Filing 61753663 E?Filed 09/20/2017 10:54:07 AM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE GF FLORIDA Plaintiff. vs. Case No. 4319800F000430A Judge: Lawrence M. Mirman Brooks John Bailey Defendant. NOTICE OF FILING: DOCUMENTARY EXHIBITS FQR SENTENCING COMES NOW the Defendant, BROOKS BELLAY, by and through undersigned counsel, offers the foliowing information: 1. Assessment by Dr. Gregory DeClue, with attachment of Brief for the American Association, American Association. National Association of Social Workers, and Mental Health America as Amici Curiae Supporting Petitioners in Graham v. Florida, 130 2011 (2010) Curriculum Vita. Dr. Gregory DeClue List and copies of Brooks Bailey's certi?cates and achievements during his period of incarceration in Florida Department of Corrections 4. Department of Corrections Summary of Brooks Bailey's program participation and achievements Letter to the court from Mr. Denny Passman Letter to the court from Mr. John Kelly Letter to the court from inspector Dachenhausen, Moore Haven Correctional Facility we se 80000430CFAXMX 09/20/2017 10:54:07 AM i certify that the foregoing document has been furnished to Ryan Butter Assistant State Attorney, 100 Southeast Ocean Boulevard Suite 400, Stuart Florida 34995! SA?lQeSewice@sao19 org by Matt/Hand Delivery/Electronic Service on September 20% 201?? I'tl? Respectfully submitted, DIAMOND R. LITTY PUBLIC DEFENDER Electronically Filed BY: Isl Usha Maharaih Usha Maharajh . Assistant Public Defender Flarida Bar Number 013364? Usha.Maharajh@PD19.DRG 100 SE OceanBouievard Suite 300 - -.- Stuart Flnrida 34994 (W2) 288-5581 Gregory DECiue, .7 . ma?ca?saard 9? 9 ?05?93" Phene (9541} {95146624 Fierida Peychelagy Litenee NuITIber Fax (338) 222-4596 httpi?gregdecme;myekk313ehmm- gregdeelue?me .cem Re: State of Fioride Breaks John Belley Cese Number 431980CFIJQG4SQA The Un?e? States Is heme Ie' 5 percent ef Ihe wedd?s but 25 percent of Ihe world?s p?senere. Think sheet that. Qufineercemhbn' rate 'Ie few IImes hIQher than China?s. We keep mere peepie behind hers II:en"Ihe .Iep 35 Eerepeen mummies cembIned. Aed It hasn?t always been the case, this huge . expfeeIle-n In iincerceretfen rates. In 1980, there were 500 ?506 peopie behind here In Ame?gce'? - ?Tadey; there We 2 2 It has qeedmplee since 1980. Der prism hes deemed In the fee! decades -- F?reeiderit Bareck 14 22251 MevInQ -ferwem',- we must mntinue Ia come ?ver dIVIde munsei Iemes and parties" ta ensure Ihef'AmerIee has 53 eyetem was worthy 0f Its highest Ideais To make sce?rIam the! these who {Jay their delete IQ 5031?er have fair eppen?enIItIeIe Ia became pmduceve few-ebIdmg GenereI' Eric HGIder August It,- 20142 - . . We reqefrfe sentenced {a take Feta acmuni haw chIIdren are e'I??erenI; end how these- mange; against Ie'emceny mam re a pneen Alabama 5132. GIL- 2455 (2912)] . . . . ?What 5 did We terrible It Was a tragedy. I not the same? pereen I was When I was a" kid Net all kids are unsaveble We can Change My remrd Speaks fer - iteeIf I haven had he gramme In 900 sinte 1993 Mane at an Ne no (305. Broeke Belley, August 201A, Amer demmreeynew m??i?f??etmm IbedIeIIQwe Why me We Reefs IMAM Iuetce: defenwleefyere' 5'?th Exhibit 1 0F ASSESSMENT Name Breaks-Bella}! Date (If Birth: Data at "Assessment Bilii?l? . Bate ef Remit; IDENTIFYING EHFORMATIQN AND REASGN FUR REFERRAL Breaks Bailey :5 a Ezgyear-ald male wha was convicted at Semnd Degree Murder The date at the offense was August 20 1979. At the time at the a?ens?e Breaks was 14 years old This was requested by Mr Baileys atierney, Assistant Public Defender Usha Maharajh METHOD PeysheleQIeaI lrIterview - Review at available records mas Raperv Simmans, 543 551 (2005). Graham Fiarida 560 U. S. 48 (2010) Alabama 132? Ct 2455 {2012) EREATER WLNERAETLITY AND CHANGEABELETY Research In develapmental and neuroseienee documents juveniles greater immaturity Avulnerebility: ?and ahangaabil?y This is generaily accepted by peychale. gee and is based an paerare'riewed seiehtlfir: medias: The resiearah is dchmerIited in the _Amieus Brief for the American Assaeiatia? Natienal Associa?anaf Serial WerkeIs and Mental Health America in the case at Graham Fierida Thai ArnieIJs: Brief Is Included as an apparidix to this ream, A brief summary at the research is presented here - . . . . . . Juveniles, as a: graup, differ frem'adulta in salient ways. Juveniles:- ineiedingeiaer ade- leecenis, are less able ta restrain their impulses and less upabia than adults at censidering alternative mursesi at actian and maturely weighing rial-Is and rewards; and less oriented in me future and thus less aapeble af apprehending the sen? sequences of their siren-impulsive actians Jufveniles are less capable than adults {3f _eIIereieirIg mature judgment, and mare likely to engage in risky eireII' criminal: behaiaer as a result at that immaturity. Neuroscience research is consistent with mesa recognized develapmefntal characteris- tics at adalescents Adelesceni brains are not yet fully deaeleped In regime retaied- ta higher?Order executive functions each as; impelse anneal:- pienning ahefafd and risk evaluatien This anatomical immaturity is mneistent with juveniles" demonstrated soei'Et end emetienel immaturity SIGNIFECAHCE 0F GREATER ARD CHARGEABELIW In Rene-r v.8.immone, the US. Supreme Cnurt (reminded that developmental-differ- between juveniles'tinelutding 15-. end 1??yeer-eid adolescents} and admits; both diminish juveniles fer their criminal acts and enhance their prespeete 0i enange and referm - . . . . . . in Repeat" tr. Simmens the Ceert netted. Is dif?cult fer etrpErt te differEn~ tieta between the juvenile a?ender whe?ee crime refl-efcte unfortunate yet transient immet?rity, and the rare juvenile e?ender whose Crime reflects; irr'eperabie eorruptten in Grehern Ir Fienda tite Ceturt recognized ?Maturity cert iefed tn that mnsideree re?Ec? tien which Is the fettndetlen for rerr'teree, renewai, and rehebtiltetlen - in 13.; Alabama the (inert hated;- i?Reper end Germ eetebliEh that children are amnetitutinneliy; entrant adults fer purpesee {if sentencing Because jettenilee have? diminisheri and ?greater Rpmepeete fer. we explained thEy ere lees desEWing ef the meet severe punishments These setters relied en three significant gene between juveniles and edelte Firet children have a lack of maturity and art underdevelepeci sense at reeponeibllity, teeding? it: impulelvity end heed-n lees risk-felting..- Seemed jchiidren- are mere wingerebie in negative in?uences and eut- side pressures inelu?ing teem their family and peers; they have limited eentrei ever their awn envirennftent end; leek: the Mability to extricate themeelres fmIn ner??c crime- meditating settings Arid; thirri childi? 5? character Is; not as weit fanned: as an edult'tsr- his traits are IESE titted end his eeti?ne iilrely to be evidence (if irretrievetigle depreeity RepEr and Graham emphaEizE-gd that the diEtinctitIe attributes of youth diminish the justifieetieite far impesing?. the hereheet sentences en juveniie offenders, even when they commit terrible crimes? (Citetibns emitted} Babette Retire This etreluetien tank place 'at-the Martin Ceunty Jeii in: StuarL'Fleride Mr Beiiey wee alerifartd meperetive threugheut the evaluation i Explained that i wetuid be conducting a eeyeholngieel eveiuetien at the renneet ef his etterney. He agreed to .pertieipetEin the evaluation -. - .. . . . Interview - - Mr. Belley was eriented to piereen, place and time end was In good eentect reeiity His speech was eleer end wherent, with I10 ef heIILIcIn'atIens deiLIeIene er severe eme?enel dieturbence. Hie Inner: was Him ?and epprepriate II: the eItuetIdII Mr Belley ?res edopted as yeeng HIS edep?re perente were enceureged II: net tell him he was adapted untiI he wee eheut 16 years ef age. Heinrerer when he wee abeet 11 years aid Bmekee edeptive father left his adaptive mether "fer eneihier wemee? whr: he eventually married game- meme} states that thie wee 1: reel sheek to Breeke end- that It meet hire greedy. MTE. Beliey stated Inet Greeks hed- Initially introduced this merger: Rte her: and than threegh her it: her huebend She Ie ef the epinien that Breaks felt earnewhet reepeneible fer the separatien benuee this. Further shortly thereafter, Breaks; feund eut at seheei threugh this Werner: children that he was en adapted, chad. Apparentiy.g hie father had we; his new gIrIfr end and semehew her Children had feund get This wee shack that came ehertly after the separation siteetien.- She stated that, feltewing theft eeparetien her huebend had little II: tie with Breaks and did net seen: In want him argued She feels the: Breeke has never had a positive male In?uence ?other than through the shed-termed Big Brethrer Situation threugh his muneeler end few - .. . Breeke bed feur referreie II: FIerIde IJYS befpre this. BIEIQITS e?enee: ..IJII he was cenneeIed regarding IUngeverrIebIe There Wee epperentI 5: further inmiyernent with DYS eboet fear reenthe prior II: the Inemnt e?enee In April 197'9 Breekme was In June 197B a dependency petiden was f' led regarding ?Uegeyernebie end an event? In whim ?Aggravated end ?BurgIery?f were etiegefd: ?In referenee II: Aggravated and Burglary Charge; this Inveived sentient Beliey end at en'e etherjuvenIIe geing- tr: a residence where there were three girie They seemed II: here getter: true a ?ght the argument get heated and then It Wee eIIeged that one of the mung men mreetefned the girls a knife." Arrangements were being rnecie fer Breeke to be pieced Into? a residential! yeuth camp program with relIgIeue orientation? and ?this indwiduei was accepted Ink: that pregrern? when Breaks AngeI Heieteed.? During his Breaks teid- that he, had seen the deceased eddy ?of his best friend Rennie Meyel. who ?get hit en metereycie gen 27?? and Qst.??5 In summer eIIhetIgh Brwke was: reepgnized tr: be Ireufbled Child hie moIher and ether eduite II: he; tee dirt net pereeive ti: be at risk II: commit murder. Fer example REvererId Dick Stevens ef the Lite fer Yeuth Ranch whr: bed knewn Breaks Page 3 Bi 1980 Investigation - g'Fege 2 ef 198:) Investige?nn. ?Page 5 at the Traneedet gf the er Breeke BeIIey fer several years, *atitl ?nds it hard te hetiesre that-Breaks would become invelved in any a?ehee auCh aethie Further? rel-ated'he did not perceive any sexual er aes?adlt' tendencies and simply Viewed Breaks as a yeuhgater tram a preblem heme whe was dieruptwe because at the attentieh it get himf'a Felice lnterview?aterreeatien ef Breaks Bellae Prier to the ram: Intemewhnterregatreh Captain Carl Peaae teld Breaks did tie it will have to telt us about it eventually? This was at eeurae a false statement made in a 14?year-eld he}; I found he tedieatien that Captain Pease at any ether- law. enforcement efficer er_:an1r attemey or any parent or peter reapeneihle adult, eater eerreeted this falseheed. When peliee gave Breaks the Mirarrda warning! they held him ?This is juat a reutirte matter!"a Daring the police pentinued ta tell Bmeksthat-he had-ta talk in the peliee, and that: he had. te "tat! the peliee' that he eemmitted-the crime; wThey {apparently falsely) teld him that his mother had teld them that she wanted him to centeaa in them ae that he eeuld get help They held him that confessing was the help way that he could he terglven that it was not ea had because he was a juvenile, and that after he eenfeseed he weuld get medical help Felice implicitly threatened Breaks with eternal damnatien him that the ehly way he eeuld reach satvatien would he to confess to there They threatened that if he did net tell the police a story, then the peliee weuld say it was an eutwahdweut murder and they suggested to Breelra that it he would tel! them a etery Emptying an aeeideht they weuld believe that and witte their reperta to he eenaieteht with - Pellee teld teyearaetd Breaks ?It may eat he as had that we re a jUVE?ilEh Felipe tetd 14-year-old Breaker ?Yea have ta tall-r te eemehedy I I Pellee told 14nyear?eir2! Breaks ?Senteerte wedld de thie mime}; has a prehlerh They need eeme medical help prehehly a let at it but if you knew ahetIt it you have te telt Peliee talc! leyeerwetd Breaks ?We re here net te persecute anyhedyf? Felipe tetd l4-year?eld Breaks Arid ite apmeihrng that enly yell and year Christ Wilt have he deal we ?3 ,fPa-ge 4 at 1380 Presentenee theestigatierl . . :81?22179 Supplementary foenee Repert by Vera Beach Felice Department Captain Carl Faerie :Page 1 at the Tranaeript of the pf Breaks Bailey . :Paga 8 er the Treheeript of the pf Breaks Bailey :Page .3 til the hi the et' Breaks Bailey :F?aga 8 at the at the lntervrewr?lnterregetren pf Breaks Belief ?Pege 8 {If the Tranampt at the lhtewiewfinterregatien at ease Bailey P011130 1010 14-y00I-010 8010110 ?1:1?0030 10301000 in this 3013 1:030 10 b0 f0rgiv00 and there? 0 0013! 000 0100 can (10 that." . . [3011001010 14-year-0Id 8030115 ?300310 901 10 101k. "15 P131100 101:! 14-ye?ar-0Id 3010110 ?3'00 3:0 901 10 10111 if y0u? r0 103011000 In 11 y0u 30 90110 "90110 0 1100103? . P03001010 14-y00r?010 8000135 1Th0 13001111109 you 10 00 Is 110 1011110 us 100033300111 new this 0310031300 and 0100:" this thing I30 1?00 30? 001105 00 it. P011130 1010 1'4-y00r-010 Brooks 380000 0r later might be this 01100000 in the 03001100 3300' r0 901019 10 have to face . P0300 1010' 14-year-0Id 8010115. 0301130" talked with us. She wants 000 10 get 1:0 000'101000001011303. Y0Li've 00110 tell us. God 1100330 3300 11000110101300 '30 90110 1011130 110." P0ii00 101:1 '14-y00r-010 3100110 r0 2I101 here 10 003000010 y0u. Y0u' re ywng. you 0000 11010. 3100 00110 00100010 11010.. P011020 1031:! 14000010 3300110,- ?God 1100100 3?00 0011030 in? 3?00 0011030 in Christ? 1?00 30 001330 10 11030101000 Pniice 1010 14533000010 Brooks 0301110.. 0010.. .1 3000113130 10 00 right- We 000001 help 3010 unless 3300 000 1000 1110 3001 110003011.? P011120 1010 14-year?0id 8030110 ?83001105100 30 901 10 101k 10 00 new 3.0000 001 10 1011110 US. ?-300 0000 y00r 010111010 1:010. ?300 0000 0 11001030 130103? P01100 1010 14-y003-0id Br00ks ?300' 00 00110 1031: 10 us" ?Page 0 031330 Transcript 031110 Intemiew?htermgaiien 03 Brooks 301103;.- - 3311110 3130050001 011110 lntemiaw?ntermgatim 03 Ermks 303103;- :Page' 8 011110 Transaipt 01 the; Hintemiew?mermga?nn 0f Brn?ks 3011031".- 3 01110 31003030 01 1110 lhtawivelntierro'ga?an 3:13er5 :Page 9 011130 ?0050101011110 miewiewfintermgatinn 0fBr00115 303130,- wPa'ge 9 0f the TranSm010f 1110 Intewiewfintermga?m 01 30110333 m190003.313I 9-11] 011110 Transcript 031110 301m100-1l010ma000 01 3010115 Beliay. TmPage 3 0 01100 Transcript 011110 Interview?ntmgahm 03 8000110 3011030- 2219000 11} 01 the Transc?pt 01 1110 01 Emoks 8013031. 2 2213090 10 011130 Transcript of 1110 lntem?imv?nt'emgatim 0183001153 3011033.- :Page 11} 1.111113 Transcript 011110 lhismw?ntmgahm 01 3:01:10 Bella-y. 35.130500 38 011110 Transcript 01 1110 lIIlBWIngirItemIgatim 01' 8300115 5011331.- Felice: told lei-yeer?-eici Semi taught he get it eff your mirrd erid let us help lieu bjecauee it?s the eniy thing there ever geing II) he yeur saturation. I Ii teii me right new sure as Geri IS my yeu gotta teik Yeti gette talk tr: us new? .- Felice tale 14-yeerweid Breaks ?If yer: dent teII- us. ii" We dam teik the eniy thing we. have? In gr} by re the evidence If we dent knew What went. lihmugh yeLIr mind if yer: den 1 taik in Us and tell tie- exeetiy yeur pert me :1er thing we? re geing it} he? ebie te tie re err by the physical eVIdenee and ge by whet we ?nd end 5334' it wee just an eut- end-eut murder There nothing7eiee we can do But it we emu-Id get year Side ef the stem, I knew it was en accident" Felice teld 14?year-0Id Breaks knew it was en weuidrl'iWe?t 1e kill-that little girl There might have been same kind at sexual act but agree didnt mean _te her There the thing you ?re get In remember You get scared "2 - Peliee IeIci ?weer-aid Breaks ?Yeu are get [11 tetl us.? Felice teld ?Ma-weenie Breaks ?You we get prehIeme Yeti heed to 911 I0 hespitei Yeti need help and _yeirf re leekirrg at two guys right here that yen can talk 19 the :1er true peepie In this whale that we re geirig It; be able ie teik In?? . ea; ?IIiweer-elrt Breeke I?Breeke gee 'Ir'e' get In talk In 115-. Felice teid 14-year-old Breeke ?Yeu we get In tell Yeu gette Stay in Sergeant Bienten *It was err "?33 - Felice told ?weer-etc! Breaks ?Yeu knew that the dearer re going be be able 1e tel! if eemebeciy had sexual intereeuree- and he can tell dent feet bad about telling us it yeti dict?: - After pelice got Bronte In There whet beepeI'Ied ?Uri Iruh .?Nethirigf "Naming, ?She didn' I say nothing?. ?She diciet ea}; nothing". feliewed her ever there "Uh huh,? ?Uh huh ?Ne "Ne ?Ne was scared ?Uh huh ?Fiet?i)er1tknew "Uh huh ?Uh huh. ?Francis ?Uh huh I?Eient knew: ?Twenty yards ?Uh huh ?Me i threw them ?Net reeily :?Afraid yet: '11 ?nd her ?She walked In the; I fathered her. ?She state she was leekirig for a little kitty cat. I said ?Hi help you ?end she weiked ever and took her clothes eff end I perished her.? She frank her ciethee ?eff? ?Ne. 5" den't knew prebehly 511.1. I dent knew ?Ne ?In the face. I think, ?Cece Mice She was is _Pegl 10 at the Trenecript iel? the Interwew?nterregetion ei Breaks Beliey; :IPege' ?it at the Transcript {If the inlerwewi'interregatien {if Breaks Bailey.. .