.-- .. Milwaukee CountyJail Operational Assessment National Institute of Corrections Jim Hart and Stacy Sinner, Technical Resource Providers 3?29-2018 Jim Hart, CJM, CCE 6435 Harbor Master Drive Hixson, TN 37343 com 423-413-7902 March 29, 2018 Richard Schmidt, Acting Sheriff Milwaukee County Sheriff?s Office 821 West State Street Milwaukee, WI 53233?1488 Subject: Operational Assessment of the Milwaukee County Jail (re: NIC Technical Assistance Proiect #1811602! Dear Acting Sheriff Schmidt: Enclosed is the Final Report that Stacy Sinner and 1 prepared as a result of our on-site visit February 28 March 2, 2018. It outlines our observations and recommendations. We hope that they will serve as information, guidance, and resource for you and your staff, as you work toward making the Milwaukee County Jail a model for other jail jurisdictions to emulate. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to you and all the Milwaukee County Jail staff for the courtesy and cooperation extended to us. We recognize that our visit requires modification to the routine, but all found time to meet our every need or request. Our special thanks to Deputy Inspector Dobson and Captain Daniel Dittberner, along with the many others who helped guide and respond to our visit and its needs. They were outstanding professionals throughout the review and had any information requested made readily available. Notably, they all exhibited integrity and dedication which are attributes essential forjail administrators, managers, and staff to move positively forward into the future. We certainly wish you and the entire Milwaukee County Jail team well in your and its future endeavors and commend you for voluntarily undergoing this National institute of Corrections Operational Review. Sincerely yours, 2 (Le Jim Hart Cc: Michael Jackson, Correctional Program Specialist (CPS) Stacy Sinner, Technical Resource Provider (TRP) Disclairner This technical assistance activity was funded by the National institute of Corrections The Is a - Federal Agency established to provide assistance to strengthen state and local correctlonal agencies by creating more effective humane, safe and just cOrrectional services. - - - The _resource pewrsons who provided the on?site technical assistance did so through a cooperatlve agreement at the request of the Milwaukee County Acting Sheriff and through the coordination of the National Institute of Corrections. The direCt on? ?site assistance and the subsequent report are intended to assist the agency in addressing Issues outlined In the original request and In efforts to enhance the effectiveness of the agency. The contents of this document reflect the views of Mr. Jim Hart and Ms. Stacy SInner Pomts of view or opinions expressed in the Technical Assistance Report are those of the authors and do not represent the official opinions or policies Of the US Department ofJustice. Upon delivery of the final Technical Assistance Report to the agenty that requested the assistance the report becomes the property of that agency The National Institute of Corrections will not distribute the report to non- NIC entities, or. . consider it an agency record of the federal FOIA, without the express, written approval of the agency. 1. 4 2. Description of the 6 3. Inmate Management 4. 'aniI Tour February 28, . Tour IIVIarch 1, 11 6. I..I 14 7. Program . .fWelIness Coordinator __16 9 and Procedure 15 19103199111? Decree 16 19 12. Health Care I.I. I17 General 14. Roll 15. Inmate Grievance I20 . 16. I . AttachmeIntsII_:" II I. Milwaukee County Acting Sheriff?s September 7, 2017 Request II. Scope of Work Overview Ill. March 14, 2018 memorandum from Deputy Inspector Dobson "Action Plan to Address Recommendations in NIC Report IV. March 19, 2018 memorandum from Lieutenant Kevin Johnson Report/Time Analysis? V. March 19, 2018 memorandum from Captain Joshua Briggs ?Overtime Tracking" VI. Detention Services Bureau Directive 12018-01 ?Prescribed Medication Storage Version 1. Introduction. a. A request for an operational assessment JoJf the Milwaukee County Jail was submitted to __ethe NatIonal InstItute of Corrections (Mr Michael Jackson) by Milwaukee ?County Acting that there were four custody deaths In the lad 2016 and three additional in custody deaths JJochJUrrJing'J in 2017. - Through the National Institute of Correctlons request Jfor proposal process this project was awarded to Jim Hart and Stacy SInner Jon 9 February, 2018 Attachment 2 provides the scope bi work for this proiect On this same date emailed Deputy Inspector Aaron Dobson to estabIIsh InItIal contact Through phone and emails we obtained Informatlon on the facIlIty A date of February 28 through March 2,2018 was scheduled for a Site visit to conduct the assessment in preparation for the visit various documents were rewewed that included the 2016 and 2017 state JjJaiiJ InspectIon reports and post orders for first and second "shifts varIous jail directlves, the staff structure, the Wisconsin Jail Standards training qurrIculum the Christensen v. Sullivan Consent Decree critical incident data a facility description the Inmate handbook and two court monitor (Shansky) reports from visits 'on May 22- 2017 and October 23 27, 2017 February 28 through March J2, 2018 Site i. Stacy Sinner and I JrheJJt on the evenIng of February 27, 2018 to discuss a plan of action this assessment We further discussed the advance reading materials we had recered ii. We arrived at the Milwaukee CountyJaIl at? apprOXImately 0830 on February 28, 2018. had an Introductory meetlng with Deputy inspector Dobson, the aSSIstantJaII commander Dan DIttberner shIft commanders Captain Scott Sobek, Lieutenant Kevin Johnson and legal counsel Andrew Jones. Introductlons Were made we began dIscussmg the purpose of the assessment Jas well as the challenges and accomplishments that the jail has ?experienced 'JAchordinJgJ to inspector Dobson the outcome the operational assessment is to determine if the agenCy is doing the right Further, what can be done differently and finally, are there any beSt practices that might assist them. iv. Current Challenges 1. Nursing shortages. Due to nursmg shortage the jail routinely experiences inadequate Staff coverage in the booking area. As a result there' Is a back log In the initial and secondary medical screening of new inmate arrivals. According to the jail staff, the health care contract mandates that the screening be initiated within two hours. As the contract is currently written, the screening may be initiated within two hours but may not be completed for an extended period of time We discussed contract monitoring and the belief of the agency is that no one is actually monitoring the health care contract. The major hurdle that the jail has to overcome is that the contract is currently held through the mayor?s office and house of corrections. This arrangement appears to limit what the jail/sheriff can do to properly manage the . contract as well as enforce non? compliance. OplOld epidemic has resulted __In Sicker population at thejaii. The ?i'fioverflow fer pretrial and sentenced Inmates is the HOUSE3 0f Corrections. Unfortunately, the House of Correction will not accept inmates experiencing illnesses related te _opIOId addiction, thus they remain at .1 According to the medical and mental health care prowders 60% ofthe Is receivmg medications Twenty percent of the . population Is receiving medications mental health population frequently acts nut which creates safety and security concerns for medical and mental health staff who attempt __to Provide care . I - 2- - . jail_' is frequently close to the mandated capaCIty and works daily to I inmates who are eligible for transport tn the House of Corrections Unfortunately, due to the minimum security level housing configuration of that faCIlIty, there are restrictions in the type of inmate that can be sent there As _a result there are housmg units at the House of Corrections that are not; utilized We discussed the possibility of retrofitting some of the empty housmg areas to increase the level of .. security According to thejail staff the Milwaukee County leadership I must make the deci5ion to commit resources to make that happen. v. Agency Accomplishments. . - -- 1. The Sheriff has aSSIgned three Captains to thejaii as wellness coordinators Their role _Is_ to check on inmates in the high risk areas as well es act as liaison between medical _rnental health and corrections __to ensure that inmate needs are being Inet, . The agency is revamping hiring practices with _a goal of trying to reduce an excessive amoUnt Of overtime usage and expedite the hiring process. Tthh?iie .a.budseted._ Staffing complement (if-260 and currently have 239 corrections__o_fficers employed. _Thisnumber is up from 200 eleven months ago, - New jail leadership has been brought to the jail including Deputy Inspector Dobson as the Jail Commander Captain Dittberner as the Assistant Commander Lieutenant _Stadler as the supervisor in charge of Jail Records and Annette Olson over inmate property, six shift commanders (two sworn Liheutenants and four Correctional Captains), and fifteen correctional Lieutenants. .The agency feels that the exposure of more leadership throughout the building Is enhancing employee retention and morale. They have relocated the red lines In the housing pods to give the inmates more room to move about. Additionally, it gives the inmates the opportunity to have private conversations with the pod officers while they are at their work station. 5. Housing pods have had telephones Increased from __siic to twelve for inmate use The belief Is that this will reduce Inmate altercatlons that over phone access and permIt more two and opportunities for Inmates to communicate with their families -6. .New high defInItIon cameras have been Installed has enhanced .monltorIng of all areas ofthe jaiI thus enhancmg safety and security - -7. .aQId carpeting is being repi?aced in housing pods with tile flooring. 8. Four corrections officers have been aSSIgned as ?team leads? to augment and aSSiSt corrections lieutenants In areas of scheduling and various administrative duties. The leadership team believes that this "exposes these Individuals to Increased responSIbIlItIes and prepares them for future IeadershIp posmons Unfortunately, these positions are I ?not compensated for the addItIonal resoonsIinItIes There has been an Increase in the number of CERT and weapons quallfied personnel A focus on Improving training for employees has been enhanced New employees go through _a one week orientation .._course then wiIl spend a period of time workIng under the direct .supeNISIon .ofa traInIng offIcer They will then attend a --corrections academmy: 10. A formal leadership review process has been developed and - -'implemented for incidents in the faCIlIty 2. Description of the Milwaukee County jail a. The Milwaukee County JaiI was built In 1992 and Is the intake facility for almost every arrest that occurs in Mllwaukee County Approx1mately 89 inmates are booked and released from over 20 police agenCIes daiiy. As mandated in the Christensen Consent Decree, the inmate population Is Capped at 960. Overflow inmates are sent to the House of Correction on a daily basis. The censent decree addresses two distinct parts that includes the inmate population which the jaii has been found In compliance and "-"secondly, inmate health care. The agency is StilI under the consent decree for the medical part and still has a monitor Robert Shansky) who comes semi annually to conduct inspections. - This well designed jail has eight stories, and eighteen housing units, most of which are direct supervision that house 64 inmates (at most) and have one officer assigned to each housing pod during first and second shifts. There are four indirect supervision units, housing discipline and/or maximum custody inmates, a special medical unit for inmates with special medical needs, and two housing units to house inmates with mental health needs. The hoIIsing Units deSIgnated for inmates with mental health needs include one being a smaller indirect supervision unit used for the most severe cases and the other (a 48 bed pod) has an extra officer with specialized mental health training. Housing pods are large and open and offer access to large recreation areas that are shared between two pods. The booking area offers both cells and open seating areas. There is a privacy screening in place for health care interviews. The health care services area offers examination rooms and waiting areas appropriate for the inmate population. The county has a contract with Armor Correctional Health Services, Inc. for inmate medical, dental, and mental health care. They are also contracted with Aramark for inmate commissary and food service 64$ for inmate transportation and Centylink for phone services and video visitation. 