Frum: Panic-b, Sandra Tu: Date: Jul 23, 2012. 6:56 AM Subject: RE: Jennifer Hulldwell Mr. Martin, I have nut heard frum her sc: we may need tc: held a hearing, if she will nut agree la a revbcatiu-n. I will Ina-bk int-b the misuse bf cha ritable dbnatiu-ns issue and see when may be ufassistance with that issue. Thanlu: ybu, Sandra 112. Pa nicc: Assista nt Atturney-Eeneral Frbm: RVenturesCurpEaulc-bm [mailtquVenturesCurpEJ abl-cu-m] Sent: Mu nday, July 13,, 2:311 gag AM Tu: Panic-b, Sandra Subject: Re: Jennifer Hulluwell Ebdd Murning I'vls. Panicu, I have veri?ed that Ms. Hulluwell's LP-IZ status remains active thruugh the website su-I am assuming ycI-u did receive a respunse frurn herand she will drag this but as lung as pussible. I was alsc: wunderin-g ifany further actiu-n fur the diversiu-n bfcharitable dbnatiuns and use bf funds fur persbnal bene?t wuuld he sumething that the Atturney Ee neral's uf?ce wbuld pursue? I was recently infurmed that Ms. Hulluwell spent the entire ufJu ne at the beach and pussessed and used the Rec-eve ryCu-nnectibns Cum munity card extensively fu herself, her children and Due listed in the can sent cI-rder. rep-curred a similar fraudulent use tn the (Bounty, HIE [155 for a previcuus trip she made tu- Flcurida but was tuld at that time thatl wuuld receive anyr infcurmatiun ur a resp-bnse frum them. As I stated in uur previcuu telephbne cunversaticun, this individual believes that the rules db ncut apply tb her, nu matter many wa rning 5 gr disciplinary actiuns are ta lten and cuntinues tu- abuse the system whenever pussible- Please advise me bf any further I may pruvide ten assist yuu. Thanlr ybu, David F. Martin, Rec-ave ry'v'e ntu res Curpuratid-n