mond Abolition Locality Initiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation Application drafted by: Organiration tor Prostitution Survivors (OPSI - Xing County Washintton Submitted on: .lanuarv 21.2014 contact information: Valian! Riehey Senior Deputy Prosecutint Attorney King County Prosecutlng Attorney's Offlce Phone: (206) 477-1877 Email: valiant.Richev@kinPcountv'qov oel-ing tt e tocality: Ptease describe how your locality will be geographically defined (tot!n, city, county, region, etc.). The proposed Demand Abolition project will be implemented in King county in the State of Washington. The population o, King County is 2,007,440, which includes the CitY of Seattle, population 63a,535.' King County encompasses 39 police agencies, which serve municipalities includinS Seattle, Federal Way, Kent, Tukwila, and Bellevue as well as the unincorporated areas of King Counly. King County (shown in the inset above) i5 part of known domestic and Slobal sex trafficking circuits abetted through the hiShway system, particularly the l-5 corridor which runs from Canada to Mexico, and lnternet Trafficking.t Human trafticking has been confirmed in 18 counties in Walhinglon and is deeply tied to the issue of prostitution in our region.3 King County has many factors in place that make it an ideal location to pilot and test successful demand interventions: a. Progressive laws enable prosecutors to impose serious penalties on buyers of prostitution,' b. Broad itical s for demand interventions from elected leaders in state and local ' US Census Bureau. O!ick Facls Siale & Counties (2012) htlp //quicklecls cens0s ocvlqfd/stales/53/53C33-.I[d! I :!i wu{ jf_&j!:h:tr!1?!tlja!q]o as.rr UoLK,PT-r 98 ' Washrnglon State Office of lhe Allorney Gerleral {20131 'ir-nep,ilar.,iEot6iii26ilil[r,!I[i-ow,sororeaoroares-o-lrce91]ate -and-tederar,rafys ' tt e Po a,,s e'olect i:o r:, nr6li*r.iotarrsproiect.orgtresources/state-a;dJederal-l?!€ &*ond Abolition LocalltY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Partlcipation governments, a I. expertise in law enlorcement through two departments (Seattle and Kent) that have and best history ol implementing buyer stings and who can share investigative expertise localities, Abolition Demand other with and King county practiies with additional locations in the increase help to publicly committed d. An anchor city (seattle) whose citY Attorney has persons charged' number of buyers and decrease the number of prostituted e.AtrackrecordofsupportfordemandredUctionef{ortsfromthe(ingcountyProsecuting Attorney'sOffice,whichisthehubofthewheelforlawenforcementprioritiesthroughout the county, who f. Recognized community leaders and experts like Peter Qualliotine and Debra Boyer intervention' have each worked for over 20 years to develop innovative approaches to buyer prostitution, and prevention education in their respectlve fields, and g. Survivor leadership that is actively engaged in innovating new services for the region partnering with keY male allie5, h. Existinj data and data collection expertise through core team members and strong connections with local universities, (StolenYouth) who are i. A.n organized and influential group of local philanthropists committed to long term funding for victim services and prevention, and ,i.Acommonvisionandanexceptionalleveloftrustbetweencriminaljusticeleadersand direct service providers. year for two years to support the The KCPAO and OPS are jointly requesting S80,o0o per projects detailed in this Proposal. Each of these local strengths will enable the strategies that such an ambitious scope Demand Abolition supports to be successful at a county-wide level' ln will enable oemand Abolition to test and study coordinated county-wide strateSies and build trust addition, these strengths will enable our core team to contribute expertise between diverse stakeholders in ot!ql lgrnlng i!9!rti9!.]9!tli!3s' 6*ond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participaiion Cole Team: Please identify the 7-9 individuals comprisinS the core team, their organizational sffiliations lil aoolicable), and email addresses. Team Member Organization Nome ol low enlorcement Klng County Prosecuting rcNesentotive Valiant Richey Attorney's Office - Senior Deputy Prosecutlng Attorney Male Accounlobility Expett Peter Qualllotlne OrBanhstion tor Prostltution Survivors (Founder &Dlrector of Connunity Leoder CommunlW Education) S€attle AS.lnst Sl3very Noel Gome. Nome ol sutvivor leode. Alisa Bernard llome ol philonthropic community fiember Paula Clapp valiant.Richev@kinrcountv.sov ,€ robertb@seattlearainstslavery.orr Robert Beiser Nome of surwvot leoder Email addres: Organl:atlon for Prostitution Survivors {Founder and Direclor of SurviYor Servlcesl Organiration for Prottitution Survlvors (Membet, Board of Directors) StolenYouth Seattle lnternational Paula.Clao!