Jones Thomas ersal) Flam: Leticia Bradley -- Sem: Thursday, March 22, 2018 30 AM To: Jones, Thomas wscumversall IKEA Statement Ht Tom. I recewed your tnqutry from ourCanadtan press olltce. Followtng ts a statement lrom IKEA: Nu parent should ever experience the loss ol a and we have expressed our deepest condolences to the lamtlte Ttp--oyer ts a sertous tssue tor the whole tndustry, On average. a dtes every 10 days. and a ts lnjured abom every 30 mtnutes tn the Untted States lrotn a TV or lumtture "pl--over CPSC data lrom 201 to 2013. Regardless ufdeugn and constructton. a dresser ts only when attached to the wall properly. Fordec des. IKEA dressers have tncluded wall attachment hardware. We have adyo ated tor wall attachment for many year and are pleased that the last ASTM standard label now promtnently recommends wall attachment. All chest ol drawers currently hetng sold tn IKEA us stores meet the ASTM soluntaty standard. stnce 2015. we have oMered many ways tor consumers to tn our recall tn the us. If a dresser ts NOT attached to the wall. the customer should ttnmedtately Allach I0 me will or remove [0 a place where cannot be Based, - It the customer does not want to attach tt to the wall. tt back to an IKEA store. or we can come tt up. tor a lull relund, - 0r. IKEA can proytde the customer a wall attachtnent lot. We'll even come to your home and secure tt free ol charge. Through our Secure I Campatgn. we have been tor years to ratse awareness ol the up-uver tssue. Educattng consumers about the danger ufllp-uver and the need tor wall attachment ts the first step tn ac tdents. We have launched nattonal TV. and soctal medta as well spreadtng the me ge through medta stortes and organtc soctal engagement. We cotntnuntcate the Secure message tn our stores. tn our IKEA Famtly Newsletter and on our wehstte. We strongly belteye that acctdents related to lumtture up-uver ts are a sertous home salety tssue tor the enttre home tndustry requlre the ellon from everyone, IKEA ts to move the tndustry ahead tn area. ts why we are heaytly product development and leadtng to lnnovalwe soluttons tor saler homes. tanradlrt \Idnd: