- ?g?vsfv D?a. 1 falloutMU?Sl?B?e A 244love Nucl?a?r' Washed-Away KILLED 200-25}! . fit-=95 was '5 :53 5 N0 EFFECI NQJ mm. ,Libby ?arm .1960 Nobel Prize for inventing 'H'w ?l?olomio clock" am! originated the term ?Iniinmf', This is 'iflre 0/ I5 oi?tinlm on who! to do in curse of "no clear munch.) By PROF. WILLARD F. LIBBY Fallout has been raining down. 'Your Child. a regal-W3, .. . - ommended that the State . . . ?Your?man is selling serv-i Sales Office - to escape this. rain. You ll beta rays strike the skin Paroles set Whl?ey's mlm? ?1 ?Our lmes are know he has been dusted, 3; contaminated. What do you do? You have two responsibil- ities?to quickly end his ex- posure item the dust already on his clothes and body. and to make sure he does not bring fallout dust inside the . . of '1t 0t to'mo- . ..- . . . shelter With him. This radiation must be avoid- ?11292?. gm a? mill-sh. align lillandeO" Howajrdf ,Btgf?e' to, (Kazuhlko Asakura) is very of. If he removes all the dust. ed by all means, and the w. ?re a m?mage' 0" fective in dealing with Japa- he is safe for himselfthe shelter. The radiation he has al- ready received can be harm- ful to him alone. His past exposure does not make him much exposure to the X-rays can cause damage. to the human body, to bones, flesh and blood-forming organs. The early falloutcarries two kinds of dangerdus radi- ation. One is known as beta rays which consist of nega- tively charged electrons. These are soft rays, and are Stopped by such a thingbar- directly, they can cause se? rious burns. Dust radiating beta rays must be washed off. The most serious radiation is gamma rays, 'or hard X- rays which can carry great distances in theair, and also go through solid material. fallout dust removed as soon as possible if it does fall on you. The X-radiation from fall? out soon after a bomb is det? onated can reach 3,000 roent- ?rretu?rned from Russia, indicat- Zzed'in a letter to the editor :Zin today's New York Times {that she will defy the Internal 1*Security Act of 1960 and refuse lite register before theNovem :Zber deadline. YOUR eyes and cars around the world! That's The Seattle Times. Telephone MAin 2?0300. ready Titan squadron is sched- uled to be deployed at Lowry Air Force Base, Colo. before the end of the year. Times Cily Center Office, 413 Pike St. (Paid Advertisement) How ronom on?condition that he reimburse the state for the cost of extra- diting him from Bakersfield,? Calif. . Hungarian Forger'Wins leniencla "0 Andras Lang. anative of James W. Milflin upon plead? ing guilty of forg- eel. . Judge Mifflin deferredsen- tencing Lang for three "years 'Lang. who came to the United States in 1957 from Budapest, had served a?countys jail sentence in 1959 fprvunlaw- fut issuance of bank checks. Afterhe had been rehired by his former employer, he cashed'a number of checks that had been stolen from the employer. I Clarence Edward Whitley, 32, was sentenced to no more than ?20 years in the state penitentiary for robbery. Judge Mifflin and Deputy Prosecutor Jack B. Regan rec? mum term at three and a half years. i Whitley pleaded guilty of a July.ll holdup of a Houghton service?station attendant with a toy pistol. Clinton Joseph Center. 