From Jusnne Whrle lesla cum) Da December 21. 2016 al 1.17-30 PM PST am Tzller-fl lesla conr> Subject: Fwd: Connecting Two People Who Care Hl Sanr. I'm really glad Ezlh pul us ln conracr. would really apprecrare any suppon you can provlde. If you lraye ume would loye ro clrar and lrearyourrnpul. l-lere rs a shun summary orrlre rssue ar Tesla ara currenlly [non-lg. was recruuecl ro Tesla oyer drree ago rrora ABC News. was ABC News salery adyrsor {or global and domesuc operauons, rn places lrlre Kabul, Fulruslunaa durlng llre s, Monroyra durlng llre Ebola and rn Ferguson durlng llae nols, know wlrar can keep a person up al salery. musr rell you rlrar can'l sleep bere alTesla. As llre Salery Lead [or General and End of l_rne have dzveloped serrous concerns abour llae salery hazards In llae areal rarsed my concerns lbese salely rssues ro EHSS leaders as rs my rssues baye nor been addressed nor adequalely comnrunrcared lo employees. ln lac-l. was rold only |u spealr aboul any rssues yrews have ro only my managersTlus was a lruge red flag, moyed |u Calrrorma rrora NY, because belreye rn Elon and lus ron ror suslarnable :llergy consumpuon - well as planerary uplomuoll. loye wlrar Tesla srands [or and rarse drese concerns a effort ro prolecl and help mak: besl can be, would loye ro rallr more rr you are rnleresled, Many llranks and happy lrolrclays Jusune Whrle. CIH, CHMM, CPH TESLA EHSS LearH'reneraI Assembly IEOL 4 00 FremonlEIrd Fremonl CA9 6 C:ll._