3. Inmate Management Direct SuperVISIon, In addition to being _a phySIcal plant design also reqUires a strategic inmate management philosophy ActIVIties to keep inmates productively occupied programs, inCentives and rewards for p05ItIve behavior and recreational opportunities are 'a few (if the things that assist officers in being able to manage behavior effectively. Assuming normal adult behavior and demonstrating that assumption also encourages compliance with rules and respectful Interactions avith staff. The staff/inmate interactions that were wrtnessed were generally posmve Staff members are respectful -a._nd pleasant . - - - We __.did find some areas that did not seem to ?fit? Within the principles of direct vi. vii. supervmon concept jprograms person who Is allocated two days per week to coordinate inmate programming opportunities in an agency this size we would normally expect to see several people aSSIgned to inmate programming There __is currently a corrections officer who has the additional duty as the Inmates arrive from the Milwaukee Police Department with property sealed In a plastic bag. While we were there an? inmate Wanted to get a phone number off Of his cell phone that was in the sealed bag. He said that he didn know the number and had no one else to call. The Inmate was not permitted to access - -- the bag and obtain the number. - . We were Informed that there is a practice where when Captains and above walk into a housing pod officers yell ?line _up and inmates go to the perimeter of the . day room ?and stand by their cell doors, The Deputy Inspector indicated this' Is no longer a directive although some still do _.it We did observe this somewhat disruptive event occur __on __one occaSIon We also noted in the inmate handbook .._that specifies this practice for a ?lieutenant __or above?_? . . Signage throughout the jail says ?Inmates will not talk while moving through the jaI ._The inmate handbook states while a hallway and command staff' IS present ..the inmates are to stop and face the wall until otherwise directed. Staff sets basic expectations with inmates at shift change. There is no orientation video or formal orientation process other than inmates is given a handbook __wh?en they leave the booking area. . --. -- Inmate complaints ranged from; isome C05 are crabby? to" 'we were locked in _.for 3 __days last week for a shakedown?. We also heard from inmates that when officers take._a break they dont always return on time to release them from cells. Lockup time for the evening is 2045 hours. These complaints were consistent in different housing units. 4. Jail Tour February 28 2018. We toured the facility during the first and second shifts. The following provides observations of those tours. - . Pre? booking. An initial medical assessment is conducted here. A decision IS made to accept or not accept an inmate as it relates to medical conditions at this point. a. Although the exact numbers were not available, it is estimated that less than five percent of new arrivals are rejected for medical reasons. Also in this area there is data entry accomplished and a sealed inmate property bag is received from arresting agencies Once the data entry and Irnedicai Intake completed the inmate is turned over Ito a? booking officer to conduct a search area A secondary medical screenIng Ii_s_ conducted that can range from five to I I thirtyII minutes Accordmg to Jail staff this step creates the largest delay of the booking process; Also located here, are more data entry, fIngerprIntIng, and photographing processes Further, Inmates Will be InterVIewed by a representatIve from Justice Point Who Will assess the inmate and provrde InformatIon to a commISSIoner for the purpose of setting an initial bond for the new arrestee ThIs process takes from fifteen to thirty minute's; Officers use an Informal color coding system to keep check of what steps has been completed In the overall booking process The agency Is to have the booking process completed WIthIn four hours lnmIaItIeI property. completlon of booking, those inmates that are staying will be dressed into an inmate unIform IIaInd Issued a bed roll, towels and hygiene items. inIInIIatIeI IvviIll then be IrInIoIvedI to an intake housmg pod Annette Olsen, the property reIoIrnI manager gave an overwew the property room IoperatIons - - -. - - - ii._I toured the court stagIng area that manned from 0500 to approximately II II I 1730 ItIm Monday through FrIday Corrections officers deliver inmates to this and _I_tuIIrIn them over to court securIty of?cers We went the cIaSSIfIcatIon area and brIefly spoke with the first shift classification officers. Two items of Interest __ItIhaItI they mentioned was that they do a reclassIfIcatIon Of the Inmate every I30 dilYS-I IIFuIrther, every 90 days, they reaSSIgn Inmates to Ia dIfferent housmg unIt Under this process an inmate will not spend over 90 days In the same unit.- I . Mental HeIa__Ilth UnciItII Ia?rea three pods through that consist of between four and eight single person cells One Iceli has _a restraInt bed for extremely agitated, non- compiIant or vIolent Inmates inmates surc1de watch in this area are placed on first shift offIcer making entrIes the time that they observed the inmI.ate The second shift Officer however documented ?their observatIon? time at exactly 15 minute Intervals [1400, 1415, 1430, 1445, 1500, etc) Special Medical Unit This area is utilized as a medical Infirmary Dr. Karen Horton and Joel Dewitt provided us an? overview of this area and the medical clinic. i. A de?ned Suicide step down protocol not established Rather, a decision to lessth restrictIons, observations, or housmg assIgnments is based on the individual needs of the inmate as determIned by a mental health professional A foilow up discussion regarding monitoring inmates coming off suicide watch or a process of stepping them down was had between Captain Dittberner and me on March I29, 2018. Captain Dittberne?r IndIcated that the housing pod officers are aware of which inmates have been removed from suicide watch and through their daily housing pod operations maintain observation of those inmates. He also discussed with mental health personnel regarding their protocols on inmates having been removed from suicide watch. Steven Schmid, the Armor Correctional Health Services Social Worker Supervisor provided a copy _of their policy statement that indicates ?Once the patient is discharged from suicide precautions a follow up appointment will be made BehaVIoral Health staff along With any other referrals as appropriate discussed medical and mental health visrts Tof segregated inmates. informed us that there are three medical provider and one mental health T._provider vi5its made each week to inmates in segregation _Their goal Is to adhere to the National Commissmn nn Correctional Health Care even though they are not certified . __TTheir opinion is that they are seeing a Sicker inmate population in custody. As it stretches their resources -- - . In the medical clinic there are four exam rooms They also can provide Imaging, __.ultrasounds, and x?rays on Site Inmates needing a scan or MRI must be sent Into the community There is nurse mid Wife on SIte one day a week Sixth Floor Pod 6A. Training Officer D. Bartels briefed inTe on this pod that houses __newly arrived (intake) Inmates The pod is deSIgned to house 64 inmates and during our tour had 61. The library in this area was __in disarray. Library books were also stored _in the first Video VISItation booth __The officer explained to me that the library room is routinely used for bible studies conducted by volunteers - .. . . . . Pod 6D. This is general population pod for female inmates. Corrections Officer M. Hall provrded a briefing and tour of the pod. She was extremely knowledgeable about her duties There is a Milwaukee Public School (MP5) teacher that comes Into a program roorn twine a day, five __days a week to prowde GED classes with other areas throughout the jail t'here is a large recreation area: that IS shared by one other housmg pod, Inmates have __unrestricted access to this area anytime the pod is not locked down. A basic Taccess schedule permits one pod to access Tthe area on the even days during the firStT shift and odd days on second shift They have access during second shift on the alternating day. We observed the recreation areas in use throughout the budding . During _o__u_TrT vi5it there were T_Tton officers in each pod on sixth floor. We were adVIsed that the second officers were new officers assignment to the corrections academy Although they are under the direct supervision of an experienced officer there are times When the experienced officer will step out of the prod and monitor their actions over the camera as a training tool. f. Fifth Floor. Pod 5TB. ?We were briefed by corrections officer McCoy regarding his responSIbilitIes We __Iooked in the area deSIgnated as a library on the upper tier in thispod. There were library books scattered on the floor and the room was in need Of cleanin_g.__ It was explained to me that he opens this room for only short periods of time as inmates have frequently gone into this area and vandalized it. There is no camera coverage in the library. We noticed that in the first visitation booth that there were numerous library books stacked on a Shelf for inmate use. This IS done to reduce the need to allow inmates to access '3 the library area. As In other pods we spoke With numerous Inmates The . inmates in this area were extremely agltated and vocal ISsues brought to our 3. attentlon Included There Is frequent look downs of Inmates InSIde their cells (for medlcatzon pass when a mamtenance employee Is in the pod when offIcers take their lunch break and shift turnover to name a few). Although these may be normal lock down perIods we suggest that the I "agency actually conduct a tIme study to evaluate the length of time an Inmate _Is locked down . . . . - . . AccordIng to the agency staff there Is an excesswe amount of inmates tamperlng WIth fire and smoke detectlon systems As a result they are able to set the fire alarms off In the bUIIdIng When that occurs, inmates are ?locked down conSIstent With their emergency procedures Inmate John Jackson was charged S20. 