Mall claim i Quill Buam arsuparvtsors i of - i co ofv"ra (Art) Claim for Damage orlntury i l'i/lrl cl) USE Black or Blue his a! Type Venn", "smug mm," Attach P3925 ll Necessary Gem of "Eggegmu CLAIMANT, AND INFORMATION if Timothy R. Patten PERSON To as main or mr nits" on cum vonrtamorl Anan man Alflvi) 'Tlm Patten same as above" in>> uzniauusrimcinnr i as Jim DAVE or Acciozur oamfifie A I A 9212016 130 pm Received 7 '5851 Thille street if 2, HCA Directors office Wm 21 gm? Risk Management DESCMHE pnovsm amiss cumm, InuuDlNe Locll'mn mun: or out-5E, citst into new is ciitcuursn My moving expenses to and from Ventura County and early lease termination an my home. 7 PERSONAL INJURY ms ms mums mi ExtEmofcumAm'sxmuIv mum ronns ma risrsorrtris cum: was dismissed at will by Sean Atlri, HR Director, This dismissal was done at the direction of Catherine Rodriguez County CFO and Interim HCA CFO. I had discovered what believe are both lraudulent and Jinn-standard Financial and Accounting (LE) accounting practices directed by CR. As a result of my iepons and insistence that they be be corrected To continue to conceal these practices CR had me and others dismissed lunmfifitnw WE imam mavenmitt int) NAME or iuvuivsn couuw ENDLOVEHS): Catherine and Sean's(includihg his associates Jim, Katie. and Johnson) actions (i believe) violate a number 01 state and lederal laws related both to employment as well as Medicare and Medi-cal fraud and abuse, They I have also committed liable and slander against me and the others dismissed and under the counties Umbrella i Property and casualty policy includes coverages for this lype of activity including punitive damages i have tidenllfied in excess oi $100.000l000.00 dollars in these activities seeking to attempt to deirauo EMS, State of ten, bond holders, rating agencies, The board of supervisors, intermediaries. and many others. mount 0F cum PIDPEATY EAEAGE: Pusannl mm IHWNT 0F GAINS: 24,500 no 5,214,0pomi 523330030 WIINESSES A i Johnson at Director HCA, Barry Fisher, Farmer HCA Dr Gonmles, Former HCA Director cnstai MacKay, Foniisi coo Bilghlun Ntube' Former Deputy DlvectarACl xi many others I hatava mat seveml have been expnsed |u these activities and many rti mass lssues as wall I DECLARE uirout limoumzs or mum m' "ll: srnri or uummut mi in: romantic iifiirzcr CRIMINAL "mu-n 70R ,uuwlfl" Mus" "mg ms: ig'rn minim hits mm <