FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION STIPULATION, DECISION AND ORDER Campaign Statement/Report Non-Filer - (Streamlined Program) Complainant, the Enforcement Division of the Fair POlitical Practices Commission, and Respondent(s) hereby agree that this stipulation will be presented to the Fair Political Practices Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting, or as sOon thereafter as the matter can be heard, as a ?nal disposition of the reporting violation(s) described herein. - - FPPC CASE NO.: 16/472 - .. for Judge 2014 REPRESENTATION: CODE SECTION VIOLATED: CI 84200 84200.5 84203 84101. Total Penalty: $500 STATEMENT BY I acknowledge that the violation(s) of the Political Reform Act described above have occurred and voluntarily request that the Fair Political Practices Commission resolve thislmatter by imposition of the monetary penalty speci?ed above. I acknowledge receipt of the_Statemem 0f Respondent ?s Rights and voluntarily waive any and all procedural rights to contest this matter in an administrative hearing. All outstanding reports in connection with these violations have now been ?led. All fees and penalties in connection with this violation have now been paid. I have attached a cashier?s check or money Order made payable to the General Fund Of the State of California in the amount of the penalty described above. Dated: Print Name: STATEMENT BY ENFORCEMENT CHIEF: I have reviewed the above stipulation and recommend its approval. Dated: GALENA WEST, ENFORCEMENT CHIEF ORDER OF THE COMNIISSION: The foregoing stipulation has been adopted by a majority vote of the Fair Political Practices Commission as its ?nal decision and order and is effective upon execution below by the Chair. IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: JOANN REMKE, CHAIR FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION STA EMEN 01" RESPONDENT RIGHTS The Complainant, the Enforcement Division of the Fair Political Practices Commission, and Respondent, both identi?ed by name on the front of this document, hereby agree that this Stipulation, Decision and Order will be submitted for consideration by the Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The parties agree to enter into this Stipulation to resolve all factual and legal issues raised in this matter and to reach a ?nal disposition without the necessity of holding an administrative hearing to determine the liability of Respondent. Respondent understands and hereby knowingly and voluntarily waives any and all procedural rights under California Government Code sections 831155, 11500, et seq., and 2 California Code of Regulations sections 18361.4 through 18361.11, including but not limited to the issuance and receipt of an accusation, and the right to appear personally and be represented by counsel at his or her own expense in any administrative hearing held in this matter, to confront and cross examine all witnesses testifying at the hearing, to subpoena witnesses to testify at the hearing, and to have an impartial administrative law I judge present at the hearing to act as a hearing of?cer. I It is further stipulated and agreed that Respondent has violated the Political Reform Act as described herein. Respondent agrees to the issuance-of the Decision and Order and imposition by the Commission of a penalty in the amount speci?ed on the Stipulation, and a cashier?s check or money order in said amount, payable to the ?General Fund of the State of California,?_ has been submitted by Respondent to be held by the State of California until the Commission issues its Decision and Order. The parties agree that in the event the Commission refuses to accept this Stipulation, it shall become null and void, and within ?fteen (15) business days after the Commission meeting at which this Stipulation is rejected, payments tendered shall be reimbursed to Respondent. Respondent further stipulates and agrees that in the event the Commission rejects the Stipulation and a full evidentiary hearing before the Commission becomes necessary, neither a member of the Commission, n0r the Executive Director, shall be disquali?ed because of prior consideration of this Stipulation. DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: Campaign Statement/Report Non-Filer Ct. Statement/Report Reporting Period Due Date Date Filed Describe Reportable Penalty* Activity 1 24-Hour Report March 14, 2014, Friday NIA $5,000 Late Contribution Received $250 . 2 24-Hour Report May 6. 2014, Tuesday May 2014- Wednesday NIA $5,000 Late Contribution Received $250 TOTAL PENALTY $500 Base 1% of contributions received or expenditures made Filer has 'filed all statements. Filer has not received a penalty from the-Commission for failing to timely ?le or report. The committee did not have more than $25,000 in contributions received or expenditures made per campaign statement. Found no evidence of intent to conceal. Filer is a: El State Candidate Committee. El State General Purpose Committee. State Primarily Formed Committee. Local Candidate Committee. El Local General Purpose Committee. El Local Primarily Formed Committee