@rtolenYo!th.orq Foundatlon 6lobal Pannerships No$e ol philonthropic StolenYouth Pattv@stolenvouth.orq Afllliate Assistant Prof essor community member Patty Haven Fleischmann Acodemic Debra Boyer, PhD Community Leader University of Washin8ton OrBanlzation for Prostitution Survivors Buslnetses Endint slavery & Mar Smith, PhD Alllance) Tralficking Executive Directo. Community Expert/Acodemic Leslie Briner, MSW Youthcare & Board of Director5, Organizatlon for mar@bestalliance.orr (BEsT lesliebriner@live,com Proititution Survivors part pilot, As the core team is expected to commit to monthly meetings with other pilot of the sites to share lessons learned, and update on them status, feedback on tactics used, and selections. lrom the communities- Please keeo this in mind when Demand Abolition Locality Initiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation &*ond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Application for pllot Particlpation Core Team: Please explain the reasons for sel€cting each core team member and their proposed role or s ibilities, as discussed by the team. lf you have not yet determined these roles, please provide as much information as possible, understanding that these responsibilities will need to be clarified by the launch in March, 2014. Proposed Reason tor selection Team Member respon Bole/Resoonslbilities Pa.t-time cogrdinato. lor law rcpresentotive Valiant Richey (nowled8e and expc.tiJa ;n prosecution of buyers and promolers of prostllution, legal advocacy, and community standinS. rep.eSentative to community on the proiect. Mole Accountobility Expert Pet€r Qualliotlne Erpeniie a',]d knowledge on male accountabil!y ilsue3 and buyer Part-time coordinator [or Buyer inlerventions public awareness st,ategie5 Community Leodet Robert Beiset Executive Diaecto. of Seati,e Agajntl Slavery, 8rass-roots orginization aonductinB oulreach and awareness activities and.ommltted 1o demand .eduction effons and public awarlnesr Assist with public awareness and web"based demand det€rren(e campaigns Noir,e of low enforcement Nome of suryivot leoder Noel Gomer Nom€ of su.rivot leoder Ali5a gernard Name of philonthrapic community nember Paula clapp Norle ol philonthropic com/nunity member Patty Haven Fleitchmann Acodemic Debra Boyer, PhD i enfoaaement iratety and lnterveation strateSy and intorm tounder of O.Ban;ratioo for Prostitution Provide rurvivors voice ln all aipects SurvivorS, commilted to services ror victims, resoe(ted national,v for ?dvocncy and survivot voice. Survivor ot p.q5titution, member of Eoard of prog.amming content under both slrategie5, assure i!!ues ot victims oi Dire.tor! of OPS, excel,ent communicator, wriier and .epresentative to commUnity. Local philaothropist committed to fundraisint lo suppgrt progr3ms for victims of cornmeraial 5exual exploitalion anc r€lated igJUes Local philanthropisl cgrn.nitted lo tundraising lo rupport pro8rams tor victims of (omrnercral sexual €xploitation and relations. Cultural Anrhiopoloti5ts; Rerearch, advocacy, p.ogram and Policy developmenl expertise in adolescent and adult aonrnercirl lerual exoloitBtion. are add.essed appropriat€ly Provide perspective of survivors, rerve a5 link between project and OPS board, and inlgrm slrategiet. Fund Development and Community Advo(acy rund Developfieht and Comrnunlty Guide development and mon tgrint ol fieasuaement p,an and inform .esearch basis for staategie5 and project content. mond Abolition LocalitY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation Community Leodel Mar 5mith, Pho C"^^*rty Exoen/Acodemic i"tfi"irin"r, frfSW Ireau!ive Direalor, B€ST Aliiance, ot Board o, Direcrors ot OPS 'ne'nber Re(og4'red tor expe4ise on (om-erc'ai aex'ral erolo 'alion' oroSrar and poL;cY ocvelooarent f'(rl'ta:o' for cstc task . Faailitate community engaternent, comrruoicalion slralegles, inlorm I 5iiateE;c (orteni and lilk lo Facilitate 1in ks to service provider: and cornmuoitY leaders, inform st.ateg;c ronteol. Alternative Structure: N,/A (e 8 lf you are planning to utiliTe an alternative structure for the core team use the soace below to describe and iustt a coalition)' please !!tllg!!!!Il Local Coordinatot Nominatlon please identify the locality's nomination for local coordinator, or co-coordinators, and provid€ the information requested below. Prcvidethecv,one.pogenofiativetorwhythisperson(s)wouldbetheidea'cooldinotolond document. tetl:ers of recommendation in a two external loutside al the corc Name Organirational Affiliation Email address Valiant Richey Peter Qualliotine Kin8 County Prosecuting AttorneYs office Organi2ation for Prostitution Survivors Valianl.Richev@kintcountv.rov Deteroualliotine@{ available part-time YES. available part-time Avallable full-time (part-time ror cocoordinators) starting March 20liu YE5 Oo they have access to an office? It so, where? YES Xing County Prose€uting will Attorney's Of{ice 2014 be determined by March mond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot participation Will they have other responsibllities during the pilot timeframe? YES YE5 Will continue to prosecute select caies for KCPAO will continue with related actlvities for OPs including Buyer's lnterventlon Class for Clty of Seattle and Male Accountablllty forums, and Alternate Use of Funds we're committed to funding S60,000 to 580,000 for a fulltime local coordinator/cocoordinators over 24 months. We are otfering up to 50% of this funding to be directed elsewhere (instead of covering the locat coordinato/s salary, e.g. implementation costs). lf you are interested in this please use the space below to include what the money would be used for, why it should be used in this way, and how you would ensure the continued involvement of a localcoordinator. Demand Abolition Locality Initiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation 6"rnond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Appllcation for Pilot participation Stakeholders: ln addition to the core team, please identify the individualor organizational stakeholders committed to participating as thought partners or implementers in this pilot, their organizational affiliation representative (if applicable), and their role within the broader pilot community. Role Organizatlon stakeholder Dan SatterberB King County Prosecuting l(ing County Prosecutint Attorney's oflice Policy lmplementation across iurisdictions in King County, advocacy at County and State level for support for strategies Attorney washlngton Antl-Trafflcking Response Network (wARN) Kathleen Morris Program ManaBer lrternational Rescue Committee in Seattle System collaboration for advocacy, development and implementation of st13tegies, tnform policy perspecaive and communicate Droiect Soals Kelly Mangiatacina, JD l(ing County CSEC Task Force Kint County Community Services Oivislon Justice Bobbe BridSe (Ret) sy5tems, advocacy for strategies, inform policy and methods, insure survivor Coordinator Melinda 6iovengo, PhO Executive Director Convene stakeholders across YouthCaro & washACf/WARN AdvisorY Committee Center for Children and Youth Justlce support & services System collaboration for provision of survivor services System collaboration affoss sectors includinS juvenile justice, criminal ,iustice, and CSEC Lan Pham Senior Planning & Development Specialist Seattle Human Servites DePt. Linda Pillo chiet of Police Amanda Hightower Executive Director protocols s€attle - King County Serual Exploitatlon Response Network (Seattle-KcSERN) Convene/Facilitate (CSERN coalition, manages relevant community contracts for City of Seattle Bellevue Pollce oepartment Support training of police in Real Escape from the Sex Trade (R€ST) their jurisdiction for all components of strategies lnform strateSaes, partner to provide services for Survivors mond Abolition LocalitY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation staleholders: PleaseidentifyanyadditionaIhUmantrafficking(ortopicallyrelevant}organizationsinthe that are not involved with the Will you attempt to engage them? lf yes, how? ll no, whY? Tffi;; a"ti'trafficking movement underway in our locality The stakeholders identified above were carefully selected to comprise a broad range of expertise, skills and access. These partners each have the respect of the community and share a philosophy and approach to ending demand, advocacy, and providing services to prostituted personi. All salient and viable stakeholders have been identified and will be involved in the largre and dtuerse proiect. Local Leaders: How wi you gain a significant commitment from local elected leaders/public officials who can influence change? what will this commitment look like? public officials at OpS and KCpAO l13* sq^ificant support from multiple elecled leaders and KinS county, members across council Mavors, city this time. These include State legislators, gectors will include: Police Chiefs and other law €nforcement officials. Commitment from ihese Support for policy and leBislative changes leading to reduction in d€mand, Advocating for change through involvement in community forums and public awareness . . . . . . . camPaign activities Collaboration on data collection, management, analysis, and data sharing, Support for new law enforcement strategies support for expansion of model sex Buyer lntervention ProSramming within the court system and the communitv Support for on-going fund development Leadership and integration of the Demand Reduction strategies survlvor Leadershipl How is local survivor leadership and input incorporated into the pilot in addition to core team ? How will they be involved in decision-making? 10 &rond Abolition Loeality lnitiative Formal Appllcation for Pllot Participation The Organization for Prostitution SurvivorJ is survivor led and survivor informed at all levels oi the orSanization. OPS is unique as a survivor led organization because male accountability and demand-reduction are part of the organiaationalstructure and core programming Thus, oPS will provide survivor leadership for this project. Two leaders from OPS will serve on the core team and facilitate feedback from survlvors throu8h OPS support groups and public forums. other statf and volunteers act as allies, recognizing and upholdinB survivor5' perspectives and experiences to guide OPS' initiatives, programming, and voice in the community. A Eoard Member and Director of Survivor Services, both of whom are survivors ot prostitution, recently completed a week-long t13ining on Survivor Leadership held by the Girls Education and MentorinB Service {GEMS} in New York. The principles of the survivor empowerment leadership model have been part of OPs organizational structure, and the training offered new insights and opportunities to Erow this model. The ooportunitv for OPS to oartner with the KCPAO is unorecedented. This represents true survivor leadership, combined with experlise in male accountabilitY, partnered with a key criminaljustice institution. This is the best possible combination of efforts coming together to reduce demand for commercial sex