- - :Fj'ege 11 the Transcript er the Interwewilnterregatren ef Breeirs Better; mPege 11 (IT the Trenetripi {ii the Intervrew?rriermeeiren et Breaks Bailey, '32 neaga 11 e! the Transcript er the cit Breaks Bailey. ?Page at the Transcript at the Interviewiinterregetien 111?? Breaks Beijiey. crazy.? ?She was crezyE "Te take her ciethee eff. ?She came IcWerde me ?Uh huh. theta Why I punched her "Uh huh ?Uh hu'EI?l ?i didnt knew. She was knmked cut I draggedher and putthr inIthe leaded; I battered her With me. ?Uh huh" When I was Ieevinsg. Semebedy'wee dIIi there. I-idcht when it though, dent they were pretty cld?eeE they might hm? Irh net worried about ItE'f' dent remember If I. dIdE?- ?Uh; :.huh" _?leh hUhE." ?Uh thhI? don't She wasn?t cempIIeining She Wasn?t crying-E? ?She the police turned eff the recording device fair mirititee. Then they turned the device back and recerded Brook?s reading a wIittEn statement the: had apperehiiy been ?prepared While the recording device was not renaming.? 1989i Inveetrgetmh Belley Wee mpEretIiye the The PSI inciudee ?Thmughcut my interview With Mr. he presented a petite and friendly attitude answering qdesticne compieteiy and ydtheut hesitatien. Oh e11 When the supervieer menticned the actual hitting? of Angel Haieteed subject ieeked disturbed and remdreefut ef?cer thuee Gieidw had been IWErkirIIg, Breaks prier In this diferiee -?Ruee Gielew Indicated that he remgnized the fact that this young men had prebiefme ceding With his mciher With his} Eddp?dh. and seemed to need Mr. GieicW further indicated that subject Beiley gave indicaticn at any atypical Sexual bmbieme or that he was a eerieue risk? did state that he weuici pmbably recbmmend the Cdurt that. Ieithcugh this weIVEd the right in be sentencEd under the yeuthfui b?ender law. It Is hie bpinidn he eheuld be ccmmitied to a yeuihfui c?ender ii at Breaks 5 mIEiIhIer ?stetee that sheII never kheW him to IeheW any perverted tendencies. She nbtee that law entereerIIeht seamed Beliay' 3 mm cldE'ely and did het find anything unusual in it. such as media magezinee. underwear, er the Iike- She etatee that Iaith?eugh her eon has been engtwemebie at times and prebiem. she Wee ?Dick Sieyens cf the Life fer. deth Reech in R?Wer etetedr that he bee years had been scIneWheIt trouIbieI'nEIIter. He Ieitetee- he Wee heeiceiiy 'IdieIILIptWe Seemed id like tc stir thihge up and draW attention found ebo?t his adeptien as teeters that they canidered In dealing With him. He that during the Summer of 1.9m it did reach the paint where he had te send him heme and net Bmeke to; retum.i .iI-Ie etejted further that he still ?nds It hard to beiieve that Brooke 59mg Inveiyed in fan Ieuch as this {and} further It Pages 11-15.. 55 5 yaungster fr5m 5 ham-5 wh5 was dismpti?ve 5555555 5ftt15 attanttm it gut himTh5 victim-5 father 55555555513555 that tits his 5555 thlatMr' 15553: 155515 r555iv5 5 Iif5 sentence 555515115 wilt nut 55 considered for 5555 until after 55:14th 25 3551-The victim 5 mom?r Sandr5 Dickerson ?b51i5v55 B5lt5y 5h55td be 55nt5555d t5 Iif5 and 515555; 55:55 a minimum 5f 25 - 8555M Adiustmerit At the time of Ih?s 511555555. Bellay t5 5 525555515 male when I155 555': cah?nad far the 555t 33 35515.. . . . A5 mentmned 55 th? ?rst 5595 thi5 r5555, Mt?. B?IIatr t5Id r55 ?What I did 555 t5rribt5 It was? 5 tragedy. I not Ih5 55515 555555 I was when I was a 14~y5555td kid. Net are 555555555. W5 can change- My remrd sp55k5 f5r tt55tf. I haven't had .115 H't DOC: 55555 1998.- N555 at altrevi?w 5t DOC r?ccrd?t i5 with Mt. Bett?ys 5t5t5r1155t In that I f?und I15 disalplinary Iremrts 53555 1997 In 555555 t5 the ungdvemabte ?145555555 child he 55ij Irreparabiy 55mm 5r 1555555ny 555r555d 5ttl15 time I15, tghis 55515 AI: the time he plead 51.15th5 55555555555 murder. tr: 555555555 55555 I15 Would 555" be able to falt5w ruI55 and I555 and show r55555t t5r the ?ghts 5f 5?15r5. 5 C555 mutd have c5n5td5red in addition In this hetnous 55515 itseif 555555 5551 5 childmod. including -. - Sin 1973. When'he 5555tivef55r5rrt55559ht hetp tram 515 State regarding governing their Twice in 19?9i'when he was 13 is 14 years sid- Bmaks?s adoptive mathsr. whiz was new raising Breaks aims {might help tram the State rsgarcii?g gavsming herson in April 19?9- about tum months befsre thiS nfisnse there was an invoiving Breaks ?sind at least {Ins ether juvenile- gsing is a where there were three gIrls They seemed is tIaIIs gstisn into a water balls-sh ?ght; this argument heated. and than it was alleged that {Ins {If the mung men threatened the girls with a knife.? I fauna n0 indi?a?ng that was hurt {Ir whether Bra-{ks was the juvenile was alleged to have had a knits?5 in 19?9.- BmokSs DYS of?cer RUSS Gsilaw. expressed ?his opinisn this. individual needed 3 mm structured setting and His particuisjr pmgism [Shilstn Ysuth Ranch Fragram] have been a residential {amp with [a {sligisus {I?entstisri This individuai [Bra?ks Bsiiay?] was swepte? that _?-pmgram; hamssr committed the? instarit s?snSB prisr it: begIrInIrIg the Thus prim is this offense the State {If Fisri?s Ismgnizsd that was a trauma-Iii youth and had determined that placement Bellay lsoked like this: - Nam 33 years-sitar the crimst there is no mysteiy regarding {mathsrihsn?M?y?sr?st? Breaks Bgsilsy .muid [be-{Ins {If the ramijuvsI'I-iie a it Page 2 was Press-name tnties?ga??nz- 11 hairless aims but turn nut is be ?imparably stirrup!? er ?instiiavabiy depraved.? amaks Baiay has been absewed for this past 38 years and for the past 19 of mg yam he: has ciagariy shown by his own behavior that he was sat ?inspambiy mm: ?aw Gregaiy Demise, 5i: Appendix to 81?281'1? Deciue Report re Breaks Bella}; I . TERRALNCE Petif?mwn 13?. STATE mem, Reagan-Mme?. JOE HARRIS SULLIVAN, Peii?mwr, y. as? mem, Resp?'iadmi ON 0F GERTIDRARI TO THE FLGRIDA FIRST DISTRICT BRIEF FUR THE AMERICAN ASSUCIATIGN, WREUAN ASSOCIATION NATEQNAL ASSOCIATIQN 0F SGCEAL WGRKERS, AND MENTAL mm AMERIGA AS MCI CURIAE SUPPORTING NATHALHE RP. DANIELLE SPENELLI GENERAL COUNSEL Gamma 0f Ream-? MIERICAR ANNE HARKAUY SHERLEY Wmnwaan T50 First Street, NE. WELHER CUTLER PIGKERENG Washington, 29602 HALE AND HOME LLP (232} 338-550? 1875 Am, NW. Washingmn, DE. 20006 (202} G?a-E?m Cmmseffmv?hnicus Curiae Ame?car: Assaciaifm Ad??immf Camwei Lis?ed an Inside Cams" 1153 18th Street, NW, Washingtan, DE. 20636 Counsei for Amerimn -- Assaciaiimz CAROLYN I. PQLOWY GENERAL COUNSEL - MURGM Agsocmm COUNSEL- (3F mems $50 First Skeet, NE. Suite 784} 200962 (2?32) 493-3600 Camassifm' Naifmmi Assace?at??mz afSacia-E Warrkam gum J. Ema-1mm CMNIEAL PRGFESSOR LAW a? Gamma LAW 8011001. - 1111 Eagt 60th Streat Chicago, Illinois 6963'? ?562-9611 Emaskmeifw Mania! Heat?a Ama?m TABIE 0F CONTENTS . . . . Fag-e. TABLE OF AUTHQRITIES INTEREST 0F AMICI CURIAE - - 1 INTRODUCTIGN AND SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT . 3 6 I. RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL P532 AND NEURQSCIENCE Emu- HEW GREATER VULNERABILITY, AND CHANGEABILITY 6 Devel?pmental And Sncia} Science Research Cnn?ms That Juve- niles Are Less Mature Mare Vulner? able And Mare Chang?able Than Admits If 1" Juvenilas have a lesser capaeity far mime judgment 2.. Juveniles are mum walnemhla to negative external in?uences 15 3. uvenileg" mnfarmed identity makeg it less Iikely that their a?enses evince a ?xed bad character and more likely that they will refum 19 B. Jm'eniles? Immatu?ty Is Cangistent, With Emerging Resemth Regarding Brain {i3 ii TABLE 9F Page IL SENTENEING THE JWEMLE DEFENDERS IN THESE Calms Ta D13 IN 13;:me Wm N0 GPPURTUNIW DEMONSTRATE FGRM Is A PUNISHCONCLUSION. - 34 TABLE AMQRITIES - EASES Pageis} Atkins V. Vi?fg??i?, 536 US. 3:14 (??m?nmgu??g 31 Edd mm; 39". 455 US. 1134 (3.982} is, 28, 31 Ewing Califm'?ia, +538 Ufa. 11 {21303) 29, 31} Hamaeiin v. Michigan, 591 95'? {1991} 2.8, 29 Hadgsma v. 43?? US. 41?? {19913) 13 v. Texas, 599 US: 353 (1993)? Lacketi v. 0M0, 438 US. 583(19?33) 29 Lackye'r v. Andmdep 538 $3 29, 313 Ma?sse?e v; D'niieziSf?ws, 3:12 ILLS. 243 81 Eapw Simmans, 543 US. 551 (2005) p?s?m Sale-:11 v. Heinz, 463 IRS. {19833:} 2:9 Ten-Hard v. Erei?ke, 542 2?33! (23M) 13 Thu-33231363": v. O?tiaham?, US. 815 {1988) 3, 38, 3f} SEER AMORMES American Paychiatric Asmciatim, ?fugnastic mad Statisticai Magma! {if Mental Bism- dem (4th Ed. rev. 266%) 21 Amen, Jamey, Reckia?is Beimvfm? in Adama- ?mace: A Devefapmem?ai 12 Developmentai Rev. 339 (1992) pawim Becham? Antaine, at 3.1., Chamc?arim?mt 21f the ?ecisimaw?f?king De?cit 0f Patients 25,1113, Ventmmedial Prefmntaf. Carma: LE- Signs, 123 Brain 2189 (2960) ?424 iv TABIE 0F AWQRImS??an?nued Pag?s} Bechara, Ant/nine. 22 21.. 3222222221222. 2f W222- .- 222 32222222 ??1222 132222222 13322222 2122 Human Prefmntai (322222 18 J. 121522.428 (1998). 23 Bemdt, Th?mas 3., Deye?apmentai Changes in. . 0032;222:223; 20- P2222 and. P222223, 15 Dew 22121322221221! P23222121. 603 16 C2523, 3.1.22 3221222222! and. 222222222: Bruin Deml?pmem? 2222' 522 22222222 22 029222222 13222123122222, 52 Biolngieal Psy- 131101.241 I - 25 23, 27 Cau?main,? Elizabeth 3: Lamme Steinberg, {Ind?faiza?ty 2fJ2dgm222 2'2. A2212222222: Win-y 2322222222223 May B2 L222 T222 Adu?ts. 18 B21122. Sci-- . (2330} 3,12 13,14 15 82121532231, Elizabeth 222 212.2122 Di?2222222 22 133222222 232222222 jlfakiitg 22 122222222 33} P211233: 222222 22. 2.312 I222: Gambling T222 Developmental (2222212221ng 22222 11 {1211212230. Antanie R. 32 32223221 Andersen, Th2 Fmreizz? L2222, in. 02222221 2222222222 . 2322022: 404 {Kenneth 21.H2i1man Ed? 22221 1222221222111 2221522221 ed. 25 D03 Statistical Bri??ng Bank 222222222 22' 22W. ojjdp. 12th orgf?jstathbic?mefqa??gm. and 2mm. ?jjdp. ncjm. 23643801 (last visited July 33, 20239) 8 TABLE 015? AUTH?m?-?on?nued Edam, Jahn R, at 3L, Assassins?: {if and Its Assam?aiims Vinisnca: A Critical Review 19 Balsam Sci 53 (2501} Pageis) E?cksun, Kristal, at. 111.? A Saax'ai Modei sf Adaisscani Basia-nae: Ca'mbining Cawiiml and; Differential iicm Pmpaciivas: 29 J. Yauth S: Adulesm sense 395 ..16 Eshel, Nair at 31;, Nam-?16 Sabaimiss (if Chaisa Salsaiimz in Adults and Affiliasca?fs: Ba? saiapmant 0f the Pra?mstai mm? Arits?ai Stage-aims Cs?icas 4:5 Nail- L55 (2907) Fagm Jeffrey, Cmatexfs sf (limits by Adams- 26 mats in Criminal Events is 1 with an?. T?ai 3? 1 (Thnmas Grissn 3: G. 2000) .. Galvan Adriana at 3.1., Risk Twang and the Brain. ?Rs is at Risk? 10 Dew 15, 16 velopmemsi Sci F8 Gardner Marga R. Laurence Steinbarg, Pear Irs?zranas an Risk Taking? Risk Prafsr~ arise, and Risky Basisima. Making in ?Adam iassanca and A71 Emparimanm?i Study, 41 Davelnpmantal 62.5 vi TABLE 02'" 51:. Mnn?nued Page{s} Giedd, Jay 22., at; 8mm Bevel?pmmai Harv mg 0225;225:052 mid- Ad?iascmwe: A Lang.?- Medina! MRI Study, 2 Nature Neurosci. - $61 {1299} Gugtajy, Nitin, at Dynamis Mapping ?f Haun?n C?or?m? Bevewp?mat ?aring Ch?cflamd Tiara-Eggh- Early Ad?i?h??d, 101 mm. Nat'l Acad. Sci. 8174 (2604) 25, 253 Goldberg. The 3392212953 Emits: Frankie}! Lubes and we Cim?iizeci Mimi - .2 {20m}. 25 26,2? Grissn, Thnmas 30212318 Adoi?scmt O?mders with Max:312 ?is?rdem {2035} 21 (31255.) mamas. at Campaigners!- t? Siam! ?izzi Law .2: Hum. Baha'i. 333 14 Haipem Felshel. Bannie L. Elizabeth (lawman Casts and Balie?a? afar: 9mm?: G?nape'fwce Admiss- 1:91:13 mad Admits, 222.. Applied Devei?pw mental Paych?i. 2:37 (2621) 11, 14, 15 Peter .NEHMZ Mastic-iffy: me E?ecrs af Envimmne-nt me {he Dmieiap merit af?m CereEzm? {3.3er (2022) 25, Jensen Eric L. 2: Linda Metager, A 0f the Deterrent 2262:: Of Legismtim Wa?vgr ma Vwimzi 23.222512 Crime 40 Crime .2: Dee,? Eng. 96 (1994) . .32 vii TABLE OF Kazdin, Alan E., Adelescmi ?etteiapmem, Maui?s! Dr'surders, med Making ef De?nqztent Marthe in 3" ma?a an T?hf 33 (Themes Grisse Robert 3&me eds .. PageIs) 15 Easting, Daniel R, Cagnitive and Brain Bevel.- apmeni, In Ha?d??ek of Addiesse?? ciselogy 45 (Richard M. Lerner ?2 Laurence Steinbergeds. 2904) .14 Kw.? mg, Kenneth R, et a1 ?ymmIc Magae?e Resonance Imaging 6f Emma}: 3mm, Ar:- I-Ivity Bering Primary Smears; Stimufm? time, 89 Nat? AcadSci. 56% (1992) Leshem, Eaten: ?2 Juseph Glidesahn, TIM Cm:- 0f Impzaisivity Re'm'sii?ed, 43; Persem ality Sc Indi?ddal?ifferences {?81 {203?} 444444 Lynam Donald Evidence That Seams Ed: Iy ?daIBSa canes Predict Adel: PsyeijmtIIy, 116 AbnnmaIPsyehel 155 (21133?) McCemI Jean Kevin Seaway, Ca- O?ending Pattems 9f Jiwen?'e Crime (Dec 2905) A 9 huh?d 18 Millstein Susan Bennie Halpemw Felsher, Pemep?ens 0f Risk mid Fishes:- In Meiescem RIsk Cami ability 15 (Banach et al eds 2001) . TABLE 03? P3g3(33 Modecki, Aridressing Gaps in. the 333-. $3331; Judgment Literature: A93 {3:333 33333 in ?e?inqumzcy, Law Hum. 33- 1133. TS (20381.. $3 Maf?tt, Terme Naifnmi 131303133 of De?n- 3333351,. in; Crass-ha 3mm! Larrgitm?rml . - 133333333 ma Human 933303333312 and Criminal Bakav?m 3 (E31133 G. M. Waite- kamp3: Hails-Jiir?gen K313333333. 8 Mnf?tt Tame E., 3.3333333331333333- and Life- 333333631 Behav- i3}: A Devginpmentaf 3133332333.}, 10?) P333 ch01. Rev 8,175.29 311113.33: EdeP. 3: Elizabeth C3uf?n3n The 1333mm? Limits of Predicting 333ml VEG- 13333.56 3m P?ychalagist ?39? {9001} 21 Jmiw?l?k M11313 Do 3131353333133 333- Tiieir Fumre? A 3333313 ?33 B333?3p~ 313311 {If 2311.33 0313133331; and Manning. . 11 3133310133132th R33. 1 12 P3133. T331133, Brain 1333313133333, H333- of 31335333333 993-(Richard Lerner 3t -'L3m*3nce Steinberg' 333.," - 2009). Keir-.3 311311 at 33. 3mm 533333333333, Gemi?m and 13. 0333333: A'V?lzimet?ri? I 333933;; 119 Brain 1363 {19961 26, 2? Sc?tt, Elizabeth S. Laurence Stemberg. R3- thinking $333333 18 19 ix TRBLE 0F Scatt, E?zabeth 3., et ah, Emlamti?rzg Adda- cmai Bem'sion Making'iu' Legai (30311531923, 19 Law Hum. Behav. 221 (1995). Singer, Simcsn I. David McDowall, gamma;- Pag?g} 13 2'2:ng De?nmteirmy: The Beimwnt Ejfest-af - - the New Yark Juvenile O?endw Law, 2:3 Law $3 $963; Rev; 521 (3933) . . 32 Snyder, 2: Melissa Sickmund, N?'aw ti?na] Center fer Juvenile Jammie Wendm Victims:1?99 atimmf Re- - . part (1299} - . .. 18 Sawell, Elizabeth R, at In Vim Evidence far Past-Adafesc'ant Brain ?Vfat?amta'an in antal Sf?atal Regimes, 2 Nature Nemsci. 259 Sowell, Elizabeth R. ., at Mapping 3.29;! 3min Growth. and Smy ilfafa?er Der:- s-iiy Reduc?m?z in Dorsal Prawn! Carma-:- layme- Reimimaskips "During Pastadnfesv can: Bram Muturat?mz, 21 J. Nemnsci- $19 . . Spear, Beimviaml Neumsciencg {If 26, 2? Ad?leseence 2209) 24, 25, 23 Steinberg, Lam ems, Detelapmetei mug Jumrziie Nesting, 5 Ann. Rev. China] {9008) - 15 Steinberg, Laurence, A Silesia! Pesspeciivg m2 Aduiescmzi Risk- Takiwg, 28 Det?el?meHENlRev "f3 2G, X. TABLE 0F AUTHG - Steinberg, Lwance Katmgm G. Maxim, Age Digerences in Resiszmme it} Paar In? ?nance, 43 Bevelupmental {200?} Steinberg, Laurence 'Rabert G. Schwartz, ?rms in Cami, in - {m Tria? 9 [?Thams I Pagais} 15 Egbert G. Schwartz (31:15., 26%} 19 Steinberg, Laurence Elizabeth S. Scutt, Less Guilty by Reagan 9f Maia-amuse: Dwain apmewiai Iimnaiu-r?iiy, Murinished REV- spansibility, and HM: Juwnim Beam Pen.? mtg, 58 Am, 10139 {2003} 10, 20, 31 Steinberg, Laurence: Susan B. Silvarberg? Ties: Vicissimdeg of in Earfy Adaleswnce, Gh?d Dav. 341 {1986} 15 Steinberg, Laurence, at. 211., Agra ?i??ermacgs in. Feature O?enmiim; mad Dgiay Discaeg.3zt_ ing, 89 Child Dev. 28 (29:39) 12 Steinberg, Laurence, at 31., Age Digermwes in Smmtima Basking and Impuisivity ?13 In- a?exmi by Behaviw {and Seif-Rapuri: Evi- (?63368 for a Dami- Sysiems Medea 44 Bevel? ngehal. 17551 (2698) 9, 33 Steinberg, Laurenca, at 3.1.3. Are M33 Mature Tiaan Adam? Mfmm?AmeSs Aba?imz, the Jzz'vamie Beam Pmmify, and ?ag Aifegerd APA ?Hip-Fwy?, Am. 2039) 13, 14, :23 xi TABLE OF Pag?s) Wateman, Alan 8 Identity Bevefnpment??m it} Adu?timad 18 Develupmen- ta}. 3-41 (1982} - 19 Zimring, Franklin E., szaf the Emmy (233%?de i3: 3 am}: can Trial (Thumas Grissn K: Robert G. Schwartz eds 2900) 1t} 1t 18 - INTEREM mm :5 . 'Ths Maxim is a shim-w tary ass-misc" and pmfesfs?isnal With fmhirs than 152,054) members and af?liates. Since 1892, the AsSocistisn has been the p?nhipai Giganizfsu ?sh sf in this Unite? States. {Its- marshes ship includes the vast maje?iy sf hniding ductsral degrees aswsditsd universities in the United Statesintegral'part of the missihn is ts increase and disseminate Mswiedgs regarding human behimsr and is gamma psyeholsgy as a scishcs pm fesSisn, and means (if pmmomg haalth admiration and human wcifmisf Rama truths bad? {if resem'eh the characteris- tics {if juiisniles the-Jae- hf adults; the ASsntistinn has the whey reflected in the United Nations Cnnventisn an the Righ? hi" the Child, which rejects life imprissnmeniz withnut possibility far of. by per-sails heisw 18 y'sars . - {The Mess have cemented in the ?ling {if this brief. Fursw ant in Rule 3'53Ca} isttars wussnting is ihs ?ling hi? this brief are an file with the: Clank 0f 111s Cum. Na munsei fur a party 2111-? thsral this brisf whale as in part, and m: persnn,? ether than the an?ci curiae, their members, at their shunssl mantis any mammary mstrihutien is the preparsiiun 0r submissiun hf this brief. 2? amid the assistance sf Laurence Steinherg Phil, 'I?hum Grissu. Phi}. i315 nskin Phil! and Erizm c032, Phil, in. the pmparatinn {if this brief. . Reseamh cited in this brief includes [him mil-?