19, of 153 N. 35th St., received a. two- year sentence deferral upon Goren On Bridge NEWS - a?r?OUnd die world 3 Preparation of plans for the final work in a six?year re- building program at the East Waterway Dock was author- izediyesterday by the Port or Seattle Commission. s'l?he work will include the building of a new warehouse. ,The cost is estimated at $575,000. Since the modernization of the East Waterway Dock be- gan, the Port has spent at least $2,000,000 '?on the terminal, Howard Burke, general manager of the Port, said. TWO OTHER major mod- ernization programs also are in progress. One involves Piers 28, 29, and 30, and the other involves Piers 44 and 40. Each will cost about $5,500,- 000. . The work has been scheduled as possible. AS ANOTHER of its expansion program, it has been suggested that the Port might be able to use more of the facilities at the old Seattle Dec.7 Dec. 14 Nov. 22 Nov.29 Moon set today, 7:24 a. rises, 5:15 p. m. Moon sets tomorrow, a. p. m. 8:29 agency- The amount was an increase of $9,293,150 over the past two years. Eend of Irish partition." . As close as your telephonezl lThe Seattle Times, MA 2-0300; Your Are. Invited to Join THE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION A Non-Profit. sewn; Organization at Western Washington Advocating FUNERAL REFORM Six?Year Plan Army Terminal. The Port now leases Pier-?36 from the federal government. Commissioner John Haydon, who will be in Washington, D. C., on private business next month. was authorized to dis- cuss the Army Terminal facil- ities with government officials while there. THE COMMISSION awarded a contract to the John H. Sellen Construction Co. for expansion of ticket counters at Seattle? Tacoma Airport. The Sellen company sub- mitted the?low bid of $103,800 - just $8 under the second lowest bid, submitted by the Puget Construction Co. Port to, Opell The Port of Seattle will open in Midwest sales-promotion of- ,lice in Chicago January 1. The Port Commission yes? fterday authorized its general loffice. Burke said 20 applicants were screened by the staff. Ot lthe? 20, Burke said, Charles gMarsh, manager of the Grace ?l..ine?s Chicago office, was the Po?erisilor .Calle'des? 1ing the name of Seattle before I I I I, Witness i- A steamship-company presi-ly Seattle Commission as a mem- berlof the audience, and noth- ing else, suddenly found him- Self called as an expert'witness on whatvit takes for a port to get business. -. - The commission was; dis? cussing the' Port's trade-pro motion program? in Japan when Commissioner Frank Kitchell said: see Worth Fowler, pres- ident of the American Mail Line, sitting out there. ?Letthe Orient is doing and what a port is able to do in soliciting business.? So Fowler took the stand. IT WAS the first time that the Port Commission, sitting as a group, had heard its pro- motion program discussed by the head of a company in the trade. .selling cargo service. JOB is keep- the public which I under stand he does. ?Our owner?s representative in Japan, aman who was born there, and speaks Japanese fluently. tells me your man nese shippers." The work of a port repre- sentative in a foreign coun- try, Fowler said, is ?low pressure promotional work.? It should be kept low pres- I Alaska. Line Ships; 7 CHENA?Southbound. l.316> miles to Scottie at 6 p. on. .November 21. . FORTUNA-g?Norfhbound. discharging oi Seward. i GALENAu-Loodlng' at Pier 42. . ILlAMNA-Northbound. 