Heart of Pire Ministries 5101' 33mm {Read Batmuii?e my 4029:! (502) 499.2313 umwheartof?recom rm.? President George. W. Bush The White House 0 1600 Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20500 - September 15, 2008 Dear Mr. President, God has used you and your father to save our country, to help our world in a way no other family has in the History of the United States of America. We are blessed. There is an urgent'needl must share with you, only you can help so here is some history: During the Bush/ Dukakis race for President our church sponsored an event fesus in Theatre Square? in Louisville, KY. Dukakis requested to speak? at the large outdo or event. The worlds eye?s and ears heard me deny his request and denounce the beliefs of Governor Mike Dukakis. He was for taking Prayer and the Ten Commandments out of school, as well as the desecration of the American ?ag. CNN nerve and several national and international magazines covered the story. Not allowing him to speak on our pla?Orm stayed in the media fer weeks and helped burn the tide of the opinion for what God had in mind. I recently saw Dukakis on National T.V. he said? I was most responsible for the Bush mess?, referring to his loss to your father. We know that God put the right man in of?ce. Again, during the Rodney King riots our church ministry was working in Los Angeles, California. Already established with area churches we went into six inner city parks, Compton, and Watts. President .W. Bush called us his ??'pecral Peace KeepmgF 01 ce as we Iheld outdoor prayer Vigils, music events and revivals across Southern California. On abatDay 9/11/01 at the New Yorker Hotel 111 Manhattan, I was preparing for a conference The International, Inter-Religious Prayer Event for W01 ld Peace linked ministers together ?om all over the world. The event was scheduled on September 22, 2001 at Madison Square Gardens. Suddenly, we were at war by a Terrorist: attack on our country. I ran straight to the towers at the World Trade Center to help. That night I opened the morgue. I was asked by NYPD Deputy Chief Surgeon Charles Martinez to open the morgue. 1n charge I set up the morgue in the Brooks Brothers clothing store leceiving the ?rst of those killed In the attack. I could go on but will refrain. However, I must thank God and You for keeping us safe now and in the years following 9/11. I recently wrote you concerning a ?re that destroyed all of Heart of Fire Church, Child Care, and Christian Academy. This ?re was determined by the ATP, to be an arson?a hate crime against our church. It was a devastating loss to my family, our congregation, and community We obtained a HUD guaranteed loan 1?01 ?Burned Places of Worship? an act signed by former President Bill Clinton. Now after eight years of rebuilding, The US Government Department of HUD will take our church property and leave us homeless because we can?t make our payment.- . Unless, you help me save Heart of Fire City Church. The Church owes $1.5 Million to. HUD. Please . I ask for Mercy, forgive this debt and Save our?Church. We have invested over 2 million in our own ?nances and labor. On 9/10/08 I spoke with former President Bill Clinton at a Scholarship Banquet in New York where I opened in Prayer. President Clinton said that it was structured were it could be turned into a Grant We entered into a signed agreement with the Bank and HUD for 1.5 million in July 2006. We haVe . . worked with Thane Young, of HUD. During this time, Mr Young was aware of consistent delays and obstructions from the Bank. Two separate closings, and delayed beyond their agreement with HUD. SYB-SUBP-002809 {1 ?I?age2 We'incurred additional cost from the beginning, by the bank in an effort to disprove the validity of the HUD Guaranteed loan program. Delaying the construction caused additional costs for Winter operations. Contributing to the over expenditure of the Budget. More of?ce personal and supplies paid for through the church general fund. Loss of use of Church Chapel for rentals, and fundraisers, during the winter Construction, i.e. -Mud etc. Stock Yards Bank, (SYB) required us to build according to Commercial Loan standards, further driving costs up. The Church upgraded the Original Church Chapel by excavation, making it: a two storey building Additional landscaping improved property, by ?lling in old rock quarry. Heart of Fire made payments to the former owner on time for two years prior to the reii from Our Church made Payments to SYB for over a year through out construction SYB promised a line of credit for Start up capital using equity in property, prior to addition. This has never happened. My wife and I?nanced the additional work. required from the city. Installing a commercial sprinkler system, an additional ?re hydrant and access road, supplying the church and its neighbors. We also ?nanced capital required for the needs of new building and relocated Weekly Charitable Gaming in another facility. _When we received the HUD guaranteed loan, our desire was to add onto one of the two existing buildings. To accommodate our community. Previous to construetion we were able to lease facility, making income and holding fundraisers. The church has paid out: of general fund enormous legal fees, permits fees, contractor fees in excess of $100,000. . It was never our intention to go this long with out paying the church loan. I Every obstacle put before us has been met and the ?nancial obligations; I don?t know of many business or churches that have survived through a total and complete loss due to ?re. Heart of Fire has. It is inconceivable that a business could survive without half of its facility for over two years. Heart of Fire has. With income limited due to Construction inconveniences, and additional overhead expenses. Heart of Fire has. We have haven? tallovved that to stop us. I am including a copy of payments made to SYB since the start of this project. I am asking for this loan to be turned into a Grant. Heart of Fire has a longstanding history of Community and Inner city work. Heart of Fire reaches out to youth, gangs, unwed mothers, families in crisis, substance abusers, promoting unity in the community, work. release programs and nansition of former prisoners. My wife and I have worked full time for 30 years in the inner cities of U. S. and abroad. From the riots in LA, Worst crime areas of Miami, Elliot Park in Louisville, many other cities throughout the U.S. and 9?11?01 WTC as a ?rst responder. Our family of has lived on a minimtun income and personally financed most of ministry work. If we don?t receive help, we will. loose our family home, and church facilities. . I continue to have health problems related to the WTC Disaster. I have over come Cancer twice due to 911 Ground Zero WTC exposures. Since 9/11/01the sickness I endure has. come with great co st to my family and church Your help with this urgent: need 13 appreciated. A fellow Patriot' 111 His service, God Bless, Bishop Dan Johnson Heart ofF ire City Church eve-suaP-oozsm