S. {a} Name and Address-0f Organiza~o(l 01 Governmen1 _.::,. , Na1ional Couoal for AdopDon 225 North Wasllmglon Slreet Ale,.;anana, VA 22314-2561 Amenc:.an Medla (b) (e) (d} (e) EIN IRC Amount of Cash Grant Amount of. Non-Cash Assistance l/ l Secbon If Applicable 75-1721&71 SOl(c}_@) 46-0551 578 501(c){3J 2S-28Z8115 50H~ Freedom Foundation PO Box552 Olym.2!!'; WA 98507 94-3136961 501{c)l3) EU.cs & Pobl!c Po11cy Center )! Cll$h NIA fcr-g~oeral SW.,000 00 NIA Cm NIA for generaloporaaans ~.00000 MA Cash N!A rorJl..eneml operation:s ~1)p()OO li!A ·Cash NIA tor lh• Ccnvnurucauons EQu1 pmet>t Proiect 52.-11SZ'I85 501(c){3} NIA ror oeneial opeia~cns •I ' .,. s 10,000.QQ . I-"' 11 CiiSh NIA ~I1--1--38-2701547 501Cc){3} ape1&1ons 11 550.~~ NIA 0'ash " ifot,g_""""" NIA 7 OJ>r fO< Public PoUcy 140 West Mam Street 1A1dland, Ml '86.4().0566 (h) Purpose of Grant or Assistance 512.000_~ I \.Wommg uberly Group 1902 Thomes Avenue Su11e 201 Ctt~c. Wf 82001-~9 Wa5"1ngloo, OC 200'.15 (g) Descnpt1on of Non-Cash AsSIStance 7 las.~tute 109 Nol1h H1lN)I Street Ale.>andlm, VA 2231~ (t) Melhod of Vallii!licn (book, FMV, 86-0597661 501(Cl.@_ $1,000~ NIA Cash _!_ ' -;; ~ Becket Fund for Religious lJberty 1200 New Hampshire Avenue. NW - !or_v_enlirai os>eral!Or>S NIA ~ • SUlie700 W.-•1'Q!<>n, DC 2003& 52-1858532 50tte)(3) $1.000~ NJA Cmh NIA ro;oi:.generlll apeflllllMls Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 27 Donors Trust, Inc. 52-2166327 Sch I, Grants to Orgamzahons and lndvlduals Ill the U S Part ll, Grants to Organizati ons and Governments In the U.S. (b} EIN (a) Name and Add~or Orgarnzabcn 'qr Government .# (c) !RC Sec:bon If Id) Amount of Cash Grant Applicable (e) {f) {g) (h) Amount of Method of Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Purpose of Grant or Assistance appra1Sal, Desa'lptton of Non-cash Ass!Stance !I Assistance other) F -400 Nortl'I Capi!Df Street, NW Solle 765 wasninQ!Oll. DC ;000·1-15&1· 52-1526918 501((1)(31 WA NIA lo suppolt Ille Comm111ea ta Unleash Prwp ..n, Pi:Qsl>!:I Man1uana Polle)' l'!oject FOiU?ldahlln 2370 Ctiamplam streel NW SW1e 12 Wasllm31Q11. DC 20009 52-1975211 SOt(t)!S) NIA NIA !or-general 52-1975211 501(cll3i NIA NIA for Ille TeJCas Pro 114-1668293 5G1(c)(3} :s2S0.ooo., oo NIA NIA ror Ille ProJ9C1 for CMC Engagement 20-2466871 S01(c)(31 !5131 ,00000 NIA 45-2637507 501(c)(3) $1 ,000 OD 20-2387967 5011C)l3) ~.000 NIA NIA 45-28059n 50f(e)(3l $750.00DOO NIA. NIA era!l!lns M8niwma P?lbcy Proiect Foondahon 2370 Champlam S!reel NW SUt1e 12 Washm111on. OC ~0009 Great Schools for All Children 6 Chelsea Place Sulle201 Cllllon Patk. NY 12065 CaSh Judtoat Educabon Projeel 3011 Oumbaston Street NW wash1n111on. DC 20007 fer general O!lerallons Fcundabon fur Government A=untablil!y 1577S Cl>l'llerBoolevan1 Sllrle 201-279 Naples, Fl 34119 f<>T"ge;ieml opcrabons Cal!!Oftc~ FotmdallOn 3011 Dumbanon Slteet NW Wash1 ton. DC 20:ID7 Cause o1 Adron 1919 Pennsylva111a AveiltJe l>lN Sulle6l>O wav.on Ion. DC 20000 Schedule I (Form 990 or 990.EZ) 2016 =Donor.::::..:::~s~T~ru~s~t,~l~nc=-=5=2~-2~1~663:.=.=2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~28 Sch I, Grants to Orgamzallons and lndvlduals mthe US Part II, Grants to Organizat(ons..and Governments In the U.S. (a} (b) (c) Name and Addres~f Organiza1JQ11 or EIN IRC Seclton If Applicable Govem~nl (d) Amount of Cash Grant (e) Amount of Non.cash Asslstmce (f) Method of Valuabon (book, FMV, appraisal, fg} (h) Oescnption of Non-Cash Purpose of Grant or Asslslance Asslsi?nce olher') Peace Thraugn Ccm~_,, 151-0 Fe!con ledge DtM! AusM. TX 78741>-6104 27·:l!l71T57 $30.00000 NIA NIA (Qr general DPelllboflS $4~.00000 NIA NIA fOr oenetal Ope(lll!Ma NIA lo! gMoral oporabolis NIA for general oparations Commonweallh Foundaoon ror Publoo F'cl•::v Allemabw 225 St.aleS!reet su.te302 Hamobo1g , PA 17101 23-2473114S. Alias Economte Researdl foundallon 1201 l S!reet. MN' 2nd Floor Wash•n~ion , DC -2!Xl05 Amenca's Future Foundaloo 1513 161h S!ree~ NW W'Ashmglon. DC ·20036 94-, VA mW-1854. Manhallan ln'$blule fOSS of Grant or Assistance Non-Cash loslilul~ Mcnfaomery Slteel Suite 1300 San Franosco. CA 94104 SOf(c)l'll NIA 57-0052531" WI !))(3) NIA 52·1358144 S01[c}(:Jt ee-06!l7681 50Hcll3l sM856532 501(<;)(3) S:Z.50000 NIA 54-1512492 51lt{cX3l $4,50000 NIA New Yor1<. NY 10039 13-28ll0779 501(~) $10,000 NIA Lalce Forest College 55S NOflh Sllendan Road Lele Foi"'1. ll 60045 ~11!7770 501(c)(3l $50,00000 NIA Slate Pobcy NelWOlk 1655 North Fort Meyer Or Sut1e360 Art!nQ!M, VA 2.Z209'3 l!'J8 Cash NIA !or ll!!r.eral~ NIA !or ge:iera! Ol>efllhons NIA lcrt genemf operallanS NIA tor ~eneraJ ooer!llons Yarucee lnsbbJ!e 216 Mam Slnlel Kao:tlord. CT 00106 Goldwm..- lnst1ule 500 East Coronado Road Phoon 1., A2 es~ Cas!I Becl(el Fund for RellQJOUs liberty l 200 New Hampsl\1'& Avenue. MN Slll1e700 V\'aSh1ngtoo. OC W'.r.le £11!~- lnfemabonal Soc!ely for ln!!Mdua! llbeny 237 Kearny S!reel #120 San Frnnasc:i. CA t.a,SIJ~port 9~ UJB-4502 Qfl.L10e Ll Schooland's wort<; in ChUllJ Nabooal Oaoce lnshlule Center 1or Leeming & Ille Arts 217 West 147111 Slreet Cash NIA Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 30 Donors Trust. Inc 52-2166327 Sch I, Grants !1) Organizabons and lndviduals in the U S Part II, Grants to Organl'zauons and Governments In the U.S. (a) Name and Address of Orgamzauon Qr Government (b} BN (c) IRC Secllon 1f Applicable (d) Amount of Cash Grant (g} Oescnption of (e) AmoUntof (f) Melhod of Non-Cash AsSISlance Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash ?wposeof Grant or appraisal, .Assistance .Assistance (h) other) Domll>4can Slslers of Maiy, MOl!ler of 111e Euchmlst 45111 warren Road Ann Albor, Ml 48105 38-3349586 Projed Verllas 1'214 Boston PostRoad,#148 MamaronW(. NY 10543 27-28~8 /n!elbgence Squaed U S Foundal1011 590 Madison Avenue 301h F1ooc NewYOtk, NY 10022-emllOns NIA" fat 11411eral OjlerahonS Rl~enetl!I ot>etahOI\$ ~I? Manhattan ltislowte ft>r Pohcy Research 52 Vandertill! Avenue 1'law Voll:. NY ·10011 13-2912~ 50)1c~ !O $Upp011 bOol< lunClleoos h ""' Mnunlam S1ates l.£gal Foundation 2596 SOutll Lewis W~ Lakewood. co 80227 lot lhe SeCOl1d Amendment 84-073&725 so11c'li3J $50000 'ti Phtlanlhropy Roundtallle ') I• mo M Street, NW Sude601 WaslunQ:on, DC NOJO 13-2943020 5GHc)(3l $50000 Gcldwater lnsttlule 500 East Coronado Road Ph<>enPo'. "2 85004 86-0597661 501{e)l3) $15.00000 Ml~ NIA. Hiiisdaie College 33 Easl College Slreet Hdbdale , Ml 49242 ~f37423il 501(cl{3) $2.000~ NI.I\ • '"'-· I~\ '~-. UCLA Foun$!1oo UCLA School of Law Boo( 9S1 '476, Oodsf1fo:T;•a The lnsblllle for Visual H>S!e!Y and E®<:abon, !ot L'>e USC Sl\aall Leavay llbta1y 650 West 35111 Street, Sw!e 114 los Anlleles. CA 00089-2571 FCUndatJOo • lnshlu!4' for 95-164~ SOl(c)(3 95-1642004 sofc~lc3l 26-40$5298 5111{t)(3) u::285oo 'NIA . S01(c)(3) S1 .00000 !ifiA NIA NIA Unnierstly of Sou#lem Calllcm'3 Tile lnsll!U1e for Visual H!Slo!y and EducabOn, t.eavey lJbraJy .and Educa~.Oll ror ~use Sh...m 650 West~ Street, Swle 114 Los Angelis. CA 9008S-2571 Vusual Ht.st Foundalt0n • IMbMe fOt NIA Vunml HIS!ory 311d E®<:a!tt>n Ftankkn Center 107S Wes1Slteet#71a AlexMOna. VA 22314 fer \lie Wl\lchdog T"""' NIA Pro)Jed C~. NIA. for geneta!~s ti/A S!Udents for Liberty 1101 17lh Slree~ NW Su11eeio Waslun ~n. DC .<003.6 lnd181la UnI law 21 t Sooilh lndialla Ave BlDomljlQton. IN ~75C5-700t 35-8o18940 501(c)!l) S1 .oo0 00 NIA ~h Judiaal Educabon P~ 3011 OumbartOO Street KW Wasl!lngron. DC 20007 W-2466871 501(c)(3) $250.00000 NIA desh 21H466\\71 501(c)(3) SS0.00000 NIA Cash :!G-2361967 501(c)(3) $175.00000 NIA lo Mlppoll tile lndoana law Journal Judooal £chn:allon Projeci 3011 Dumbarton Street NW wast\ln~ 1 on, DC 20007 catl011c AssoaatJoo Fmmdllllllll 3011 DumbartOll SlreBI NW Wa~111g1<1n, DC 20007 Schedule I {Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 -·· ··-- - - - - - - - - - - - ·... 1·"t' - .. --·-~ --33 Donors Trust. Inc 52-2166327 Sch I. Grants to Organizations and lndVlduals in the U S Part II, Grants to Organlzalio!ls and Governments In the U.S. (a) Name and Address Orgamzat1on >Or Govemmenl of (b) EIN {c) !RC Secbon If Applicable (d) Amount of Cash Grant (e) Amount of Non-Cash Assistance {f) (g) (h) Method of Valuation (book. FMV, appraisal. Oescnpflon of Non-Cash Assistance Purpose or Granlor Assistance olher) Consumem' Researclt.1nc 1801 f Slreet NW $ul\e304 WashllljJ!on. DC 20006 22-1s::oo;a $150.00000 NIA Cash NIA or vener.il Ojlerabons NIA for e:leml opetalrOns NIA ror pelleRll opera11ons WA Washingt:>n and Nevall.a Proieas Pe!Conned Rescue PO Bolt 60714 NIA Po1ornac. MD 20859 Best Fnend" Armnal Soaely 5001 Angel canyon Road Kanab, LIT 8'4741 NIA Cash Sludenb for Sensible Drug Poticy FoundatlOl'I 1011 O Street NW Surle 1 Washington. DC 20001 rm the Ca!lfomia. Oregon. WA Cash New Han/est 154 Grand Street 6th FIOcr New Yor1<. NY 10013 20-1425438 501(c){3) 510,000 00 .Jenlan!Ow,'1, PA 19046 23-0341990 S01(c)(31 $10,000 KU Endowment Kansas lJnlversdy Endowmenl Assoaal!on PO Box928 Lawrence. KS 6ti044 48-0547734 50f(c)(3) $1 ,000 00 NIA 5011c)t3l S25.00000 NIA !or general opcra~ons Amencan Anb-V1111sedlon Sooety 601 Old Yort Road Stnle204 NIA Ce<11er for C1111l Soaety do Dl!8r/ne5h Shall 5BS5 COiieen Onlte Tro-;. Ml 480.8 5 Clbh NIA for ~'ie Wll111r11 and Eleanor Cove Award NIA Govemanoe . AA~ llJ'lho~opon Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 34 Oon0!'$ Trust. Inc 52-2166327 Sch I, Grants to Orgamz.alions and lndviduals m the U.S Part II, Grants to Organlzaf!Ons·-and Governments 1n the U.S. (a) Name and AddreSs of Org anrza t1on or Govern·men! (b) EIN (c) IRC Section If Applicable (d) {e) (1) (g} (h) Amount of Amount of Non-Cash Assistarn:e Melhod of Valuabon (book, fMV, appraisal, Oescnption of Non-Cash Ass1s!ar'..ce Purpose of Grant or Assrstance NIA. lo WPllOlt educallon DIOGflllM- Cash Grant other} Ordleslra of Sl Luke's 4SO VVesl 371h Street Suite 502 New Yorlt, NY 1Q!.l18 !i1--020\ 839 501(~) S200.00000 3S-3235550 5nj (e){3l S-18,00000 'New Yell<:. NY 10016 13-3649537 501 (c)(3) ·~ so Nl'A Cash NIA for general opera\lonS .lnsu:Ule or \l\\oild Poh~cs 152116th Street, NW Wa.n , DC 20006 52-1699641 501(c)(3} ..s2,ooooo NIA· ·c~h NIA. ror ei\eral operations SS-0354937 501 c S-1.77600 NIA 04-3467254 501{eli3l •~0 .000 .00 NIA ~7749700 501(c)(a} 525.000 NIA Caob 62-047llS22 501{c)(3) NIA Cash NIA. FedetellSI~ 1776 l Street, NW Suite 300 Waslun1Jlon. DC 20006 Cash . !or g-..t operallons Ne!Jonal Rov.ew lrumute 2151.eiallQ!On A - 1111• FtOOi Grassrcot lnst>tute cf Hawau :135 Merchant Streel '3:J77 Honolulu , HI 96801 founusells Avenue, MN 23-7432162 501(c)(31 $50000 NIA Cash --;;- " Oacovery 1nsblute 208 Cclumb1a Sllll!et Seattl.-, WA 9S104 I ~ Catolnsblul• Wss"""9ton. DC 20001-5403 Grant or NIA ' Floor 12 Cato lnSl!tute 1000 Ma&Sad!USetts Avenua.1'1W \'\'as~.tn gton. DC 10001-5403 (h) Purpose of ) Competmv& Enterprise lnsblufe HISS L Street. w.I \Nn.shfl'~lon . DC 2003&JB04 (g) $5,00000 Otegon Caprtal Watch Foundation PO Box 130 Sublumty. OR 97385 Descnptton of 77 / 1,..-......· Nabona! Founda!lon ror Cellac Awareness POBox544 SulleB-212 Pno"'1JlC. ,,.z 85014 No~ash (f) Melhod of Valuation (book, FMV, other) ~ Ambler, PA 19002.