in our locality. Eristing Demand Reduction Efforts: Ha9 demand for purchased sex ever been, or is currently beinB, measured or studied in your 11 mond Abolition LocalitY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation yes, how? lf no, whot ore the borrie6? io a limited degree the, the issue has been studied in King County. Cross'jurisdictional data are t lsoleted data are often available on arrests, prosecutions, and web-based sting operationsfor measuremeni and study extracted and used for various purposes. turther, there is capacity ofdemandreductionefforts.Theproiectwillhaveacc€sstodatabaseslromWashingtonState' provide crime Kiflg County, City of Seattle, and the Washington State Patrol These databases request' reports, locality speciiic data, and detail on agBregated crim€ categories upon Additionally,datacanbecollectedfromindividUaIpoIicejurisdictionsincludingofficerreports Adult and Juvenile and call logs. The King County Office of Management and Budget and th€ oetention Administrative services Division can provide data for specific analysis and performance measures. Data specific to arrests, recidivism, diversions, and compliance can be collected by this Project as well. used support from Demand Abolition will make a significant difference in how existing data are pro.iect a will support the First, data. and facilitate coltection of additionally relevant glean from these coordinated approach to understanding data sources and wh3t is necessary to methods to sources_ second, the proj€ct will promote developing data collection and analysis support demand reduction strategies and understanding efficacy of varyinB approaches' 12 A. ['- Ddmond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Partlcipation Future Demand Reduction Efforts: oemand Abolition requires each locality to implement two demand reduction tactics: a sex buyer education program and a public awareness campaign, Beyond these tactics, does your core team envision implementing any additional demand reduction strategies during the 24 month pilot? lf so, which ones and why? Please note. additional tactics are not a requirement. Yes (see below) No Unsure fhis appllcatlon details two comprehensive strategies below that incorporate: formal buyers' intervention programming; public awareness through both buyer detefrence campaign and bystander education; and, enhanced law enlorcement efforts tartetlnB buyers through reverse sting operations and cross-jurlsdictional investiSations training. These strategles will require planning, pilotinB, implementation, revision, data collection and evaluation. As such, we are not proposlng addltlonal strategles at this tlme but have detailed in the next section all of the components for a comprehensive set of stratecies for our locality, Pilot Demand Reduction Tactics: How will you jump start a public awareness campaign and a sex buyer education pro6ram? You are able to offer more than one method of implementation, as th€re will be multiple strateeies and variations among the other pilots and within the chosen lo!alities. Public Awareness Sex Buyer Education Program 6it"rond Abolition tocalitv lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation Overvierv: This srrategy rtill focus on reducing dcmand for commercial sex hy largeting bu)'crs directly. The stratcgy rvill coordinate a strong larv enforcement emphasis on bu"vers that will scrvc as the foundation for a public deterrence campaign targeted at buyers using the intemet. This strategy will facilitate the redeployment of criminal justice resources arvay liom arres( and prosccution of pro.iituted petsons and torvards the arrest and Drosccutioll of ser trLtl ers. Thi, i, u ,"r.ut.rblc stratcgl through u hich we intend to demonstrate a reduction in the prevatence of sex buf ing through the internct and shift the cultural norms of purchasing sex by denronstrating increascd threat olarrest and criminal consequcnces for purchasing sex in King Count1.. Specilic Activities for this Strateg-v: Expand training of King County police agencies to preparc lbr conducting sting operations on ser buvcrs. focusing particularly on internet-bascd operations B. Increase the number ofjurisdictions operating web-based sting operations to include agencies serving 757o ofthe population in King County' The incrcase rvould occur as a result ofexpanded lraining and coordinated invcstiSation and prosecution by King CountY Policc agencies and associatcd municipal prosecuting agencies. C. Increase the numbcr ofarrcsts and A. Ovenicrr': 'fhis srralegt is designed to ioterYene with sex buyers lbllowing arrest through expandcd use ol divetsion programs. and post-convicti(.)n as pan ofsentencing for the crime ofpurchasing commercial sex. The use of Sex Buyers lntervention Programs also ref'ened to as "John Schools"' have been widell used in court programs and othcr settings. !{orvever. this slrategl'will allo* krr revision and expansion ofour curent curriculum and broader usc of this resource throughout King Counly. 