U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Homeland Security Privacy Office, Mail Stop 0655 February 28, 2018 SENT VIA EMAIL TO: foia@americanoversight.org Austin R. Evers Executive Director 1030 15th Street, NW Suite B255 Washington, DC 20005 Re: 2017-HQFO-00618 (17-cv-01187) Dear Mr. Evers: This is the final response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), dated April 5, 2017, and received by this office on April 5, 2017. You are seeking any communications with non-government entities or parties relating to the “requirements analysis” to seek input from DHS field agents; any briefing materials prepared for Mr. Kelly regarding his February 1, 2017, visit to McAllen, Texas; any communications between Mr. Kelly, or anyone acting on his behalf, with President Enrique Peña Nieto, or anyone acting on his behalf, concerning the wall, fence, or other physical or virtual barrier, and who will pay for it; any materials prepared for Mr. Kelly regarding the Tohono O’odham Nation as it relates to construction of a wall, fence, or other physical or virtual barrier on Tohono land; any communications from Mr. Kelly relating to the length of any proposed or planned physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border. Materials responsive to this request would include, but are not limited to, emails from Mr. Kelly stating that the wall will not be the entire length of the border; any recommendations to or final decisions of Mr. Kelly regarding the laws that will or will not be waived under Section 102 of the REAL ID Act. A search of Office of Public Affairs (OPA), the Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans (PLCY), and the Office of the Executive Secretary (ESEC) for records responsive to your request produced 28 pages that are responsive to your request. Of those pages, I have determined that 5 pages of the records are released in their entirety, 9 pages are partially released, and 14 pages are withheld in their entirety pursuant to Title 5 U.S.C. § 552 (b)(5), and (b)(6), FOIA Exemptions 5 and 6. FOIA Exemption 5 protects from disclosure those inter- or intra-agency documents that are normally privileged in the civil discovery context. The three most frequently invoked privileges are the deliberative process privilege, the attorney work-product privilege, and the attorney-client privilege. After carefully reviewing the responsive documents, I determined that portions of the responsive documents qualify for protection under the Deliberative Process Privilege. The deliberative process privilege protects the integrity of the deliberative or decision-making processes within the agency by exempting from mandatory disclosure opinions, conclusions, and recommendations included within inter-agency or intra-agency memoranda or letters. The release of this internal information would discourage the expression of candid opinions and inhibit the free and frank exchange of information among agency personnel. FOIA Exemption 6 exempts from disclosure personnel or medical files and similar files the release of which would cause a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. This requires a balancing of the public’s right to disclosure against the individual’s right to privacy. The privacy interests of the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in disclosure of the information. Any private interest you may have in that information does not factor into the aforementioned balancing test. You have a right to appeal the above withholding determination. Should you wish to do so, you must send your appeal and a copy of this letter, within 90 days of the date of this letter, to: Privacy Office, Attn: FOIA Appeals, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 245 Murray Lane, SW, Mail Stop 0655, Washington, D.C. 20528-0655, following the procedures outlined in the DHS FOIA regulations at 6 C.F.R. Part 5 § 5.8. Your envelope and letter should be marked “FOIA Appeal.” Copies of the FOIA and DHS FOIA regulations are available at www.dhs.gov/foia. If you need any further assistance or would like to discuss any aspect of your request, please contact the analyst below who processed your request and refer to 2017-HQFO-00618. You may send an e-mail to foia@hq.dhs.gov, call 202-343-1743 or toll free 1-866-431-0486, or you may contact our FOIA Public Liaison in the same manner. Additionally, you have a right to right to seek dispute resolution services from the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) which mediates disputes between FOIA requesters and Federal agencies as a nonexclusive alternative to litigation. If you are requesting access to your own records (which is considered a Privacy Act request), you should know that OGIS does not have the authority to handle requests made under the Privacy Act of 1974. You may contact OGIS as follows: Office of Government Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road-OGIS, College Park, Maryland 20740-6001, e-mail at ogis@nara.gov; telephone at 202-741-5770; toll free at 1-877-684-6448; or facsimile at 202-741-5769. Sincerely, Kevin L. Tyrrell Director FOIA Appeals and Litigation Enclosure(s): 28 pages FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONLY CBP RIDE ALONG - NOGALES LINE TOUR February 9, 2017 Overview : • You will be meeting with Acting Chief Fel ix Chavez and Ac ting Patrol Agen t in Charge Kevin Hec ht. A full list of particip ants is below. • You will receive a border tour from the U.S. Border Patro l Tucson Sector and Nogales Station leadership. • The tour wi ll stait at the Noga les Internat ional airport via vehicles and cont inue to the Port of Entry in Nogales, Arizona. • An on the ground ove rview of technology, person nel, infrastructure and tactics w ill be presented . Discussion Points: • Exp ress intent of Department concerni ng support for the U.S Border Patrol m ission. • Outline guidance concerning Exec uti ve Orders. Background: • This will be your first visit to U.S. Border Patrol Tuc son Sector, Noga les, Arizona