-0544 (e) Amo\.rltof Amount of Cash Grant 91-1521697 501(c)C3) $250,llOG~ fer Jl.f{ler3l CJ>6fa1lons -::; ) 1~ II WA Cash NIA ...,..lors•n-EZ) 2016 ~D~onors~~T~rus.!::::t~ ,l~nc:::.......:5~2~ -2~1~ 66~3~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-"36 Sch I, Grants to Orgamzat1ons and 1ndVldualS m the US Part II, Grants to Organizations and GovernmenlS ln the U.S. (a) {b) (c) Name and Addre!!$:or Orgamzal1on or Govemmen1 SN IRC Secbon If Applicable l.r~. {e) Amount of (d) Amount of Cash Grant Non-Cash AsSISlance (f) Method of Valuation (book, FMV, Descnpt1on of Non-Cash 01) Purpose of Grant or appraisal, AsSISfance Assistance {g) other) ~· ' 7 Fund ror Amencan Slud"'• 1706 New Hampslurl> A - . NW Washing;on, DC 20009 7 7/ 13-62.23604 so1(cilci) Foundabon for Econcmll: E NIA fOr general opehifllj1on, DC 200:!6 Beckel Fund fer Religious liberty 1200NewHampsllireAvenue, NW Sulle700 wasn 1~gt on. DC 20\!3S Foundabon for Individual Rights 11> Educal!Oll (ARE} 510 Walnut Street Sulle 1250 ?l!tirulelpllla, PA 19106 04-3467254 501(<:)(3} $25,000 00 NIA 41-2057028 sot(c){3} Sl ,00000 NIP>. 52-2068463 501(C}(3} SUIOO NIA 52-1455677 501(cll3} SJ00.00000 NIA 20.2466871 50'f[c)(3) S1.035.000 00 seemly 1M13'/es NIA operellons NIA lllinoa Policy Jnsllhile 190 Soulll LaSsUe Sb'eet Slllle 1500 Chillt Aceounlab1\I\( 15275 CoHrer Boulevafd 5"118 201-279 Naples. Fl 34119 (b) 8N _l '/ 4502537507 (d) Amount or Cash Grant Applicable (e) (f) Amount of Non-Cash Method of Valuation (book, FMV, appnusal, AsslStance (h) (9} Descnphon of Purpose pf Non-Cash Grant or Assistance Assistance other) ··I 501{c)(3) $75.000J11li NIA Casb NIA ror general ~bOJl!I W5;!XJOOO WA Cash NIA ror g~l operallens Cash NIA or general operabons NIA l!'fallon• ~ / 1' Celholrc Assoaabon Founda!loll 3011 DumbarlOn Slreet NW W<¥O Box 1988 Colley,,n.,, lX 16034 ~1688129 501{c)(3) $7..50000 ~ 1) 27-2083548 SOl(c:\(3) $.50.00!l 00 ~ LincoUl Netv.orlc, Inc 1742 Braddodc Court San JC>Se. CA fl5125 .WA 47.2239940 501Cc)(3} ' ~ 'NIA -;> 1·~ $30,00000 Ir-.. NIA .CcaSI> ~ Home FoundaUon of ,'lot1Jl Jersey 10 Lmll Dnve Rcc:ldregl>, NJ 07647 Independence lnslltute 727East16th Avenue Oenver , CO 00203 52-1720580 5Cl1(c)(3) 510.000_QQJ NIA ~ olrq 140~MalnSl.reet 38-271J1S.:7 NIA Casb NIA for !Ile area of btQhest need 59-2Bl'191la NIA Cash NIA for !he area or h1 Res!on, VA 20191 54-142ll009 NII!. Cash NIA let general operabons Nevada Policy Resealcil Institute 7130 Plaad Slreet Las Vega~ . NV ~119 SS-0276314 5il1(c)[3) ,$25,000 00 ~;., NIA fY RouOdlable 1730 M Sltttl, mY SUlte601 'Ml•h1 · ton, DC 20036 101 oenem o~i!ii!hM• Texas Public Po~cy Foundation 901 Coogress /\venue lu!Wc Policy, SS.0354gj1 .- SOililW_ ,. -1 Florula Slllte Utuverslly 113 Colleg1Bte Loop. Sult& 160. pO Box _ 59'-6152180 J 501(~ I PelComeci R~e PO Bolt 60714 Po_lamac>. MD 2.08!i9 S5-0857806 so1cc.i@_ NIA cas11 NIA 10< ~m l Oll!!J'a~ $~00 NIA Cash NIA for lh!I' Peparlmenl ol Econ~ to suppalidoctcfal fe!IOW!illrPS Ill 2016-2017 CllSh NIA for aenaml operal!OM ~I 3062160 TaJl&Mssoo. Fl 32S0&-21 6D 51.71600 1- /, SS,00000 ..._ ~A" f) Sludenls for Sensoble Druy Policy Foundtlbon 10tf 0 S1seet NW Sutle1 Wash•llQ!Qn. DC 20001 52-2296291 501(c)j3) New Harvest 154 Grand Street 6th Floor $10.00000 for !he Callfomla, Oregon, .... 'NJ"" Cash I 20-1425438 SD1(c)(3) S10'1l0000 NIA -cash L T '-'!I ~ Amencan Islamic Forum for Oemocrncy PO Box 1832 71-0940051 Phoernx. f.2 85001 501(i:l(3} s.50.00000 NIA . IPn>tectS NIA .1~ ...... , New Yhrn~lon. DC 20005 Caro lnsbwte 1000 MassathuseUs Avenue. NW w..tun on. oc 2000t·5403 NIA for (Wte..'11 opeil1lllte 3901 CenleMlle Road ~\llm"'l!ton. DE 19807-1938 23-WSO{St 501~ $10,000~ NfA c.w. NIA for genellll operehcos NIA Cash WA ll'roject Cash NIA for genenil operabons -<:ash NIA for general oPemllon5 NIA for genaUndabon lor Cultural Review 900 Broadway Sut!e602 NewYod<. NY 10003 l1- 51l1@_13) ~ ~ 1 ,.. 13-3108424 501(e){3} $;1(000·00 ~ 52-15272!J.C 501(cJ(3) 525.00000 NIA r Amencans for Prospenly Foundallon 1S10N ~Rd Sude700 Arlington, VA 22.W1 -.__/ "-,I1 l ... Amencan AnlrViV1SeciJon Soael)' 80f Old York Road SUl!e 204 JenkmlOW11. PA 19046 23-0341990 501(c)(3) ssoooo NIA I/ Ca"1 95-2872494 50f(c)(3) S250,000_ooj NIA L ~ "JII ::/~ UC San 01egc Foundation 9415 Campus POlf\I DIWI! Room 214S, Mall Code 094& le Jolla. CA !12093-0!!46 / ~ v _ ~;n a pllatstUdyuillng ~ ,llash • cellsto~Ule NIA• - NIA for_2.eneral cperallons and lreatl'nent Of g -...___._.... Wjcmlng liberty Group 1902 They"'1ne, V'ff 82001-3549 UJA Federa~on af NewYcnl< 130 Eru!I 591h $1reel New Yon. NY 10022-1302 2&-2828115 50!(c)('3) $250,00000 NIA Casi\ ii tor Uie Day ScllOlll Clla~nge 51-0172429 50!(c){3) 550,00000 NIA Cash NIA . F1!11d -..- -2:. Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Sch l, Grants to Organizations and lndviduals 1n the U S Part 11, Grants to Organi?atlons .and GovernmC?:nts. in the U.S. (b) ElN (a) Name and Ad.dress of Orgaruzatlon or I' /..- Governl"fle/ll (c) (d) !RC Section If Amount of Cash Grant {f) (g) (h) Descr1puon of Non-Cash Purpt>se·of NorrCash Ass1s1ance Melhodof Valual!On (book, FMV, appra1Sal, olher) Assistance Assistance NIA cash NIA lb<.cR_eneral ~ans NIA Cash NIA rorJl!'•eral Ojlotllboll• (e) Amount of Applicable Gi:antor _::_ ~ Alias Economic R~ l'cun·.ra:1oi) 1201 lSlree~ NW 2ndflooc Wasll•noton, DC 20005 / 1...----... so1fc)@1 114-2763845 SS,00000 --,- ' t.. Ceto lnstJtute 1000 Massachuselts Avenue, NW Wilshmgfon. DC 20001-5403 23-7.a2162 .,, 50l(c)(3) Federalist Sooety 1776 l Slr-t, NW Sulle300 Wasli1n,;itoo DC 20900 3&-3235550 501tc)t'S.i,,_ -- $(;,00000 ..i:a.. ~ ' ....... ,, $1 ,000,000 00 ~ ') lndepeOOent lnSllfule 100SwanWay Osldand, CA !IA621-1428 94-3008370 501(c\f)) $15.000® ~/I (<""'' """ tn<lllte f« JuSllee 901 North Glelle Road SuneOOO M1nglon, VA 22203-185,I ~l 52·1744337 501{<:){3) $3.00000 far genetiil cpernuons ,,;G8Ql"l NIA !or grmeral.opct\llions t-1//1 [or ~eooral Ci18"'llaru ~ Ca~ NIA --v- \:: 1.--94-1623852 5G1(c}{~) $3,00000 NIA Cllsh NI.A. I far geU fo< Policy Researth 52 Vanc!etbdt Allenue New Yorll , NY 10017 NIA It lns!ilute for Hwnane SIUdies 3434 Washiiiglan Boolevan! MS1CS M'n,glon, VA 22201 Cash ~ 7 13-2912529 601(cl(3) $9,00000 NIA Gash ~ ~ I• LudWIQ \Ion Moses lnsll!ute s1a West MagnOlla Allenue AUbum, AL 35832-4501 52-1263436 SOl(c)/3) $3.00000 NIA cash II/A. to!'...llenerato~ ' ~Don~o~~~T~rus~t~ , l~nc=-...:5~2~-2~1~66~3~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~46 Sch I, Grants to Organr~bons anboru Amencan Museum of Natuml Histooy Ce!illal Partr Wist at 79th Street New Yolil. NY 10024-5192 13-$162659 5()1(CJ(!) 10< Q.t"681 op!t8l!Ol>s -43-2095418 501(<: ) $11.00000 NIA NIA 52-1975211 501(c)(3) $8,00000 NIA NIA Cash Hillsdale Cclege 33 East Collellfl Streel H!11$M Yorll. NY 11ll 15 lot ~ Oj)erabons M81iJusn& F'olo:y Projecf FoundallOll 2370 Chanlj)lain Street !'IN Suite 12 Wash1ng!on. OC 20009 Schedule I (Fomi 990 or 99o.EZ) 2016 Sch I, Grants to Orgamzahons and lndviduals 1n Ille US Part II, Grants to Organizations and _Governments In lhe U.S. (a) Name and Addres.s of Organizauo n .or Government (b) EIN (c) (d) {e) {f} (g) ·(!!) IRC Amount of Cash Grant Amount of Non-Cash Me!hod of Oescripllon of Non-cash Assistance Purpose of Grant or A.ss1s.!ance Section If Applicable Assistance MoW>Q Piclllre lnsbMe ~75 Greenwich Slon Ptt>jed 3011 Dumbarton Sireet NW Wasllmg:oo. DC 20007 20-2466871 501(c)f3) $200,000 NJA 21>-2:l87967 501(c}(3) $11{)., 00000 NIA 22-2302253 501fc){j) $20,00000 NIA llClA Foundabcn 10945 le Conte Ave $Ull&3132 U>sAngelos.CA 00()9>1711' IG1 .1Pe~.&Cyan Bat>eier Lal Science Cenier tJberty Slate Perl< 222 Jersey City Baute.a.rd Jero Co • NJ oi:l05 Cash Donors Trust. Inc 52-2166327 48 Sch 1, Grants to Orgaruzattons and lndVJduals m the U S Part II, Grants to Organlzations1and Governments in the U.S. {a) Name and Address of Orgamza~on Or Gavemroenf (b) EIN (c} IRC SeciJon if Applicable (d) Amount of Cash Grant (e) Amount of Non-Cash (f) Method of Valuallon (boGk, FMV, Assistance appraisal, other) (g) Descnptton of Non-Cash Assistance (h) Puiposeof Grant or Assistance Consumer&' Resaardl, Ina1801 F Slree! NW Suite 304 Wast\lnglon, DC 2C-006 22· 1500498 501(c)(3'i NIA Foonda1!0fl fot Aecoul1lablhly and C1100 Trust 3011 Dumbarton SIJeel, NW Wa>111r11iton. DC 200G7 4047MSl4.< 501(c)(3) NIA 1"3-2&31112 tor general o!*fahDrl! Cash NIA far eneral ope!l!llOmt 501 (c\{3) NIA !Cr oenera1 aperaborn; 501(c)(3) NIA. trir gcnernt c.oerarrons The \11.hters Room 740 Broadway 12th Floor New YOik. NY 10003 Marwen Fouodatlon 833 North Olleans Street D>oca!P. IL 60610 Poblic lnleresl tega! foondatron 209 Wes! Main Slreel Plainfleld , IN ~61611-1117 45-4355641 501(c)(3) 5200,00000 52-1400492 501(c)(3) S41l,ooo00 NIA Sl..()2()3!j()2 5011cl(3) $40,00000 NIA Cash 59-1588825 5D1(c)(3) S4ll.OOOOO NIA Cash f0< •ner81opera11ons Arnencans for Tax Reform Foundallon 722 12111 Street, NW F®rthAClor wa~rungton, DC 20005 landmarl! legal Foundabon 19415 Qeedield Avenue Su11e312 Leesburg . VA 20176 National RJght to won; Legal Defense Foundllllon, lnc 8001 Btoddock Road l!llgj)eld, VA 2216().0002. NIA !Or en!!ralo~ Schedule I (Foon 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ~D~on~o~r~s~T~ru~s~t.~ln~c;:.__5~2~·2_1~6~63..;..;.;.27;.._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~49 Sch I, Grants to Orgarnzal1ons and lnd\/Kluals mthe US Part II, Grants to Organizations. and Governments In the U.S. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e} (f) (g) (h) Name and Address of Organization ·or Government EIN IRC Amount of Cash Grant Method of Valuation (book. FMV, appraisal, Descnptt0n of Non-Cash Assistance Purpose of Section If Amount of Non-Cash Asststance ) .....