Senator Woodsome, Representative Berry and fellow committee members, My name is moments of your time to express the need Dan Manager Sullivan, IT Woodland Pulp and St. at Woodland in Pulp LLC and Croix Tissue provide over Tissue mill is a modern day run 24X7 365 days a year and it is their homes may be The anywhere existing DSL, Cable drive into the mill else they and would like to take a few Our two mills rely on fast We are an anchor is in an broadband connections. Our Our imperative to our bottom line that our workforce provide support from fixed wireless when support I highly computerized facility that utilizes a trained technological workforce. mills or Croix Tissue Inc. 400 well-payingjobs with great benefits. otherwise economically depressed Washington County. new St. our area for robust future proof fiber broadband. 24X7. A fiber broadband connection networks do not. In department needed due to slow inconsistent will after Internet. allow that support to happen. department our employees must With a fiber, broadband connection many of these issues could be corrected immediately saving our mills precious dollars and our employees precious time. This isn't about watching Netflix or playing that latest video ability of companies Some examples but like certainly not limited to about Maine's economy, the what our employees need to do remotely: v Access our Plant Information systems to control equipment and ~ Communicate with vendors across the world from work and from home. Time and date communicating The game. ours to remain economically viable to provide valuable employment to Maine families. at all fix errors eliminating costly hours to keep our equipment running 24X7. v Monitor Q Schedule trucking and shipment of our products 24X7 ¢ Allow our employees to access state of the art training to maintain and update their bill mill processes to ensure environmental compliance. before you, LD 1399 is an important piece have received millions of public dollars to address than they were my home many in addressing this issue this. with success. Our networks are barely better years ago. To give you an example, just yesterday Fairpoint Communications installed DSL at technology that uses existing copper telephone lines. This project is a 1399 requiring a fiber will 50mb down and 5Omb up life bill we ensure that No more help put the needs and interests of the we this is dollars to build alone future ones. One part public dollars . By building It is not achievable with DSL, fixed wireless and Cable build a sustainable future proof network the will serve the wasted building networks that don't work. This Maine taxpayer ahead of company and begin building the networks many other bill let can build networks that are referred to as ”future proof" span for fiber networks; will needs of present and future Mainers. this an outdated connection. Those speed requirements need a fiber connection. networks and only fiber networks networks. The passage of this fund is help eliminate the building of this type of network by our Internet Service Providers simply by estimated an average 100~year will DSL good example of using public networks that are slow, outdated and unable to handle present day Internet needs of LD skills. Over the years our Internet Service Providers little Cooper Maine as part of the Federally funded Connect America program. in downtime. issues require states profits. bill Please support, pass and have already done. Maine can't afford to slip any further behind. r <» V aniel Sullivan Baileyville, Maine 207-214-4516 5 ,z E 2 E E ! 5