Station. • Participants in the tour may discuss recent Exec utive Orders . • The briefing will include information on: Challenges in hiring additiona l Border Patrol Agents , which is a high concern for the participants; CBP 's relatio nship history with the Tohono O'odham Nation, to include infrastructure and technology deployments; An overview of Foreign Operations programs including individual programs that support the operational mi ssion; and U.S Borde r Patrol Immi gration Checkpoint history and stat us. • • • • Participants : Secretary Kelly Kirstjen N ie lsen, Chief of Staff Ron Vitiello , Border Patrol Chief , CBP Gene Hami lton, Advisor to the Secretary Jenny Burk e, Press Secretary, OPA Felix Chavez, Act ing Chief Patrol Agent , U.S. Border Patrol , Tucson Sector, CBP Tim York , Division Chief , U.S. Border Patrol, Tucson Sec tor, CBP Kevin Hec ht, Actin g Patrol Agen t in Charge, U.S. Border Patrol , Nogales Sta tion, CBP Attachments: A. U.S. Border Patrol Tucson Sec tor Hiring Cha llenges B. Toho no O'odham Nat ion Bri efing Paper C. Integrated Fixed Towe rs on the Tohono O'odham Nation D. ATP Overview: Arizona Border Surveillance Technology Plan E. CB P Fore ign Operations Branch F. Bord er Patrol Checkpoint: Operations and Strategy in Tucson Secto r G. Biograp hies Staff Responsible for Briefing Memo: Rona ld Bellav ia, Division Chief, CBP, 1 FOR OFFICIA I I ISE ONLY DHS-17-0076-A-000001 FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONLY DEPARTM ENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY - DEPARTMENT OF STATE PREP SESSION FOR MEXICO CITY February 22, 2017 Objectiv e: You will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to prepare for your h·ip to Mexico City. You r objective in this meeting will be to gain a shared comm itment from Secreta ry Tillerson to DHS priori ties which are to continue the normalization and rebalancing of US - Mexico relations on migration issues , working to prioriti ze the shared work on Special Interest Alien flows, crime, and violence, and finally to seek support from the Department of State on furthering shared DHS and Mex ico econom ic prioritie s, pa1iicularly in the trade arena. Background on Trip Meetings: You will meet with the following key figures from the Government of Mexico to affirm the critical nature of the U.S .-Mex ico partner ship and express your commitme nt to cont inued bilateral partnership. • • • • • • President Enrique Pena Nie to Secretary of Fore ign Relations Luis Videgaray Caso Secretary of Government Miguel Angel Osorio Chong Secretary of Finance and Publi c Credit Jose Antonio Meade Kuribrefi.a Secretary of Nationa l Defen se General Salvado r Cienfuegos Zepeda Secretary of the Navy Admiral Vidal Francisco Sober6n Sanz FOR OFFI CIAL USE QNLY DHS-17-0076-A-000002 FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONLY National Securitv (6)(5) Econom ic Security Our econom ies are connected by trad e and jo int production platforms - with goods crossing the border multi ple times before being sold in either Mex ico or the United States. Given the Trump admin istration's desire to renegotiate NAFTA , the Government of Mexico w ill seek our continued commitment to DRS -Mex ico trade, while showin g a willing ness to review NAFTA. DR S-Mex ico economic security prioritie s includ e: • • • Con tinued succe ss and expan sion of vita l cargo pr e-inspection pilot pro grams; Further development of bilatera l and expans ion of trilateral tru sted traveler programs; and Sustained work on the manifest data harmoni zation process. Participants: U.S. Department ofRomelan d Security Secretary Kelly Kirstjen N ie lsen, Chief of Staff TBD U.S. Dep artment of State Secretary Tillerson TBD Attachments: None Staff Responsible for Briefing Memo: 2 FOR OFFI CIA L USE ONL Y DHS-17-0076-A-000003 FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Joint Statement on U.S.-Mexico Relations The United States President Donald J. Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto spoke by phone this morning for an hour. The call was mutually arranged by their teams. The two had a productive and constructive call regarding the bilatera l relationship between the two countries, the current trade deficit the United States has with Mexico , the impo11ance of the friendship between the two nations, and the need for the two nations to work together to stop drug cartels, drug trafficking and illegal guns and arms sales. With respect to payment for the border wall, both presidents recognize their clear and very public differences of positions on this issue but have agreed to work these differences out as part of a comprehensive discussion on all aspects of the bilateral relationship. Both presidents have instructed their teams to continue the dialogue to strengthen this important sh·ategic and economic relationship in a constructive way. El Presidente de la Republica, Enrique Pefia Nieto, y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos , Donald J. Trump , sostuvieron una Hamada telefonica de una hora, hoy por la maiiana. La Hamada fue acordada por sus equipo s de trabajo. Los Presidentes tuvieron una conversaci6n constructiva y productiva en tomo a la relaci6n bilateral entre ambos paises, incluyendo el tema de! deficit comercial de Estados Un ido s de America con Mexico, la import ancia de la amistad entre nuestras naciones, y la necesidad de que nuestros paises trabajen juntos para detener el trafico de drogas y el flujo ilegal de armas. Con respecto al pago del muro fronterizo, ambos Presidentes reconocieron sus claras y muy publicas diferencias de posici6n en este tema tan sensib le, y acordaron resolver estas diferencias como parte de una discusi6n integral de todos los aspectos de la relaci6n bilateral. Los Presidentes tambien convini ero n por ahora ya no hablar publicamente de este controversial tema. Ambos Presidentes han instru ido a sus equipos a continuar el dialogo para fortalecer esta important e relac i6n estrategica y econ6rnica de manera