- Applicable Granto< Assistance olhef) ~ ..::... Slate Policy Ne1"'cirl<>r\1, IL &1107 54-17~5' 501(~ 7 Judoaal Educa~on Praiect 3011 Dumbarion S•eel NVll Washmgton. DC 20007 )1 20-24666l'I S01(c){3) /I $300.00000 I ~ Foondallon lot Goll"111111Mt Accountabdlly 15275 Colher Boulevard SUlle 201-279 Nojlles. FL 34119 4&-2637507 501(c)(3) $250,00000 N/A. ~ p- ,,, Com!! ...... Calholu: Aaaoclaban Founclafmn 3011 Dwnbar1ob S~I NW W,,$1ungton. C:-C 20007 2~7.'l87967 501(C)(3) $350,00000 c.,!!.:_ NIA ~I1- NabQnal Foun<1a11on fOr Ce!tac Awareness PO!!O>c544 f\mbleF. PA 19002.0544 90-0108SS4 5111Ce>@ SS.00000 NIA I~ .L. Qi1 ~, I i;&.11 N/A I·• j Olscoveiy lll6blut& 20I! Columbia Slrfet Soat!le. WA 9'.1104 91-15216e7 501(c)(3) $250.00000 NIA Cash - ,- Discovery lns1otukl 208 Columbla Slteel Senttl:e, 'JI/A 98 1ll4 I fOl;QeNiral oper;:lbOtraaans Cash NIA forgeneral-1100• ~m NIA lat general operallons NIA f« Ille area of highest need l.r 11'.00000 NIA~ ""- &2,50000 "lf6 '\ . Federa!l$1 Soaety 17761 S1reet. NW Suile300 wasnington, DC 20006 \ lnsli!u1e fOf Jum:e 001 North Glebe Road J' 5"11i!900 Mmgton. VA 22203-18$4 52-1744337 501{c)(3) S10.00000 NIA 1:1rl" ill r~h .,.::r- Moo:alus Center, GMU 3434 Wllshmgton Boulevard 4th Floor Arlington, VA 2221}1 54-143622-4 5le ol Hawau 335 Merdian! Slreet 113377 Honolulu. HI 96801 Cash $a1Va1Jcn Army~wesl DMSIOll 5ll40 NOrib Pulaski ROBll Chicago, IL 50530-27SB Cesll JudlCl8I Educ.alJoo Projed 3011 Dumbarton Sil'eet tNI WashinglM. DC 20007 far Ole 8R!a of hlghesl need 2().2468871 501(~)($) 04-2103500 501:(e)(3) ~.00000 04-2103580 501{c\('3) $250.00000 NIA W.2387967 501(c)(3) $357.00000 NIA Cash N/A 21),.2387967 501(C){3) $120,000 NIA Cash NIA NIA $376.00000 "• PRisident and Fellow$ or Harvard Ccllelle 79 J?lin F Kel!nedy SIJeel Taubman306 Cambndg•. MA 02138 for general cpenmona ror the PpeeGillon• Schedule I (Fotm 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 -- - --·. ·-- -r'-•- -·- - 53 Donors Tl\Jst. Inc. 52-2166327 SCh !, Grants to Organizabons and lndviduals rn the U S Part II, Gra nts to Organizations and Governments In the U.S.. (a) Name and Address_of (b) EIN Organizatmn or Government (c) !RC Section If Apphcabfe (e) Amount of Non-Cash Assistance (d) Amount of Cash Gran! (f) (g} Method of Description of (h) Purpose of Valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, Non-Cash Assistance Ass1Sfance Grant or olher) ElhlCS & P\Jbj1c Policy'CMU!r 1730 M Stree:t, NW Sude910 W.unongltlrl, DC 20036 NIA NIA for eneral operabcns Fcundalion for ECO(\O((UC Education 1718 Peachtree Slreel, ~ Suite 104$ AUenL9, GA 30309 NIA Cash NIA for general operations leacienhlp lnsbtute 1101 NOltl Highland Sth!et Arlin IC<\. VA 2220\ tJiA Casi\ NIA f(l( NIA (orgeMn!I ~005 IAedta Reseatcll Center 1900 campus Commons Dnw. Sulle600 Rosian. VA 201111 54.i429000 50t(c}(3) $10,00000 PERC 2048 Anafyas Dnve Sll!leA Borema". MT 59718 61-G393444 501(c)(3) $1,COOOO Texas Pul>tie Polley Foundabon 901 Congress Avmue Au•~n , TX 78701 74-252'4057 501(•)(3) $50() Pncenoc, IQ 8500ol 86-05!11661 501(c)(3) UCLA Foundabon UCLA Sdlool of Law 405 Hdgard Avenue "os An~. CA 90095-1-476 95-2250801 501(c}(3) oc general opemons operstms NIA lo•·aeiiloral CPefJl~cr\S 5500 NIA (Ol $10.000 NIA Gcldwater lllSll!ute 500 East Coronado Road Cash NIA enerar operation! li:t Mrpport Ille ~D 5e regabon Re~ Prc1ecl Schedvle I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ~Do~nors;.:.;;.:..::.....;.;Tru;..;;.;;.;sl;;..;;.;ln~c-5~2~-2~1~663;.=c2~7--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~54 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lndVlduals in the Us Part II, Grants to Organliallons-and Governments In the U.S. (a) Name and Ac!dreS:S of Organization or (1) Method of {b) (c) (d) {e) EIN !RC SectJon If Amount of Amount of Cash Grant Applicable Nm-Cash AsSlStanre 40-H14877 561(e)(3J NIA :is.,soo2o41 50,1(C)(3) NIA 46-3a82730 501(c)(31 NIA 94-Z763845 501(cl(3} to Supped the FJH Mme! Foundabon ., Soulh Afnca M U! ton, VA Z2202 52.0140979 501(e)(3) ft:Jr general opemboos Compebiwe Enlt!fP"S& ln&tltute 1899 L Slleel NW Floor1t 'lllashinG!on. DC 2003l>.3804 52-1351785 SG!(c)(3) to• general cperabons Govem~l Amencan Pnvate Rad11> 1739 Un111erSl!y Avenue #341 Oxlo1d, I.AS 38655 Valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) (g) (h) Descnptlon of Non-Cash Assistance Purpose of. Grant or Assistance NIA for cenemr<: Resea
-0305123 501(c)(3) $35.00000 s .00000 NIA Cash NIA ror !he-area cfh) hc!l need NIA Cash NIA for 9enera1 cpera~ons NIA fur ganeral NIA for g~ Ol'•raJJcns $\0"101 0\ erabcns Young America's Foumlabon 11480 Comri'len:e Pede Dnve Su1!s600 Reslon, VA 2ll\91-1 55G $50000 WA $30.00000 NIA 0a.h; Vellcwstcne Par!< Foundabcn 222 East Mllll'l Slreet SWl&301 3) for.il>fo Trout Proiccl $75,000 S<70,00000 NIA Cash NIA Teneolnc ZOOSeih St AvsM. TX 7!703 $15.000 NIA NIA lor eMlllOllS (g) Oescnptron of Non-Cash Grant or Assistance Pro1ect Ventas 1214 Boston Post Road, #148 Mamaroned<, NY 10543 Zi-2894SS& 501(c(3 Atflll\J\On. VA 22201 27-3197768 S01(o}IG) AmeUrlhouse Road Slllle 5ro $200;gcl0 00 NIA NIA tor general Cash bons CalllOOc Assoctatlon Foundal!Dn 3C11 NIA tor general ooerabonS fOr ;eneral bOM Wotld Monuments fund 350 Fifth Avenue Suite 2412 New Yori<, NY 101 \8 NIA fat Qe™"al Ol!ef!ltlOnS ~Fund NIA IO suP?Qrt fellowsh1ps 81 lhe College of Business and Cash NIA ~cs Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 900-EZ) 2016 57 Donors Trusl , Inc 52-2155327 Sch I, Grants to OrgarnzallOns and tndVlduals 1n the U.S. Part 11, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tile U.S. (a) Name and Address cf Organizabon or Goven;imenl (b) EIN {c) (d) IRC Am0lll1lof Section 1f Cash Grant Applicable (e) Amount of Non-Cash AsslStance If) {g) (h) Method of Vatuahol\ (book, FMV, Desmpbooof Purpose of Non-Cash appraisal, other) Assistance Grant or Assistance Roots & Wogs Foui:ida.b011 75 Bloomfield Avenue Solte303 Denville, NJ 07834 N/A for genef31 ooerabons NIA for eneral Qperabons $12.rld Central Kitchen 1250 24th Str~ rm Su~e300 Wa•h1ngtor1. DC 2003i 27-35211~ 501{cl(3} 5:10.00000 Manjullll8 P00cy PIOjeCt FOUlldatlon 2370 Cllemplatn Sta!et NW Sillte 12 W!!shongton. DC 20009 52-1975211 501{t 3) $8,00000 The: Fatme:SS Cenlet PO Box 14112 1675 C&mp Hlil llypass Cam~ H~ . PA 1700f 464482738 S01(c)(3) Was_honglon, DC 20006 53-0218495 501(C)[3) SS.oOOOO Hentage Foundat.on 214 Massacllosells Awnue, NE V.aslm1g!on, DC 20002-4999 23-7327730 501(c)(3) $12.50000 $75.000 NIA lot lhe Texas Pro NIA for gene~ olll?lBllOM Arnencan Enterpnse fnstULlle 1789 Massadiusetts Ave NW NIA CM!t NIA. Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Sen I, Grants to Organizations and lndvldUals 1n the U S. Part 11, Grants to Organiza.tlons and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name and Add ress-of (b) (c) E!N IRC Sectton 1f Appbcable O r9.an1ZBt~ol) 'Cit Govemm'eht (d) Amount of Cash Grant (e} (f) (g} (b) Amoootof Melhod of Valuation (book, FMV. appraisal. DescnptlOll of NcnH;ash Purpose of Grant or AsSIStance Assistance Non-Cash Assistance other) Goldw!lte• ln•b!Ule 500 East COronado Road PhCftll Educaiion Pl'O)ed 3011 o.im-Sfreet~ W&hrngl.Cn, DC 20007 20-2466871 5Ql(~ 27·2694'856 501(c)f.l.) fa< general operatl<>llll 20-23!17967 501((;)(3) lot genernt Ol)etllbODS operabons ProjeclVefllllS 1214 Boston Past Raad, #148 Mamaronedt, NY , QS.l:l. Calhcloc AsGoeiallon Foundabon 3011 Dumbartan Street NW wasnrni•on. oc 20007 F11'$1 Alllendmeot Coal1!i0n 534 4111 Slleet (a< dam c\sclosure and t?.ir~ar8t1cy in bUgabon '"""' Sllllea .!he.Slit!' Bar of cawom"' S01ic}f3} Sll11 Ra!.lel, CA 9J!l0 1 Ve!etamtorVdezaas 3033 W!SI FallTnounl A~en oe Phoerux. AZ 35017 46-1538313 501(c}(3} $20.00000 NIA Cssb Nabonal C.\llC Art Soltc Cflurd'i 5620 Soulh HickOI)' Cllde l.Jillela n. CO 80120 501(c)p) $"),00000 NIA NIA tor me Musu:. Fuf1d NIA NIA lo«oe~eral apesabpns Cash NIA for·.general aperlliloos Cij511 NiA for g~ 119era~Ol'IS . Prqecl Venlas 1214 BosliOn Post Road. #148 MamaroncdC, m 10543 ::n-289485& 501(c)(3l $100,00000 Alias Economic Researdl Foundabon 1201 L 5lreel. tom 2nd.Floor Wash•ngJ.on, OC 20005 M-2763845 501(eX3l $4.89000 Fedenlltst ~ 1776 I S1ree!. WN Sude300 Washuiglol\ 0C aooo& 36-3235550 501(e)(3} $2,50000 23-6050131 5D1 c)131 $5,00000 NiA NI1 c)(3) $5.00000 NIA NIA t Cam Lakewood, CO 80227 64-0736725 S01(c (3) $50000 NIA NIA Proed MOunfalll Slates l.egaJ FOU!1da!lon 2596 Soulll Lewi$ way La<~ . CO 80227 84-0735725 501(c)(3) $2,50000 NIA NIA. /or ."'1Cl"410llt'f~ NlA ln!ercclleUtale Srud""' lns.llMe rnr lhe C~legiaie NetWOO< 3S01 CenleNdle Road lhllrrunglM, DC'. 19ro7-193!! Media Research C6nlet 1900 Campus Commons Dov& S1J1te600 Re•lon. VA 2019\ l'oi;_~~. TeU~Tfllll) n Proied t.llounlaJn Stales legal Foundalion 2596 Soulh le....a W;¥J r~rihe .i>~11'.oro~t Cash ~D~ on~~ ~s~T~ruc::=st~ . lnc='-_5~2~-2~1~663~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-60 Sch t, Grants to Orgamzabons and lndvlduals in the u S Part II, Grants to OrganizatiOl)S and Governments in Lhe U.S. (b) ElN (a) Name and Addr,ess.of Organization or Goverpmenl Goldwater lnSllwie SOO E:as! Ccfooedo Road Phoemx. AZ 85004 / 7 ~ . _}~ II 66-0597661 (c) (d} (e) (t) 19) (h) IRC Amount of Amount of Melhodof Secllon rf Appllcabl& Cash Grant Non-Cash Valuabon (book, FMV, Purpose of Grant or Assistance apPra1sal Descnpt1on of Non-Cash Assistance ,,,..501(e)l3) ..! cornerstone SchOOls Of was11moton oc 419RldgeRoadSE: W&sh1riglon. DC 20019 52,.20841),19 Assistance other) SQ1(c~l3l 1 $1.000~ NIA Cash NIA ~e Dame. IN ~6555 35-11868188 501(c)(3) ~.00000 ~;.. ~~ti NIA l.egislatlccl WA ~ ... "'-"" 10013 7 1 J"-.. 1~ Movmg Po:ture lllStrtute 37 5 Greertw.cl! Streei New VOit<, NY ID support Ota Jcumal of 20.3237801 !5,00000 501(<:)(3) NIA ~ ,Cl!sti t GMU fot:n1 Faufax DnV& At1QJ ( to support ~OJl'.1'111 lll(ovef$1fy Lew Cllf\~(S N/A. Ca..h WA Joorital ot Uiw'& Pubb~ Pelley ~ Schedule l (Fonn 990 or 99~ 2016 61 Donors Trust, Inc 52-2166327 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and Jndv1duals in the us. Part n, Grants to Organitations and Govemments In the U.S. (a) Name and Addreslfof Organ:zabon..or (b} EIN (c) (d) {e) (f) (g} (h) !RC Amount of Amount of Non-Cash Method of Oescnptron of Valuation (book, FMV. Non-Cash Purpose of Grant or AsSlStante appraisal, Assistaru:e AsSlstance section 1r Govemmen! Cash Grant Applicable other) GeDrge1Qwn UnNe!sit'( Tocquevllle FORtm 671 lnlettS 16 CampRoed South Thcmas1co. ME 0-1853 47-168S810 501 <:)(31 $250,00000 NIA Ill/A 'MlllemF Buddey, Jr P111gmm 234 Chutcll Street 7lllRoor Now t1avi111. er oss10 PeiCor general Q11erauon1 S1uclenls for SenSlble Drug Polley FoundallOn lor lite ca!ifornla. Oregon, 10110~NW ~gto/), and Newela Pro;eds Suito.1 wasli i~G!On. DC 20001 New Harvest 154 Grand Slreel Cash NIA Ji)( enenl! opetancJiis Schedule I {Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 62 Donors Trust. lnc 52-2166327 Sch I. Grants to Orgamzat1ons and lndv1duals m the U S. Part 11, Grants to Orga·n1Zatlon11 and Governments in the U.S. {a) Name and A.ddre,sS:or Orgamzahon or Govemmer;tl (b} (c~ EIN !RC Secbon rf (d) Amount of Cash Grant Applicable (e) Amount of Non-Cash AsSJstance (f} (g) (b) Method of Valuabon (book, FMV, Qescr1pllon of Pwposeof Grant or Assistance appralSal, Non,.Cash Assistance other) Amencan An1>-Vt~dl1:J n~09eiy 801 Old York Road Sll!le 204 Jen~l/l\own. PA i(l!}nc.t, KS 66(X.4 48-05'1710.,ll 501 cl\3) 3e-3235550 501(cjr.l) 52-1455677 501(c)l3} 95-4194842 50tleJ(3J 510.00000 NIA fo; !he WU.am and Eleanor aveA"Y.iard c...ii NIA tc SUjlpotl Ill~ l'.3N<11 Journal of 1.3-,, & Pub~e Policy Casll NIA rcr geooral cpetallons NIA Federahst Sooety 1776 I Slreel, NW Surtio300 Wa.rk, lne .2002 Fiimore Avenue ror the Tra;ll>lazet Senes Swte1 PA l '65oo E~.c. NIA, Pro)eCI NIA for ener:al o :tuahar.s. NIA. ~gt!!le[ll( OpenilWn~ Daw! l-lorownz Freedom Center POBox55089 Sh"1Trn!n Oai tn.sup pall ihe Texas Review ol Law & Pc!Jnca 1118 lh!!-Tex 7 4-61l557i'o $10.000 NII\ Cash NIA. Lezar Stl\ola.rsll1 Ft!M NIA 10< 11oneral OllCOlltcW• NIA fllr enetal opel'allons NIA lor uie Amrr.111 LaWRevil!w Fracluled Attas 248 'Most 3Slh Slreet 100> Floor ~ .60000 NIA 14.60000 NIA New Voll<, NY 10001 11-3451703 Peace Through Commeree 1510 FBteon Ledge Onve AUSl!n, TX 7874&61.D4 27-3971757 501 C)(3) 10015 SW Tet'Mll!ge< Blvd ?or:land. OR 97219 ~58 501(c)(3) Mll:il!QSIJ State lJnl\lefSdy College r>f Lew tl4S Narth Shaw U.ne ROOl11400D Bisi l•OSiO . Ml 46324-l:lOO 38-1358000 501(cll3) 2S.2828115 501(c)(3) 52-1351785 501 c){3) $150.00000 38.2701547 50t{e)(3) $100.000 00 Cash Lewis & Clark College le'Ms & Clatt law SdlOd for lhe MSU.Journ;il of Aluma!& Nawral Ru aun:o lloc Polley 140 west Maul Slsb!U!e 11100 Massac!lUsetts Avenue, tor# W8sll•"!;K>n. DC i-0001 .5403 501 c){3) NIA Cash NIA for~ ~5,29000 NIA for 23-7327130 50f{c)(3) ~ . 