- (iucted using the scienti?c methnd. Such raps-arch t?iit-sliy is sub- ject ts whitish! re?ew by humids experts, usualiy during the peer review prom prese?ing publisstian in a schahriy jsumaL 2 The Amerieen Peyel?etrie with mughly 35 {300 members is the principal ef physicians whe epe?e?ze 1n peyehiatrv It 1135 en in- tel-Test in this Cenrte understanding 0f the ef eeienti?c study and. experience ee the Gem applies eenstitutienel pmeiplee to individuals ?the e?ee ere patiente ef the ewtien members The Natienal 13f Social Workers (NASW) is the largest 0f eecial werkere in the week! ?With 14? ?lm members and 56 chapters threeghout the United States and; ebmad NASW conducts publishes Make and studies, pmmulgetes pmfe?ienel c?te?e, and (levelepe palm}; statements. en relevant lemee ef impartence NASW an}? legislatien er presemte?el dietretien per- netting children tn? be ehergetl and pueiehetl tinder adult Swede: (15 Mental Health America (MBA) (fe?nerly lemma 3.5 the National mental Health ie the eldest mental health adveteey and education ergenizatien in the Uniteci States. Its beard and staff are comprieed ef with expertise in the diagnosis and tmetmeet ef mental persene mental ill? and ether peimens with expertise in mental health public pellet? MHA 15 interested in ensuring that determinations ebeet criminal imposed upon juveniles reflect the seienti?e eeneeneue regardw lug juvenilee? ability" it: understand the nature and me- ef their acts, their reepenee t0 deterrence, and the likeliheed that they can he treated er rehabilitatedl 3 AND 5'5 0F ARGUMENT InRapar a. macaw haid that impaaiw tiara 0f the" death penalty an" those" unaa tha'aga'af 18 tha basic precept that paniShmant Ishaaid I be phapm?anatata the culpability,? of the a?endar - 543 U. 551," 563-5?5 {2605}. The Saint mas-ad that ja- veri?es tii?'ar from adults in savarai ways that-- mam ascuaing their. mama?reduce javea?ss cab pabilita and undamlina any jasti?aatiaa ita- de?nitive-1y ending their fraa iiaas: tilay lack admits capacity far mam: a judgment; they are mare m?aamhia ta negativ a aatar?ai'ia?uaacm; and ?air characters are flat Eat. fully formed at 569555 ?The afja? ?tiaair conduct a nut as morailv aibia as that {If an adult at (gaming Titania am: a {It iaimma 48?? U. 815 $35 {1988) (131111 apa?aaii. Jaasaliea and am at matmi mar their saimaridings ?mean 3m emias have a greatal claim than adults in be fargivan far ta escape negative in?uences amaranmant" [5.31mi ?itiha reality that juveniles still struggle to de?ne their identity maans'itis-iass supportable ta. canaiadatiiat. even a heinous crime cammittad ha a juvenile is evi? of [an] irratrist ably dapma ed character?" It! Raseal eh psyahalagg and mam?- saieacm?iaciading the rasaarch presented t5 the Com Simamaa and additional canduatad ainca Shamans was (iaaitiadmaan?Hns and strengthens "the maalasinn- that juveniles, as a grant); (5551* from adults in the salient ways the. Quart-identi?ed. Juveniles:- iacluding alder. adalasaeata?am less able in restrain their impulses and capable than adalim of caasidaring alternative mamas at? action and matm'aly weighing risks and rewards; and iass 4 antes ts the future and thus lass capabls'sf apprehend- ing the asasaquanaas sf their actions. Far all thssa 13831501155, eves sass their gassralasgnitiva abilities? appasximats sf adults juveniles a1s lass capable than adults {11' mature judgment, asd mars likely .ts is 1isky,even a111ninal,hal1avlsr as a maul: sf that imaatu?ty Easem?ch alas that-3111 smiles ass mars 1'11le able 111' susceptible ts negative: influe?saas and outside 111 assures including pea pressures, ?whils at same tima aha}, Isak aha freed-21111 and 31111111111113 that, adults 1:11 ssaspa sash pressurss 3117111111113, 5213 31569 Finally, he? aassa javssilss ass still 111 the pass-aw sf smug a as- hsrsat idastity', crime alias re?ects the sigsamrs?? .1111 mansiastu ?11111111111111: 11f 31111111?" itself id at 5m rather than? as antassahad bail ahal'aata1 has documastad that vast sf 3111111111111 W111 desist fram 111111111111 bahaaiar 1n adulthood And the mllaahilitj, sf msass that theirs is no reliable 11} 1111111115 the 1111111111173, aha will last with thasa ties aharaats?stiw sf adolescents, assent 1's sass-ah shaws that aidslasaant brains are 1101. yet fully clavalapad is 1agia11s related ta highsr?sr?sr functions such as impulse (1011:3011 planning Ahead 11ml risk as aluatisn That anatss?aal immtu?ty 1s assas? 113111 with 1111 smiles. damanstaatad (1hat1s, 11111111111111 smatisnal) anmatu?ty. . This Csurt bald 111 Simmons that 3111s111?lss classl- spmsatsl characteristics mitigated their culpability and made dsath a psalshmant- for juvenile sffandsm. the ass- clusisn that sentencing juveniles; ta dis is prissn far the crimes 111: issue hers is likewise a pus- 5 iSliment. While this Court has that immig? of the death penalty. raises Special mncem and Sallii for in light; Sf death?s ?iialitii and Smiliilit} it h35a15S that the Eighth Amendment forbids an}? that is SSi'iSLiSlg, diSpmp?SrtiSiiatS ti) the culpability Sf S??SndSi A sentence Sf life the: pasSiliiliti Sf like? Sf death, is in ii SSW Sense ?nal: it the til die af?irding him ti) SS- formed meta! chSiSStSi that might Sal-rant And that sentence is hamh SS applied tii juvenile; hti will never expeiieme free juveniles immaturity and milnSriibilitS mean that ?the case for 1S mt SS Strimg Sitli ii miner 35 with an adult Simiiwiis, 543 at 5:1 ?thS same chSi'SStS?stiSS that rSiidSr guine- nilSS culpable than adults suggest as SSH ?lial: juv veri?es will be less to Id Fi? nail}; the impositimi of life: Sithmit fSi SiimS as S. that the possibility {if be with Characters and likelihwd that thSy'Sill change ?Pram m?l?al standpoint it SSiilil be misguided t0 equate the failings Sf mil?lGI? Sitli of an adult, fur greater exists that. diameter de?ciencies Sill he iSfSrinScl IS. Si 5'36. In like liSi'S, tandem- ing Si} immature, vulnerable, Smi nStvatw?illwaSi?riiSil to (lie prism]. i5 S. constitutiqna?i dispm? partiaiiStS punishment 8 ARGIWNT i. Ramon 1h naumma Mahatma Aha mam mm Gamma amamm Aha cmamm ?In Simmhaa this Chart that develepu mental differences hath hen jaifahilea, ihtiadihg 16- and 17-3 ear?aid adhiehtenth and adults hath diminiah Jam-e?- hilaa far their arinahal acts and nah- hahce their prospects hf thange and refnmid Based an the atiahti?gc guidance presented. by. Simmana and his ahititi, the Chart tahtluded that; these dei?ereneea ha tween juvhnila and adult affaadarh hale Marked and well andamtahd 5&3 U. S. at; 5 '52 Cantiaaihg maeareh in devalaptnantal payehalagj and hemhseienee rein~ threes that thatlhaihh; tan?mnhg that the three data}! opmehtai characteristics hf jhitehiiea that Simmeas ide?ntifiedu-ihair immaturim, their and their 'chahgeahilityue-?rehder theta, ah a. grhh'pgvery {Iii-v fareht?am adults. Ah thia'Cahr?t has rathgnizad, these 3 In this brief he use the terms eaile" and antiwar-?tent? ta refer ta individuals between the ages hf i2 and i? Scienm tam not at? cantata diam bright lines hraaisel3 deniarea?ting the haundarias hetw adhieateaea and adulthaa-d; the ?qualities that distinguish juveniles. admits: duh not disappear when an individual turns 18.? 543 US. at hit Like- Wiee, manger adolescents di?er in aame respects item the 16- and ?ugeareaids diseased in Simmaha. Nonethhle?i haemae thahe under '18. an the whale-ism certain deveiapmeatal charaaterie- tiea' that mitigate their and team ?[tiihe age at" 13 is the point where satiety draws; the ?ne far mat-113' purposes between thiidhahd and aduithaad," thia Chart. concluded in Simamha that it was to: draw the line far at age 18. If!" The research discussed in this brief acmrdingly applies; in adulth- centa under age 18, including alder adalaaeenta, unless a?ier?a?i? hated. di??erences are central :9 the calculus of cl?pability and the: pmpm?timality hf punishment impnaecl an juvenile offenders . . A. Develapmental. An? Social Scim ence Resaamh Thai; Juvenilea Lat-3 Mame, Mare Mamba Ami Mare Changeabh Than Adults 1 Juveniles have a 1m!? canacity far maw mjudmem: - An thin Cam magnized in Shmawna, adnlescents have a..sig11i?cantly diminished capacity far mature judgment. as mmpared adu?ts, and-as a result are more likely-tn engage in-risky behavi?rh. ?[A1a any parent and as scienti?c and amininginal stud~ ea ?.?tend can?rm, of maturity and an un- derdeveloped sense of are fannci in yunth more titan than in adults and are mare- uhdetatandabie mug the ?ung"; These qualitias ?ften result" in' Em. pemeus and mucansidered acti?ns anddehisi?ns?? 543 at 569 {mating Johnson E: Tax-as 509 35%} 36'? As; hated adnlaacents are overraprau seated statistically in viziual?iy even catag?nry 13f lack? Iona behavim? 543 U. at 569 {mating Jeffrey Art-x nett,? Reakless Belmhiw in Adnl??scen?e; A Banalnpn mania} Perhpsezriive, 12 Develnpmental Rev. 339, 339 (1992)). Indead, auch behaviur'ia ?virtually a unwatiw ehammzferistic of adolescent devaihpment.? "Juvenile-s" rial-{y behaviar ??equently includes crin?nal nativity; in ?i 4 Jeffrey Amati, R?ahiaha Behna?ah h; Manama-aha: Beta-El? apinezzm! Fmpecfive; 12 Devehpmentz? Rev. 339, 344 8 feet, ?timer-Due eelf-repert studies have deemented that. it is ete?stieally aberrant te re?eie frem crime timing edeleerierlaize.??5 When erime rates are platted egmet age, beth the total number ef and ?re? queue); ef'effemiing are highest during Beth rielent crimes and less ?peak sharply? in late :3qu age 1: want] ?stir up pre?piteuelg yeueg adultheed. ?3 Stuciiee 531011- a steep decrease behevier after 17', as manure:5I - etr?ring tendency te engage in risky and even heharier stem at least in part {rem their capacity Research has sheer that deciaien-making-_ Mere Terrie Ariefeeceafw?mifed maxi Life?eerse- Pereaet?eut Ae?mcfeg Befmeier A ?ee Eiepmeuml Terenemy, me Peychel. Rev. 137 i. [33.3% {1993}; see efee Terrie E. Me?fitt, New.? mi erfer'iee ef?e?ueafeney? Crew-Em {Jenni Epizgifedine! Re- cm Harem}: Dereiepmenf em! Grimmer? Behe?er?, 29 We?tekamp Heme-Jergm Kramer 3.994). Nature! Hmfe?ee ef?e?rzeae?msg, eupre hate 5, at 4. Mei?tt mad Life Gearteef?ereiefeat hermit}! Behemer, .3er nete 5. at 675; Mef?ti, efemi Hretez?ere supra note 5,31; 4,7 I, Arne-ti, eepm mete 4, at 343; Dill" Statistieai Brie?ng - Beak, ?eeii?ee?e e: and (1214;? Viewed July EH, 2959) (statistics ehne?eg that er? reeta fer hath serieas ?elem; metres and prepert} crimes- peak Late g?ief?tt Adefeereei-Limztad and CeztreenPer-eiefeei- {Emmi Seem: mr, rep-m new 5, at. ?375, Me??tt, ?e rem! Reefer-met ef?e?eemeey, gripe: eete?, are,? 4 9 Me?itt, Nammf Hiaieriee ef?e??neemcy, eapm note 5. at 7. ll that at? adults in salaral reapactsz- are leaa able ta cantral their impulses; they weigh the risks and rawarcls at? their mnduct and they are lesaabla ta amiaian the future and apprehend the can? aaquancea 0f their actlans.- Evan late adalascanla who have davelaped general. cagnill?aa capacitiaa similar in lhaae 41f adults shall de?cits in these aspeats 0f acacia] and emational matrix-it} Final research wa?m?a that including aldariadnleaeanta, are mare impulslla than adults and less able in examlse Far exam- ple, magma}; elf-maturity al? judgmant that ada- laacaata,- including scored signi?cantly thanarlultaan mama af inaludad ?lmpalaa cantml?and *?auppreaslm all aggraa slam?? A mare: meant- atudy examining-differences in lmpulsivitybatwaanagaa ll) andi-l?, using. hall: self?- mpm'l and parf?rmance Similarly mncluded that ?npulsi?ty decline-d lhrnuglmul that pal-lad? with ?gains in impulse Ctl?lir?l mama-mg} thmughaut Eula-r leacance? and lulu yaung' adulthan?.? ?[Tlha devalap? Elizabeth-Caul??ha? Lanmnea Stainberg, Dr" ill ll lay Adolaacmla 41le Be Gala pabfa Tim? Adults 18 Beluga Sal. I'll: 741, till. 4 {will}; Laurenca Steinberg at al Age ??femrzcea in Smalim S?fkl?g med at: laidaxlrl by Bella: and Staff Kmart: Emdmwa far a ?nal slams Made! 44 Dalalupmnlal Pawhul l?l'T4? sea (Ilsa Admna Gallan at all, Rial? Talking and WM Emits: ll'lla la a: Rizal 3:19 Dex. Elm. F8 F13 {Elli}?! {m study all individuals ma 7 la 23!. ?nding that impulw tantra! continues la slaw. elap 21' the mural: a! and aarly adulthamll; Ratem L?hem Julep}: Gilcksah? Tag Callammi 0f leallad, 4-3 PerSGnalily ?2 Indlvid val Bifferaneea 581 $4646 limpurling aim?mt decline at 10 111g acl?lemenl: can ?rmly lam his 01" her way ta fully de- veloped by expe?ance. This prams, will pmbably'mt be mmpleted until very late in the teen warm? . [Elmecting-the-expe?enae?hased ability mist impulses? .tn he lull),r fanned. prim- to age eight een car nineteen wauld seem an present, evidence in he Wishfl? - - - - - Semncl, atlalesaents generally (in mm; pensive and evaluate the casts and bene?ts if their 3.531..le in the same way adults an. ?In general, '3adnleseents use a ?sk?reuwalcl'calmlus that places relatively 1633 waight an rial: in. 1&lati?n- t9 rewarcl. than that used by adults. exampla {111a studv {1:317:1pr adoles- cent and adult decisitm- making {hand that when asked 120 evaluate hypathetlcal dacisians, ad?lescents as 9113 as; wem less'likely than adults to mentlan pasgible lengw term cansequenees, ti} evaluate bath riska and bene?ts, impulsuisity ?mm ages 14-15 tn Ell?22 an ?1111 {Lifer-ant anulsivity 331%} . Franklin Zim?ng Fermi fur ?le Mung; Q?'alecier in. 1:31:31; 0:21 W131 f1, 2332 (Thama; Gnsso Rubert Schwartz eds 2612111]. Laurence Sminbarg Elizabeth 3 Seat: L933 43111313; by Reagan 0f Adalewmm: ?ea elapmaielal ?im?xewhed and tile Jame-111:5? Baillie 58:31:11. gist 131219, 11,112 we ?1339 WEI: Sll?m mate 4 at. [sunmmzing mldmee allolLL-?mnis' punt capaciw far {?33855- ing pruhab?itiea play; a a rule 111 may reckless? 13611391an Bonnie L. Halpem?Felsher $1 Elimbetl: Cauf?mn {39315 and Bm??is of Barkley: 13965139? :1faking Compef?m Adalesceufs maid Adal?s 22.1.11pplicwd Psyehalg 25"} 212115. 2153 {211111}: 3135331 Bennie Halpam-Pelzher Pal-taplimw af?mk and lufrwmiaility, Eu :lzialfeseml Rig}. 15 [Baruch Fischu?? at 31. Eda, 2111111. 11 and 1:0 examine passihle alternative aptiuns.? farthw calming study at? perfartmance an a'gamhling task like- Wise faund that, in a may if more than 909 individuals aged 10 to 30, adulescents and adults displayed .?signi?-r cant differences? in their .bahavi?r relative to risk and mward: awhile adnleseenm ?may attend mare tn the: pan ten?ial rewardg at" a daemon than the p?tantial casts, adultg tend to canaider Emmy? The study tram- cindedthat ?ecisian-maldng with regard to risk and reward ?impmves thmughaut adalemnce,? like?y ?dug mt ta mgnitive mammtian'but in changes in affective pmessmg?mthat isg-thaab?ity t0 reguiate t9 ematiana] and maria] in?uencas.? Aduieseents? lass mature eighing 0f risk and reward may lead them to be mum likely bu angage in aiming! activity, as well as ather kindg ?f riskntaldng? Finally, juveniles differ Eran"; adults ill-their abiliiy faresea and take him amnunt the cumequenms (if their behavior. By de?nitian, adalescents have Hess life axperience {m whieh t0 draw, making it 13% likely? that Haipfem?Falsher E: Cauf?nan, ?pm him: 13, at 251, 254w 2?30 {cumpm?ing l?hwgradem with mean {if 1?.5 to admits with mean age {If 23) Ewen greater di?'erencas prevailed hetweer: adults and 5; manger adnlements See id. is Elizabeth Cauf?nan at 33 Age ?g?mseces Macrame Dam cisima slfalrfaag as indexed Pezj'mwamwe am the 19am Gnm?t?ng Tm Demiapmentai i} 14 211%). ?3 1:1. at 14 ET Wit, {?gspm note 4, at 3-14. 35?~3?1 {muting that adulesw mnts? {if pcmiv?i risk?'and mw?r?a m?y 'cxpiain why half 03? mare adaiescents mw?ed {1m mg wh??a intmicated en; gagmg in sex without mntraceptinn, illegal {1mg use {if mine farm 0f minor minim} aati?ty} . 12 they will fully appmhend the patential negative muse??- quences 55f their 35955555593 - 9195*95555555'539555555595155 are less, able than adult? t5? ?55559591551 and 1315151 ?551? the future, a capacity still 519159153}?ng during adnleseence.? The study 535? maturity 55f judgment, discuswd al.5525545,? faun? that; adaiescentg? ?ztum 555555555555 is than 3511511952 that study, 15*E?Lich compmd maturity 55f judg- mentrin (we? 1,909 adalescents and adults, ?found that even 19?year??lds 55:05:89 lower than 55555555 5:555 measures; of ?55953559535555,? which enmmpaswd ?the ability to see shark and long term mnsequencea? as we?! as the abil? ity ta ?take ather people?s 53355119595555 5:511:55 Similarly, studies have 555mm that, mung 15? t5? yearaalds, realism in thinking 3.5555515 the . 9.5mm i55- 5:5?3555335? withage, and 5.51555. 5515915? 55555555555155} fur future??- planning 5.5555555 5:5? 555555555555 until the 855135? 295.35 - The 5551555? ta Wat; impulm and 055515561 3555559555555, the ability 555 gauge risks 31553981553953 555-3555 adult 1555555151," and the ability 3t?) :envi?ian the future muse?- quences 555' 535595 actiuns-weven in the: face 555? mental 05' presgwasmare critical mmponents 9f 35555155] and 555550955513] maturity, mete-55m? in 555-51535 t5? ?5 555. 55351555. 35?53, 55.55., Jari-Eri}: Numii? Lia 51555535315553.3955? See T355935 Future? A 1575-5? 55555510535556553 and 15 Dew. ei?pmental Rev 1 29-29 {1991}: Laurence Sieinhwg 531: 513 Age ?s?f?iwarm 555 05155595515555: 555559 5'35?ny 1% 39 35-913 {2999}. 29533159555555? 552: Steinberg, 355?er 5553555519, at 246,, 948? 954 9 93L 55 {fumpar?ing 555355159 with with mean age {if 37.9), 23 Numi $555555: note 19 at 23-29; 5515555 Steinberg at 5.5L .9156 E55 555551 {5955555 Rate 19 at 35-39. 