POLICE-CRIMINAL -- QMPLAINT COMMONWEALW or: VS. Magisterial Dist?ct?umb?r; '_-Distract 31?1431 .. Hon. Patricia Engine: BEFENQANT: (NAME and ADDRESS): Wm?m Sumner Am WW MICHAEL 551m.?L Alienmm, PA 18192 ?Fer: Name ?Me Name Last Name Gen. I I I 731mm: (610 432436;};0 Lime E~Misdemeanor Pending Surrounding States Bahama: No?mradnmh - 1-Felony No Ext. [32-Feme mu.- - - . [Swampy 9am. 3-Fetony States F'uil YES NO Co-Dafendamis} Gen. 2018 2 63 9035 Male Middia Name Last Name 55?: .iva} 1 {Sandy} . (8mm (am) [jaws-mum) DWEMM Emma;un Elem 19mm} [39%th (am) (310%) (Green) {Gray} . (mm: WEIGRT 1m ?amber: - ?ats. Fiied: .OXNILiveScan Number Number I ?ag masng?ro 1898159 'Dohndantiia?sg Fm Midd'e? Last _j MICHAEL . "a -. RLY The acts arguescnbed below With each Ac: of Assembiy; or statute allegediy vraiated, If apprap?ate?. When. theta is more than {me effense. each offense shomd be numbered-chronologically. form a bridfs_umh?i?? the ram-summ to'advm defendant of the mum of that a?emts} charged. it citation 10' the minute) smegma! ?9mm. Win-4655mm. gumciem. In _a summary can, you must cue the speci?c smioats] ants-Sumattonm of the mtuzaga) 0! or?lnamm 311350.63? violated. Thar-age? victim at me time (5m: 0mm may he imiudgd 3 known Ina-addition. Mania! security'?umm and Manda! information 1143' 1mm:- the Identity 0f an menu: must be estab?shsd, list om}: the last {out digits.. 2? PAQMEB 213.1 - 213.7.) . lnchoata - Salicetation Conspiracy . - .meme. - :8 90m; Um 902A 13 903 - gummromwms newer-Omar . L1- .l-ml mac 1 . Guam; . PA swam m) Counts . new arrange code uc'm?ma??re - I DWorkZone I I. Nam-bar 3- I BI-i?mm?e .- Statute Desqrmaalii?mude the ham :ofstatute-omrdinanca): . . withe- mismens'e: - aescription'nfsharggs) on additign.ipage.= I shoe?? in . 1 m. .. COMPLAINT - "eompiai?t?nci?mwumhaf mama. .. m. THAT, date;-THE DEFENDANT did. knowingiy? or recklessiy take. gramme a child :1 .der the age 01? 13 years: namew "(Amy {mm the custedv of (Mai Luv) parent: guardian, or other 'awfu? in Vidath of Section 29046:) of the PA'Crimm Code. -. .. POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLANT v: 'ive a bar 'Gomglain?inc?idam Number . - .La?fi- . First {gem 55:53? 2. I 3944 than warra?i hf arrest or a summons be issued and'that the defendant: to answer! the charges I have 3. verify that the. {?sts set faith in thisgemplaint are true and carrth (o the besf of my knowfedge 0! information and beiie? This veri?cation; is? 'mada-subject to the penaities of Secticm 4904 of the Crimes Odds. ('18 Fae-.3. 49M) relating ta unswom autm?ties. 4. Th?s mpiainti??nsists af the preceding pagas.) numbered threugh i. . . as listed and hereafter, weraagainst thep?age'a'nddignity cf the Commonweaith the Acus) of the or in violation-o? thqistatjutes cited. timbre a warrant: fan-33mm be issued, an affidavit of proba'hie swam to beware the :f-jf I . . M31165 07,2013 . . pouce CRIMINAL. -: as Hat-idem-?hier' . jig? I. a EagNumber 18033:; nc um 3'5 . 76615: Last 3 MICHAEL . Esregw AFFIDAVIT 0f PROBABLE CAUSE Hear .Af?ant is a duly swam police of?cer employed by the City of Allentown to the Special Victims Unit. 2.0a February-139,23 at about 1547 hrs, Mu! Luu-, off 8th St Alient?vdn, reported to Migntown poiice pefsonnel that her daughtm?Amy Yum ?j-had been-sfgned-OUt'of schoo! (Lehighiwlley Acad?emyjiearlier in the day without her permissm Esterly,? Le?high.?a?ey. Aca?emy is located at: 1569 Valley Center Pkwy. Bethlehem, PA 1801?, in Northampton - 3.0m Februaryil-S, 20:18 at about 2130315., police permune! responded is, .l mm St. Alientown, PA and enwunteredrKevi? Egte?y and Stacey? Esteriy at-the residence. Both Kevin Este?yhn?d-Stmey Esterly- were advised ta stay away Rom the resi?encejbgtawe "Muiwu did ntjatwant-to have contact with her daughter, Amy Yu. 44.0? Famine-W336. 2913 at 1316115., Amy was fore?SicaliY interviewed that Kevin Est-erly had frauduientiy waned ha! but 5?5 ?mag Yea/r her mother?s. knowledge. Per Lehigh Vailey Academy records, there I. rem-?mes- Vembe?f 13: 30-1-3- ?tb February 09, 2013, that Kevin ?re?y-signed Amy Yu cut of semen which Mui Luu never gave himipa?miiss-iun m. . . I . - .b?f _5W9ijz-e??tamut 1835" 11:5,, Mai 'Lu'u, iBt?'St. Arlentos?n,? 3? ggarted her daughter, Amy Y-u 7 March 85-, 2 138. at about in - -. 5f: Starg?e?mn, PA, [Mai tW?s?tatgd she be at;ch ani'ed'with Kevin many. -I.6-Mtii? Lbs; we; tesimeiwithom her 96mm. -- - -- . wife", infomed- this-Amati: that capmaximateiy 2$$?a?ga?was her} bank account in?ated-that laf'strsawil?evfd?steriy. attijeir-re??ence an Mara; .?20-18?at Esreriv mam gamma. 1mm asirr?aimg?eama? FIMWI COMPLAM OT ivechn {Gunther Comyiainwncidant Hum-bar 18018159 - .- ?rst: Defendant Ma:- ?ddle: MICHAEL Last: ESTERLY .. mm AFFIDAWT of PROBABLE CAUSE 9.0% tome f3?t that Amy-Lax: and Kevin Esteriy- have disappeared at about the; samegtime, the fact that they bath removed money. and perisanat dixzuments, and due tome secretive ?ature- of the reiaticnshI-p, gig-Want requests a warrant of arrest to be" issuedfor'me- Defendant, Kevin E?t?ffy, far Interference with Custody of Chnd'ren: gags" listed charge has been approved to be ?lec'i by L'ehigh Camry Chief Deputy {District Attorney Matthaw??alk. 35mm -