29000 NIA forglllleta) operauons 94-1156365 5G1{~){3) 52-1744337 S!l1!tll3> NIA 94-1623852 5011c NIA 23-6050131 501{<:)(3) 23-7«!2162 · rallons » Fund ror Ameru:an Studies 1706 New Hamps!ura Avenue, NW Waslltnll)oo, DC 20000 Fourulabon for Teaciul>Q Economics 2!lD Russell Boulevard Su11e8 Da:"'.e· CA 915$16-3839 NIA.c Hentage foundallon 214 Ml!ssachusells Avem1e. NE wastunQton DC 20002-4900 NIA - eral aperabons Hoover lnsldubon-Stanford Urnversily 434 Galvez Mal Stanford UnwelOJ!y S1anford. CA 94305-0003 for general apera!Jons lllSlllUte fOr Ju&1tCe 901 No!lb Glebe Road Siate90() Mi1191..,. VA :.t:UOl-1854 tnslllute fOr Humane Studies 3434 Wasii1nglon Boulevard MS1CS Aerallons ooeetallOns Mercal!Js Center. GMU 3434 Waminoran Boulevard 4111 Ffoo.< Arl"'!jtor.. VA 12201 Media Research Center 1000 Canplls Commons Onve Sutle600 f!e~toll. VA 20191 Nalional Tl!"PB'i"f" Uruon Fouodabon 25~Alll!llll8,NW SWte 140 WDs!\1ngton, DC 20001 52-1122683 501(n 11480 Commea:e Pm:k Dnve SudeSOO R""'°"· VA 20191-1556 23-7042029 501 c)(3) $5.90000 NIA Boll of Rights fnsblute 200 Noltb Glebe Road Slula 200 Artmgtan, VA 22203 48-ll891418 501(c)(3) $21,07000 NIA 52-1527294 501{elf.l) $33.72000 NIA Ameneans for Prosperi!y Foundallon 1310 N Cout11\ouse Rd Sulle70D Ariutgfon. VA 22201 Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ~Don.;;.;.:.:ors;;,;;.,.T~rus.;;;;.;t,~l~nc"-'5~2~ ~~1663;::.:;::~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~frl Sch I, Grants to Orgamzabons and lnd'lllduafs m the U S Part II, Grants to Oroanlzallons a:nd Governments an the U.S. (a) {b) {c) Name and Address or Orgarnzat1on or EIN IRC Section If Government (d) Amount of Cash Grant App~cable (e} Amount of Non-Cash Assistance (g) (h) Purpose of Valual!on (book, FW, Oescr1pf!On of Non-Cash appraisal, Asslstarn:e Assistance (t) Mettiodof Grant or other) Beac:cn center cl TeMes'oo PO Box 19864& /ilashliJDe. TN 372 Hl 2C.1808567 501{<)(3 $25,29000 NI/\ Froodom V.n 400 Nol1lt Capnol Sttee!, NW Su!te 765 Wastungton. DC 20001-1564 52-15269;16· 501{c)t3! S~.2$000 NIA Center IQ!' CompeldJve Polrucs 124 Soulh West Slreet Sul!e20l Alexandlla, VA 22314 2().3676886 501(el(3) S8.85000 NIA 95-4194642 501 c) 525,29000 54-0564701 501(e)(3) $25.29000 NIA 27-1110796 501(e)(3} St76.00000 NIA 94-2763845 501(<:\(3 $1 ,00000 NIA Cash 94-2763345 501{c)(3) $2.000 NIA Casll NIA for gener.il operabons for general operabons NIA Cash tor e<)Ctal op818110ns Da\lld HoroWllZ Freedam Center PO Box55089 Shorman Oa~s. CA 914W-1004 for genelns and Governments in the U.S. {a) Name and AddresS' of (b) SN Organizabon or Govern~nt (c) !RC Secbonlf Appkcable (d) Amount of Cash Grant (e) Amount of (f) (g). (h) Method of Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Descnpllon of Non-Cash AssJStance appraisal, Assistance Purpose of Grant or Assistance other) Taxpayer Foonl!Jl1m Of Oreijon PO Bolt23573 T1gatd. OR 97231 ~1321063 501.(c){3) NIA 54-178$4"67 501 c NIA 27-2894856 501(c)f,l') $15.0000ll NIA'. 4181 Cascade Hng!M. VA 22201 2().2200263 501(c){S} $25,DODOO NIA T1li3rnDOk Anglers 7510 Trask River Rood Tillamook. OR 971 ~1 9'-3097459 S01(cl(3} $200.000 00 NIA 93-0457167 501/cl(S} $18,00000 59-3493493 501(<:}{3) $292.00000 NIA !or general Oper8!!0l\S Cash NIA Jo! genera\ OP81'1ll!Oll$ Cash NIA f()!' NIA fot g!nernl operabon$ Howanl Cenle.934 North Man S11eet Ro<:k!ord, IL 61107 ProJect Ventas 1214 Boston Post Road. #148 M;imargned<. NY 10543 neral OperaUcnS Oregon Capital waith FoondallOn tor·general oper!lilons lo suppoit Ille Tresk ~ ~ T111amco!< County Famly YMCA 610 SbllWell Avenue Tillamook, OR .97141 Cesh love Ille life 2252 Kllleam Center Blvd SUote100 Tailoh•SSff. Fl 32JO;! WA Cash NIA tar g"''lf?ral cpesabons Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 -------·--·-------- Donor.; Trust, Inc. 52·2166327 71 Sch I, Grants to Organizali.ons and fndvlduals m the U S Part II, Grants to Organb:atloris,and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name and Add ress .of Organ1zat1on or Governnie.n\ {bl ElN (c) IRC Sec:bon If Applteable (d) (e) (f) (g) lh) Amount of Cash Grant Amount of Non-Gash Assistance Melhodof Descnpbon of Non-Cash Assistance Purpose of Valualton (book, FMV, appra1&al, Grant or Assistance Other) Famity Bndges 17W662 Butwfiold Road Sude303A 27-2~()$${ 501(~.)(3) $460.00000 NIA 3&-3235'5S(l SOl(c)(3) 52.50000 3&J235550 501(cl(3) ~ .000.000 00 8+0736725 SOHe)(3) S2-!75tn88 501(<:)(3) $2.&Xl 00 NIA Hooo!ulu, fil 96801 99-0:l54937 501Ce)(3) $1,776 NIA Catholtc A!sooat1oo Felnlation 3011 Oumbartoo Streel NW WashrngtGn., DC 20007 26-2387967 501(c) 3) $450.000 NIA Cssll SO'l(c) ) $8,000 NIA Cash Oak Brook T•rr•ce IL 6011tf NIA for general operallons NIA. NIA ror ~ 0persbons NIA NIA fat general ·operouons NIA for Ille Second Mien, VA 22046 CMll fOr eneral cperallonlO Grassroot ln$blule bl Hawai; l3S Merchant Street 113377 Pe!Connecl Rescue POBox60714 Poiomac. MD 20859 NIA Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Do~ Trust. 72 lrn:. 52.-2166327 Sch I. Grants to Organiza!lons and lndVlduals in the U s Part II, Gran1s to Orji!alllz:atlonscand Governments In the U.S. {a) Name and Address of Orgamz.at1on Govemment or (b) EIN (c) IRC SeclK>O lf AppbcabJe (d} Amount of Cash Grant (e) (f} (g) Amount of Method of Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Assistance appraisal, Descnphon of Non-Cash Assistance (h) Purpose of Grant or Assistance other) Sltldettls lor SenSlble di\ig Pnl1cy fOUt\dalloo !or Ille CalllQmJ;J . Ox 19127 Houstcn. nc 7722~ The Re!hmk Group 51170 Cl>artolte Lane ~300 C""~ SlanfOld Unwen;ny SSS Na1han Abboll Way SUmfotd, DA 9430~10 94-11~ 50l{CJ(31 Cash S100.00000 N/A Fl!St A.melldmetlt Cooldlon 534411\Streel SUI!& B San Rafael. Cl\ 9'!001 dala disclosure arid msparancy 33-03054!13 501/;~3) $4.2.P6H2 NIA 45-2795231 S01 [o}('$l ..52iSOOOO NI. 23-7327730 501(c)(3) ~2828115 S01(c\(3) $250.00000 NIA wDsrungton. DC 20005 52-1351785 5D'l(c)(3) s-4.00000 NIA Fun.2264638 501(c)(3) $10.000 00 23-2473&45 501tcl<3l $125,00000 46-4482738 501(clf.ll $25,00000 47-25!135S5 S01(c)(3) State Policy Networl; 1655 North Fort Meyer Or Mar!Jwma Pohcy Project Foondallon 2370 Champlem Slteet NW S.nle 12 Commonwealth Founda~on for the TlllC3s Pmjed tor lltlle5000 Oklalloma Cay, OK 73116 $2.000 NIA NIA Cash NIA Schedule I (Form 990 or 990..EZ) 2016 75 Donora Trust. Inc. 52-2160327 SCh I, Grams to Organizations and lndlllduals 1n the U.S Part II, Grants to Organlzatlons am! Governments In ttie U.S. (a) (b} (c) (d) (e} (f) Name and Address of Organ1zahon or EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Section 1f Applicable Cash Grant Mefhod of va11.1a1Jon (book, FMV. appraisal, Other) Government Non-Cash Assistance (g} Descnpt1on of NOii-Cash (h) Purpose of Assistance Asslstaooe Granlor Fen. W 08540 NIA JudJclal Eduea!ion ProjCCI 3011 llurnbortt>n Street NW 'Mlsh1na:oo. OC 20007 lorgeneral Nallonal Coul!Cll for AdOp!IO!l 225 Nollh We$1ttng!Otl Slte Hid913'1 co NIA ss.00000 NIA PelConnecl Rescue PO 8ox6G714 Polomae, MO 20859 Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 - - - - - - -- - - - --- ----- -··... . . .. .::.::::=.::...:..:..::::.:.:..;=--=...=..:..:::::=:.:.,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _~ Donors Trust. Inc 52-2166327 78 Sell I, Grants to Organaalt0ns and lndvlduals in the U.S Part It, Grants to Organlzatlpns and Governments ln the U.S. (a) Name and Address (b) BN ~f OrgamzatJon or I/_,.--·\ Government _.::_ ..!.. (c) IRC Sechon If (d) (e) Amount of Cash Grant Amount of Non-Cash Ass!Stance Applicable (g) Descnpbon of Non-Cash Assistance (f) Melhod of ValualK>n (book, All/, appraisal, (h) Puiposeof Grant or Asststance other} _!. Students fo( SenSlble Diug POiley Fournfal!on 1011 0 Slreel ~ Suite 1 l'Jaih•ii;ioo. DC 20001 \ /, / , ~- lor Ille Cabfumia, Oreocn, Washington, and Nevada 52-229529! 50!{c\{3) S10,0COOO NIA cash NIA Proiect NIA Cash NIA ror genernl cperallOllS NIA Cash NIA !er general aperabons c...h NIA for general operahOna NIA for general ·operabons ~ NewHalvest 154 Grand Street &th Floof New Volk. NV 10013 / 21}.142$1:38 50!@_3} Fana>n1 Anemia Reseatd! Fund 1801 Wlllameue Street 1 ;/ - $10.000 00 ; SUJle200 E~gane. OR 91401 Grassroot lnshMe of Haw.au 1050 BlsMp Street #SOB Honorulu, HI !16813 83-0995453 501(c)(3' ·$10.00000 ') QS.0354937 501(cl(3) $10.000 00 NIA 'I Conservabve Agenda Projed 1025 Thomas Jeffersoo Stroot. NW Su111! 110 G Wash1ngtor>. DC 20007 -..1 26-4029a03 501(~ $61 ,00000 11 NIA ca1o tns111u1& 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, NW W..Slunul.9n. DC 20001-5403 2l-7~162 501(cl{3l $25000 NTA Fund IDr Amenca> Studies 1706 New Hampshire AVetWe, NW Wilslnp!llon. DC 20009 13-6223604 501(C,ll3l $5JJOO OO NIA ,,- •. Caal) ~ L I~ " ( •' ...___' cash I:\ -~1 NII} ~ ...... fotoenetal ()j)fllallons ror.o~ner.i1 N/A / oper.Won1 ,, •I ' Henlage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Wash~on . DC 20002-4999 23-7327730 501(c)(3J 525000 NIA C&sh NIA ~~ _i_eneral OQl!ra!IOM "" Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 _D_on_o_ffi~Tr_u_~~._ m_c~S_ Z-_2_ 16_63 ~2:1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~79 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lndvlduals m the US Part II, Grants to OrgantZauollS and Governments In the U.S. (a) {b) {c) (d} (e) (f) Name and Address of rgamzauon . Descnpbonot Non-Cash Assistance {h} Purpose of Grant or AssiStance other) Manhattan lns!otute tor Policy Re!n. DC 20001 12~1017 501(c)(3) $15.00000 NIA Cash leadetllrup lnslJtUI& 1101 North Hlghlalld Slll!Ct M •n111on. VA 22201 51-fl23S174 501(c)(3l S75000 NIA Cast! The Famess Center p 0 Box 1482 Ca$1.l for general operations Judicoal Eduoaboo Pl'O)ect' ~MIDPel'llllons 3011 Ownberlon Street NW w...lm ion. DC 2aoo1 NIA Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 - . -·-- - -- -·. - .. -----------------· ---·--- ~D~o~nor::.;..::.s~T~rus::=l,~~~c:_::52=.:-2~1~663==2~7-· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ 80 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lndV1duals 1n the U S Part II, Grants to Organlzatl.o.~. and Governments In th& U.S. {al Name and Address of Organization or Government Georgetown UnivetSlly 600 New Jersey Avenue, WN Washm;Jtwi, DC 20001 Ca!holfc Assooalton Foundabon 3011 Oumbat1o.1 SU'eet NW Washmgl'ilf\, DC 20007 Amencan Transparency 200 Soutll Fronlllge Road Swle 304 Burr RJ~. IL 60521 (b) EIN / 1~~ i'--I {C) (d) IRC Amount of Secbon 1f Applicable Cash Grant {e) Amount of Non-Cash AsslSlance (f) (g) (h) Method of Oescnpbon of Non-Gash Assistance Purpose of Grant or Assistance Valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, other) ~ 501(c\P> 53-0100603 / - 20-2387$7 ~ SOl(®) 117 SS0.00000. NIA C8sh NIA for 11\e GeO!Jll!lOwn c ..mer on ~~e COl\Sll1UllOn sso.00000 NIA cash NIA !or oenetai ®er8UOll& I 26-3593801 501(c}l3} $50.000 00 NIA Cash NIA for oeneral opera1looS 2M3522&9 5G!(c){3) $25,00000 NIA , ca,t, NIA for general operabons NIA ~genetaloperalloQs Philaarton Slreel'NW wa ..~ongtori . DC 20007 91-1521697 ~2466871 501(<:)(3) 501(e)(3) 525\1,000 00 $366,00000 NIA NIA Casll Cash v "1 .rOI-.~ ID 3 o F'rOJE!C! NIA J1 "I Olsmvery lnslllute 208 Columb"' Slreet SealUe. WA 9810• iJI"' ~j ~ J " NIA. --- 19!'