consh11ctiva. FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY DHS-17-0076-A-000004 FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONLY Enrique Pena Nieto President of the United Mexican States President Pefia Nieto was elected to office on December 1, 2012, for a sing le six year term unti l 2018 . A member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) , he is the nephew of two former gove rnors of the State of Mexico: A1iuro Montiel Rojas (on his mother's side) and Alfredo del Mazo Gon zalez (on his father's side). Unde r the guid ance of his uncle , Arturo Montiel Rojas, he formally started his political career and became the Secretary of the Citizen Movement of Zone I of the State Dir ective Committee of the National Confederat ion of Popu lar Organi zations (CNO P), one of the three sectors of the PRI. He was a delegate to the Organi zation and Citizen Front in different municipa lities of the State of Mexico , the Chief of Staff for the Secretary of Economic Development for th e State of Mexico , and the perso nal secretary of Montiel Roja s, who was the Secretary of Economic Development in the State of Mexico. From 1999-2000, Pefia N ieto served as the Undersec retary of Government and as th e fina ncial sub-coordin ator of Montiel Roja' s poli tical campa ign. In 200 1, Pefia Nieto became the Undersec retary of Interior in the State of Mexico. Two years later, he was elected Deputy of the XIII Local Di strict with a seat in Atlacom ulco, State of Mexico. He went on to serve as the Governor of the State of Mexico from 2005 to 2011. President Pefia Nieto holds a B.A. in Law from Mexico's Panamerican University (UP Universidad Panamericana) and an M.A. in Business Adminis tration (MBA) from the Mexico 's Au tonomo us Institut e of Tec hnolo gy (ITAM - Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico) . FOR LY DHS-17-0076-A-000005 FOR OFFICI AL USE ONLY MEETING WITH MEXICAN PRESIDENT ENRIQUE PENA NIETO (n-ree-kuh peh-nhah nee-eh-toh) February 23, 2017 Objective: The objective of your meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pefia Nieto at Los Pino s will be to affirm the critical nature of the U.S.-Mex ico partner ship , to discus s the Administra tion 's stance on Mexican immigration. Specific DHS priorities to be discussed includ e the interconnected nature of U.S. and Mexican national security interests and the import ance of trade to both our countries. This is your first time meeting with President Pefia N ieto as Secretary of Hom eland Security. Background on President Pena Nieto: President Pefia Nieto took office on December 1, 2012, for a single six year term. Your predecessor , former Secretary Jeh Johnson, last met with President Pefia N ieto on October 11, 2016. Background on Relationship with Mexico: Over the last decade , the United States and Mexico have forged an histor ic engagement to tackle jointly problem s that once divided us. The doctrines of " co-responsibility" and "joint border management " are being applied to issues of border securi ty, illega l migration , narcotics and human trafficki ng, and the counterin g of tran snational criminal activity genera lly, including terrori sm. These doctrine s also govern ou r approach to securin g and expediting lawfu l flow s of persons and goods across our common border. These doctrines are embodied in bilateral arrangements between DHS and its Mexican counterpar ts and in binational fora such as the 21 st Century Border Process , the Security Coordination Group, and the High-level Economic Dialogue. DHS Priorities for the Meeting: Continued No 1malizing of the Relationship ~ )(5) Nationa l Securitv FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DHS-17-0076-A-000006 FOR OFFI CIAL USE ON T.Y (b)(5) Econo mic Security Our econom ies are connected by more than just trade. In fact, our econom ies are connected by joint production platforms- with goods crossing the border multiple times before being sold in either Mexico or the United States. President Pefia Nieto may seek your commitment to ongoing DRS -Mex ico trade (such as trade cuITently coordinated with the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit). Issues that President Pena Nieto is Likely to Raise During the Meeting : Renegotiation of NAFTA Since President Trump took office, the Mex ican peso has greatly depreciated as a result of uncertainty about the future of trade with the United States under the Trump Administrat ion, especially given the new Administration's desire to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFT A). President Pefia Nieto may ask about your thoughts on No rth American Free Trade Agreement, which has been in effect since January 1, 1994, significan tly reducing the trade barriers between Canada, the United States, and Mexico and allowing for the increased goods and services between the three countries. Continuing its commitm ent to free trade , Mexico has shown a willingness to review NAFTA wh ile rejecting President Trump ' s demands that Mexico pay for a wall the United States plans to build along the border to stop illegal immigration. Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo and Secretary of Foreign Affai rs Luis Videgaray said the talks in Mex ico would be coordinated by the Secretariat of Economy and include the participation of the Mexican Senate. Executive Orders President Pefia Nieto may ask about the implementation of the recent Executive Orders, particularly Executive Order 13768, especially in light of recent ICE raids conduc ted throughout the country. 5 Staff recommendation: r~-)<-)------------------~ 2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONL Y DHS-17-0076-A-000007 FOR OFFI CIAL USE ON TY Participants: United States Government Secretary Kelly Secretary Tillerson Kirstjen N ielsen, Chief of Staff Roberta Jacobson, Amba ssador Fore ign Delegation Enri que Pena Nieto, Pre sident of the United Mexican States Luis Videgaray Caso, Foreign Affai rs Minister Miguel Osorio Chong, Secretary of Government Frank Guzman, Chief of Cabinet to the Presiden t Carlos Perez Verdia , Chief of Staff to the President Attachments: A. Joint Statement on U.S.