3 salted fr 0 for Seward ul 5240? p. Nu- vembur 21. HANNA?Southbound, 635 Seattle at 6 p. m. November 2t. . . due Holncs at 1 cl. m. November 23 ??Al Commodore polo slain we: WednesdaygNov Coast ?69. i TH, a? buoy lender; Llnlon .Drydockn- .IVY, AstorIo-bosc mlles .lo at Pier gTONSINAwLoodlng at Pier g2. WMTEBUSH, lend ., . er wslz-Al Luke;Unlongorvdocl< 15?- Llne h?u?ov. . lug ol Pler do.Sh] ard Hungary. was shown lenlenoy den}! Who. went to yester dc- lel??gH?T'Q?tAlgli?s'Q?mdorg :wgy yesterday by Isu? Brim. Jud day meetlng 'Of the Port Of ported Sltko at 4 o. m. November 22IoodMore -newspop?rs?ere?i?pure;' Aleuhon Morme *gchased everydayq?ihan s??fi?m'on somhmund loam"? lmel?ch books glven away free? . and flies you 0 all these . Alask cities, FAST With New Tablet Ease! '5 New York. N. Y. Here's news of wonderful new relief for miseries of common diarrhea often caused by overindulgence in food or drink, ?stomach colds," change of water or diet, "toxins," ?nerves,? etc. Remember, diarrhea strikes w1th- . out. warning whether .?you?re' at home, at work, at. play or traveling. t? ?Intro (lull-5' NORTHERN 1' . . lto choice radioactlve so been] 2155 i sure bowler added, and 5 i? all radiation like 'in?i fgcti? gen? mom p8} hour? That - TIDES Burke sald {Odayv however' 0 inlon one man c?tn do a bet- - - IS enough to km a person Ophcal mus'on Fll'St 5115 am? 11-3 ft-?he would not be able to reach - - ?3 ous disease. This is a Vital within 15 to 20 minutes if F- 10.39 5 (-ft g. - ter 10b than a big staff could. - i point to remember I - - -th East-West vulnerable. South - am? Marsh to confirm the appomt- Have him weholl: Illnlod 18 big?? 059215 deals. second mg? 4:09 P-m-i ment until later this week. THEN FOWLER was asked taminated outelfirlhil?iien (barl- He will nest, die ii 15pm 20 NORTH second 10w 10'56p'm"4'5tt' The Comm-155m" prevmusb?his Opinion 0? a WhiCh . . i sue a It dgu? ,nutes such an ex 05_ A TIDES had authorized a budget item state offlc1als are pondering: 'dlash ?5,366: at? til?? will Came him to pdie ?1.134;; First high 6102 12.1ft. of $21,180, of which $10,000 Should a port be permitted to - 955 . A First low 11:28 6.1 it. will be for the manager?s sal- pay for entertainment of its . Corltammaiw ?Othmg late" . . K852 Second high ary. The rest would be for representatives? . Whlle he 15 at the entrance . . EAST Second low travel expenses rent and of? ?You?re selling service.? 1; 4 - to the open-door shelter. NO HUMAN would survwe equipment, ._ur sa1 . ow er answered, and one .- 1f he recewed L000 roentgens '10 The Por" of Seattle already wav you sell service is to THERE WILL BE fallout of total body radiation in a '72 . . on his Shoes and ho I Short time meanin 24 hours has trade-development offices entertain customersvi. QJIM in New York, Washington, D. ?it may be a terrible thing '3 - ?3 Show k?Ck 0? Show 0? less? souru %c and Tokyo to do but you have to do it - He could walk into the shel- A total exposure within a A - ter with his shoes if you put 24-hour period to a total of1:00 AM. in Nav.22 Df .5, . .v newspaper or other covering 500 roentgens probably would . None 3" The team;?ogging? 