..s_eN!lal opeiallans .7 It l_l_ loo.general opern®ns '""' Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 81 Donors Trust, Inc 52-2166327 Sch 1. Grants to Organizallons and lndw!uals rn the U S Part II, Grants to Organizations-and Govemments In the U.S. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e} (1) Name and Address of Organizabon or Gover1)fnenl EIN IRC Amount of cash Grant Amount of Non-Cash Method of Valuation (book, FMV, Assistance appraisal, other) Sectton If Applicable (g) Descripbon of {h) Purpose of Non-Cash Grant or Assistance Assistance Debu- Coblllan atld°Chii•irr""' ao1r 59 East 54Jb S!roet Slllte 64 tor general OC)etaUons .CS.2236_95Q 50l(c)(ll} $10.65602 NIA 52--19752-11 501(c)(3) S200.000 00 NIA Casb NIA for Ql!llellll aperabans Surte201 renne. W< 82001·3549 :ZS.2828115 S01(c)(3) $250,000 Q(l NIA Cash NIA for general operallons The_fll!mess Cenlef PO 1482 1675 Camp Hlll Bypass C.$mp H41, PA 17001 46-4482738 501(c)(3) "$1-•.000, Oil N{I\ eitlll NIA for The Farness Center PO Bo~ 1482 1675 camp H1I Bypass Camp Hll. PA 1700 I 4&-4462738 501 (0)(3) NIA (!)~ AAM!ncan Couool on Sael)ce & Heallh 110 East 42nd SU!le1300 New 'for1< , NY 10017 13-2911127 501(c)(3) $10.000 Phoe=. Al 85060 8&-0618822 S01{cl(3) 1;1,600 Foundab«I for Economic Educabon 1819 Peaclltree Road NE Swte300 Ailantn,.0.A 30309 13-6006960 5()1( $2.00000 Naw Yor«. NY 10022 MBTI1..ana Policy Projecl FoundatlOn 2370Cl\amplam Street~ Suite12 Wa.h•nlJlon. DC 20009 ~g Liberty Group 1902 Thomes Avenue eox $8,00000 ' r.al operalions !or g;en6i'8l Operabons l~gej\er.!A 05-0258809 Cash NIA f(){ Cash NIA l::r gene.'131 cpernbons ett Brown llmverstly- PohllcalTheary Proiect Box1893 11 G Elm Street Prn'1dencc. RI G2912 lh~ Pobbcal Th . p ect Jewish High Schoo of Connedleul. Inc: 1937West M111t1 Sime! Stamfl)rd, CT 06~02 20-5952939 50f(c)(3) $1-0.000 00 NIA_ JUd1cial Edocatron Projl!Ct 3011 Dumbarton Slteel NW Wa•hmg!e>n. DC 20007 2B-2466871 50f(c)l3) $165,00000 NIA tor gerleNll o erallons 23-2473845 501!c)(3) 533.000 NIA fot.aeural Cl"'f"UOO• 50f(t)(3) $17,00000 NIA Cash 501(c)(3) $3,00000 NIA Casll Commonwealth Foundaoon f!Jr Pubfoc Policy Allernalnle 225 Slate Slteel SWU.302 Hamob_wg, PA 17101 The Fawness ~ PO &o<1482 1675 Camp Ht!! Bypass Camp Hli. PA 17001 The Fairness Ceruer PO 0o><1482 1675 Carnp H1K Bypass CnmpH1i. PA 17001 46-4482738 Sdledule I (Form 990 or~EZ) 2016 ~O~on~o~ra::...:.. T~ ~sl~·~'n~c.....;.52~·~2~166~~3~2~ 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'83 Sch J, Grants to Organizations an£! lndvtduals in the u S Part II, Grants to Organtzl!l)QDS .and Governments In the U.S. (a) (b) (c} (d) (e} Name and Addr~ elf EIN IRC Amount of Amount of Section rf Apphcable Cash Grant Or~amza~on or 1.....- Government ,...I .!.. ~ Enterpnse lnsb!Jic 1310 l Sired. MN TihRoor washin_j_ton, DC 20005 / )l (f) Method of Valuation (book, fMV, appraisal, Non-Ca sh Assistance (g} Descrrptron of Non-Cash Purpose of Assistance Assistance (h) Grantlher) II / I,,,..-, 1..- -52-1351'.785 501(c)(3l $90.000~ NIA Cash NIA !or general ooerabDn~ 94-3135951 5QftC)(3) 53.00000 -::- NIA C8$h NIA ror general opem11ans NIA fer general opetabi>n$ NIA for general operattons ~NIA fllt ~er81 o pcral;!! 1r ' I: 54-1436224 501(~ Sl0.000 00 .:r_ Cash ,. ~A NIA .. Clt,tll .• , 7 '.:,../ ' i Mountam Stales legal FcundebOn 2596 South Lewis~ blkcWOcd. CQ 80227 84-ll736725 501(cl(3) $50000 NIA Nabooal R"'"""' lnstJwte --...,- .... ll ' . _, 215lalnglonAvsnue 111h Floor New.'l'Oll<. NY 10016 GrusfOOl ll)SblU!e ol l-l:rwau 1050 Bishop Slteel #S08 f-lonoilllu. Ht 9$81 a 13-3648537 501(cj(;3) $10,00000 NIA casl\ ~· Irle Ser.ond Amendment Pto;ed NIA ~ NIA ) ~g~liial_<>p_erabens I 99-0354937 501(c){3} S1.77S_!JQ NIA Cash NIA ") '" 1 Ifo[11_aneral opera!JOns - Sdledule J (Fomi 990 or 99o-EZ) 2016 Donois Trusl Inc. 52-21 S5327 Sch I. Grants lo Organizations and lndvlduals m the U.S. Part II, Grants to Org anU:atforn; and Governments In the U.S. (a) Name and Addre$1; of {b) EIN Organrzabon-or Governm,;ehf' Amencaris for Prospemy Fwndabon 131D N Crth, FL ~61 Non-Caah A$slSlance (f) {g} (h) Method of Valuabon (book, FMV, appra.sal, other) Descnp!lon of Non-Cash AsSIStance Purpose of Grant or Ass1staru:e NIA for lhe G"'"O>Ots l.eade1$l!Jp · -Fl. NIA for general Ol>Bralit>nS NIA Journal NIA for general coerations WA general ®8'91100$ 50.1(C~) " Seamly Resean:h Associate$, Inc 2223 2nd Aveooe No-7001 to support !lie llldoana Law 35-601800l SO!{cl (3l 27-2894B5S 50l(c)(.l) PrOJecl Ventas 1214 Boslon Post Road, #148 M!!.rna•""'['ci<. NY 105<3 $2So.OOOOO WA clasp 'Tu PelCormea Rescue PO BOX' SG71~ Po!omac. MO 20.S:S9 SS.0857806 501(e)(3) $5.00000 students !or Sensible Drug Pokey FOUC\dall Cash A ~ Amencan Anb-Vivlsecli~"'11 rrianall"" end Ro"'1dlalile lOI Officers on Soeaal Duty Caller for CMI Socety <:Jo Dllarmesh Shah 5885 Colleen Dove Troy, Ml 48085 2°'450BQ29 Sll1(e)(:l) NIA -23-2473845 50 1(c)(il) NIA Cash NIA for general ooerallOO 00 NiA ~- 47-2593565 501(<:)(3) S28.00000 NIA ~ 94-2528433 501(c)(3) ~6,00000 NIA CUb 13-3108424 501(c)(3l $7,&lOllCI Commonwealth Foundallon for Pubhc Pelley AJlemalnle 225 Slate Slreet s ..1e302 Ha!Tl!'burg , PA 17101 KeyslOt 1200 NW 63rd Street Surte5000 Oldahoma City, OK i'J116 NI$ ro~ e~eral 9?eJ'l!~Cf\S Pal:1302 St0,000 llO 501{c)(3t ) yJ A ~ r" srp.00000 20-2406871 501(c}(3) ~.00000 ~ Alias Ecanorruc Research 1201 L street, NW ) A Founda~on r-IJA I Ir '- I'-- \11lnsh~l<:11 , DC 20005 lndependen1 W>rnen's Forum 1875 t Sln>el, MN Sulle500 Wa"1!Tliton. OC 20006 Q4.276:l845 so11e){3) $1,00000 [r-,. J 2nd Fl0or clfJ.r NIA ) "".....: I_, 154-1670627 501(e\(3) $10.00000 NIA ~~ cpera~<>Qiallans ~ 7 Schedule I {Form 900 or 990-EZ) 2016 ~D~o~no~r~s~T~ru~s~l.~ln~c~.~5~2~-2~1~6~ 63~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-88 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lnd;11duals in the U S Part II, Grants to OrganizatJons and Governments in the U.S. (a) {b) Name and Address 6t EIN Organizafion or Govemi:n~nl ~ I/ 1~ - ' .iL (d} Amount of Gash Grant ·4 ,_ _!!4-252~ !IQ~){S) $100JX)OOO ,,- f'"" Su1!eSOO be ZOQJ&.1609 s2.1sDD4e'i sofCcYPI (g) DescnplKln of Non-Cash Purpose of Grant or Asststam:e aiipraisal, Assistance AsstStanee ~7 ,&WX!OOO NIA Cash NIA for Ille llbar!y Acilan~•11!9 NIA Cash NIA tor Ille area ol'h;ghesl ooed Nfl\4 Cash NIA ror the Texas Prcject Nll'I cash NIA fOI general opemlloM t1 ) t" Ma!l]uana Pabey Pro,ect fouMabon 2370 C!lamplam Street NW SUll:e12 Washtngloo. DC 20009 {f) Melhod of Valuation (book, FMV, other} Center for lndlV'neci<. NY i 0.543 27-2!!94856 501{C)(3) :rrs.00000 lmcoln Network, Inc 1741 Bral!doclc Court San.Jooe. CA 95125 47-2239840 501(el{3) $1.00000 NIA '/_ I"'-. ,i:as11 Atlas Economic Research Foundation 1wt L Street, NW 2nd Floor Wa!.h1ng1011. DC ~ 53-01ll6604 501(e){3) $60,00000 NTA -., for lhc Cl>mputcr Stll? NIA ~ ~ ~ St Albtins SdlOOl MOllntSt Alban Wasllln~lon. DC 2001~69 I• 38-2926822 501(c}(3) &2.00000 NIA Cash NIA --~r ror ~I GpetabOI\$ """. II ~"'3l~llll!OI\$ 7 Schedule I (fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 =D~on~o~r~ s ~Tru :.;:::; sl~·~ lnc ~.....::; 52~-=2~1663:.:::::27:..__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~89 Set\!, Gfal\\s toOrsa111Zat1onsand lndvtduals m \he US Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S. (a) Name and Address of Organ1za11sn or I (b) (c) (d) IRC Amount of Secllon If Applicable Cash Grant EIN ,. I_,.., Govem~nt (e) Amount or Non-Cash Method of Valuabon (I.look. FMV. Assistance appraisal, 7/ Media Reseatt.h ce'ntec r~ ' .. SOUGliJJ NIA Cash NIA lo.3uppo<1111e MRC __g,5,000 00 NIA Cash NIA ~ Gal!> ,,-" 7130 Plaad Slreet BB-Oi7.631~ Nauono: Re-. lnst!Ole 215 Leiangton Avenue 111hFloot Now YOl1<, NY IOCl16 $25.00000 - Nevada PoloCy Research lnstdute U.. Vegas. NV 89119 Grant or Assistance Ir-. 54-1429009 'T (h) Puriiose of othelj 1 1900 Campu$ Commons Onvc Sll!te600 Rc..:qn, VA 20191 (g) Descnption of Non-Cash Assistance · (ij ' 601.tCilil> __iieneral op;,,,,1ioru: "Y I/ 1~537 S0l{C)(3r' s10:000 00 NIA CaSh NIA for genera! opera~Qr OeM S190.00DOO NIA Casb · "'F Donors Trust. lnc 52-2166327 Sch I, Grants lo Orgenizallons and lndwluals 1n the U S Part U, Grants to Orgenizatfo115' and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name and Address. or Orga01za4op or Government / Alias Econom1e Resear<:ll Founda~on 1201 L Slfeel. NW 2ndAocr V\'as1111>Dton, DC 20005 ~ 1.....- _)} woes (d) Amount of Section If Applicable Cash Grant (e) (f) Amount of NQn-Cash Method of Valuallon (book, FMV, Assistance appraisal, (h) Purpose of (g) Oescnpbon of Non-Cash Grant or Assistance Assrstance olhet) II .94-2763845 Alias Ecooonuc Research Foundallon 1201 L S!ree~ NW 2nd Floor WiWlin-;iton. DC (c) tRC (b) EIN 94-2768845 501(G){3) < $150JJOOOO NIA Cash MIA lo~ QCJ\Cllll Opornl!O<\$ .$-1 ,00000 NIA Cash NIA ~general operalions NI~ Cash NfA ~r geiieral op!!tl!lmns Ca$ll NIA f(lf NIA. for ~en;! Ol)«S"""S NIA. for_i_eneral ~ Ni,>. fl ~c)(31 -=-;;;;- ~ ' Atlas EconOO\IC Reseateh Foundabon 1201 l Slreel, NW 2nd floor WashmglM, DC 20005 9'1-276384S 501~) SS0.00000 #' r' Amenca's Fuue Foundallon , 1513161h Sln>et, ~ WM!vngton, DC 20035 52-1928321 S01(c)(3) • $5.000 00 N/A ~ American Legislallve E>echange Counal 2900 Clyslal Onve llttlfloor Arlulgton. VA 222ll2 52--0140979 S-10.000 00 Caolt NIA ~1 ::..- Calo !nSbtule 1000 Massacrur..,tts Avenlle, NW Washmgtor.. DC 20001-5403 I"'-. I 501(c)(3) ZH432162 S01lcll3l SS-00 00 NIA generlll ooerabons , .&,.,, '1 Fund for Amenc.an Sllx:hes 1706 NewHampshreA-e, NW Wasrung100, DC 20009 13-622:3004 50Hc:)i3) $150,000 00 NIA Cash ... ~ Furnf !or Amenca11 Sluclies 1706 New lia;npJihwe Avenue, NW Washlnplon, OC 20009 13-6223604 501(1))(3) $7,00000 NIA Cash NIA fergeneral <>PBIJ!Wll• "' - SChedUle I (Fonn 990 or 990-a) 2016 ~Oo~n~ors~T~rus~t.~lnc~~5~2-~2~1663~~27'..._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__:91 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lndviduals in the U S Part 11, Grants to Organl2ations and Governrnertts in the U.S. (a) (b} Name and Address .or Orgarnzallon.or Government BN (c) IRC Sechon rf Appkcable J/ I {d) Amount of Cash Grant (e) (f) {g) (h) Amount of Melhodof Valuation (book, FMV, appra1Sal, i>lher) Descnpt!On of Non-Cash Assistance Purpose of Grant or Non.Cash Assistance Assistance I Foundabon for Economic: e.lucanon 11119 Peachlree Road NE Solte300 Atlan1a, GA 30309 / 1~ \ -:;;;:- l s:W0696Q so1(c)(3) Fedet1Jhst Sooefy 1776 f Street, NW / , Suite300 Wasll!r.Q\On, DC 20006 36-3235$50 SOftClt3l J $50000 WA C8!11'1 NIA for 11eneral opeiattons $2,500 DO NIA Cash NIA for general operal!Ons Cash NIA ror-qeneial operat<>M Casti NIA fl)( general operalian• NIA for qenetal operabons NIA fotgcn-era1 o;oerallen• 7 I Henlage FoundallCll 214 Massedwsells AWllUe. NE Wl!Sl>loglon. DC "20002-499!) 2J..73Z7731J 501(<)('3) St .000 00 ti/A 94-3008370 501(e1(3) Sl00,00000 NI,._ Independent lnslrt!ite 100SWanWay Oal;land. CA 94621·1•28 ins111U~ for Ju= 901 North Glebe Road Surte900 Arlmglon. VA i2203-1854 52-1744337 501(ej(3) " I"-- SS,00000 r I f7 NIA 901 North Glebe Rood 52·1744337 501~ $ \ ,000 00 I~ ..... CaSh \.