00 twice for the same medical encounter He has attempted to resolve this Issue through the '_'ngevance process but has been unsuccessful Pod 5D Inmates housed here are awaItIng trial _Or have been sentenced and awaItIng transfer to another FTOJ Velez explaIned that the majority of these male inmates have spent Close to year in conf?nement I spoke with numerous inmates here who conveyed the followmg 1. Video is required to be scheduled in advance Inmates indicated that it is freqLIently scheduled during oCk down periods Frustrations were expressed about the delay In food delivery Inmates indicate that the food carts wIll remain in the vestibule outside the pod for 20 to 30 minutes at times They also suggested that they are getting the same meal up to three tImes each week and asked why the food ""'servlce menu could not be posted in the housmg pod Inmate mail Is beIng delayed In excess of _a week on a frequent basis. They expressed frustration With extenswe use of lock down. Inmates In this pod and? In 5B reported that they were locked down for a period of three days the week before so that a Shakedown (search) could occur. The jail leadership Indlcated that a lock down for a search did occur but that it was only a day and a half not three days. An inmate took rhe to his cell (5D03) _to show me his stopped up sink that has not been repaired. There was an extremely strong sewer odor that could be smelled when I was a distance ofapproximately six feet from the cell. The inmate reported that maintenance had come in the previous week the pod was locked down and the pipe chase doors were all opened and looked inside by the plumbers. The inmate said that he attempted to get their attention to look at his problem but was ignored. A check of the February 2018 maintenance ?Punch list" did not reflect that this problem has been reported for repair. 10 Fourth Floor i. 6. Inmates are issued one pair of underwear and clothing. These items are laundered twice a week. For personal hygiene concerns the issuance of twoto three pairs. of undergarments would be more appropriate. Pod 4D. Captain M. Hannah and i toured this area that houses males' In a dismplinary segregation, overflow suicide watch, and those in a protective custody status This area of four sub pods (A through D) I noted that all of the exterior day room doors were open Corrections officers In this area explained this wee for convenience so they ._can hear any calls for assistance or disruption in the unit This was done even though every inmate has access to a call intercom system to get the officer?s attention There are three small __recreation yards apprommately 21? for inmate use in this area. These areas are also used to search and change an arriving inmate clothes. There is also a ._large Indoor recreation area located an the 4D area that' Is used for the agency 5 . program Pod 4C. This _is a mental health general population unit that houses male Inmates haying a mental Illness but are stable through medication. This' is a step down unit from the Mental Health Unit. Corrections Officer D. Adams provided excellent overVIew of this area observed her do? an armband check and a rules briefing to the Inmates Her interaction with the inmates in this . __area was excellent This pod rated for 48 inmates ?and at the time of our tour there were 35 Inmates aSSIgned here. 5. Jail __Tour on March 2018 We arrived at the jail at approXImately 0430 and were greeted by Captain M. Hannah The foilowmg areas were toured: Third Floor, .. __Ped 39 This an inmate worker housmg pod. Although the design is similar to housmg pods throughout the facility, this. pool had no doors on the inmate cells. inmates In this area are cIaSSIfied minimum custody, low risk and assigned to various work details throughout the __Corrections officer 5. Prodzimski prowded me a briefing (if this pod. cells and a storage area are used for the storage of miscellaneous cieaning supplies, clothing, and blankets This enables the inmate workers to be dispatched to various work details with the supplies needed for the job. The library In this mill, is the main jail library thatis maintained strictly by volunteers inmates do not access this area. A telephone line was noted coming out from under the __Iibra ry door. Officer Prodzimski said that one of the inmates in this pod is__ responsible for biohazard Spills throughout the jail and one _of his worker benefits? is to use a telephone to make "free" unmonitored teiephone calls_._ b. Fourth Floor. i. Pod 4D. This Is the only pod on this floor that IS manned during the night shift due to the type of inmates housed In this area as already explained above. According to Captain Hannah if there are more than four suicide watch inmates housed here, that a second officer will be assigned at night. Corrections Officer M. Amaya was manning this post during our visit. He had come in on 11 mandatory overtime at 0200 and was also scheduled to work his regular first shift (0600 1400). He explained to me that during the previous two week period he had worked 207 hours between his regularly scheduled time and overtime. Also noted (similar to my tour on February 28) was that all exterior day room doors were opened. c. Shift Commander Office. I spoke with several lieutenants and lead officers in this area. It was explained that there were 41.5 hours of overtime used on third shift that night (night of February 28). There are several different three week rotating shift schedules that staff is assigned to work as reflected below. Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 OFF WORK WORK WORK WORK OFF WORK 2 WORK WORK OFF OFF WORK WORK WORK 3 WORK OFF WORK WORK WORK WORK OFF Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 WORK WORK WORK OFF OFF WORK WORK 2 WORK WORK OFF WORK WORK WORK OFF 3 OFF WORK WORK WORK WORK OFF WORK Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 WORK WORK OFF OFF WORK WORK WORK 2 WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK OFF OFF 3 OFF OFF WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 OFF OFF WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK 2 WORK WORK WORK OFF OFF WORK WORK 3 WORK WORK WORK WORK WORK OFF OFF Some schedules as indicated above call for three to four work days on and between one and two work days off. Another schedule calls for either seven or eight days of work followed by two off days. We looked at the overtime of six officers assigned to work this 7/8 day schedule: 1. Olaiz, T. In February 2018 worked an additional four (four hour) shift extensions and an additional three days (8 hour shifts) of mandated overtime on their off days. 2. Nolan, A. In February 2018 worked an additional four (four hour) shift extensions and an additional two days (8 hour shifts) of mandated overtime on their off days. 12 3. Utsby, K. In February 2018 worked an additional three (four hour) shift extensions and an additional three days (8 hour shifts) of mandated overtime on their off days . I 4. ?3Francrs, In February 2018 worked an addItIonaI four (four hour) shift extensions and an addItIonalthree I_d_ay_s hour shifts) of mandated overtime on their off days . . -- 5. Mailborski IJII. February 2018 worked Ian addItIonal two (four hour) . shift and an additional one _._day (8 hour shifts) of mandated overtlme theIr off days I 6. Lopez IR. in February 2018 worked Ian addItIonal four (four hour) shift I extensions and an additional one hour Iof mandated - on their arr days - - We dIscussed overtlme Issues WIth the _Although the overtime issue I Is monitored it does net appear that it is tracked the usage of Ian IndIvIdual employee Fer example, When does Overtime become excessive for an employee? What Is the agency definition of excessive? The leadership Indlcates a SIgnIfIcant number of employees usmg ItIIhe FamIly MedIcal Leave Act Ito prevent themselves from havmg Ito work overtime We suggested that Ias part of, Ian InCIdent revIew Ito __look at what day In Ian employee 5 work schedule were they mvolved In the InCIdent Questlons suCh _.their long week? How many mandatory overtime hours had they worked? Responding to these questions and managlng overtIme usage should be a prIorIty .. -- . . The below table prowdes the overtime hours worked and the number of . employees thoSe hours reflected on the February 22nd pay check. Although the majority (92) worked between .5 and 5 hours there were 38 who had worked in excess 40 hours overtime during this pay period. February 22 2018 Pay Check Overtime Hours Number Of. Employees 5 .5 hours I 5 5- 10 hours 56 25? 15 hours 27 15. 25? 20 hours 37 20.25 25 hoursI19 25. "30 hours" '22 30.1? 35 hours - 19 35.1 -. 40 hours - - 11 40.1.7145 hours 13 45.1?50 hours 3 50.1?55 hours 5 55.1 60 hours 3 60.1 65 hours 2 651?70 hours 2 70.1?75 hours 0 75.1 80 hours 4 100 105 hours 1 13 d. Kitchen. i. This of deteiie'd cleaning :Further the majority coolers/freezer and other doors remain uhiocked sending a message of minimal security in this area. ii. We observed the food trays being served and chose one cart to follow (Pod BB). sopo?eiwes?w 32-0629 began filling the trays. - ?-?-0636 cart ready and staged In hallway outSIde the kitchen. "0643 cat picked up frOm the kitchen I carton the third floor (1647 cart pushed into the 3B security veSthule 0705 eart brought into pod 3B .0708 started serving Inmates . . . 70715 [ast mealserved .. .. The total time for this process was 47 minutes. The officer assigned to this post was unfortunately delayed in clearing _his count and preparing his Inmates for removal from look down due to having worked mandatory overtime on third shift, He had to ciear his other housing uhit cOunt with a face to face turnover with the oncoming officer before he could come to pod 38. There was apparently no one available to assist in this process. We obtained a copy of the Aramark menu for this 'I'meal. Although the meal called for whipped margarine, fruitjuice, and Sugar, mm: was proVIded by the kitchen. I also observed the lunch feeding of pod 6A. 1. 2. 4 saw" 1112?- 1116 trays were filled and placed in the carts 1128 cart moved to the sixth floor. 1129 cart moved into the security vestibule of pod 6A. The correCtions officer aSSIgned to this area was on their lunch break until 1138. ["1140 started servmg Inmates 1149 last meal served. The total time for the service of this lunch meal was 37 minutes. Although there was an opportunity to expedite the process the shift had sent the Officer on their lunch break during inmate meal delivery time. I reviewed the Aramark menu for this meal. Although the menu called for creamy coleSlaw and fruit it was substituted with lettuce dressing, and a piece of cake. When speaking with the agency leadership, they were unaware of any missed items on meals or menu substitutions. The agency is likely paying for the items that are not served on the trays and the calorie count of the meal is not what has been approved by the dietician when it does not comply with the menu. iv. We asked the food service supervisor if the food was temperature tested. She informed us that it was tested in the kitchen but not at the point of delivery to the inmates. She showed us her process for testing the temperatures and then showed us her temperature log for documenting the checks. We noted that the 14 I .. 6 CIaSSIfIcatIon a. last temperature check documented had occurred three days prior. We did speak with several inmates at the point of delivery of the breakfast meal who were all satIsted the temperature -- . - i met with the first shift claSSIfIcatIon staff, They had been wcrking on identifying 30 men and 6 women for the House of Correctlons for approximately three hours They had only Identified twenty male Inmates They expressed frustration with some tools that the previous jail management system offered that assisted In expediting this process The new CMS system appears to create some extensive delays In screening inmates for. for the House _of, Corrections Due to the new system inmates are no longer ready for transport at 1300 rather it later into second shift before they are ready. Further frustrations, Included the rejectIon of inmates by the House of Corrections for a myriad of reasons. For example on 2/28/2018 the following rejections were listed booking status ID net con?rmed sentence not entered (2). They expressed a concern over the pressure of moving inmates from booking to housing units on the fifth and floors while bypassmg the intake housing. They indicate that with bookmg having a reqwrement to move Inmates out of that area they push claSSIfIcatIon to ?nd bed that results In some inmates being housed in pods that they __.are not claSSIerd to __be . 