1'his is a measureable strateg;.,., lbr rvhich rve will obtain recidivisnr data for bu;ers participating in thc program. This strategy rvill also lbcus on public a\rarencss through Bystandcr Educalion efforts. Whilc lcrcusing directly tln buyers of sex constitutes the majoritl'o1'our efforls. lve rccogrrizc lhat changing social norms is critical fbr long-term change. The Bystander [ducation strateg-v seeks to reach a broader audiencc. panicularly of mcll. to increasc arvareness ofthe harm ofprostitution and dccrease the tolcrance ltrr the commercial sex rrade among bystanders and the community atJarge. Specific Activities for this Strategy: A. Development ofa comprehensive Sex Buler lnten'entiort Program based on besl practices lor curriculum components, lcarning nrethods. time frame. therapeutic componcnts. and indiv idualized &rond Abolition Locallty lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation prosccuiions ofbuyers across King ( ount)'. components bascd on a molivational intcrviervin g lrame,'vork. tncrcase publicity on arests, prosccution. lnd penalties in King County through traditirrnal nrcdia Io creale a crcdible and dcnronstratcd threat of arrest and pr()secutir)n. lncorporatc into crim inal .iuslice responses additional detcrrents such as car inpound, inrrr.'aserl nlonetar) lincs. corntn unitl scrvice. and sex olTender rcgistry ttr increase elTectivencss ol sentcnccs. l:nsurc irnposition and collcctittn ol' sliltutorily authorizcd scx buycr tincs ttt cnhance linancial sustainability of lu*"* cnli)rccmcnl ellbns and \ ictim :'crYic(s. ('ot)rdinate a public au'areness and ciettrrcncc catnpaign larBcted directly at buycrs using rr ebsites s hcrc prostitution 'l'he rpproach is advenised or acccssitrle. l ill reach bul ers when the) entsr thc vinual marketplace in an cflbn to dctcr buring sex. I'his strategl has tirur coinponcnts: l. lnlornt the potcntial bu;.. ers r'tl'the harrn oltheir aclions, 2, lnlbnn potential buyers ofthe criminal J. and linancial penalties, l)evclop ads thttt $hen opened' intbrm piltenlial buyers thc;- arc bcing rr {. atched and. Intbrm bulcrs ofopponunitics to cducalc thentselves through bnler intcr\ !'nlitrn programs ald othcr bcal rL'sou rces. Erpand use olthe revised Buler Intervention Currii:ulum to other municipalitir's in King County' and increase nuntbcr ot bulcrs punicipating in the program. Focus on long-lasting change in cultural norms thmugh bystander education and 'l'he stratcg)'seeks to utilize atwareness, existing inliastructurc in tlrc domL'stic violencc and serual nssault arenas and includes the lollowing tactics: l. 2. 3. Partner wilh local coalitions to integrale Male Accountabilit,"" rnessaging. Develop and increasc bystander engagcmcnt. incluJing progrLrmming largeting mcmbcrs of tht' business community, .r'oung pcoPle. and the general putrlic. Offer nvt.r Nlen as Aliies *orkshops per lear that are opcn to the comnrunily \yith tarS,cled oulreach to pro.icct stakcholdcrs. schoolVcolleges. domestic violence/scxual assault advocac! groups, public health. and members of thc business communit!'. 6it"rond Abolition [ocality lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation lmpact of demand reduction: services the wellbeing of prostituted persons is of the hiShest Priority Are there currently you will how explain prostitution? Please leave available in yiur iocality for those who want to a8encles, of fines ln addition, an outcome of our law enforcement strateSy will be uniform imposition acrossjurisdictions,50%ofwhichbystatutearededicatedtopreventionorrehabilitative are in unique efforts such as victim services. overall, the core leam includes individuals who gaps, flow' and positions to monitor service needs, Data collection and AnalYsis data Do you have the ability to obtain consent frorn the necessary entities to share the collected for this pilot? lf not, how will you ensure the ability to share data with Demand Abolition? yE$ KCPAO and oPs are able to obtain consent and share data collected for this pilot ptoject. Additionally, we have some local data collected by (CPAO and Dr' Debrz Eoyer's study"'Who pays the Price?,, to use as baseline data as we design and implement the data collection components of this pilot. justice The core team represents agencies, KcPAO specifically, that have access to criminal goyer' a we feel this is stronB data, as well as nationally recognized research expert, Drand access criminal .iustice collection data implement and design combination of expertise to sttategies' data'driven records to facilitate methodologically sound, 16 &mnnd Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Appllcation for Pllot Participation : Proiect Monitoring : The Strategic lnitiatives Director for Demand Abolition will work closely wiih each loca,ity to establish methods of monitoring the pro8ress and success of the pilot. What are your inifial ideos aboui the followinB (these are conversation questions and will be refined during the la u nch in 2014): A loSic model will be developed for each strategY including benchmarks. Each strategy will have process and outcome indicators identified as short term, intermediate, and long term outcomes. Benchmarks are integrated in the timeline. Maior benchmarks for year one will include: A. What benchmarks will you set to ensure onsoinB progress in the pilot? B. C. what process indicators will be used to ensure the success of the core team and local coordinator (e.9. how many times the core team met)? Launch 1. 2. 3. Strategy 1. 2. 3. Stratety 1. 2. 