~ lnsldule tor Jusllce S...te900 Arlglon !1¢ulevard MS1C5 AA>nRlon . VA 22201 94-1623852 S01(c)l3) $10,000_()Q NIA Cash ' r 94-1&23852 501(~ $1.oooiX>! NIA CIWI i' lot ~~ ope(llbons 7 1~ NIA. ior.genetal operalJOns Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 99~EZ) 201S ~Do~no;.;;;:.;.ra~T~ru;.;:;;;.;~~·~lnc;.:;._5=2~-2~1~6~63~Z1=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g2 Sett I, Grants to Organizations and !ndvlduals in the U S Part II, Grants to Organ'!Utions-and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name and Address.of OrgamV1tr~n .or Governpigr)l ~ ~ !nSl!Ma for~ S!Ud'i!S· 3434 ~·l!gl.On SOO!e'va,;f MS1C5 .Arung:<>n, VA 22201 (b) (e} EJN !RC -=:i (( 17 :94-f623852 (d) Amount of CasllGrant Section If Appftcable (t) Method of {g) Descnpbon of Non-Cash Valuabon {book, FMV, Assistance appraisa~ Ncm-Casll Assistance (ll) ?urposeof Grant or Ass1s!ance other} , ~501(cl(Sl 7 510.00000 NIA Cash NIA for gei!ef81 <>0-ons SJa.00000 H/A Cash NIA foq1eneral opeca~cn• Cash NJA fer general DDetflllOn& Cash NIA for gMeral :iperollOns NIA PtojeCI ..-1 ) Merna!us Center, GMU 343& IM3st111J9lcn ~ifM¥t! 4111 Floor Artmg:oo , VA 2221>1 (e} Amounlof ~1436224 SOICC)IS\ ~ ~his /I Cenlet, GMU 3'134 W..sli•"!llOI> Boulevard 4th floor Al!1ng1cn. VA 2.2201 54-14J6224 501(ci{3l ' 'Slo,OOQOO ~I~ -~· Media Raeatd! Center 1900 Campus Commons Onve Su1!e 600 Re$lon, VA 20191 54-1429009 501(c)(3) SUXlOOO NIA F "-I Mountain States Le;af Founclation 2596 South L"""s Wa~ L'"'""'°°°· CO 80227 64--0736725 501(1:}(3) $50000 ; CsS!l' NIA T '-.........: 1:../ Na!lonal Legal & Policy Cenler 107 Park waslungk!n Cou~ Falls Cliurcb. VA 2:10-iS 52-1750188 501(e)(3} $2.500.EQj NIA Ash Ph1lanlhropy Roundtable 1120 :ZOU. Slreet NW Sl.Ote 550 Soufu Wa\\h.O!illcn. DC 20036 13-29 NIA fQ;-, general~ :....... ~ule I (Form ~ 990 or 990-EZ} 2016 =Do~no~ffi~T~rusl.=..:·~'~nc::.....;5~2~-2~1~663;;.;;.;;;'ZT.;._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--=93 SCh I, Grants to Organizations and lndvlduafs 1n the US. Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S. (a) {b} (e) (d) {e) (f) (g) Name and Address of Orgarnial1on or EJN IRC Secllon If Amount of Cash Grant Amount of Non-Cash Asstslam:e Method of Valuabon (book, FMV, Oescnpllon of Non-Cash Assistance ApplJCable Govemmen1 appraisal, olher) (h) Purpose of Grant or Assistance Reascn Foundallon 5737 M....- Avellue loo AnlJeres. CA 90230-6316 95-3298'299 501(c)(a) 87-D53l727 5llftcl~ 74-2524057 S01(e)(3) $50000 Je.1374230 S01(c}(3) ~00 :la-1374230 501(c)(3) $1,50000 NIA 99--0354937 54>1(c)(3) $1.77600 NIA 52·1975211 5Gl(c:)!3) $2,SOOO NIA 54-1603842 li01Ccl(3) $10.000 00 NIA $15.00000 era! OperalioM Cash Sulherland lnsbtute Gateway Tower West Buddulg 15 WeSI 500111 Tempte, Suite 200 Sall Lake Cny. UT 84101 NIA For oenenll operallons Cash NIA rot general operalloh NIA lol" general o~rauons NIA Texas Pubk Policy Foundabon 901 Congress AV811ue A,uslrn. TX 78701 ·NIA Hillsdale College 33 East College Slreel Hillsdale. IJ< 49242 Hillsdale College 33 East College Slreel Hdlsdale. Ml 49242 Gi'as11tDOi lrls!IUJte of Hawa• 1050 Boshcp Street #508 konojlllu, HI 96813 rorJitnemi operations ManJU"ll" Polley Pf01ed Fon 2370 Champlan Street m>I Su!lll12 "''Mhil\iilon, DC 20009 cash GMU Foundauon GMU Law & Econom!l:s Center 3301 Fallfmc Onve Ar1•ngton. VA 22201 NIA Schedule I (Form 990 or990-EZ) 2016 - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - --·--·-- ·--· - ----- -·---- Donors Trust. Inc 52-2166327 94 Sell I. Grants to Organizations and lndll!duals in the U S Part II, Grants to Organlza1ions and Governments In the U.S. (a) {b) (c) Name and Address of Orgamzat1on Government EIN IRC or Seclion If Appllcable (d) Amount of Cash Grant {e) Amount of Nonr-Cash Assistance (f) Method of Valuation (book, FMV, appra!SaL (g) Descnphon of Non-Cash Assa.stance {h) Purpose of Grant or Assistance other) lntemabonal SOG1ety ror f')_dN!dual ~ z:n Kearny Slreel #120 San Fral)Qs.:o. CA 94108-4502 NIA David Horov..tz Freedom Cenler' PO Box 55089 Shamlllerellons NIA general operabonl WA NIA for general operaboos NIA NIA operabcns NIA NIA tar general O\)ertfbons NIA fat.general gperations 1S-4070270 SOl(c){:JJ, 84-1328829 501(c)(3) 11-2013303 S01(c){3) 94-3435899 501(<:)<3) $125,000 NIA 94-3435899 501(c)(3l $400 NIA 52-0595110 SOl(c SI0,00000 NIA sio,00000 Cash Comp&&cn and C/lolees PO Box 101810 Denve:, CO 801.SD.1810 Cold Spmg Harbof Labora!ol)' Dewlopment Oft"ice • Luke Btllklmg I Bunglowol Road Cold $ pnno Har!>O(, N 1 1724 $10.00000 Studenis fOI' L1bedy 110111t11 Street, NW Sui!e810 Walty The Fund for Johns Hopkons Mediane, Oej)PetallOM Cash NIA ID WPE>Cd the Film Fesbual -~ash~ NIA lor general opera~ons _,:,Cilsh NIA 1214 Boston Post Re.ad, #148 ~Mam.1mneq<, NY 10543 )"~/ lmaQ!f!E! Scumce Fllrns New Lab, Blilfdmtl 128, &lite 201 ~ / 63 Ausllmg Avenue, Unit 150 Btookl-,.n. N¥ 11205 80-0215101 501(c)[ll_ S1Z.OOO OCl MA Mom$10wn Memonal Heallll FounCillbons ,.._ L oe<>ed Floor V/aslwlqion, DC 20005 ' NIA -r ' Fr..,dom and lllr!\Jo lns11Me 1500 Royal Palm Court Uno! 105 .Foo M~s . FL 33919 $10000 C8$h ~ IA.. (! 2G-Z927564 501(c)(3) .E!! $15,000 NIA Cash """" 1--- "-..:::, 46-406COS 501(cl{3) $10.00000 NIA ~·-- -....... ', , ~ ror ~eral OllerallonQ NIA ~- 94-2763845 50t[c:)(3) $990,00000 NIA Cast\ 3&-2926822 501(C){l) Sl 0.000 00 NIA Cash lot b'te,f'FP. Cllde Proietl NIA ~ Adon lnsl!tule 98 East Fulton Street Granc! Ra;>l.and Governments in the U.S. (a} Name and Address of (b) (c) (d) (e) E!N IRC Secllon If Applicable Amount of Amount of Cash Grant Non.Cash Assistance Organizabtm,or Govemmenl _::} I Ametlcsn l.eQislal!Ve Excrumge COOnc;J 2900 CJySlal Dnve // (f) Method of Valuation (book, FMV, (g) Descnptwn of Non-Cash Assistance appra1Sal, (h) Purpose of Grant or Assistance olher) / 1~ 6th Floor Ar1:r.glon. VA 222()2 .i si:Oi<0.979 "" Independence lnsblule 7ZT East 181b Avenue Denv'e!, CO 00203 )) / ~ 1~ 5tl1(C)(3} ~ .s1a.145ss.. 86-0597661 501(c1(3) NIA Cash NIA fOr general cperalJOll$ NIA Cash NIA !OJ general opetattons Cash NIA for general Qlletabons - 'Cash NIA for general.OPeZ 85004 $200.000 00: 5D1!5),Pl J S300.doo_..2Q. ,.. ~ .... Cew Yor1<. NY 10116 13-2571900 501(c)(3) $500.00000 NIA .6sh ! Amem;an Transparency 200 Soulh FronlaQco Road SUlle304 &!rt Ridge, IL 6052T Slanlord lmversny Development Services PO Box20466 sto~~• d . c~ M:l!.19 26-3593601 501fc)f.!) $75,000~ NIA Cash NIA ' B4-11563M 501Cc)(3) $5.000~ NIA C8Sb for lheAmenCilr> PlulnnllWjljc· and Online Ad$ Pr10 (e) Amount of Non-Cash Assistance (d) Amount of l / Polley Impact $50,00000 NfA C8Sll NIA for Qenen!I Ollembolls $1,75,QOO~ NIA Casi\ NIA ro.-ganera1 opeject ltltemabonal Freedom Alllenc:e Foundauon 6857 Randlo Vllfencta Road Bcx67662&7 Rancho Santa i'e, CA 92067-6267 47-2924694 5011~ c$10.000 00 WA Cash NIA for general cperahcM NIA for general oi>en1bo11& ....... .lack Creel< Preserve Fouridal10<1 p 0 Sox:l Enrus, MT 59729 for Ille Enwoomental 20-22146114 S01(c\@_ $10,00000 1r-,...; I e~ Nf!I ~ 7 ::.-/ ~1 Adas Economic Researeh Foundatron 1201 L Street NW 2ndAoor w.wungton. DC 20005 Independent ~n'3 Forum 18751 Street, tN>I Sutle 500 Wasn10111on.. DC 20006 94-2763845 501((:)(3) Sli.000~ NIA .......... ]\. $Sil ~ 54-1670627 501(c)\.l) S250,00000 NIA Cash 2tl-2466871 501(c)(S) $680,000 00 NIA Cash ....., ~ ...,,. Judlaaf EduClllloo Pr~ 0011 DumDan()(l Streel l'i'N W<=honglon. DC 20007 for general <>oerallonS NJA>' NIA l«'g,~1111 ~al!ons ,,, '"' fOC'gt>l\Clal OP,eratiOllS -:. Schedule I (Fonn 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ___5_2-_2_1_66_3_27__________________________________________________________________________________________________________99 _Do_n_or_s_T_ r_ us _ t .~lnc Sch I, Grants to Organizal!Ons and lndvtduals In the U.S. Part n, Grants to Organizalions and Governments In the U.S. (a) (b) (e) (d) Name and Address of OrganizaI1of\ or EIN IRC Amount of Cash Grant Go1 M~co, Highlaod S1rce1 VA 22201 N/A J Merca!Us Comar, GMU 3434 wastmgtoo BoolevaRl 4lh Floor Atfll1l!I""'' VA 22201 10< o.ef\el'lll operalions :... JI 54-1436224 501(c)(3) $12.29000 NIA Cash NIA "" gene Amount of Cash Grant (e) (t} (g) Amount of NoIP-Cash Assistance Melhodof Descnpbon of Non-Cash (h) Purpose of Grant or Assistance Assistance Valuation (book, FMV, apPratsal, O!her) Fnedman fOllfldaJJon f 111 Monument Ctrcle Suite 2650 lndiar.apo!1s, IN 46204 NIA NIA for general aperal!ons 'P eallc legal Foundabon 930G Slteet SacrameniO, CA 95814 NIA NIA ror general opera!Jon• NIA f« eneml Ollllanl<, CA Sf 505 95-3544877 501(c)(3) S12,920 NIA ~7010825 501(c){3) $12.920 NIA Cash 93-0749558 501(c){3) $12.920 00 NIA cash Gas~ Compassion and Choices !:ompasstOO a Choices Gill f'r0Cle$Sll!Q Cente< $1.29000 NIA ciish .h for general operatlORS lot ;e~·ero! Qllefllllons Los Angeles Chamber Ort:llestra Sooely, Inc 350 S F1g11eroe S1teet Swl&183 Los MG'eleS. CA 9"...071 Amencan Tmnrtus AssoQ~ PO BoJc5 Po, OC 20005 WA t: ; 501(c)~ 53-0218495 - $40.llOO~ ~ NIA I , -- Henlege Foonda!ron . i £? 'I ~, ,/' "' 214 MassaehtJsetts Ave.nue. NE Wssrun~1011. DC 20002-4999 :U-7327730 $200.00000 501(c)(31 ~ NIA Jtar general cperall0n$ NIA 1 "' (0(~ml OllerabonS NIA -# >\ - I l NIA ~ . ., ::r.~w ttie Eddv de . !!rt lr.li!rn!hri> ~ ' lnslllu!e for Jusbca 901 North Glebe Road SUJle900 Mlngtm, VA 22203-1854 52-1744337 5n1(e)(31 $50000 WA Cash NIA r "'7 ___....... t.lanhaHan Institute for Pobcy Resean:ll 52 VB11detbdl Avenue Now Yodt. NY 100'17 I 13-2912529 I 501{e)(3) I s10.000001 NIA I Cash I !Cl( ·11111!!'>1 oper.,,ons I' -~ NIA Schedule I (Forni 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 - -- - - - - - ------- - - - - -- --·-- ------- ~D~o~no~r~ s~T~ru~~~·~ln~c~5~2~ -2~1~6632 ~~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~___;,,; 102 Sell I, Grants to Orgamza!rons and lndvtduals mthe U.S Part II, Grants to O rga nlzliU~ms ,an d Governments In the U.S. (a) Name and Address of Orgaruz:ation or Gol(emment ~ ~ ' Na1'0Ral legal & Pohcy Cenrer 107 Pmk Washmgton Coort Falls ChYrch, VA 22046 PERC 2.048 Malysis ~ SudeA Bozeman. MT !\9718 Reason Foundaflon 5T'S1 Mesmer Avenue lo$ Arnteles, CA 90230-6316 (b) (c) ElN IRC Section If j 7 Jnlemalional Polley N - US. Inc 701 Long Hlll Road G1crei1e. NJ 07933 Cash Grant (e) (f) Amount of Method of Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Cash Assistance Applicable Non-Cash Assistance appraisal, 77 ~1....--..... ·5'2 ' 1750;88 501 (C){3} 61--03~ SOJ(e)(:S} 95-3298239 ,; C8£h NIA tO( ths "11!a ot hrgt.esl SS,00000 ti/A Cash NIA !Or gen"'81 opecaUons .w~ Cash NIA for general opera boos -'C.3$11L_ NIA for the area of lugllest need NfA to suppO!l 1he Nel\wrtl lor a FreeSooety ~ f 50t(c)(3)' 501{~){3) NIA • .... .~ 52-1600481 $.30000 3 $ 1,00000 --.. -c 51>1(e)(3} " ~.., ~ "'· 52-2363626 $1 0,00000 NIA 35-0866188 501!C)/3) 520.000~ NIA Mlmjuana Polley Plll}ecl foundaban 2370 Champlall'I Street NW Sul!e 12 Wa•h1n~tan . DC W009 52-1975211 S011eJ(3) SB.OOO()Q NIA ' I~ c.~ 7 ,, --y ' j ~- 77""'1' ... 501(1:}(3) $6.00000 NIA ~ 'llll',patt a fellm'i5hlp fOr Dr Ash NI;,. Mochael !lJcWt Cash NIA 10<. theT~s ' 52-1975211 n..-ea S1.00000 U:, lne 2002 Fdmoll! Avenue Sulle1 &.e. PA 165()6 (b) EJN .!