7. Programs Coordmator a. CorrectIons Of?cer Behrendt Is the programs coordlnator Although a year ago she had one day a week to perform these duties that has been expanded to two days a week (Wednesday and Friday} to coordInate the jail programs. During her two days a week the following duties are performed i. Volunteer orientatlon meetlng . - . 1. . Between two and three orIentatIon trainings are conducted a year. She develops mamtams anddistributesthe volunteer handbook and conducts the training. . .. 2. Drafted the volunteer policy and implements the approved policy. Schedules volunteers. - 4. Interviews new volunteers and chaplains. Review their presentatlons CoordInate background checks. c. Provides a tour of the jail and reviews the policies and procedures with the volunteer. 5. Manage the volunteers (currently 93). 6. Processes law library requests (80 processed in February 2018). 7. Visits thelslamic Society to distribute and collect information and recruit new volunteers. 8. Contact and coordinate contributions of law materials, library books and magazines. 9. Grow the jail book club and Benedict Center Non?Contact programs. 10. Pick up donations from various community organizations. 11. Coordinate the Milwaukee Public School teachers. 15 8. Wellness Coordinators a. Be available to the MeXIcan Consulate Inmates in providing Information and forms. in voting processes - . - -. - annual 5. Census Bureau data collections contractors With the Black Health Coalition Information to Inmates and staff regarding Ramadan. TT 18 TTMaintain statistic sheets _?Tif . 19 tip and distribute program mail programs Include a formal law library, a literacy program and opi0id addiction VIvItrol Program - I spoke with Captains Rewolinski and C. Trimboli They have been assigned to a pilot prolect developed by Sheriff The focus of this is to check on the welfare of TT Tr_i_sT_kT (medical mental health intakes) Inmates and serve as iiaison between mental health and security staff The program is new (established January 4 2018) and they have been developing various opportunities arise. 9. Procedures and Post Orders. 3. policy and procedures Tare outdated Tit appears last revISIon Tof pelicies occurred October T2014. The standards of the American Correctional Assouation 5 Adult Local Detention Fourth Edition Standards call for an annual review and update as of polICIes arid procedures Two that We looked at Inmate and Mail are not conSIstent with current practices Deputy inspector Dobson indicates that Ta policy program through LeXIpol has been purchased that Will enable the agency to rewrite current mixes and procedures. We were provided post orders for first and second shifts to review We found them to be vague and lachedT detailed timelines for daily activities occurring (or should be occurring) in housmg pods 10T Consent Decree Monitor We had Ta conference call With Shansky the court monitor health care operations at the jail March 2 2018 This was an hour long that discussed various items i. He Is concerned that the Chief posmon not been filled. ii. He felt that there was a distinct Improvement in professmnalism of the staff and Milwaukee County Jail that has been foTStereciT by the Acting Sheriff. He commented on the benefit of the Wellness Captains. He felt that as part of the corrections mental health and health care team they assist in inmate access to timely care iv. As stated in his June 2017 report he felt that the use of the TTdiScipiinary segregation unit as an overflow for mental health inmates was inappropriate. v. He gave a Tdetailed explanation of the intake medical screening process. 11. Jail Records. We received a tour and briefing of the Jail Records area by Lieutenant B. Standler (Jail Records Commander). 16 a. inmate Maii_.__ . . i. There _Is a clerk that works during the second shift that IS resoonsible for processmg Incoming and outgomg Inmate mail Ihe clerk enters the mail into CMS system A written regection notice Is prowded to the inmate for mail Is returned to the sender or placed In their property. sealed mail Is sent to pod officers who will open the mail to screen for contraband or inappropriate pictures etc If they determine that the mail Is unacceptable for delivery they Will verbally Inform the inmate that the mail has . . been rejected and make an entry in the CIVIS system. The American Correctional Assomatlon 5 Standards of Adult Local Detention Facilities Fourth Edition (4- ALDF: 5B states in part. Inmates one. notified In writing when __.__Incoming or outgorng letters are Withheld In part or, In ful ?7 I _We reVIewed the Inmate handbook the inmate grievance policy IM6, a page untitled/undated document regarding processmg of inmate e__-mail and the Milwaukee County JaIii General Clerical Mail Policy dated None of these documents referenced an appeal process forrEJectedmailDuring my visit, staff reported to rne that the warrants section had apprommately 1,100 ._._warrants to clear The Slgnificant number Is due to their belief that the District Attorney office was purging old warrants According to some feedback received from Deputy inspector Dobson __on March _14, 2018 these warrants have all, been cleared and they are now __up __to date. This section of Civilian clerks __Is minimally staffed with one person on day shift With a second person .in tralning, one person on second shift and two persons on third shift compensate for. this, additional officers are assigned to assist each dey to ensure __alI actlve warrants are being entered __into the system. The staff aSSIgned to this area is responSIble for verifying _and responding to all law enforcement agencies request for warrant verification The requirement is that a response must be provided within ten minutes from notification . c, .I spoke with personnel from the Open Records section who responds to all agency open I records requests Further, they process for storage Inmate records upon release d. A corrections Officer (CERT Qualified) is assigned to the AAFIS section that' Is responsible for reVIewmg fingerprint records and verifying Inmate identities We had a discussion regarding this officer along With other officers aSSIgned _to the jail records section. All are on _a typical corrections officer shift work schedule Additionally, they are required to pull mandatory overtime as well as respond _to emergencies in the jail Unfortunately, this pulls them from their primary duties' in the jail records area. e. The disposition clerk is responsible for updating inmate records upon return (action) from oourt. We discussed various actions that included additional charges, increased level ofcharge, decreases _in the charge, We further talked about how this information is communicated to the classification section so that the inmate?s classification level can be reviewed and _the inmate appropriately housed. We concluded that there is no communication with classification on changes or additions to their charges. 12. Health Care: 17 a. The agency has a health care contract with Armor Correctional Health Care Services. Nurses triage all inmates in booking by asking and the inmate 5 answers to health questIons This questionnaire is supposed to be InItIated wIthIn one hour. All females are pregnancy tested A second health screenlng is requIred to ?be conducted before the inmate is taken out (if the booking area to housmg The health care area in A booking as well as the c InIc Aa_AhAd staff. were ViSlted varlous times the day At 0430 A on Thursday 281nmates were waItIng foArA the secondary health screening in the bookIng area Two unremarkable were observed of young healthy males had been waItIng in the bookIng area overnIght foArA apprommately ten hours Maud DasaAA RN on duty explaIned that there had been two Inmates sent to the hospital during the AnAAight before for" seIzures and one traf?c acadent head Injury occurring prior to AAenterIng custody These events put them behInd The thIrd screenIng observed was of obese mIddle aged manAA, Ten mmutes Into the screenIng he asked the RN to take his A?-A?Ablood pressure and IndIcated heA had come from the hospItaI With very high blood AA Apressure The RAN then began looklng AAtet?A a dIscharge document and indicated that the blood pressure taken at the initial screenIng was 110/70 The Inmate said that the record couldn "be A_lnA lookIng through the file fer other InformatIon, the RN turned a "page wIth a photo and it clearly was not the Inmate being aASSessed The nurse A Informed _aA correctIons officer of this beIng theAA wrong Inmate aAAnAd requested that another inmate be brought up screemng The nurse waIted for another fifteen mInutes and the of?cer still had not brought another Inmate to office to be AA assessed nA_o_Ate the Inmate who was beIng assessed With the wrong file did have a bracelet on AhAis correct IdentIty The RNA sent hIm bask to the waiting area and nevet took his bleed pressure while Ms; SInner was present Further, the inmate whose file the RAN had been usmg for the wrong person had been sent to housmg without the second screenlng A A - The way the health screenmg office 155?: up; the Inmate AsAitAsA set the assessing nurse. The consent form is on the computer screen and the Inmate is asked to sign it electronically on a small pad. The inmate never actually sees the consent form The RN reports rAnuAch confu5Ion and frustratlon new nurses with the electronIc medical record (EMR) although the likely has more to do the time in service of the Staff than the EMR. We found during our first visit to the bookIng area that there were two nurses with two to three months experience ahd another with four days experience working In the jail. Each of these nurses had emergenCy loam backgrounds Staff reported 1 700 medical emergencies in 2017 The entire area was generally dIsorganIzed looking and In need of a good cleaning. A Nurse Practitioner came into the screening room at one point picked up a stack of files and said ?what am I supposed to do with these?? The RN said don? know? and the NP dropped them back on the table left the room and did not return during the hour that Ms. Sinner was there. We met with Dr. Karen Horton, the responsible authority and Joel DeWitt, the Mental Health Director. A physician is on call 24/7 and a NP is on duty until 2200 each day. 60% of inmates are on medication and 22% take medication related to a mental health issue. There are three levels of suicide watch; 15 minute checks, 15 minutes checks plus 18 constant Observation, and mental health observation which is described as staff awareness of. the inmate vulnerability ;.Chal enges for. the health team include staffing, ofmental health management in the community, time __it takes to manage Inmates with multiple chronic conditions, and co- morbidity I ._Armor Services has been unable to fill number of vacanCIes in the contract most .iimportantiy, the vacancy _i_n talking with Dr. Shansky, the Medical Monitor the Consent Decree, he indicated a Willingness to allow the contractor to examine idea of telemedicme as a solution to part of the vacancy issue. He did not however .. ._belreve that the case consultation part of the. work should ._be done remotely. Shansky indicated that he is pleased with the progress being made with the new and that the attitude toward Inmates in more productive He indicated . .