13 maka maturm Emily cansi?emd decisiuns}; Empirical resemh mn?rmg that {Adar adalam {remiss?have nut fully dewiaped them - abilitim and heme lack an adt?t?s capacity fur mature ju?gment}3 Steinherg 33;:er mate 19 at T41 ?Fi'v? E?n?ing a wmia?un hem een ?respensihility. ?A?mpem?mf amt} max-spec ma" mil mature decimm Mg regmr?ing anthq-cia? {If ?sh? behm?ar} The diSsent nriticized the America? Emm- Logical Amnciati?m for alleged}; hating taken inc?nsistem. pnsiw ti?ns mgarriing a?c?esceut maturity in Si aha a. previn-us ?339.; Hodgmn v, Minna-mm, 49'? 11.8, mising this ques- tiim whether mmnmi nati?rmtiu? p?md an undue burden an a mi- 11m" gi??s right to (2:me an ab?r?an. 543 at EYE-518 J. dissa?ting] The kamciatian 5 b?e?s and Hodgamr. haw er a?dresmci {liffm?nt qum?ans and mmn?ngly Amused an {Emmet aspects 0f mature judgment H?dgsma. mammd mmpe~ twice nuke medim} decisi?m, wi?eh can be made in a reia?vel}? unhm?ed manner in with medim! pmfe?siamls, and thus {mused 1m adalmcems? myni?m abilities, naming that by mid- ad?lesmnce mm appmximatmi theme 9f adults. Bf; con- mg the queStinn in Simmons, as here, WEE: the degree {33' atiaimn mam and (miatediy) patantml in!? when they eumm?t crimina? am, axis that; Malt ?mn impuisive and i?-mnsidere? chaices driven by imma? turity. As ?iaeumed ?xrthar heluw, mgnitire capabilities mature Ear-af?ne an adaleacant has amuimlthe capacities nec- emm? farimpuise cuntrui, and mm 95 future the! face {if m: and emotimal prmsums Laurence Steinberg at Adaimcmam Less Am? ham 3??an Adeifm? $5}an Acmm is mama? 33w Jmmaim ?ftieth: Pmaf?y, and 3128 APA Mimi Am gist a: mm {2130 Elizabeth Smti; et a1. Ez-nfsmimg Ad?fm?wef ?m?mz AfaAing in 89:33:?qu 19 Law; ?z?um. Behzw 221 Egg?2:35 Hammer Muse um}? pab?im and tnmpetmm' are distmat, adaiemnts' magma magmas their capability {5111a er??nms their pram- pests {If an if It {has mt render them far a?j purpoaem C?e 2?22 Bmtke 5-12 11.5 ESE-1 14 is clear that important pr?gre?? in the develop- ment- nf Racial and emotional matm?ty] (recurs; 501119 time during late adaiegceneeg and that these changes have a pmfaund e?'ect can the ah?it} t0 make: {rami?- tentlv mature decisians?' It Elmuld he mated that the multipie abilitiw that wat?bute mamre judgment deval?p at different rates Sound judgment requires: bath engnitive and m? eial and ema?enalsk?ls, but the {tanner mature 500nm than. the latter. Studi?s 0f general angrlitive capacity Shaw an increase from pr?adulescence until about age 16, when gains in mgnitive capacity begin tnplateam? As digcussed abave' however 50cm and em?t?iunal maw twig" can?nues tn develap thmughOut a?slescence Thus alder a?olescents (aged 13-17) might have l?gi?al manning skills that appmmate thme Ma?a but 3" Cau?mn Steinberg? 32qu mute-1i}, at 753 {finding that the muSt increase in maturity? mm between the ag? 0f 18 and 19}; we aim Iris?pemuFelsher S: Calif}? mm mph?: mm 33, at; 2171 (?[ijmm?ant than dammit- mem. at? de?azanummng mmpetenca 9mm sometime during late adnieswnce 255w, 6.9., MW Grism at a} immiks Sampemme'm Emmi Trial, 2" Law Hum. Behay $33, 34% (15- 17, yearwalds {lid 11m. cii??er {mm 1% t0 ?year-?ld adults but. per? formed Sigz??mnth' better than 14- 15} wrenms can 195%: mi? basic mgnitim? ahi?ti??}; ?ank! P. Kea?ngi C?gmi?m am! 3min Bene?t Eu Haudixmk uf?duiesrceni P$gcfmi?yy 45, {:34 {Rithard M. Lerner Laurence Steinherg $615.; 2mm {mgnj?we e5- hihited mbu?t at earlier and began to appmach the limits (if in the 14?- {Beggar-mm grungy); mama-g- et 31., Ara Adaiesamm Lama Mature Timn?dmifs 32mm Hate at 8-43 2 {st?dy showed 3311195}; lin?ar inerease in cagni?ve ?'nm age 10-11 until age 164?, when mgnitive abilities began 1.0 plateau}. 15 lack the abilities Eta-exercise selfumstraint, Eu weigh ?sh and reward appropriatelyk and EE the future are just as critical .EE mature judg- YEingE are even lass capable Ef mature judgment, since they may be lacking Eat E1115: Eh?se and skills but mgnitive EE- as e11 2 are mine ?ammable EE As Simmons 3130 Eemgnized ?juven?ea ale EE negative and pres-? 511183 including peer pressure, 543 at 569.. cause {if develhpmental immEtEEiE}, are: Entire susceptible than admits EE the Emu- antes 0f EhEir indeed Eheir Ectihns Ere shined h} family and peers in ways Ehat admits Eli-E are dependent, Eh of EhEir parents End families arid are winErEhle the impact of well E393: End their .BEth the family and the; iE which an ?nds 1151125311? illay Emajnr EEIE in juvenile dEiinquenEyF? Yet, Ei? their fag {1311mm ?2 Steinherg, lit, at aim HEEpema-Feisher Sr SEEM 13., at WEE Laurence Steinherg. 5 Ami - REE ?inimi EFE-SQ Alan REESE, Emmi hind 0f Youths, EE. Na! 33 94?? ?1 REherE eds, 2000) Iii. at ?748; Jeffrey Pagan Ef by C?i?li?m? EE SEE-SEE (Thnmas Earhart Schwartz eds; m; 18 Raga! minnrity, juvenilea lack the ?'eadGm-and anion- may ta ramnvn thamaalvaa from external in?uences that may exert pressure tan;- ard crime.- Pat jll" vanilea lack the mail {war themselves and war their lives: that. admits Juveniles ant 01113 lack central me: their amimna meat ganmily but we aim Inna capable than adnlm {if mthatanding the negativein?uanaa af peai which in dif?eult for al?arjnvaniiaa tn waist and even mare difficult far yanngar juveniles tn i'asiat. Research has sham that Susceptibility to peer in?uence, particu- Early in aitiiatiana 5m mange? pregame in Engage in anti- satin} behavinr, between nhiidhaad and early adolescence, peaks at aw 14 and than {inclines slawiy during the lain adalesnent yam a, with relatively little change after 3% 18:3 0:12 meant napemmental study fannd that exposure tn pem?a during a rink-taking task dnuble? the mount 0f ?sh? behavinr amang mid- adniasaanta' (with'a?maan age? ?f it 133? 50 percent among mange undergraduates (With a mean age of 19) and had an napant at. all amnng Eating atiaita. 3? ?Ema af peera makes adolewants Thurman J. Bern?t, Bevainpmanmf in in Pram mini Pawn-Ia! 15 Paychni. GEES. 51.23 il??i?k Laurence Steinberg ?2 Susan Siivarhergg?za Wuhan- mdaa nf Aatnnm?y in Eariy Manama; 5? Chiki Dav. 34L ?48 Elizabeth 3. Sent: [amnca?teinharg Rnik?iiking Jan? Email?? Ma?a! IE 8w (,2an Kristina Erick?nn at 311511. Sada! Pmcesa Madei nf?dalaaceni Deviance: Cambining Satin! C?mt?mi and ?g??arai?iiai Painpan?res 29 J. ?it naaea manna 395? @0421 (discussing pear in?uence on de?n- quane3i; Pagan supra ante 33.211. 332-2384 {(15.59ng coercing? at? fact satin! context; an whi?i?gn I?aniner Laura-nine Peer Il??amaa an Risk Taking, nan Prafaranra, and Riakg; ?acimz'mz and 3;th but net minim mere likely be take risks and were likely in make rzelg Jmenilee ability in resist peer in?uence ail feeie their judgment and beherier bath dimetiyehdinw directly, leading jm en?ee he take ?ake that adults might net ?In seine centem edeieacents might make in reepenee te direet peer pressure, as when they are coerced in take risks that the}, might ether- wire amid Mere indirectig, desire fer peel apprevei, and peneequent fear ef rejectien, affect their even withept The in- ef peers in adolescence likely makes apprevai? seeieng impel-tent in group sites.? titans. "3 "f are thus mere likely than adults to ter their beherier' respenee te' peer pressureweueh as? by engaging in en?ee?eiel hemm- teemferm te peer expectatiepfs e! mi achieve respect and statue gutting thee peers?? Jui enile crime is emmey cm elated with expeeure tn dehuQuent peeree34 Net etujjrieingly Adeimeemr emf Adidm'md; Erperimem?ei Study 41 Dex ei? epmeniel Perehel meme see aim Lamenee Steinherg E: Kethr?rn (3 Hawaiian, Age ?r?erenrer m. Registmree to Peer Ire? ?nance 43 Derelepmentai 153i 1531 (mil!) (damping Gardner and Steinberg' study} ?Gerdner Steinberg?, supra nute 30 at 634 Semi; cit. Sieinhergr eaxpm note 7'9 at 38?39? see {glee Muf?tt Adoieecerzinlrimiirvi magi L?-Ceureef?ermeieni Antimmai 383225?!" Sew", eupm mite 5, at 635'; ?rming, recpm mile 12, at 33* See. Mei?ti, mi meme-33- Pereil?ifmli Beiturierg seem mate ear?em! 18 therefore, adolescents are much mere likely than adults tn mmn?t crimes in greens. 35 ?Ne matter the crime if a, teenager IS the effender he is usualtr tint remmitting the e?'ense alene ?3?5 Indeed ??{mEeEt adolescent deri? siene tn break the ten take plane on a serial stage Where the nnmediate pressure ef peers is the real men- tirem mane-3, renditien fer an edeletrent te stay law-abiding 15 the ability to de?ect er reeiet peer pressure? a Sandal Skill that is net fully dereleped in In ehart ee thie Cam has e?eer?re? ?youth 15 more than chenolegicet fact It as a time ant! cenditinn at life when a pereen may be meet susceptible tn influence and in perehetegiwl damage Eddinge r. Oktnheem, 4555 US 184 115 (1332} Became juren?ee dereiep? mental immaturity and legal mam render them both mere susceptible tn and lee: capable nt' eernping, mega?n the external presemes, they ?have a greater claim than adults U.) be farg'refn?? for the minimal nets that are the result tr tech 131 eseurer 5:3 at 5% . 35 Smelt ?5 Steinherg, were nnte 29. at are new Haward N. Snyder Er Metiesa Stekmund Natinnai Center fer Juvenile Jeanne Jeremie ??end?gm and Wartime mm? Netfmmi Repnrt $5 {in 19%? juveniles ?lat ere tetra ass Iiketr as adults tn cement re?ner virulent crimes in gmupsj. 3?5 Zimring, rupre nute 1:2, at 231; err aim) Juan Mc?nr? S: Kevin P. Sumter, Cer?emt?ng and Patients; ef Jeremie Mme 9 {Bee {?nding that may a?eneer ruin attain-res by 2 tr; I far there under 1315-year- nldeEimring, supra mute E, at m. 3?3 at tee-rel. 19 3. Juvenilca? untamed idan?ty makes. it . likely that that: evince a ?xed bad charactat and mare likely that they will relax-ta Finally, as Shamans recognized, juveniles di??ar from adultsn?and juvenile crane and culpability differ ?the charactaraf a juvenile is ant as wall famed as that at? an adaltfaml ?[t}ha par-v samlity traitanf juveniles are mare maitaw, lasa ?xed.? 543 US. at .Incglaatl,.tha da?Mg quality af is that. character it mat yet fully famed. Adalescenta are still in the; gamma at farging an iden- tity, a that will mt be template at least until early . - Given juvenilea? relatively unfamed identity? their managr?aians {la mat aacaasa?ly indicate an an:- tre'nahed ?had? character requiring pemanant ingrai? pacitatian. Instaad, their actiana altar: r??act the im- maturity; impulsivity, and Vulnerability that are. the: ?sigmtm'a qualitiat of 30121211? itaalfu Sim-malts, 543 US. at. (intamal quatatlan'marks'amitted); And these chamete?atims of ladale'scenta art-3 ?rmwalentl 'As thia Cam has ramgnizad, far that mama, it is mare 35; See, egg" Alan Waterman, Idantily Qamlaymaaf fmal Adolescence to l8 Bevelnpmantal Psyahal. 341, 3.35 [1332} {"l?he mast extensive advances in identity am during the time spent in laureate Steinberg (it Rahal-t G. Schwartz, BataLn?aie-ma! Shasta ?aw't, in, that}; we 'l'rial 9? (Tham?rissa ?1 Ruben G. Schwartz ails" Ml {?[h?aat identity develapmeat takes abate during thelata team and early twentiesf}; Scan: 33: Stainherg, Harte 29. at. 52 herant intagm?an 0f Maxim} does not mar until late earl; the final stagaa at this pracaas alien aircur la the callega yam) 55 ?5?5 likely that 3111911585 character 555115911553 wiil be re- farmed? 311 the 51111121111155an 11511 15515553113115? 111? youth Subside' Iii.? (111111-1131 quatatim marks amittedl In nther Words, it ?35115 rare juvenile 115611551: 11" 111359 mime re?ects irreparable mmptim.? Id at 1.3 Indeed 1-?111151 1155ng cuipabi?ty precisely he- muse itS? ?signature qualities? are transient: 3 3113155511 055115111? is? 1101; yet the 13515121115511.1511 55110159 in 311111111? hmd1 8511515113,. 555 15.5. at 1551115511115: criminal 121111511111: typically maults 50m 1151111155115 experimenta? 511511551 "1111511111111 and 11111 5:11:11 deep-seated 11111151 deficiency reflective 11f ?5111? character.? Fur most juvmiles, 51613551115, 51111555111 behaviar is ?eeting 111111 will ?cease with maturity 115 individual identity 135- 12111111253111.5953? 81211111111115.5445. US. at 55511111111:ng Steinberg Scatt,-311pm mite 13, 551514). Onlya small [3113310151311 11f aclulescents who expemnent 19151211 illegal activities will 5511511111 511 entremzhed pattern 115' 13151151151 595111511111 that persists 111111 51111111111511? ?[1555 vast majarity 11f a?sleseents 11th engage in 11151151151 or delinquent 51511115111- desist 511111 mime as they 1113- 1111535.: 495111535, 55039555113-1151115135 c1115 1311551317111? 5555119301; 311.1311} 1111125 5 at 5% 555; Steinberg 51 511115 11111111: 11111e 15 a1; 3515; 3111: 115111 51115531113315 111.112 :3 at 54-! 555- 35?. ?111111111 5551111111111111111111 111115 11-13% ?511r119-Pw51351111? 1911181555111? 83511111111? 111131111 11015 5 a; 555-555; Steinberg Scott 5111er 111152 15 at 151-1 Stemhaerg? 5 3121111 511111-11 1101.12 13 at 151511115 11.51; 311111511, 1113053135111:- 151111585 11115 51:25- M?nume Pam-5113111 13111581113511 3651111- 1111' 131111111 mate 5 at 535m 21 Mamaver,?juraniies?- uniformed selves mean- that their future character and mariner be reliably or accurately predicted. Researchers have cansistan?y canaladad that bahai?ar came senses ia'adalamants who anagrams as criminal sffeadars through a?ult- haad and thase Wh? i?ii list. 43' man Confm?ated With a delinquent adaiasaant it is very cii?im?t to pmdict ac? caratalv whathar that iridiridaal will persist in ariminal hehamr ar m1] desist am crime in aiiulthaad as the vast majarity sf dalin?uaat adaiasaasts (is . Indeed, as this Cami: canaiuded Shamans, ?mt 15 dif?cult even far expert payrhaiagists ta diffamntiate betw sen tha javsniia affaaciar ahass crime re?ects arr?- fortunate yet harmiant anamturity, and the rare jars- ails a?aader Whoisa crime re?ects irreparabie stirrup? am.? 543 U. at 5T3 For Similar mama's, as the Court; noted, pmrciliatrists generaliy Will ma; diagnass antisscial parsnnality disardare?alsa, as. pathy or the-age sf 18.- Id. {citing Ama?aan Assasiatian, Biagaastia and? Sta- ?sama r. assay. a Elizabeth Cauiiman. rag firisaraai Liariia afPrariiriiag Scans; 5i?? ism. Pageimlagisi rm. ass {m1} (?Assam-sing a?aissaanis sitarasaais tha- farmi?abia chai- iaaga 0i trying to- capiura a rapidiy chasgiag pramsa a'iih few markers?); ?Thamaa Grissa, Hawaii: Armies? rem waf?e rifarriai ?imrdara Mist?ati?uiiy (If amortiam in amiss ??aming Lamisi? far iris-rati?ca? tiaa af? mania] ei?issniars}; Jaim F. Edens at. Assammaai af ?Jaw Psycimpafay? and. Rs wai?iit' Cririmf Karissa, Eat-has. Sari. L- 53., {Emil} (Kiting aiadics and mating dif?cult} sf praniiriiagjaram?ias future bahariar saris as an?sacfai madart ar pmahapatixy, hacaam gairamlas" smiai anti are mi. faiir dew; amped} 22 imiiml Mitimmi Sf Mmial Dmm?dm?a $01396 (4th ed, RS. 2900)). "i - In Sum, juveniles are still ShSii? inm- and identity, and it. i5 likely that juvenil? Sff?ndSr w?l crime in 343 S. St SW. jSirSii?S crime is likeiv be the prom net of the} ?Signature QualitiSS of ySuih," idg there SS reliable way it) that juvenile offenses mm the main: Sf mi Sm'riipt Char'SSiSi anti SS rSiiSbIS cowhide that in die in mi}? to Sr reform-?far an Sommittmi as S. jmrS-w nilS- B. is Sam sistent With Emmging .Resemch Brain Emerging reSSm Sh Shams Siam: 13min iS Still SS- iiSlSping during in ways Sith - immaturity. Speci?cally, bmiSS are not fully devel- The dif?SSity in SS, futurS character and c?nduct is pmimlariy Scum in attempting it} identify indi- viduais with .Sitiiaugh Serging rS-Sezirth iiSS suggested that some 9-33 traits might be mare Stable mar time than prSviSuSiy ihSiight Si Si: ?ime SitidiS-S demon- SimtS tiiS: ihS predictiSS primer Si? juveniiS gmyi?mpathgg assem- mSi'iiS iS Smite mimic. For SmmiipiS? Sim]? {mud that. if ?ing? mistic cm a measum of jurSnilS- were used in pmdict adult the prediction. that juveniiSS Wilt} scared in. the tap 2i} Sf traits at age 13 wuuid be pi?i?fh?p??li? at. age ?Suki be wrung in SS mmcni Sf warm. [3an R. Lynam Si; SL. Laiigii?atdiimi TSSE Swim Emily P?y?h?m?iyg 115 Abnormal PS3 Slim 1555 160 162 {$113 23 sped in rsginns rs'latsti in risk smutinnal regulatinn, and impulss central. ?[03111? emerging 1111- 11f brain maturatinn. .. that brain systems reasoning and basic mature earlier than these that mars advanced executive ?metinns and the enordinstinn 11f a?'ent and nngnitinn mammary matu?tyf?s As shave. mature judgment z?equiies both nagnitive anti 11le as the ?ability tn ennr?insts the tn :1 Rs? cent research suggests that the brain systems that many 733131911115 nf sneial and amn? tinnsl maturity, such as impulse tantra}, eighing risks and rewards? plmining ahead, and cnn? sidering Inultii?e snumss nf? infnrinntinn: as all as this esordinstinn 11f smn?nn anti ?signi?es, continue ts ms mm advances in magnetic imaging (MRI) have contributed tn sninntisis greats? mnemtanding nf 4?5 Steinherg st 111.; Are Arisisscanis Less Maxims Time: ?rislfsi manna 1111118 33,, st ii}; sea afannir Babs-i at 11L. N?imi swims {If Chaise 34154531211111 i1: Adulis and Adnissc'snts: (1311112231: a; #313 Venimiai?mi Prs?'naaini and Aiais?hr Cnr?irss, 45 ism-1211 (2111111 brain areas assm?aied with ?ght-artist sngnitinn and. emstinnal regnia?nn are same Of the last tn mature; this lag in mammtisn in areas with inward mines and 11011111}! 11f bahm'inr my explain why adaieseents your decisinn?making}; Laurence ?teinherg, A Smini Neurnsciancs Perspective on. Adu- iescem?. Risk-Taking, 23 Deveinpmenmi Rev. TB, ?33 ?21108). 463%. Eshel at sag-3m Hats 45* at 1211; Isms Gaps in the: Mummy 11f ?inrnn (111's Ans and 5911119113121: J, 32 Laws Hum. 539-31} Sisinherg at 11! Age B?sreswes in Sess- ivignnd Impetiszsfiyi sum note at Fi?