_ ra~Biei!u5 Dr t-lanyM M~IZ End<>l'lcd Oh~it411 'Flnl>nce, 9>2872494 50*)f.l) $25,00000 NIA Cash NIA ano lm'e!lllljJ (F-2710) I FlounsllNow 15275 ColllerBMI Surte 201-284 N2plos. FL 34119 47~3111 l I• 5Cl1(c)(a) $15.0CO DO NIA Cas~. NJA lbr,g1!11aral oiier:i.~0t1s =D~on~ors ==~T~rus:=..=t.~ln~c:........:5=2~ -2~1~ 66~3~2~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 104 Sch I, Grants t-0 Organizations and lndv1duals in the U S Part ll , Grants to Organlzat{91jg'and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name aoo Mdresirof (b} EIN (c) IRC Organ•za\Kl'n or Section 11 Government Applicable (d) Amount of Cash Grant (e} Amount of Non-Cash Assistance (f} {g} (h) Method of Valuation (book, FMV. appraisal, Desoopl!on of Pu;poseof N~Cath Grant or Assistance Assistance other) Sl.lrfish Foundabon 3765 Trudy lane 5'ln o.,.go, CA 92106 Zf>. 14M5"t 501(c)!:l) H"""1<:tu, HI "96813 99-0354937 SOHC)(J) Center for Compe1ltl.re PolitK:s f24 Soulh 'IVesl Slreet SUlle 201 Al•'ogt~n , DC 20007 NIA 501{e)(3} S)SUJOOO 53-0218495 501(c){3i $2,5flo© NIA 94-271'1:!&65 59Hcll3l $7.50000 NIA 33-29U822 501(c}{l) 54.00000 NIA N/,._ 34-0714626 501(c)(3} $3,50000 NIA NIA """' Casll Amencan En!erpnse lnsl!Me 1789 Massachus, M1 49500 A$hla~d UNV&tStty 401 College Allenue Ashland. OH 44805 Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Donors Trust Inc 52-2166327 105 Sch I, Grants to Organizations and lndltlduals 111 the US Part 11, Grants to Organlzati~ns and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name and Addre~'of Organ1z.alloo or (c) IRC ,.. Government " {b) EIN , ., J'- - - . . , Secllonif Applicable \ (f} Method of Valuation (book, FMV, appratsal, {e} Amounfof Nor>-Cash AsslSlance (g) (h) Desmp~on of Non.Cash Purpose el Grant or ,Assistance Assistance other) , _,~I - v-=:::\ ! Compe~b"" Ei'l:eq>Me ln~il.l"' 1310 L S!reel. Im 7lll Float 1Mlsh1ng100. DC 20005 (d) Amount of Cash Grant I i I / .?' \\ ...... Calo msl!\ule 1000 Massachusetts A""nue. tNI Wash1ng!on, DC 20001-S-1432162 ~ ,.-, $,W.00000 'I I i 25-7432162 - 50Hol(3) / .,. , r ' S011_cl<3l NIA for general o~era!Jons NIA cash NIA tor gene; al_opernl1011$ Caal> NlA fo!_l•ll!!f'3l""llW!~O!t6 NIA rec generai opeochb'ee Road NE 1~ 501(c)/3) $5.00000 r I l <""" f'.., Cash( NIA ,~ . Foundallon for Ec:onorruc EdueallOn 1819 Peech'.reeRoed NE SUtte 300 Allanta. GA 30300 1~ S01(C)(l) $1,00000 NIA ' ~ ../' {\ /' \ Gish ~ 5f-t>183347 501(~)(3) $3.000 00 NIA cas.11 "\ '\ r. 5011c)(3) $15.00000 NIA Casi! ------. ~ fo~en!tal;fjpera:iol\S- NIA ... ... --~ 23-732n:w 1'& ~~· / .... ' Het!lage Fnundallon 214 M8ssacll~A118l11Je, NE was1un91C<1, DC 20C.02-4939 NIA ,.. "'"'----,. Foondanon forT~1ng Economics 260 Russell Boulevard SU!te B 0-.. CA 95<116-3839 4~ NIA f ' / '\ \ 1«)ienuai op•ooa· ScMdule l {Form'seo·:oi' ·~~~16 106 Donors Trust. Inc 52-2166327 Sch I, Grants to Or9an1Zahons and lndVlduals in the U S Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S. (a) (b) (e) (d) (e) (fl {g) (h) Name and Address of Organiza~en or Goverrf\hiln1 EIN IRC Amount of Melhod of Descnpiton Qf section 1f Apphcable Cash Grant Amount of Non-Cash Valuation (book, FMV, Non-Oash AsslSfanoe Purpose of Grant or Assistance "' Independent lnsblll~ 100 Swan Wtlf Oaldana, VA 22203-1854 52-1744$37 ...::!:. 501/cl{3) lnt~le studies l~slllulto 3901 CenleM11e Road V.\l:n11tl)!D11, OE 1&807-19:!8 , ,;I 23-6050131 • 501(~3) ~ Leadedl Avenue N!'!, VA :?2201 54-1436224 S01(C){3) $50000 NIA ~ LudWlg Von M!S1!$ lnstJ!ule 518 West MaQnoha Avenue ~.ibum. AL 36932-4501 52-1263436 S&t{<:~l $5.00000 NIA Cash 52-1122683 501/c)(3) 53.50000 NIA .......... " ... NIA U>r oeroarlll·operanons _) ror Dl!lll!fil'. opera!JOns NIA ror genera1 Ol>eraliORS Nalional Taxpayers Umon Fcundabon 25 Mas•adluselts A.venue, NW S.nl1t140 W;ISh1n~lon. DC 20001 I Cash ""'" ~D~ on~o~~:....;.;l/~us~l~·~ln~ c-;._:.: 52~-~21~6~6~3~27~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 107 Sch I. Grants to Orgamzallons and lndviduals in the U S Part U, Grants to Organizations and Governments In the U.S. (a) (b) (e) (d} {e) (fl (g) (h) Name and Address of O(ganizabon or Governl'l'.lent BN IRC Amount of cash Grant Method of Valuation (book, FMV, appraisal, Oescnpbon of Non-Clicy Networl< 1&55 Norlh FOhinglon, DC 2C!l'.li> Bdl of RlghtS lnsbMe 200 ND1111 Glebe Road SW!e200 MmQton. VA 22203 sot(c)l3) ,.$1.00000 . NIA NIA 48-08&1418 50l(e)C3l SS 00000 NIA Ni/\ 13-1624156 501(c)(3) s20.ooo·oo NIA 04-1564655 501lc)(3) !er Ille Chancello(s C<>uncil Rodtefeller Un"'8lS!ty 1230 York AWllue New Vork. llfY 10065 Massachusells General Hospital - lllfeellws DtseaseOMa!Oll 55 FMI S1reet eosl!ln, M.-\ 02H~ FoUh1a. PA 19106 NIA ,, tot IRdMdual R>g-Ms"' Education 501(~ $1.00000 NIA Cash ~D~o~n~=::.s~T~ru~s~'·~ln~c;.....,:5~2~ -2~1~66~32~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~108 Sch I, Grants to Organ1za1Jons and lndvlduals mthe U S Part II, Grants to Organizallons and Govemmems ;n the U.S. (a} Name and Adqr~ of (b) EIN Orgarnzallon or Govemmerll (c} (d) IRC Amount or Cash Grant Secilon If Applicable (f) (g) (hi Descnpuon of Non-Cash Method of Valuallon (book, FMV, Assistance appraisal, AsSlstance Purpose of Grant or Assistance {e) Amount of Non-Cash olhe!) • Freedom Works Foondat.on ' 400 Non!I CapolOI Street. II# Su11e7S5 Wasll111gton, DC 20001-1564 -;:::;;- - 52-1Sl9916 501(c)(3) 2tl-a03S372 501(c)tll 86-6050388 SOHc.ll_:i) t.ucy &ms lllslilute 8383 Greenway Boulevard '600 MiddlolOll, V-1 53562 Uruversily of Anzona Foundabal 845 North Psrl<. Sulle 280 PO 9o,x211HS8B Tues<>o, AZ 85719 lJ ~ $5,00000 NIA C3ah NJA fot~-at""""'~"'" $500.00 NIA CaM NIA for 6a!Jo!pedia SS.00000 ~ Cat~ NIA forth .. Center tor IM PlllklsoPl!Y or i'reeao'" $100.00000 NIA Caal! NIA for general cperaUOl\S N/p. far general operaban• ~ .., WJom"1ll llber\y Group 1902 Thomes Aven""' Sulle 201 Che;eMa, WY 82001.J549 ~23115 501(cl(J) ~r,r ~ Students for llbe street, m.1 Suite 810 Waslung!on, OC 20036 94-34351199 501(c)(3f s2;soooo CNi! NIA """' tB Jolla. CA 92037 95-2872494 501(c){3) $7.00000 NIA I"' v ~~ ...... UC San O.ego foundabOll Salk IOslihlle CNt.-S 1001 O N Torrey Pines Road L I• Ash .... l ~a.'Tlle Col!aboratory (l'logor NIA Bm;ll~) NIA ror ttte 10 3 o protect .___,. DISCO\le!Y Inst.Me 2G6 Ccl""1bl8 Slreel Se~ , WA 931()4 91-1521697 501(C)(3} $250.00000 NIA Cash •I,, Discovery lnS!ltute 208 C<>lumb1a Street Seattle., WA Sfl1()4 91-15216S7 501(c)(3) S2QC.OOO~ NIA Cash NIA lo( general operalions ~ ~ Donors Trust, Inc 5:2-'2.166327 109 Sch I. Grants to Orgaruzabons and lndviduals in the U S. Part II, Grants to Organizations and Governments In tf\& U.S. (a) Name and Address of Organiza~on or Govemrnent -- (d) Amount of Cash Grant (c) (bl EIN IRC Sectron If Applicable ')\ ;j (e} (f) {g) (h) Amount of Non-Cash Ass1slance Method of Valuation (book, FMV, Description ofi Pu~oseof Non-Gash' appraisal, Assistance Grant or AsS!Stance other) '-• Trustees of the< U'llvers~y of Pe:msylIB , PA 19104-6367 " 501(c)(3) 23-135*5 ' ~ AciM 111$b1U!e I I 98 EaSI Fullon Street Grand Rapids, Ml 49503 38-2926822 Amencan l egislallve Exchange Coune11 call> 1otsu1u1e 1000 Massachusetts Avenue, m.I \/\'ashlryll'.«1. DC 2000l -5'03 - ji> ' l 2900 Ciyslal O!Ne &hfloo< Arl"'ll!OO, VA 22202 // // SOi(c}i3) 52-014WT9 23-7432162 I Cash NIA $7,00000 ~ NIA Ceisl1 NIA tor general oper.;~ons CMll NIA for !l""efal operations NIA lor ~ Ol'Crabons 1'1/A fiiui_!>l'll!ral opnra~ons )) _I/ SD1lc)(3) / _J ~~ 5011Cl(3) - ·NI"' - ,,,., ~ n-oo '- ...... 36-3412619 ... 55.00000 5!f1(C){3) Sliamg and Camg Hands, Inc 525 NG. '---'" tnslllule ror Justice 9Q1 North Glebe Read M ~cn . /' } Cash' ; Independent lns!J!Lte - NIA ./ r0< geJ'lOtel ~Perell""' ,. r / ~ '\. \ (Qr~g<>nete! opel)llrot!S' SChengell?S. CA 9()230-6316 95-3298239; NIA IOi' ;et\eml op"13~ons Goldwater !llSllWle 500 East Coronado Road PhQili11s. AZ 85004 86-0W7&61 NIA far genefil cpe?"abcos- ·R""soo Foondall:ln 1-l!llsdale College 33 East Caiege Street liJll" general opernVOe!y for lndMdotal Ltberty 237 Kemny S!reet #120 Sao Franc=o. CA !;4 1 ~502 54-151249.2 5011c)(3} $1Jl0000 NIA Orog Pt>ltcy Alfiam:e 131 'Nest 33lll Street 15th Floor NewY • Soulh Mlfllleapolls, I.IN 55415-4623 5.1-0175508 501(C)(3} --;c I- ?! Students for l.Jberty 1101 17lh Sireet, l'IW Suite 81G Wa.stungton, DC 20036 94-34358119• sc1ccT(3) lnlefectual Takeout A,,- 8011 34tlt Avenue S Su11eC11 Sloom1<1gton, MN 5~25 26-40518&5 Slil(c)lJ) _J ] $10.00000 NfA Cash NIA for general Ope131JOOS _!¥l0000 NIA Cash NIA br general o:>etal1ons CaSll NIA !er ~eral opembons I 'I ~t.£Kl0 CO NIA..c -.:-- lndlana Un111ers.!y Fourulabon J AMPAiHll~eral O\l:9latiqiis ·~ ~ Schedule I (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 ~D=onors:.:=:..:~T~rus~t.~m~c~5~~=2~166::::!:32~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--""'112 Sch I, Grants Jo 01!1.aruzabons and lndv1duals in the U S Part II, Grants to Organizations- and Governments in the U.S. (a) Name and Address of Organrzab,on or Government / • lnst11111e for Jostu:" 901 N<>rth Globe Road Su!le900 A11111~ton ,VA 22203-1854 (b) (c) (d) EJN IRC Section 1f Appkcable Amount of Cash Grant I r~' -,;- WdWlg Von M.$0$ IM!llule 518 West Magnol19 All80Ue .fwbu!n. AL 36832-4501 sz.1744337 S01(c)(3) 94-16236S2 52-1263436 - 50l(G)(3) so; ~)(S) Valuation (book, FW, apprarsal, b .w $2,50000 NIA Cesh NIA for lhe an>a of lilghest n.eed 52.50000 NIA Cash NJA w Ill& area or 111g11es1 lltJed s{ooooo N_! Casob NIA for !br, - NIA ... eas1> NIA for lhe atea of nighest need ~ !IS-3298239 501(Cl(3) 86-0879713 501{cl(3) SHIOOOO . 17 "''....____/ .$13.000 00 NIA --;;; \ VA 223\4 CJSh 27-3542181 S01{C){31 S50:00000 NIA I~... / ,, 7. v ."' I~ ..._,__ Perty, Inc 1800 018QOnal Road. Sime 280 :•Jn Foundabon 57'Sl M~ Avenue Los ·Angeles.• CA 90230.0316 (g) Descnpt1on of Non-Cash Assistance other) lnsuruie for Hutn2t1e..S1Ua1es 3434 washinglon Boulevatd MSICS A.111\Q\OO, VJ\ 22201 Non-Cash Assistance (f} Method of } I/ \ (e} Amounlof .Gash ~g...,eral operaltcms f:llA NIA for Ille Supoty S111f:h..! 1 98,050 . o. FMV 0 2 CA Insti tut e of Tech - Dan Searle Fello~sl!l...£. 1 100..LOOO. _ o. FMV 0 1 38,347. o. FMV 0 1 Boarii ol 3 ~nt s r U of CA - Dan ·Searle 4 rr Fe ll~wsiJ.!p f !_ 5 7 . \~ 6 4j - ,,-"' "- I I 7 - 2 L r ]\ LL lL / __!___ r I ~ . ,,., '-' --=-- ,i If ---:;;- -=- ~ ;,_ lteamJl~4l Supplemental Information. Prowde the 1nformat1on required m P,altf. line 2; Part Ill, column (b~ and any other additional information. Pt I Line Pt I Line Pt I Line Pt I Line Pt I Line 2 2 2 2 2 Pt I Line 2 Pt I Line 2 Pt I Line 2 Each grant is accompanied by a let~ei; stating that if the grant is accepted it c:::annot be used to benef it any dis~ifie · :)le:L'son or for lobbying or political purposes. All grant.s are made .~o U.S. 50l{c)(3) public charities. The Orga,Jjization elies up.on the oversight provided by United States and i d~ Yidual stat s rules and regulations applicable to such charities, Grantees ~ust agree that grant f~nds are not to be used for lobbying or a:qw' type of political activity. BAA Schedule I (Form 990) (2016) TEEA3902 11/C3116 Compensation Information SCHEDULE J (Form 990) OMB No 154$-0047 For certain Officers, D1rei;:tors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees Oept1rtmonl o1 U'KI Tla.iisury lnlemal Revenue Service ... Complete If tho organization answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, hne 23 ... Attach to Form 990. ... Information about Schedule J (Form 990) and its instructions Is at www.irs.gov/form99.0. 