__that there 15 an increase in professronalrsm fostered by the acting Sheriff. He is also .- pleased that Armor has hired full time clinical leader for the Milwaukee site and believes that may improve the conditions is Willing to talk prospective ..__candidates about the Job responSIbilities and realities but understands there Is on the part of candidates beca use of the historic instability of the contract. The health care sewices contract is currently undergomg an RFP process . ._Medications that are brought to the iait with the Inmate are confiscated and placed in . _._their property While the medication returned to the. inmate at the time of their release it is never evaluated by health care provrders As such the __a_gency may be ..releasmg illegal substances _.or medications that are not indicated for the inmate. Ms, Sinner met With Armor staff Sabina Bergen, Linda Osborn Vickie Freeman RN, Senior .VP of Operations They ._Indicate staffing is improving and they are keeping track of efforts. We discussed some other recrUItment Including the _locai medical school and persijnal relationships to build trust. It' is felt that negative press has resulted' in some candidates declining pOSItions recently Armor uses nurses when there are _vacanCIes and the faCIlity was fully staffed on. the days we .13. General Observations a. b. it was noted in the booking area a lack .of accountability and secure storage of handcuffs restraint belts, and chains The transportation office appeared to be disorganized noting piles of leg trons on the desk and floor. We also observed a similar condition on the floor behind the elevated hooking desk. The transportation office door was also observed to: remain open with no corrections staff in the area. Corrections officers were routinely observed escorting groups of inmates past this open door Unfortunately, the escorts were leading the group of inmates from the front which' is not an accepted praCtice for security and safety purposes. Based on this escort practice an inmate could easily grab something from the unsecured transportation office. There were also unsecured restraint items in the Special Medical Unit. in general there does not appear to be practices in place that ensure inventory or a secure storage system. I observed a cell extraction and CERT movement of an inmate live on a camera monitor. I found this to be a controlled movement with minimal ?hands on? force being utilized 19 by the team. The team appeared to be well traIned and conducting Ithemselves In a professmnal manner general sanItatIon practIces throughout the bUIldIng were good However there were several observations that Included - - i. There InnItI seem Ito be aI sense urgency Iin cleanIng over food from 3' Ifmeals that held been dropped nnI rears elevators throughout the building; ?ll. were stained and therIIeI were webs and stIcky catcher tapes that were 91? ?files While theI catchIeIIrI tapes are appropnate, they should replaced an" regular basIs - II I I_IeIft over meals was noted In varIous cells throughout the) faculty oIfI organlzatlon and cleanliness pod llbrarles storage areas and offices are in need Improvement - revrewed a Taser use force/swede attempt report package The agency has "developed _a detaIIed process documentIng and reVIewmg IisIn In?rce incidents. The documents Included detailed reports documented medIcaI clearance of the inmates I I photographs of tIheI probe as a VIdeo the entIre InCIdent Further there I Iwas a crImInaI hIstory check and a download tIhInI Taser InformatIon Staff was dressed well equzpped aIndI profeSSIonal in carryIng their duties. Over I I time is Ia burden most members it is generally accepted as_ the ?way things Exit InterVIews often Include overtIme expectatIons as reaIsInn for leaving. Two new IStaIf groups are currently traInIng and the agency hopes ItIn overtime by summer. Everynne we spoke to from IineI staff to executIve was profeSSIonal transparent Ito dIscuss Improvements would be beneficial to the staff Inmates agency and the community netIeII was the of command Staff toII jLImp In? IIineI correctIons wherever and whenever I Ineeded Posnlve and profeSSIonal communIcatIon also noted between all staff. 14. Roll can - - - - . - . a.I attended IthIn They Included oncomlng second shIft Ion February 28th II "and the oncomIng fIrst shIft on March The shIft commanders addressed post IIaSSIgnments reVIewed a memorandum the property room, and IrInIviewed shift notes regardIng InCIdents IhIInd occurred durIng IthIeI prevIous Shift The Inspector gIavIe Ian update to Staff antICIpated nIfI overtlme was also encouraged to maintain the positive Icemmunication With noIntrIacItors and volunteers Both roll calls were Informative, organIzed IanIdI profeSSIonal 15 Inmate Grievance a. The grievance system is managed almost entIrer InyI thIo ImIIeIrnIbers of a special projects team unfortunately, they ann' have the positional authority to investigate and resolve grievances or make operational changes forward grievances to various departments and Ithen Iile the response with a copy to the inmate They do talk to inmates and wnIrIk to IrescIlve Issues When they can. The sySteI-Im of documenting the initial grievance category, inmate and disposition done On paper and historical records are in boxes In the Special Projects office. We used the summary reports to review several grievances and responses. 20 II I ;.tt0 _by the pod officers b. We noted a trend relating to operational grievances. The pattern was that the responder to grievances against a specific cOrrections officer was in fact, responded to by the officer named in the complaint This Is Ia highly unusual practice Typically we the inmate first courSe pf action is to address their concern With the Officer In their or post If that officer is unable _tIp resolve the Inmate concern, the inmate would _I.II.then submit a grievance to address their Issue at the next Ilevel ofauthority. We also that there did not appear to be any superwsory rewew of grievances responded There were 43 medical grievances logged in for 2018 All were logged In on the .I-Isummary report 3.5 ?forwarded? ?corrected? _o_IrI "unfounded? Eighteen random grievances were reviewed Six grievances did not have a record of being responded to at all and ranged from two to fouIr weeks old The remaining twelve grievances had responses attached One grievance was recorded Ias ?founded? and related to a gunshot I .I__Iwound where the dressmg had not been changed and it was oozmg and bleeding in that case, the record stated our computerized medical records this has been addressed with the nursmg staff? This event was not recorded in the log of medical errors and unusual occurrences The remaining grievances indicated they were unfounded? however there wasII no evidence In the record that they were actually . Investigated A common response any, ngevance says our rnedical We ..could not one other than the dressmg complaint that Indicated anyone had done anything other than look at the computer record Including talking _toII an inmate or a staff member about the complaInt I - - - - --. reviewmg the medical error report the last recorded error was Ion IIOctober 19, 2017. Given the reVIew of grievances we concluded that this report is neither correct nor current Some grievances related to medication errors were not properly investigated or responded to. For example, in one case the inmate complained of receiving the wrong medication and the grievance response was ?unfounded? text included ?if someone tries to give the wrong medication, don take another case, an _-_Inmate who Is diabetic and an amputee complains of nerve pain There IS no response. When the Proiects team members ask health __care staff during tours what the status of the grievances was,_ health care staff frequently Indicates they thought they were all done and didn know where more pending grievances may? be. We rewewed the Inmate Grievance IM6 policy and procedure that was last updated' In October 2014. The following comments are prowded regarding that review: i. ?Upon completion of the grievance form, the inmate will present it to the Pod officer on whose shift the problem has occurred. The pool officer will log, sign for and date the receipt of the grievance Ii?The Pod officer will write on the back _of the form what attempts were made to resolve the grievance and if an acceptable dlSpOSithf?l was reached.? According to the ?Inmate Handbook? dated May 2017, ?f?You shnuldfile a grievance onlv after you have addressed the with the pod officer and are not satisfied with the result.? (Underline included in the handbook). ii. ?Daily, on all shifts, the housing lieutenants shall collect all inmate grievances from the workstation/grievance box each time they perform an inspection of 21 the areas they are supervising.? The inmate hand book also states "The grievance Will be received and answered by a Lieutenant The actual practice is conSIstent with the poIIcy An of?cer from the SpeCIal Projects team me that She will cellect ngevances from the box located in the housing pods" every couple days? for processmg The pelicy prowdes no direction on timeIInes for responding to grievances, the 'special projects team member role in the process or. how an inmate is provided response if it is to be responded above the level Of a corrections officer. '3 iv. ?According to the. policy and Inmate handbook ah Inmate may appeal a grievance ?that has been responded to by a Lieutenant to a Captain, and if still not satisfied the Jail Commander - - - 1.6 RecommendatIons The agency has aggressweiy worked towards addressmg the :?-recomrnendations provided in this report On March 23 2018 i received written feedback from Deputy inspector. Dobson actions that ?have been taken since our visit (Attachment 3) Those actions are included as an agency response? after each recommendation. Conduct a detailed review and update Ofall po ICIes and procedures Solicit input from "employees and stakeholders that will be effected by _or reqwred to implement them. ?Conduct an annual review 6f policies and procedures Also ensure that the inmate handbook' Is consistent with the policy and procedures Agency ReSponSe: A thor6ugh and complete polIcy review for the Milwaukee County Sheriff?s Office including the jail is currentiy Underway and will be completed by the end of 2018. The agency has contracted with Lexipol to assist in the writing of the policies. The agency has revIewed and updated the inmate handbook to ensure that it is current ahd conSIstent with the agency policy and 'prbcedures. - - . Conduct a time analysis of housing pods. Study the volume 6f time and reasons for inmate lock downs. Determine if this can be reduced and Implement change as approprIate . . . . . Agency Response A time analySIs was conducted (Attachment 4) to evaluate the length of time that inmates are 6cked down eaCh day. As a result of the evaluation housing pods have begun to be locked down approximately two hours less time each day. Have a detailed staffing analysis conducted. This Will validate challenges as it relates to manpower and offer opportunities for improvement. i. Agency Response: The agency has requested information on qualified vendors that provide this service. Upon identification of a funding source to support this study, a vendor will be pursued. Document suicidal inmate checks at the actual time the check occurred. i. Agency Response: The agency has concluded that this is a training issue that will be addressed. Develop a process to monitor the usage of individual employee overtime amounts. Questions that the leadership should consider and monitor include when does overtime become excessive for an employee? What is the agency definition of excessive? We also recommend that as part of an incident review to look at what day in an employee?s 22 work schedule were they involved in the incident. Questions such their long week? How many mandatory overtime hours had they worked? Responding to these questlons and managing overtIme usage should be Ia leadershIp prIorIty Agency Response Ongoing recruitment and hiring, along with employee retention remalns _a high priority for the agency. Based on the current hiring . trend, it is antICIpated that the agency will be. at its full staffing complement by . June 2018 which should eIImInate the overtIme usage amounts. There are - currently fifteen correctlons of?cers In the basic training academy that will be -. IIcompleted and were ready for shift aSSIgnment on- March 18, 2018 new academy class Will Ibegin on March 26, 2018. It Is felt that overtime usage will __be SIgnIfIcantly reduced as result of these new corrections . academy graduatIons Further Captain} Briggs has been assigned the --.