Rp r 1 1 2 0 1 3 ia: 29Rri H P LAS E RJE T F AX 301 84781 3G 201 1-1 56405-1 86-01 1 DEPARTM EN T OF H EALTH & HU M AN SERVICES Public Health Service Food and Drug Admjnislratlon 1 0G03 New Hampshire Ave. Silver Sprtrig, MD 20993-0002 April 1 1 , 201 3 VIA U NITED PARCEL SERVICE James F. NIcGuckin, Jr., M .D . Chief Operating Officer, Principal Investigator 1 450 Parkside Avenue, Unit 1 6 Trenton, NJ 08638 Dear Dr. McG uckiri: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the findings of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection of your clinical site from July 2, 201 2, to July 20, 201 2, by investigators from the FDA New Jersey District Office. This inspection was conducted to deterrhlne whether activities and procedures related to your participation in the clinicai study titled, "Multi-center Registry of Chronic Cerebrospinal Insufficiency Testing and Treatment," (the Hubbard Protocol) compiled virith applicable federal regulations. The catheters and stents used in this study are devices as defined in section 201 (h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act), 21 U .S.C. § 321 (h), because they are intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions or In the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, or to affect the structure or function of the body. The clinical study is an investigation of a significant risk device, which means FDA approval of an application for Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) is required prior to commencement of the study. At the tim e you conducted the investigation and as of the day this letter was signed, the study sponsor, the Hubbard Foundation, had yet to obtain IDE approval from FDA, in violation of section 520(g) of the Act. 21 U.S.C. § 360i(g) and 21 CFR 81 2.20 and 81 2.42. The Inspection was conducted under a program designed to ensure that data and information contained in requests for IDEs, Prem arket Approval applications, and Premarket Notification subm issions are scientifically valid and accurate. Another objective of the program is to ensure that hum an subjects are protected from undue hazard or risk during the course of scientific investigations. Our review of the Inspection report prepared by the district office revealed several violations of Title 21 , Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 81 2 - MCGUCKIN, JAMES 2011-156405MD PAGE 66 « P " ** = Hp r 1 1 a o i 3 10: 29flM HP L RS E RJE T FH X 3 O1 0 4 7 8 1 3 G 201 1 -1 56405-1 86-01 2 o Page 2 - Jam es F. McGuckin, Jr., M.D. Investigational Device Exem ptions, and Part 50 - Protection of H uman Subjects, wtiich concerns requirements prescribed under section 520(g) of the Act. 21 u s e . § 360j(g). At the close of the inspection, the FDA Investigator presented an inspecticnal observations Form FDA 483 for review and d is cu s s ^ the observations listed the form vwth Laurie Brown, RN ES N (Study Coordinator an d Director of Clinic Compliance), and Cynthia Gould, RN BSN (Center M anager). Th e deviations noted on th e Form FDA 483, your written response dated August 9, 201 2, and our review of the inspection report, are discussed below. Although you stated In your August 9, 201 2. response that you Im mediately discontiriued any further involvement with th e H ubbard Foundation after FD A's Inspection, we have the following concerns with your response to the Form FDA 483, particularly because your response alludes to participation In future studies. I t Is Imperatrve that these issues be corrected should you choose to be Involved in this or another clinical study of a device in th e future. (1 . Failure to conduct the Investigation according to signed agreem ent, thai investigational pian,^ap 9llcable FDA regu lations, and any conditions of} 'approval imposed) &iran In stitutional Review Board (LRB) or FDA. [2 1 iCFR 81 2.1 00. 21 CF Rqi2.1 1 0(b )lJ O fAn investigator Is responsible for ensuring that an I nv^tig a tlo n is conducted]^ 'according to the signed agreem ent, the investigational plan, and appilcabie FDAi {regulations. In addition, an investigator Is responsible for ensuring that an^ investigation is conductinig according to ariy conditions of approval imposed by) ithe IRB or FD A. The inspection conducted at your site revealed several! instan ces where y o ^ k l n^ot adh ere to this fesponstbility. This failure can^i Icompromlse the^fellabilH^.'of the data from th e study. The safety of h u m eri subjects participating In the study may also be affe ^e d resultin g in increased risl