-5 2.4 brain development; using MRI teelmelegg? (available @2113? einee the 19903) has allewed scientists 3:0 exam?ne'hrair: aetivity While an individual performs teem ierel?ng Speech.1 pereeptiee, reesening, ?In edditien, scientists have been able 30 study derelepmentai changes in the structure of the brain during cmdheed and by emn?nw ing' the same mdiridueie ever time at pe?e?ie inter- 5.33 . The frontal whee?wand in particular the prefrentel mrtexmef the brain play an essential part in higher? order eegnieire fuehtiene. ?These regions ef the brain are eehtml tn the process he planning and makihg, ineludmg the eraleetiee of future creme? and the weighing ef risk seed reward 4" They 4? See; 33.59., Kemeth K, Hweng e3 3333., 933331111333.- Megeei?e Imagery ef Harare}: Brain Artiriry ?aring P?nmry Seesaw; Srheefat?ma. 89 Free. Net? heed; Sci. 567353, {39972} {describing MRI mapping ef brain. artiritg}: N. Giedd et 33.311133: ?erefepereef Baring ?313!th mad A Leugii?m?ee! MRI 2 Nature Nemei. $51 $323.! {1999} {den ecribhag study ef 1-35 rhihireh and a?e3emem manned up he fine times in er appr?erim?eig men were}; runner Pane 5min Green's- epment 333 Hma?beek ef?deiesreef Prym?refegy G5 438 (Richer! M. Lenrer c3: WINE Siehrherg Ede. Linda Spear, Wee BehameW! h?eemseieere (If Adeieerenre 1338?131 (ferthcemjng 2869} 48 ?mteine Beehare e3: 3.1L, ?immr?erimii?ee (If ?ee Deciefmew Jiieking De?rff 0f Puri?ers tariff; Sr'eeimm?i?ei Pre?eeml. fewer. Lesions; 123 Brain 2189, {patients with leeiene in the preheetal cortex su??ered free; hnpeh'meete in the ehilitgto make real hfe decieiene beteuee 03' an insensitivity tn ?riure eenee quences; whether remake er euniehmeni); Anteine Berrhm e3 31L ef Werka'eg Memes-y Beeirt'mr Making EHHrin. the Hum-ma Prefmeiei Entree, 13 Neumeei 423 428, 43?1 (195333 {premarital cortex. IS nereesarg. fer demeiee?making In Leeks 1m 01-.- 25 are 3131:: assential tn the ability-t0 tantra} ematinns and inhibit impulsesfg- In shaft, fully develaped am! prop- erly" functioning-frantal lakes play a critical mle in'a pal?3931?s capacity ta be a m?emal 1113331 aet?r, mpable 0f mature decismn-making . - Yet 33 MRI studies have 311mm the carter: 13 {me {If tha hast regi?ns 0f the brain it} 331::4mw"Fa During? e?l?hmd and 33131331331123, the brain is matur- ing in at; Beast We} majur ways relevant, hem. Fimt, the brain undergaes myelimtimng the princess thmugh which tha nem'al pathways cannedingdifferent parts of the brain became insulated with white fatty. tissue calla? myehn: That, insulatim ?speeds mum} sig? nal transn?ssi?n," mal?ng between dif? ing evakuatin? risk and 3333mm: Antani? R. Damasia ?2 Steven W. 34334333333; Tim anf?i mags. in mi?im?? 4:34, 434 {Katmai}; Vi Hailmn S: Edward 1531311543433 3123.? 4th ed. 238:4] (we ?Mimi; Bf fmntai i?be ?ysfu?ttion i3 tiif?cuky mak- ing that air-3'13: the inngmiam best Enigma" 3f the indi? viduzd}; 333 (1233' E?mheth 831331} a! in Vivi; Past 31393333333: ?mia 3:252:ng Fm?gigi 313:2 53mm! 92mm 2 Nature Neare?aci $59 85!) 4352123 13mm: ?33333 are 333331?- tia? far yEanning and ?39 See 3 g. G?i?hergv 22:3 Exem?ala 3min: aniai M433 and {he m? 123:! Sf 321d 23{3333}; at; 31. and 8mm mm! 33- in?m; in Cngr??afg {333339333333an Ria??ngim! Eisyeh? 2:4] 244m 246 Nitiu 34 Mapping 35333:! 33333133533336 ?aming Tiamacgiz Ear-{y 423%}th H31 Pm Natl :kcad. Sci 3W4 81H ?2304}; ?13533 e: 34 3333333131333 4333 a: 243; Swat 32:53:: n4te4? at Efa??. 5? $333 3. GnE?bergmupm 1104349. at ?44 26 ferent parts (If the brain faster and mare raliable."? Myelinatiun 'impmves hath neuml canneastians Within the pm?nntal carter: itaalf and the mum} cannectiuns between the prefmntal annex and regions that are impm'tant far the pmessing of emu?ms and 5mm} infmmationfl Second, during chiidhoed and ad?lescence, the brain is underguing paring away {sf unv used $113,135,525, Eeading t0 mare ef?ciant neural connecn ti?ns.? Dining adalescence, synaptic pruning is mam 9f the pre??ntal mites: than wither brain mgians mnsistent with the ubwwatiun that adoles? mnee is a time if marked impmvement in executive functiuns - Through mye?linatien and pruning, the brain?s fmn? ta} labes change, with ?w?te mattef?mthe tissue that $334.12 eg, [33593 at 31., supra mm 49 at, 2453-46; Allan L. REESE at Ell. Emir; ?13m eigpuwui Gen-tier and IQ ?m Citiidma. A Enhmxeiaic Inmg?rsg Shit-?g, 111573 Brain 1 T153 {1996}: Elimbeth R. Slime}! at. Mapping Cm?iawed Bruin Gma?? mad Gray Mat- fer Redafii?n in 130mg! anfai Haifa: harm Rafa-n {Kamila-1:33 Barigtg Fagiadafmcmat 3min aifafsamtima. 2] 3? Neura- ?sci. $19, 853% (23351}: Stemhm'g, A 50:53? Neatmscimam Perspeacw five at; Adaiescmai Re?sk~f?akiug, supra mate 45 at. 93-99 - ?Casey at ai {31mm mm 49 at 242? 243; {3031215 I at. :11. supra nuts: at 8115; Snwell et a1, Mappiwg Cnmirmed Emir: Gmwf? and Gray Matter ?erwity Reduction supra mm 53, at $23; Spear nitrite 41m. 31?96; Peter Plasticity The Efads of?iwtmammu an 1kg Bmiupmmf the Cerabmf Caz-?ea: s41} 4&4? SEsheE at 3.3.1 supra mm 45.3%; Spear? aupm mate at - farms pathivais ?among dif?e-mnt parts iif the: brain-i=? increasing and? gray mattef??tha Ramps that are: the building block; if tha hmhi?i-dem?easing?? These changeii in the brain? 5-3 ?D?lp?Ei??n are thauglit t9 heip the brain iwrk faster and mare ef?cientlv, impmi?ing the ?executive? ?inctiuns {if the ?nntal Inbes, impulsa tantra} risk evaluatin?n 5" This shift, in the brain? 5 campasitiori writiriues addie?ceima; indeed, studies indicate that myelii'iati?n mutinuas intii young adulthmil 5? Althmigh the precise tinderiy?ing machanismis (if brain develap'ment cantiniie be studied; it is cigar that, in late adoie?cence, impartant- aspects {if brain mam: aticin remain partimiiariy these in? waiving the brain 5 exeeiitive and the cmrdi?s Hated activity of regiaiis implied arid eagni? 5911.59 In shark, the part the brain that. is miticlai fi?ir m?tr?l 0f iinpuiseg and emptiitms and matureg-mii?id? ered (iecisiimwmaking is ?eveluping came, mnsistent with the dem?ngtrated and immaimity afjuireniles $37.91? ?g {33581; at 31 slipni mate 39 3:3; Site pm Mia 49 at 57,3929 3 pi SE53 2i 3min and Gray Base-5:351 53 at $133; $3393: at 3L, xiipm Mia 49, at 245?246; REES at at, Supra 33, 1m. 53 Huttenlucher, supra note 54, at 32; 3m 1155:: Giaclii at 331., pm note '45, ?331., 3% ??ngitudinai MRI Study ?mumenting an in?ame in white matter untii age 32); Reiss 51., isiipm; mate 53 at THE: (pheaning increase in white matter in prefrm?ial the brain tinyughout 3130195an and inia if Bil-?g adulthiinii]. 593m 92 Steinherg, A Swim ?imimiir-ieiice mi 135052543195: Risk- Taking, supra mite 35! at 93-93.. 28 ii 83113131111311: THE 1111113111113 13311111111333 111 THESE CASES T111 DIE 111 P11151111 W113 11121 03111131113111: 1'11 13331113313311: 111133113 13 11. 91333133303311?: - A3 this (3111111, 1-1111ng in 8511111113113 juveniles iminaturity 11111111131133 311d changaah?ityn 'hila 113331511 1111 1133' 3111:1133 j111'311i133? c?meHuhst?tiaily 1111111111111 1111331111113: 3111i 11111131113113? 111131r justi?tatiun fur de?nitively Sending their {133 111-91. ?The? sua?epti? bility 11f juvaniles 11: 11111111111113 31111 13111101111111 behav- iar 11133113 *theirirrespmsible 1111111111111 is; 11111; 3311111111113 reprehensible as that. 111' 311 adult? 543 US. 315'?) (?11101ng 11. 03151131111111, 48? US. 815, 835 (1988)). . W113i? 011111 vulnerability. 31111 31111111313133le 1111? 111111111111 11131: their Mediate 311111111111li11gs 1113311 ju? veniles have 11 greater claim than 111111113 1111 1:13 fargiven for'failing to 3111:3113 negative in?uences ?11 their 111111113 envimnmant.? Id. Ami ?Hallie reality ihatjuvenilas still'simgglem define their identitymeans it is less 311111111111le 11) 1111111211133 that 311.311 3 heinnus crime 1.111111115311311 by a juvanile is evidence 11f ilTet?evably de? praved character" Id F111 $1131: 133311113 ?the death 11311111113113 3 punisshment {111* affenders under 18. 1112 5'35. T311133 33.1113 mitigating 1133131:- teristiczea 511111111111 the 33111211133111 that condemnmg a ju? venile 111 die 111 prism im- the 113311333 111. 1113113 here 13 3 mmtitutionally dispmportiunate punishment. 111113 (3111111; 1133 held that in light; of death?s ?nalit3 and irreversibility 1:3pi13l punishment 131111311135 espe? cially 1311133 312111173113, 31111 necessitates 111111111111 {1111- 13311111113 1131; 31113111153 required, in 111331 111 31131113 that its imposition 11311111535 with the Eighth 3111131131111131 clictata?. $11, 11.9., Hamelin 11. Michigan, 5131 US. 95'? 113% {1991} (Kennedy, mneur?ngin part. 31113 131111- cnwing in the judgment); Edciings, 455 US. at. 110; 29 Lacketi v. 0km, 433 US. 586,, 6% (1913} (plurality tapin- iun). Yet ii: hm consistently held that ?itihe Eighth Amendment, ,principia 3.15:1 applies nomapital sentences,? Hamzeiin, 501 US. at 99? (Ken- nedy, J., 43011::ng in part and c?nmrring in 13113 jutig? merit)? and that the Eighth Amendment f?rbids any parliament that is dispmportianate? tn the Grimm ids. at 1M1 (intemai quntatinn unlined). The Chum has recugnized that? untiar'?ertain cir- cumtameg, the punighment {if life in prism withnut pamle may be gr??sly dispmpartihnate in light (if the gravity ?f the offense andthe blamewurthiness aithe o??ender. . See Sniam. v. Helm? 463 US. 2901-294 (1983)., In particular, the Swim: Court explained that it was appmm?iaie t0. emu?ne nut merely the nature {If the c?me, but $150 the ?culpabilityof the affender,? in? eluding the offender's level {if participatim in the crime and his intent. 0r mative in committing it. Id. at 293. The Cam canduded that a same-nee {if life withnut paw mle was an dispmpurtimate pun- ishment: for a sax enth nan-mnlen?t feign} camn?tted by an adult o??hnder See id. at 393. . . The Cam has subsequently rajected Eighth Amendment, challenges t0 a Shawnee of life withuut [Ia- mie far possessian by 21113th ?f a 1m quantity Bf can mine, see Harmaiin, 5:31 US. at 994-9913, and to santences ?f terms 1:1ny with the pussihiliiy at? every tuai parulh hi1 adulias fur f?p?att??- fuiunynf? fenses that included seriaug ?r 'Ei?i?ient: felonies?- 333 Lawyer Aiada?de, 538 US, 63 (2003); Ewing Cali famia,-538 US. 11, 29-31 (2003) {pimiity ?pinian). But it has rammed Sahara?s basic haltiingthat tha impuah ?rm hi a sentence Elf-imprisonment is mummi?ed hy- a muirement 0f ymp?rt?iamlity to the u??ense and the affender. - Sag Hammi-in, 5m U.S. at $975898, 10m 39 (Kennedy, JG, concurring in part and in. the judgment}; Leekyee, 538 US. at Ewing, 533 US. at 22-24. This Court has never yet had te examine the meetitutienelity 'ef the rare sentence at issue here: a sentence of life witheut the possibility ef penile im- en a juvenile fer a nee?hemieicle crime But the principles artieeleted in this Gem?s Eighth Amend- ment. jurisprudence euppert the that such a sentence is gmeely diepmpertienete. As an initial matter, while a eentenee (if death 1111-? quest-lenahly differs ?ne: a sentence (if imprisenment, imprisenment fer life witheut the of parele, like death, ie in werer reel eenee flea] and lrreveeahle. It eendemne the e?'ender to live nut his entire life and {lie in p?een, precluding release regardlees of anything he may de to redeem himself er demenetrete a changed ehmeter. Such a sentence is particularly harsh when imposed an a jmre'mile, who will Speed hie entire life in prism as a result of a crime eemmittecl as a miner, without ever- experiem?ng the ability ?to attain a teatime understanding of his new. hematite,? Siemens} 5-43 at 574mm free permit - - The same characterimtiee 0f juveniles that thie Court has already mitigate their culpability and render sentence {if death an meenetitutienelly dieprepemenete reepenw tn their are relevant la the meetitetienellty of a sentence (if life wltheut pew mle. As discussed ehme? even elder juveniles are eig- ni?cently lees capable than adults ef mature, meeldw erecl judgment. And the susceptibility {if even late ade- leecents ?to immatme end ineeponeible .- hehevie?r means their irreepeneible net-fee reel-ally reprehensible as that at" an adult,? 543 US. at ?ll} (queting 48'? et 835). Ynueger jevew miles are still able te make mature deeielene, es 31 their basic capacities may not yet be fully de? veloped-we particularly eempelling faster mitigating culpability; See Atkins Virginie, 536 318 in sheet? because less capacity [then-edeltsi te eentrel their. conduct and is think in leeg~mge terms, "*jm eniles ?deserve less punishment? for their crimes Eddings, 455 U. at 115 ?11 (internal queietien marks emitted} Similarly, mlneiebility fie negative influ? ences that may be their centre! ?meenisl juve- niles have a greater claim than adults te be fergiven fer felling-ta escape negative influences in their whele ee? vimnmenh? 5:13 U18. at 570. Because (if their develepmental immaturity,- adeleseents are were susceptible in the in?uence Elf the family and em?ime? meet that them, - Yet, because ef-their- legal mine?ty, juliienil?.??leek the freedem that minim have be extiieete ??em .e?minegeeie setting? Id. at 569 (qeetieg Steinberg Emit? seem-mete 13,'et Juveniles? te peer pressure else leetls them te make unwise eheiees they weulcl net be likely te make as adults and leads directly stir-indirectly in a sim?eent prepertien ef juvenile crime. Because a key element ef culpability the neiien that the elimi- nel ester, exercising sel?deiersninetiee, made a te e?'end, mlnerebility is their envi- memeet and peers ember mitigates their culpability Cf Merieseite s. miffed Sissies 342 246 Bell (1952 (culpability based en intentienal is related in ear belief in _the?freeclem {if the human will and a we sequent ability and duty (if the nut-me individual be cheese between good and evil?) . Finally the treiiSiteijr nature ef itself and the feet that. juveniles ehereeier is still being famed, means that jm'eniies criminal eenduet 32 be max-?ally equated with that (if adults: ?The reality that juveniles stiilrsmiggia tn (iefine their i?entity mam it is 1235 suppurtahie tn wnclude that Even a hein?us crime by a juvenile is evidence (if Milievahiy [lEpraved me a mam] staid- paint it wank! be misguided equaba the failings (if a miner with thase of an adult, far a greater exi?ts that a mimiar?s character de?cien?ies will be mu farmed.? 543 US at IThe penningicai justi?eatinna far a sentence (if life impri??nment withaut pamlewiike a - sentence {if death?are thus signi?cantly weaker when aimlied t9 juveniles, The retiibutive pummse {If ?nch a punish meat hm; gubstan?ally less force when applied to those ?whase culpability- m: is diminished,- to a suh?tantial degree, by mama Elf math and ityf? 54313.8, at" 5T1. Likewisg the same 0f juveniles that rendm them less Elli? Enable-{heir impulai?ty, rash biased attentinn tuthe anticipated -. immediate rewamis {if a chaise mther than its potential lungermtemi (Pasta, and lesser ability to: consider anti evaluate the future muse? quencaa of their aetiunsmsubstantia?y weaken the den Emma justi?catiun for such punishment,? id.? Am] indeed, emjiiricai Studies evaluating the ?atermnt affee: laws mandating that juvenile a?enders he transferre? tn the admit mimina] ju?tiee system fur certain crimes have cancludeci that th?? thwat of adult criminal sanctiuns had rm mea?umbie e?ect ?ll ju? venile: crir?e. Sim?? 3. Singer timid G?mixmiizirag ?eii?qzwiicy: Wee Befwmni 3.5.13 New Yam Juamaii? 0f fesid?r Law, 22 Law Sac?? Rm?. 521.52%} (193.8) {camgm?ng juvenile mt statigtics far rm:- yezirs print- to enactment (If New ?i'uric?s tranafer legislatian with juvenile mast, staiigtits in the six? year perimi after enactment and ?nding ?ttie measumbie impact. am 59mins juvenile trims}; Eric L. Jensen? 5: Linda K. Metsger, A 33 while life Withnut pamle will unquesti?nably mammal-? late a juvenile: uffender, life imp?smment with the possibility 0f parole mm 5113:? serve that '?mfctiun, while allowing far the gignj?mnt passibility ?that a ju~ venile will change and. develnp a mural clamcter :15 an adult. By an ??'ender t0 die in prism: fill? 'a as. a. juvenile that possibility, .As-diseusged ab?ve, and as: magnum, adalescence is transitary, and adalesc?nts change, Indeed, mast adolewentss whit}. crimes will desist mm criminal activity in Because the: selfisnatyet fully fax-mad, mare is way reliably t?imn'clude that an ad?lescent?s me is the expl'essinn (if an entrenched and irredeemahl}; ma? lign character that might justify permanent incarcerav ?lm, and no way t0 dlmtinguish the hyp?thetlcal juve- nile raffender i5 21 hardenerl criminal Earn-ma?a {lander Wham crime is a product if the transient influx ences of aclelescenee itself. Sentencing a juvenile in die in prism, withnut may yogsibility 91' release, thus cann?t mt (In the candu?lan that he is incapable nf change [31? redemptim. That simply mutant be said any mn- fidence ofjuveniles. Far all these reawns, sentencing an immature and lag culpable juvenlla t9 die in prison, particularly far the n0n~lwmicide affenses at issue betel is a gi??ssly {?spmw?lmmla Test 01? Liza E?mi 0f Legi?slmim Wm me llfaleartl Jum~ mils C?nm, will Crime ?t Dalian. 96, Imam ju- venil? mt statistics far the ?ve?yam pariah-[la helium and after enactment 9f lilah?'s transfer legislatlua 11ml finding nl) deterrent e?ect ?ll vielent gua'?nile crime}. 