Leader Uppnsitinn The Ma Turrhull MP Prime Minister Parliament I-lnuse CANBERRA ACT Dear Prime Minister I write tn ynu regardirg the safety 11? the Australian cnmmunity gun yidence, an issue which demands hipa rtisan leadership. Like many Australians, I was cnncerned by nn the nf the recent Tasmanian State electinn that the Hnt?man Gnyemment had secretly r:nmmitted tn water-dnwn that State's gun laws. Simply put, the weakening nf gun laws threatens the safety In? nur cunmunity. The Hatinnal Firearms Agreement. champimed hy Inl'n Hnward's Gnyernment and hadred :Iy Itim Eeazley frm'i daynne, has been the nyerard'ling hr Australia's gun laws mnre than decades. Enth sidu nf Australian pnlitit's haye a snlemn tn maintain and strengthen tl'I's But the pnlities nf the Gnyemment represent a direct threat tn this essential natimal Emsensus. As Prime Mirister, ynu Earl-Int stand by and allnw Australia's gun laws tn he watered-dnwn. We nnly need Ind: at the devastating, senseless tra gedies ntcurring in the United States tn Irnnw where this rnad leads. I aslr ynu tn nrder an immetiate reyiew intn the nf the Tasmarian Gnyernment's with the Hatinnal Firearms Agreement. If, as appears tn he the case, that wnuld breach the Agreement, I aslr ynu tn plhlicly demand that ynur Lheral Party cnlleagues in the Tasmanian ahandnn it. As I said, this is an issue which demands h'qsartisan leadersl'l'p. The Lahnr Party is ready and willing tn with ynu nn this issue, and tn assist with any nther steps necessary tn strengthen the Hatinnal Firearms Agreement. ?I'nurs sincerely 924/113 Bill MP Leader nf the Dmnsitinn Shadnw Minister Indigennus Affairs and Ahnriginal and anres Strait Islanders 13- March 1013 I?ll} Bus M122 I?arlramcm Hnusc, Canberra ACT - 4CD: - Ful?ll H592