?Eli-i '40 . 1 to. Of?cer Aaron L. Alford, #0005 . i San Antonio Police Department of?? r: . San Antonio, Texas - . "5115' 11 In? I?ll] 1 I I I Fire Fighters? and Police Of?cers? Civil SEE-gigs; gtzl?mi??l?? 53 h? Solerian Suite 1171 San AntOnio, Texas 78205 Commissioners and Of?cer Aaron L. Alford: Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by Title 5, Subtitle A, Chapter 143 of the Local Government Code, said. chapter entitled ?Municipal Civil Service?, I do hereby Suspend Of?cer Aaron L. Alford from paid duty with the San Antonio Police Department, without pay, from his position as an officer of the San Antonio Police Department, effective. immediately. - - Of? oer Alford has violated Subsection of Rule of the City of San Antonio. Fire Fighters? and Police. Of?cers" Civil Serxiice Commission Rules, said rules having been adopted on. February 23, 1998, and thereafter from time to time amended, by the Fire Fighters? and Police Of?cers? Civil Service. Commission as the Civil Service Rules, for the Fire and: Police Departments" of the City of San Antonio. The particular civil service rule violated by Of?cer Alford and ground for suSpe?nsion is as follows: - (12) Violation of an applicable ?re or police, department rule or special order. The Rules and Regulations. of the San: Antonio Police Department. which Of?cer Alford has violated are as follows: . RULE 3.04 - RESPONSIBILITY TO SERVE THE PUBLIC: Members shall serve the public through direction, counseling, assistance, and protection of life and property/f Members shall also respect the rights of individuals, and perform their services with honesty, sincerity, courage, and sound judgment. (C) CONDUCT AND BEHAVIOR: Members, on-or o??-duty, shall be governed by the ordinary and reasonable rules of good conduct and behavior, and shall not commit any act tending to bring reproach or discredit. on themselves or the department. RULE 4.17 4 COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES: Members shall ecopcrate with all agencies engaged in the administration of criminal justice and other public departments, giving to each all aid and information they might be entitled to receive. The factual basis for the instant disciplinary suspension is as follows: On or about June 13, 2015, at approximately 12:08 am, Of?cer Aaron L. Alford texted a female acquaintance and asked her if she wanted to make extra money, as much as $35.00 an hour and up to $5000.00 per day; Of?cer Alford advised this female, ?This may sound sketchy burl swear it?s legit.? He further advised this female, am looking for VERY good looking females to help with some undercover stuff? and told her it was a covert operation and to not tell anyone. Later that day, Of?cer Alford texte?d the female a telephone number to contact and told her to use him as a 1-:ch A criminal investigation, conducted by the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Live Oak Police Department, reveal ed there was no undercover or. covert operation, and criminal charges were filed against Officer Alford and two other San Antonio police officers who were allegedly posing as undercover of?cers. Officer Alford failed to use sound judgment when he advised the female to use the number to contact someone regarding an alleged undercover Operation and when he stated to the female, ?This may sound sketchy but, 1_ swear it?s- l-egit," and when he further stated in an interview with investigators it ?sounded fishy to begin with? and ?it sounded weird from the git go.? On or about lune 2.25 2015, of?cers from the Live Oak Police Depamnent 'went to the home of Of?cer Aaron L. Alford in an attempt to contact him regarding information he may have pertaining- to an alleged sexual assault, arising from the solicitations. of the females in June. When the Live Oak PI) officers found O?iocr Alford not home, they called Officer Al?ford?s cell phone and left a message. When Officer Alford called the Live Oak of?cer back1 he used abusive and profane language toward the Live Oak of?cer, such as, ?What the fuck are you. doing at my house?? and ?1 don?t really give a fuck,? and told the Live Clair of?cer if he wanted to talk to him to contact him (Of?cer Alford) at work. Of?cer-Alford?s language and verbal abuse brought. reproach and discredit upon him and the San Antonio Police Departrnent. On or about June 23, 2015, Department of Public Safety Ranger Keith Pauska spoke to Officer Aaron L. i??tlford on me phone inan attempt to gain information from him pertaining to an alleged sexual assault, a felony. During that conversation, Officer Alford refined togive the Texas" Ranger extremely important and pertinent information regarding that alleged felony, and demanded the Texas Ranger meet him at his roll call the next day at 5:00 pan. to get that information. Office-r Alford failed to cooperate with either the Live Oak Police of?cer or the D'eparmie'nt of Public Safety Texas Ranger when he refused to give aid and information they were entitled to receive in cond?ctingtheir criminal investigation. On or about September 24, 2015, Of?cer Aaron Alford was arrested and booked into jail for an outstanding warrant for Official Oppression. Of?cer Alford brought reproach and diacredit upon himself and the San Antonio Police Department when he was arrested and booked into jail for that warrant- $3 llilill El l-l?ii? liliil A copy of the instant disciplinary su'spension order is being ?led with the Fire Fighters? and Police Of?cers? Civil Service Commission. Following separation from the Department, the training requirements to maintain an of?cer?s peace I Of?cer?s license for the current training cycle and unit are that of?cer?s responsibility. An of?cer I further ation and to establish a TCOLE account to review current training records. as P. MCMANUS, CHIEF OF- POLICE DATE 1 SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT On this day of 31-month! 20.16, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the '1 original of the foregoing inde?nite suspension?r I acimowledge having received. noti?cation. that I have ?fteen days from the date of receipt of this susp'ensir'm during which to? ?le a written appeal of this suspe'ns?i on with the Personnel Director of the City of San Antonio requesting either arbitration or the hearing of my appeal by the Fire Fighters? and Police Of?cers? Civil Service Commission. I acknowledge that I have been informed that it}. appeal to a hearing examiner/arbitrator, I Waive all 1 rights to appeal to a district court except as provided by subsection 143.0570) or? the Texas Local Govemrnent Code. I also acknowledge that I have been informed that my right to appeal the decision of a hearing examinerf?arbitrator to district court pursuant to section 143.05? of the Texas Local Government Code may have been modified by the provisions of artiCIe 2-8 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between the City of San Antonio and the San A'ntbnio Police O?icers? AssociationICEWRD, #0005 DATE TIME 1 SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT ?l a -I 0? WITNESSED BY: EM . @0111va DATE: Ol til I 1110? TIME: 1 SW N. 7319:: TIME: 4,3751% a . FILED on this the 13 day of irate anteater-- 2016, with the Fire Fighte-rs? and Police Officers" Civil Service Commissi?bn. r" -- .. Mae-:12; feed)? ?rnra Promises AND POLICE [5 1er SERVICE COMMISSION