E?le GRAPHIC print - HOT PRDCESS Ai- Filed Data - 934933 1 WQQD '9 -. menial Return ef ?rganizatien Exempt From Ineeme Tax Under sectien sum}; 52?. er at the Internal Revenue Cede [er-tent private 2 0 1 6 foundations] .- . De net enter sen. I'rhr numbers on as It mav be made pub-lit - n" 1? Il Infermatldn abeut Farm 999 and lt5 Instruttlens Is at IRS Dpen Futilit- hers-.r in Far the 1016 Isl-lender ear art-I: Hf Inhin and endin 12-31?3116 i Che-Ck. II app Address El Name thanue Inlnal rnturn Fir-Ell Eaterrdterwl'ated Ian: attempt status "I'll! {14' EILEI errE INC change DU I'll] 35 El Employer numb-er ET-I. 559963 Nu and street 3 If Is IILII did lee-ed 1U street eddies-9: Amended JUL- El Anglican-Jr pn-ndng Teleshnne number FIE-T590 u: tun-n. state or and EIF ur farmer-I p-usldl cn-de Ii-irnsr. receipts 1. H.993 I'la me and address uF n?lter JUSTIEE 399 MAIN STREET WHITE EL: SPRINGS, 1W 249615 a .?ul?II?n?l cur-1 Is f?li a group- returr' fur D'fes are all 5L: herd natee. HEM I Die Included?" attach a hat {see Ere-up exemptann hur?l?lbt'r I- Fn'm El El El El Sum mar? fear furn'allull 51cm: IJI legal 1 BMW the nrganlzatldn's tIr' mast 15 EE- FDFI. CHARITEBLEI. LITE HART, DFI EEILIZITIDI-MI. THE MAKING TU THAT QUALIFY A5 EDDIE EDIICI DLD WHITE E5r INC :15 TD OPERATE GREENBHIEH n. AL GULF PIP-ID DISTRIBUTE TI-.E l'-lET THAT SECIIDNS IICEEJ THE INTERNAL EDD-E 3 1 Chetk he: I- El IF the area-masher: nt?lstentm ued It: er diseased a! mere than 25% It: net assets. 3 Hu mber elf 'I'Eltll'l? members of the nevernmq buds (Pat me la} 3 4 Hu mh-er at Independent voting ?nem bars of t'1e qevem'nn bed-.- IF'art line It] 4 II 5 Tnl?al number nn' Jails ample-red talender are-tr EDIE- [Per?t line 2-1} 5 '3 El: 5- Tdtal numbe- df edlunteers [estimate Tdtal unrelated business revenue "new F'art telu mn lane 12 Ta 9 I: Met unrelated business taxable Intume Fram Farm: line 34 . Tb FrTu-r 1l'ear Current Tear Ir end era {Part llne 1b] 124.651 3.455 9 F'r-agrlm rut-{nu IIF'ert Irnl 2910.575555 H.535 i 111- uestrnenl: Inenme {Pa rt USII. mlumn I-Elther revenue (Part {elumn lines 5. Ed. 9t, 19-Total revenue?add lines through 11 (must equai Part telumn line 123 51.995 13 Grants and ar'ntlunts pal-:1 [Part column (All. IIrIes 1?3 I . $43.33.? 14 Elene? ts pa1d ttI er =nr members [Part talt. rnru l=ne . E- 15 Ealanes, ether sempensatlen. ll'l'lplD'r'El bene?ts (Fart IE, tuiumn lines 5-10] 495.211 16.1: meetslena! fur-drawing feu- [Fart 11:. :ulum-? In}. Ime 11:} . . . '1 Tut-9| IunlIr'dIsInu etpen?e: [Part tulumn line .25] '5 1? Elther ea: pensell :F?art tezumn lines. Ila?11d. 1 1f-24ej . 12,929.: IIEL 13 Total expenses Add lines 13-1? Imust ed ua- Part tel umn line 25) HEB-4.331 19 Revenue less expenses Subtract line 1-3 frnn" line 12 . 3.962.531 run: at turn-rut fur End at her 33 Tubal assets It. lune 15) . 19.211551 5,919,315.11 3E 11 Total llabII-tres [Part line 2613,499.21 11 11 Net assets or Iund healer1 tes Subtract line 21 from EU . . . . "5.934.393 . 11.533349