3, 4. Complelion ot logic models Compietion of data rollecti0n strate8y Social media launch 1 Law eT lorcement lrainintst Pilot stints TeltinS qf online deterrent5 2 Convening deveioper term orafts completed on specific modules Draftin8 of bytlander messatinS Partners identified for male allylhlp worl During the launch phase significant attention will be given to the development of a comprehensive data collection strategy that addresses the process indicators of the pilot efforts as well a9 foundational planning for the quantitative data to be collected on the demand reduction efforts. lmplementation will be tracked through process €valuation to determine how well strategies are being implemented and the efficary of the core team and coordinators. lndicators will include tracking meeting requirements and level of participation by core team members and stakeholders, and activities, inputs, and resources for each strategy. Clear iob descriptions with benchmarks wil! be developed for each coordinator, who will report to their agency supervisor and the core 17 mond Abolition LocalitY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation team on progress. Data will be reviewed at least on a monthly basis to determine progress and completion of benchmarks' Process data wil! be used for proiect {eedback to identify changes and adaptations necessary to insure proiect success for the initial launch phase l3 to 6 months) the partners will report to DA on the number of meetings of the core . team and initial meetings relevant to the strategies while the comprehensive data collection strategy is being developed. Core feam members participate in statewide and regional tasks forces. Progress on this pro.iect will hold How will the core team monitor the impact of local demand reduction on surrounding areas? significant interest for all stakeholders. Thus, the core team will insure the Demand Abolition project is included on agendas and will solicit feedback, share proBress reports, information, and data as appropriate to encourage other areas to adopt and collaborate on strategies. Given the broad sector participation on the Statewide Coordinaling Committee on Sex Trafficking (established by legislation), WASHACI, and other local task forces, we anticipate that implementation will the stated loca Philanthropy and Furiding What is the fundraising plan at the local level? Please answer the following: 1. Has any local philanthropic support been identified yet (e.9., matching funds, commitments to in-k'nd donations, pro-bono services)? Yes, OPS is workingwith local funders for fundinS commltments includlng matching funds to enture full time salaried positions and funding for opetational costs for servicet. We cur.ently receive pro-bono services, in-kind donations, and have organired volunteer efforts on our behalf. 2. Have any potential local frrnders (outside ofyourcore team member) been identified yet? How will you engage them in this effort? OPS has ensa8ed several local funders lunds to end Youthl. whi.h is dedi€ated !o and a coalition 18 &rond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation commercial sexual exploitatlon of chlldren and adults' OPS has received toundation grants and is in process of onSolng tund raising and Erant makinS' 3. Whowill beyourfiscal agenton the Bround to receive philanthropic fundingforthe pilot (outside of Demand Abolition support)? lf there is no fiscal agent, how will the funding be allocated across organizations involved in the core team/pilot? The partnet aBencies, OPS and KCPAO can each act as the fiscal agent for the Part-tlme coordinator asrigned to them. lr-Kird Support . Tirnc prolirjed bl Core teatn fot rvcckll'panicipation and individual assignments . Spacc. olliec equipment. comptllcr access providcd b1'KCPAO and OPS . Va,ragernenl and Adrninistrativc suPporl to pmject b1' KCPAO and Ol'S . Ilceting panicipalion b) police agcncl adnrinistration o Partncrship participation in planning and itnplementation o i\lrrucl rv . r o "l inre and Projecl Support providetl b-v ? sttldent interns for administrative support and research Su nrrorl Unrcslricted Donatiorls t0 oPS Operational supporl to OPS from local I'unders and lbundations including Social Jristice lund antl Stolr:nYouth. (St.lcnYouth is a group of'philanthropists rvh, arc commitlcti to long-tcrnl tirnd raising for victimsol'sexttal exploitation and prostitulion-related programs in Washingmn St:tle. l'hey expect to raise $ I nrillion in 2014.) fincs placed in King County adnlinislralivc accounis l'rom penalties assesscd tiom jonlicted bu.r-ers. rrhich rvill supp()rt long term implemcntatinn ofgoals and sustain resulting Programs. 19 mond Abolition LocalitY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participatlon Ootional tt fotto*ing qr"stions " are optional questions; they are not required nor expected' Quantmable Goals: pilots will strive to attain; do you Reducing demand by 20% in 24 months is a common goal all seek to achieve other quantifiable goal(s) through thi5 pilot? 