-Mexico Relations (Source: The White House) B. Biography Staff Res onsible for Briefing Memo: 3 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DHS-17-0076-A-000008 From: Sent : To: Cc: Subject: 19 Apr 2017 20:36:32 +0000 Plcy Exec Sec Immigration Policy RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Att achments : WF 1138461 - Warren letter.docx, WF 1138461 - Warren enclosure.docx, WF 1139355 - Feinstein letter.docx, WF 1139355 - Feinstein Enclosure.docx, WF 1138511 - Grisham letter.docx, WF 1138511 - Grisham enclosure.docx PLCYES, The draft Warren, Feinstein, and Grisham letters/enclosures are attached and ready for component review. Please note they could use some work, so we anticipate a decent amount of edits. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. - Many thanks, To: Cc: Subject: RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Thanksllllllll Please hold off on the Warren letter for now. We'll send all three responses in at the same time, once the rest of the team has had a chance to weigh in and edit . On Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec , Ap ii 18, 2017 5:33 PM To: Cc: Subject : RE: [update - Compone nts' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 - gives it two thumbs up. Feel free to apply the Warren template response to Grisham and Feinstein letters. DHS-17-0076-A-000009 Cc Subject : RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Attached is a draft letter and enclosure in res onse to Sen. Warren's letter. Cb)(S) (b)(5) Eit er way, our un clearance. - Thanks, From: ~ Se . n Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec . Subject : RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 IMM PLCY: USCISjust came back with some adjustments to the Grisham letter. So NOW these docs are the final set of responses we've received © Please use these going forward; apologies for the back and forth. - Thank you! From Sent : Friday, April 14, 2017 9:33 AM To: Subject : RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 -- Sounds good. We'll get you drafts by COB 4/19 . Many thanks, DHS-17-0076-A-000010 From:On Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent: Thursda , A ril 13, 2017 3:55 PM To: Cc: Subject : [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Wa rren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 IMM PLCY, The attached represents Components' responses to our questions, and I think this is as complete of a first draft for responses as we can expect. Using the attached, can you please draft response letters to the incoming Feinstein, Grisham, and Warren letters by COB Wednesday, 4/19?1(b)(5) r xs) I We'll then formally circulate the draft response and draft enclosure for each letter to Components. From:~ n Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent: Frida A ril 7 2017 2:00 PM To: Cc: Subject: [update] PLCY drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinst ein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Execut ive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 113846 1 IMM PLCY: FYI, I've attached here the most recent input we've received from all Components so far, including CBP. I've asked USCISto address some quest ions in the Grisham and Feinstein letters , per CBPand OGC's recommendations, and I've also inquired with CBPto ask if the responses they uploaded are consolidated/reviewed within their own subcomponents. The only Component that it outstanding at this point on all three responses is PRIV. I hope this is useful to review as you prepare a template draft response. Thank you! DHS-17-0076-A-000011 n Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec ril 5, 2017 4:35 PM To Cc: Subject: RE: [MGMT input] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 IMM PLCY: For your consideration, I've attached all of the input we've received so far from Components on these three Congressional response draft enclosures. CBPand PRIVare still working on their responses. 1111 send an updated doc once we receive their input. Are you planning on drafting the template response and IMM PLCY'sinput to the questions (e.g. Questions 1-3 in the Warren letter) after receiving all input from Components? Thank you! Subject: [MGMT input] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein , and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Francis, IMM PLCY: Please find attached MGMT's input. From what I understand, we've received input/instruction from ICE, MGMT, and DOJ/EOIR.I'm going to follow up with OPE,OGC,and PRIVtoday to ask when they expect to respond. The current plan is for PLCYto draft a template response, then include an Enclosure with answers to specific questions using language supplied by other Components. Do you have an idea of when PLCYFO can expect to review a draft template before circulating for Components? DHS-17-0076-A-000012 Thank you! From:~ Sent : Thursda n Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec March 23 2017 11:50 AM Subject: FW: 87017 - RFI- Policy Drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 IMM PLCY, FYI - see attached for ICE's responses. Best, From: ICE Exec Sec Sent : Thursday, March 23, 2017 10:17 AM To Subject : RE:87017 - RFI- Policy Drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Good morning, Regarding~ cleared b- ove; ICErespectfully submits the attached document. This response has been CoS to the Deputy Director. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input. Sincerely, DHS-17-0076-A-000013 From Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 2:16 PM To: CBPTASKING;CBPEXECSEC; OPE_Tasking; OGC Exec Sec; ICE Exec Sec; PRIV Exec Sec; MGMTExecSec Cc: Plcy Exec Sec Subject: 87017 - RFI - Policy Drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 CBP, OPE, OGC, ICE, PRIV, MGMT: PLCY has been tasked with r espondi ng to various far-ranging inquiries from Members of Congress re: recent Executive Orders. We respectfully request your assistance in drafting responses to specific questions. Please review the attached Outline doc for questions assigned to your Component, and provide responsive language by noon on Thursday, March 16. If you've any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you! DHS-17-0076-A-000014 Page15of16 \Wlllleld pursuan'. to execsctIJn (C:(5) of :rte Freedcr,s of :nfor,,,a'.icn and Privacy Act DHS-17-0076-A-000015 Page 16 of 16 \Wlllleld pursuan'. to execsct1Jn (C:(5) of :rte Freedcr,s of :nfor,,,a'.icn and Privacy Act DHS-17-0076-A-000016 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20528 Homeland Security June 6, 2018 American Oversight Attn: Cerissa Cafasso 1030 15th Street NW, Suite B255 Washington, DC 20005 Re: 17-cv-01187 (2017-HQFO-00618) American Oversight v. DHS Interim Release Dear Ms. Cafasso: This is an interim response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), dated April 5, 2017. For this month's production DHS reviewed 2 documents consisting of 28 pages of which 2 pages are released in full; 12 pages are disclosed in part pursuant to FOIA exemptions 5 and 6; and 14 pages are withheld in full pursuant to FOIA exemption 5. The 28 pages for release are bates stamped DH to DHS-001-618-000001 to DHS-001-618-000028. Sincerely, Kevin L. Tyrrell Director FOIA Appeals and Litigation Enclosure A ff ICA PVERSIGHT FOR OFFI CIA L USE ONLY CBP RIDE ALONG - NOGALES LINE TOUR February 9, 2017 Overview : o You will be meeting with Acting Chief Fel ix Chavez and Ac ting Patrol Agent in Charge Kevin Hec ht. A full list of participants is below. o You will receive a border tour from the U.S. Border Patrol Tucson Sector and Nogales Station leadershi p . o The tour wi ll stait at the Noga les Interna tional airport via vehicles and continu e to the Port of Entry in Nogales , Arizona. o An on the groun d overview of tec hnolo gy, person nel, infrastructure and tactics will be presented . Discussion Points: o Express intent of Departm ent concerning supp ort for the US Border Patrol mi ssion. o Outline guidanc e concerning Exec uti ve Orders. Background: o This will be your first visit to U.S. Border Patro l Tuc son Sector , Noga les, Arizona Station. o Participant s in the tour may discuss rece nt Executive Orders . o The briefing will include information on: Challenges in hiring additional Border Patrol Agents, which is a high concern for the participants; CBP 's relationship history with the Tohono O'odham Nation , to includ e infrastructure and technolo gy deployments; An overview of Foreign Operations programs including individual programs that suppor t the operational mi ssion; and US Borde r Patrol Immi gra tion Checkpoint history and status. o o o o Participants: Secretary Kelly Kirstjen N ie lsen, Chief of Staff Ron Vitiello , Border Patrol Chief, CBP Gene Hami lton, Advisor to the Secretary Jenny Burk e, Pre ss Secretary, OP A Felix Chavez, Act ing Chief Patro l Agent, U.S. Border Patro l, Tucson Sector , CBP Tim York , Division Chief, U.S. Border Patrol, Tuc son Sec tor, CBP Kevin Hec ht, Actin g Patrol Age nt in Charge, U.S. Bord er Patrol , Nogales Station , CBP Attachments: A. U.S. Border Patrol Tu cson Sector Hiring Cha llenges B. Toho no O'odham Nation Bri efi ng Paper C. Integra ted Fixed Towers on the Tohono O'odham Nation D. ATP Overview: Arizona Border Survei llance Techno logy Pla n E. CB P Fore ign Operations Branch F. Bord er Patro l Checkpoint: Operations and Strategy in Tucson Sector G. Bio grap hies 5 Staff Responsible for Briefing Memo: Rona ld Bellavia , Division Chief, CBP, -rb_l<_l ____ /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT ~ 1 DHS-001-618-000001 FOR OFFICIA I I ISE ONLY Page 1 of 8 DHS-17-0076-B-000001 FOR OFFI CIAL USE ONL Y DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY - DEPARTMENT OF STATE PREP SESSION FOR MEXICO CITY February 22, 2017 Objective: You will meet with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to prepare for your trip to Mexico City. You r objective in this meeting will be to gain a shared comm itment from Secreta ry Tillerson to DHS priori ties which are to continue the normalization and rebalancing of US - Mexico relations on migration issues , working to prioriti ze the shared work on Special Interest Alien flows, crime, and violence, and finally to seek support from the Department of State on furt hering shared DHS and Mex ico econom ic priorities, pa1iicularly in the trade arena. Background on Trip Meetings: You will meet with the following key figures from the Government of Mexico to affirm the critical nature of the U.S .-Mex ico partner ship and express your commitme nt to cont inued bilateral partnership. o o o o o o President Enriq ue Pena Nie to Secretary of Fore ign Relations Luis Videgaray Caso Secretary of Government Miguel Angel Osorio Chong Secretary of Finance and Publi c Credit Jose Antonio Meade Kuribrefi.a Secretary of Nationa l Defen se General Salvado r Cienfuegos Zepeda Secretary of the Navy Admiral Vidal Francisco Sober6n Sanz /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT FOR OFFICIAL USE QNLY DHS-001-618-000002 Page 2 of 8 DHS-17-0076-B-000002 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY National Securitv (6)(5) Econo mic Security Our economie s are connected by trad e and joint production platforms - with goods crossing the border multi ple times before being sold in either Mex ico or the United States. Given the Trump administration's desire to renegotiate NAFTA, the Government of Mexico w ill seek our continued commitment to DRS -Mex ico trade, while showin g a wi llingness to review NAFTA. DR S-Mex ico economic security priorities include: o o o Con tinued succe ss and expan sion of vita l cargo pr e-inspection pilot progra ms; Further development of bilatera l and expans ion of trilateral tru sted traveler programs; and Sustained work on the manifest data harmonization process. Participants: U.S. Dep artment ofRomeland Security Secreta ry Kelly Kirstjen N ie lsen, Chief of Staff TBD U.S. Dep artment of State Secretary Tillerson TBD Attachments: None Staff Responsible for Briefing Memo:fbl(5) r b)(6) i ._ ____________ _. 