59m?? all.? .7 I - on the-floor, then remove his kill half the persons eXposed. '5 A 7 6 3 ARRIVED novsmaen 2i I . shoes to be put outside, ?An exposure of 350 roent- 'Veiscl- Frnm? Tlme? i . i along with the newspaper. gens in a short time would The my. 3, Or you could sweep out any kill some persons. 355? 343.5%: - g: Transport?, 1 ?r dust he brought into that one It you were exposed to 200 4c ubs Poss ?spade; Pass You?? 1?7 . .q . . ?mum pas, pus, puss BIL TA we oncouver, 8.: r. .pot. roentgens lu a or time, 0 . -1 Id, d, 11.30 a. Pier 65. States Marine, . The dusted person must you could expect naUSea, Queen 0 IDEPARTED NOVEMBER ..WaSh face; hands. hall?. fallgue- aflds Slek? anvs'h . - w, .- any part of his which 11955, but not fatal 11111855. I hand-featured today Hp- Eimfu 6:15 p. Pier 88. BillsI 50 has been exposed and still An exposure of 50 roent? Dears to be 51? laydown for 1-3 calm JULIUS (Gcermun m??Europte vial Auk-mg. has dust. He should keep gens would bring slight; tricks whenexposed to every- p- Em" 73?:?nffa washing until the radiation temporary ,blood changes, one's View. The declarer, how- page; ,i meter registers no radiation disappear in tflne? and became the Of an End 3" '1 ?30 tlnlilrlhursdoy h'larEn?mgf?d ash?, coming from his body or his you would not notice any Optlcal and found a - m' . it I. halr' Syniptoms' way to lose the lL?lgl?XNCL?Scword, 4:45 p. Pier erephoto map' Washing fallout out ofhair, Exposure to 25 roentgens South opened With. one heart C. MS SNOW To CONTINUE especially women?s hair, can within a night and day would and North offered a ]ump raise pie. oi, Slums 5 Here are the latest mmpemm rem Fairbanks cloudy 3 _6 be difficult, The person not any detectable t0 three hearts. . DUE. NOVEMBER 23 . logs and precipitation measurements _lnr Juncall. :14 24 :07 caught in fallout would be effect South HOW wanelel?mmEd to Eih?2l5?lle?l?Ufllj '4 ill . wise to cover his or her hair That means that if the settle for no less than a small vicl Vancouver, 8. Pier 36. James Wgegrl?er'egr?reergym readings for ya Nome. clear ~4 .04, g; with a hat. with any kind of radiation intensity outside slam, and showed the ace of wa?llm via co, fordoy: low temperatures? are 1?2 Calgary. port. lb covering which can be tossed your shelter. has fallen to a clubs. When his partner re- Gagging?? 53%? my: "2 away when he reaches shel- level of roentgen per hour, vealed the diamond control, ver, a. Pier 88. American Mail. 1?4 h?Ur5 ending a! 4 a- m. All Scull?; MontrealSYOSSET River perm readlnos are for the 2? Ottawa, clear 23 .. a. ., ter. you could move around out- his enthuSlasm for a grand dale, 5mm, Mob,? hours ending ul 3 o. m. $99k?? pain. [may 3 .1, Water used to wash off side for 24 heurs and not slam waned, for it now ap- [lgeflon'S?f?gv?l?n?jV?ing 2t jig A fallout should be thrown out be affectedlmmediately. Hu- peared improbable that the NOVEMBER ,4 Norma? Vancouver. mm all 38 .61 of the shelter, man beings can take up to black-suit were solid. SBACETtLiberiar?l oiic?nls vgsu Bollinlghom, rain .. 45 '32 Honolulu. ?toudv 7c 72 .02: - . . lver, ucomumanlgens .Over a two' so Smith b'd healts f!ng Ano- gliding. jihadREPEAT. The Week period w1th no obselv furthEI ado. lT??REcmugiun 45 33:52am?; morn: -, radiation the person has re- able West opened the queen of via Sign Francisco. Pier as. James meanings. rain .. CAL ruin . . 