-..addItIona duty to track ail overtlme worked by correctlons officers (Attachment .. He is responSIble Ito make assessments as to which of?cers has worked an . ..exceSSIve amount of overttme and determlne if they were involved In any ..:InCIdents that could have been av0Ided He will track the data so that the --.-..agency can determine the course of action Ithat' is in the best interest of the and securIty of the staff; and Inmates Additionally, Ian education process of supervisory staff has begun to make them aware of signs pf fatigue .Ipartlcularly as it relates to of?cers haying worked high levels of mandatory Make .fuii tIme programs coordmator posmon ConSIder addIng a second position to . support the wormoad . . . . i. Agency Response .As a result of this technical assistance assessment the program coordinator 5 position has been increasedto three days per week Wednesday. and?riciav). Additionally. a. second officer (Matthew Johnston) is being cross trained. and wili fill this .role on Tuesdays and Thursdays, ultimately providing five days of coverage each weeks-I g. Review the inmate grievance system and update the policy, procedure and practices as appropriate, Develop a weekly and/or statistical report to identify trends. .. i. Agency Response. Captain 5. Sobek has recentiy been assigned as the supervisor - . overthe grievance system. He hascompleted a review of all inmate grievances submitted _in..20_18. _As part of hisrole in this position, he will be the lead investigator. ensuring that are appropriately investigated and responded to. He has rewritten the grievance procedures for the policy update and has developed a plan to identify trends through the review of weekly and monthiy reports. Additionaiiy, the agency has met with the commissary provider and is in the initial stages of negotiations to instail computer kiosks in ail pods for electronic grievances, commissary ordering, and law library materials. h. Review all contracts. identify areas of non-compliance and correct. As part of new contract development, ensure the interests of the jail are addressed. Make use of the County's Procurement Department. In our experience, these departments have 23 valuable expertise and should be relied upon to conduct RFI and RFP processes for jails. They tend to have the best knowledge information tei'eveliiete'potential contractors and the best language to use in contracts __to hold vendors accountable A good working relationship with your county procurement department and good representation on the selection team by Sheriff?s Office members will yield the beSt contract Facility leadership should also schedule regular audIts of contractor performance to ensure cempliance - - - i. Agency Response: Captain D. Burmeister has been aSSIgned to review all contracts for Compliance She Will llalson With the procurement department to ensure that the appropnate language I__s Included in all jail contracts so that ?vendors can be held accountable when contractual obligations are not met. :"Mllwaukee County Is in the process of puttIng out a Request for Proposal (RFP) I ""ifor Inmate medical servIces starting _in 2019. The agency is working with procurement to hire a consultant affIlIated with the National Commission on Correctional Health Care te wIth the RFP process . "Pest the Inmate meal menu in all housrng areas Develop a formal process of menu and notificatlon ef security staff as well as the jail command staff. Develop and implement a detailed housekeepIng plan (if the kItchen i. Agency Response: Following the operational assessment the agency began posting the meal menu in all housmg pods AddItIonally, the food service 'vendor' IS now requIred to inform the agency ofany menu adjustments LieUtenent K. JohnSon has been aSSIgned to monitor the daIIy meals and will be notified of any menu substItutIons AddItIonally, the agency has met with the vendOr to establish a weekly detailed cleaning of the kitchen? Is conducted. Consider asking for help With Direct or Strateglc inmate Management training. There are proven methods ef managing inmate behavror that can reduce force incidents and Improve inmate compilance with rules and dIrectIves ef officers. The National Institute of Corrections has programs that address these management ?strategles i. Agency Response: The agency has Spoken WIth Ms Sinner regarding the National Institute of CorrectIons pilot program fer strategic inmate management The agency has conveyed their Interest in being one of the pilot sites for the training Develop inmate orientatlons for booking and housmg areas. Sharing as much information as possible with inmates about how to have a successful stay in the facility starts with a detailed orientation of each step in the process. Electronic orientation is one good option. Consistent in person orientation for each inmate when they go to a different location is critical to the safety and good order of the facility, staff, and inmates. i. Agency Response: A video orientation has been developed to be shown to all new arrestees in the booking area. A copy of this video power point presentation was sent to me for review. Develop an inventory and secure storage system for security equipment including, handcuffs, leg irons, transport belts, and keys. Items in this category can be used as 24 weapons or for escape purposes. A good system of accountability and security can prevent a tragedy -. -. -. - - Agency Response All security eqUIpment has been Inventorled and a secure . I storage system has been Implemented -. . Consider evaluatlng medications that inmates come to the jail in possession of. Agency Response The process for storing medlcatlon that brought In by new arrestee has been changed (Attachment 6). Medicationwill no longer be stored In the pronerty room, - - - -- . Review the facrlIty housekeepmg plan Ensure that the plan includes all areas of the .._facility (offices, storage areas, IIbrarIesAgency Response The faculty housekeeping plan has been updated to include rIgorous deep cleaning In the kItchen AddItIonally, pod libraries and _.other storage areas that were prewously ignored will be added to the cleaning Shelvmg units for lIbrary books are belng added _to the libraries for ,approprlate book storage . - . - -- . Develop a system for Investlgatmg and to ngevances including who should Investlgate and respond and reasonable time frame that Inmates can expect a response WIthIn Audit the ngevances that are responded to __by contractors for __._appropriateness . - . .. -. .. . - .- Agency Response Note the comments in paragraph above. . _Rewew current post orders for all posts on __all shifts, Update them as appropriate. Ensure that they are detaIIed and proylde for all timel?ines and activities that should be occurring on a daIly baSlS On each post, . .. - . -- Agency Response The post orders have been rewewed and updated as approprlate Further they have been dIstrIbuted to all posts, . Develop _a qualIty control process for the bookIng and Intake area. ._This may include a . superVIsory reylew _of an. Inmate record to ensure all functIons have, been prIor to movmg the inmate up? __to a housing pod, Further, implement a process of inmate identification at each station during the bookingprocess. This can be as basic as their armband. Agency Response The agency has reworked the existing processes to ensure Is completed _in booking prior _to inmates being sent to housing pods. Officers are now performing wristband checks and communicating with medical prior to the inmates being housed to ensure that their medical screening has been completed. 25 County of Milwaukee Richard Rgx'Schmidt Acting Sherlff I 1111111111 7, 2017 M1. Michael Jackson National of Correctlons 320111513111111117, Washington, DC 20534 Dear M7 Jackson - -. As per your phone conversation with Deputy Inspecto1 Aaron Dobson on Friday September 1, 2017, the Milwaukee County Sheriff?s Of?ce' 1s of?cially requesting that the National Institute of Ceirections conduct an opetattonal assessment/analysw of the Milwaukee County Jail, located at 949 9?1 Street, MilWaukee, WI, 53233 It should be noted that there we1e fo111' Incidents of 1n-custody deaths at the jail 111 2016 that have received negative publicity. There was an additional in-custOdy death late last month. We would like this to be an 1111- encompassing assessment of the jail?s operations and procedures. We would hope to have this assessment/analysis completed by the end of 2017. Your point of contact 1?01 this assessment/analysis will be Deputy Inspector Dobson, who can be reached at (414) 226- A secondary point of contact will be Captain Daniel Dittberne1 at (414) 22657059. Thank you for your consideration of this matter and we hope to hear ?'omyou soon. Respectfully Submitted, Richard R. Schmidt, Acting Sheriff Milwaukee County Sheriff?s Of?ce Service to the Community Since 1835 821 West State Street . Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233-1488 414?278-4766 - A 1117.111?..er NIC TECHNICAL STATEMENT OF WORK EVEN-T ASSESSMENT. The Milwaukee County Sheriff? 8 Of?ce in Milwaukee, has suffered 4 inmate deaths in 201__6_3and 4 additional deaths as of December l9, 2017. The sheriff has requested an all-encompassing asseSSment of the jail?s operations and procedures. This Technical Resource Provider (TRP) will act and conduct a three-day, on-site operational/staff assessment of the jail. At a minimum this assessment . . . . will include a review of the following areas: (1) intake release (2) housing units (3) classi?cation (4) policy and procedures (5) staff in- service training (6) conditions of con?nement and overall sanitation (7) inmate supervision (8) security (9) staff organization and supervision ratios The goal 15 for the Milwaukee County Sheriff?s Of?ce to have a Complete operational assessment as soon as possible for them to use as a guide as they consider their current operations and possible opportunities to enhance their services and training. Location: 949 N. 9th Street. Milwaukee, WI 53233 Requirements: The TRP must have a minimum often (10) years of expenence in managing mmate services and jail operations and a minimum of five (5) years of experience fac111tat1ng meetings and adult instructional learning. Timefralne: The Acting Sheriff would like this done as soon as on site days can be worked out among the 2 TRPs and the Sheriff?s Of?ce. It IS estimated for 2 of preparation 2 {days- of travel 3 _.days on?szte and _3 days__ of report writing - - 1. To prepare a. Make initial contact with Correctional P1 ogram Specialist Mike Jackson, at (202) 616- 9565 or mpjackson@bop gov to discuss _this technical ass1stance and estabhsh future communication requirements - . b. Make initial contact with the agency representative to discuss the scope of the technical assistance. c. Coordinate event dates preparation and on? ?site activities with the and agency representative .Request and. review documentation relevant to the scope of the technical assistance 1ncludmg, but not limited to, jail inspections, staf?ng plans, post orders, policy and procedures, program schedules. housing plan2 mission statement.