2 /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT FOR OFFI CIA L USE ONLY DHS-001-618-000003 Page 3 of 8 DHS-17-0076-B-000003 FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY Joint Statement on U.S.-Mexico Relations The United States President Donald J. Trump and Mexican President Enrique Pefia Nieto spoke by phone this morning for an hour. The call was mutually arranged by their teams. The two had a productive and construc tive ca ll regarding the bilatera l relationship between the two countries, the current trade deficit the United States has with Mexico , the impor1ance of the friendship between the two nations, and the need for the two nations to wo rk together to stop drug cartels, drug trafficking and illegal guns and arms sales. W ith respect to payment for the border wa ll, both presidents recogn ize their clear and very public differences of positions on this issue but have agreed to wo rk these differences out as part of a comprehensive discussion on all aspects of the bilateral relationship. Both pres idents have instructed their teams to cont inue the dialogue to strengthen this important strategic and economic relationship in a constructive way. El Presidente de la Republica, Enrique Pefia Nieto, y el Presidente de los Estados Unidos , Donald J. Tru mp , sostuvieron una llamada telefonica de una hora , hoy por la mafiana. La Hamada fue acorda da por sus equipo s de trabajo. Los Presidentes tuvieron una conversaci6n cons truct iva y productiva en tomo a la relaci6n bilateral entre ambos paises, incluyendo e l tema del deficit comercial de Estados Un idos de America con Mex ico, la importancia de la amistad ent re nuestras naciones, y la necesidad de que nuestros paises trabajen j untos para detener el trafico de drogas y el flujo ilegal de armas. Con respecto al pago del muro fronterizo, ambos Presidentes reconocieron sus clams y muy publicas diferencias de posici6n en este tema tan sensib le, y acordaron resolver estas diferencias como parte de una discusi6n integral de todos los aspectos de la relaci6n bilateral. Los Presidentes tambien convini ero n po r ahora ya no hablar pub licamente de este controvers ial tema. Ambo s Pres idente s han instru ido a sus equipos a cont inuar el dialogo para forta lecer esta importante relaci6n estrateg ica y econ6rnica de manera construc tiva . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT FOR OFFICAL USE ONLY DHS-001-618-000004 Page 4 of 8 DHS-17-0076-B-000004 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Enrique Pena Nieto President of the United Mexican States President Pefia Nieto was elected to office on December 1, 2012, for a sing le six year term until 2018 . A member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), he is the nephew of two former governors of the State of Mexico: Arturo Montiel Rojas (on his mother's side) and Alfredo del Mazo Gon zalez (on his father's side). Unde r the guid ance of his uncle , Arturo Montiel Rojas, he forma lly started his political career and became the Secretary of the Citizen Movement of Zone I of the State Directive Committee of the National Confederation of Popular Organi zations (CNOP), one of the three sectors of the PRI. He was a delegate to the Organi zation and Citi zen Front in different municipalities of the State of Mexico , the Chief of Staff for the Secretary of Economic Development for the State of Mexico, and the personal secretary of Montiel Rojas, who was the Secretary of Economic Development in the State of Mexico. From 1999-2000 , Pefia N ieto served as the Undersecretaiy of Government and as the financial sub-coordinator of Montiel Roja' s political campaign. In 2001 , Pefia Nieto became the Undersecretary of Interior in the State of Mexico. Two years later, he was elected Deputy of the XIII Local District with a seat in Atlacomulco, State of Mexico. He went on to serve as the Governor of the State of Mexico from 2005 to 2011. President Pefia Nieto holds a B.A. in Law from Mexic o's Panamerican University (UPUniversidad Paname ricana) and an M.A. in Business Administration (MBA) from the Mexico 's Autonomous Institute of Technology (ITAM - Instituto Tecnol6gico Aut6nomo de Mexico) . /\MERICAi\ pVERSIGHT FOR DHS-001-618-000005 Page 5 of 8 LY DHS-17-0076-B-000005 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY MEETING WITH MEXICAN PRESIDENT ENRIQUE PENA NIETO (n-ree-kuh peh-nhah nee-eh-toh) February 23, 2017 Objective: The objective of your meeting with Mexican President Enrique Pefia Nieto at Los Pinos will be to affirm the critical nature of the U.S.-Mex ico partner ship, to discuss the Administration's stance on Mexican immigration. Specific DHS priorities to be discussed includ e the interconnected nature of U.S. and Mexican national security interests and the importance of trade to both our countries. This is your first time meeting with President Pefia Nieto as Secretary of Homeland Security. Background on President Pena Nieto: President Pefia Nieto took office on Decemb er 1, 2012, for a single six year term. Your predecessor, former Secretary Jeh Johnson, last met with President Pefia N ieto on October 11, 2016. Background on Relationship with Mexico: Over the last decade, the United States and Mexico have forged an historic engagement to tackle jo intly problems that once divided us. The doctrines of "co -respon sibility" and "joint border management" are being applied to issues of border securi ty, illegal migration , narcotics and human trafficking, and the countering of tran snational criminal activity generally, including terrori sm. These doctrine s also govern our approach to securing and expediting lawful flow s of persons and goods across our common border. These doctrines are embodie d in bilateral arrangements between DHS and its Mexican counterparts and in binational fora such as the 21 st Century Border Process, the Security