34 . Thejudgments 139105;? shamd be reversed. Respectfully submitted. NATHALIE FR DANIELLE GENERAL Cmins?i afRemrd malt-AN PsmHawmcaL' ANNE Haamw Af?om?mN T50 First Street, .E. WILMER BUTLER PICKERING D13. 20692; HALE AND Dam (232) 338-55m ISTS Attire? KW, 110. 239% {202} 6636009 JULY 2309 Gregory DeClue16443 Winburn Place I I-Floride Licence Number Sereerte FL 34240 9228 -- - - - http: iigregdeclue myekkstech com Voice (941) 951-66?4 - .- - - gregdeclue@meilmt. com Fax (888) 902-4598 - - - =1 - EDUCATIQN Ph University of Miscouri 1983. Fully approved by the Americ?en Psy- chriiogicel Association CONSULTANTIPROVIDER FOR Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court, Florida Florida Department of Corrections Physicians for Human Rights The Innocence Project workpiece Treurne Service?s United States Armed Forces PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS Open Access Journal of Forensic Peer Review Law and Human Benew'or-e- Peer Review -- Behavioral Sciences the Peer Review Public Policy, and Lew? Peer Review Professional Research and Practice? Peer Review Journal of Threat Assessment and Management- Peer Review Journai of Forensic (UK) Peer Review international Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative C?minoiogym Peer Review PROFESSIONAL ASSQCIATIUNS American Academy of Forensic (Fellow) Association for Science - American Association .- - American ogy?Lew Society (APA DiviSion 41) Reid Institute - . interview and interrogations institute Consortium of Police {President 2004 2005) Florida Association . - Society for the Scientific Study of Sex Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers Forensic police of interrogation and confession, assessment and treatment of sex offenders, assessment, detection of deception, risk assessment Exhibit 2 Granary De?lue. Phil Page 2 Wrate a chapter in the beak Felice interregaticns and False Cenfessiens Current Researdh Practice and Pciic'y Recommendations The bank was aWarded the 2009-2010 Beak award from the Amerisan Pavehelngy?Law Seciaty and the 2013 Press Award frern American Publishers and was selected as the May 2312 Beak of the Month at hit all? cum. . Interrogations and Disputed Ccnfessians: A Manual for Forensic- Professionals was selected as the Catcher 2039 Beck at the Month at com. This book is included in the American Beard ef Ferensic Suggested Reading List fer Written and Oral Examinations and is included in the Suggested Readings at The Interviews 3 interrogations Institute. independent Prentice Sarasota Flerida 193?th present Directs; of Services Life, Sarasnta. Fierida. Employed Julv1984te uly 1989 . Resident Manatee Mentai Health Center. Bradentcn Flerida September 1983 ts July 1984. Psyehclegy intern Counseling Center fer Human Develapment (APA appreved), University of South Flerida Tampa Flurida AugUSt 138210 August 1933'. intern Vucaticnal Services James A. Hates! Veterans Hespital Appreved) Tampa, Flarida January 1383 in April 1983. External retatinn from USE Ceunseling Center Graduate Student Assistant Testing Center University at Missetiri Celumbia Misanuri December 1981 in May 1932. Ceunsalggfamilv Service at Cclumbia Columbia MisSeuri January 1931 is ?nisher Counseling Supervisor The Frent Deer Ceunsellng and Ycuth Center Columbia Missnuri Nevernber?iQTQ to January 1981. . . Graduate Teaching Assistant University at Missouri Calumbia Misseuri August 19718 in December 1m. Program Director Taken Esenernv Fuitun State Hussite! Fuitsn Missouri May 1973 to August 1979. . . . Aide Mid-Missouri Mental Health Center Cnlumbia Misseuri, May 19m in February 19?? Gregery DeCiue, - . Page 3 . - - D. Expert response regarding censidering eclleteral including Internetubesed date. In G. R. A Beetty. P. A Zepf The ethical practice of forensic pp. ?224- 225. American Law Society Series New Yerk: Oxferri Unieersity Press. D. L. 8: DeCiue G. Expert respense regarding appropriate tests and date. in G. Pireili. R. A Beetty. 8: P. A. Zepf. The eihicei practice cf ferensic peychcicgy pp 253~ 254. American Society Series. New Yerk: University Press. DeGlue, G. 8. Rice, A., (2018). Florida's reieesed ?Sexusily Viclent Predetcrs" are not ?High Risk." Open Access Jnumei nf Forensic 3, 22-51. DeClue, G., D. L. (2016). This just in: Sex offender treatment is bene?cial fer one in 28 patients. Sex Offender Lew Report 49-51. De-Clue. BI'che'rs. C. S. (2015'). The Inside lnfermeiien Checklist (NC). The Pciice Chief: The Prefeesinnei Voice efLew Enfercemeni, 82 50- 56. him: Qciicechiefmegezine. crefmenezineiindex cirn?iuseeciicn=disnieygceni Cle id? 3?91&iesue id: 72015 . . 8: stedny. D. (2614). Fcrensic use cf the Static?99R: Part 4. Risk Communication. Jeurnei ef Threat Assessment and Management. 1. 145-161. G. (2014). Review sf: deWeii. F. (2013). The Benebc and the-Atheist: in Search cf Humanism Amcng the Primates. New Yerk: Nertcn. Open Access qurnei ef Fcrensic 5 review) (2314). Review of: Rsskin D. C. Rents. C. eKircher J. (2614) Credibiiriy Assessment Screnirf? I: Research and Appiiceiicne. Amsterdam: Academic Press Dnen Access qurneiefFerensic 6 R5- R3. (beck review) G.. 81 D. (2013) Fnrensic use cf the Static-93R: Perl: 3 Checsing ccmperisen grcup. Open Access qurne! cf Fcrensic Peyehciegy. 5 151 ~132. G. Campbell. T. W. (2013). Ceiibreticn fertne Static- QQR: 2013 update. Open Access Jnurnei efF-?crensic .5 82? 88. DeCIue. G. (2013). Years of predicting Dpen Access Jenrnei cf Ferensic 5.16-28. - - - Gregory EisClue. Page 4 DeClue Regers, C. S. (2012). interrcgaiiens 2913: Safeguarding against feise' cenfessicns. The Felice Chief. The Professional Vcice efLaw Enforcement, October issue ?2 pages 42 44 4B http: fiwmv. celiceChiefmagezine. crgimsgazineiindex. cfm2icsesctien= '-cie id= 2?88&isSue lair-102012 . Brown 8: (2012). Admissibility and use attriel cffeise? confessicn expert testimony Flcede Defender; 24(2) 15 19. G. (2012) Criminal inierregeticns and ccniessicns. Open Access Journal sf Forensic 4 R71 R17. (beck review} DeCIue (2311). Using sccialsciencetc reduce Gpen Access qurcel cf Fcrensic R8. (beck review) DeClue, 6.. Msdsen. E. M.. Kline, S. M. Mcnteldi, D. F., Beccaccini.'M., 8: Merrie. D. (2011}. Frequency distributions of Stetic~99 and Static-99R scores in several recent United States samples. Open Access Jeanie! cf Fereesie 3 30-64. DeClue. G. (2011). Harry Fetter and the Structured Interview cf Reperted Open Access qurnel ef Forensic 3, MB. DeClue. (2010). Beer Sheriff Yeur detectives coerced ccnfessien. Gpen Access qurnel efFerensI?c 2 34?? 352. DeClue, (3.. 2 Campbell, T. W. (2010). Still maximizing accuracy in sexually vielent predator evaluations. Open Access decree! sf Forensic 2. 322-336. Campbell T. W. DeClue G. (2910). Maximizing predictive accuracy in sexually violent predatcr evelusiiens Open Assess qurcel cf Ferensic 2 143-232. Campbell T. DeClue G. (2010). Flying blind with naked factors: Emblems and pitfalls in adjusted-actuarial sex-cfiender risk assessment. Open Access Jecrnel cf Fcrensic 2 T5401. DeCiue, G. (2010). Oral Miranda warnings: A checklist and model presenteticn. In G. D. Lassiter C. A. Felice interrogations and false cenfessicns: Current research practice and pelicy recemmendetiens. Weshingtce. 0.0.: American G. (2010) Inl. weinerBW E. Craighesd The Editicn pp. 363?865. cheken NJ: Wiley. DeClue. G. (2009). Psraphilie N08 and Sexual Discrder NOS. Been Access qurnei cf Fcreesic 11?29. Gregory BeGlue, Page 5 DsCIue G. (2009) introduction to the special' issue an interrdgatiens and snnfessinns. Gpen Assess Jeumei 0f Fsrensic 1 DeCIue, G. (2009). Three things we have learned from studying investigative interviews by police that should be used ts guide investigative interviews by military and intelligence agencies. Gpen Access Journal of Forensic Eat-E89. DeCIue (2009). Commen Wealth. and Law 3? 449-456 (bunk - review) DeCIue. G. (2008). Should Hebephilie be a mental diserder? A reply to Blanchard ei sl. (2068). Archives 01? Sexual Benet/fer, [30! 10.1 DeClue.G. (2006). Avdiding garbage 3: Fairness and accuracy in repel-ting criminal histdries in sexually vlelent predates" eveluatinns. Jennie! sf and Law, 36 431-438 DeClue G. Static?99 Sex Offender Risk Assessment Ceurse (SGAPWU). Jeer- ns! of and Law 35 541-544- (eeurse review) DeClue G. (2607). in ?The issue."i Jeurnei sf and Law, J35 499-561 DeCiue G. (2007). Grel Miranda warnings: Ashesklistende l'l'i?del presentetinn. Jenn mi 03? and Law 35 421?441 DeClue, G. (2007?). Detection st Deception Jeumel Law 35 51-.66 (beek review) DeClue G. (20W). Inventory df Offender Risks Needs and (EGRNS) Jnurnel of 6 Law 35 47-49. (instrument review) DeClue (2066). Parephllis NGS (nensensenting) end Antisocial Persianalityr der. Jeurnel 6 Law, 34 495? 514 DeClue G. (2666) A Guestidn df Tenure: CIA From the War is the War on Terror. Jennie! et? 6: Law 34. 381M385 (bsdk review) DeClue G. (2006) Practice standards and guidelines fer the evaluation treatment and management at sexual abusers; Bernbeezle he more. James! of 6 Law 34 1975223. - - - - - DeClue. G. (2006). Fitness interview Test Revised A struttiured interview for assessing competency in stand trial. Jennie! of 3. Law, 34, 371-379. (instrument review) DeCIue, G. (2066). Gur' Inner ape: A leading espidlns vvhy we are who we are. Journal sf 6: Law 34, 231-234. (beak review) Gregcry BeCiue, Page 5 DeClue, G. {2006}. The cf interrcgeticns and ccnfessicne. Florida Psy- chcicgist, 57(1), 18. - DeClue, G. (2006).- What i learned ebcut assessing pecple have been convicted of sexual offenses item the Presidents of the United States cf America. Jeernei cf Sexuei Offender Civii'Gcmmitment: Science and the Lem-1, 99-123. DeGIue, G. (2095). Principles cf forensic mentei heeith assessment and Forensic men? tal health eesesement: A case beck. qumei of 8. Law, 33, 511-513. (beck review) G. (2005). The causes-cf rape: Understanding individual differences in male prcpensity for sexuei and Preventing sexual viclence: ch seciety sheeid cape with sex c?enders. qurnei cf Lew 33, 419-426 (beck review) G. (2005). ccnsulteticn In cases invciving interrogaticns end confessions Law, 33, 313-386. DeClue, G. (2005). Assessing sex. offenders: and pitfalls, try Law, 33, 283-288. (beck review) G. (2005). Aveiding garbage 2: Assessment cf risk fer eexeei viclence after long?term treatment-Meme! of Law, 33, 179?204. DeClue, G. (2005). intermgeticns end disputed ccnfessicns: A menuai fer fcrensic psyu choicgicei practice. Serescie, FL: Prefessicnei Rescurces Press." DeClue, G. (2004). Interrcgaticns, ccnt'essicns, end entrapment. Jeurnei Law 32, 53?? 539 (beck review) - G. (2004} Evciuticnery The science cf human behevicr end eve- luticn. Jennie! cf Lew, 393- 394 (beck review) - DeCIue, G. (518104). (in the ct tesiirneny using an eide?naemcire In a Frye state. Retrieved (date) . . http: ?heme. eerihlink. htrni. DeCiue (4114104) An in the egy cf interrcgeticns and ecnfee- eicne Retrieved (date) from htip: ?heme. eerihlink. htmi. DeClue- G. (2003).. Taking and law into the twenty?first century. Jeernei cf Law 31, 239 241. (beck review) DeClue, G. {2003) The pciygreph and lie detection. qurnei cf Psi/chie?y Lew, 31, 361M368 (beck. review) Gregory DeCiue. Ph?. - - - Page DeCiue {2903). anard twe- etege medei far assessing sdjudisstive competence. Jaime} of 3. Law. 31 305 31? DeCiue G. {2002). Rethinking Risk Assessment: The MacArthIIr Study Gf Mental Disor- der and Vieienee. Jeumei Lew 35' 593-596. {batik review} DeCIue G. (2002) garbage In sex Ie?ender re-e?ense risk predic?tien: A case siudy Jeureeief ThreetAssessI-neni 2 73- Q2 DeCiue G. (2092). The best interests of the village Chiidren. dawns! sf Law 30 355- 390. DeCIue. G. (2002). Feigning melingering:I A Case Behavierei Sciences and the Lew 20 ?1??726. DeCiueI G. (2362). Remaking relapse sieventien Iwith sex e?enders: A seerse beak eed Practise standards end guidelines fer members of the Associatien fer the Treatment sf Sexuei Abusers (ATSA) downs!? of PsyehIeiry Law 30 285-292. . (book review) Gregery DeClue. PM). PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIGNS I Date I 11/3i'16 3/21/15 3221;15 121?5114 $22114 3/Sl14 3/6114 3161?14 11f?l/?l3 Presenter G. DeiClee Rice G. DeClue .G. DeClue G. DeClue G. DeClue G. DeClue D. L. Zevodny G. DeClue 31 D. L. Zevodny G. DeClue 8: W. Campbell G. DeClue G. DeClue Florida 5 Title- Fleride?e Released ?Sexually Violent. . . Predaters" Are Not ?High .Riek"_ The Inside Information Cheekliet Sexually Vielent Predetere? are net ?High Risk" . The inside lnfermelien Checklist The Inside lni?ermetien Checklist Forensic Use cf the Stein:- QQR: Part 4: Risk Cemmunicetien Forensic ef the Static" 99R: Perl: 3: 3 Comparison Greup Fereneic ei the Static- QQR: Part 2: Calibration Periermenee lndicetere fer the Static-99R Forensic nf the Stalle? QQR: Part 1. Years bf Predicting Dengernuely Forensic ei the Static- QQR: Perl: 1. Years Of Predicting Dengereuely Page 8 SQeneer Agencietien for the Treatment bf Seine! Abusers {in Orlando, FL) -. American Peyehblegy-Law (APLS) (in San Diego. CA) American Seciety (APLS) {in Sen Diege. CA) Florida Public Defender Aesecieiinn (in Penie Vedre. The lniewiewe lnterregeliene institute (in Sacramento, CA) American Peychelegy?Lew Society (APLS) (in New Orleans. LA) American Peynhelngy?Lew Seeiety (APLS) (in New Orleans. LA) American Sneiely [in New Orleans. LA) American Peychelegwaaw Secieiy (in New ereens. LA) for the Treatment ef Sexual Abusers (ATSA) (in Chicago. IL) Gregery DeCiue. Date 3i9i13 $1911 3 1150112 11i29i12 10/27i12 814i 1 2 6i24i ?1 2 3i?l4i12 1211i? ii29i1 ?1 Presenter G. DeClue, C. Slenngini- R. Lee, S. Gelding G.'EleClue G. DeCiue R. Watts G. DeCiue C. Brown 6. DeCiue D. Zevodny, Pen; G. DeClus. J. ?atten. Esq. G. DeClue. G. DeCiue, J. Cehen G. De?ius s. DeCiue, Pen. (rm On the Admissibility of Expert Testimeny - Regarding interregetisns and Cenfessiens Miranda Prnesdure- Checklist Felice lntenegetinn Reundteble The Police investigative interview Centeminetien Checklist and the. Cnniession Siaiemeni Csrrebnreiien Matrix The Police in vesiigeiive interview Cnnisrninei?ien - Checklist and the Confession Stein-merit Csrreberstinn- Matrix Sex?el-ResidiviSm Bess Rates Relevant in SVP Assessments Cnmmunity 2912: Using Science in Change the Werld - Disputed Genfessinns; Consulte- tinn and Testimony Petential Jimmy Ryce Cases - -. Cenfessiens Pageg American Sesiety (in Portland, Oregon) American Ssciety (in Pertienci. Oregnn) Florida Public Defenders Assesietien (in Tampa. FL) Florida Public Defenders Assnsietinn (in Tempe. FL) American Assdemy of Law (in Mentreel, Quehes, Canada) American Assecietien (in Orlando, Florida Assncieiinn (in St. Petersburg, Fl.) American Seeiety (in San Juan. Puertn Rise) Florida Public Defender Association (in Destin, FL) Flericis Public Defender Assesiatinn (in St. Augustine, FL) Gregery DeCiue. PM). Date 7111310 G. DeCiue, QIEWDQ 2/22109 EIBIOB 3/2219? 8/1 25?06 W1 5- 16/06 Slit/OB SIEIOS - 12505 Presenter DeClue, . DeClue, . DeClue, . DeClue, .Decme, PM). . DeCIue, . DeClue, .DeClue, .Decme, . DeCiue, Phi). - Titie Writing Reports and Testifying in Fieride's Sexually Vieient Predeter Cases - - interregatisns- and Disputed Csnfessiens: Forensic Assessment, Consultation. 8: Testimeny interregatiens end Disputed Cenfessiens: Ferensic Assessment, Consultetisn, Testimeny Interrogatiens end Disputed Cenfessiens: Forensic Assessment, Censuitaiien, Testimsny The Oral Miranda Warning Checklist Criminal Respensibility 8; Perseneiity Disorders Challenges in Sex Offender Re-effense Risk Assessments Assessment and Treatment at Peeple Wire Have Been Csnvistecl ei Sex Offenses Challenges in Sex - Cifiender Risk Predictieri Censultetisn in Disputed Confession Cases . Cempetency Cenfessions Page 1% Sgonssr Fleride Assesistisn American Academy of Ferensic (in Sareseis, FL) American Academy sf Fererisis (in Fairfax. VA) American Academy ef Fsrensic (in New Orleans} American Assesietien (in El Peso. TX) Neriheest Mental Health Centre, Nerth Bey, Qnteris, Canada American Assecietien Florida Asseeistien Amerissn Seciety American Society Public Defender: Ninth Judicial Circuit iFierida) Gregery DeCiue. Phi}. Date 1 11020305 seams 5! 1 4,304 2003 SISIOZ Summer 1998 $1319? 4i19l?96 5i"! HQG 6l30f88 - - Presenter G. De?luegFr?hB. P..Wiil,' irl. A. Conrcy, G. DeCIue. G. DeClue, Phil G. DeCiue, Ph?. G. Declue, PM). (5. DeCIue. Phc. G. DeClue, PM). (3. DeClue, G. DeCiue, G. DeClue, G. DeClue Powell - Title Tc treat er net is treat ccnvicisdsex offender whe says hedidn?i do it - AAFP Symposium: Ethical and Empirical issues in Managing Sex-Offender Risk Prediction - Disputed Ccniessicns Jurisprudence in Censulteilcn with Felice Garbage in Sex Offender Re-c?ense Risk Predic- ticn: A Case Study The the Suicidal Cop: Hesiege Negciieticn,- SWAT, EAP, FFD, 8: Appeal Forensic Assessment of Campe- ience to Waive Rights Suggestibility: implica- iiens for lnvesiigatien, lnterrcgeiicn, Assess- ment, and Outpatient Treatment for Sex Offenders Leverneps: Develepmeni, Vandalism, Recovery Tcugh Leve vs. Al?Ancn! A 12-Rcund Slugfesi fer the Championship cf Pe- renisl Attitudes Page 11 - Seenscr Adult and Juvenile Sex- ijffencier Treatment Cenference American American Academy of Ferenslc cf Police (COPPS) American Assccieiicn cf Sex Educators, Ccunselw ere, 8: Therapists Florida Mental Health institute Seresete EAP Flcride Gemmuniiy Cosliticn fer Families Netiensl Assccisiion cf Alcehcl and Drug Abuse Ceunselcrs (NAADAC) Gregory Date 6/28/88 9123/8? 