__a_nd organization charts and job descriptions. e. Request and review documentation on any current litigation. court rulings and/or consent decrees. f. Prepare and provide agency representative an agenda for the technical assistance event. 2. While on-site, the lead will: a. Meet with agency representative and other designated individuals to establish a mutual understanding of the intent and scope of the technical assistance. SPECIAL NOTE: TRPs are not to become involved in areas that involve any ongoing investigations by local. state or federal Isa-4; 11? law enforcement authorities. .- .- b. Review the established agenda and discuss any requested modi?cations. Contact theCPS immediately if the agency?s request(s) is not within the scope of work. 0. Review any documentation or contracts relevant to the scope of work not previously received. d. Tour of the facility. The tou1 should familiarize both with the layout, staf?ng areas, inmate housing, intake and releasing, medical, food service, general operations, and prov1de them an opportunity to speak with staff and 1nmates. - - -- e. Conduct interviews with superv1sory, and Jail d1v1s1on command staff 1n regards to job understandmg 11101 ale staff wellness policies p1 actlces and rapport w1th subordinates f. Conduct a formal debrief with executive team oi the agency and othe1 designated key personnel and ?ndings .andrecsmmendationsThe lead TRP must compile and submlt a techmcal report for revtew :ng weeks of the completed technical assistance eventThe report should generally follow the format and 1nst1uctions described 1n the NIC ?Techmcal Assistance PolicieS?? (htt :f/nicic. Iov/downloads/ten rel/ta ovemew of the TRP on?Site aetivities and a complete set of materials prepared 1n connection with the assistance event, agenda handouts etcSubmlt an electronlc copy oT the techmcal ass1stance report to the pornt of contact for the Milwaukee County Of?ce and (2) CPS Mlke Jackson for Simultaneous rev1ew "c Edit the report and send the ?nalized version 111(1) Actmg Sherlff Richard Schmidt and (2) the NIC Jails Division Technical Asswtance Manager .. ofconnact .. . . This award will be a firm ?xed p1 ice. A ?rm lured price contract prov1des for a price that is net subject to any adjustment on the basis (if the contractor. 5 cost experience in performing the centraCt. The centractOr quote must be all inclusive of any fees and expenses (travel costs) associated with providing requested se1v1ces . .. . Non?Personnel Status: This service is a contractual arrangement and 1101 a personnel appointment-Payment will be based on the provision of an end product. This service does" not constitute an employer/employee relationship. The Contractor will not be subject to government supervision except for performance monitoring and security related. Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office To Jim Hart Sinner . From {Deputy Inspector Aaron Dobson Date 2018 SUbje?? 1. Conduct a detailed review and update of all policies and procedures. Solicit input from employees and stakeholders that __will be effected by or required to implement them. Conduct an annual review (If policies and procedures Also ensure that the Inmate handbook Is consistent with the policy and procedures Response 1: A thorough and complete policy reVIew for the Milwaukee County Sheriff?s Office, Including the jail, is currently underway and will be completed by the end Of 2018 We are working with Lexipol to assist us in writing; the policies. They are America? leading provider of policies and verIfIable pclicy training for public safety organlzatlons They prowde customlzable state speed" custody policy content and integrated pelicy training we will work with Lexrpol fan a contInual basis to ensure that polICIes are, updated as needed AddItIonally, the Inmate handbook has been ?updated (see attachment -- Rec. 1) and rewritten to address all of the concerns of the Technical Assist Team, and to ensure that the content is with our, current policies and procedures. Several outdated rules were remoIIed the inmate handbook 2 Conduct a time of housmg peds, Study the volume of time and reasons for inmate Resgonse 2: We have Immediately begun an of our standard pod opening and closing times. Some immediate changes have been made, and we have decided to keep our housing units open longer every day to ensure that inmates have ample time to make phone calls shower and conduct recreational activities We have assigned a shift commander (Lt Kevin Johnson) to oversee and analyze this daily to ensure that we are continually looking for ways to keep housing unit lockdowns to a minimum (see attachment Rec.2). 3. Have a detailed staffing analysis conducted. This will validate challenges as it relates to manpower and offer opportunities for improvement. R?ijf ?ies-Lust ?4 ES ?Reopense 3: We will immediately Seek to identify an appropriateiy qualIerd vendor to provide a staff ng analysis for the jail. This will require funding and planning We want to ensure that the entity we hire to conduct the analysis is qualified and expenenced in jail operations We are currently seeking a funding source . 4 Document suICIdaI Inmate hecks at the actual time the check occurred Response 4 We have IdentIerd ?ns to be a traInIng issue we are working on. on suICIdal Inmates must be conducted every 15 minutes: ever this _d_oes not that they should be at 1200 1215 1230 stays-Checks shouldbeidocumented when they occur i 1201 1214 1231 etc We are continually traInIng our officers to I99 Inspections and wellness rounds as accurately as 5. Develop a process Io monitor _the usage of IndNIdual employee overtime amounts QuestIons that the should conSIder and monltor Include when does overtlme ?become excessrve fer an employee? What Is the agency defIn'ItIon of excesswe? We also "recommend that as part of an Incrdent reVIew to look'fiat what ay In an employee 5 work Response 5: Ongomg recruitment and hIrIng along employee retention remalns a _hIgh prIorIty In our agency Based On our current hIrIng'trend we be at full staffing by ?were Involved in any .o'ithat we can determine and securlty of the officers . . .dItIonally?i'we are educatmg our supervrsory staff So that they . . eiir-aware of Sign of .. party larly as it relates to officers who have worked high levels of mandatory overtIme 6. Make a full time programs coordinator posrtlon Conslder addIng a second posrtIon to support the workload I . . . Response 6: Currently Of?cer Mary Behrendt Is assIgned as the lead programs coordmator and had prevrously been given two days per week to perform this assignment (Wednesdays and Fridays). We have Increased her- hours workIng this and she will be fulfilling this rele three days per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). Additidnally, a second of?cer (Matthew Johnston) Is bemg traIned and Will fulfill this role on Tuesdays and Thursdays thereby giving us coverage five days a week. 7 Review the inmate grievance system and update the policy,-. procedures and practlces as appropriate Develop a weekly and/or statistical report to Identify trends Take appropriate action.- Response Captain Scott Sobek has been recently as the supervisor leading the ngevance sectIon He has renewed all 2015-grievances and Will be the lead Investigator ensuring that all ngevances are appropriately Investigated and responded to. plan to IdentIfy the revaew reports (see Rec 7&1 Additionally, we have met-wrth provider and are In the stages of negotratrons to Install computer hosks in __all pods tor- electronIc grievances commIssary ordering, and law library materials -- - - 8. Review all contracts IdentIfy areas of non compliance and correct As part of new contract development ensure the; Interests of the Jail are addressed Make use of the County =.Procurement Department {In cu? ts have valuable expertise and should be relied upon to conduct and jails They tend to have the - knowledge informatlon to evaluate potentialcontractors and the best language to use in procurement department and good representation on the selection team by Shen??s Of?ce members will yield the best contract leadershIp should also schedule regular audits - - She has experIerIce In-thIs area as she prewously served as a jail .. .. County Is in the "quest for Proposal (RFP) for inmate medical servrces starting . With the National 9 Post the Inmateimeal menu In all housrng areas Develop a formal process of menu and notIfIcatIon of security staff _.as well as the jail command staff. Develop and implement a detailed housekeeping plan of the kitChen.-. - -- - - Res case Following the operatIonal assessment the jail? we began posting the meal menu in all houSing units within the jail. Additionally, we have Informed the vendor that they must notify us of a ?menu chan sWe _?that we hold the vendor accountable for approp an en ng at they provrde nutritious meals daily Lt Kevrn Johnson has been to momtor the daIIy meals and will be notified of any menu substitutions Additionally, we are working with the vendor to ensure that detailed kItchen cleanmg is conducted on a, regular basis (see attachment Rec. 9). It should also be noted that the kitchen hallway flooring that was referenced on page 16 of I Resgonse 8 Captain Debra Burmeister has been assigned" to renew all contracts for the report has been completely replaced with kitchen appropriate epoxy flooring (see attached picture Rec. 9- 2-). 10 Consrder asking for help with Direct _oIr Strategic Inmate Management training There are proven methods of managing inmate behavror can reduce force insidents and? improve inmate compliance with rules and directives of officers The National institute of__ Corrections has programs that address these management strategies Response 10 am very interested additional training as It relates the Direct model and Strategic Inmate Management have reached out the National of Corrections and am hoping that we are chosen for a__pilot training program that is being rolled out soon that Iwrll help developourofficersand enable them to run their II "I-I'EII5'3Ihousrng units more effectively and - 11. Develop inmate orientations for booking and housrng areas Sharing as muchjinformation as possible With inmates about how have a successful in the IIfaCrlity a detailed orientation of each step in the process Electronics ntIaion is in person orientation for each inmate when they go to location is critical to the safety and good order of the staff and inmates Response 11 We have developed a" new inmate orientation vrdeo This new vrdeo will play on a regular loop in the booking room. It advrses all inmates in the jail of inmate rules and provrdes them With the knowledge needed for a successful stay in per facrlity (see attachmentRec -. . . - .. . . 