dy-i__i_c -— Dt fl)PNEY CR PARW MTC4P ATTORNEY, STATE kR NO OR COURT (‘SE ONL? ‘‘‘ Stuart L. Sc?mach (SBN 90959), Keitey M. Taber (SSN 184348) SOMACH SIMMONS & DUNN, PC. sr&s &coass 500 Capital Mall, Suite 1000 STAlE’ CA OTY. Sacramerto zicoo& 95814 1ELEFH0NO’ (916) 446-7979 AXNO.’ (916) 446-8199 RRMNA’.4E EMAT ADDRESS: s5ofl1ach@sQnT3chlaw.com; ktaber@somachlaw.com ATTQRNFYfORlNamE PALO VERDE IRRIGATION D:STRICT SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STREET ADDReSS 4050 tv3n Street siANGAODRCSC (same as above) CITY ANTi ZIF CODE Riverside, CA 92501 BftADi4 NA1A Riverside Historic Courirrouse Plaintiff/Petitioner: PALO VERDE IRRIGATION DISTRICT Defendant/Respondent METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CA: et at. CiSE riuMBER REQ VEST FOR DISMISSAL RIC 714672 A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) Eft THE Li (3) LJ FZI [J (5) 2. cause of action in a class CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows: With prejudce (2) Without pre.udice Complaint (2) Petition a, (1) b. (1) (4) or Cross-complaint tiled by (name): Cross-complaint filed by (name): o (date): n (date): Entire action o’ all parties and all causes of actoR (6) Other (spec,fy:’ (Complelc in all cases except farrlrly law cases.) did not waive court fees and costs for a party in this case. (This information may be obtained from the The court [‘] did clerk. 1! court lees and costs were waived, the declaratien on the back of form must be ccmnpleted. KelleyM. Taber (IVpF ORRi NAM& 05 porles Only of or ‘31 sec’ed C ss-co4dIras ri,’ so s:aie ad aenon. or cross- crrpta’nts to he dsnTssa 3. PARTY WITNQIJt ArT QNEYi ATT0RNY nt donsia: reQuesa is ot spcifos ,cc-Ii cusos of actO only crtfy me jrTie5, causes Attorney or party withOut attorney for: J Plaintiff!Petitioner [J Defenc!antlResponcjenj EEJ Cross Complainant TO THE CLElK: Consent to the above d:smissal is hereby given. Date: TYPR PRAiT NAME or At1O4NCY PTY wreoul ATTQRNEY - G-i.TuRE Attorney or party without attorney for. P aintiff/PetiIior.r Defendart/Respondeni ta rrss-cTimsarfl— or R inst tFaoY Law) seei.ing afrma;ve rh&—lsOn fI rTatcmLyfacross El (la be completed by clerk) [“J Dismssat entered as requesle on (date). 5 J Dismissal entered on (date): Cross Comainant 4 6 J 7. a. b [] [‘J Attorney or party without atTorney notified on (date): Attorney or party without attorney not notified. Fiing party tailed to provide a ccpy Ic be conformed means to return conformed copy Clerk, M ia,sI Use .ijdcsi Cj of Cldona cry-no as to only (name). Dismissal not entered as requested for the foilowing reasons (specify: R. Jar I 20T31 oy _. -r t ____,___,_, Deputy t1°12 Cot ar C4 Pc-;ecr,re. 581 r s* Go Cs2, S SE37(cl Ci R’ Coil ire CIV.1 10 I PntiWPetilioner PALO VERDE IRRIGATION DISTRICT DefendantlRespondent: METROPOLITAN WATER DISTR1CT OF SOUTHERN CA; et COURTS RECOVERY OF WAIVED COURT FEES AND COSTS If a party whose court foes and costs were initially waived has recovered or will recover $10000 or more in value by way of seltiemort, compromise, arbitration award, mediation sttterrent, or other means, the court has a statutory lien on that recovery. The court may refuse to dismiss the case until the lion is satisfied, (Coy. Code § 68637.) Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees 1 The court w;ved court fees and costs in this action for Tha,ne): 2. The person named in item us (check one beIcw: a. h, c. 3. not recovering anything of value by this actbn E] recoverinq less than $10,000 in value by this action. Li racovarinq $10,000 or more in value by this action. (If Item 2c is checked, item 3 must be completed.) Al court fees and court costs that were waived in this acton have been paid to the court (check o:Te): Yes I declare unce’ penalty of perjuy under the laws of the State of California that the information abovo is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRr4I NAME O’ [“J Ju$ryl.20i31 AflOPNY [flfl PIR1Y MAK.; OFCLAP,MION( REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL No PROOF OF SERVICL (State of California) I am employed in the County of Sacramento; my business address is 500 Capitol Mall. Suite 1000, Sacramento, Calilbrnia: 1 am over the age of 18 years and not a party to the foregoing action. 4 On March 16. 201 8. 1 served the following documen1(s): 5 RFQUIiSi’ F)R 1)ISMISSAL 6 7 8 XX (by mail) on all parties in said action listed below, by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope in a designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth below. At Somach Simmons & Dunn, mail placed in that designated area is given the correct amount of postage and is deposited that same day. in the ordinary course of business, in a United States mailbox in the Cit of Sacramento. California. 9 10 11 . 12 13 E.g 14 15 16 Karen L. 1)onovan Senior 1)epuiy Counsel Metropolitan Water District of S. CA 700 North Alameda St. I.os Angeles. CA 90012-2944 Attorney for Respondents Mailing Address: P.O. Box 54153 l.os An.teles, CA 90054-0153 limothy l. Cox C’ox & Wegis Land Company. 1.LC 1 1 520 West Chanslor Way Blvthe, CA 92225 Real Party in Interest Joseph Albert 1)econinck 1 1 200 West I 4 Avenue Blythe, CA 2225 Real Party in Interest Joseph Albert Deconinck 1055 Coconino 1)rive I3lvthc. CA 92225 Real Party in Interest 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 John F. Benson 1)esert Milling, Inc. 30 Shank Road Brawlev, CA 92227 Robert Trimm Craig S. himore 550 West Main Street l3rawley, CA 92227 26 27 28 REQI JEST 1’()R I)ISMISSAL Real Party in Interest I 2 4 l)ale Tyson I laydav Farms Venture. LI .C 1 550() South Commercial Street lllvlhe, CA 92225 Real Party in Interesi Stephanie (Ioldsiein Fsq. Sehorr Law, A Profl.ssional Corporation 121 00 Wilshire Boulevard. Suite 1050 I os Angeles. (‘aIil’ornia 90025 Attorney for I layI)ay Farms Venture, 1.1 C I declare under penalty ot’ perjury that the lorcgoing is March 1 6. 20 1 8. at Sacramento, California. true 6 7 and correct. Fxecutecl on II ( 9 Jennifer Fstábrook 10 11 M- ii 14 Cd’) : I,, 16 17 18 19 2() 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 RL(,)t ‘(S I 10R [)ISvI1SSAt. 7/4 cA(