1 mm. aw )gucursmmu MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF LICENSING AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS 5A, CORPORATIONS. SECURITIES COMMERCIAL LICENSING BUREAU Dale Renew-d (FOR BUREAU ONLY) mm FILED 1m don-ml .5 mama-um and>>; can mm. no days ale! mind 2018 CORPORATIONS DMSION Hume Kan") 6:494 "gym. one CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE OF REGISTERED OFFICE CHANGE OF RESIDENT AGENT For nu by Dominic um Fania" corner-qu Ind lelud uamlny Companiu (Please read mlormalmn and mstrucuurls on me last page) Pursuant to ma Dim/won: am: 234. mm Ads <<1972mm <<52 m: av 1952(mnpmifl mummy-uni! o: 21 pm: Acts 1993 1mm hame mum's). me unoasqm <> am. m. nus Iurummuu" mu: now on ms nu: nEcmm . . kafl'y Gram" a (Sweet Andrus} (CM) (1w can!) a nlrrEREm mum. ML 5 Abov" ga a Mum-n.-- 'sm We! Po am (cm (up one) 5 n. ahave amines we :uIaned by .mum mm mm I conomnoNs sou-um Bureau's mm mm nun my me adamant: new we: Isa-am mm as" mums alumnus mm mm a..me 2 uonaom can mums 0va anIyHnoho-m mm" 3 Lumen maluw wry-[mu mm vol . mm memu Damn"me mans. olmomamma um .smnm a Wuhan 04 MM mm mummy mm mm am In: mm:- nl momma emu mum at :3 mm awn mum, mum summ- 60 comm mva cum \(mva Radon 02