Our Ref: 004436/13 Your Ref: Address Correspondence to: Steven Morris, Information Management Date 19 August 2013 Dear Mr Jones, Freedom of Information Act 2000 I write further to your request for information received 16/08/2013. I note you seek access to the following information: 1. A copy of the review of Operation Aeroscope undertaken by the East Midlands Regional Review Unit. 2. The terms of reference for the review. 3. Details of: a. The number of staff that worked on the review and their respective rank/position; b. The total number of working hours devoted to the review; c. The total cost of undertaking the review; d. A list of persons interviewed for the review and their respective rank/position Following receipt of your request, searches were conducted within Leicestershire Police to locate information relevant to your request. Your request for information has now been considered and the information asked for is as follows: Further to my previous correspondence I can confirm that Questions 1 and 2 of your request have been passed to Nottinghamshire Police to answer under the legislation. However, I can confirm the following with regards to Q3: a) The review was conducted by the head of the department plus 1 review officer. b) The review was commenced on 24th January 2011 and completed on 11th March 2011. c) he review has not be costed as the Regional Review Unit fall under the collaboration of East Midlands Special Operations Unit and as such we are commissioned to conduct reviews across all the 5 forces in the East Midlands. d) The ranks of those interviewed were as follows:      1 x Assistant Chief Constable 2 x Detective Superintendent 2 x Detective Inspector 1 x Disclosure Officer 1 x Intelligence Officer A further breakdown of the ranks listed above is considered to be exempt information by virtue of the following: Section 40 (2) - Personal Information Section 40(2) is a class based absolute exemption and as such legislators have identified that there would be harm in disclosure and there is no requirement to evidence this or consider the public interest test. However, as Section 40(2) is engaged and in order to make the exemption absolute we need to evidence that a data protection principle would be breached by disclosure. In this case it would not be fair to process confidential medical information which, with the information I have released above, could lead to the identification of an individual, therefore the first principle of the Data Protection Act would be breached. You should consider this to be a refusal under section 17 of the Act for your request. Leicestershire Police provides you the right to ask for a re-examination of your request under its review procedure. Letters should be addressed to Information Manager, Professional Standards Department at the above address. If you decide to request such a review and having followed the Force’s full process you are still dissatisfied, then you have the right to direct your comments to the Information Commissioner who will give it consideration. Yours sincerely Steven Morris Information Management Leicestershire Police : +44 (0)116 222 2222 : dataprotection@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk : +44 (0)0116 2485217 Website: http://www.leics.police.uk Leicestershire Police in complying with their statutory duty under sections 1 and 11 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to release the enclosed information will not breach the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. However, the rights of the copyright owner of the enclosed information will continue to be protected by law. Applications for the copyright owner’s written permission to reproduce any part of the attached information should be addressed to The Information Manager, Leicestershire Police Headquarters, St. Johns, Enderby, Leicester LE19 2BX.