0 REP celved is dangerous only to The total body dosage of diamonds, which was taken _ln Mgl?g Sfy?pia, mud, ,30 g; my omwmf? Dmchim, not to any others once radiation, and how quickly the dummy as declaler dis ?Agm?gmka, my?, Alaska 5_ S. Pmreigg'vldoudy ?59 47 he removes the dust. It 15 yen get the total, 1% the key. carded a spade. He now drew msl?looun. Tacoma. gortler?ljgeleusincloudv .gg ?g 1% post . .ia 912 . . . Ol'Ul'lrr - - - - -- - .Illlke getting an X-ray ?th6 (Tomorrow, After the war trumps. Played the 0f v_lc_: Colum- -- ?g 44; n3" SSCOEISQ from January to dot . 7 CheSt X'ray does ?0t ?lake ?5 Over the Cleanup 10b Spades and I'Uffed a spade. bio River. Pier 20. Trumpuc'?c?soUND Egghohefcrhidm?ii: 0 36 so :59 4'34 degree? Precipitation I . . . ACTIVE VESSELS 0N PUGET . 39 120 i you radioactive. But too starts.) When East showed out on the . Taloosh. rum -- - Pasl 24 hours. Inches. dole - "m "m Walla Walla, cloudr 44 ?76 lusl year. .37. Since first ol monlh. 2.51. ., thle round, declarer was un? ALASKA 90, American Mail, Wenol?chec. snow .. '26 .50 Since Jonum able to establish the fOllI'tl?l ?member 23' mm Total excess Since January l, this year, . ALBUR lLiheriunJ?BeIl-nghom. General National - card Of that Sm Ansl- M. Y-Please send Dr. leby?S booklet on I. AS ya: there was no cause rlne, November 30, East Coast,Im'lusgsg, Lgaogmyn 7'27 1* for alarm as the contract was (L'ber?anl - EFF-?ell- Weslem Atlanta, purl. cloudy 5.. November]; Orlenl. Birmingham, cloudy 55 .15 shippers Forecast . '2 You SURVWE ATTACK ?t assured if the Clubs were 39- Banners-oils. We larl- 3: ll i. shamansWhen EaSt UP CRESTA (Liberian?) Seaport Eggiggfg?ulgy 33 34 .02 Lava; 'l?lljorghr?flg Eelgigngc'riiom?erlg giggefers; SEE YOUR PM TRAVEL OR 3. .k (Enclosedis 50 (ems) x- four- clubs, declarer was com- 42," Alo'sk'o s. 33 l3 Cqucadu: l: zigoesr'ees; from v" Kcichlkon. 35 lo .54 Yokhno to Spokane. ll: degrees, and from ?k It penal to lose two tucks and Tacoma, General cidy, 54 42 .. Yakima lo Walla Walla. 22 degrees. .. 4; Hum. If go down one on an apparently 5. November 23. Formosa. cmmgo, mm .. AD 35 .15 Days j? hard?1 1 HM YU ?Ch?09591?7qc?ma? 55mm? 5? Clncinnoli, cloudy 41 31 - Yesterday?s hroling-oeqree-duy ?gures. 5 .g lea - Olympia Ef?cloufdgdum 5% 72?: -- computed by average tem835* Oweverr were .. ?registrarnot entitled to a sympathetic KOIKU MARU (Japanese run?so .23. Des Memes! mm 3o .46 ?1,6 4? audience. for a simple calcula- 5' 5" El,ng if, j; Starla aforecoslsf - KYOKUYO MARU (Japanese ms)?To~ 37 Jes c_rn Was in_ on: A EW 5 owersl f; vk 1? ?on Show that declarer coma. Williams Dimond, December 3. E?rra?gn?farruln 53 ,4 and brief sunnv periods tomorrow. - .v . can claim 51): heart (Liberian) Todds [Mama Galveston, min 68Tracel?m?l8rmwv 42 to low ton-chiSEND IT IN: Mall ?I?l?llS coupon plus 50 cents to The Seattle three Spades. 0118 dlamond and lionol, November 27. Japan ma Colum- 40 33mm _M0'Jnloln orcos: Snow today and jo- . 1 At hm River. Jacksonvme' cloudy 75 ?3 night. changing to a few snow flurrles Times. P. O. Box 9 6. for a copy of Dr. Willard F. Libby Kansas cuy. rain .43 .20 gushing? 3:333281page booklet. "You Can Survwe Atomic Attack" 9?69 ?geongg as Edwin. Stillman.? m? t3: tilti?sf'i?i?iar .. 37 _ owcrinq i. 2.000 an to mow. . a a 2 1 (Pu?m?l?m m5 Louisville, rain .. 