20 &*ond Abolition Locallty lnltlative Formal Application for Pilot Participation t "yes", pleose describe the quontifioble gool in detoil. Expandcd f.arv Enforcement Straregy . lncrease the number of police agencies trained and conducting reverse sting operations to cover 75% of King County . tncrease the number of arrests and prosecutions of buyers by 50%, using baseline average from 2010-2013 across King County Jutisdictions. . Reduce buyer traffic by 20yo on targeted internet websites. llu)'ers Educatlotr and Byslander Educotlon Stratefl/ . lncrease participation in buy€r intervention program by 30% . Report on recidivism amon8 convicted buyers for a 2 year (pilot period). . Report on the number of people reached through Bystander Education programming and Men as Allies Workshops oecislon Maklng: Once chosen, we will facilitate a decision-making process among core team members' However, if you have already discussed a possible approach, please indicate so here. what is vour decision-making process to ensure the best outcome? The chart below illustrates our mod€lfor strategic, tactlcal, and operational Plannlng for the proiect. Corc Tsam ld!ntify/Cotlr'coc k.y rt keholdrni rcrols lcclofi to solrc th! prolrlam of Da tnd: D.Yelop Colrb, Coordinrle iffort!, Darclop P.rformsorr !!casurts and llr[ Plro Corducts Antlysit Dala n'!,lnn( Coordltritor Stretcg[ Coordio{tor Slralagl' I Dtrint5 I mplenenlrtion Pl$n ldrntlrirs llcsourcer \eedcd Dc\ alops XaJ_ proc!$ses and 2 &3 Deriocs ObJ.ctlvrs Drlinc$ Ohj.ctivcs ImplemeltJ Stratesies ,\grccmellll! lmplcmcrt$ D{lr Coll.(tlon hnd RcDorling Corc Team RrYier} Slrrtegl( Irhn Revic*s Perform{occ lleorurcs Rrt ialr fntcrging StIlltrgi.s I nrpl.m.nt$tioo Plrn ld.ntilie3 R.sources \.cd.d Dcfi res mond Abolition lnitiative participation Formal Application for Pilot LoGalitY Data Measurement StrategY: strategy However' We will work with each chosen locality to create a data measurement please elaborate here' have already discussed possible indicators or approaches' if you will be developed for each Demand Reduction Strategy using the partner organization will have research/eraluation expeitise ofCoreTeam members Each plan including data collection' assigned'ro te, ,nd responsibilities in the overall measuremenl provide monitoring instiument development, and data management Core Team members will as well as data sharing' and oversight to insure data quality, integration and analYsis Oata measurement strategies TheoPs/KcPAopartnershipcurrentlyhasaccesstonecessarydatabasesincludinswashington provide state, King county, city of seattle, and the washington state Patrol. These databases reports, locality specific data, and delail on aggregated crime categories upon request' crime oatacanbecollectedfromindividualpolic€agencyjurisdictionsincludinSofficerreportsand Juvenile call logs. The King County Office of Management and Budget and the Adult and and Deteniion Administrative Services oivision can provide data for specilic analysis can be compliance and diversions, recidiviSm, arrests, to performance measures. Data specific collectedbythisprojectaswellasmoredetailedinformationgatheredthroUghqualitative methods activities in 22 mond Abolition Locality lnitiative for Pilot Participation Application Formal Communiratlon What is the communication plan for the locality? Please include the following: 1. How the core team will maintain communication among themselves 2. How stakeholders external to the core team will be informed on the activities and progress of the pilot 3. How the community will be informed of, and engaged with, the pilot's work 4. How the core team will work with the media 5. How (and when) the core team will engage local media in this effort 6. What social media channels the core team will utilize . . . . . Public Fonrms slrch \\'cckly mertinB Quarterl) vcetin8s bet rrecn 2 coordittators stakeholders wceklj supcrlision n.eling! \vhll provided sunnDlrics a.d Nlccling l1.-en(s12 lhe delerrcnce aampaign. he soliciled in thc following such events htvs baen implrrne.led and de srries outreach to bosincss such r'espcrtirc rgcnties srrmnriries t.r r.orc lcun SrateBI f)clelopmcnl bd Llunthl) Coni lcilnl illcelings lll)ndrl' ( orc lcrm usk lbrce rncttitrgs \\,kh kc\ itirkcholdcN ftnrroli nill be iheir inpul $ill \Yrcll)_(rlmmunicalir),1 8 l'roErars Etllcl &,lccounlabiliry t'rojecl (i)ordinntiorl lnditidual ('orc'leilm \ ill oruduce lhe lbllorlin! { r ioform iorl dissenination: shor temr lnlclnr!'diate. l-o g-lenh Re\ull! Ditta SharinS . . Itogrci,i llcpons lnlcrprrtalron ol . ('on\ R'Jsulls cn. Sc\rions Srengrhcning PanncNhins co li ued.) Social llcdia NeNsnnper Anicles a siSnificait pa( of !s Microjoll nnd CooSle '.re alrcadt undcrruy to ircilitale U vrstcgy N'ledia $'ill be uscd lo engage and communicale ahout (he projelr lnd oulcomes. inform and build public supfDn and siYareness, dcvela'p advocates tnd gene.ate and Perlormim(]s Mctsurcs nnd *ill l0rums lnlcrc9!4ikrries ltoacss Oulcomcr will be To\w Hnll Pmjrcr lYill be iltcSroled ioto 6ll OPS lrainirgs snd Communic ions l ils Upponunities Fund De\clopmcnt leadeNhip &d dvoca.) across thc commurit). The prcjccl commitlrd $ill have *slr to itnplemcnl ard suppon lo imDlemenr lhc tblloNing: Projecr Wcbsite - _l}c lrqiecl la,.ebook & nchlorkingsilc partncr s8cncics have ex(!llcnl lel.donships r\i$ local medis und aill hne opJDnunitics lbr aniclcs and op-ed piel"ts. 23 mond Abolition LocalitY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation Proled Imeline & Strategy provide a detailed strategic wiri i, tt proi".ted timeline of implementation for the