12. Develop an inventory and secure storage system for security equrpment including, .1 handcuffs ieg irons transport belts and keys Items in this category Can be used as weapons or escape purposes A good system of accou tyIand security can prevent a tragedy Response I1I2I: We have recently inventoried all of the referenced itemsII and have I I implemented a storage system where these items are kept out of inmate reach (see attachment Rec 1213. Consider evaluating medications that initiates mpossessronof Response 13: We have changed our process for storing medication that IS brought in by inmates. We will no longer store any medication in the property room. We will not accept medication into the jail that the medical staff does not want. If medication is found on an inmate for any reason, a report will be written and the medication will be taken as evidence and sent to the M080 property room for appropriate storage (see attachment - Rec.13). 14. Review the facility housekeeping plan. Ensure that the plan includes all areas of the facility (offices, storage areas libraries). Response 14: The facility housekeeping plan has been-updated to include-a_more rigorous deep cleaning of the kitchen Additionally pod libraries and other storage areas that were previously ignored will be added to the cleaning list. Shelving units for the are being added i th - Rec 14) 15. Develop Ia systemI for Investigatingand responding to grievances Including who should investigate and respond and a reasonable time frame that inmates can expect a response "Resgonse. 1.5. _I-_I__IfIadIng the grievance _IcItion He has revrewed all 2018 grievances and Will be lead II II Investigator ensuring that all grievances are appropriately investigated and responded to. He has rewritten the procedures for a policy update as it relates to grievances and is I..__.developing a plan _t_oI identify trends through the revrew of weekly and reports we have met with our commissary provider and are in the initial stages of to install computer kiosks In all pods for electronic grievances commissary 18. Review current post orders for allposts onall shifts II Updatethemas appropriate Ensure that they are detailed and provide for all timelines and that should be occurring on a daily basrs on each post - - . -- . - . . . . Response 16 The post orders have been updated and distributed all of the appropriate work locations (see post order attachment). 17. Develop quality for the booking and Intake area This may Include reVIew ofan inmate Is record __to ensure an functions have been accomplished prior to maving the inmate id 3 housrng pod Further implement a process of inmate Identification at each station during the booking process This can be as basic as checking their armband Response 17 we have reworked ouIrII exrsting processes ensure that all necessary work is completed in booking prior to inmates being sent to units Officers are now performing wristband checks and communicating with medical prior to the inmates being housed to ensure their coImpIIiete medical screening has been completed. County of Milwaukee Office of the Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt Acting Sheriff Date: Monday March 19, 20 I 8 To: Deputy Inspector Aaron Dobson From: Lt. Kevin Johnson Subject: N.1.C. Report/ Time Analysis Effective immediately, I have been assigned as the commander in charge of assessing inmate locked down times to ensure that we optimize our times and ensure our inmates are afforded as much time out of their cells as possible. The goal is to ensure the inmates have a quality of life while following the role of a direct supervision model facility: After carefully reviewing our video system and speaking with some of the Lieutenants and Officers, it has been determined that the housing units were ?locking in? the inmate?s unnecessarily early on ?rst and second shifts. The way things were previously conducted and the changes that were implemented are detailed below. FIRST SHIFT Time out prior NIC Lock-in prior NIC Total Time 0700hrs 1045hrs 3hrs 45 mins. l200hrs l345hrs 1hr 45 mins. Total time out of cell- 5hrs 30 mins. Previously on first shift, the inmates were let out at 0700hrs and remained out until approximately 1045hrs. The inmates were locked in from 1045hrs until 1 145hrs for the of?cers unpaid lunch break which was from 1 15hrs until 1 145 hrs. The officer let the inmates out at 1200hrs for their lunch service. The inmates remained out of their cells and were locked in at l345hrs for the officers to prepare for shift change. On first shift some changes were implemented to maximize the time for the inmates to be out of their cells. The inmates are currently out from 0700 until 1055hrs. The inmates are locked in for shift change at 1400hrs now. On average, the inmates have gained twenty five additional minutes out of their cells on first shift. Service to the Community Since 1835 821 West State Street . Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233-1488 414-278?4766 A flea-aim Mg Li FIRST SHIFT Lockgingpost NIC Time out post Total Time - - -- - -- - 0700hrs i 100hrs 4hrs 1200hrs . 14001113 .. 12hrs Total time out of cell- 6hrs Previously on second shift, the inmates were let out ?om their cells at 15001115 and were locked 1n at approximately 1745hrs fo1 preparation of the of?cers unpaid dlnnei break from 1815hrs until 1845hrs. The inmates were let out from their cells at 1900hrs and were locked' 1n at 204Shrs for the rest of the night. The reason f01 this was for the officers to complete the reconciliation report that had to be tinned into the Lieutenants office The reconciliation report is no longe1 necessary and changes have been made effective immediately. - .- - -- -- SHIFT I Time out prior NIC I Lock-1n prior Total Time I iSOOhrs 1745hrs 2hrs 45 mins 19001115 2045hrs 1hr 45 mins Total. time out- 3-0. The mmates noW lock 111 then cells at l800hrs for the of?cers unpa1d d1nne1 break and look In for the _night at 2145hrs The inmates have new gained one hour and ?fteen minutes of additional time Out of their cells on second shift. SECOND SHIFT . Time out post Lock-m post NIC Total Time .. 1-- lSOOhrs iSOOhrs 3hrs 1900hrs 2145hrs 2hrs 45mins Total time out of cell?I 5h1s I45mins All Of?cers on both shifts have been adVISed to str1ctly adhere to a thirty minute break only. These times do not reflect unforeseen circumstances that do occur on both. shifts For instance, an inmate in another location In the Jail who pulls a sprinkler head or pu1posely sets off the smoke/?re alarm _s_ys_te11_1 may cause all housing units to lock 1n until the emergency has been Cleared by a supervisor C. E. R. (Conectional Emergency Response Team) calls require us to pull six officers and this may necessitate the closure of somehousing units forashortperiod of time. Inmates ate locked- -1n for a short period of time two times per week for linenexchange on second shift. it has been relayed to all Lieutenants and Lead Of?cers that once linen exchange is completed, the inmates are to be _let back out for the duration ofthe evening. Once a month, there _is a facility wide Shakedown conducted. This Shakedown previously consisted of locking in all housing units on average of three days on both shi?s. The inmates were allowed out of their cells for all three meals on average of one hour per meal. The building went into third shift mode with security rounds being Service to the Community Since 1835 821 West State Street . Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233-1488 414?278?4766 conducted every half hour. During this time medical emergencies increased as well as unnecessa1y stress placed onto the inmates which 01 eated more problems for the of?cers Changes were implemented as of the last facility wide Shakedown 1n February prlor to the N. pet forming their audit. We now begin our facility wide shakedowns on ?a . Wednesday and only keep the inmates for the duration of one shift (alternating 1.337- and 2?"1 shift) affording them the opportunity to make phone calls, watch television, showe1 and utilize the gym. Performing the Shakedown this particulai way may take a little longe1 but it p1 events the inmates from being locked 1n their cells all day . In conclusion we will continue to study and evaluate the times the inmates are of their cells and come up with a plan to better ourselves as a model direct supe1vision facility. Sewice to the Community Since 1835 821 West State Street 0 Milwaukee, 53233-1488 414?278-4766 County of Milwaukee Office of the Sheriff Richard R. Schmidt Acting Sheriff Date: Monday March 19, 2018 TO: Deputy Inspector Aaron Dobson From: Capt. Joshua Briggs Subject: Overtime Tracking Effective immediately, I will generate an overtime tracking spreadsheet (see attached spreadsheet) that will show the exact amount of overtime each of?cer has generated per month. This will also require assistance from the Operations Lieutenant to ensure accuracy when completing the tracker. The type of overtime will have to be detailed mandatory/voluntary and the amount of hours. If the overtime generated was excessive due to being mandated then a supervisor will speak to the of?cer about how this adversely effected them. I then will look to see if this information correlates with officer?s incidents on the job by looking to see if the of?cers working extensive amounts of overtime are also the of?cers having incidents on the job. If the scheduling is a reason for the excessive overtime we will have to look into possibly altering schedules or looking for alternate ways to reduce the overtime. Step 1 Scheduling lieutenants will enter all overtime into the overtime tracker. Step 2 will receive a printout from county payroll following each pay period which details the amount of overtime worked by each correctional of?cer. Step 3 I will enter the officers with the most overtime worked (top 10%) into the newly created Employee Overtime Tracker, which will show the amount of hours worked for each day of the month. Step 4 I will then query the RMS Reports for those individual of?cers to determine if they were involved in any incidents. If they were involved in an incident, I will write notes in the appropriate box for that day giving a brief description of the incident. Step 5 All officers in the spreadsheet will be counseled to determine their level ability to maintain their current level of overtime work hours. Step 6 - Identify trends of incidents involving officers working long stretches of consecutive days, or working an excessive amount of hours in a day. Step 7 Identify possible work schedule changes to ensure appropriate amount of time off for of?cers working an excessive amount of overtime. Service to the Community Since 1835 821 West State Street . Milwaukee. Wisconsin 53233-1488 414?278-4766 Ali?i?d?na-L 62 rlet? 1; Employee Overtime Tracker OVERTIME Type Kev WW 8 hours MOT 4 hours MOT VOTS hours MOT 3.5 hours VOT 4 hours January Dates of Overtime Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Employee Name 31 January Total Enter year: 2018 Total Hours 0 .- OFFICE. OF THE SHERIFF Detention Services Bureau Date: Monday March 19, 2018 Directive No;ffizo_1e - 01 Prescribed Medication Storage Version #1 Effective immediately, the Milwaukee County Jail will no longer store prescribedigi'?j'gdilcations in the property rooms locked cabinet. Additionallyiwe will not allow. inmates or arresting agencies to bring in prescribed medication not accepted by the medical staff. Ifour tiedical provider choses to allow it to care for and treat the inmate, the medication will bestored in the pharmacy on the second floor of the jail with the other prescribed medications. If for any reason prescribed medications, pills, or other drugs are found in the fagility, an RMS report will be written, and the contraband will belplacedin an evidence bag andstored in a locked evidence locker. Once the RIVIS report is approved" and the evidence-is appropriately packaged, the contraband wiillbe turned over to the Milwaukee County Sheriff?sf?ffice evidence custodian in the Criminal investigation Division (CID) for storage in the evidence vault. bf MM '7 Aaron Dobson, Deputy inspector Detention Services Bureau Make.i-i j' i 33.5 I, if i" if .