Coordination Group, and the High-level Economic Dialogu e. DHS Priorities for the Meeting: Continued No rmalizing of the Relation ship i'.b)(S) National Securitv /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DHS-001-618-000006 Page 6 of 8 DHS-17-0076-B-000006 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONT Y (6)(5) Econom ic Secur ity Our economies are connected by more than just trade . In fact, our econom ies are connected by joint production platforms-with goods crossing the border multiple times before being sold in either Mexico or the United States. President Pefia Nieto may seek your comm itment to ongoing DRS-Mexico trade (such as trade cuITently coord inated with the Secretariat of Finance and Public Cred it). Issues that President Pena Niet o is Likely to Raise During the Meeting: Renegotiation of NAFTA Since Pres ident Trump took office, the Mexican peso has great ly depreciated as a result of uncertainty about the future of trade with the United States under the Trump Administration , especially given the new Administration's desire to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFT A). President Pena Nieto may ask about your thoughts on North Amer ican Free Trade Agreement, which has been in effect since January l, 1994, significant ly reducing the trade barriers between Canada , the United States, and Mexico and allowing for the increased goods and services between the three countries. Cont inuing its commitment to free trade , Mexico has shown a willingness to review NAFTA while rejecting President Trump ' s demands that Mexico pay for a wall the United States plans to build along the border to stop illegal immigration. Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guaja rdo and Secretary of Foreign Affairs Luis Videgaray said the talks in Mexico would be coordinated by the Secretar iat of Economy and include the part icipat ion of the Mex ican Senate . Executive Orders President Pefia Nieto may ask about the impleme ntation of the recent Execut ive Orders , partic ularly Execut ive Order 13768, especia lly in light ofrecent ICE raids conducted throughout the country. 5 Staff recommendation:r~)c-)------------------~ 2 /\MEf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DHS-001-618-000007 Page 7 of 8 DHS-17-0076-B-000007 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONT,Y Participants: United States Government Secretary Kelly Secretary Tillerson Kirstjen Nielsen , Chief of Staff Roberta Jacobson, Ambassador Foreign Delegation Enrique Pena Nieto, President of the United Mexican States Luis Videgaray Caso, Foreign Affairs Minister Miguel Osorio Chong, Secretary of Government Frank Guzman , Chief of Cabinet to the President Carlos Pere z Verdia , Chief of Staff to the President Attachments: A. Joint Statement on U.S.-Mexico Relations (Source: The White House) B. Biography 5 Staff Res onsible for Briefing Memo:fbl<> (b)(6) ~-----------------~ 3 /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DHS-001-618-000008 Page 8 of 8 DHS-17-0076-B-000008 Kb)(6) l From: Sent : To: 19 Apr 2017 20:36:32 +0000 Plcy Exec Sec Cc: Immigration Policy Subject: RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Att achments : WF 1138461 - Warren letter.docx, WF 1138461 - Warren enclosure .docx, WF 1139355 - Feinstein letter .docx, WF 1139355 - Feinstein Enclosure.docx, WF 1138511 - Grisham letter.docx, WF 1138511 - Grisham enclosure .docx PLCYES, The draft Warren, Feinstein, and Grisham letters/enclosures are attached and ready for component review. Please note they could use some work, so we anticipate a decent amount of edits. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Many thanks, I l(b)(6) Fromf b)(B) I Sent : Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:50 AM To: f b)(6) Cc: I L..------------------------' Subject: RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinste in, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Thank~ Please hold off on the Warren letter for now. We'll send all three responses in at the same time, once the rest of the team has had a chance to weigh in and edit. From fb )(B) Ion Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:33 PM To : (b)(6) Cc: ~----------------------------------~ Subject: RE: [update - Compone nts' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 l(b)(6) f b)(B) Igives it two thumbs up. Feel free to apply the Warren template response to Grisham and Feinstein letters. l(b)(6) From : .... fb_)<6 _>___ _, Sent : Tuesday, Apri l 18, 2017 1:28 PM To : f b)(6) /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000009 Page 1 of 20 DHS-17-0076-B-000009 Subject: RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCY drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 (taxis) Attached is a draft letter and enclosure in response to Sen. Warren?s letter. CW5) Either way, our understanding is that everything would still go through another round of component clearance. Thanks, From: I Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent: Fridav. April 14. 201? 9:50 AM Cc: Subject: RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCY drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 PLCY: USCIS just came back with some adjustments to the Grisham letter. So NOW these docs are the final set of responses we?ve received Please use these going forward; apologies for the back and forth. Thank you! Sent: Friday, April 14, 2017 9:33 AM To: Subject: RE: [update - Components' responses received] PLCY drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 Hoke: Sounds good. We'll get you drafts by COB 4119. Many tha ks, (W5) DHS-OO1-618-000010 Page 2 of 20 Ion From:fbl(5) Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent : Thursda y, Apri l 13, 2017 3:55 PM Tor l(6) Cc:_ b)(6) Subject : [update - Components' responses received] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Wa rren , Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 IMM PLCY, The attached represents Components' responses to our questions, and I think this is as complete of a first draft for responses as we can expect. Using the attached, can you please draft response letters to the incoming Feinstein, Grisham, and Warren letters by COB Wednesday, 4/19? 