From subiect Date To PF To: Subject: Fwd: New Hampshire Alpha - Notice of Cease of Operations 2; Membership Review - 3/27 rmm: "Andersen Paul"-- ime, ruesdav, March 27, rats at 17 Subielx: New Alum 7 Name a! (use a! Unequal" Member:th Review 7 3/27 As discussed during the meeting last this email is being sent lo every undergraduate member of New Hampshire Alpha Please read this email caretully and follow all instruclions outlined below Over lhe lasl lew years New Hampshire Alpha has become an experience mostly centered around alcohol The chapter continues to have risk management violations tails to hold brothers accounlable to the basic expectations oi Sigma Phi Epsilon doesn'l operale by the ideals oi lhe Balanced Man Program and has tailed lo make necessary changes when these issues have been addressed Due to this the National Board ot Directors has voted to hold a membership review al New Hampshire Alpha. The membership review process begins suspending lhe chapter's charter and proceed individual interviews at every member wrshing to parlicipate. The purpose olthe interviews is to identity chapler members who are commitled to living up to sing's values and delivering a see and healthy membershimperience at New Hampshire Alpha Those who are identitied as being committed to those values and that experience will be invited to return Those who have been lound to not share that vision not be asked to return The slatus of every individual New Hampshire Alpha undergraduate member is currently "suspended," To regain your slatus as an aclive member you musl accept an invitation to the chapler. To be eligible for an invilalion lo relumi you musl: 1 Complete and return the attached New Hampshire Alpha Membership Review Questionnaire. provide an academic and your university conduct record by, 11:59 pm. on Tuesdaprril 3rd. 0 Suhmll I0 met vla emall. Brlan Joyce he up lhe conduct record process. 2. Read the attachend Powers in Responsibii 'es Summary document. 3. Panicipate in a membership interview Defialls aboul Interview logistics wI|| he wmmunlcated to those who suhmll their quesllannalre by the deadline mentloned above. The membership inlerviews WIH be conducted by a combination oi sing alumni, volunteers and Headquarters stali members. The goal of these intewiews is to delermine who is commitled to the values and expectalions of Sigma Phi Epsllon. The Headquarters slafl and volunteers are committed to supporting those men who are committed lo doing so. Those who choose lo not partake in the inlewiew process will remain suspended lrom sing and in no way associate with the New Alpha chapter moving 'onuaid. Members who partake in the inlerview process and are nol inviled to return can be suspended for a parlicular period oHlme, suspended upon condition. orexpelled permanently lrom sing. Members who choose not to submil a questionnaire to interview Will aulomalically remain suspended from lhe chapter or can choose to resign (resignation lorm attached). Suspended members will remain in suspended slatus until graduation al which time they Will earn alumni stalus. it a suspended memberviolates the lerms olsuspension during his remaining time in college he be immediately expelled. For more delails on the subslantial, Inadeplh. and prolonged role lhat lhe AAC WIH play in the chapter tollowing the review, see the atlached AAC Powers Responsibilities Summary. The membership review will be held on Friday, April 13th and Saturday, April 14th, pending availability lrom those who select to interview, Again, and as mentioned above. the atlached questionnaire and other materials must be completed and relumed via email to_ by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, April am. it you need an exlension, or know you cannot attend on lhe 13lh or 14th. please contact me lo make arrangements beiore lhe deadline, Lale farms WIH not be accepted Wilhout prior approval, Lel me know of any questions or requests regarding the queslionnaire. Fralernally. Paul Andersen Paul Andersen Sewices Diiecter smma Phi Epsiion Cell