Request for Schedule Appointing Authority Agency Name: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau . Date 12:22?? P00: Kerri Dunharn Phone: 202435359"? Emaii: Request No.: - Request Type: Appointment Position: REG Scheduie Candidate Kirsten Mork . GradeiStep: Salary: $259,506 Position 180180 Chief of Staff and Special Assistant to the Director Series: {3381 - 13959-3 Miscellaneous Administration Series Date PD certified as Schedule Cper 5 CFR 213.3301ia]: Organization I Org. Name: Office of the Director Supervisor No: 202435-514? Supv. Title: Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Supervisor Name: J. Michael Mulvaney Supv. Position Type: Presidential Appointee oso Location: Washington DC Schedule 0 Certification Statement i certify the Schedule position above, that we request the Office of Personnel Management to except from the competitive service because of the con?dential or polioy~deterrnining character, was not created soiely or primarily in order to detail the employee to the White House. Department! Agency He or Designers: it 5- 3 Signature. Date Signed: . (fr/1 Agency White Heuse Liaison Name: . Phone: 202-4m--. Signeture:__ .. Date Signed: 0PM USE ONLY [m [j Disapproved Returned without notion 0PM Approving Date Signed: 2f 6 ,2 Email to: Senior Executive Resource Services at Source: Office of Personnel Management Report 1 I119, Version November 2008