illi?i'iili?j?i Her- 01 99 10:55.3 San Diego County Water Authority A Public Agency 3211 Fifth Avenue 0 Son Diego, California 92103-5718 [519} 632-4100 FA): (619) 297-0511 February 8. 1999 Mr. Phillip J. Pace Chairman of the Board Metropolitan Water District of Southern California P.O. Box 54153 Los Angeles. CA 90054?0153 Dear Phil: The San Diego County water Authority Board of Directors has adopted policy principles regarding Motropolltan's strategic plan. The policy principles suggest that the Board focus ?rst on the role Metropolitan should play in the future to meet member agency needs and than on specific steps Metropolitan should take to assume this role effectively. The principles we have adopted state that Metropolitan in the future should: Offer a menu of unbundled products and services from which its member agencies may pick and choose. Be one of several suppliers of imported water to its member agencies. operate major Southern California regional pipelines. other facilities and storage capacity. (more: The Authority does not believe that all existing Metropolitan pipelines would or should necessarily ?t in this category.) Advocate regional positions. in conjunction with its member agencies. on such issues as the State Water Project and CALFED. Provide leadership in scienti?c and technical research related to water quality. To accomplish the above. Metropolitan should: Ouantl?fy and allocate, by source. its water supply and related costs according to member agency needs and mm to pay. (Note: The Authority believes that the related costs of the water supply are inextricably linked to the facilities necessary to convey them to the MWD service area.) Quantity and allocate the costs and capacity of Metropolitan facilities necessary to convey. store and treat water within its service area. according to member agency hoods and commitment 10 RBI. Provide through contracts additional water supplies. storage, pipeline operations. treatment. ccnsenralion programs or other services through contracts with member agencies or others, so that those who desire the products or services from Metropolitan pay for: mom. MEMBER AGENCIES CITIES DISTRICTS W175. DISTRICTS Mar Ens-Hide Nulil'?l'll Ci! IIHII I'll Hllil Dilr Corllhull - armor. - h-uc- tan or.? w- run "Maw-o ?lit-"hi" "Wu - Dull-was HIM You? Cull-r I?l?hh I ?urtnu FFDFIJI AGENCY ?Mil-Inn M-Iiluty Intrusion COUNTY - 5m Drone U?l'ltll'r In - Mar 01 SS 10:55a I?n- 3.1999 P3992 As recently pointed out by Director Freeman. the Metropolitan Board has not yet had a discussion of the key policy issues surroundan the strategic planning process. Among these issues is. mt critically and ?indamentelly. Who will pay for Mamml?an's capital facilities. sapplies and outer expenses. Until this :1th takes place, the Board should not approve the $175300 Increase in the oomltent?s budget recommanded by staff. nor should the consultants create new or hybrid 'visiona' from those already under mlderalion. Please contact me If you have any questions about our comments. cc: RoyWquDe?di?Im