ruffiW VffiffiK KTATffi MffiPAffiTfr\#ffiF*T TF ffiF*Würc#N*MHþ*TEË- tr#ËW$ffiRVATÉffi8\$ Þivisie¡n of Water, Bureau óf Wêter Res*ure e Management 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-3508 P: (518) 402-8086 I F: (518) 402"9029 wwv; lVlareh DNR Drinking Water and Groundwater Program DG/5 Attn: Adam Freihoefer PO Box7921 Madison, Wl 53707-7921 Re: 21,2418 SËNT BY EMAIL ANÞ ANN RËGULAR F¡R.ST CLASS MAIL City of Racine Water Diversion Application Dear Mr. Freihoefer: The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation ("NYSDEC") submits the following comment with respect to the application by the City of Racine to diveñ up to an annual average of 7 million gallons of water a day outside the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin to an area within the straddling community of the Village of Mt. Pleasant. Prior to processing the application, it must first be determined whether the proposed project is excepted from the prohibition against diversions under the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact (the "Compact"). ln this regard, Section 4.8 of the Compact includes a prohibition on new or increased diversions except as provided for in Article 4 of the Compact. ln order to qualify for the straddling community exception, Section 4.9.1 of the Compact states that "regardless of the of the volume of Water transferred, all Water so transferred shall be used solely for Publie Water Supply Purposes within the Straddling Community." Section 1.2 defines "Public Water Supply Purposes" to mean "water distributed to the public through a physically connected system of treatment, storage and distribution facilities serving a group of largely residential custome,rs that may also serve industrial, commercial, and other institutional operators." (Emphasis adcieci.) Here, it is unciear that ihe proposed diversion is largely for residential customers where the water is intended to facilitate the eonstruetion and operation of the future industrial site of the Ëoxconn facility. Seetion 4.9.1 (b) of the e ompaet also requires that a proposal meet the Ëxeeption Standard if it "results from a New or lnereased lVithdrawal of 100,000 gallons per day or greater äverage over any 90-day period." Here it is unclear whether the propeisal represents ä Rew or inereased withdrawal and whcther or not that withclrawal meets the ffixeeption Standard as provided fCIr in Seetion 4.9.4 nf the Compaet. In light of the general prohibition against new ür inereased eliversions (Seetion 4.8), the üompaet favors, and potentially mandates, that proposals for ffixceptions be subjeet to Couneil Review. $ee- Seetian 8,,7 of the e ompaet. Furthermore, the e ompaet vests the Çouneil with the authority tÕ "review and take aetion on Frerposals in aeeordanee with this ûompaet and the Standard of Review and Decision." This authority is consistent { /Gn*v**'¿ sraltof \---" , \t* oPPonTUNnY I I I ûenärtrnemt ûf [:nüironmer¡tat Ca:msen¡atñelsr I i t, - P¿#i.les "sna{eü eiLiiv"iû ilr'úiei:i, üûlìsÕi've, re$T&ie, ¡ì-ilpr'}ve ailil i-¡Ìãilagç {íìÇ renewable but finite Waters of the Basin for the use, benefii and enjoynrent of all their citrzens, inctuding generairclns to corrle"" Seetion ¡.3. ¡ (f) (errt¡:irt*sls uuciea). witil iire ,-^l n^^^. .-^^^ ^J Àl^¿. - - : , h - -- --r-,-.-ú (Jl r\çbL/ulu€s l\Atu{idl UeUAltlf lellt l\Y$l-rl ]U !"eSAeClTl lll\/ rêÕllÉåeÏs i'rlHr Iflg VVI$(jLlfl$lf! p *"¡oä n ru n'ã' positi on to the fo owi n s J-- u *-**äs i;n ,ñ ãL'-ñ'id -r-:--__quesilorìs: ;il il; @ l:a lL 1J¡\T\ ¡r lJ{J¡r!LltJ!l t¡ ldt tl !ü Ðrjlrt II tl.lç ul r¡ :.. -- ---- -¡:-,----:-.^--¿^:-lù¡v¡ ¡ vu!È¡uç 1l ¡lù I ¡svv u¡vvl -=l¿.-c \.A.lnÉ¡re!.:¡¡'! !c {n¡" ¡h!!¡" r¡¡¡for ernn!r.-¡ n! !!"nnq-êq. cvqlu¡ *uh/Þ/¡J ¡ù lv¡ nr vvqlv¡çl¡çu i/u¡F/vuus iJuul¡v ! Lql\uü 6 =e ¿l^^ /n*^^å {¡ ¡v v¡ vuL {'!efinaf! in the ComneCi? Does the proposed diversion meet the Exception Standard? tìnee rhe r-;omnaci rer':uire ihe ComBaei Cor-rncii io r"eview and take action on ihe ^.^^^^^l vlupLrùdl nrinr *n tr\h.lD ar r{lnnrizinn fhic Äirrarcinn') Pllvl tL,, lJlYl\ quLltvttLtt lv Lllro vrvvrÙrvrr: NYSDEC respeetfully requests that DNR respond to these questions prior to taking any -¡-kaniz hl\/rn-n l^^1.^ ¡^^.,^-l +^ .,^, r¡n¡¡ -r:- -- -.- rr-- .-.^-"^-^-l tf le ptupu¡t¿cl. I\ I ùl"JEU !uur\þ rurvvdrLr r.u yuur lt:ÞHU rÐË" I ¡rqrrf\ y(Jt¡" Lduiluf I oll Sincerely, <- ;1""^.,,,. ,'^1 ,.Å.ú,1,[. ;-'./.;-ç-:;*--. 'dI /-'Wfs¡eÙ\-. rìi^h^ E r .L, L-rrar rç E^^liÀdh Lr r!rlrùr r, D Chief, Water Quantìty Management Section Bureau sf Water Resouree Management Dìvision of \A/ater