3/16/86 3/3/86 10/31/85 6/5/85 5/28/83 8/5/80 6/20/80 Phi). - Presenter Blanca, 8: . Kelly G. G. G. DeClue, Huntley, DeCIoe, Ph?. DeClue, DeGlue, secure, DeClue, DeClue DeClue DeCloe - Title Treating Sexual Addiction within-a Chemical Depart? dency Program -- The Change Process: A Gemprehensive Treatment Approach for Adolescents with canduct. Depressive, and Substance Abuse Disorders A Comprehensive CBT Program for Adolescents with Conduct Disorder, Substance Abuse, and Disorder Adolescents and Sub- stance Abuse A Therapy and Education Package for Parents of Adolescents in Substance Abuse Treatment Selecting, Training. and Utilizing Peer Counselors for an Adolescent Sub? stance Abuse Treatment Program Effective Personal Prob- lem Solving: Beyond Social Intelligence Adolescence Working with Sexually Active Youth Page 12 Sgonsor NAADAC - Alcohol and Drug Problems Association Fifth National Conference on Clinical Applications of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Florida Association Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association Missouri Prevention Institute National Youth Conference Gregery DeCiue, Page 13 ANALYSIS OF INTERRQGATIGNS AND CQNFESSIONS Dr DeClue has analyzed interrcgaticne and by the fattening agencies: Sarasota (FL) Felice Department Sereecte (FL) {Etienne-Office Port (FL) Felice Department Manatee Ccunty (FL) Sheriff's Office Lee Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s Of?ce Arcadia (FL) Police Department Flcricie Department cit-Lew Fecetelic (l9) Felice Department Paeco Ccunty (FL) Sheriff's Qf?ce Lee County (FL) Sheriff?e thiice Cape Coral (FL) Felice Department Ccilier Ccunty (FL) Sheriff's Office Hernando Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s (3ch New Orleans (LA) Felice Department (FL) Sheriff?s? inice' - Hendry Ccunty (FL) Sheriff's Gifice' Memphis (TN) Felice Department St. Feierecurg (FL) Felice Department Clay Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s Drivel County (FL) Sheriff?e Office Fart Myers (FL) Felice Department Tallahassee (FL) Police Department Kansas Bureau cf investigation Semincie Ceunty (FL) Sheriff?e Office Bluefield (WV) Felice Department Riviera Beach (FL) Police Department Nassau County (FL) Sheriff's foice Tennessee Bureau of lnveetigaticn McMinn Gaunty (TN) Sheriff's foice St Bernard Parish (LA) Sheriff's Gf?ce Federal Bureau of investigatlen '?ietrict cf COIUmbie Felice Department Marion Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s Of?ce 'San'Anl?enic (TX) Police? Department Brevarcl Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s-Office Tampa (FL) Police Eiepertrnent Hillebewrcugh ccunty (FL) Sheriff's foice Pinellee Cpunty (FL) Sheriff's Office Weet Palm Beach (FL) Police Department Panama City (FL) Police Department Altamcnte Springs (FL) Police Department Wieccnein' Rapids (WI) Felice Department US Department cf Hemelend Security Deaf Smith County (Texas) Sheriff's foice Eecembie came (FL) Sheriff?s Of?ce Austin (TX) Police Department Bredenten (FL) Felice Department Qcale (FL) Pclice Department Prince Gecrge' Ccunty (MD) Felice Department - Weltcn Ceunty (FL) Sheriff's Of?ce Temple Terrace (FL) Police Department Nashua (NH) Felice Department - Miami Beach (FL) Pclice Department 'Brcward Ccunty (FL) Sheriff's Office St. Lucie (FL) Felice Department St; Lucie {Enemy (FL) Sheriffs Bfi'ice BarnWell'CcIInty?C) Sheriff?s Of?ce Knightdele (NC) Felice Bepertrnent Rnckiedge (FL) FeliceDepertment Fell: Cciinty (FL) Sheriff?s ?f?ce Lecri Gaunt}! (FL) Sheriff?s Office Winter Garden (FL) Police Department Merrimack (FL) Felice Department Putnam Ccunty (FL) Sheriff's Office US Secret Service Jackecnville (FL) Sheriff?e inice Charlotte Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s Office Columbus (GA) Felice Department Fart (TX) Felice Department Miami?Dede Felice Department St. Lcuie (MO) Felice Department US Naval Criminal inveetig'etive' Sentinel Palm Beach Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s ?ffice Grange Ccunty' Sheriff's (FL) Uffice?? Terpen Springs (FL) Felice Department anueie Ccunty (FL) Sheriff's Office Alechne Gennty (FL) Sheriffs Office Clearweter (FL) Felice Department Highlands Ccunty (FL) Sheriff?s Of?ce Jupiter (FL) Felice Bepenment- . Fl: Lauderdele (FL) Felice Department Cannelleviile (PA) Felice Department Cherokee lndian Felice Department Gregory De?iue, Phi}. Page 14 EXPEREENCE Pevcne'LeeY - 2015 EVALUATION AND TREATMENT Cendutjiing clinics! evaluations related to criminal iew insiuding competency ie steed trial criminei responsibility, juvenile Waiver decisiens, end sentencing} determinatiens Hes sendueted ietel ef 1,95? Criminal ferensie evaluations at least 319 at which were fecLIsed on conie5sien' Issues Cenducting eiinieei evaluatiens regarding breed reege of civil legal issues ineiudirig sivii eemmitment, pereeriei' Injuni, end shild custody ?il? Hes eenducted 458 psyeholegicel eveluetiens relevant to eivil eemmitment ef sex e?enders. Has sendueted 15' eemprehensive child custedy eveltIatiens. It? Has cendueted 338 family evaluatiens requested by court, the Department at Children and Families (fermerly HRS), the Ceelitien for Families and Children, endler the Child Preteciien Team. Hes eendueied 3 ferensie eveiuetiens' to assess the-extent (If damage to functiening following a personal injury. Previdieg specialized treatmenmervices te individusie invelved with the legs! System Prevideci an outpatient sex?eifender treatment pregrem item ?1988 it] 200?. I itif Previded send-mandated psyehelegieel services is individuel clients (e 9., es eon- ditien ei prehetien} fellowing charges such as DUI, speuse battery, child abuse. CONSULTATIQN Providing eSSessmeei,'IeenstIiteiien, and training in law: enforcement persennel Peliee for the Seresete Sheriff?s Of?ce during 1994-2909: Previded 'l LOGS pre-empleyment evelnetiens, 3? fitness-fenduty evaluations, and 9 specie! assignment evaluatiens; prevideti fecused pest?insident intervention; previded on- site censultetien te hestege negetietien teem; previded enunseling ie law enforcement persennel; menitered progress of empleyees In mandated seenseling. 1? Pelise fer the Felice Department during 1938-2012: Presiided 417' pre-empieyment evaluations, ?19 ?tnesswfer-duty evaluatiene, end specie! assignment evaluatisns: previded fecused pest-incident intervention, pretrides ceunseling in law enfereement personnel. Served as external censultent to Manatee Ceunty Sheriff's Office from 2003 to 200?. Previcieci 3 prenempleyment evaluatiens end ?tness-fer-duty evaluatinns. Gregory DeCiue. Phi). Page 15 ?11 Pclice fer the Lengbeet Key Felice Department. Has previciecl 42ers- evaluations Police for the New College Felice Department Hes presided pre- employment evaluations it! Served as pelice fer the Sarasota Bredenten Authcrity Police Department. Provided censultetien in setting up the police force. previdirlg 5i) pre? employment evaluations. - . . Served as Inernber cf the Sare- Mans Critieel incident Stress Management Team. Previding consultation to mental health systems and preciitieners on fcrenslc Issues Consulted with Sarasota Child Pretecticn Team in stei?ngs, and provided legicel evaluations and treatment fer clients as requested. Priciriding cceseiteticn re lawmakers Served as Key lieisen between lecal chapter cf the Florida eel Association and Representative Harry Jennings. Previding ceeseltetien to attorneys and judges ll' Previded gender bias training is judges in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit. September ?1993. OTHER Serving es an expert witness at civil, criminei and administrative law trials Has appeared as an expert witness in court 542 times and has testified regarding cempeteney to proceed. sanity at the time at the alleged offense, to waive rights, treatment and sentencing censideretiens, inveluntary hespitalizetien. dengereusness, ?tness to parent, ability at the parents to meet the best interests at the child, the at interrcgeticns end cenfessicns and related issues, detection at deception, reliability ef child witnesses, civil ccmmitment. and civil ccmmitment at sex offenders. Providing medierien t0 con?icts whese resolutions have signi?cant censeeuences in the legal earners Served as a family mediator fer six cases involving diverse sndler custedyivisitetien issues. Teaching, training, and supervising others in forensic Served as consultant for Forensic Mental Health Associates, reviewing pregrems to train investigaters, eveluatersi and therapists in the area cf sexual trauma. Supervised professionals and students gaining practical experience in wcrking with sex offenders. Gragcry Da?lua. PM). Page 16 Scholarship in forensic Currently carves as publisher far the Span qumai cf Foranaic Paychcicgy http: wai ?tit Serves on the aditarial board for Law and Human Bahavicr sawad aa asacciata aditcr far The Journai cf Law; serves! an the aditcrial beard far the Jourcai cf Thraat and Tha Journal cf Saxuai O?aridar Civil 'Ccmmitmarii: Scianca and the Law; ccnducta pear review for BahaVicriai Sciences and the Law and Pubiic Policy, Law and Practice and the qumal cf Faransfc 6. (UK) kt" saa wabaita mtg: ligragdaclua myakkatach cam for reprints cf publicaticna and pres- antaticna. Engaging in poiicy and program davaicpmant in the paychcicgy-iaw arena Pravidad testimony to the Flcrida Board regarding tha' 2006 administrative rule regarding "quaii?ad practiticnera"_cf assessment and treatment cf sax c?andara. BROOKS BELLAY PROGRAMS CERTIFICATES Prepared by Jacqueline Stallone, 8521 2017 M. A. Forensic Human Services Pit Candidate -DOC Records of Attended Programs (see Exhibit 4} f8 1 - GED Certi?cate Efl U31 High School Diploma (pg. 1) 6129/21 - Brevard - ?ntstaoding Work Recognition Certi?cate (pg. 2) L384 - Sumter Printing Certi?cate li231?86- Snmter- Human Relations Certi?cate (pg. 3) 2f11f8'2- Cross City- Phase HSocial Development Program. i" Certi?eate (pg 4) EISXBS- Carpentry Program $1738 Growth Orientation (Go Lab) Program Zepliyrhills Go Lab Basic. Certi?cate (pg. 5) 8231;38 - 10*88 Residential Carpentry Program ii Certi?cate (pg 6) 10! 1088 - 16.5145-88- -Zepl1yrliills? Go Lab Advanced Program? Certi?cate (pg. 1314488 - Life Skills Program ti Certi?cate (pg. 8) *1f1f39 .. - Residential Carpentry Program-- - 125? 14590 - Residential Plumbing Program *l?t?Zx?PZ- Guides to Success Program *10f26192- 1192 Tier 1 Substance Abuse Program 1.102 829! 12 Nursery Dperations *7f3f02- Moore Haven- Life Skills Program *7f3f02 - Moore Haven -- Tier 1 Sec 1 Certi?cate . 1 0X3 0f02 - 53'2f?3 Data Program *1 UZSIDZ - Moore Haven - Nursery Gperations Program *61?1Ql'93 - Moore Haven - Data Entry Program *6f27/03 - 82?61'03 PC Support Services Program 1503 .. PC Support Services Program *816f03 3f12i?34 - Carpentry ti Cabinet Making Program *3f6f03 - lf7f04u Web Design Services Program IZISJOS- Moore Haven Anger Management Group Certificate (pg. 9} *11?72?04 ?-9l16fl35w Web Design Services Program Moore Haven- Carpentr??'Cabinet Helper Program *6f28f04 - Moore Haven - Life Skills Program *6f28f?4 - W304 Tier Sec 3 Program *8f2?f04 - Moore Haven - Life Skills Program - - Tier 1 Sec 3 Program *1 1/12104 Moore Haven - Tier 1 See 3 Certi?cate Exhibit 3 *11f12f04 - IEWGS Tier 1 See 2 Pregrern Mature Haven Tier leeczcmiecate *28/05 Meme Haven PC Support Specialist Pregram *1 ?4/05 .. Meere Haven 5 Life Skins regain *1 114105 - 1 1/10/05 Tier 1 See 4 Program *1 UWDS - Moore Haven - Web Design Services *3f8i?06 - Moore Haven - Life Skills Pregrarri *if was Cemereiai Feeds Program ?Edit/08 - lOf?f?B - Cegnitive Life Skills Program 12 13 - Nursery Operations ??9131?! 3 - South Bay ., Nurseyi??reenhouse Management Program *9f10f13 - 172? 14 Turf Equipment Teehnelegy Pregram - South Bay - Assistant Turf Equipment Tech Pregram *8f6/14 - 9/91? 14 Envirenmeritai Service Pregrarn *9f24fi4 - 7/172?15 - Enviromnerital Service Program 5 if 14f 15 - Adult Beeie Education Program *3f23f15 10116115 - Diversi?ed Career Program *?i?f'if 15 Seuth Bey - Superviser Janitorial Services *le 161? 16 - South Bay - Diversi?ed Career Tech Fragrant 4f 16 - Sleuth Bey 12-week Anger Management Certi?cate (pg-10} . 6i6f16 Smith Bay - Business Plam?Deggie Daycare 6&03'16 - $2516 Cemmereiai Ciaes Driving Program 8,54! i6 - Seuth Bey - Cemmerciel Class Driving Certi?cate (pg. 11?12) 1 130316 - Appaieehee a Anger Seminar Certi?cate (pg. 13} 122522516 - Appaiaehee .. Bridge Builders Certi?cate (pg. i4) There is one Certi?cate for completion 0f Graphic Arts - rm date, no (pg. 15) BEPARTMENT 9F CGRRECTEGNS 1313 Winewmd Enulem? TME, Emilia 32331 Takeyh?ne: (9M) ?ll-$4321 39.1:va Fm: (Ef?e: Em: 343 ?lamu, Flatida 329.59 Teleg?hunt: {31.35) {333-6111 August 2&3 1531 Mary Bellay 25m 15 th Street Warn Beach, Flurida 3296a 315:me Breaks #am?a? 7 Dear Mgr? Beliay: - Enclused is the Flari?a High Schonl Equivalency Dipluma .Earned at Bravar?.?nrrectianal InItituticn by the in?in vi?ual name? ahuve. This diplnma represents an exuellent 'aducational by the recipient and is a majur step in his effarts taward self-impravamenti .He a?ke? that we fnxward this certificate ta yau far aafe-keeping. WE know yuu will want to join us in -cangratulating him an this fina parannal achievement Sincerelyg Li SAME, (O Jim.vallan?ingham E?ueatian Supervisnr cc: Glaasificatiun Dept. #6375? cam? mm madman "Elm monks BELUW having M?nfmurily mummw all 11f lam Mb atanharba hg me gum? math nfEhumIinn, hmunatra?ng m??fatmm emblem? nf rhuratinnal i5 amarhz?h thia High ??rhuul Eipmma ia in all the Eight? anh??u?mm appermining 1119mm. In witness whatnot our names and the: an! at tha stat: Baud of Taliahm; Florida. mm ?59111}; m. mum 31 ?5mm 5mm: of Emma 3? mm mm:- ammic gr . :15UL.) 3 . . A . ?mm mm cam?5.3L mm :ggmg {Emigxmmam ?x?ai 0 ?Met ?3 SUMTER CORRECTIBNAL INSTITMGN i: it a Awarded Tu: 5370955 552mm Lam: PEMLE fad 55!;X75: mmimwem . ?nu-u wwur'am .32:mech - {Elga? - 33-1-34!? ,f i5 ?fe: Env??mh: fur ??Phase I of the Eucial Dev lapment Program canaigting af an 8 week graup iuuatudy dasignad ta help inmates eliminate thinking errata; it is nampased uf tour d1f??rent '34? ?Phnsu I Criminal Thinking Errors, Phase I: Cprrectives Far Thinking Errata. J?has?-Illrw 1s ai- crass City Guru 1513:. 1 tigi? 11, Eng [if igl??j R. BI. This ?is to mg)? t?at Em sa??m??l mmpfe?mf a?cupa?omf mmpemmes in 355:1}me CARPENTRY BME: . an appeared vem?omf progrm E?umycmacia am mm: 577:1? Siam 0f Fiati?x?: qumat of Emma" Wm mm mm . Certificate of by these presents be-if knewn ma? 1. imit?? Has succeszUliy compleied The exam Orlema?bn Ltibmcitbry canduc?ied by 63th Onen?wlbn Limb athkm-H during Hie {Sermdr thmugh my: BOMB. is a pan-suite. goal :ri?antau. ff?gfam designed to facilitate the grams; bahavior change an accelaratedperson: h. Certificate 0f by mesa oresems be Ihm .TCCHECC Has successfmiy camplCIaaw Again; Gimme CI The Gmeh ConducIeC by Growt irieni Ihroug GDLAC is a Imam; -Cram CC in the process {If behavior Change an Eamleraled pawn awthp mammo ATTENDANCE {his is in certify Kim! mamas .1. has and satisfacmr?y Eampiated . SKILLS 1 Hnur?} {his Fuurteailch [fay 9f Bacenber 1535 er?ilc te 0 Aculeve I I awarticd BROOKS BELLAY 070680 Fur Successful Caniple?un at? Anger Gran]: MOORE HAVEN CORRECTIONALFACMIY December 8, 2003 Eugene J. Hermann, ?313.13. Clinical Psyehuiogist Jammploog Di. I - 3.1. 7 -. I . ammqanq Kmaxaf 1W 9IOZ- 50 1(qu 15[ SELL palaldwgog Imwwo has successfu completed the minimum 15! hours 0f reuuwedtramm- CoaeSponsored by South Bay Correctionai and the Florida Department of Management Services BUreau of Correctional - - - -L Privatization-,3- 1. - igthis 4th may of August, 20163.3} Sauth Bay Garmetmnai Facility Cammemlal Clags mass-s ?transcript instrucmr. Mina Freeman [Student 'B?liay. B'mgks ID 910533 iPast?_Secendary 5495251 cu: ?3645 ?29592 5; Start _Date: SIEMENS End ?atg: 81412916 GCP ?tiefrruck Driver Heavy Florida 65355 Hams Completed: 155 :Re mired Haurg? Exms DGTSafet-{Ngn . . WTSgamkm?'s - - ?zinuawr Brakes} {Generai Knuwi?edge} 92% How; mm?; ADrivef?SEmde . ?2 Inspecting-s} . 1m ?5 {Inspecting Blake 1m {Tampa-ting . . 5496 _j my Wimm? . j: - I E2 (Basic tantra! nf Ynur I 2.0456 mm} I I ?5 [Air?rak?l . 99% . m? 0mg; Air amines .- -- 1-. .-- Vehidei- . Manning Air Brakes] 14m; E55 {Cambina?m vehm?s] . Vilma?? WW Bu?ng'fedmiwm 5:2 [Shifting Gears} 1% 55 Cumbinz?nn i? {Ugu?ia an? Tripies) - Masier Driver: Cn-gp?ng a Uncaupnng 5 . . - Masternrivee D??ngTqum 1?92 {Ming} 1m . 23136255 5352'?! . - - 1 Master Driver Em ER {Egmmunm?ngj 1m '5 5:5 f2 :Cnmhina?an Vehigle Air 10636 E55565 {Ham's 9F Sensing) . .55 BM menie?wgr: - a . mm?: . 5&2 {Managing 5m} 3.95" ?g {mine}: Brake Sm} 1m F-- I . if. Master Ether: ?led Gillan 55mm :52 Hazard 14036 EEG [Caupling and Uncuup?ngi 1mm ma 3633215 Mm, um m3 mg 5 ??iimp??nga?mbina?5&5 {9mm arriving: . .9036 i . 5123 {General Vin-Wedge} 95% Master Elmer: mm. a: ?lo Drivers. 3' Head 5&2 $133.4 {Nubia and Triples! 190% E4 {:an Panama's} 54% Right Tums. Lift Tums Intersections 3 I - . $22511 a . . ?an ha; g- Egg ?1513 Wank Vehida} . 1m {55 {Air-Bram} 95% '11. Wand?afgtv mam twang i E??si?aum of Seminal 9:136 E?i?hmhi?m Vehi?ciai. . 