locality? " STRATEGIC PLAN TIMETINE AND EENCHMARKS ops/KcpAo srm*Gtc PIAN TIMEIINE ANg BENCHMARKS Mln API MAY ,U JUt AUG strI ocT t{ov JA'I ttr' core team Meets weekly Coordlnators Roles/Responslbillties Defined Core Team noles Defined lmplementatlon Plan/ Loric Models flnallled MeaJurement and Data collectlon Planning lnltiate Data Collection, testlng On-going Data Manarement/AnalYsis communlcatlon Plan and Social Media lnltiation 24 Grond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation Meetlng wlth Law Entorcement Agen€irj on lnternet-based reverte sting operatio s and crossjurisdlctional Trainlng on reverse sting operatlont and cross-jurisdictional Contact and coordination on targeied deterrent Oevelopment of Deterrent CamPaign Content and beta Revlew Measurefient & Data Collestion Processes Revlew of imposltlont ol llnes across jurisdictlons Advocacy/Mtgs to asiure standard imp06ltlon of flneJ mond Abolition localitY lnitiative Formal Application for Pilot Participation Obtaln crossJurisdlctlonal stakeholder lnput on oraft Model with multiple modul€s fot Pilot and evaluate lntervention in 3 ldentify panners to develop Men as Allies messaging and Develop plan through media communlcatlon on bystander Law Enforcement Sting Opetations Continue 6"*ond Abolition Locality Initiative Formal Application for pilot Partlcipation Expand Euyers lnterventlon through targeted outreach to lmplement bystander messaglng campalgn on social media 5ummary of Results 27 6"*ond Abolition Locality lnitiative Formal Applicatlon for Pilot Participation checklist of Supplementary Materials Local coordinator support documents (Requited) oCV o o Two letters of recommendation One PaBe narrative/cover letter Related studies (OPtional) o Please attach any studies that address the status of sex trafficking and/or commercials sexualexPloi!ation and !5 relative to your locality (could be statewide assessme.ts, neiShborhood-specific, etc ) Oata StrategY (OPtional) Please attach supporting documents for a data strategy o Additional supplementary materials (optionall o we encourage you to provide additional information that strengthens the case for inclusion and is directly related to this application 28 ; r r i 1l il''1 t il i., l'1{) hj if I f (] r: (ll'l{} Ci}Ll,\.' fY 3 S pll'JT AllO Sl:X TSAff lC(l'!6 :iit r:;lt t11'*5:IlU:JrL' ..i., _i,r r..1 r.,1:all S IRn :tG Ji ! ihert' crinrcs rr ho tltt hlr e iiec choice: the bul ers t1rc tirire dcntand lbr eontmcrcial sc\ b) largcting bulcrs dirctlll. Th{r slratcsy will c(x)rdinatc lau enlirrcetncnl enrplrasis 0n bulers iln(l illitirte il publ ic dclcrrertce cantPaigl t:rrgcted at bttvcrs ttsing the '{ I + ] I 1QP$) rvill locus on intenenlion rvilh scx trul'cn polit'cont iction -fhis as a condition of sentcncc. slmtegy will silPporl deYelopmcnt ol'lll ldr anccd cuniculum lbr use throughout King Countr'. fhis strtrtcgy also lbcus on Public asarcncss through I]!slander liducirtion I .iurisdictions conductittg lntcrnel stings: lrrcreasc n[mber 0l' rcsls trti! prosectttions oi bu-vcrsi lncrr"'asc putrlicit; ofancsts. I i Tootld su1l1)on r ictim scrr icr:s: ( oordinate tt Putrlic ritrarcrcss and detcrrcnct cumpaign tBrgetql direc(l) al bu\ en ()n the lntcrnel. I e [:xpantl ttse ol'Bttl'er I nterucnlion Curriculutrr across K ing CottntY: Focus on lasting chlnge in tr.ttiorral strutegy, Thc prograu is b1'standcr cttgagcnlent: iduttifyittg tntrl adaocatiflS for Parlrer uith local coalilions to irt!'Brsle Malc AccountabilitY nlcssaging and lntin men as demand-redrction "Allics." intansentittns that sc-r b1 20%o in tt"o Ihc qorl olthc pilot project is t'.r recluce thc dcrnand l'or contntercirl ;tt," p.,,1..t r"itt rncaslrc lhe volunre oidemand 1.rri !':' tl!,-':li:.,.o "'tT:tt:t]pcrsons- reduce * rll docrcase harm lo prostitnlcd our contnun it1 ' .l."truct it e bchr\ i,ilrs ol' btr\ crs. antt cttrb sc: trallckilq itl ,*,,i,i.,,,,i J.i,i."rn i. -by combitiflS the dunawl .for y$rchsseil ser' Demaad Abolitiott is lnunchitg a fiulti-year, ,tultisttkeholde/ ('ultural nonrs h1 incrcasing ploJect,tions, arld Penaltics: Iitrsure inrposition oflincs tir Develop I conrPrchensir Scx lluyer lntervcntion Progranll Denand Abolition is conunitted to extertsiott, tl.e ei'fi)rts- lrtcrcase nunrber tll' gt m of [lunt Altern.tiv. funde er\dicatiflS tht illegnl conmercial ser industrY in the US-ottd, by Organization for Prostitution Survivors lill intcrnct 'I l irpand lraining ol'Policc xAcllcil:s lo conducl siing oPcrations on scr bu;.'crs: ,48Silr'$$' A Pn KinlL Counl\ is piloling a trrv Dcmand Rcductiott trodclto reduce scx have cr',nrnrcrcial'.s.'xual cxploirati,,ri. l'asl attetnpts to addtcss cotntnercial pcoplc arc t1'picalllprostiluted l Iorvercr. pcoplc ii,.r',."J o,', orr.*ing proslitnlcd or unablr'kr pimps b\ colrlrollsd l3'15' of agcs cocrccd inlo "the liia:' bet',ncen thc 'l'herclirre.ihis irl panicipants thc on lvill focus model ...up" tn, nrt,"r r.asi,rrs. King County Prosetuting Attorney's Office (KCPAO) t jll lbcus rrtr r!'ducing denatnd DEMANO tlenran,.j selt'- nrc respectfirl/ ItfaSrrlctt ic, sustt inable, &nd eflectioe. l'roiect Coordinators: \'rlisnl RicheI: (I(CPAO) PctrrQuslliotirrci oelrroullliotinrad,'s.oIil''on (OPSI Partnets: Bulinasscs llnding Se! TrsftilLinB & Ss!ttle Ag'inrl Sllt'ry *ttt l urlJ'I.'.tinituIdbnlirlon.oryl