t/M gum QM 64? 54m 6% air-w; gag 6Wa so am; .Mm 362% Law): may April ll, 20l8 Hon. Leticia Astacio Judge of the Rochester City Court, Monroe County 17 Flower City Park Rochester, New York 14615 Re: Matter of the Hon. Leticia D. Astacio Dear Judge Astacio: This Court was noti?ed ofa complaint charging you with committing a felony crime in New York State. A copy ot'the complaint is enclosed. Pursuant to New York State Constitution article VI, 22 and Judiciary Law 44 (8), this Court, on its own motion, has ordered that you be suspended, with pay, eiTective immediately, ?om your of?ce of Judge ofthe Rochester City Court, Monroe County. A copy of the Court's order is enclosed. Further, pursuant to New York State Constitution article VI, 22 and udiciaty Law 44 (8), this Court has directed me to give you notice that it will, on its own motion, consider the continuation ofyour suspension from judicial of?ce. You may, pro se or by counsel, write to the Court stating your position as to the continuation of the suspension and, if it is continued, whether the continuation of suSpension should . be with or without pay. An original and one copy of your submission should be filed at the Courthouse no later than April 23, 2018. Very truly yours, a/w John P. Asiello JPAlssdi?ai cc: Judges of the New York State Court of Appeals Hon. Lawrence Marks, Chief Administrative Judge, Of?ce of Court Administration Robert H. Esq., New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct John W. McConnell, Esq., Of?ce of the Court Administration Hon. Craig Doran, Administrative Judge, Seventh Judicial . District State of New York Court of Appeals Decided and Entered on the eleventh day oprril, 2018 Present, HON. JANET DIFIORE, ChtefJadge, presiding. In the Matter of Hon. Leticia D. Astaeio, a Judge of the Rochester City Court, Monroe County. On the Court's own motion pursuant to New York Constitution, Art. VI, 22 and Judiciary Law 44(8), the Count having considered whether to suspend the Honorable Leticia D. Astaeio from the office of the Rochester City Court, Monroe County, and due deliberation having been thereupon had, it is DETERMINED, that the Honorable Leticia D. Astaeio is suspended,with pay, effective immediately, from her o?iee of Judge of the Rochester City Court, Monroe County. Chief Judge DiFiore and Judges Rivera, Stein, Fahey, Gareia,WiIson and Feinman 555/ 5? - John P. Asiello Clerk of the Court CUT.