335$ taf?m a?mm?m .- . 5152 ?u i? ??51 {grinsuhies and Triples} 53% 5391;: Editing? 35:11:}: ?58 {Iank?tfe?ida} 1m minimImam-Mr} 7 - -5__5even Mimi: Solu?ans: Rain #26515 (Militia-Highway ?lilnn?oduc?nni . Driving Simulatar ;1 Seven MmuteSaluunns: mg Rage .194? 3 S?ZIUfm-gaf?i? I 54% (25 Hears} .76: 5615 [Mauntain Driving} 93% 5% 53?3? 5mm 93* 23:31:?; :23: i . g: 59.3 [An?iudt Braking System} 1009:. 355 3mm). . - - 55% 155??! [Siam 29 Seven Minute?oiu?nns: Wand . 1?z ??15 [Skid tantrai 1m :1 3% {Cnmhi?na?nn Vehicles} 100% ?555!? {Beginner Drive 1: 15 1115.} 1 Sivan Min-rm: Soiu?nns: Yard SWINE-1 i?emwwl- -. - .. [67 [Baubles and Tripiesi 1m (Beginner mm 2; a mu Swish: Vans - g2 gm [Acci?ent Pratedurgs} sax 35: {rank Vehitla} .- am 35544 [Eegi?ner mm a: 14 mi.) 2 - .. .. 7. Care 631555: 3662565125 . 1 m: mums nfSemkE} gag. 3mm; immediate gm 1: 1? mi.} ?mam Ind Ed.- 5m maggot, Other Drugs, and 1m 1 - 5mm (immediate arm 2: 15 mi.} hm: MM um?a?m Driving} - 7 14 mi} '1 Hawaiian: - - $33.55? {Staying ?an and .5259 355m [Advanced ?rive 1:12 mi.) . freue?smm Fra?er??vlIE2 ??24 {Hazardaus Materials 100E?ules fol-All {mutual-:53! Drivers) i mi? 3: 12m? . mans - . .3 - . F53 ??1,2,3,4fl?ranspar?ngtaagu an; 1.1V 1_ gums 6512 Baht-1:61:15: -. . ?3?1453545555 1m 311'? mm? mm Easel-mars Safely} . :5 Why Shank! I Hire You? {Air System FartsType: 7 7 ?VE?EE?Eygyeinghted 5mm I certi? that @5133. has mmpigted training requirements as QUE-135 . . gm . . 7 set farm in the Federal Carrier Safe Re ulatians for en: - Satan?fm @256 163$ . 9-1 .. level driver trainin in accardancg we 51 49 CFR 3851.50 Mid-Tam Exams . . 25% 932% . 3 Fm! Exam; . Mm 1 .- 9556 -1 .. "-135: 34:551. Safeswl Intimng Simulator 7 1396 $956 9'56 erti?cate? of -Achieve; em PRESENTED TO: 0310sz @e?ay RECOGNITIONOF HIS COMPLETION 013* THE REENTRY PROGRAM-COURSE . TheAngier-Resolution Seminar . wage 2816 . AND HIS EFFORTS TO GROW SPIRITUALLY ANDMORALLY No?am erl? 2 Certi?cate of Achievement PRESENTED TO: QTOOKS IN RECOGNITION OF COMPLETION OF THE REENTRY PROGRAM COURSE Brid geI-E uilders {Dam qf gracfmtion @gcam?ar 2?2 231? 6 AND HIS EFFORTS TO GROW SPIRITUALLY AND MORALLY R- Seniur Chaplain - ghig is to cen??g that BRGOKE (nag ga?g?acizoni?g :comegted a . . uoca?an comma Kim ERAPHI ARTS Cnmpeizncies listed on reverse aid: Gamma (Jamaal. Approved By The Divisinn {if Vacatimal Educatiim State Department-0f Educatitm Ta?ahaam Florida ifmtiun? Administralnr . M. shun 2016*10-31 10:35 $153393 NAME: BELLAY, ERGQKE J, APALACHEE EAST UNIT Doc no: CUR.LQC.: DATE FRI. cnunau yam. eons na/Gaiaa 1 ?aglv/aa 1 a GOLAB aajaxfaa 1 9?21500 xcj1olaa 1 3 LIFE onlzsiga 1 3121709 larollaa 1 a 1 TIERI asfolzoa 1 o5/olzoz 2 5121250 PRESS FOR FL DOC 3509224355 1' 2/3 EEDEHEU EQJEIJEGIE INMRTE COURSE TITDE CARPENTRY Gm LAB-BASIC CREPE LIFE SKILLS RESIDENT PLUMEING GUIDEE TH SUCCESS TIERI EBB ABUS CD SECI MGQREH OPEERTIQN NEXT FRGE EARLIEST REL.DTL LIFE ENTRY DATE asfaqjaa Gaf31faa llflafma 1ajlofaa oa/aaxud n7fu2/n4' nailsfa? ,1111?195 lufaafgo a?fuifaz Exhibit 4 PAC. 513 573 STE 573 511 '511 511 511 580 503 5G3 511 511 ATT. EEC152 452 PAGE 901 STATUS: RCTIVE ACTUAL EXIT DATE Gafoaja? Garzafaa aliuafas 12!:4153 asfzai?d nszavfaq illDd/DE aafasfus lzflif?? 11f97/92 1110129: nvfnajnz gains/1: STA TUE 1 DRE RSD EMF DEF HEP DRP EMF RED praappal 2016-10~31 10:35 $153393 FL DOC 3509224355 NAME: BHOQKE J. CUR.LGC.S EAST UNIT mac ma: a?esae DATE PR1. ceunsa REQUESTEE ram. cans 1 aa;1?iaa 1 a aanna nefaafaa 1 9721509 l?fl?f?? 1 3 LIFE 1 a?21159 lafuxjsz 1 a 1 TIEHL 1 2 azzizo? PRESE EETER CGUESE TITLE CHRPEETRY GU RESIDENTIAL CARPE LIFE SKILLS RESIHENT PLUMBING GUIQES TO TIERI ENE ABUS CG MQGREH NURSERY QPERATIGH NEXT PAGE DATE nafuajea GEJITJBB uaf31faa inflajsa oafaniaa ,iill?f?? luizefaa 1u127192 osfulfaz EEUSHEU IRMATE PARTICIPATIQH FAG. $73 573 573 573 511 ?ll 511 $11 536 5E1 5&3 511 511 EARLIEST REL.QT: 2/8 l?flifi?l? PAGE 951 STATUS: ACTIVE LI FE RTT152 452 ACTUAL EXIT EATE uzfoafaa aaizsias 11119135 glinafaa 12314/53 aaln7j?? xlfuafas aainafos izflafgu 11fn7?92 L1Iu1fa: ??jaafnz oaf?allz ETA 1 EMF BRP CHE RED EMF DEF RED 20115-10-31 DATE FRI, EEQUESTEE osjaliaz lnfaa/oz aslzvion safa?joa oa/nsxoz GEI26104 os/zvjaa 11/12/94 11!04!as 01/15/95 07/24/05 n9/1oj13 PRESS 93R 5"?f155393 noc MW Pfdb*M?dh?H FL DOC 8509224355 b> CGURSE POM. CGDR .5121305 5070461 5013355 1466362 aovusuu TIERLSS TIBEISB 12?0403 ESE-EBB 3935503 BELLAY. CUR.LOC.: UNIT J. CGUREE NURBERY GFERHTIDN PC CARPENTHYICAENTMK was DESIGN SEEVIC TIERI MOUEEH TIERI TIERI EEC: MGDREH TIERI EOHM FGQDEJGUL AR COGNIT.ILIFE EQUIP TECHNQ MEXT FREE ENTRY EETE oaflaflz- Laizufnz usin?foa ?axlaioa nnfasiaa aaiuslns alfovfoa nsfaafoa aafzvfoa llfinjaq ?vizqiaa 09f11i13 REL.UT usnsn?u 9AGE 931 STATUS: ACTIVE LIFE ACTUAL FAG. - -.sgc. an. BATE ans 2 -333 ??faifl? 511 1 $55 usinzfus 511 2 as uslasfna '511 2 653 nafzaf?q 511 1 51s nailzjua 511 1 a 93105103 511 1 594 511 3 15 ?7ID2f?d 511 3 195 11j1230? 511 124 alfavfas 5&1 2 a llflof?s 112 a 123 Leiuefnu q?s 1 311 0?!1?i14 201640-31 10:35 4/8 .- ?x DEDSHEU 1:55:93 - IMMATE - . pang on: DOC NAME: KELLEY. J. . STATUE: ACTEVE EAST EARLIEST LIFE - - ACTUAL DATE FRI. - CGUREE ENTRK FAG. ATT. EXIT STA REQUESTED FEM. EDDE TITLE . SEC. HR, DATE TUE nefasfli 1 $230610 gnu asiasll4 405 1 in cafes/'05;24!1d ?95 1 155 EMF alia?fls 1 A gsoaoad anuu: BASIC ED. - 91j07/15 405 2 a EMF 1 3353010 DIVEREFD EAREER nsjzajis aa? 2 355 i?fl?fls EMF aaf1vxia 1 1495251 CGHMER GLASS ??fi?fl? 405 1 152 aajnziis CMP PRESS EHTER ran FREE ENE PFS-PPBL 2016*10~31 10:35 rxs?ass mac NAME: EPALAEHEE EAST HNIT BATE- ??fl?fl? llfl?il? valisfls oejmails ugflajls lifz?f?? n1f12fu? aailai?s 93:11135 alfalfas D?fl?f?4 RQHIEVEMENTS HRODKS.J. EERTIEICATE EDEE UIFE EGTGEGQ LIFE TIERISE LIFE LIFE TITLE CLASS nazv UIVERSFB TEC apavsa JANITRL save as? TURF EQUIP TECH MGR .LIFE SKILLS WEB ussxaw LIFE SKILLE 9c SUPGRT SPEEIALIS BEE: TIERI sacs MQOHEHAV LIFE SKILLS LIFE SKILLS ELF PRESS ENTER FQR NEXT FREE . 5599 5317 4551 4552 2591 2485 2373 513 BESSEIGG AWARD DATE ??f?dfl? 1911EX15 a7}17i15 ugfaafia naiuafas 11f?7fn5 llf?if?? aziasgns aliavlaa ?arivgad LDC CDDE $65 49E- ?05 4G5 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 511 ACTIVE LIFE PAGE 9G1 BY NAME . 7 C.F, BGUTH BAY E.F. SQUTH C.F. SGUTH BAY E.F SOUTH BAY C.F. HAVEN C.F MQDRE HAVEN C.F MGQRE HAVEN C.F MOORE HAVEN MCGRE HAVEN C.F MGGRE HAVEN C.F MOORE C.F MODES C.F MGGRE HAVEN C.F 201640-31 10:35 earn? - DATE a?fzafaa aaxzsfuz asfaafnz magaafsa a3114/99 aszaias 'Dgfl?f?? ?5f1?159 an: 010559 A NEHE: .FL DOC 3509224355 INMATE PHDGEAM ACHIEVEMENTS EROGKS J. CUR.LGC.: APALACHEE EAST UNIT CODE LIFE ETEISEU LIFE GGLA32 GDLAE GERDSEE GEE TITLE DATA ENTRY NURSERY GPEHATIGNH SECJ MGQEEHAV LIFE RESIDENTIAL LIFE SKILLS GD QB PRINTING GED DISPLAY NUMBER 2259' 2153 AHARD BATE nailsfaa nvfeajni -31{01ie5 13inliaa loia1fae n?inljsa n1fnliaa msialfal P618.- l?f3112?15 16 PAGE STATUS: ACTIVE EARLIEET REL. ET: LIFE DOC CGDE 511 511 511 511 573 573 573 5?3 573 ANERDED BY RENE. MODRE HAVEN MGQRE HRVEN MOORE HAVEN EUHTER C.I. EREES C. C. C.I 2016-10-31 10:35 - 7/3: DEDQHEQ 99:59:24 113993? - TEST scaan -- . PAGE mac ??z.??0590 NAME: BELLEY, BROOKS .--STATUEI ACTIVE - CUR.LOC.I AFALACHEE ERST UNIT. . EHRLIEST TYPE DT COMB. UNIT TAKEN LOU FDRM- weqti?atf?ti??nii?ik?tti GEE . . . 3-53 3-5C 4?33 S-MA TDT CERTIFICATEE Daillf?i 599 945 955- 952 $56 255 SEN GR hg??u?t PERM FQRM FGRM FURM FQRM FGRH mam REED was: MTHA LANG SPEL TOTM ma RL ML LL DP 11: 12.9 63.1 12.9 117.1 10.5 19.5 11.13 536 55? 621 574 57% 559 600 THEE REAH HTHE LENS TGTM RL ML LL DP ?BlldilE a? 11.4 DE DE DE 61% DPTIQHS: HUBBLETE ENTERHNEKTF FFQHEC343 PFEBHESZ 2016-19-31 10:35 .3 818- ngnsaeu.19f31xze;6 05:59:3? - SCORE -- PAGE an: vac 392.97n599 HAME: - - STATUE: ACTIVE CUR.LDC.: APALACHEE UNIT - EARLIEET REL.ET: LIFE TYPE HT CONE. UNIT TAKEN Lac FQRM Tnax- RBAB HTHC LANG TQTM TQTE Rh ML LL DP 95f01i15 4&5 1a 12;3 e1,a 12.9 13.7 19.2 13.9 no 9% no GFTIGNS: IHINQUIRYE DIBELETE July 25, 2017 DA. Passman, M. retired 3711 South 25th Street Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Your Honor: My name is Denny Passman and I am writing this letter on hehaif of Brooks Beliay. First off a little about myself. I am a doctor of veterinary medicine and was the owner and director of the Port St. Leela Animal Hospital in St. Lucie County from 1973 until 2015 when I retired. have been active in our community being involved with Jaycees, Port St. Lucie Exchange Glut). Fort Pierce Rotary and lndian Hirer Presbyterian Church where lam an Elder. I am a married men with two grown children and one grandson. Since 1992 have been active in the Kairos prison ministry primarily at Martin Correctional institution in lndiantown. This is where i first met Brooks. Kairos is different from most other prison ministries in that after our twice yearly 4 day weekends we go back every month (third Saturday at Martin} and spend time with the men who have attended a four day weekend. We also differ in that we have one team member for every candidate that attends. For the inmates that stick with the Kairos program we are able to deyeiop tong term and personal relationships that otten last for years. I first met Brooks at Kairos #4 in 1994. (We are now herring Kairos it 47). I believe that Brooks will tell you (given the opportunity to do so) that'Kairos was a life changing experience for him. Actually don?t think it was Kairos but rather Jesus Christ who is the most capable Agent of change. As the contemporary song says: .- He is the "chain breaker." i spent many a third Saturday afternoon with Brooks at Martin where he always attended. During that time i got to mentor him and got to know him. When Brooks was transferred to other camps he hooked up with the Kairos community if it was at that camp. Once Brooks was transferred to other camps we began a years long letter writing relationship where we shared our lives with each other. I did not know Brooks when he was that ?14 year old boy that committed that most horrific act. I do know him now and i know that he is not the same person. His brain was not developed at that time and he did not have a relationship with Jesus. Brooks has availed himself to educational opportunities-at the camps where they are offered and has lived a dignified life while incarcerated. Brooks offers no threat to those he is around and i think that as a rehabilitated man he wiil he a contributing person to his community. Exhibit 5 It is my hope and prayer that you will give Brooks Bellay that chance and apportunity. Very W7 2 .j - Denny Passman August 2017 ON BEHALF OF BROOKS EELLAY Judge; Lawrence Mirman: ivly name is John Kelly. was born at Good Samaritan Hospital! West Palm Beach. FL . in 1942. Being an Air Force brat I was raised allover the United States but we always -- considered West Palm Beach our home I returned to West Palm Beach for good in 1969. continLiing the architectLiraI career I began three years earlier while living in- Greenville, SC. i then worked for several prominent architectural tirrns until 1985 when t- began my personal private practice retiring in 2015. reside with my vIrIfe Brands in Lake Worth. FL. . For the pest twenty-three years I have participated in a world wide prison ministry called Kairos where a number of inmates are invited to spand four days with us learning how to cope with prison life from a Christian perspective. I met Mr. Bailey In 199? at Martin Correctional institution Keiros No. 4. It was at his mother's urging that he sought peace with God and Keiros No. 4 was where he found it. A large part of our program is returning each month to visit the graduates, and Mr. Bailey faithfully attended these reunions until he was transferred to Moore Haven in 2&02. We then began corresponding that continues to this day. In 1999, while he was still at Martin. we had the privilege to witness his baptism. Kalros No. 4 was a life changing experience for him. in my twenty-three years of prison ministry have noted that inmates who have little or no outside contact are likely to become hardened in a relatively short period of time. Mr. Bailey Is one of the unfortunate inmates who has had little outside support except for a few of us volunteers. His mother supported him until her passing a few years ago. They:r were very close. and I was concerned about him as her health deteriorated until the Lord took her home. i was encouraged by the way he handled the lose. He expressed his faith in God. and trusted Him to get through it. Where possible he has remained active in Kairos in every camp to which he has been assigned He was instrumental In organizing an around the clock 144 hour continuous prayer vigil for Kairos weekends consisting of approximately Monty-five inmates. At least one inmate would be praying for one hour for the Kairos weekend in progress. He" Is no longer at that Institution. but the vigils continue for each weekend. i don't know the exact number. but I am comfortable in saying that there have been at least twenty of these vigils. Exhibit 6 I have always tried to encourage Mr. Bailey, and he has reoiorooated in kind. Whenever I have eitperienoed stress or health related issues he has never failed to offer Godly encouragement. In fact, there were several occasions when he stirred up the prayer vigil. it is humbling to know that one is being prayed for meow-four hours a day. Over the years i have come to know the man Brooks Bailey. fairiv well. He IS in prison for committing a horrendous crime for which he has expressed to me a deep remorse. He" Is fully aware of the pain he caused by his actions. and he vvduld do most anything to relieve that pain. I am not writing this letter to Suggest that Mr. Beliay be released. That decision belongs to the courts However if he' Io released i am confident that he wouid be an asset to any community in which he ohoee to live. He is not the some fourteen year did boy capable of the deeds that landed him in prison. His faith has changed him completely He has taken advantage of the educational Opportunities offered to him. including a truck driving course even though he never had driven a oar because (If the young age at which he entered the avetem. I would vveloome him as a: neighbor Thank you for your consideration. Respectfulin arid)? W113 John IM. Kelly. illI Date: 'AuguSt 11.2917" Te: ?Honorabie Judge Minuet: Frem: Ki Daehenheusen, Facility irrepeeter RE: BROOKS BELLAY DC ii OMESO LDEPARTMENT GP CORRECTEDNS WTE Henorable 11d ge Minnan. This letter is in reference to currently incarcerated inmate Breaks Bellesr Be it 07068:?! in the Florida Department ef Cerreetions. My name is Kim Deehenheusen and I am currently an empleyee at the Meme Haven Cerreetienei Facility in Meme Haven, Flerida and i here been here since 2904. My current rank is the Facility Investigateri Intemal Affairs. When I began my empleymerrt in mm at MHCF I was a certi?ed officer and met inmate Bailey. Frern 2004 260? I had been premeted threugh the ranks ef Sergeant, Lieutenant, and then Captain, I supervised inmate Belley in the heusing units fer a total {if 3 years befere he was mferred to another facility. During this time frame, I never had any type ef behavioral issues with Beilay es he was selfnreguleted and very well liked emengst the inmate pepulatien as well as the staff. Beliey was invelved in and completed many ef the pregrams we had to effer at and he was always very helpful to ether inmates and staff in just about every capacity err incarcerated . inmate can be. With currently 17 years ef experience in cerreetiens, I can henestly say i believe Breaks Beilay is an individual wire does deserve a secee?ehenee in life and he sheuld be a?erded the opportunity in be released beck inte seeiety. I persenelly den?t believe a teenager! individual is at all the same persen when theyr have been incarcerated fer ever forty years. Again, this is my eprmerr. I have been ereunri and dealt with hundreds ef int: ereeretecl inmates througheut my career in twe di?erent states and I can henestly say Breaks Belle}.r was by far the best behaved inmate whe would help an nf?cer if they were sheet to be assaulted er harmed in any way by miter immates. I have never wrete a letter such as this in all my career but I remember Breaks Belley because he had. a lasting impact as me when he was at MHCF. I could ask Belle)! in empty the trash, map the ?oors, assist with feeding {if chow, and err on and Belle}! weuld do it witheut attitude er hesitatien. When ether inmates would mere in er out of ether quads within the housing unit he resided, he was always helpful and assisted any inmate even when not asked, Belle}: was always very respectful to sta? and always answered with Yes Exhibit 7 Sir i no Sit and Yes Me?am and N0 Me?am and he would hold deem open for all staff members again, without being asked at told ta do an. I understand I am not the relatives ef the victim in Belley?s ease. I also understand that I was net (me of the individuel's directly impacted with the result ef? his eetiens when he was 15 years of age. Yen: Homer, all I can say is that e?er ever 40 years Of ineareeratien I sincerely believe in my heart Belley sheuld be given ennther chance at life within society and I d?f??t feelhe would be of harm ta anyone. Thank you fer your time Sir. Sincerely, Kim Dachenhausen Page 2 0f?