.l 5:52pm ?Larry Nassar I heard abdut what is happening with Geddert and-. I am to hear abdut this. Would like to talk if you want abdut it. My cell is? l? 5:13pm 1 Elk. Maybe later+ When did ybu hear fromdinner .l 5:22pm Larry Nassar - she and I did a let af talking after her situatidn with thn. I helped her thrdugh a herrid time. Se she called me abeut this tub. [5:25pm I haye been se stressed about whether er not I'm daing the right thing er net, but in be nyersing with a eauple mdying up gymnast, it is sarnething they?ye always been Leary at and sup-pert me. Same want me ta call Steye Berry l" .l 6:26pm "Larryr Nasser I think it wduld he te talk. I think what vuu have dune already:r has had Jehn visited by three ghosts -i 5:32pm Pest, present, future? 1 .l 6:33pm Larryr Nasser ?fepi LUL :1 them are the three :1 lw'EZ, 5:39pm We have tried hard td help her understand his methods. But I had a line. And it get erdssed I miss, Edl?pm Larry.i Nasser In. Understeed. Cempletely. And trust me, what yeu haye dene already has made an impact and taught Jehn a lessen that he will net ferget. I think massaging lehn and letting him knew that if he dees this agian te anether child, he ceuld leese .eyerything. Learn frem it and impreye. When i was in scheel I hreke a windew accidentlu playing a game in the hallway. Back then we get paddelled by the yice principle. I sure learned my lessen. Jehn just get his ass kickedl! I think he will learn. l? 5:45pm I alse felt it was impertant te teaching earls she deesn't EVER haye te he treated like this by anyene! - 1 6:46pm Larry Nasser ?i?es, that is imperta nt lessen new that they heth had learned. That is impertant fer her te understand. i l?fll, 6:49pm Larry Nasser lehn dees learn frem his mistakes and I haye seen it and I sit dewn and tell him directly when he did semething de net agree with. He will hear this frem me tee. lam his friends and friends de net suppert each ether ne matter what. True friends speak up and tell the ether friend when they are acting wreng. That is true friendship. 10f22, 5:50pm "La Nassar You gaye him his first ass kicking and now its my turn. 1 - l?fl?, 6:50pm I?m not sure i can pull it back at this point. It is with FA now if he is lucky, they will not see the validity. I guess that's lyi?r'. Biggest fear, that he gets away with it AGAIN and is nothing but hateful with us .l 6:56pm Larry Nassar Just ask to drop it, if you are not 10-05% sure you want to close John's and have him banned from USAG for the rest of his life. Having the police come to his house was a huge lesson for him already. r. 1 mill. 3:34pm Larry Nassar John, just sent a policy out that from now on all staff members are not allowed to be with a gymnast alone and not allowed to be in any room without the door being open. No coach is allowed to discipline 3 gymnast in less another adult is present in an open door room. l?fEE. 8:36pm I've heard this is not the first time. Am I really the only one to care? .1 will, 3:39pm Larry Nassar He is trying to change already. He has neyer had the police come to his house before. This is huge. absolutely huge effect. Fteality right at his front door came a knockin. If you are able to tell the PA that you want to drop the case, it would go along way for sure. Remember this is not just about John but also effects every family at the gym. If John. Makes changes, ryo ne wins. If John is banned from gymnastics. solo many many people are affected. l? 10f22,9:13pm Please don't think I don?t know this. And my biggest thought is with the girls. haye been told he had "paid out seyeral before -'s case. There haye been many complaints but everyone is AFHAID to address it with him. The girls and parents are afraid he will just take it out on them eyen more. I haye been there myself. Living in fear isn't the way an athlete should grow. I think the message is all wrong 9:35pm Larry Nasser Wow, I haye been a 1yery close part ifthe since it started and I can honestly tell you that there has neyer been any legal cases or pay outs. eyer with John or any member of his staff. There are many rumors about people like John due to his presence in the sport. There is more gossip about bad than truth about the good. 10f22. 9:33pm i understand Larry, reallyr Ido .l IDIEE, 9:33pm Larry Nassar John has helped so many young people adyance there lifes helping them out ?nancially bit no one talks about it. . John has helped so many families that went through hard times financially but no one talks about it since he asks them to keep it quite. I 10,322, 9:42pm I have heard those things too. I am clear on the good things. I know where you are coming from. Truly I do. This is about right and wrong. What he did was wrong. Why did -call you? She encouraged me to stand up to it. She still has a case pending. I guess I don't understand. .l 9:49pm Larry Nassar Ihaye helped- through her struggles and she called me to tell me that she did not want anyone to use what happened between her and John to affect John. She has told me that loye John and . and all that they haye done for my daughter" that was yesterday. She trusts me since she feels I tell a straight story and am a good listener. 9:49pm Larry Nassar - said there is no case with John at all. She has dropped it completely. She has told me that seyeral times. 1.. 9:51pm Wow.- How do I know WHD to belie-ye. She told me it is still pending. she offered to home her attorney call me. She told me about 3 prior payouts. SHE told me it was time for some to stand up to him I think just need to stop talking about it. The confusion is overwhelming 101'22. 9:53pm I'm done. I do not need to be in the middle if this too! .1 IDIZE, Larrv Nasser Wow. I am sorrv. have nothing to gain bv being decietful and everything to loose. life is about honestv and trust or there is not a single person That would see me. I will let mv word stand and I also .mean what I said earlier about being there fol- if ever needed. Have a good rest of the night. i" 10:01pm Thanks. Good night 10:29pm I want to be clear about one thing, no one talked me into taking ANT action. This was a decision made solelv bv mv husband and mvself based on what we were told about the events of the evening. What did or-did not happen to anvone else had no bea ring on it at all. read us the law. It was veryr clear to us. Lets be clear on the reason for our actions. It depended on no one else. 1 l?jll, 1o:sapm Larrv hlassar Elk, I understand. lf- would not have called me, I would not have known about it. John did not say a word to me. he was keeping it quit. Strange that she would call me and tell me one thing and tell vou another. do not mean to confuse vou. I just think that the punishment should ?t the situation and trust me. John. Is getting enough of it alreadv. 10,322, lili?pm I understand. We will certainlyr tn cantinue ta think abdut this all ?ne case has ndthing ta dd with the other. Each must stand an its awn so it is irrelevant anyways night .l 13:54pm LarnlI Nassar Elk. get some rest