a to v: Iv be WWI-40 1+ 14-14 00 \1 N. C. NN .W.. mt. NO. JEFEERSON CIRCUIT COURT DIVISION ELEVEN (ll) JUDGE BRIAN EDWARDS BROTHERS CONTRACTING, INC. PLAINTIFFS I . ?v A FOR UNITED STATES 5 JOHNSON HEART OF FIRE MINISTRIES, INC. ET DEFENDANTS :5 3 DEPONENT: DANNY JOHNSON DATE: MAY 26, 2015 COURT REPORTER 197616 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 40259 (502) 802~6544 - _10 ?that it was structured where it couid be turned into a A 'At that time 4? 1'11 just read the part that you have looked iike highiighted. take" 1et's see, iet me get this. take our church property and Teave us homeiess because we can?t make our payments unless you heip me save Heart_ of Fire Church. The church owes 1.5 to HUD. Piease; we ask for mercy. Forgive this debt. Save our church. we have invested over 2 in our own .finance and 1abor. .On 9/10/08 I spoke with former Giinton at a-Sthoiarship_banquet in New York where i opened in prayen. President Ciintdn said' -grant." what couid be turned into a grant? A This ioan c0u1d be turned into a grant. A S6 when you wrote to the President of the United-States, did you teii the trUth?,- A Yes, toid the truth.- You say the church owes 1.5 doiiars to was that the truth?_ That is the truth. And the truth today? Yes,_that is the truth. 'And you asked for the president to 34 E'why are you paying on the~1oan? A . Because we get a every month. If it Was.going to be a grant, why wouid you make any payments?- - A. ?Beoause?as it stands, Stook Yards sends us a every month? We've never when we started ?this program, and the 1ady?s name'whith I mentioned betOre was Anita Towns, she worked For HUD. The guy -that we ended up'tinishing with is Thanh Young, and Thann Young aiso toid me that theigovernment?s not in the business of owning churches, Bishop. -This church? be paid tor and be paid off; So-how come-you don't mention that in this 1etter to the President oF-the United States? JuSt did not. . g' We11,-the 1ast page in the exhibit is a ietter that you wrote to President Barack Obama; is that right? A That is correct. So you Wrote that 1etter as weii? A - I didJ_ . So at the bottom'ot the page again you say the-churchIOWes l;5 doiiars to HUD. _Was I that the truth? . A Thatis the truth. 36 'How did_you kn0w that you owed 1L5 doi1ars to A -We11,?my understanding is from the bank, ?that-they got rid of our ioan, whatever that means, I'm ?not a banker, but that they got rid of our ioan and that our church is now owned by the governmentt?That's 'what the bank toid us. So that's why the Tetter reads that way. .i when you Say you're making payments every month, are you making payments to the government?- A .Making them straight to Stock Yards. That's for a separate 1oan that involves? . your house as coiiateraig'right? A 'No, sir. That ioan is on the church. But invoives your house as co11atera1? A Yes, it does, which_trom what I understand they were not supposed to do at aT1 but they . did. It broke the contract.. Thann Young toid me? ABroke what contract? A That the HUD ioan grant guarantee, ioan guarantee, that the big thick, thick contract that we had Says that a11 of those monieS are supposed to be in? that rebuild of the church, and it's supposed to stand for itseit. "And it cannot have side coiiatera1 'invoived.~ It breaks the contraCt. That's what I 37 H- H. 14. it was extended. what was extended? The time For payment? -A . The time payment, yes. So because of the fire in the chimney, you asked for an extension in the payment tErms? didn?t rea11y 4? I don't think I rea11y ever asked that, and I don?t think that?11 be in any of the documents either. -That Was just something that-HUD.did, know it may b1ow your.mind,_ but'theyi aCtua11y were rea11y good.? They were gracefu1 to us 'dUring that time They rea-11y; he1ped. So I don know if it Was I don' think there was ever rea11y that moment of me asking-them to extend or whatever. They just did it. ]50 did you wonder why you sti11 had 'payments that were going to be owed? A You know, there's a coup1e things that happened, and-the one is that Thann Young's statement ?_to me abdut what happened with Stock Yards Bank; But a1so I received a ca11-, and I be1ieve with a11 my heart? I was ta1king to the chairman, whoever it was, at the Federa1 Reserve, But I know he asked For Our information for stock Yards Bank. He asked me for oun accohnt number, and_he said, "We're paying off your . 82. U?l X'church right nowa"- - The Federai Reserve-said that? A. -That was I think Bernanke. He took the number, the account number which I didn?t have Hm yOu know, I cou1dn't just rattie off my acCount number. So I was on the?highwayu We actualiy had a bingo night ?that night. Puiied over on the side of the road and had to fumb1e through the giove box to Find an account record, and in moments it was paid off. .Then I received a phone ca11 1ess than w? I immediate1y caiied my wife and ca11ed my mom and dad, and the next thing I get Was a ca11 from Stock ?Yards Bank Saying that the note had been paid off.. So when did you get this ca11'from Ben Bennanke? A I'm sore there's a record of that one becauSe the bank wouid have the date it got paid off; I can tind'that out. I don?t know that right off, So kanow.it happened. We11, can you give me a year? A it wouid have been after the 1etter that I_wrote 1et?s go back to mm I mean, if you can remember that, you're better at that obviousiy than.I am, 100k it up.- which-Tetter are you referring to? 83 19 1v I4 re IA 3+ 1?1 14.14 ?t H- c.5a =m A l4 U1 mr'w 0: u: a. that right? A Yes, that's correct. And so the funding that you were seeking For the 1?5 doiiars was to add the iarge' structure behind what Tooks'iike-a house there, is that right? A Yes, to the iett of that, yes. - 7T0 the Weft?? A In other words, this right here is the church_property, and this right here is the church 1ike community center right here; i -So just becauSe I can see what you're pointing to but the record iater won?t be abie.to, couid you draw an arrow and just 1abe1 those items? A Yes. Thank?you. A Okay. Do you want me to give you this copy? ~We11, you'ye got the exhibit. So yeah" Oh, this is yours. And you want me to do this right here? .iQ Yes, sir, that wouid be helpfui. And' youive written on here, what does that say?i A Pope's House. -It?s a community center. so what part of that strUCture was 110?