44 30Trocc Murine Warnings P651398 and sales fax are H18. cenf Charge, all right for declarer [0 flag?3': seaport Sh'ppmg?1Novembcr 23' magnn?hi??ac?gw?rr'?i??gv' 75.; '01 Small-craft warnings displayed card a Spade. However, after l??"il3"T?c?mf" 0' Milwaukee. cloudy . 37 :n .15 - iln crab- 25, Mex co. Poultrumps are drawn, he should SEIZAN MARU (Japanese New Orleans, cloudy 54 0 .omght and .omorrow. y' . I ham. Kerr S. 5.. November 22. Japan. New York, dear 35 Fwy-Day pu?onk - I ., . ea 9. OW spa rom ummy TATALIBIJDA Alaska S. 5.: oklohomo City. rain :2 11,3 heavyI Novel? 9? 0 10 .. . roln ooung we 0 our in: as and the ten from hand' 42. Alaska 5. Novem- g?g??gm?gf? clear H, 2'7 .. hcovicr amounts near the Coast. Teln- If it wms, he has a chance to her 24. Seward. phoenix. clear -. 33 ?09 Matures will be slluhllr below normal 1" . i. . . TORYU MARU (Japanese ms)?Tocnmo, pinsburgh, cloudy 13 .. through Monday. will. highs mostly 42 . make all 13 tI'leS. If It 10565, Ugenergl s. glgembser #10:ng pomgnd, cloudy . 34 .85 lorso and CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., the reSt 0f_ the Spades are gQOd 22, Yokohama via Vancouver, C. drag? .. 48 26 .. be vffrih New YORK. Nov. Nov. first for the discard of the losmg WORLD (Liberian) 25. St. Louis. cloudy -- 45 Ag 34 of rain lhroqgh MQ?dav. except some ,lntemo?llonol. November 75, Japan. I Salt Lake ?Cl.y, 1p. cloudy 31 l. .07 snow ?ken, a, 1m, hyper. Naval-Ions and Gurley Titan launched ?mom mono (Japanese msl~owm? San Antonio, ron 7 69 .la the extreme northern purilon. Highs gen? :?71 ?ld t' 1 Chairman all-Air Force crew successful- (Copyl'ight 1961 m' Became?r 7' Japan 33" Elm" cumlo'?l'v 6? :3 be 315 f0 Sill and? ill? 25 m? I ~yearflew Iast l?PDli?cal? Son Banned El- 5le Monc' 4 "l -~of the United States Commu-Th . 3 9 -amp_a. clear -- 7 5? -r . . tested a nose cone U. N. A enc . ?-'-'ashinglon. clear .. 29 ?fnist Party, indicated today she being developed as a target R0 gov :2 (A p) ABBECEIAET- Wichita. cloudcasan . as eLrelected pleas to remain In the for the Nike?Zeus The conlerencg 0f the Food bagBEd the {gong ?or; the One - . ftSOVIet Lip-Ion and retuTIEEd mlSS?e, and Agri?ulture Organization lRoad 3! recorded Teresa . ?here my light the law TequFlng The launching?tenth suc- yesterday approved 3 1959-20-v ar?old ballad- Elle? Tengtrallon as a fDFElgn cessm arow for Titan?moved budget of $31,135'0m_ begguse ?it is politic,? Distress I . . . ?fagent; . the. rocket nearer operational in the history --, rcpaganda advocating the an a -r Miss W110 recently readiness. The first combat- PAUFIC . l. ?re?arra'ngemeni- for the dignified disposition of the body by a AIRLINES i I ATTACKS: WEAVERS GUILD the Hr? um or rhee'in? short, means of cremation at reasonable, pro-established cost, ONLY tableis . gagged cnuzbtur 57: A geompaunded?tq give prompt. 3- I 2. Simple Memorial Services ell Church, home or other place of community fellowship. . Asthma. or Bronchitis. start or I: I way relief: Consolidate loose works last to combat 1.11m", 3:11! movements. 2. Calm painful WHO WANT THE bronchial ma. am no he: more MEMBERSHIP OPEN To ALL - .3, 5,3,5mtheir?tatedtissues. Frye Museum 2366 Eastlake Eas?. seattle EA 5?0439 G2, 31,?,le mm, BEST CLAM FLAVOR moons sounder sleep. Get Ems?xx pm. st drugs-tats, Feel better lass. Tablets. only 98