2016 Name o( lhe Qf{IGOI~ Donors T us Inc. Part I Questions Regarding Compensation Yes No 1 a Check the appropnate box( es) 1f lhe organization provided any of the. following lo or for a person ltsle.1e.s. for melli~SilJ ed by a r~laled organization to establish compensation or the CEO/Executive D1reotor. but e~pt 11\ 1n Part Ill · [RJ CompensalJon committee 4 Own\len EiJ:l:lploymenl con1rac1 0 Independent compensation consultant Deb ~Form 990 of other organizations IB:}Approval by the ,board or compensalJon comrrnttee pensahon survey or sludy During the year. did any person listed on Form 990, Rart VII, Section A. line 1a, with respect to lhe filing orgamzat1on or a related organizalJon a Receive a severance payment or change-of-coj'.{!l I paymenr> . . • . • • . . . . . b Parlic1pate in. or receive payment from, a supplemental noliqtJahOed rellrefTJiint plan? c Parlic1pate in, or receive payment from, an eqwly-based oompensellon an:angament? If 'Yes' to any or Imes 4a-c, hsl the persol)r;i an~ provide the apphca l1e amounts for each 1lem rn Part Ill Only section 501(c)(3), 501 {c)(41 •.and 501(c)(29) orgnnJzallons must complete lines 5-9. 5 For persons listed on Form 990. Pait VII, Section A, hne '1a, did the organ1zahon pay or accrue any compensation contingent on lhe revenues of a The organizatron? . . b Any related organ1zalloi;? lf'Yes· on hne 5a or 5b1 desonbe 1n Part Ill 6 For persons hsled on Form 990, Part Vil , Section A, Ima 1a. did lhe organizal1on pay or accrue any compensation contmgent on ihe net earnings of a Tho orgarnzatton? . . . . . • , b Any related organization? . . • If 'Yes· on hoe 13a or E)b. d·esonbe 1n Pcirt Ill For persons· hsted on Form 990, Part VII, Sec\Jon A. line 1t1, drd the organ1zal1on provide any nonfixed payments not described on hnes·S and 6? Ir 'Yes.' describe in Perl Ill • • . . . . . . . . . 8 Were any amounts reported cm Form 990, Part VII , paid or accrued pursuant lo a conlracl Iha! was subiect lf.~he°s'.~~~~c~;~~c~!~~~rti~~ ~e~cr1~ed '.n R~gulal•o~s-s~~ll~n. 5~ 4958-4(~)~3~? • • • . . . . . . , . . . • If 'Y~s· ~m 4a X 4b 4c x Sa Sb X x __J X __.__ J 6a X 6b x 7 x 8 x _ _ _J 7 9 z hne 8, did the orgarnzal1on also follow the rebultable presumption procedure described 1n Regulations section 53,,4958-S(c)? . . . . . ' . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . • . . ... . .. BAA For Pap(l°rWOi'k. Roduc~1on Aot NotlcP., see th ~ Instructions for Form \l90. TEEA4101 08/19116 . . • . . . 9 Schedule J (Form 990) 2016 Donors Trust, Inc . 52-2166327 Officers, D1re£tors, Trustees, Key· Employ-ees, and Highest Compensated Employees. Use duplicate copies !f addrt1onal space is needed. ScheduleJ(FormS90) 2Qt6 l!@llll) Page 2 For each md1v1dual whose compensation must be reported on Schedule J, repnrt cmnpensatton from the organizat10n on row (1) and from related organ1zahons, descnbed m the 1nstrucl1ons, on row (11) Do not list any indJV!duars lhat are not listed on Form SSO, Part Vil Note: The sum of columns (8)(1}-(111) for each l!Sted mdrvrdual must equal the total amount of Form 990, Part VII, Section A, line 1a, applicable column (D} and (E} amounts for that md1v1dua! I (B) Breakdown of W-2and/or1009·M!SC compensa~on {A} Nam'~ and 1------~----------_, Tille ro=on (U) !loous & incentl'l1> cocnpensaoon ~~~ eotnpensauon (C) Renrement (DJ Nontax:able and Other benefits deferred (E} Total of (F) Compensation columns(B}(r}-{0) in column {B) reported as deferred on pnor compensabon Form 990 Lawson R Bader Pres ident & CEO ti) ~="'" l;ts_, .Q Q.o__, __ ..n '--432 ,_ __ _ ___ _o_, __ J~ ...6~a'--I- ______o__, - .J.2 ~,_o.n.._, - - - - - _Jl..:. lli!L 17. o. 0. o. 0. 2 CFO Sec-Tr eas. Peter A Lipsett 3 Di r Growc,h Strat 4 0. (i) :1 --1£9_. 1~~j~ lli!l. -- ~J,.Ji_O.Q.:...~- - - - - _o__, - _ J~ ....U§. '-j - - - - - o. 'l!:. . (it·r---- lillt - . o. "l -,r""';- (i} 1-- - - - 7 8 9 lli!i.. - o. - --- - - _O....: o. ± L = :1------------ti:~!-------- 11 1.@_ 12 ill!l.. 13 !.®. (I) t - - - - - - - - - {t) I'- - - - - - - (i) o. --------1 - - - - --- - ._ -~ - "'- -7'. .. .. - - -- -- - - - - -- - - ( 1 1" 535 821. Fair ~ '" Archeolog1ca! art1facls Other.,. T ) ......:- _"'_ ) ------------ ---- ) Other"" ( -2!L..Qtl\er.,. ( 29 J, , .. 21 23 509_907. Fair Market 5 .9 ,., 19 Food inventory 27 "!_ ~ [ .. 20 ' .L " x x Qualrfted conservation contnbuhon ... Hostonc structures " Quahfied conservation contnbullon - Olher. . ·~~ --...... • " . . . .. 14 15 Real estate - Residential. 16 Real eslale - Commercial 17 Real estate - Other 18 .... ". . , 7 A '.~ .. . ol~elermintng -; I Secunl1es - Partnership, LLC, or trust mlerns\s. 12 Securities - Miscellaneous ~ 7 3 Art - Fractional mleresls . 4 Books and publ1ca11ons • 5 Clothing and household goods 6 Cars and other vehicles 7 Boals and planes. . • . • . 8 Intellectual property. . . . . 9 Secunl1es - Pubhcly traded 10 Secunl1es - Closely held stock. [22 - 216 6\3>2·9 __._ 7 '. J ~,;; Noncash c.o~~SJJI on 'M!'l\hod It. amounts re . (led nonc;;i:l'!h contnbuUon amounts on Form 990, ' Part VIII. hne 1g d 1 13 ln$pectlon (c) (b) Number of (a) Check if applicable 11 Op~1i r61.Public ] Employor 1dltnl1fleatlon numticif! Namo or I.he org11n1za\Kltl l t..,,....."' 2,,016 lines 29 or 30. .. Attach to Form 990 . .. Information about Schedule M (Form 990) and its instructions is at www.lrs.gov/form990. ( , ---------------- ) I Number of Fonns 8283 'recetved by the organ~bon dunng the tax year for conlnbu~ons for which the . orgarnzalton completed fiorm 8283, Part IV, Donee Acknowledgement .... . . . .. 291 Yes 30a Dunng tho y?ar, did the orgemzallon receive- by conlnbulmn any property reported in Part I, hnes 1 through 28, that 11 must hollHor al least lhree )':ears from lhe dale of lhe m11ial contnbul1on, and which isn't required lo be used . . . ' . . for exempl11urposes for the entire holdrng penod? " b If 'Yes,' descnbe the arrangement in Part II 31 Does the orgamzalion have a g1fl:acceptance policy that requires the review of any nanslandard contnbutlons? .. . . ... . . .... 3211 Does the organozal1on hire or uS'e third parties or related organizations to sohc1t, process. or sell . . riOncash con\nbul1ons? . ... . . ... .... .. ... . . . .... . .. .. . . b If 'Yes,' descnbe 1n Part II 33 If the orgamz.alion didn't report an amount m column (c) for a type of properly for which column (a) 1s checked, descnbe 1n Part II BAA For Papeiwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990. TEEM601 08124116 0 -- --- .. · 3Da .. . . .. I - -- __J 31 x 32a x I Schedule M (Form 990) (2016) Sched.uleM Form990)(2016) e Pt Pt Pt Pt Donors Trust, Inc . S~-2.166327 Pege2 Supplemental Information. Provide the information required by Part I, lines 30b, 32Q', and 33, and whether the organization Is reporting in Part I, column (b), the number or contnbut1ons, the number of,(tems received, or a combination of both Also complete this part for any additional tnfonnatlon. I I I Line 32b col(b) col(b) I col (b) Pt. I col (b) Pt I col {b) BAA Financial institutions/brokers used to sell market~ e securities This is the number of contributions received from a unique do.nor on a particular date. May ce1'! ist of numerous different securities if receive on same date as part of same contribution. TEEA4602 08124116 Schadt.de M (Form 990) (2016) Sehedute R (Form 990) 2016 Donor s Trus t, I nc. Page2 52-2166327 ll@Jml Identification of Related Organizations Taxabfe as a Partnership Complete if the orgamzat1on answered 'Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, line 34 .....,,....,,~because it had 6ne or more related organizations treated as a partnership during the tax year. (a) Name. address, and ~IN of refated orgamzauon. .. fb} Primary ac;hvrty (c) Legal donuctfe . (state or fore1gn(s) 1g x h Purchase of assets from related organtzaUCin(s) • 1h x 1l x l Exc!ian~e of asselS \\111'1 relatea orgamzalfP!l(s) . k Lease of fac1!1t1es, equipment, or other assets from related o antzahon(s)'. Performance of services or membership or fundra1s1ng ., . . . . -1k • sallotat1on~ for rcla~Torga·nizallon(ii) rn Performance of services or membership or fundra1sing solte1tal1oils tiY·reia x 1J Lease of fac1htJes, equipment. or other assets 1.o •.elated organizabon(s) -- _J 11 1m 1n 10 orgamzab0f)($) n Shanng of fac1httes, equipment, ma1hng lists, or other assets with related orgaruz.ation(s) ••• o Shanng of paid employees with related orgamzat1on(s} x x x x x _I p Reimbursement paid to related organrzat1on(s) for expenses . q Retmbursement paid by related orgamzabon(s) for expenses r Other transfer of cash or property lo related organizal1on(s) . s Other transfer of cash or J)rooerty from related organrza!ion(s) 2 x 1p 1q x 1r x x 1s ., . • . • If the answer to any of the above ts 'Yes,' see !he instructions fur information on who must complete this lme, mclud1r\g covered relatnmst\1ps and lransacllon tnre'Sholds (a) Name or r~lated organiza~on .... 1 (b) -..:1 Transaction type (a-s) (c) Amount 1nvol11ed ... (d) Method of determining .."amount Involved ~ (1) N/A - No ccnt:rolled entities as defined by IRC sec 5.1 2 (b) (13) ~ -~- 1~ - ~ (2) _.._ ~ (3) 7 ·-=::-- ~' ~ ·- (4) -:-p:: (5) ...__....- (6) BAA < TEEA5003 09/09/16 Schedule R [Form 990) 2016 Schedule R (Form 990)_2016 Donors Trust, Inc. Page4 52-2166327 KFAa@Ell Unrelated Organizations Taxable as a Partnership. Complete If the organization answered Yes' on Form 990, Part IV, lme 37« Provide the fonowmg infgnnabon for each erit11y taxed as a partnen>h1p through which the orgaruzal!On conducted mo1e than five pell:ent of lls acbvllles (measured by total assets or gross revenue) that was not i!_ 're\ated organization S~ instructions regarding exc!us1on for certain investment partnerships (a) ~ Name, address, and ErN of entity (b) Pnmary acbv1ly (c) Legal dom1c11e (stale or foreign country) PrJ~ l'ICOOle {related. unrelated. excluded from tax tl1der '- J~------------~ ~~ ---------------------------- ----- J\ ___ ]· ----------------- 1 ~71 j~--------------- ~ J~--------------- ----------------- --------------------------------J~--------------- --- -- ------ ---------------------J~--------------- ---------------------- ----------J~-- ----- ---- --- ----------------- --------- ------Yl _ ______________ ---------------------- ----------J~--------------- -- - --- - - - - - ·- - --- --------- -- - - ---BAA secuons 512-S14J 1~ (e) Ale aD panners secllCll {f) Share of total income sJ~ot end-of.year 501{cj{3) organizatwns7 Yes (h) 01spropor· hon ate allocat1ons? asse~ (I) CsdeV-UBI amount rn box 20 of Schedule {j) Gener.al or manag111g partner? (k) PetC811.'.l!Je D'tlneMp K-1 (Form 1055) Yes No No No Yes ... z . ,, --~ ... "" l --..- )\ -=- Jl --,,- .,,-- I/. ./ ' d! I~ - IJ ol j ~ \ I'-- ~ ii' 11.. _,,,J Schedule R [Form 990)201$ . Schedule R (F,orm 990)2016 Do:i ;rors Trust, 5·2 - 216153~7 Iner;. Page· 5 l®a"iit\'itJJllSuppleme11tatulntormation. Provide additional information for responses to questions on Schedule R See insJh.ichtms. BAA TI;EA500~ OOIDll/1~ Schedule R (form 990) 2016