From: Dz December 20, 2016 al 7.4155 AM PST Subjeclt Circling back In HR nfl'er In transfer l-h Mariel, don'l know ll you remember bill a {ew weeks ago. Danielle had asked me .n wamed lo Innsler during our dlscussmn onhe OSHA Salery issue/emioal .ssue wilhm Lhe EHSS was Lhe issue where was reprimanded [or speakmg up dunng a 350 aboul rwo .ssues, Lhe absence olan alerl lo employees aboul a salely hazard was em or alignmenl CIH eLhics and Lhe sexism experienced lhe planl. The issue was esoalared lo you and lold you wanled lo lry lo make a work, have died lo make lhis pamcular posmon work bul Lhe .s loo high. People are hurl every day and mcrdems where people are almosl crushed or hil by cars is unacceplable. I would like lo see in could please be lranslen'ed lo aaolher area [have made many requesls lo bolh Man and Sam ror addruoaal personnel help as well as mlormmg Lhern onhe numerous injunes and .ssues. Please lel me know whal lhe nexl sreps would be. Thank you. Jusline Wlule. CIH. CPH TESLA EHSS beadfieneml Assembly IEOL 4 00 Fr. mm Elld Fr mm, CA 94316