1(b)(S) r )(S) 1 We'll then formally circulate the draft response and draft enclosure for each letter to Components. From: ICb)(6) pn Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent : Friday, April 7, 2017 2:00 PM To: ~b)(6) I ____________________ Cc: .__ __. Subject: [update] PLCY drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinst ein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511 , 113846 1 IMM PLCY: FYI, I've attached here the most recent input we've received from all Components so far, including CBP. I've asked USCISto address some questions in the Grisham and Feinstein letters , per CBPand OGC's recommendations, and I've also inquired with CBPto ask if the responses they uploaded are consolidated/reviewed within their own subcomponents. The only Component that it outstanding at this point on all three responses is PRIV. I hope this is useful to review as you prepare a template draft response. Thank you! /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000011 Page 3 of 20 DHS-17-0076-B-000011 5 From:rb)( ) Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent : Wednesday, April 5, 2017 4 :35 PM Tof b)(6) In Cc:I,...._ ____________________ __, Subject : RE: [MGMT input] PLCYdrafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511 , 1138461 IMM PLCY: For your consideration, I've attached all of the input we've received so far from Components on these three Congressional response draft enclosures. CBPand PRIVare still working on their responses. I'll send an updated doc once we receive their input. Are you planning on drafting the template response and IMM PLCY'sinput to the questions (e.g. Questions 1-3 in the Warren letter) after receiving all input from Components? Thank you! b)(6) From: l(b)(6) pn Behalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent : Tuesday, March 28, 20 17 3:23 PM To:l (b)(6) Cc: f b)(6) Subject: [MG MT inp ut] PLCY drafts to Sen. War ren, Sen. Feinstein , and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355 , 1138511 , 113846 1 Francis, IMM PLCY: Please find attached MGMT's input. From what I understand, we've received input/instruction from ICE, MGMT, and DOJ/EOIR.I'm going to follow up with OPE,OGC,and PRIVtoday to ask when they expect to respond. The current plan is for PLCYto draft a template response, then include an Enclosure with answers to specific questions using language supplied by other Components. Do you have an idea of when PLCYFO can expect to review a draft template before circulating for Components? /\MERll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000012 Page 4 of 20 DHS-17-0076-B-000012 Thank you! r b)(6) From:fb ...._)<5_>__ Sent : Thursda ___,pnBehalf Of Plcy Exec Sec March 23 2017 11:50 AM To (b)(6) Subject: FW: 87017 - RFI - Policy Drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein , and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 ~ L__J IMM PLCY, FYI - see attached for ICE's responses. Best, (b)(6) From: ICE Exec Sec Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 10:17 AM To _____________________________ b)(6) _, Cc: Subject: RE: 87017 - RFI - Policy Drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355 , 1138511, 1138461 ._ Good morning, Regarding the sub.ect above; ICE respectfully submits the attached document. This response has been cleared b b)(6 ) Cos to the Deputy Director. Thank you for the opportunity to provide input. Sincerely, b)(6) /\ME I\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000013 Page 5 of 20 DHS-17-0076-B-000013 Fromfb lC5l hBehalf Of Plcy Exec Sec Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 2:16 PM To : CBPTASKING;CBPEXECSEC;OPE_Tasking; OGC Exec Sec; ICE Exec Sec; PRIV Exec Sec; ,,..,....-----, MGMTExecSec ,.,,..,..., 6 Cc: Plcy Exec Sec...,,l (b,..,, )(=l --=-,.,---=Subject: 87017 - RFI - Policy Drafts to Sen. Warren, Sen. Feinstein, and Rep. Grisham Regarding Recent Executive Orders - WF 1139355, 1138511, 1138461 CBP, OPE, OGC, ICE, PRIV, MGMT: PLCY has been tasked with responding to various far-ranging inquiries from Members of Congress re: recent Executive Orders. We respectfully request your assistance in drafting responses to specific questions. Please review the attached Outline doc for questions assigned to your Component, and provide responsive language by noon on Thursday, March 16. If you've any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you! ~b)(6) /\MEf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000014 Page 6 of 20 DHS-17-0076-B-000014 Page 07 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000015 DHS-17-0076-B-000015 Page 08 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000016 DHS-17-0076-B-000016 Page 0 9 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000017 DHS-17-0076-B-000017 Page 10 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000018 DHS-17-0076-B-000018 Page 11 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000019 DHS-17-0076-B-000019 Page 12 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000020 DHS-17-0076-B-000020 Page 13 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000021 DHS-17-0076-B-000021 Page 14 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000022 DHS-17-0076-B-000022 Page 15 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000023 DHS-17-0076-B-000023 Page 16 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000024 DHS-17-0076-B-000024 Page 17 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000025 DHS-17-0076-B-000025 Page 18 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000026 DHS-17-0076-B-000026 Page 19 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000027 DHS-17-0076-B-000027 Page 20 of 20 Withheld pursuant to exemption (b)(5) of the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act /\Mlf ll Al\ pVERSIGHT DHS-001-618-000028 DHS-17-0076-B-000028